Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, WANT AD SECTION, Page 2-C, Image 22

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    1 iii i iii.ii
One of Omaha's Show Places
With few exemptions, out-nr-town vtattora to Oraaha are taken to aee
Happy Hollow
rn you know why 1t mlon of the attrartlona? '
Prftu( HAFPY HOUW la the development of an Idea. Becanae HA PPT
JtOULOW In by far the mont attractive reaidcnre eertlon of Omaha. H-cane
cttlnena ff Omaha are proud of tha hanrt some home In HAPPY HOUAW. Wa
People of Omaha like to ahow our virttors tha beat we have, to wa always ahow
Happy Hollow is Complete
Not that"lt I finished, t that there are no plana for further beautifying and
betterment, but HAPPY IKH.U1W la '
Ready For the Home Owner
All of the public convenience are there. The men who plunned HAPPY
HOLLOW have avaiimed your worrlee: they looked after the grading, the pav
tnr the aewere, the aldewalka, the gnu. the water. They planned eo carefully,
o thouithtfullv, with wvch broad vision of future beauty and development, that
living" In JLVrPY HOLLOW ia at once a delight.
So Well Located
HAPPY HOLlW la only SO minutes by car from tha buaine center, north
of Podge and weet of S!rd ft.
It la reached by paved etreeta, is beautiful for aituatlon, with aplendld view
of the rolling- pral'rtea to the weet.
You Do Not Pay As Much
for HA IT Y HOLLOW loti. with every modern Improvement, with charming mir
ronndlnga. lie for vacant lota, unattractive, unadorned. In part of the city where
all improvement muet yet ba made.
Facts Worth Considering
Think on theaa thlnge If you plan a home. Can you afford to overlook tha
etfety of the Investment, the aatlafactlon of tha family, the aolutlon of the beat
come location!
Terms Are Easy
HAPFT HOLLOW lota are aol do neaay pavmenta. After tha flrat caah pay
nnt you may pay on monthly or quarterly Inatllmenta. Plan your home now.
Select your lot In HAPPY HOLLOW now, alart lliwnlnf your home.
George & .Company
PHONE V. in.
You Will Enjoy
WHY? :
BECAUSIJ-Hrst, because EVANSTON itself, with its wind
ing streets, its parking, its views, its surroundings, is beautiful
and pleasing. Then, too, our. salesmen, will take pleasure in
showing you around in a courteous manner without trying to
force you to buy. They will take you and your family at any '
tiir.e of the day or evening in large, easy-riding, Cadillac Cars to
see EVANSTON and the entire district surrounding, so that
you may not only judge the lots but the whote community.
The success of our sale eo far rests greatly in the "fact that we
are selling at wholesale prices, leaving a retail profit. for the
purchaser. '
EVANSTON of fern you a place to build a home, not a bouse.
Call Douglas 269(5 now and make an appointment to see
EVANSTON as soon as possible. Three lots sold yesterday
it. will pay you to make your selection early while you have '
beautiful lots to select from.
H. H. Harper & Company
Watch This
Every Sunday we will advertise ow
bargain in this space.
For this week's special we offer
1431 Pinkney St
$300 Cash, $35 Per Month
Six rooms, nearly new and thoroughly mod
ern, finished in hard wood throughout. Full
. basement, laundry, etc. Lot 50x124. One
half block to Sherman avenue car, only short
distance to Kountze Park. Worth $4,750,
buHf sold at once price will be $4,000.
The Byron Reed Co.
- . 1 . A . 11 i 4 S 1 T V WV A. . . W
enouia grc m on me "uuuujnjj jj'LUUU" rv coming
out TODAY. LOOK INTO this remarkable addition. .
Salesmen will be on the ground all day. It will soon bo
platted and the pricoa will averago around $700, with all
improvements paid for. Hundreds of lots lower in price
and some higher. -
Chas. W. Martin & Co.
742 Omaha Natl Bank.
Tyler 187.
Stop! Look!
A' Sample Lot
gains in Omaha
Residence Property
Omaha haa gone forward with remarkable strides in the
last few years, and in the outlying Residence districts,
some large tracts have been developed into high-clawa
districts. Nowhere, in'or near the city, has this change
been so remarkable as in the MILLER PARK District.
FOUB YEARS ago "Norwood" Was a cornfield, and when A FeW Of Olir Bar-
platted lota sold there from $600 to $1,000, today these
lots are SELLINO for $1,500 to $3,000 and it is one of the
"Beauty Spots! of Omaha,
THREE YEARS ago "Newton" and "MlecTest" were platted
and sold, and these lota are selling for bOJb more than!
" they were sold for originally. - '
TWO YEARS ago "LauroW" was platted and sold bv us;
and TODAY there are no, lots for sale there, and 90 PER
CENT of the lots have fine homes n them.
. . . .
ONE YEARgo (in May, 1914,) we platted "BELLE ISLE"
lying south of Miller Park and west of 24th street, audi
TODAY all street improvements are in, paving is being
done now and ONE-HALF of the lots are improved with
fine homes. Do you know of ANY other location where
ruch remarkable growth has occurred!
Tins YEAR we are platting "MINNE LUSA" lying NORTH
.of Miller Park and extending from 24th street to 30th
street It is more than twice as Jargo as all of these
other additions COMBINED and is the largest addition
ever platted at one time in Omaha. Hi LOCATION is
ideal and its surroundings wonderful its future ia as
sured, nothing can stop it. -
Bargain in
Vacant Lots
Town High, Sightly and
.42d to 45th Streets, Leavenworth to
Right in
Water, Gas, Electricity, Sewer and
Cement Sidewalk For Every Lot.
We will soon offer these inside Ad
dition Lots at outside addition prices.
Benson & Carmichael
Tel. Doug. 1722 642 Paxton Block
A large and cornmodlotii modern houao
with hardwood flniah and every conveni
ence; beautiful rorner lot Txl5 feet. In
the cholce.t part of the Went Karnani
Dletrlrt. PRICK 118.00ft, Tou have only
to examine this property to realle what
a bargain price this la. If you count the
Improvement what they are worth you
would pay hut mighty lull or the
around, and lota In the Immediate vicin
ity, no better, If aa good, have recently,
old for 1154 per front foot,
i . '
A very dead-able T-room hotiee with
south and eaat front corner lot, abun
dance of ahade and ahrubbery; one block
from atreet car. within eaay walklna d la
in nee of rhun he. of four denomination
and publla and parochial schoola. 1'rlce
f.,o0. Owner leaving the city and inl!it
actept aa offer of something leas.
. . ', 1
Seven-room modern house with hard
wood finish end hot water heat; lot S)xiaj
feet, tn tlie north part of the city, I'rW-o
SS.OijO. An .uo-to-d ate 'and desirable home
in a fine neighborhood.
Nine-room modern house, on a quiet
street In the best part of the Hanai-oin
Park District: lot 73x1411 feet, with fine
shade and shrulis. This house has oak
finish and hardwood floors, hot water
heat, cistern with pumps, In kllehen and
laundrv and la desirable In every way.
Price tJ.OoO.
rTWen-i-oom house with six bed rooms
and two sleeping porches, hardwood ftn
Ixli, oak floors, hot water heat and every
convenience; two corner lota on grade,
streets pared. Price 1.000. This Is a
very choice home In an exceptionally Tine
nelKhborhood, one block from Karnam
car line, and will please you If you want
something extra choice.
Ten-room brick veneer modern borne,
with exceptionally fine plumbing. Includ
ing three both rooms; hot wster heat: lot
WX16G feet: one block south of the Fur
nam car line, tn the best part of the
West Karnam District. Price 123.000. This
Is the full price, but the property is ex
ceptionally desirable and the owner might
accept a lower offer.
ABeautiful Building
Seven -room modern housa with hard
wood fliUHli and all modern conveniences.
Price II.UW. Ut VixlM feet. This iiuusa
has a bed room or den and bath room
vu the first floor and would be fine for
a mixed family of old and young people.
IV.xl.m feet . in the Cathedral dtxtilct
double street frontage, both atreet
raved and paid for. Price tsi p r front
foot. This Is only a. little over lil.WO. and
t I .( nil. rn htUl'.l felliR filiulit .all
I that price. Special reasons for .elliiig at
ims tow price.
J. H. Dumont & Co.
116-18 State Bank Vldg. rtione. Potig. K
Corner tot, one block from car line, 4th
Ave. and William St., about S feet above
grade, $300. 1
Evans fit., between 34th and 3th .Sis.. 3
fret above grade, I'JOO.
Corner lot, 2d, and Francis fits., on
grade, 1200. MONTHLY PAYMENTS.
Pearl St., Counell Bluffs, Ia.
.JiiBt, your property with
The Byron Reed Co
Heal Estate and Rental Agents.
300 MUST be sold. Five-room. modern
cottage, 1T1 N. 28th St. Worth 2.760,
reduced to 12.300. timu cash. KlKh t-room
house and two iota near 17th and tiprlng
Hts., J.'.i'io 1150 cash, 7-room house. Call
owner. Douglaa 3M1. ,
5-Room House
New & All Modern
Oak finish In living room and din
ing room, two blocks) from school,
one block from car line, cement
walks are in, full nixed basement
with floor drain, electric fixtures
nnd window shades furnished.
Hullt-ln bookcases, large cupboards
in pantry.
Price $2,700
This, place" will compare favor
ablv -with homes aelllng from
fc:.(O0 fc) ,200. , This la a rual bar
gain. Jok it over as It will soil .
this week. , Terms to suit
70S Omnha National Bank Bldg.
I'hone Dounlas li:J.
Pundavs and i'enlngM, WhMer-4RK.
Two Houses for
Price of One
On south wt corner of t7th und Taylor,
0.1. block aoctb of Amc. Ave., we have
s'x-room all niodrn houne not three
yettia old and locnlml un a fine lot focinf
en.t. tin the reur ot this m lot la n
nest fnur-room cottage, poih are rented
to good tenants and biing e'i Per month
We are ol (erlng this vnllro proerty fot'
We are offering a fine seven-room mod
ern house st tad North ii'th Ae. The
iiouse is well arranked, in fine condition,
und onx of the prUiet and nioel slshtlv
Ucatiuii ta I Hindi . The owner has been
er.llfd to aaother I'v aud la piking thl
fjr Mi'ii k ealti at .".
818 SO. Wtll KTHEKT.
We are sure if you would look at this
It will please you. A fine two-story
r nusv. almost new and, entirety modern.
Willi fine ok tlnlioi. I'ast front and
filly one block to car Tk It for t3s
:ii Fo. ITth St., fndcr Un.ahn Nat. Pank
t'n-tcdatr. with light oak tuilah, nicely
de ot-d. fall basement, sleeping porch,
eulc, tvvd street, Kounlse Pia-.-e di-
tilct. Only -!-, oa esay payments.
4t Omaha Nat bldg U. I -X, Web. .
1 houses and cottaares from 11.000 to
1 houses from fS IM to .H.
housea from 6,6W to tlS.OlO.
Ve huve pictures of all our good houses.
Come In and l't UB show them to you.
Rea,l Kstate, Ixsn, Insurance,
Rentals. IHc.
w: Bee Bldg. Office Phone Red 36.
Sunday Harney 1137
2uu2 N. ioTH -room modern cottage, hot
water heal; W down, balance pay-
meuts. &vu). Owner, liuom I, Paxton lilk.
you are rot going to be perfectly satis
fleii, with, rome to u. We will find a lot
In the neighborhood you prefer and then
build house tlvat will "Conform with your
Hlena down to the siallost detail. A
moderate cash payment uud the balance
inor.thiv. '
"o.-p ln.
We like to visit.
2 Two Room
l Houses
2409 and 2411
Hartman Ave.
2 north front lots, 40x132 each,
'4 blocfc west of 24th St. car line;
fruit Veeg .'on lots v with improve
ments on each lot that will run eas
ily J250.' If you want a nice build
ing eite you want to see these lota
at once, as they are bargains at the
price we are quoting. See' us for
price and terras. j j
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
230 Omaha Nat. fik. fildg. D. 498
Douglas 297.
-212 So. 17th.
Some of Omaha's Most
Beautiful and Costly Residences
Are Desirable, Close Neighbors
Of Creston Annex '
"Creston Annex" Is happily placed on the north side of Davenport
St., covering the distance between 86th and 38tH streets. Each lot lies a1
few feet above grade, therefore answering ideally for home building pur'
Just 22 Lots
And All Good Ones
. Do You Want
A Bargain?
Itrand new nil mr,4.. K -
and bath; 3 rooms In oak; one a sun-'
room; beam ceiling, bookcases, window
.seat; well arranged kitchen, with con-'
venient pantry and leo box room; bath
room, t II H init nriumul ulrh d. ... n I
fixtures: lighting fixtures can be se
lected by buyer; stairs to second floor,
which is large enough to tlnlah 3 rooms.;
cement basement; furnace heat; hot and
cold water; fine, large lot. paved atreet;
tloae to car; located In Boulevard Park
addition. Price 3.0); about fTOU cash ot
vacant lot as part payment
Rasp Bros.
No such a thing as a "fllled-in" lot In Creston Annex, and a dellghtfu)
panoramic view of the entire city may be obtained from almost any point
The lots are all full size, the corners on Davenport St. being 58 front feet
while the remaining lots are 50 feet. ,
Ground as near as 38th St., scarcely more than a stone's throw away)
has sold for as much as 3125 per front foot; use your own Judgment, then,
as to whether the natural law of property value raises will eventually ln
elude "Creston Annex."
A Glorious Outlook for Creston Annex
Right at the Top of the Hill
In the West Farnam District
If "view point," "handsome outlook" and exquisite points ot visioi
would effect the sale of a property, then every lot In Creston Annex is a!
ready sold, for there isn't a prettier view point in all Omaha. The entln
city Is tn sight from any lot; come of the pride homes and handsome rest
dences of Omaha are close neighbors, while beautiful St. Cecilia cathedra
looms up close by. Taken all in all, one could not ask for a prettier siglr
than that which greets the eye from Creston Annex. The air hero is crisp
bracing and admittedly healthful; business and factory life is far enougt
away to leave Creston Annex as a "place to live" pure and simple. . Watcl
this spot a few years hence.
The Portion With Prestige
Creston Annex is heralded as a site for a "home": every lot contained
therein will sell and satisfy on the "place to live" baris; parties buyltn
here would seek cheaper, less inviting, less valuable outlying property 1
buying purely and simply for a supposedly quick raise in value.
The onrush of time and the advance of business has not affected tli
extreme desirability of this residential section. ' It still rema'ns it wll
remain THE portion with PRESTIGE. A home established here wil
content you always .,
The Price Range
Douglas 16.3.
It McCague Bldg.
See This Place
If you want a very desirable 6-room
completely modem new house.
Located 43J0 Wakeley Ave., between
Uavenport and Chicago streets. This
".H.!r on lttre aouti front lot.
60x128, is three blocks from the Dundee
car and l mlnutea' ride from ISth and
r fir nam fete. It la a well built end well
planned house. One you will be proud to
own. The principal rooms are on the
first floor and have oak floors, and fin
ish, liedrooms and bath oit second floor.
Kumwe. screens, shades, built-in book
caxes, roomy porch; In fact, all that
goea to make a comfortable, house is
here. If you want a home of your own
that is In a new restricted residential
dHtkt yovi will be repaid if you see
this now. You can buy on the eaay
payment plHn for J."! cash and W per
month. K.'ya at our office. .
Creigh, Sons & Co.
J'licne loiKltis ski.
UO Paxton Blk
On the Boulevard
4113 North 20th St.
f rooms and sleeping porch. This nouse
Is less than I years old. Is worth l.l.7't.
but owner needs the nutuey and will ae
for 3.3"". The best map tn tha city.
W. S. Frank
3U1 Neville IUock.
North Side Snap on
Your Own Terms
Seven rooms, practically new, fin
ished In oik, consisting of living
room, dining room and sun room on
first floor; S nice bedrooms and
sleeping porch on second. Plenty of
shade, beautiful lot, one block from
Car line.
Glover & Spain
D. S6J. 1 City National.'
lloOL end corner K.i. fma tooatiun,
Jl.k. Obiter poiiremdeiit. liargatu fur
soiuovos. Ki. f. tetebUus.
R0 Hee BMg.
Near Miller Park
100x127 Feet v '
Beautiful Shade
At MA v. 24th. you will find a 6-room
house, modern In everv ay except heat,
that leraonal Inspection alii convince
ydu Is actually worth more than what
we are asking for If. Ulg ahadu trees In
front, on paved street, with paving paid
lion fenv. eroeti front of lot; lts of
shrubliery; good chicken yard, and the
chicken house fenced; in fact, you can
not bent li. so do not put It off It you
""P1. tob.ujr- c"" today, or go direct
and look It over.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
i.' Omaha Nat. Bk. 'nidg. Douir. 4sei.
New Five Room
. 4949 No. 36th St.
The ether day we lniected a 5-room
brick Luum. i yars old, all modem, that
e deem exceptionally good. Iwtt uxi;o
ft. and one ot the prettiest views of the
river and Iowa bluf s you could fin."
4 blorka from Ames Ave. car; very srood
neighborhood, iiouse tould not be built
for leas than the price we are aenlng Jor
the finished property. 1'rKe on applica
tion, fan arrange reasonable terms.
Hiatt-Fairfield Co.
M Omaha Nat. ik. Kldg. uouv.
C'banoa tor someone to get a ni e bonie
st IW rljrht pnee, as owuor ta luav loa
the vlty. tt.i.
647 Omaha National Hank Pldg.
Iougliui lH. V coster
Take locality, surroundings and admittedly .choice district into cons d
eratlon, and you'll admit that the price quoted on any of the iwenty-tw
Creston Annex lots is reasonable East front lots on 37th St. 'at $47 pel
front foot; west front lots on 37th St., $42 per front foot; east front lot
on 36th Ave., $37 per front foot, and west front lots on 36th Ave. at f 3!
per front foot.
The Terms
offered to purchasers are reasonable 10 per cent down and 1 per cent pe:
month. Corner lots, while slightly higher, present many inducements bj
reason of their extremely choice location. Handsome corner lots an
offered at northeast and northwest corners of 37th and Davenport Sts ni
at northeast and northwest corners of 36th Ave. and Davenport Sts. Aui
"Creston Annex" lot will be considered one of the fine "buys" of Omaha,
Reasonable Building Restrictions in
Force For This Must Remain a
a Desirable Residential District
Supplement the information of this announcement, facts and descrip
tions with a personal trip through "Creston Annex" and you'll admit ti
yourself: "My round of inspection trips Is over; I shall buy in Crestoi
Annex, If I buy at all!" Creston Annex hasn't a single point against ltl'
the ground lies level; "lies beautifully; is within quick: distance of th
business center, yet retains residential excluslveness and genteel,, hontei
like characteristics. 'Twill be a real home, a pleaaureable home, if buil
In "Creston Annex." . . r
A. P. Tukey & Son
1507-8 W. O. W. "BLDG. 'Phone Douglas 503. OMAHA, NEB.
The most popular classification in Tha
Bee today is the "Swappers' column." It
reduces the cost of living by enabling
you to swap off articles you were going
to have to throw away, for others you can
use. It is a real money-maker for scores
of people who are devoting their entire
time to making deals with other swap
pers. Some of these people are making a
business out of it and others are making
money that they consider as just so much
The "Swappers' Column" does not
appear in any other Omaha paper. You.
can only reach these interested people
through The Dee.
Come to the Bee office and let us show
you what others are doing and how you
can make profitable use of the "swappers'
column." ' ,
Telephone Tyler 1000
' r?U4r JUaJ Bm$ WW Ue.