IK AT, ESTATE M1SCELLA XEOUS. Acre Farms For Chicken Raising And Gardening Now is the time you should peloot your acre for future i i i wants, while you are able to nuv .1 ,1 m . , ivu tiuu qitu u iiiouiu. nu'KPii raising ana garaenmg is profitable. i ' In Benson Gardens The land is well drained. The soil is the best to be had. he location is ideal, close to the Omaha market. Paved road all the way. This beautiful acreage subdivision is located ( , blocks from the end bf the Benson ear line on West Main fctreet, paved road. Call us by phone or call our office and one of our salesmen will show you Benson (Hardens any time dur ing the day, evenings or Sundays. Branch office on the 'ground open every afternoon, evenings aud Sundays. . Hastings & Heyden 1614 Haraev SHOLES SPECIALS WEST FARNAM C19 llart.ey St., a aplendld home, flrat-clasR condition inside and out, 9 rooma. beau tiful Interior arrangement, large living room, with fireplace; well tlnlflhed tn hardwooda, thoroughly modern and up-to-dnte. Price, 7,W, end worth the money. 3,oC0 for immediate quick aale, apeclally reduced price, on 36th St. between Podge and Farnam, eaat front. Ixt 3ox93 ft.; tlM cash, balance like rent. .Can't beat thla anywhere. , . t,500 Farnam St. rletr 44th, a good 6-room all modern house, well built, good condi tion Inside and out; been occupied by man and bla wife, with no children, since It was built. Leaving town. Ask W.oOO. It la a SNAP. 121 8. SSth Ave., right in the CRKAM-splendld. well-built, part brick and part ' frame, 9 rooma, hot water heat, two baths.' all hardwood throughout;-rand new decorations; newly painted. The best buy In tula district. Vacant, ready to move tn. .- . , HERE IS A SNAP 15 ?. 2r,th St., a 9-room house, all modern with a good hot water heating plant, and garage. Lot 50x127 ft, with atone steps; paving all paid. For one with large family thla la a BIO fNAP, Price, 12,700. EASY $.1,600 2S54 S. 33d St., corner lot, 50x90 ft; to-date bungalow,, well arranged, twin cash, balance like rent. Snap. :l,160 2321 S. 3fth St.-. block from Windsor school, well built, mod., up-to-date -toom bungalow; paving all paid. Lot 6"xl'& ft. Very small payment, bal ance like rent, VllOLESALE OR WARK-HOUSE PROPERTY Will build to suit tenant on long-time lease, strictly fire-proof building, on your, own plans, either corner, 14th and Howard or 8th and Howard 8ts. If you want an up-to-date business location see us. D. V. SHOLES CO., 115-16 City Nat l Bank Bldg. A Lot and the Money to Build Your Home The man who wants to build a home in one f, of the prettiest home building sections in , the city, which he can pay ,for as he earns, should answer this ad today. , Telephone Walnut 682 Free Automobiles We will send a cr to bring you to inspect the " lots we are offering and help you pick out a lo cation, if you call, by phone. .. Telephone now and learn about location, etc., and afrange for ua to send for you today or tomorrow. REAL K8TATK- NORTH BIDE $30.00 Cash and $30.00 Per Month Buys thl beautiful, all modern 5-room 'bungalow ; locuted 2 blocka from car line and Vt blocks, from school. Don't Pay Rent Another Month. Telephone About This Today Call Wal. GfC. Today or Tomorrow Notice $3,750 for 1908 Corby Street This la a well constructed. 1-story, 7-room. modern square house, with' hot water heat. Newly painted and In ex cellent condition. South front lot 50x124 ft. Convenient to churches, school and car line.- This price Is ll.OCO less than it coat the owner. Investigate. Immedi ate possession. Key at our office. George & Company 90t City pat. Bk. Bldg. . Phone D. 74. 6-Room Cottage Practically new. Paved cueut. On car line. Jt &uxU5. Oak floors and finish. Walls nicely decorated. Price 12.750. Tenna American Security Co. 7tli and lotiKluM Fts. J."JS-7 NORTH Itith iir. et. doibj dwell ing, annual rental 40. Hardwood fin ish, completely moilern. Only 7 minutes rlie to pootofrlce. tormnly hstc 1 to sell at $5,84). Will now reduce thla consider able, la. sold duoct by cwner. Let me tell yoit wore by telibculng WeO. 44. . RICA 1. ESTATB MISCKLIiAVEOVS i , I nn inuiiury Ulna, 101 on such easy payments of $lQi "oor drn- ''" . . ' ..... . tated BIT Walnut St Street. TERMS paving all paid, with a good, modem. UP- Douglas 49. RKAL ESTATE NORTH SIDK $300 cash (or acreage or vacant lot), baL mo. buys (-room modern homo: near school car, Miller park and Fort Omaha. Phone Web. 4141 Walker. 4510 is'. i.'4th til. HEIUrs TOI R CHANCE To a-et a home In Kountse Place, two blocks from Lothrop school. fix rooms. modern, line location. Investigate at once, aa) Plnkney Bt. Webster 14!. 'ONTEXKLLt VAKKT Living" room, dining room. bedroom, kitchen and pantry on first floor, finished stairway to large floored attic, with ample space fur two rooms and bath; electric lights, city water, cement base ment, nice lot, price 11,850, !' down, balance $J0 a month. Located 401 N. 41th hi., lust south of the park. Keys at L. W. Kl 'perle. 37?4 N. 44th Ave. 400 UIFFKRENCE oK THE ACTUAL VALUK. You will see the difference of I40A In price of actual value by looking hi tills 5-r. all modern bungalow In Miller park add., which the owner la willing to die count for iiulck aale, or will take in ex change a stock or groceries in Omaha or other city, to be moved. UII.STERX, Hi Brandels Thea. Bldg. Doug. W10 113,000 will buy three brick stores, three (-room flats, two frame houses, e'ght rooms each, on N. 24th ft. Rental IS.OM per year. Half cash, balance & per cent. J. B. ROBINHON. 44? Pee Bldg. Uouklas 8M7. BARGAIN GRAND AVENUE House of 7 rooms, barn, garage, chicken houses; all kinds frujt- six lota: l 200. Kasy terma Bee me. O. I. fttebbin MAKE me an offer for my 6-reom. mod ern, cottage. Soul N. xit Bt. HEAL EST ATT SOUTH SIDE IF YOU buy later the rent will be ap plied aa the first payment on the house. Vje have several that can t bouiiht on thla plan. U4 8. 16ih fit., a i-rooni house with toilet and city water for Sit) per month. iUZ Klin bt., 4 rooms, $ii per month and other. Ccme to the office and aee about this plan. i RKlGIl bONd tt CO. touslae K UH Bee Bldg U.ir Easy terms. bu us ofcjl XI arc v: S rooms, muuein; near letu otuo. L4irge corner lot: botn streets pave4. Fine lawn, good shade, nice flowers; a real home. Apply at premises. o 11EAI, KSTATK SOI'TII 8UK Field Club District Thla beautiful new horn ha n large porch across the entire front Vcstthule with cost closet with pin glass mirror door; lar-e living room, ISxlK. oak finish, twm celling, fireplace, bookcases; dining room beautifully finish"! In oak. buffet chin cabinet, window out, small closet for table lavea, etc.; kitchen complete In every detail, with latent built-in de sign cabinet; clothes chute to basement; large rear entry, rear porch; beautiful oak (talrway to second floor: four largs bedrooms, with mirror doora; complete bath room with clothes chute to bail ment; stairway to attic I full h(imcnl, i with laundry tuba, toilet, fruit l!ar. bath. Frlce, n,2!W. St. Norris & Norris ) Bee Building. Phone IHitiKias 427 $4,500 VALUE FOR $3,750. AM ANXIOV8 to leave city and am of fering a brand new noma nt bvt Xth St. at a big induction. Lot la worth II. 250. House coat t-f.:!f to bultrt. Ha luruo Ihuoj roiim. lix.'3, with culonnadc opening into dining room. HiH. which ha., window feat, paneled walla and plate rail; neat don or sewing room and a handy kitchen, with built-in cupboard. I'pstalrs ha throe fiood bedrrtoma, fiur nlnMt. tllArl , I. u t.H alMnttiv twit,.h li,are nttio nnd full hsaement. Furnace heat: fine light fixture and window shades; decorated throughout; on large corner lot. Thla home la complete In every way. la In a choice neighborhood and anionic new homes. Lcae than a mile from down town, alx blocka fronv Hansrom park, and five blocka from I'.irk achoot. It you want roal vnlue. bo ..ure and aee thla first. Terms, f-000 raslw l;io monitily. Kev next door, l'hone Owner. Walnut !! Hanscom Park Dist. Six-Room House We have a very pretty newborn, only two blocks from Hanacom park, that can be aold on easy terms Thia house Is oak finished, with beam retllngs. built-in bookcases, ete.: fireplace; toilet and laun dry In basement. Ijot fi0xi:!. Prtci 16,1'ffl. Located at 83 Walnut fct. Small cottage would be accepted In trade. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 427(1. South Front Bungalow, Nice, Big Shade, 3718 Meredith 5 rooma, first floor, oak finishing In living room and dining; room; house well decorated, thoroughly modern, well built Nice big shade trees In front yard. Thla home Is located inia good neighborhood, new houses all around, one block from Ames Ave. car line; high and siirhtly Io cs tlon. Price quoted extremely low and will insure you getting your money's worth. Let ua show you this propertv at once. Trice, $3,0u0; Sfl0 cash, balance monthly. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 20 Omaha Natl. Bk. Bld. D. 41. .A Big Snap 7-Room House and 4 Large Lots At 2114 S. 4th St.. near" Real's school and a short distance from the new car line extension; a comfortable. 7-r. house. furnace heat, large barn,-' brick and -I cement cave, good well, cistern and four large lota. Two of the lota are occupied bv the buildings, shrubbery, fruit trees such aa berries, cherries, apples, pears. etc., and two are vacant, ready for de velopment. Owner offera thla property at very low price of 2,W0. Might take good vacant lota as part of purchase price. Bee about thia without delay. Fred W. Shotwell, Agt., 354 Omaha Nat'!. , Phone Doug. 1220 NEW HOME 4. On Easy ents Bungalow atyle. story and ryand hair, six ilth French doora; rooms and sun room, wll dining room has built-in combination buffet and chlnt cloaet; large living room across entire house; modern lighting fix tures. Come out and look It over today. Onlv one block from Crosstown car line. 1VT7 S. 2fth St. Call owner. Red 18S1, (14 Paxton Ulk.- i A NO, -rootn strictly modern new houses never occupied. Walking distance. Near railroad depots and street car barn. Hetween 7th and nth St. On easy payments or will take vaant lot as flrt payment. The owner will keep the houses open Sunday after noon for inspection. Douglas 601S. 1(t EQUITY In -room home, south part of town. 12 minutes to town, paved street and paid for, would consider vacant lot or cash for my equity. Ad dress C 27. I)ee. . WALKING DISTANCE. t rooms, all modern, nice lot. paved street, with paving paid; everything In first class shape, located on 8. ?th fct. Price C. 0. CARLBERO, BrandeU Theater Btd.. REAL ESTATE tEHT SIDH Beautiful 8-Room House ' . Can Bo Bought on Easy MoTitbly Payment Plan. This bouse la all modern, with hot water tualing plant and two fireplaces. It la located on a hUh lot and 1 close to car line and school. There are be all in! siiaJe trees and a very wldti lot. Don't Pav Hent another Month See Thisv Today. I will Semi an Automobile for' You if Von Will Phone Today or To morrow. . E. P. Wright' office Phono nouer. ru. west fakxam district $100 cash Seven-roomed modern houao. not new but In good condition; close to car line; east front; balance like lent, l& fh.il MONTH. PHICK K.. Owner anxious to sell. After you have inspected prop erty ws want your offer. W. FAUX AM SMITH & CO. 1330 rarnam Bu . Douglas lost Pavm tlKAL TSTATK WEST SIM3 Don't Forget That Our Sale of N West Farnam and Cathedral District Lots nd also some choice lota In our first plat of POPPLETON PARK ADDITION. continues today and Sunday. Thev Katurd -are selling fast. Our aale laat y and 8unday was a record- bleaker for IM5 for th ils claaa of property. Come to our addition office at 42d and California Ms. 1ook over our prlcas: look at the class of Improvements; eonatder t.ie close-tn location, the reasonable but binding restrictions, and you will be con vinced that EVERY LOT 18 A BARGAIN $495- - to -$725 Theee prices will never be as low again Our very easy terms of lo down and $5 to $10 per month la unusual for this claaa of property. Every lot has a sewer, city water, con crete sidewalk, all grading done and rendy for building a modern home. Remember, these lota are Just a stone's throw from Omaha's finest and wealthl ent homes, still the prices and terms are wlthiu the reach of all. This Is a real opportunity, you cannot afford to mlsa. Come Today or Sunday f hone Douglas 4233 or Walnut 3K.- and we will send an auto for you. Shuler & Cary, Owners. ' Vii-4 State Bank Bjlldltig. Here Is the Opportunity You've Been Watching For A Beautifully Located (i-Rooni, New, AJ1 Modem Bungalow--, ' 30l) Cash ; Monthly Payments to Suit This house is only Va block from ear line; is on a beau tiful lot; principal rooms in oak; brick fireplace, ce ment basement and all modern. Phone Wat. 682 today -ind will be pleased to send an automobile to brlnrf you out and Inspect thW house. Close-In; $1,700 Five-room cottage on one floor, all modern except heat; has gas, elec tric light, bath, toilet, lavatory. On paved street conveniently locaXed In walking distance. This Is a bargain will make easy terms first time offered. Glover & Spain : D. 3962 919 City National. Value $5,000 Price $4,450 4Hth and Capitol Ave. (Dundee). Latest design in a buugnlow, T large rooma and bath, strictly modern and up-to-date In every way. with inanv special featured. Ha complete set of window shade and screens, water meter act, lxt and loca tion ideal. Call u for an appointment to see this mode) house. Raso Bros. 106 McCague Hldg. Phone Douglas ltt. Attractive .Bungalow on Corner Lot in Bemis Park Nine rooms, I rooma on 1st floor, with bum: t rooms on second Iloor; best of finish and construction: house Is prac tically new. all modern and Improvements cost owner Sti.iwo. Hpeclal reasons for making this big reduction In price. Now offered at' $5,6U0. Terms can be arranged. Glover & Spain Douglas 39i3. tls-ao City National Bank West Farnam BEAUTIFUL . 8-ROOM FT) FINIC LOT. ALLEY PAVED. HOt.'SP!, LA RCJH OARAOK. bHHI'BBEKT; A REAL HdMK. JRTH T.. HOUTH OF DODUli PRICE, I7.1S0. W. Farnam Smith & CO. 12J Farnam Bt, Pour. MM Beautiful Mercer Park Where every lot fronts on a boulevard; all specials In and Pall for, Including paving: served by three ear Unas; fine natural timber; aafe building resfYie tlons; no apartmenta or flat allowed. Our prices and terms reasonable. Let us chow you the property, also the beauti ful homes now being erected there, W. FAKXAM SMITH & 00. 120 Farnam Bt. Dour. 10M WKHT FARNAM HOMK. A beautiful T-room home, oue-balf block to Ferruun car. three rooms oak finish fitst floor, four white enamel second floor and two rooma finished in attic. Tiled xeetlbtile and bath. Good closets. Hot water heat. For prtce and terms aee ALFRED THOMAS Real Kstatr, Loans, lnsursuce. b. First Nat l Bank Bldg RKAL ESATK IN V K8TMKNTS 1H FK K.T KRONTAGtf ON tVTH ST . HI'ITABI.U Mill QAKAOK AND STORK BiriLDlNOS SHORT 1IH TANCB FROM AUTO ROW. F. W. WAD, lSOl FARNAM rJT RKAIj KNATK INVESTMENTS 24 on your Investment SIX 4-rooin. nearly new hrb k apart ments, walking distance; only ll.OOo ash; kalance now In the building and loan aaoclattn. Thla la positively the heat Investment In the city. See me at once. Nathan Somberg 4:3 Bee Bldg. Doug. Af5 KXctpTlONAI. lil.tw 1NVKST NffAK ALL M KNT 18-lt. fTJT SAINTS" CHCRCII. f. r. wicArt. im FA UN AM ST. Fine CumingStreet Investment v . Trtxl&J feet on 2SJ and Cuming. Thl property la going cheap and will make a very desirable Investment for somtone. The property Is sure to go up In value, and In the meont'me Is bring ing In nearl W per cent net on th Investment. A. P. Tukey & Son Tel. Douglas ISrtJ 1507-s V. O. W. Hldg. REAL ESTATE HUnCTtnAN ' ria.YKVkM mni4rtr hniiai IA lntii haMtrtn fruit- nnAn 2K2 op 401, Iir. pRron. Uin4rr, West of Dundee $100 Per Lot Seventeen Large Lots These 17 lots make more than 3 acres, and land Is priced from $1,000 to 1,500 per acre further out, there fore, according to other prices, these lots should bring; $3,000 to $4,500 or double what we are asking. Art quick for this snap. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 49. Two Medium Priced Houses Worth ' Looking Into in . Dundee ,2M buys a well constructed modern house at 5014 laard St., having eKcep- t tonally largo living room with pressed brack fireplace, beamed celling, attractive dining room, both finished in quartered oak, convenient kitchen, first floor. largo bodroo'u with two clothes closets, complete bath room and another bed room on second floor. Fiil cemented basement, with furnace. High, sightly south front lot. MxlK ft. Terms, I,000 caah, balance monthly. Immediate pos session; key st our office. H.oou buys a Z-slory, 6-room, modern house on Cass Bt., near oar line; t bed rooms on the second floor, one of which has a lavatory, htutrway to attic, full cemented basement. Cliotco south front lot. JOxl'r, ft., with .ine shade trees tit front. Pries just reduced from tf.OQO for quick sale. Terms $1,W cash, balanoo monthly. George & Company Phone P. 76i. m City Nat. Bank Bldg Dundee's Best Buy, $5,250 1 rooms, with sleeping porch; alt mod ern. Including beamed celling, built-in bookcasea, beautiful fireplace; excellent location, first-class construction; also garage and driveway. Owner left rtt and vary anxious to sell. You can't make a mistake on this property. Glover & Spain d. mi 1 City National . Dundee See 5024 Burt Street Today 7 rooms and enclosed sleeping porch. Large living room across east slue of house, with beautiful fireplace; beam xelllngs, built-in book'rase, colonnade opening Into large dining room. leading t ff from dining room thru double PYenrh doors Is a well llghtel sun room. Kitchen has large built-in cabinet, mirror wall cab. Inet over sink, and other conveniences necessary to make work easy and system mat to In kitchen. Three large, cool rooms upstairs, with liloa large sleeping porch, making four complete ucdroomu. Uncn oloaet, with built-in ccet of drawers. Thla house la completely decorated with best of decorations; all oak dowu-stalrs, .with oak floors upstairs, and white enamel finishing. Mahognny finish doors. Lighting fixtures very artistic, and de signed to give soft, mellow light. House Just completed snd Immediate possession can be given. Buch homes si this at the price we are quoting are hard to find, and can be better appreciated after Personal Insneo. tlon. will be open all day today, for In spection, or van ana see . Hiatt-Fairfield Co. CO Omaha Nat. Bk Bldg. Doug. 4n. KXCKHTIONAI. seven-room Owner, Walnut. . !.. bungalow. Dundee Lot 75x135 Feet " tl.SOtf buys this high, sightly lar-e south front lot on paved street, onlv lb feet west of 61st nt. Kasy terms. George & Company Tel. D. 75. ' Clt Nat. Bank Bldg Flerejiee. U NBTHAWAY for trades. Flor. lUCAIi KHTATK ACREAGE Nearly an Acre With 6-Room Mod ern Bungalow Located lVi blocka west from end of carllne In Florence on high, sightly point overlooking the river, reservoirs, valleys, lulls and sueroundlng country, affording one of the most magnificent views to be found In this section of at he country Only three blocks from 11- ftratle school. rfH'se nas not water neat, arga east front porch, 14xK ft. Good Ism, with basement. Many fine atiado tree on premises, A fine kvmt with city and country advantages combined. Prio MM). Laay terms. 1 mined is to posses sion. Bs sure and see this property If you want a good home with a beautiful view and modern convsnlenoea George & Company Phone V.jm. W City NaV Hank Bldg Sl'MMKft REHOKTr) FOR RUNT Cottage at Lake Okobojl. fix sleeping rooms, batli, sleeping pori li. Address Mauley !aa'oiiiB. lkoOo)i, la o REAL ESTATE KXCHANGK NICU home. Boulder. Colo. to exchange for Omaha property. P. O. Box a3. -o KKAIj E.STATF KXCIIANOE' FARMS FOR MUSE. We have farm and ranches to ex change for mdse. and mdse. to exchange fir tsrms. Karms must he clear ov slightly enrunnlerd. Iowa 4.5t) stork hsrdwsre. cash only; center of aiate. Ut,0m stock clean gen eral mdse., for good fnrm at right price, will give no eaah. Loan company, lll.Aiki, a good deal for rash or will deal for 1 10 acrea Iowa farm; well ratahltshcd business. Nebraska A fine general stock to ex change for ranch up to Il4.f0 or Jn,0"O; will nay some cash difference If neces sary. ri.'KV stock of general mdse.. southern Nebraska, to exchange 'r I A large listing of stocks In Kansas. Missouri, Colorado. North Dakota, South! Dakota. Minnesota and other aUtea. ! All good value. W. M. NASH & CO. UPKCIAIi tiAND AOF5NTH, 2 Hee Hldg.. Omaha. Neh. IMTKOVBl) ISO 7 acres of corn A acres of wheat, will make Sfi bushela -i"rlce reasonable with or without crop and stock; might eichanse. Hellyer, Repub lican r:y, Neb. prm ExniANtm;. KTS acres. ToUd county, Minnesota, four and one-half miles southwest of Esc'e lirml, and only four hours' ride from Pt. Haul. His, k loam wLI; Clsv subsoil; level tn undulating. Beventy-five acres timothy and clover; balance scattered brush snd timber, with large acreage of open land. Should be owned by some one with suf ficient means to do some tilling and clear ing. With Improvements It can be made one of the best etock farms m the state. Adjoining lands now selling at t't to $100 per acre. Price: iR per acre; purchaser to -riuno mortgsge of flSTR due 1920, at per oent Interest. Want $M00 or more rash, and balance of equity In unen cumbered Panada Ijind HOWARD KVFRFTT Commerce MMg. St. l'aul, Minn o FOR. KXCHANUK. $7i.0flo Oregon Irrigation bonda. Ollt eilgod aecurlty; per Cent Interest, pay able semi-annually. Want clear Mon tana. North Dakota. Wisconsin or Canada lands. HOWARn BVPRffTT. Commerce Idtlg. Bt. Paul. Minn o WANTKU to trade. 1(10 acrea of good land; no sand, all fenced; for a molern K-rantn house In Omana. Call st S38J IWivd Ht. o FOR MAIJS or trade, quarter section of school land In Hherldan County, Kan sas; 1600 school loan on same, due In W24. Adorejss M. R. Uarnett Nowata. Ok). o "fTlK owii'er of considerable Income irop- p(v In Omaha wants to exrnsnge an or part for Inside farm, inside acre or lots. Call Ioiiglaa frnia. Sacrifice Sale Modem ll-room residence, m Tsrk Avs. Ood condition. No reasonable offer re fused. Owner at residence until Thurs day. Non-resident. IU3AL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, S PER CENT TOI.AND TKUMBULI Bee Pldg. 1100 TO 110,000 made promptly. . U. Weed, weaa oiog ISth and rarnam Eta C1TT and factn loans, 5. i'V S per cent J. H. Dumont 4k Co.. 41 Htste BslU. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates, PETERS TRUST CO., 18a rarnam. WANTED CM y loane and warraa'J W. Famam Kmlth A Co., 1.TS0 Farnam Pt. r proper H. Thot Large loana a specialty. t State Bank Bldg MONET on hand for city and farm loana H. W. OMAN Binder, City iNauoi nnal Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. Eaat Nebraska farms. O'KEKFH REAL, ESTATE CO., ISIS Omaha National. Phone Douglas Kit. EE ua first for farm loans la eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6?0 CITT LOANH. C. O. Ca.-iberg, IW-U Brandels Theater Bias. 1 - REAIi ESTATE FARM RsNPH LAMPS FOR lW ArkssMs. IMPROVED 40ft a., part bottom, railroad switch, ciop and posaeaalon, tS,t0. Les lie Ivand CO.. Leslie, Ark CaUltwraiSM. Live Qak Colonies, none batter. Smith Co.. Slt-U Cltjr Nat. Bk. JV. T. t. ma. EXCURSION. July 12 You want to go on thla excursion and see our bargains In California land. If we cannot show you more for your money than anywnere eise In the state. It will cost you nothing. Don't forget the data. W.T.Smith Co.. -City National Bank Bldg JM ACRKS very bast farming land la northeastern Colorado, $10 Pr acre; t caah, balance Us years at per cant. This land Is really worth over US per acre. Wheat on neighboring farms has averased aa high Vs to bushels per acre for the last ten yeara. A. W. Burg 1404 W. O. W. Bldg. COM Id to cool Colorado, In shadow of pines, when hot winds blow. Uet a mountain home site. Denver's mountain parka; beautiful mountain scenery, good water, flue roads. Ideal location for sum mer homes: tttt buys 6oxlu0 feet, worth II (Ml number of bungalows being built; easy payments. Address uenver noun- tain Park Hooit vo., iiu bnampa nt.. Denver, Colo. o Iowa. . writs A emu wnn iif.si Write a good description of your land . . . . ,1 . I. - U(n.. tit.. T. tn.l.n . I ano senc n w ... u x- . 7 , . m., w u Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad kle iii,in ej'vantv.ftva words snrr Friday cvsBlng. Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening ami Sunday morning lur one muuin, ,. w . .. ww v twelve different days lot Pi or M words, 14: or 76 words, ts. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, KAM readers daily la four great M r t ACRKjI. ntar town, on good road; new email house, barn, chicken house; fine water, windmill; about 10 acres of fruit. Price, 4,0U, on easy terma Day & Hess Co. KOLH AGENTS. 123 Pearl St., Council Bluffs o SMALL MIXHOUHl FARM. tt dash and tt monthly, no Interest or taaaa; highly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographs ana tun information. Hunger, it. in. . T. Life Bids.. Kansas city. .Mo. ARB YOU OOlNCt TO BUT LAND? If so you should first set a oocr of the Farm and Real Fstate Journal. It has lands advertised 13 It from nearly every state, so that you can find )uat what you ars looking for in its columns It keeps you Informed oa land oppoi tualtlea In all parta of the country, gives you personal help In finding land. Mens ibo today for a year's subscription, or 10 lor tnree tnonuia trial. It win do stopped st the ead of the time ordered. Farm and Heal Estate Jourlnal. TeT Iowa 40-Acre Farm Four miles of city. About SO acrea rood farm land, balance pasture with plenty of shade aud water. Comfortable 6-room house and barn. A little fruit. An ex cellent place for dairy or truck, or small general farm; chickens or bees. Close In, wun goou roaa 10 cuy, inn cneap si su per acre. M ORB REAL ESTATE CO.. 10& Pearl St., Council Bluffs, Ia. Fine 30 Acre Place Four miles of Council Bluffs, an elegant tract of smooth, rich upland, with good t-room house, six auras, nearly new, vineyard and nice yard. Good road to city, about one and one-halt miles to Broadway street and car line. Price, 7,su. H GKK RKAL USTATH3 Co. 106 Pearl Bt. Council Bluffs Mlaeoarl. oorn acre: 10. (M0 M BI'BH FIX bushels lame ua balance , hence wheat raised on 30 acres land i I am selling. I'-'j acre, M cash, twenty years. Do not let thla pass.' O. 1. tUeltblm. o illt'H LAND Alfalfa, & tons; corn, Mi bushels acre. Price $J6 acre, to cash, I balance 90 years. Rai bargaUl. bee me. U. P. Stebbint I HEAL ESTATE FARM A nMf If LAN II FOR SAI.r. Mlnaeaota. tVt ACRKS 46 mile from Minneapolis one mile from town; Its) acres under cultivation.' balance used for pasture: ran practically all be cultivated; heavy soil: good set buildings, consisting of room house, large barn, granary, coin cribs, windmills, etc; the land will pro fluce SO bushels of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settled, complete Bet of machinery; It head of stock, consisting of 11 oows, balance I .and 2 yeara old; six good horses; ft hogs: chickens; one-half of this yesr's crop and everything on farm goes at ISO per acre; i half cash. Schwab Bros., IOL'8 Plymouth Mldg., Minneapolis. Minn. ' MPHOV h.l Minnesota corn farms, good 'n- h" Come, see, oron rowln frM"..'r ' jrn. r,wiiu tiir iivf). lwi won k rr snonKlble company. St. Croix Valley Land Loan Co.. Drawer H, Rush Clt. Minn. o MINNESOTA ! KVR IOWA OR NEBRASKA FARM Icated In Wilkin county, near Camp bell, on Oreat Northern railroad. The finest of land for wheat, corn, potatoes and alfalfa. Rich black soil, level and well drained - RA INK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha National Bank Rldg. Omaha aatasua. MONTANA ranch for sale; splendiu ranch of about 17U0 acres, and four tanches of Mo acres each In Teton counu. Montana, for sale bv owner, at very nt trscttv price and reasonable terms. Ir rigated and every acre tillable. Railroad cross property and depot on ranch, Mnii nr.d descriptions n application to 11. A Krnaer, Helena. Mont. CAN locate 2S penlc on homealeada ol H2i) acrea each. Guarantee nice, smooth land. Address K. H. Karnsworth, iJlllon Montana. Ilchliras). Big Land Opening On Tuesday, Jnly 6, Only At $9 Per Acre Of Bwlgart's new LMcksuit Township Tract in Manistee county, Michigan. We throw In low) additional acrea in addi tion to the original S.OO aorea. Many who could not leava work last month wanted another chance and requested a reopening. We will not reopen th sale at the former prtce of IS par acre. We cannot now make the price leas than per acre, and this la a lower price than these lands will ever again be offered for. It la still only a fraction of their value and thev will soon be several times that price, No land for sale until ex cursion arrives on ground. Not lens than 40 nor mora than lit) acres to one person. IM down and (7.60 monthly on each . or annual payments. Five per oent off for all caali. No land a. thU price eft 'r cheap rate excursion, which leaves Chi cago Tuesday, July a, U SD a. m. Entire expense from Chicago and return, includ ing board, railroad tare, Pullman aleeper. eto., about II6M. Write Immediately for map-circular, giving all particular These are choloe farm lands adapted for gen eral crops, stock, dairyinK. poultry, truck, fruit) near towns, railroads, mar kets; quirk transportation bv boat or rail to Chicago. Grand Rapids. Detroit. Opportunity of lifetime for wage earner, farm renter oc farm hand to get a farm home. , George W. Swigart OWNKR. 0-I2M First Nat. Bk. Hldg.. Chicago. o f York Roads. LrsT of I.J00 fertile farm sent by state Olflolala. well Improved. HO acre in. payments like rent; etti trade Omaha property on first payment. Address I. m. Bee. Nebraska. COTT BLUFF 1HRKJATKD Ml. miles from nice, thrifty town on Bur lington railroad. Nesrly ail In cultiva tion. Finest quality land, with Ju.-t enough slope for eajiy Irrigation and drainage. Best, in the .world for sugai beeta, alfalfa, potatoes and grain, ai- va plenty or water lor irrigsron, 111- surlng full crops every year, v 111 ex change for city Income or small Iowa or eastern Nebraska farm. PAVNKJ 1NVKSTMKNT COMPANY. Omaha National Bank iildg. Omaha. A WOIU) TO THE WIStt IS SUFFICIENT. A WHOLE DAY'S AROIIING TO A FOOL IS UNAVAIL ING ONLY WISE MEN SHOULD' READ THE FOL LOWING: ' Coma and loin us In our prosperity. Oet In on the ground floor before the raise m price. One man a llatment ran nut today and lie raised his price tb.w per acre I had to stand the raisn, but had you have come yesterday or the dav before. I could have sold you the place for t&.M leas an acre tlen I can sell It to you now. Other llstmenta run out In July and August and each of these will raise In price If I do not Sell them be fore. I have a cinch and can get you the present price If you act right away wliv do yon wait 7 come ana see tor your sulf' that Dawos County lar.d Is aa rich a rountry as there Is in the entire amis $301) land not excepted Your Interest la my interest: your success is my success, and I am here to look for your Interest. but, to take advantage of this ana take advantage of my efforts, you have got to act. "One man can lead a borse to water, but ten can't make him. drink." I ran tell you about this country and I can spend my money heralding the glad tldlniia, but if yu went to get smart and think you know tt all; If you want-to bt bull headed and think that every man Is crooked because he is in tno isna dusi ness, then, I cannot convince) you to come, hut. on the other hand, if you will come . 1 win snow you some 01 me wn uar galna you ever saw In your life. I can sell you a ho trie here n thla unod old garden spot at from H0 00 to C". 00 per acre that wilt equal In productiveness snvthlng you can buy In ine east et from tlOo to $lo0 per acre. (me, let ne allow ?-ou the stuff growing; lot me snow you he wheat all headed out and ready al most for hirvMt: tt niM chow toll the potatoes, the alfalfa toe rye, bailey, spelts and small grain of all kmda, and you should, at least, believe your own eyes. If I haven't got wnat I say 1 have, what object would I Save. In setting sou here only to apend my money on ou taking you around the country and show-, jng you my lands? Don t be silly, but pack yotif grip and cotr.e on up. If you are at all fair you will like my country and you will buy of me a home. If you, haven't one of my catalogues, let nm know and 1 will gladly send It to you, or. better still, come right on up snd let ma show you the reel atuff. Slncerelv yours, "ARAH U HrNOBRFORH, Crawford, Dawes County, Nebraska. cITlBhTl N DO roil 8CW "NTT FA R if The last nusrter 1M) acres of the we I known Hollcnheck bUO-acre farm, IS miles west of Omaha and I miles from Millard. In order that the estate may be telllul quickly we are authorised to sell this last tract for 110 per acre. It will aril for 1175 within a short time. PAYNK INVEBTMKNT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Bldg Omaha. SPECIAL DRIVE 160 acre In Hamilton Co.; 14 tulles from live town, miles south of Central City; 30 ac. pasture, to ac. com, balance 10 ac. alfalfa; no better soil In America: sold laat year ll.too Iba of alfalfa see, J. besides raised I crops of hsy; all Improve ments, built this spring, t-room house, barn 41x00, 16-foot posts, crib and granary tOxeO. It-foot Doats;. chicken and all kind of outbuildings; fenced and crosa-funcr! with woven wire and barbed wire; new swing gates, large bearing orchsrd, all kinds berries and shrubbery, wind mills, supply tanks, water piped underground to every building; ash grove; worth Ur.it per acre, for to days tiJb, subject to tG.uoO mortgage; liberal terms. Write W. M. NASII & CO. Special Land Agents. Cu2 Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb TWO-SECTION CATTLH RANCH, 'SO per oent smooth enough to plow. .''' acres cultivated, balance best ipialitv bard laud, not a foot of sand. Proiiiot- Hie kind of ahort -trass puMurr ami l-n Hint makes bhertjan county, Nelirask-t. famous for Its gr.a-fed U ri .u.l. lit s of water. Will raise alfalfa. i win exenenae rur aocu c-vu Iowa or eastern Nsbraok. c',j ;u . i ., , feeders t here's bin mon.-v in it PAYNK IN'VEtiTMKNT tX.Jul'AY Omaha Nat. Bank bl-lj;. Omahs