Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    he Omaha Sunday
Head of Big New York Banking
Home ii Shot Twice at Hit
Home at Glen Core,
Long Island
Auailant Gives Name of Frank Holt
and Sayi He Teaches. German
i at Cornell.
II , -
KB WYORK. July 8. Police Cep
talo Tunoey of the detective- bureau
at police headquarters announced
tonight that Holt bad confessed to
having set the bomb that exploded
last night la the capitol at Wash
ington. NEW YORK. July 8. An attempt
to assassinate J. P. Morgan was made
at Mr. Morgan's country estate near
Glen Cove. L. I., today. Mr. Morgan
waa shot, but not seriously wounded.
His assailant was a man who said he
was F. Holt, an instructor in German
at Cornell university, and also of
Dallas, Tex.
Tb Cornell university records contain
th name of Frank Holt. Ha waa an In
structor of German ther during tha last
year. Ha waa to So to the University of
Texas as a professor in German for the
coming year.
Henry ' Flske, Mr. Morgan's butler,
doubtless saved his employer from more
serious injury - by felling tho aeeallant
with a blow from a coal bod and over
powering him. Holt waa locked up in
th Glea Cove Jail and from hie cell Is
sued a statement asserting that he waa
Impelled to go to Mr. Morgan to per
suade him to-atop tha shipment of muni
tions of war from this country abroad.
Tha man who shot Mr. Morgan came to
Glea Cove this morning on the.8:63 train.
hired an automobile and went to tha
Morgan' hom on Matlnlcock Point. Ha
rang tha oell. and when the butler an
swered. called for Mr. Morgan. Ha
said that b waa an old friend of Mr.
Morgan, but was refused admission to
the house.
Th man then pressed a platol against
the stomach of the butler, who screamed,
and pushed his way ; past tha servant
into th ball. Mr. Morgan was ap
prohJaguJ;hjifx$flt door" through Ihe
hail at th time. He asked what the
trouble waa. Th answer waa a shot,
which took effect la th blp. .
i Batter IMsarasa Hlaa.
' Mr. Morgan staggered and fell Into a
chair. Th butler, once the assailant's
back ' waa turned, picked up a brass
coal hod from tha fire-place and brought
It down on th assailant's head, but too
lata to prevent a second shot.
The butler fell on the man, wrested
th weapon away and overpowered him.
Servants came running in answer 'to his
call and tha sheriff 'a of floe and ' a phy
sician wer telephoned. The man waa
arrested ana taken to Glen Cove. There
he refused to say anything and would
not give his nam.
A satchel which th maa brought to
Glen Cove was found near a hedge on
th Morgan property. Th satchel waa
filled with dynamite.
. It waa said that the aasallant was seen
yesterday in th neighborhood of Mr.
Morgan's bom.
Another version of th entrance of th
Intruder Into th MoVgan hous Is to th
effect that he bad no trouble in gaining
admission. - H went to th door and
. asked to see Mr. Morgan, aaying that he
was an old friend. Word waa taken to
Mr. Morgan that some on wanted to see
. him.
The financier came out of his breakfast
room into tho main hall. Immediately
upon his appearance tha intruder shot
at him. Ha had two revolvers and used
them both.
There la still some discrepancy in th
statements as to Just where th bullets
truck Mr. Morgan. While the report
baa it that the first shot wounded him
In th leg and tha second near the pit
of tha stomach. The wound Inflicted her
Is th most serious of th two. .
eral Skvta Fired.
It la related that several shots wer
fired by tha assailant, but that all but
two went wild. .
Dr. W. IL Seabrtakt of Glen Cove was
Immediately summoned and Dr. Marko
ef this city waa sent for. Mr. Morgan's
wounds wera examined and word given
ut that It waa not believed that they
war necessarily serious.
Mr. Morgan and his wife and daugh
ter went to their summer home to Glea
Core after th marrlag recently ef his
son. Junius Spencer Morgan, Js Boston.
Matlnlcock Point, where the Morgan
home Is located, is almost surrounded
by water and Is about two to three miles
from th central part of th rlllag of
Glen Cove. '
Carried Nltroglyeerta.
Whan Mr. Morgan's assailant arrived
In Glen Cove from New York on a train
this morning he hired an autorooble from
a garage near th s tal ion and was driven
by a chauffeur. Mathew Cramer, to th
Continued on Page To, Column One.)
The Weather
Forecast till 1 p. m. Sunday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity
-Partly cloudy, not much change In
at Omaha
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I f ',CLXrr G is a. m..
l vcttt& u m
HURRAH FOR THE FOURTn OF JULYI It typifies tho spirit of Old Glory! It makes
the torch of liberty shine brighter! It recalli brave deeds of the founders of the republic!
'' - , '
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M. tU-tmr
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Reception Room in' Senate Win; is
Damaged by Explosion Just
Before Midnight.
. a
WASHINGTON, July 3. Tha pub
lic reception room In the senate wins
of the United States capitol was
wrecked Just before last ' midnight
by an explosion, probably caused by
a bomb or an infernal machine. No
one was Injured and today there was
only one clue, a letter received by
the Washington Times, an evening
newspaper, announcing that it would
take place.
The letter was mailed nearly two hours
before the explosion. It waa signed "R.
PeareV, and Indicated that th writer
had been waiting for an opportunity t
carry out hla plan, which, he eald, would
be "tli exclamation point of his career.'.'
Only en man of that name is In th
Washington city directory. A search was
begun for him.
Officials at first believed th axplo
sion was cauaed by spontaneous combus
tion ' or escaping gas. They abandoned
that tin of investigation and proceeded
on th theory that tho explosive was
placed by a crank seeking to create a sen
sation or by some foreign sympathiser,
seeking to register his disapproval of tha
pollcica of the United States government.
Damage la 'Sllcht.
Part of tha celling and si da walla of th
room were shaken down. A huge mirror
and a crystal chandelier shattered, and
tha doors blown open., One of the doors
led into the office of the vice president
and is said not to have been opened for
forty years.
Tha building had been closed sine dark
and there was no one in it but the watch
man and th telephone switchboard
operators. Watchman Jones, on th floor
be'.ow at th east entrano. aald he vfaa
blown from, hla chair by th explosion.
Superintendent Woods said ha had ex
amined th structural features of tha
building and found that there was no
damage other than in tha immediate vi
cinity of th reception room.
Three Armed Men
Bob Paymaster
BAN FRANCISCO, Cal., July . -Three
armed men held up today an automobile
carrying SS.SOO for tha week'a pay roll of
th Paclflo Coast Glass company la th
heart et tb factory district, forced th
cashier and an assistant, who wer
armed, to dismount and drove off In the
automobile with th money In bag at
their feet.
AMSTERDAM (via London). July S.
Tho Berlin Tageblatt atates that a flra
in a distillery at Koenlgsberg, Prussia,
destroyed more than a million quarts of
The Bees Fundi for
Free Mills anil Ice
It's just lack that the weather has'
been cool till now, . .When it. heats
up the call for fresh milk and ice
for Che little ones will be all the
louder i , , V , , '
This fund is being gathered to be
ready to answer that call. ,
Contributions from 10 cents to $5
are solicited and will be acknowl
edged in this column.
lrTiotisly acknowledged aeS .OO.
O. R.' WlthaeU 1-00
SC. O. Onnaa .M
"Oenevie ve HllsabeHh" ....... .60
Vo nam ' 1.00
O. m. Big-utter.... 1.00
Joe IS. Xnmmel a. 00
Government Loses
Suit to Dissolve
Reading Combine
United States district court today ran
dered a decision in favor of the de
fendant in the government autt to dis
solve tha Reading company and to
'separata th New Jersey Central railroad
from th Reading.
Army Aviator
Loops the Loop
SAN DIE3QO, Cat, July t Lieutenant
Byron V. Jones, th young army aviator
who recently established a record for
sustained flight while carrying a pas
senger, looped the loop four consecutive
times her yesterday at an altitude o
4.000 feet. He uaed : a standard arrrty
biplane th first time, it is said, such
machine have been employed In that
kind of a performance. ' The motors
stopped while th aviator was on his back
in the fourth loop, but he managed to
complete - th circle aad then volplaned
Limerick Time is
But One Way to
Pardon th intrusion, but have you ,
written that limerick yetT About Buf
falo Bill? '
For, you know, tha time is growing
short In which to whs on of th forty
fiv prise offered by The Be for th
best limerick on the famous plainsman.
"There Is everything from $1S In money
to a circus ticket in that list of prises
and you'll want to
Beg pardon T Why tha circus ticket?
fclmply because Buffalo Bill's Original
fWUd West, to be exact Th big show
will be bar Thursday, July S, at Twenty-first
and PauL And tha ciroa
ticksts that ar Included fa Tb Bee's
Two Turkish Steam and One Sail
Craft Are Sent to Bottom of
. . V, .'Black. Sea.:. ...
' PETROGRAD, July 5. (Via Lon
don, 11:26 a. m.) The activity of a
Russian submarine in the Black sea
is recounted In an -official statement
issued by the admiralty today. The
undersea boat- sank two Turkish
steamers' and one sailing ship, with
cargoes of coal and' provisions, and
then exchanged shots with three ar
mored schooners off the mouth of
the Bosphorus, driving- them ashore.
Th text of the etateroont follows:
. , ,.u ,' , w m.Ai, p-.
today torpedoed ana sanx a steamer oi
$.600 tons. , It then set fir to and sank
a sailing ship of 1.C00 tons. Subsequently
. ..n .t..m.r wss sent to tha bottom.
Th three vessel were In th neighbor-
hook of Kesken ' and war laden with
coal and provision.' . ,
"The submarine also shelled another
steamer anchored in th river and sev
eral coal barge and a tug were driven
."Near th mouth of th Bosphorus th
submarine , came Into action with an ar
mored schooner. After an exchange of
shots this vessel, .with .two others of a
similar type, wer run ashore."
Tarks Report Defeat of Allies. .
Oerman Wireless to London, July $.)
Th repulse of British assaults on the
GailipoU' peninsula la rworted in an of
ficial atatsment issued today at th Tur
kish war. office. The communication fol
lows: "Renewed attacks by th British dur
ing th last three days 'near Art Burnu
and Seddul Bahr war beaten off with
heavy enemy losses. Th British wer
driven back Into their old positions."
Getting Short, s
Take Part in Game
Ust of prise will opes th way for th
sight of everything from Indians and
aartallat to clowns aad blood sweating
teamotha, not to mention th Uy
phants and th twos(ooont m two
Tha contest Is open to everybody. The
subject must be Buffalo Bill and- tha
writing may be humorous or serious, Just
as you choose, just so it's a limerick that
reaches us not later than midnight
Monday night. Thursday, directly after
th parade of th Be Us-Kioto circus.
Buffalo Bill will appear before th office
of Th Be to glv forth prises.
So If you're a bit late, corn in be
fore tTa too lata.
Former Mexican Preiidenoe Once
More Taken in Custody and
Placed in Cell When Bond
Not Furnished.
Five Others Are Also Taken
Charge by the Authorities of
United States.
EL PASO. Tex., July S. General
Viotorlano Huerta was re-arrested
here today on a federal warrant Is
sued at Ban Anronlo charging con
iplracy to violate the neutrality
laws of the United Statos by attempt
ing to launch a revolutionary move
ment In Mexico.
Arrested with him were General Ignaclo
Bravo and Jose Del Ouado. '
They were taken before Oeorgw B.
Oliver, Wlted States commission for ar
raignment and fixing of bond.
Arrested Karlter In Day.
General Eduardo Cans and J. B. Ratner,
and Enrlgule GorosUta, asnocinted .of
General lluertj, were arrested earlier In
the day. Although federal authorities
were silent as to the slgnlflsnce of the
case it waa understood that the Ban
Antonio charges probably will supersede
those filed here. I wan believed that the
new bonds would be materially increased
snd that after' a speedy hearing the de
fendants would be taken to Pan Antonio.
CommlnHloner Oliver fixed the bond of
each defendant at S15.0U) despite the fact
i that It. E. Crawford, aeltant I nlted
States district attorney snked that
Huerta'a bends be set at $100,000, and the
bond of each of the others at $15,000. .
General Huerta and the five arrested
with him this afternoon failed to secure
bond and shortly after 6 o'clock were
taken to the county jail. A military
guard probably will be stationed around
th building.
Ordered to Et Paee.
WASHINGTON. July S.-Unltd States
Attorney Camp st Ban AMonlo Kas been
ordered to EI Taso by Attorney Oeneral
ffregory to take personal charge of the
overnment'a .'rase against General
iluerta. The administration has decided
to nrosecul Huerta for consplrscy to
Incite w revolution against a friendly na
tlon. ror the present no effort will be
mado to deport him aa aa undesirable
allan. If a conviction is not returned,
recourse may b had to tha Immigration
laws. Officials her feel th uao against
Iluerta Is atropg. . ' 1
' Tarraasa Aafc Raerta. '
BAN ANTONIO. Tex.. July S.-An ap
plication to the United 8tates for formal
extradition of Vlctoriano Huerta. Felix
Dlai, Manuel Mondragon and Aurellano
Blanquet waa filed with Secretary of
State Lansing yesterday afternoon by
EUso Arrendondo, confidential agent for
Carransa.- ";
The text of tha application was received
here this morning by wire. It ealla the
attention of the American government to
alleged crimes committed during Febru
ary, 1911, uprising in Mexico City and
lays tha blame for Madero'a death to tha
alleged combination. It then asserts that
they are planning another revolution and
aaks that they be detained and sent back
to Mexico for trial, V.
Armenian Incident
Closed-So Far as U.S.
Officially Concerned
WASHINGTON, July S.-Officlal ad
vices to the State department today ra
; tabllahed that the British liner Armenian
attempted to escap in uerman suo-
'marine, which sun It In consuaMrnce of
jit. effort to vad capture.
Embassador Pag reported that th Ar-
menlan originally had been requisitioned
, by th British government, but that the
I requisition waa cancelled before Us sail
Wg irom fiswpun rtewa. . rvriuuiijr in
British government had Informed Am
bassador Pnie that the "ship was en
gaged In admiralty business.
Its status is not regarded as essential
by officials in view of th fact that th
alnklng of a ship making repeated at
tempts to escape is held to be Justifiable
under international law.
8o far as the United Slates is ' con
cerned the Incident seems to be closed.
Th State department was advised to
day that four survivors of the Armenian
had left for Newport News from Bristol
on th Victoria and fifty-six others on
the Winlfredlan by way of Cardiff. This
accounts for sixty of th members of
th crew. There were no passengers.
Only -One Killed
in Takoma Wreck
TACOMA, Wash., July 1 One man
was killed and about fourteen persons
Injured, When two coaches of a Chicago,
Milwaukee et tit. Paul passenger train
fell through a trestle today onto a
freight train passing underneath, near
Rainier, twenty miles south of her.
Th dead and Injured hav been taken
to Rainier. .
The man dead Is Lewis Bradaen of
Eeattla, contracting freight agent f th
Milwaukee railroad. Mr Bradaen was
badly injured.
Belgian Steamship
Sunk by Torpedo
LONDON, July a Th Belgian steam
ship Boduognat was torpedoed and sunk
today by a Oerman submarine. Th
crew was landed at Falmouth.
Tho Boduognat waa 1.441 ton gross
and waa built at Sunderland In W. It
Was 14 feet long, thirty-eight feet beam
and seventeen feet deep. It wss last re
portad at Port Ralbot. Kngiand. on June
11 Th steamer was owned by the Ant
werp Shipping company.
British Ambassador Guest of Finan
cier When He Is
Shot. .
GI.F.N COVE, July 3. It was
learned authoritatively lata here to
day that the British ambassador. Sir
Cecil Bprlna-IUce, was the uest of
Mr. Morgan over night and was at
the breakfast table today and wit
nessed the shooting of the financier.
A statement Issued by the Morgan firm
shortly be fir 4 p. ra. reads:
An examination of Mr. Morgan dis
closes that there ar two Outlet .wounds
In th region of hla right hip. There
ar no unfavorable symptom and ha la
resting easily.
(6lgnd) "II. M. LTLB,
"Timed. 1:80 p. m., Glen Cov. N. T."
Th above statement waa signed by
Mr. Morgan's attending physicians.
Holt made the following statement to
the Associated Press:
My home la in Dallaa, Tex. I left
a wife and children and am 40 years old.
waa born In thla country and so wer
my father and mother. My ancestors
were French and Oerman: it ws all
mixed up. I received a degree of doctor
of philosophy from Cornell In Wit. but
before that I waa instructor In French.
was formerly an instructor In Vander-
bllt university.
feed Own Nasae.
'I came to New Tork two weeks ago
from lthara and put up at th Mills
hotel at Thirty-sixth street and Seventh
avenue. I took no pains to conceal my
Identity and registered under my own
About a month ago I conceived th
Idea to see J. P. Morgan and get htm to
use his Influence In stopping th exporta
tion of arms which mak you and m re
sponsible for th murder whioh la going
on over there.
"I could not go from manufacturer to
manufacturer myself, but thought that
Mr. Morgan's banking connections' would.
render It more easy for him to accom
plish this.
I lwe not been Influenced to do thla
by anybody else. I think President Wil
son's notes wer fine, but they did not
Coadltloa Excellent. .
A statement issued by th Morgan firm
shortly befire 1 p. in. reads:
A further examination of Mr. Mor
gan's wounds show that th bullet did
not Involve any vital organs. Th condi
tion of tha patient continues excellent
SlgnHl .' . ' . ' "
"J. w. MAiucoa
According . td tli legal paper upon
which Holt' was committed, on of th
bullets passed through Mr. Morgan and
the other remained In hla tissues and
was afterwards removed by a surgical
rioit was arraigned late today on a
charge of assault with tnteut at mallo
lous killing. He demurred to th word
malicious and finally pleaded not guilty.
Justice Luyster held him without baU
for further examination next Wednesday
afternoon. i
Russia Issues
' Popular Loans
for Half Billion
PETROQRAD. July a (Via London)
Th official journal today published an
Imperial edict authorising tb Russian
minister of finance to mak two Issues of
treasury obligations of S26O.00O.00O each.
Tha issue Is to b In the shap of S par
cent short term notes, free of income
tax. . i " :
Th Issue will be In denominations of
from $50 upwards. Thla low denomina
tion Is expected to give th loan a popo
lar aspect and to appeal to foreign aa
well as Russian investors. Th Issue is
to run for six month beginning today.
Whitman is Sure
of Becker's Guilt
ALBANY, N. T., July a Governor
Whitman, In a atatement issued today,
gave Martin T. Manton permission to di
vulge any names which Manton men
tioned to him In his appeal for executive
clemency for former Polio Lieutenant
Charles Becker. In th statement th
governor aald he was "absolutely con
vinced" that Becker Is guilty."
NEW TORK, July S.-On th authority
of Charlea Becker's counsel, Martin T.
Manton, It was said today that If Becker
falls In his appeal to tha United States
supreme court h will, before going to
the electrto chair, for th murder of Her
man Rosenthal, mak a public dlscosur
of the name of the men with whom he
Is alleged to have divided $100,000 In graft
money collected from gamblers and keep
ers of illegal resorts during his career as
head of th famous polio , strong-arm
squad. Six men, some of them police de
partment officials, are understood to be
involved in th statement Becker bas
prepared while awaiting th outcome of
appeals to Governor Whitman and tb
United States supreme court.
It was reported that Becker's attempt
would explain the death of "Big Tim"
Sullivan, who was believed to hav been
killed by a New Haven railroad train.
British Ship Gadstiy
Sunk by Submarine
LONDON. July a-Tha British steam
ship Oadsby of 1497 ton gross, was sunk
today by a German submarine, Th crew
was landed at Movllla, Ireland. Th
Oadsby sailed frotn Sydney, O. Bs, Jum
IS for a European port. '
An empty lifeboat and another beat
market "Cralgard. Lelth," wer towed
Into Pensano. England, today. It la sug
gested that th ateamabip Cralgard of
I.Z84 tons gross, which sailed from Gal
veaton on Juno S and Newport News June
U for Havre, may hav been th victim
ef a German submarine, though there la
no proof of thla and nothing has been
heard regarding Its ere.
Official Report from retro grad Re
ports Defeat of Oerman Squad
ron in Long; Fight on the
. Baltio Sea.
Unofficial Advices Say the Crar's
Cruiser Squadron Retired After
Battle of Several Honrs.
DERLIN (Tla London), July 8.
A statement. Issued by the Oerman
admiralty tonight, relative to Fri
day's engagement In the Baltic sea,
confirms the report that the Oerman
layer Albatross was forced to run
aground en the coast of the Island
of Gothland, and states that twenty
of her crew were killed In the fight
and twenty-seven were wounded.
The Albatross ran aground In- a
sinking condition after two hours
of heavy fighting with four Russian
LONDON, July 8. Details of th
naval battle between Russian and
Oerman rrulsers In the Baltic yes-
torday apparently were lost In the
tag which enshrouded tho scene.
The official account from Petro-
grad claims that a Russian cruiser
squadron drove a Oerman crulsar
ashore, but all unofficial reports
agree that the vessel which met dis
aster waa the mine layer Albatross.
Petrograd claims that the Oerman ves
sels retired before the Russian attack.
while unofficial accounts of the engage
ment declare that Russia's warships had ,
to retire before superior numbers after a '
battle lasting half a day.
Th submarines of th English allies
had their Innings yesterday. Athens re
ported that a Turkish troop ship waa .
sunk In tha Pea of Marmora by a British .
submarine, while Petrograd claims that ;
a Russian submarine obtained a heavy
bag of merchant ship In th Black Sea. -
Oerman Cralaer Beehed. '
PETROQRAD (Via London), July t-
When tha Russian naval squadron In th
Baltio gave battle to five Oerman eruta- '
era and a flotilla of torpedo boats off th
east ooast of Gothland on July S o
Oerman cruiser was beached and the.'
oilier warshQi wer put to flight, acord -
tng to an official statement Issued today
ty th Russian admiralty, under data of '
July L Th damage to th Russian eruls- -era,
th statement adds, waa insignificant.
Tha text of th statement follows: '
"Thla morning (July S) along th paral
lel of tha Oeetegarn lighthouse on th
eaat ooast of th Island of Gothland, our
orulaars encountered in a fog two ef the '
enemy's light cruiser and some torpedo -
boat and engaged them in battle.
At S o'clock In th morning a German
cruiser,- badly damaged, lowered Its flag
snd ran ashore. Th other cruiser and th
tornedo boats fled. . i . ' ,'
"At 10 o'clock our squadron encountered
th armored cruiser ' Roon. on light
OTUiser and on torpedo boat and renewed
tb battle.
"At 10:30 o'clock th enemy began to -
retire toward th south. During tb retreat
th enemy was Jotnoa by another light'
crutaer. This vessel was attacked by our
cruisers and fled. At 11:10 o'clock th pur
suit ceased.
After tha battle our squadron was
unsuccessfully attacked by submarine. -
'Th damage to our cruisers waa quit
Insignificant' ' - - v - .'
Freaeh Official Report.
PARIS, July a Th French war ds
puartraent's official statement today -says:
"Stubborn fighting continued all last .
night In th Argonn. W maintained
our positions and Inflicted very heavy -losses
on th enemy.
"In th region of Metseral two fresh .
attacks against our positions at Crete
hav bean repulsed.
"Along th remainder of tb ' front
there has been a very active cannonade. -Shells
thrown Into Arras started fires, :
which wera controlled.
"French aviators - successfully . bem
barded th railroad stations at Chsile
retige, Zarrn and Langemarck, aa well
a German batteries at VI my and at
Three More British .
Steamships Sunk
LONDON, July S. German submarines
also accounted for two British steamships
today, th Larchmor of 4.5J3 ton gross,
and th Renfrew ef S.24S tons being tor
pedoed and sunk.
Th British 'steamship Richmond of
I. SI 4 ton gross, -feound from Queenatown
for Boulogn and laden with railway Ilea,
was sunk today by a German submarine
off th Scllly Islanda. Th crew was
landed at Plymouth, rngland.
The Day's War News
aval esaeTsaa.t off tka Cota
laad coast ward tae fcaavehJaaT f
me Oermaa warahl svad tha fit at
f sevcrwl cralsvrs, with the a.
aspavaytagT torpedo tewts, wkstcls
tke Slaaalam fleet auatswel amd
savar4 dvimsi, aTTT aaovataS!
a ta Baltl. UafflUl !
pateka aay taw fceecked weeael
was th Bala layer Alaatroaa mm
add that tt Slaaalaa finally re
tired stesus f tb aaaeerleal ...
perorlty f th Germ a fleet .
elade th alahlagr of three Tarklah
Bearehaatsaesi fey a Rasalaa sub
saarta la th Blaek Sea aad th
torpedoing ml th Belglaa steaaaer
Bodagaat by a (irraaa aadereea.