A J THft OMAHA SUADAI IMif.i .1 UL.1 4, 1H1D. I ; 1 I M ; i -t i i 5 RF.AL ESTATE FAKM RHI II 3.Ang FOR A$.K Nrhraaka. TOR HALF, 0 acre of good land In Dawson county. Nehrsska; 1?" acre now In -Ktt and corn, balance raw. Good stocH fsrm. No trade. Address (nmf, nn 8M, Incolr. Nett, Tmhi. WM-tJTlTFV tiluii.m WllMt farm, three mile from Wichita Fall, heart ft the wheat belt In Texas. Must sell st a sacrifice. Write for f older- J. 1 Jack- nti, Wichita Falls, Texas Wlwaiila. Cheap Land in Wisconsin Pur with less money then you are paying for rent here. Cnroy G. "Williams, yn 8. let. Council Bluff. Is. Miscellaneous. W A NTED Several ladle to prepare for Omaha, September ,ioftlre cl'rk ex amination. Splendid salaries. I con ducted government examinations Trial eamlnaiion tree. "Write Osmcnt Ht. Louis. ' LAND FOH 8ALK vnm I 500 to l.M farms and ranches In Nebreskn. nearly all Improved, from no to I'M ner acr: l. from .ww to jl.Ouu acre; all on easy terms, n f" want to bu it jr. sett or f iatm. . . i .i - .it. (i. vi) finni in tne uin Judith Basin of Montana from $J0 to $& per arre, or larma ana runcnri celebrated Rio Grand valley. Colorado. Over f"0 farma. ranrhea and fruit lota, from 32 acres to i.Ou), Inside of 00 rolirs from Ban Francisco, Cnl., and farms and ranrhea In every state In the union and Canada. ' W. M. NASH & CO. SPECIAL IAND AGENTS. nj Be Bldg., Omaha. Neu, . I TRAL'B ratlin ra.ichea for unproved farma. large or amall; I also nave city Income and bwlnrti properties ranging la price from io. to $anf(,w0 to ex (hang for farma and ranches. L. Davis, First Nat Hank Bldgi. Omaha. Neb. o. FARMS WANTED WANTBD TO RENT-Well Improved K acres, grain rent- Will lease Jon i year If desirable. Oiod reference. Guy l.o till, XI4 N StM Ht , Llnrnlii, Neb. WANTEH-Tu hear lrom owner of good farm or ranch for sale. C. C. Buck ingham, Houston, Tex. ron rext Aartnrt ae4 Flat. . Tha For r.ent advertlaement appearing In tha For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety IhSt will pleaa and fill the needa of any una oa Irlnif totent. t'hona Tyler 1Q"0. i-"iioOM modern' apartment off Farnam Bt.. In the "I'age," htgi-ca. fireproof bulldi ivt. Harney I3!i FOt'H and anvvn-room apartnwnta, I' ami upward; near uoaiofllca. U. i. Ftebbln. M-to w. th. -r. ana oaui. w .. newly remodeled; alao atoreroom. , Ited 1 JT? mm t lllli MiW, 'Mtt and nifty aroom Apt., all modern. 1ened..ht Wa. t- all A I'A HTM BNT S, PTRICTI.T h 1 1 -ft LlSAFFFhl.Vt KIrt. CH..OU KOtF IMKM.M. 11AKN1.V 2"".4. . 1-ROOM and hath In the Hollywood; ovk.1. llBht and airy: a.-ml-baaemet. rear entrance on ground lovel; pnly Juat vacated. 1 K.KNKST BWEKT. Office. 11 Harney Ht. Donirla lia. 'it . tll. -r.. nod Hat. Itf.W. i'.tf Uewey Ave., b-r- mod flat. . Hi H. 27th. -r., mtxl flat, $r7.&i. ' r. J. OAHI.HKRtl. 3ia Hrandela Theater.' VKRV clieh-e or fc-rooin, ateam heated apartment on Went Farnam Ht. JOHN W. KOHU1NH. It02 FA UNA M HT. IF YOU want a dealrahla S or 4-rooio modern apartment at a moderate price, . ihoaa In tha Wright blo-h,- 318 N. 14th St. t'KKIOH, ISOitA & COMPANY. ltoiiglaa Vyn. f llee Hldg. ltik i Ki:NT !UI Hherman Ava.. iiMMtcm D-mom brlok flat. Wehater 1T4. ' vkBYC,HOICK APAKTMKNTH. IJW RENTAL Three-room and four-room; onk flnlnh; larue rocmia, nlcelv d.-ooralfd. Ideal ar rangement; awell lighting fixture; litrK, a rewnod-ln front, porrh for earh uprt inent; every thlnv eomi It te and up to date. V furnlxh rcfrineralor. Eu raiiKe, wlu ' dow alinOc 'and curluln rode; linker iom; JanKnr aervlrc; hot and cold water, t Phone DoURla 1 Tneaday for ap . M.iliitmrnl lo niHKa ttiipecllun and our auio will rail for you. ; tCXTT & 1111 1 ODMPAXT, . W MTAOI'B 1U.M1. Faralabesl Alurt meats. WANTED A furnished flat for two or three months: prefer saleet location In resilience oittlt. Harney "UX7. 1.VKHVTIMM1 11 UNISIII.D COM PI.KTK FtU HOChElvEEPlNU. The Traverton MTH AND LAN DON COURT. Flieproof and miliary! screen, awn ings. ' Large Leila, with tlU'd floor and mar hie base. Cool & Comfortable The only ejertmei)ta having th cum foits of tha home and the advantaea of a downtown lintel, being only a stone' throw of the business district. I'mlM'lhd supervision of the owners, Traver Bros 70& Oinuh. Nntloital Bunk Bldg. Phone Ihiukiss 1! .!. eiun!i., Wi ii. 4.T5. LINING Room with disappearing bed, kitchenette an J hath. In the Maewood st A. 1 1 Harney. Pilvala Utli-olin-. with four French door and large awning. foroed oak f ui nlu.re, with all linens and filv. rwar cvinplntti. Plenty of hot water at all time. 1'ilee. only $i. Act uuU.kly. ERNEoT hWtKT, Office, 5511 Harney tt ltiiigla 1471 Uoaral mud Hoaaaa. Nicely furn. rm.( ill Kner. Av. Vb. rt!. Furnished Rooitta tlmt of far avaiy mod em convwiiitiK.u sin' lomfui't In private fainlllee r boarding bouss of tk l.lsh est cl- wll t-st le found In. th Fur ntKhed Rooma coiumn of Th phoue faKAL'Tir L L rount, wtih lo xrepilon a.ly laise cioeeta. In a est Farnam home; laiae pvr h and frd. good board; )oung tueo Telvrr.-d. )!a:n-y 4'Ml. t-U) HA ItNKY-Hoard ilh or ulltiout rooms. 1 1. fr-vl M '. .'sit man wants U.aid and ru.n wun pnvata family; g1e rtu-rcii. e. Address Karalihet) Kovaua. El EOANTLT farlshed rooms; privet Imtiie; clie In. l imns ivu. ZW. CHICAGO, iMi lAutiful, tool room, "l to bath, fur in or two gentle men; private family; hot water at ail I.' -jis. .L lKIUf. b.-,!. K X" ' I PT iTiN A LL YiTToomTiiurn boiiie; baiititul uri-oundinga. 8nap for -'"' , a; tn latu exiiia; walking l-.i.'i I hi. ne iUrney HI;. I. tt.-'l .i. nolle I. nine for to ung n: leie, .. itHimx; no othar rooio pitassi.t lam; cii,se In; $li and IIS. MJl III rooms, i oni.v t If I U, fcii- i Isige modern front firsi flLMir, Willi screentd porcii; d or siosle; dm, m; rejonable. Nlt:LV furiil- neil roout; inixieru; ery res.,nal.le. 8. 2i n Ave. Imuk. si .A If ju do not kc enyttiiiitr'- that "iuiti ou In the ay til Fui'i.lahed H ovinia you so mil at hm IM tit bldg., aud ek Jor tin Kie Furiiiahed - Rouin buitsu end e ; gladly rrltrr you la a bin tis riK,mii. tig lK.aiu.ng bouse in any i rt t.f ii. r.ty I i-i 1 rooui with bath, villi! balh, -l..et 1 cli rovu i-t( I i.l snd irr, f- rnUi.tJ ,t, M, . ... """!' I" . o Ait luNiil..(i Airrl'll g lui'ilis, S.-n-l . ,1 pr fie-I. Wei ;-... MutMay Wal Uoatrl urulaktd HMHI, " ' l.D II k a rmu in t.rtvat, h tie . wi n-ri.at ar.d I., ri l e s irroun ili.s , -l I'.u.tf Ltiri pt,-!..i but lie.l . .ii 11. ve ti.ei.lHi.t ai'4 sufirr y 'o'i In ir!. nt, s vi. n reiyi- ) i on RENT 'a)entea1 NnHkiif II io . 21 (HJDOB Modern light housekeeping! H21 reaaonablo. Krlht lloilrt. WfLL LFA8H my horn furnlalied, for tha aummnr; flneat hratlon in Weat Farnam lMMrh-t, on Harney, between R"th and th atreeta. itental r-aonaDi.. nei erenre required. Phine Harney 7131 . lil'Nl'EB-Modem. 7-rooma and aleaplng porrh, for July and Atiguet. Call fun day morning, Walnut ifiv if nwaekrepiHg Haoa. DOVOIaAB, 1711-One nicely furnlahed modern houaekeeplng room; prlvata fnmlly; cloaa In. ; CAPITOL AVE., IMA Clean, romfortabla honekeeplng rooma; reaaonable rale. SaV k Tn-ZmrT Hi two or thh k NICELY FI.KMSMHD FflONT HOl'HEKKKPINQ ROOMS. DAVE N It JUT, l. TWO NI'.'KUV FUK NIHEf HOUSEKEEPING KOOM8, )M WEEK. lAutti Maeeeiiur Raeaii. 1001 PAIIK AVE.-1 and I-room apart mna: clean, cool. coay. Harney W10. Han mm tottaaea. Narlh.. ATJtj modem g-room tiouaaj 'nn ear Una, In Florema, larg yard. Florence foil Main Pt. . Hill N. t-T. flat, teel iaiik'-. Kai tove, tiltchen eahlnet, water paid, $17. JRAHP IIR(W PouBtaa PM BAKUAI.N If taken at once, all modern -room houae; maple flooring In living ar.d dining room; large hade nd bear ing cherry trees.i other hrubbery: on hlk from car and arhool. Webwler SEVEN-ROOM, modern brick houae. f10 N. 20th Pt. Thoma H. Kelley, care of Tturgeaa-Naah Co., or telepliona W. IH1. SEVEN rooma; all modern; Wemla Park; Harney Sp03 N. 17th -r all modern apt n.Ut RABP HHPS., louglaa lin. FOR RENT. 81 i-room houao, nil modern except heat. New bath and IlKhtlntt fixture lut Inatttlled East front, It.'O No. 2h Bt. tlH per month. TKAVER PHOS., 71 Omaha Nat. Rank HWU. Poug. 1153. Hnndnya and evnlnaa, Wcljalcr 41.i;. i HooM 9 and aiei-tilng porch, all modern. Fine lawn and lot of fruit. 026. Wal nut !(). . ItHl HKNT-CIXH IN, P.AHUAIN; 7 R(X1VS, MODERN. EXCEPT HEAT, iol HCKT HT., tl.; ALSO 4-UOOil MOOERN. IV. NO. 24TH 8T., I10. kaatk. For Rent South balf of doubt brick houae 1 room. 4 bedroom a, ail modern, at toll Houib ttb ' Bt., near Park school, una ' block cast of Hanacom para. XL ,Harny UJ. K VOU buy later the rent will be ap nlied aa tha flrat navmant on the houae. ft have aeveral tuat ran be bought on thla plan. 3o'i 8. lHtli Hi., a 6-rooni houw rith toilet and ctiy water lor "( per month. 2112 Elm Kt., rooma. l0pr month and othera. Come to the urfloe and about thla plan. E USA, Urn. FINE, HTHICTLY MODERN 8-ROOM HOl'SIC, 14 . IOiTH. HARNEY K74. 21TJ0 KT. MARY'S AVB.-7-r. houa. 174X 8. 2Mh Bt, 6-r. cottage; mod. ex- heat. D. 81 . iiM H. 18T1I. two blorka west from Miller hotel, 6-room house, modern. Web. S.i. 8-ROOM modern, hot water heat Duo location. Tal. 1. SM.- 7ROOM, modern house)S H. 2Mb St., $H). ( jsi.ii a rinr.iiiT.Ti v -., male Rank Hlilg t FIVE-ROOM house, amnnier kitchen, tin cellar, water paid, $l. 22?-6 Ho. nh Bt. West. 'V. FARNAM brick house, S bed room, I bath. 315 N. SMI Ave, v. imi. BRICK flat 6 rooms, hot water, heat, all "p-lo-dale. $25. 2I 8. HUtll 8t Mad A. Hansen. McCague Bl.lg. WEKT FARNAM. ' room and aleeplng porch, gas ranga, btklitln buffet and refrigerator: mahogany and white enamel trim. Kl!i Farnam bt Rcnta,. bmiti ir-0 Farnatn Kt Kugln 1W4. NEW double house t 12-H l0,y Ave.. 6 room and slot-plug porch. All modern Never o o'l. oi-n Sunday. AMERICAN BKCCRITY COMPANY 17th and l)mitlas8la. Iougla 601.1 . . utlfrllaettta. . ' . GlobeYan& Storage Btore. move. pacJt hlp: 8-horse van and 2 men, $125 per hr.; storage U Per ir Satisfaction gV.ar. D. 4 M s. Ty. lift . I'KTKim TUl'sr IVMI'ANY MODERN HOLbtS. rooms Tin Ko. aini Ave............. 7e No. anth 8t moms y18 Anie Ave ...,$woo ,...$.1.00 .,..$H.W ll 7 rooma 3L'4 Leavenworth rooms Maon 81 .......... m Nr fc'th 8t Motlem Except Heat t rooms SJ02 Hhernian Ave a room So. iuud Kt 3lix Leavenworth fit 7ll .No. r7th 8t VJUS Pacific ht 4 room f l No. Slst Bt .....m.o-w ,...$J0.O .... $.. 00 .,..$17.00 ....sm.io ....$it.w ....$1,100 ,.,.$IO.ia) ....$10.U0 a loom Kj liar.t m.. HI'KCl 1AI. 81V ROOM Fl EL1 C1XB An excellent 0-riom hom at W Pop pit ton Ave.: beautifully finished, hard wood floors, fire place; ran give long term lease at $40 per month. KlOHT ROOM 8 MODERN" A good home at 7 No. Hnth 8t.; just put In fin shape; larr front ,orch; very rvaaopabln rent at 4-'i. FIVE ROOM8 CLOSE) IV In fthelhy Court on r'nd Ht, Juat aouth of lavenworthj Bt.; five room, modern sxcept beat; In best condition, $17. -DUNDEE) Fine 7-rooro huusa, all modern, well located In Dundee. Owner leaving city, $a. APARTMENTS We would te pleased to show ydu our complete list of apartments, $ to $ looms; in all pa-Is of tr. city. t'lUMclll li APARTMENTS We have Severn I 4 and 8-room furnished si tii tint ut for the summer at low ren tal PETERS' THU8T COM PA N X l.'.-'a Farnam ft. I'htma Doug. IBia. FiDEUTY Btncil i'HEiT Phone INuglas ?t8 for complete list of eaoaat heusa and apailment; al for stoma, niovh-.g. 16! h and Jackson Dta. fKr the Central Fumnure Sior - rtfNTAL LIST. FREU (TollKPV Crlxh hni A Co., Be Uldg i Gordon Van Co.S tins, inn Bt Tel. U 14 or Web. LSI CtASE-lN, detached, modern 8-rooin slid reception hall, 8 bed tmmi, t v Capitol Ave. c, no light housekeeping, reter- m'Tn. t hone liouicla tj. . 8 iVl'll 81-. -r. and tiarue. 8.. Mason, -r.. all modern, 8m f 1 3 Ftanklln. lJ-r.. all mod.. 805.' l.'lr Mason, -r.. all mod., ul. MS N. S-'d St.. 8-r., all mod . $M. '4 At a il-, i t , all mod.. lUi. t.t N. I'd Hi.. 4-r ail mud.. $:2.,A !f'3 Chicago, 4-r., all mod. e. beat, $U0. Z S.I Eiiunel, 7-r., imd. . heat. 8iV M-l'-, N. 234 Ht., 8-r.. ail mod.. $17. S-JI Haliler, 8-r., nnd . lu-at. $I.V lnio Pacific, 4-r., mod. e. heat. 113. f.J N. I'Mii Ht . 4-r., mod en heat $18. BIKKETT & CO.Ml'ANY. t.'l Bee lilil. Ihiitg. "gTvl FOO R FINK ltW eLLi Nii8 Kever before offered (or rent; each prolan y etrwily modern. tf7.ii room and ImiU, separata toilet, nice corner lot. snrubhory ar.d tree, paved street. X.t'l N. ikl tt. $30.06 -are it, brand iiew l-room bunga low, oak finish; never been o.-.-u-lled. lave.l street. Una nolgh l.ortiood. S-iAi laurt-1 Ave. $C.W Dandy 7-ruoin .daelliiig. 4 rears . old; five room and lath down stairs. Lao rooms aril storeroom ui'staim: oak rlnlsh. l'av4 street. 1 X rprure Ht. 4j.ts I-tne biand nsw 1-story S'luai bouse, eU-eant sleeping porch; oW tinl.t.; ved strict. Field tlub Oltint I7 Pa.l'lo Ht hv'tiTT A Hill. CO., Ihu(U !" von REVT M lacrllaaeoaa. I fOl'sK.- MODE R N. S-r., 1W Ohio, two lota. . .6-r.. 1HS N. 14th Ave.. HUNOAIJW a-r., Orara. brautirul home, ;z.ti. 7-r., IM a Zth. Hanacom I'ark. large yard. tti'iO fc-r., 2i Emmet. Very choh a. .. j -r., Jo'4 l.ramet, map at 8-'"- -r., 3311 N. -r.. 34M Ht lull, sleeping porch, 8.10. Mary' Ave., close In, 85. a. 1 J, l.,nu.ar AnriLp tm HOL'HES MODERN EXCEPT HEAT. 4-r., fik 8. Zi'th. cloaa In, 81' 8-r., 17A Ike, RrNUALOW, 821.M. -r., X: N. Mlh Ave., good cond., ft. -r., 1M California, close In, 81. 8-r., l.'l't Madison Ave., elegant con., $38. KOCH EH PA HT MODERN. 8-r., 2.1.1 N 2nh, Bouth Omaha, water, 88. 4- r., 1 1 4 N. iMlh, water, ga. 81". -r 114 2"th. el. It., water, toilet, 812. l.-,ATS MODERN. 6-r., 1 K.mmet. large yard, $27.60. 8-r.. 77 b. iru snap at l"-'V l-r., t Dewey, rloae In. $.'6.60. -r., Cann. A No. I. 8. ft-r., 8 Hth Ave., rloea In. $.12.f0. 5- r. Harney, close, In. 810. FIjATrV-MODERN EXCEPT HEATV 3- r, ri sj. joth. coiiv, water paid, $12.;A 4- r., I'atiii k Ave., new, wat. pd., H5. 4-r., s. 27th, NEW. water pd., SIR. t-r., U'A N. 21st, cloae In, walking dis tance, t-n.ln, I h-r., !tMa N. Sth. choice. $1S. ' S r., IKIS N. 27th, very ooy, water paid, $12.00. APARTMENTS. THE WAYNE THREE ROOMS. Juat completed, within walking ala tnnce. NEW and up-to-dat. the only one of It kind In the cltv, located at tth Avk. and !: hka Baa ranKe. refrlg- eiator, bulll-ln bed. gaa dryer In Inamdry, locker rooms; walls tinted; excellent Jan itor service; no carfare. Attractive ROOF CIAHDEN. Prices from 83 to 8). Call u for aifjx.lntment. or Janitor will now you through anvtlme. Douglas 1008. FIVE ROOMH Hl'DHON. 507 M. 2i'.tii Ave., beautifully decorated; rirst claaa; practical! new: bullt-ln buf fet; cloan In. no carfare: 84R. Hend for our Weekly printed list; we lia.a nlhttrl HASTINUll VY.YVKS. 1TI4 Harney Pt FOR RENT nt-Tli'H Kli HOCHF.fl. JllJ lavenport Kt., 7-r., modern. $15 00 40.00 8500 25.00 411 8, 40th Ht., 7-r., mo.iern N 42.1 Rt.. -r.. modern 4"2 N. Hth Ht, 7-r., partly modern.... i' Corby bt.. -r.. moa. ea. nci.... 20i0 18.00 4UI Nlcholna Ft. 6-r., m'td. e. heat. 2712 N. Mth Ht. -r., partly modern., i m 21 S. 17lh St.. -r.. partly moo em.... 6018 N. 87th St.. -r . well water u.w ATTACHED IIO!'SE8. 410-12 N. Hth St.-double- brick houae, 20 room .. "L'J5 1618 Hurt Bt.Vr., moilern 00 TiO K. 2.1d Pt, 6-r., mod. Ht. Ixnl flat 80.00 11 N. 23.1 Bt.. 6-r., mod. . uouia iia .w Si'i Ijeavenwortn m. a noi. -.. modem except heat "J"" J8W 2310 Cuming 81., 2d fl 7-r.. modern jaTaf Cumlna" PtV.' ii' H.V 7-r.V modern except heat ........... "v; ' ' lf.24 N. 24th Ht.. 2d n.. l-r.. '""-,. zmTit Tioo Flora Apt.. 2Wil Joneft 6-r., ummer 50.00 ""'T TUKEY SON. 1607-08 W. O. W. Wdg "' . ' A 4 .t Phone Poug. 602. iii South 2Sth M.. mooern '-""VV - A mi si 14 rarnairi. Y ROOMH, m 22nd t.. mieni. I ROMs! 1110 Fnrnam St, modern ex cept bent. 8IM' ..,,. , mnARTn ... 4 ROOMS. HM' TWwV'lVJ No. nth St., modern e 7iWM8 MS Kouth 13th St, modern x eeni heat. J17.N". M. a, 7 'ROOMS, IW1 D9U111 ,28'ROOM. 142' Sherword Ave., modern. ,3'ROOMS. HH No. 17th St.. modern. T'-rlOOMfl. 1120 No. th St.". modern. I:'10- .... e. t, 140.00. W ROOMS, 1031 80. SOth Ave., modern, 7 ROOMS, 151 So 2Sth 8t, modern, ,:a?;onVB ilV Cuming Kt. $1W. ' MODICUN APAKTMBNTS . i P.OOM8. l"th and Blierwood Ave,, The JJ, e . .... ... .... TJlr.ll' ROOM "4, 412 CO. ioin ........- Her ?40i"i. . 'ROOMS, y.ih Ave. and Pewey Ave.. The Winona. $l!.J0. 7 IKMMS, 'th Ave. and Dewejr Ave., The Winona, $r6.00. 426 Omaha Natirnal Batik ai lg. Ioig. W -r, mod. houae. finished In t'rt,wood throughout, very choice, S 8. 42d Bt.,8. 7-r.. houti, nicely painted and papered, kt.H Vf 'lu.k Ut 111 . 7-r.. houU. city water,. 04 N. SSth A.Vt" i!n.. newl tainted. 1115 N. llth.lU JOHN W. BOBBINS. 102 FARNAM 8T li 'L..ti. H i-tii. . iri'iilern $30 Jong-lO N ISth St.. 10-r., mod., each, $0. io.i 8 ad St., t mis. 8i.i . . L'lUMlU KMlTlt AV CO. llfeo Fainani 8t. Douglas 10u4. 12-ROOM house, modern, HI 8. 9th. 7-r. roue., strictly modern. 8WH Dodge, li-rotim house, modern. 4"10 N. 2h. u rot hi i , . . TTfilt.VEV. M4 Omaha' Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. P. lilt. .14 N. 11TH, 5-r . 2d floor $IR. 2119 lavenworlh, t-r., 817.SO. UXl Capitol Ave., ft-r 3d. floor, Sim 8. 2;d. -r., J 4i N. 1st H. 8-r.. $13. Hli Rhennan Ave., 8-r , $0. 417 N, ltrt, t-r.. M floor, $3.j0. vua N. VM, 8-r.. $.'5. - . . , Sim Blnney. 8-r., $. . . &47 8. 2Mh Ave., 8-r., $115. THH! IIYUON RKET) CO 815. Dnuxtas T. f 8- th Bt. 711 8 1HTH KT., rma., mod. e. heat $. KLM Corby Bt, 6 rma., part mod..$li.W). ai7 8. ISth Ht, I rnia., an mo., .. u-Mii K l 8t.. S rm.. mod. ex. heat, 18. VM Kmmet Ht. 7 rma., all mod., $-X :'8 Clark Ht.. 4 tmi , mod e. heat, V iAn'i Fainani Kt, rnia., mod. . heat 814. ?6-'4 Lafayette Ave., 8 rm., strictly mod., M CAOl'E INVESTMENT ' COMPANY, Uj Dodge Ht. Douglas 41b. "ni-iltmw " IPAllTMUNTa. FlJtTS. ii-.-r.,' j:it North P'tli street mod- ' ern excevt heat hk rwiue ivi Konth Srih Ave. tiho 7-r., S:W llnwartl street, modern. l'si.00 6-r., u South :iHh Ave., mtelern. .00 -r., 1" Mlulll fllrl aireei, iiuiuroi. JJ7.&0 7-r.. 70 Bouth Kith street modern! Jnnllor ervlce. $40 00 7-r., 10t!j Arbof treel; new, modern. S-r., ir'il rarnmn irei, nimirrn. jo-.?., 618 South H'th treet; modorn, hot and cold water. Janitor erice. 8,-,Ooa e-r., Sli Harney atreet,. modern; nrst class. . GExi.tOie. ft COMPANY, Pbon D. 7ii. " oJ City NaClBankBldg s cb.i Us 8-r.. modern $j0.fi! 113 No. th St., 8-r., mod. ex. heat.. W W ucli No.. 2htb St.. 4-r.,: part niooern.., u w 4415 iKuatur Ht. 8-r.. city water.... 11 W) Ui No. imh St., 4-r.. rlty water 11 Oo No. -.iii hi.. 4-r. tity water lot sin Franklin. 6-r.. city water....... 11 00 u;iH No. 8Jd St. -r city water...... w tvst No, qh St., -r.f well 10Q ;.tS Ko. tli St., 6-r., well 18.60 4 :1 No. 2:nh St., f-r., wen Ji m Vtil I4rideay Ave.. 4-r., well 7 ttl .WJ8 Finmet i-r., woll 8 00 I5J8 F-anklln. 4-r., well $.60 CREBili SONS COMPANY. Douglee - t Bee Bldg 117 oi Sm Haiiiiltoii St., T ruouu, tiSO-l N. 4th. $ rtKtm. 8.Vtw 4t N. ISth 8 rooms. t;t&.t-t..J Jane. room. t'A.txv ;it Pnrk Ave. rooms. . 9 tn le-tcm Myrtle Ave., t rooms. I r, tt..iH4 Hawthorne Ave., 8 rooms, t c. 0n-l.'S N 4-d. 7 room. vru...n,.., r.w.M Stiiat-Me 8. tut St . 14 room: steam "he.il ollTSII'K A PA HTM FN T. HOl'TH AND l-.AST r. A 1 1 HlTR fc.. $16.00-I--H Park Ave. room with heat OliOVKR HPAIX. D. fcit'l l City Katlnnal HOrST.t. 607 S. t"h St.. rooios, good loca tion for roomer 8 00 5 Ht Miry Ave., II mi., modem M U) t-7 bt. Marv's Av., W rm.. motlern 6 0" (These two house can be rente.1 aa one ) FLATS Mwi'LRN. t.vCKr'T HKAT. S75 Cuming tH., Cd floor front . 8 room lp !..; ( unilng St, (Sd flour rearl 8 room 1 17.'iJ Leavenworth St.. 6 rooms 22. (T1 CliHH IN APARTMENTS. " "The Meriing." s PHh an I S larv' Ave. Redueed summer ro'i. .'5 lv $ "i Hplriidtd, unlet loialloa. See lanhor oi I lionr. First Trust Cn. e O t.:tll . I. 1'oi.e lid FOR RKXT II ' m-m m mtmml f nltAn. ! M lavellaftrawa. t! Ro Hit room hmiae at I12 N. 2lh. I fJO 00 NICE t-KOnM COTTAGE ti a full I'-t at 1412 Evan HI. fl0-8l-roorn houre at 1 Iithrop. 8JS.& 7-room houaa, IDA V Irl ; garage. W. It. IMTWt, W7 Omaha isat l Hum Hhig IWW. vr.H- It xihzv i i:t or u.'n'tra l t. phitk CITY. F. D. WBAD. 1WU FARNAM KT. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Staira . Electric Light Free The Bee Building " Co. Suporlnterjdent'a Office. Room 103. J. C. Reed Exp. Co., movng, parklna tora 1707 Farnam f. H. Maggard's g n and oio.-nTv .a Call ua lor ea tlmates for tvov- tng. packing, ahtpptnff. Dcuglaa 1434. . 1713 Webstar St ALL alxea. II ner month i,r. B0i I'axton. Horn and Offices. norM tis feet, suitable for machine hop. H. W. Cor. lftiti and Jackson 81a. . FET l. At PINK t'RTON CO., ' WV State Bank HMg. li.22-84 NORTH 24th t, 44x0 or less, $W. A. 1. TLKRl A KON, rhone roug.t02. l.-T7-8 W, O. W. Bldg. Office on 17th St, Double Windows ONLY VACANT ROOM AVAILABLE OX THE STREET. Private Offlcs Wnhing ' Rwin V 180, Sq. Ft. 118.50 TKe Bee Building ' Office ftooin 103. OFFICIOS SAMPLE ROOMS. Desirable apace In Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard Ms, GEORGE ft COMPANY, Phone T. 7f.fi. 902 City Nat l Rank B!lg. OFfrlCKS, second floor, 164 Harney. Offices, third floir. 1C06 Harney. ritore. 14i Harney. nEUICk. ATTORNEY. Xti Omaha Nat. Bank Mldg. Tel. D, 1!12. FOR RENT STORES. m P. ltith 8U large, ;iBht storeroom, modern: lowest rental on Pith St. INI 8t. ifnry's Ave., modem. 832A 1727 Howard 8t.. Klatlron store. $.. First Trust Co. SOt P. l.'lin ttu UR1. 8-ROOM suite office, now occupied by real estate aent, will share with some one. Tel, H, 1416. i KTORhl ROOM IN WEAD BLOCK. F. D. WBAD, 1301 Farnam St. FINE Sl'ITB OF ROOMS IN BALD ft! OE BL.K.. 20TH AND FARNAM 8T8.V F D. WBAD. 1801 FARNAM 8T. $22.60-2SL HHERMAN Ave.,loxw) foct Baaement $32.00 1206 Cumlna: atreet. 20x00 feet, full basement. i $60.(0707 - South lfith street 20xA0 feet full basement. Hteam lnt. $125.0011,11 Howard Street, 20x60 feet, full basement. OEOHOB A COMPANY. Phone D. 7M. SilJCIty Nat l Bank Bldg. 9TOPKROOM lh and Call.'oin.a Sts.. Reg h"te HM . good vs.. -,. B1RKETT & COMPANY it Bee HI. I. Doiw. g:si. W a re Kot.se a. . WARKHOrSE WITH TRACKAGE. g,6D stiuar ft. floor apace, nil on one floor, all cemented. One story warehouse at the end of ltith Bt. viaduct on Fierce St. Trackage. Use of scales and on lire pace on iHth Bt. low rent. fUTIUItn IKliBT COA1PANY. 1M Farnam Ht. Phone Douglas 8M. . . WAREHOUSE WITH s W. R. TRACKAGE. Two stories and basempnt, ftixflfi feet, with shipping platform, electrio elevator, heat In office, water and eleotrlc light. Wilt "rent all or part Inquire of ' J. II. DUMONT A CO., 418-11 State Bank Bldg. Doug. 90. WANTED TO REXTs WANTED to rent for Jitney service. Ford preferred by competent driver. Address L 645. Bee. ' WANTED TO BOY Yale buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4tH. OFFFICF. furniture bought and sold. O. Keed, 1 WI Farnam. Doug. 8148 WANTED To buy good grocery and meat fixtures for our new store. No. 83, at 8187 Farnam. TeL Basket Store Office. Douglas VtO. WANTED Team of marea, not l?s than J,i0 pound: must be gentle, goTVork er and sound and a 'bargain.. If your stock id wludbroken, balker ' or run aways, don't answer; nlso want good double harness. Phone Webster tlfA FIVE or troom cottsge. . I have ll.ooo In cash and three lots, two In South Omaha, one in Benson; lots, $."50, $JU0, $"rtx Whst have you to offer. Inquire 4IS Karbach Bik. Doug. WT. GOOD 5-Hio.l COTTAGE. HANrU'OM PARK DISTRICT. ABOUT $V fiflO. K D FOR BALK FOR SALE Here Is a classification that I of tlie utmost Importance to every reader, as this column offers aom excep tional opportunities every1 day and a small wsnt ad will sell your article at its full value. Phone Tyler 1000. Varailtar, llaaeehold tiSMMla, Kt. DESKS fc"!1" sold. J. C. Reed. l,I-rlsrV Farnam st I. 44.' roil 8ALK Gas ranne, $li).0t: cost $J3 00; kitchen cabinet. 810.01; coat 823.00; divan, $7.00; cost 8-'2.: centre table, H 00, coat Sa oy. i tJhio St Phone We4. ilM. J-J'IECfi ntahogauyi parlor aulte, Tyler Sb.l. BARGAINS IN FIRN'ITvTrE AND HAHDWARK. m N 84TH. WEB lmj7. lATEhT model (Viol go-basket. So. iJT. Masleai Instraauea ta. tl'ghtly. used hlh rrail Blaaav t. 8017. KrM nmt Veaieiea. $.4 BIJVa a wsll broke, neck rain saddle horee. ;.t Harrison JH. 1 hone So. i.n. C.fOD bora.' btiesy and harna, LiV ti Bee. Dr. Rosewater. DtROiS HO W 8 with littera of pli also lat cnbbane plant. Renaon W. FISH liHIVINt l7t 7t-rXND6TAN HoRr'K. buggy and harness, $"vi WaJ nut lfc.t?! t'aatir. rrl sian 6TEKLOTTPL metric make th best and cheaoest lining for poultry houses. 1 bey are laS Inches, stronger and mote durable than tarred felt and pra.-tk-aily f trttproitf. icq a nundrad at The Bee. of t lc ll.K ess you sell mak th profit in tie poultry buclneaa. Welch' wonder ful White Indleo 'li.nn'vr Im.k lv ror lar re . M,-s..elkd. good eating rgn thus h i . My fl.K'k it.MfM -"e acl, for 1 vtai. imubii.a um. 81. -4 f.-r 12 ;i.- Io J. iv.ic... wi.e, iici-oft STRONG clmks. 3 for Ac. Tyler tjti. fiuiall het i lii VI'. l"i-tf. M K I. T v ft iv et t e e. TV P!:A; ! I- 4s. tult. rvutcd. ria.lr4 enlral TytewrUee Fie. V'nmarax Mi'NAItl II No. I. baiaaiu. L-a Bee lldg. FOR 8AI.K Mlral laatraaneala. ON ACCOCNT of breaking up house keeping, will sell my llailet A Davis piano and music cabinet Addreaa Jlee. Miscellaneous. FOK 8ALK- Nir and second-hand carom nd pocket billiard table and bowling alleys and accessories; bar fixture of ail kind; eaay nayintnt. The Biunswlck- lialke-Coliemler Co.. 407-4u S. 1'ith St. ELECTRIC M0TUK8 l-H. P 270 rolt. 8 phase, new $ 87 J-H. P., ZJO volt, $ chase, new ... 4 $ H. P., 220 volts, phase, tvaw (4 t-14 I Ul vnlla s, 1 phase, new 57 DYNAMOS. 8-K. W 110 volts, D. C, new..... 8-K. AV., U0 volu, D. C new ...$ T$ ... 100 I l'4-K. W., lTO-Ao vclta, new.... P.. artsoline enalne 11 1 $ H. P. gasoline engine, throttling gov- I amor 100 LB CRON ELECTRICAL. WORKS, i f. u'tn at PHI ssle on trunks, bags and suitcases, Friedman, 1211 Ihxiglaa Rt TOOLS, shovels, picks; lack screws, win dow glass, carpenter benchea. $1 each; 10 match machines BOc each, 1 hot water boiler complete. $10; combination clectrlo flxturea 2bc each; Iron bed complete, $2; good horse, $.; harness, $10; good ex press wagon, 1.5. C. 18H, Tel. Harney 243 708 8. flat Ave, JOPCOHN. and peanut roaoter for aale cheap. Phone Webster 6-lo. folden West Whlakey. f full bottld In honcl, pre paid Cackley Uroe.. toha NEVv ga and elei trie Iron, for . price. Address O tWl, Bee. your COAL, , BEST domestic and sttf.ming coal. Low est price. Oet a trial car. Agent wanted. 1. M. Cox. North Plattn, Neb. o JCEBOX, good aa new, at half price. Webster 61!. FOR HALE Hmall ehed. aultable for t hicken huuae or Ford garage. 2t2 N. 2th. WHY do you pay $IS.) to ti'J.OO for an Electric Vilwntor when you can pur chase one that Is high grade., first claa. finished In ollahed aluminum; will give years of atlHtactl6n without getting out of order; relieve backache, nervousness, rheumatism and almost any ailment of the body, and fare massage; suitable for doctors and barbers and family use, at a price any one can afford. With equipments and ease, price H.60. For further Information address 11. M., 130 Ho. 20th St., Uncoln. Neb HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aad Office. STENOGRAPHER Neat, some experi ence tv TYPIST Permanent $35 CO-OPERATIVE! REFERENCE CO. 1015-1 City National Bank Bldg. WANTED An experienced stenographer and office assistant, who can talk and write the Bohemian language. Perma nent position to right party, aud good wage. Address Y 800, Bee. TEACHER, com' I college experience... $76 Steno, Al experienced, Aug. 1 $t Record clerk, exper'd in stock books.. $ Hteno, very bright, neat, exper'd $"0 Steno, out of town, experienced.... $50 Hteno, bright, rapid, son.o experience..!) WESTERN REF. BOND AH8 N. Ino.). 752 Omaha Nat'l Bnnk Bldg. FEMALE CLERICAL J,Jlen HTENOORAPHER for Spokane, Wash; salary $50 per month. Transportation furnished, splendid position . for right party. ' WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N, (Inc.). Phone Mr. Knspp. Webster 704, Sundtv 1 a. m., for appointment. HTENO. AND BOOKlTuKPER 8)0 STB7NO. AND CLERK 60 THE CANO AGENCY. 00 BEE BLDG. Exp. bill clerk. 810 week. Kxp. office girl, 87 to $8. Kxp. stenog. (must be good), $50 mo. Rogers Ref. Co., 640 Paxton Block. STENOGRAPHERS wanted everywhere: for poalltona read the Stenographic Star, the twcigraphera' national weekly newspaper: aond 25 cents for t three months' subscript Ion; employment service iree. i nn rtenograpnio utai. li-ri uroaa . New York. B'OOlCKEEPI&R, some typewriting. $no.oo. STENOGRAPHER, small office, $45.00. TYPIST, 840.0. TYPIST and clerk. $40.00. CAN PLACE SEVERAL $ofl 09 and $0O 8TENOGRAPHI2R8 , TkTMPO ' 11.4.RY PL.CEa r 1318 -20 Woodmen of Wortd. MULTIORAPf. operator, half time. WATT8 REFERENCE CO., 8:-40U Brandels Theater Bldg. A seat asi Saleswomen. GUARANTEED) salary to trustworthy woman or man this locality to dis tribute hosiery direct mill to wearer. Position permanent Xo experience. All or spare time. For complete outfit and t:ar:ic-ttlrs, apply International Mlllsi Inc., Dept. A, Norristown. Pa. AGENTS wanted. 100 per cent profit selling userui specialty; used in homes, hotels, stores and by aruto owners; good repeater. Hampie rree. Aunurn Hpeclal ties Co.. Dept 848. Auburn. N. Y. 8-aeittry s4 fraclea. GIRL to learn alrdressuig. - Oppenbetm Parlors. Iloasekeepera and JUoaaeatlea. WANTED Girl for general housework no waamng. wen. 1H7. tz Seward St .'HE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Hoe will run a Servant Oirl Wanted Ad r Kt-lfl until you get the desired results. This appilea lo residents of Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring ad to i ne Me office or telephone Tyle1 1000. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral nouseworg. call s.i-3 Harney, Tel. H. U0. WANTED-Glrl for general housework in smaii ramiiy; uiust understand cooking, 1H20 Capitol Ave. WANTED Girl for general housework; two m isiiniy. xiarney eji. COOK Experienced colored cook. 24th. 211 a WANTED A white girl to assist in housework; rio - waehlng or cooking. Webster 61 2. VSl Blond o. WANTED A girl for general housework; no obluctlon to single colored girl: no weshing; help with cooking. Har. 1C9. GIRL for general housework. Call Wal nut 26. WANT ED- Reliable girl for general housework, two In family, best wares. 80 8. S3d Ave. LADY would like housekeeping In town or country home for eiderly oouple, or rare of invalid. Can take full charge of home. Address P 7L Bee, .- XI la. ,. TOITNO woman coming to Omaha ss strangers are Invited to vUit tne Young Women's Christian association building at St Marv's Av. and 17th St., where tney will be directed to suitable boarding places ar otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' gubl at Union station. WANTEDWoman to he!pln kltchsn in boarding house. 1711 Dodge. WANTED A competent nurse maid to care for one child. City reference re uulred. Mre N. F. OoooU-ody. H. 711,10, WANTfcD A goo-1 reliable housekeeper. Ii. SseTT. working LAltlKH Make shields at home. 8b) for 100; work sent prepaid; no canvaasliiK; send stamp. Ivanhoe Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. VANTK1-Six girls for musical comedv; good amateurs considered; give descrip tion. Art drees K. 4 He. u ANYONE Make $ii e,-kly. Copy letleia evnlnh's. For quirk answer enclose elf-ddeecd envtiioe. . Writer Co., Bristol, Pit " ' LADIKS Do sewing at - homo; material furnished; no canvassing. Htanijted 011 velot. AtiM Sal Co.. Dept ft. Deaver Colo ANYONE Make $i0 to tJt weekly, de voting few hours dally writing s.nd copying our letter; aismped anriressvd envelope for answer. Uiers Transcrtit to.. T.v W. Mail son, CI b a go. . lll'TE lor newspapers and magaxiiiea; enro 710 iiwrtii'j ; details free to b Klmiers. Reortlng Syndicate. 15 Victoria. Ht l.el NAMES and addresses wanted by mall order bouses; big pay, no canvassing. Information for stamp. . G. C. Smith, Covington. Tenn. WANTED TWO COIstRrJH LADY AGENTS CALL. HAHNLi lffl. HEf.P WATKI FEMALE Mtaeellaaeoa. WTlITn motion picture rlays: f.m each. Experience unnecessary. letatls sent free to beginner. Producer' Laagie, li Walnwrlght, Kt. Ixiuls change for chambermaid to work five A KL'ITE of housekeeping rooms In ex hours per day. Mia, K. J. Kol.ler, 117 Howi'd. mci.P WANTED MALB (lerteal aaa Ulfiae. HIOIf-ORAtilT commercial position. WE6T. REFERENCE POND ABSN. . 7r,2 OTiaha Nat. Rank Bldg. SAt.FJSMAN, low Ter., salary deictifla Hnlesman. Neb. Ter., salary depends HaleMman, city, rnlarv depends. Sa'een-.pn, ci'v. $7.i. WATTS REF. C(i., 838-40-43 Brand. The. MANAGER, mach ntrv factory ,. $123 Hpeclalty snleaman $125 City salesman, Al experienced man..$l'0 4'lty salesman, experienced man 8100 Halesman, grocery specialty $100 Palesman, expert on titer $75-$,5 Hteno, salesman, experienced only t'O Pteno, private eecretary $ Multlgraph operator $40 WESTERN REF. BOND ASH'N. (Inc.). 7M Omah Nnt'l Bank Bldg. 2 SALESMEN (tJROC SPEC.) :..$I2 SALICHMAN K HTENO AND B'XIK KEEPER (B 8TENOORA VH ER 76 THE CANO AGENCY, 000 REE BL1Q. TWO experienced grocery saleamen. ) exp. grocery salesman. $75 to $100. Exp. steno., sales ahllltv. $. F)xp. stenographer and lynl't. $70. ROPERS REF CO.. 640 Paxton Blk BEST COMMERCIAL 1'OHITIONS. Roger Reference Co.. 5'6-8 gtate Bank. NEW location, 540 Paxton Blk. We have' several positions open. Roa-ers Ref. Co. HAVE choice Improved Red River Valley farms for sal, tn Minn, and N. Dak. Agent wanted. Hick son Land Co., Hlck sonNDik; SALESMAN Capable specialty man fot Nebraska. Htaple line, on new and ex ceptional terms Vacancy now. Attrac tive commission contract $X5 weekly foi expenses. Miles F. Blxler Cto., 8il-i.7'Car-lln Bldg., Cleveland. 0. SALESMEN on commission, central ter ritory, for snappy line of oval framed specialties for the department, station ery, drug and racket store trade. Pic, ttires, mirrors and photo frames; now ripe for Xma business. Samples and .photographs one grip. Good side-line, strong enoush to work exclusively. The Nathan N. Stone Co., U7 W. 12th Place, t-nicago." WANTUD Salesman to sell high-grade temperance annas in small country towns. Commission contract with' 840 weekly drawing account. Crown Com pany, 207 8. Commercial St., Ht. Ixi'tls. o SALESMAN calling on undertaking trade in western states, to nanme side special. Big commission. No samples. F. W. Krltx. Manager, 6128 Florence Blvd. MR. AGENT Send your name today. You Vlll be glad you dld. AGENTS' SERVICE, Herald Bldg.. Jollet III SALESMEN Energetic, live wires for the state ot Nebraska and western Iowa; also resident sales manager, by the old est established manufacturers ot Alumi num Cooking Utensil In tho United State. Excellent change to connect with the pioneers in the field, originators and introducers of tho line, having success fully manufactured and marketed "1K2" Pure Sun Aluminum Ware 23 year. Ex cellent . territory open, call on dealer only. Liberal and satisfactory contract to men of clean, successful selling rec ords. Write full particulars In-first let ter, send three references. Hide line men write for - specials. Applications treated confidentially. Illinois Pure Aluminum Co., Lemont, 111. 15 DAILY guaranteed hustler In each territory, calling on automobile owners Introducing Orolo guaranteed carbon re mover; territory distributers also wanted. Orolo Mfg. Co., Louisville. Ky. " 81,000 PER MAN per county; strange In vention startles world; agents amased: ten Inexperienced men divide $W,0u0. Kor- mra. a farmer, did 82,2tt n 14 days. Schleicher, a minlbter, $!! In first i hours: 81.200 cash made. nald. banked bv Stuuerrutn in 30 days;. 4U,0uj to ante. A hot or cold running water bath equip ment for any home at only $6.50: eel f heatlng, 110 plumbing or "water works re quired. Investigate. Exclusive sale Credit given. Hend no money. Write let ter or postal today. Allen Mfg. Co.. 4173 Allen Bldg., Toledo, Ohio. ' , AGENTS make big money selling our summer specialties; best repeaters on market; exclusive territory; selling out fits furnished. ' Delta Mfg. Co., 1419 2d St.. Cincinnati, Ohio. CHEWING GUM Hell to dealers, clean. profitable . business built up .quickly with our nwrel packages, popular flavor. Write today. Helmet , Gum. Co., Cincin nati. ' AGENTS WANTED No fortune made, but a mee comfortable living, and many of our agent are putting money In th bank besides: specialty for Ford ma chines: has merit. Brackett L4ner. Box 6S3, Cincinnati. Ohio AGENTS .WANTED To sell staple arti cle, to retail I). G. and fancy goods stores: only American made articles, to take place of foreign goods not obtain able; bright yonng men and women can make good money; samples' free; easy to handle. Aodress Profitable, box IOM, Flatlron Bldg., New York. AGENTS Don't waste time on slow sell ers; sell dally necessity. Dr. Hood's Outlet Ann nn 4o-t,t - factlon, customers eager to buy again; your prom iiw 10 ru per cent Write nutck for special offers. The Williams Soap Co., Indianapolis. Ind. (This cqm- hlllV atl,1 ItS I . i'tA 1 1 , I m J.tn.l . k. - J. B. Williams Co. of Glastonbury. Conn.) BOYS AN'O mm H.ll Ii n.11. v. b. containing 115 of the best made needle at 16c each. Return $8.00 and receive a beautiful Dua-tt-all Aiilnm.ilA r... Camera, the wonder of the age. Write Mcitonaiq wupriy Co.. Lake Foret. III. WONDERFLL kitchen invention; save .it vnany; nernonatrstlon createst sen sation: costs lOe. sells 60c; 700.000 sold In Chlcsgo. Iav over night, oollect next day. Triumph Manufacturers, Monon Bldg., Chicago. GREATEST stunt ever sprung- en the American people; you give free gold monogram dinner set coupon with every sale of "Lucky 'Leven" end our other sensational soap and toilet combinations: 85 to 810 daily easy; crew managers dou ble that: repeat orders galore; world's largest factory backs you. Write lor appointment R. M. Davis, president, 28 T!rr 1 nicago.- GRAB this wini.er now, absolutely sell on sight, 100 per cent profits, repeat agents wanted Immediately; free paxtio ulara. Independence Supply, Dipt g. Bog - ' muviiuKHCII, IS.- $10 DAILY reflnlahing t handeliera, braas beds, etc., by new method; producing amaslng results: no cspital or experience necesaary. Wjtte for information. Oun- tnt-iai v. o , iept. xi, Decatur. 111. AGENTS New, sensational; big money maker: handsome changeable signs In cold frame; 10c sells ac,o; every merchant buys; sample freeu Peoples Portrait Dept X. Chicago. WANTED-Saleamen In local territory to carry soda fountain specialty Champagne Mist ss sld line, or resident agent on commission: ready seller and a good re lTi K,VT nce. the Champagne Mist Co.. IS E SpnngSt. Oulunibus O SALESMEN acquainted with grocery trade; larea demand liberal emmt. .. , ...K.... u ur ai minimi tUtn: Docket rnmrl. v. lr4l, u.lw.L. til Sale Cbleaao Mi.i.ssiaA- hole time or side line: 10 minutes time pav vou 10: pocket ssmplea; srompt comnilst-ions: atsfa r- iltorv covered. El wood Mfg. Co., Inc., 1118 mn-nivan Ave., v nicago.- WE will pay 876 per month expense, coin mist ion for managing business, aolleit. In and appointing .ir saleamen: no er- rerieme neceasarv. cidle Co., 17S7 N an-pWII Ave. Chicago MANUFACTURER of prepared foodi wants men or women In r town te sell either to stores or families: profit able, i-erniane nt Factory, mi Hedgwli-k Cblosto LKARN to write 4 boto-piays; niilt 3in to $1(4 each: we teach you how. Write for particular. Minneapolis School of Photoolsy Writing, Bog 1776. Minneapolis Minn tv a xj-r l r . v . ... 1 T - - -'-. v fiMuicnifti atora ' First Ivatlouai Kureeiiea, hochesUr, N. Y. HELP W A XT ED MAI.K aarents, gnlesmea and gwlleltor. - WEEKLY l!S nee-lles. In taie. JOc? reti.ll- vour proiit one-nan; our ow plan'' dries tie work; pirticulars free. Hau.Me. lot- National Needle Ce.. Dept. 34, Ht. Inla. AOKNTM make i-4 per cent profit selling "noCHlv sicn cards;" nterrhants bnv 10 tr 109 en sieht: S"0 varieties:, catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 1-11 Van Bt.ren Ht, Chicago, 111 ' NEW Ford Invention, sells by Klmply shewing It I'revliu selling experience unsioceesry to niake-$lo per day. Great est opportunity ever offered. Will you profit by this? For full Information address M. A. Burke, 1437 N. Harah Bt, Ht Lcnils.Mo SALESMEN Make $.176 monthly demone tratlng K-tght-Foot Outdoor Electrio Sign, $45. Worth $1M). F.xcualve territory.' Free sample. Flashtric tlgn Work, Cnlcago. SALESMAN for edvcrtlsing eervlce to all clnsses of business men; Chicago corporation wants an cut man with good sale record add ability to Intelli gently discuss customers' selling and ad vertising problems; commission contract with weekly advances. Advertising; Man ager. 24' Jarkswn Blvd. Chicaso PA LhHMEN wanted with advertising ex perience to sell our big line of Metal and Paraffined Signs. We meet competi tive prices. Big commission for ener get e workers. Over fifty year in busi ness. The Winters tY Springfield, U. SALESMEN W ANTED All retailer; ab solutely new; all territory vacant. Con vincing talkers, experienced or otherwise,' make from 415 to $fiO dally. Address, quick, giving age, experience, present oc-r. rupat.cn. territory wanted. E. ik Weld ner, lown City. In. SALESMEN WANTED Experience un- noceyaary, easy work, big pay. Write now for large Hat of openings offering opportunities to earn from KO to 8500 a month while ou learn. Address nearest office. Dept. 4f, National Salesmen' '1 raining Association, Chicago, New York, San Francisco. SELL TREES Biggest yer of all; Stark Bros.' centeunlal year; celebrating 100 successful yeais in business with great, easy-selling centennial offers; cash paid weekly to home s.nd traveling salesmen. R. Ik Gibson. Browning, Mo., made $236.00 ' In 8 weeks; C. W. Dickinson, Orlggsville, ' -111., cleared $105 In 11 days. Selling out-. ' fits free. Includes Grand Centennial Dis play book, shows every variety of fruit In actual colors, full slxe. Exclusive right .. to sell famoua Stark Iell(toua and Stark: trademark trees. Freo trees pay ex penses. Wrlto quick for salesman's cer tificate snd location. Stark Bros., KNJL m . . tonTana. mrt. o W'i HAVE Fortt at'tomoolle accessory that sella like lightning. Example, we shipped 425 to our aaent In one city In- eight days. Costa wholesale In quantities $l.f0. retail $3.50, therefore, $2 profit on eacn. . ir 'you want some of this, write at once for full" description with 111 us-. trat on. Safety Steering Devioa Co., Dallas, Tex. BE A LAND owner, lota In the Atnt.l . a a ma ted Sub-division only $2.50 each, short time only, a llvo proposition for live agents, don't delay. Amalgamated Oil Company, Butte. Mont AGENTS WANTED Own your own business; sell Frltch's Vegetable Soap; wrltn for free sample. J A. Frttch. St I.ouls, Mo. o bit LLS.V1AN wanted for the Help-a-. phone; every telephone user wants one; cells for $3; earn 1 108 a week; send for complete set of Instructions In sales manship free. Goddard Specially Co... 3M4 Flora, Kansas City, Mo. " , I WANTED Direct correspondence! with Manufacturers' agents of good standing and large acquaintance with the whole sale lobblngf trade. Will make arrange ments for exclusive territory. A staple line and two fat leading specialties for introductory wedges. Particulars in cor respondence. Power Gas Products Co., 2921 Stevens Ave., Minneapolis. Minn. o LIVE agents wanted everywhere; posi tively fastest selling men's specialty on the market today; patented heatless trousers' wesa. . Write immediately for territory and proposition. The Allen Co., Grand island, rsen. mox Me. o MAlCB $3 to $5 a day selling Perfect Noodle Cutters. James Nugent sold 39 dosen In small Ohio town. Is stHl .selling. Also handled as aide line, write lor exclusive territory. Anchor Mtf. Co., 46 ' Anchor Bldg., Daytem, O. o BARN $50 weekly selling collection cab inets to merchants. Write for free sam ples. Havers Co., 663 Laclede Bldg., St Louis, Mo K PF.H CKNT avaraeco commission. We want clean man and Iwlll Day wel and twin pay wen lor them Our nlena ant the orders. Beat trade stimulators, also straight sale goods. Aluminum, -vnamel. china, tin, cutlery, glass, etc. Open stock etc. Commission weekly. Herthal Mfg. Co.. St. Loigg, Mo. o SALESMAN wanted, to place a limited amount of atock in a profitable cor poration; good dividend assured. A live proposition for live men. Refe.encea must be furnished with first letter. P. O. Box liiS, ColllnsvlUe. Okl. o. WE have a good rlace for a live insur- ance man. Mutual Benefit Health A Ac cident Ass'n . 4J City Nat Bank Bldg. WANTED Two or three salesmen for special work -In Omaha. Must have education, good manners and appearance. References expected. A year's work for the right men. Salary and commission. Apply ' Monday, 0 to 11 a. m ; Tuesday, 12 to 1 p. m. W9 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. MILLIONS of dollars made annually Scores make from $3,000 to $5,000 every ' , year. Phenomenal, easy, slmple Inter esting business that can be operated from home. Spare or all time. We are manufacturers and supply you with ' everything. No peddling; no experience. Flourishes tn cities, towns and villages. It us tell you all about it Pease Manufacturing Co., Dept II. 17, Buf falo, N. Y. j ' $X0 MONTHLY alid expenses, to travel, distribute samples and take orders or ODDoint n Rents. Permanent Jap-Ameri can Co.. Chicago. REPRESENTATIVE wonted; exclusive territory. New invention guaranteed by reputable corporation, saving 26 per cent to gasoline users or money is funded. Automobile, motorboat. station ary engine owners buy st first offering. Territory going qmcKiy. uas Haver naice fVrennnv. I''" Broadway. New York. ,j,..ui.tA 1 e-wj 1.I1. iu the II. S. 1 must' reach all of thorn. Need honest repre reseutative each state. No canvassing. Write U Q. Modpa, 24 H lst Ht, New York. WANTED Salesmen calling on floor covering trade to pell flrat class line rubber uiats and tair treada. Prices lower than competitors' and good coin mlslon. Address Y-6S6. Bee. - - SALESMAN wanted for our aide line blankets and dress fabrics. We nil retailer direct snd pay good commis sion. SchuylFUil Mills, .Box 1192, Phila delphia. Pa J SALESMEN Make big cemmisions selling our iiew advertising premium proposition to merchants. ' Hells every where. Demand unlimited. Sample free. Universal Mileage Co., L:34 Van BOren . Ht. ChbiOgo. Ill SALl-M EN Weekly expenses and large coiiiiiiiKslona pa 1.1 for selling our sensa tional voting contest ..a ' new retail premium trade- inning assortment, also open Mock, to all classes of merchants. Side-line men can make big money, and permanent positions with exclusive ter ritory wll be given salesmen producing good business. Dept 24, National Alum inum Work. Elmlra, N. Y. o TWENTY-PI VB agent wanted for Iowa. Best money making proposition, on th market. If you ar a live wire writ for information. Northern Specialty Co-, BemidJLJillnnJ LISTEN Can you sell -tolin at 1 cent per galluiiT If so, sail Gaa-Tonlc, Gives 4u per cent more gasoline m!leuHt; eliminates caroon. Auto owner grabbing for It. $10 a dav essy. llclxv made $.3 flrat day. Act quick, man. Details free. White Mfg. Co.. Iiept. im. CTnclmiatl, Q. WANT ED Agents to sell mason and plasterers's tools, direct from factory. Will pay good commission, and also on repeat order Big money fur live wire. Reference required. Ma ye Brother. Wtrolt. Mich HoiJClTING bale-man Kxpedenced iiiaji, convincing talker. Mason or Oild vllow 111 good stmilii, ins irsnce or bond salesman preferred; territory pro tected: reference required. Praieruitj Pub. Co.. V llroinfielcl St., Boston, Ma. HUSTLICR with rig. to selFTlold-faVt feiKe anchors: absolute farm nec eltle. and farmers buy Quickly. You can make Ug nioney with this uas lii-eem tioo. iJunbaWfirAjJUsHuvaiaiSK lndiansvpotla, Ind. , 4 4