TUiri BKH: OMAHA. Fi.lPAY. .1 IT 1 A' 101.") 11 KKAL KS1ATE j rnu a it n nxns for m.k 11KA1. KSTATF ACKKAGE HEAL FfiTATF ACREAGE Inllrorma, t,v Oak Colonic, none better. Smith Co.. ms-14 City Nat. Hk. W. T. n. tsta BKAl I I H 1. I'AI.IKdHMA. Whrrf are living c ondltlons more HKrce able. and where ran on iimke :is much money on a smell farm aa In Patterson Colony. California, 111 the wonderful Han Joaquin valley? Yun rin exchange a farm In Nebraska nr Iowa for this beau tiful Utile ranch. There arc r.1 acres, all In cultivation. Soil the richest found any where, all a level an floor, and A1 for alfalfa, fruit or English walnut. Only H mile from town. n acres adjoining rent for per aire rash. PATNB 1NVKSTMKNT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Hank Wdg.. Omaha. FOR BALE Section In Weld Co.. Colo.. 1.1.75 per acre; no fades; write owner, Fred Vhle. Lincoln. 111. l& ACRES very beat farming land In northeastern Colorado. $10 per acre; fnOi cah. balance ten yearn at 6 per cent. Thl land la really worth over 113 per ere. Wheat on neighboring farma ha averaged aa high na a bualiela per acre for the tut ten rear. A. W. Burg 1404 W. O. W. Bldg. Iowa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SACEt Write good description of your land nd aend tt to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa Moat Poaerful Want Ad M alum." Twenty-five worda every Friday evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday morning ; for one month, giving sixteen ata oa twelvgdlfferent flay a fof 62; or 60 worda, 14; or 71 worda, W. Largeat circulation of any Iowa news paper, 3tO,0u0 reader dally In four areat atatfs SMALL MISSOURI FARM. S5 cash and 16 monthly, no Intereat or lim; highly productive land, clone to three big markets; write for photographs and full Information. Munger. R. 171. N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Alo. 540 ACRES one mlla cultivation Miliar mile ota from Minneapolis, from town; 1(50 aire under balance need for pasture; can practically ail be cultivated; heavy eoili good set building, contesting of o room house, largo barn, urn nary, corn crib, windmills, etc.; the. land will pro duce 60 bushels of corn per acre; tele phone In house; country thickly settled. complete Bet of machinery; 27 head of stock, consisting of 11 cowa. balance 1 and 2 yeara old; six good horses; 26 hogs; chicken; one-half of thla year's crop ana everything on farm tcocs at fid per acre; half cash. Schwab Tiros.. 1028 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. Montana. MONTANA ranch for sale: splendid ranch of about 3.700 acres, and four ranches of 160 acres each in Teton county Montana, for sale by owner, nt very at tractive price and reasonable terms. Ir rigated and every acre tillable. Railroads . cross property and depot on ranch. Maps turd desrlptions on application to It. A I 1" riser. Helena. Mont. o SPLENDID W'HKAT LA Nit. 60 acres fine wheat lund In Mussel- rhcll valley, Montana, at $30. 31,2oO. ' Owner lives In Oivuina and will take d,000 to $10,000 good Omaha property ay part payment, balance 1 to s yeara. Why 1 i.ot get onto the land? It will make you more money for the nmount invented than anything else you can find. nets .is for 1 partlculnr. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM TAN Y, ; Fifth Floor Omaha National Vnni- Wdg., Omaha. Kebratka. i YOU SALE 640 acres of good land In Dawsun county, Nebraska; 120 acres now In wheat and corn balance taw. (rood stock farm. No trnde. Address Owner, Box W4, Lincoln. Neb. o. Acres For Investment If you want some mil estate for nn investment you will find that acres near Omnha will nwike you more money for the samp nmount of money invested than any other kind of Ileal Estate Investment. You will find the one who has been buy ing acres in the nst has made tiie most money on his invest ment and the same will be true in the future. Acres to Reduce Cost of Living You can reduce vonr cost of living by owning an Aero Home better than any other wny. You can raise chickens, 1 ave a cow and grow all the vegetables and fruit you can use the entire year and still be able to hold your position in the city. We are offering Acres in Benson Gardens $10 a Down, $10 a Month This beautiful acreage subdivision is located 6 blocks from the end of the Benson Car line on West Main Street, paved road. Call us by phone or call our Office and one of oxir sales men will show you Benson Hardens any time during the day, evenings or Sundays. Branch Office on the ground open every afternoon, evenings and Sundays. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney Street. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Market ii Firm and Good Demand Send. Wheat Price Up Another Two and One-Half Cents. OATS EXPORTS UNXTSUAUY BIG OMAHA. July 1. 191.V Tim market bad a firm tone today. Wheat was In cood demand and was Qioted :v- higher There was not much chansc In the corn markit. The receipts were light and were aiiffi. lent to take care of the nlow demand. The market sold unchanged to He lower. There was a pretlv eood demand for oats, but the receipts were lltht and the market was forced from V to V higher. The exports of oats have been enormous with foreigner lak're !ars quantities for anlmai food d this has been a big 'ielp to the local altuatlon. The crop promise at the prevent time Is Ideal and It la expected that the government re port, which will be published early In July, will show an estimate aa large. If not larger, than that of Inst year. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to 473.ono buxhela; corn. 21l.Wn bush els; oats, bushels. Liverpool. Spot, wheal and corn un changed. Frlmarv wheat receipts were Ai.1.000 bushels and shipments 447.000 bushels, against receipts of .W.flW bushels and shipments of 0W bushels last year. Primary com receipts were Ma. TOO bush els and shipments w,noo buahels, scalnet receipts of 47I.0UO bushels and shipments of y.nin bushel last year. Primary oats receipts were s0 bush els and shipments 4M.U0O bushel, against eceipts of 14.000 bushels and shipments of 674.00 bushels last year. CARLOT RDCFTIPTS. Whet.Corn.Oat. II 70 " 1.11 s K 41 II W 22 1 lei 67 ales were reported today : hard winter; 1 car. It.; 2 3 durum mni: -o car. white: 1 car, 72c: 2 cars, Crilcaco Minneapolis . Puluth Omaha Kansas City St. lxuils ThcKe cash Wheat No. f 'irs, II.SIUA. NO 1 2i Corn-No. (mi tt.o .ni .n rniivtio.s realarea wf the Traal and dealac Prices oa Rnat-4 rt Trade, OHR'AUO, July 1 Kstlmntes that the t'nlted Mutes w mil I hsi vest '.'.HK.mi buil cls more in it 1 r than whs exp tcd a month nit" had a restr. lining Influence to il v on hullish sentiment lennnlltm whent. The outcome wss an uiwllliyi rlose at a shade off to Sc artvame compaped with Isst nlaht. Corn gained 'ttilc to SjS' net and oats Nc to 0'c. The Mtilxh In provisions varied from fo oft to an iiial upturn. Although the figures on the prospectie yield of wheat were unci Hi-lal. the trade generally seemed Inclined to accept tuem a- reasonably ccrrMt. The conclusion was drawn In sotuo quarters that North Amerlcii during the coming year would be capable of cportln urto.iim bushels, as compared with 44U."0n.u bushels Out ing the twelve months ended June M. I'n der such conditions higher prices, which had been reached soon after the opening, failed to ho maintained The chief basis of the advance was the announcement that the stesmshlp Armenian, sunk lv a Oerman submarine, wns engagert in Hrlt tsh admiralty business. At lease tempo rarily this development as to the Armen ian had a dlstlnrt reaseurlng effect and stimulated some buying. For the onlv time on record, Ihe first day of July passed wlihoiit any whea( having been delivered here lo fill con facts specifying the current month. Stocks of old wheat were reported as un usually small and a single car of tho new crop is all that has been received In Chicago. The lone, car, which camo roin the southernmost psrt of Illinois, and graded aa No. 3 red, wns promptly bought by a local mill at tho rste of a bu!hol. Oood shipping demand, together with virtual absence of deliveries on July con tracts tended to strengthen corn. There was something of an offset, though, In 11 published estimate that the planted terri tory tills season excceled that or last year by acres. Oats showed firm ness on account or an active call from the seaboard. Hecause wet weather was said to be delaying the harvest. Heavy deliveries appeared to mske hut little Impression on the provisions mar ket. On all tho soft spots packers fur- liished support. Closing prices on options: Article' Open. High ' tow. Close Tes y OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Good Beeves Ten to Fifteen Higher and Others Steady Sheep Are Steady and Lambs Weak. HOGS FIVE TO TEN CENTS UP Receipts were: Official Mnndnv .... Official Tuesdav official Wednesday.. Estimate Thursday.. eOLTII OMAHA. July 1. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. '.l.n'l i:,4 ll.oOO 111.90 ii.e"i lf,0"0 REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE IRR1UATEU BARGAIN IN HMAI.I. FARM. 60 acres of rich level land adjoining Kood town on Union Pacific railroad. Water light good and paid up. Si acres alfalfa, 30 acres corn. Will exchange for t ood Income property. Price, xo per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bank HldB.. Omnhn. 'IFINE IMPROVED SALINE COUNTY FARM. 160 acres only 5 miles from Friend, In rvell settled rich neighborhood; bout of land, well fenced, 7-room, 2-atory new I house, big barn, with alfalfa chopper, 1 feed mill, elevator nni gasoline engine; ' water piped to barn: cement milk house, tlg silo and other outbuildings. A choice ' farm. Price, 112." per icre. Easy terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat. Bank Fldg., Omaha. " IKUGLAS COUNTY STOCK FARM. Finest of corn land, some tlmhcr pas ture; good 10-room house, barn 40x80 and other good outbuilding.": located only 2 miles from Valley and Waterloo and close (0 South Omaha stock market. Just the i llace for a feeder. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PA NY, Omaha Nat. Hank I'ldg., Omaha. jit-ACRE well Improved farm near Fair mont, Fillmore Co.; price 1110.00, spe iclal term. John L. Maurer, Omaha. Neb. $30 Cash and $30 Per Month Buys this beautiful fV-room bungalow; modern throughout; furnace heat, full cement basement: oak finish principal rooms; 2 blocks from car line and 4 blocks from another; 2H blocks from tine school. Telephone Doup. 2926 Today or Call Wal. 082 Any Evening Between 7 and 8 p. in. 24th and Manderson 7Rms., H. W. Heat, Only $4,200 Look at the house at the 8. W. corner ind see if you ever saw a more desirable house and lot tor the money. It's as good Inside as outside. Reception hall, dining room, living room and kitchen down, four good bedrooms and bath upstairs. Call us up and we win arrange. to snow you through. Armstrong-Walsh Co. REAL ESTATE LOANS FARM LOANS, 5 PER CENT i TOl.AND A TRUM RUT-L. 44S Bee Wdg. 1100 TO Wead. 110,000 mndo promptly, r. D. Wead Bldg.. Uth and Farnaiu Eta. I CITY and farm loans, 6, C. per cant. J. H. Dumont & Co.. 418 State Bwn.t. AN TED Good farm and city loan at lowest rates. PETERS TRUST CO. 1423 Famaro. (WANTED CM y loans and warran's. W. Farnam Smith Co.. l.iZO Fsrnam Bt. CITY property. Large loan a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 22s State Bank Bid MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. ' H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homea. Eaat Nebraska farina. ' O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. Idle Omaha National. Phone Douglas t7ti BEE us first for farm loan in eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. 6 city iiind r n ri-ihp RE.Ui ESTATE EXCHANGE Il-ROOM HOME FOR LAND or clear lota; mtg.. KO'iO. Easy walk to Omaha postofftce; best plum-blng, etc.; lot 66l4u; iwini tur more ouuuing. O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. 3"16 Omaha National. Douglas I 7 Li. S'ICIJ ho 1 1 u for Oluahi , Boulder, Colo., property, p. o. to exchange Hon 2"3. Tyler 1DS6. State Bank Bldg. Near Miller Park 100x127 Feet Beautiful Shade At 5005 N. 24th you will find a 6-room house, modern In everv respect except heat, that personal Inspection will tell ou Is actually wortn wnai we are asmii or It. Big shade tress in front, on paved street with paving paid. Iron fence across front of lot. lots oi snruoom. iun chicken yard and chicken house fenced; In fat you cannot Deal n. su put It off If vou want to buy. Call us today. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nnt Hank Bldg. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN D. 4!. WEST FARNAM, 7-R., $45.00. No. 118 N. 3tn St., near Podge; very choice, handomesly flnlnea nrica; sleep ing porch and sun room. ARMSTRONG-WALSH COMPANY. Tyler 1536. State Bank Blarf. REAL ESTATE WEST BIBB West Farnam 7-R. Modern $4,000 Street between Farnam and Doug Reception hall, living room, dining and kitchen on first floor, and four fine h1 rooms and bath on secomi. Ab solutely modern and In fine condition. Oak finish and floor on first story. Lot 60x125. Paving paid. Armstrong-Walsh Co. 42d la. room Tyler 1536. Mate Bank Bldg. DlllM, Only One Man Needed To lay out many city addition. The surveyor who could run a stratght line did alt of tha work, with the help of the printer. Happy Hollow Is Different HAPPY HOLLOW was laid out by a landscape architect. HAPPY HOLLOW is the development of an idea and Is com plete. HAPPY HOLLOW represent something more than stake on the prairie. HAPPY HOLLOW has everything In pob 1 I c Improvement. There I no waiting. HAPPY HOLLOW I ready for the horns owner, with no tedl ou delays for water, gas, sewer, etc. HAPPY HOLLOW 1 the highest clasa residence section of Omaha. The class of home built there show this. HAPPY HOLLOW ha building restrlc Hons which protect you and your neigh bor to your mutual advantage. HAPPY HOUOW I dose to the busi ness center, twenty minutes from Six teenth and Harney street. HAPPY HOLLOW 1 north of Dods street, west of 62nd, nd In the mutual di rection of Omaha' growth. HAPPY HOLLOW lot, with eve ry im provement, are not a high priced aa many of the lots offered In undeveloped section, where everything must be done and the lot owner foot the Mil. Buy In Happy Hollow today and you may begin building to morrow. HAPPY HOLLOW, because complete, he cause beautiful, be cause convenient, will appeal to you if you go and ee. That la w-hat we want you to do and do It soon. Tha terma of sale and pay ment are easy. Aa an Investment or for a home, there I noth ing In Omaha better than Harpy Hollow. 71e. No. t white: 1 car. Tlc; 1 car (dam aged. 71c. No. 1 yellow: I car. 72c. No. i yellow : 6 care. 71c. No. J yellow: 1 car, Vle; I car. 710. No. yellow: I cars. oic. No. J mixed: 1 car. Tic. No. J mlied: 2 rars (near white). 7H4C. No. 1 mled: 1 car (high color, 71Vic; 1 car (neBT white), 71c; 2 cars, 71c; I ear. 7Hi. No. 6 mixed: 1 car (near whlta). 70c; 5 car. 70c; I car. WVSc. Bamplr: 7 car. 7Hc: 1 car. (V; 1 car (hot). Mc: 1 car. Me. OaU No. 2 white: 1 car. 4S-tC. Standard: 1 cur, 4h Vc. No S white: 3 cars. 46Wo: 1 ear. 4o'c. Sample: 1 car 444c; I car, 44c. Rve Nn '' 1-6 esr. II 07. ti 1. r...h IMa WhMt' No. 2 tur- kev. fl.27Vei.29H: No. turkey. ll.2tUV? i viu.. v ,. - tt KUJm no. i nam 'l.2i:Vs: No. '4 hard, ll.1.2H; N u tt iM,i oi' Kn 1 durum. IVlMi 1 1(5: No S durum, l.iwi. imi: co white. 71.ft;: No. 1 white. &V: i M,i. 7(iujTle- No. b white. 70V(3l'70c: No. white. TtVtfTfviv; No. 1 yellow. 71VJI 7- K'n vtllnw 71l471iC: IMO. 4 yellOW, TI'frtlHc; No. ft yellow, .o4'l .i-c; co. vellow. 7lir70Hc: No. I mixed, 70Mi..l':.c; No. 2 mixed. 70HCnc: No. 4 mixed . tiiu.. v r. mliinl BSU70Vc: No a mled "U"0o. Oai: No. 2 white. uv?w: san- ArA 4SV4n.c: No .1 Willie. iiliw: v i M-wit. 4iif345c Barley: Malting. 1 dlUr: No. l'feed. HHKeslC Rye: No. 2, 11.0 tl.fc"; No. i, l.C&fi 1.01. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Four day this week.14.iw 4t..3:2 i.s.H4 ame davs la't week. .l.t7 4,'..:9 .'W.-'VI Sojne dav t wkj. aao. 17.ML' XIM li1l Same days S w ks ago. . lK.24ii 2.'Hi Same days 4 wks ago. .m.Ti 4H.i 7.017 Same davs last ye:ir...ll.l Sl.611 The following teble snows the rec-h'ta of rattle, hogs and sheep at tha South Jmaha live stock market for the year to date, a compared with last year: Wis. 114. Inc. Pec- Cattle ill,21l 404.771 10T..440 Hos 1.1)46.419 l.J'.fflnfi 27,413. Sheep l.tMS.ttl 17.21) S7.929 The following table snows the arerag price for hog at the South Omaha live stock maiket for the lat few days, with comparisons: Date. lmg. .1913 Hull ttHl ) ttH 1. Wheat I 1 luiv. 1 oh i orsI Sept. 1 02 1 (! Corn I July. 7SH1 74H' Sept. 72H! 72'; Oat I i July. 44HI 44'i' Rept. J7HI S7T Pork July. 1 72H 1 Sept. 17 3U 17 Lard July. 9 40 9 47H Sept. & 70 Rib July. 10 K 10 42H Bept. 10 65 10 72H June June June June un June iune una June June June June June June June June June June June July U J f7Hl 11 Hi T 1C 16 T WV Wl T li 17! 7 234, IK 7 11 CS! m: 7 K: i 1 1 is 00) I 691 T II t 79) l "I I ..I 8 01 R 01 I 06 I 1.H i ml I 21 I 40) T tlf 221 T 344! ft W 1 09 34, J J:'", R OK 7 W 1 Pt,' 1 01 I 73S1 72 44S r,s i 1 72H 17 10 40 .9 90 10 15 10 S5 1 07' 1 02 V r, l id no It 3t 40 .'H 40 1 7H! 1 osh 1 02H. 72S T7H 16 90 IT 26 41 9 sTH 10 40 10 6TH i'aah Prices Wheat: No. 1 red, nominal: No. I hard, $1.31. Corn: No. I yellow, 76 THc; No. 4 yellow, 75V Oats: No. S white. 4m1ift0c; standard. WfiWy. Rye: Js'o. 1, nominal. Barley, fi'u72c. Timothy, o.6ftirT6. Clover. S8.ISOfinl.60. Pork. I16.R0. Lard. 19 1219.17. Ribs. $9 7610 25. Hl.'TTBR Steady ; cresmery, 23U27c. ROKJe Steady; receipts, 10.W4 cases; at mark, cases Included, IMfTUHe: ordi nary firsts, l.SfttiHc: firsts, lr-tfloHc. POTATOKS Unsettled; neT, receipts. TO ears: Virginia cobbler. II. 761. 96; old, receipts. ears: Michigan and Wisconsin, white, lWnOTu. POIH.TRY-Allve, lower; fowl. 19 i.ic; spring, lso'fc. lifV 8 11 7 l K 17 I 8 16 T ir.i '. 7 24V 8 11 7 4 8 21 7 S II M e 7V 9 . T P ' 7l ! 1 K 16) 91 9 til 7 4 I Ml 7 ' 9 W T 1 8 411 1 193 T3 8 401 7 l 6 H 9 f 8 431 7 4H I I 40 7 68 T Wl 9 17 !M 8 44 6 V 9 16 7 45 8 Si 7 4A 6 14 9 14 7 40 I Ul 1 M 9ttt8 I hi 7 6 11 7 68 B 4 7 h 6 14 9 11 8 44 714 60H 90Ot64 7 14 6 18 8 9M( 7 62 in a an na I 7 6H 9 66 7 191 6 Ml 8 9rtt 7 iJ NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Featurn of Especial Interest Are Altogether Lacking; of Session. DOMESTIC NEWS FAVORABLE Homes ' $100 Down $200 Down $300 Down have a number of 4, 6 and -room homes In different parts of the city we can sell you by paving a small payment down and the balance on mall monthly payments about the same as rent. Call or phone ua and we will end you a list. Hastings & Heyden 1874 HARNET BT. BANK STATEMENTS. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE Hanscom Park Dist. Six-Room House George & Company OJ City Nad Bank Bldg. Dougla, 7. -' I REAL K8T.4TR Umri'lllvcn.u retty new home, only . - I No. 2tMQ. Report of the Condition of the M5BMUKA NATIONAL H A K, at Omaha. In the state of Nebraska, it the close of business June 23, 1H16: KEHOL'RVM. 1. la) Loans and discount (note held In bank) $1,831,213.78 t. Overdrafts, unsecured 1 S3 87 3. is 1". S. bonds de posited to secure circulation (;ar value) i.'00,0O0 00 (e I'. S. bond owned and un pledged 0,IO.ISI lotal u. s. bonds 210,000.00 mi nonaa omer SS,0l) (10 131,269.38 7. 600. 00 5.12S.O0 1.843.70; IMPROVED ItiO 76 acres of corn. 2& acre of wheat, will make 35 bushelsi price reasonable with or without crop and stock; ndght exchange, llellyer, Hecjub lican City, Neb. v nEAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE On the Boulevard 4113 North 20th St 6 room and Bleeping porch. Thl nouse I less than yeara old. is worth it. 700, but owner need the money and will sell for 33.J0O. The best sn;p In the city. W. S. Frank 201 Neville Blook o We have a very pre two blocks from Hanscom psrk. thst can be sold on en terms. This house Is oak finished, with beam ceilings, built-in bookcase, etc.: rireplm-e, t drv in basement Lot 6fixU: located at Walnut St. Small cottage would be accepted in trade Norris & Norris -elilngs, built-in j HilTwo Beautiful New Homes Bee Hldg. Phone liouglas 4270. AN IDEAL HOME, CHEAP Chi Easy Payment Plan. Nor Them Today, Sure $4.200 b-room strictly modern home, ail i oak finish downstair. 3 large bedrooms i upstairs, with nice roomy rlosota off of ! One Is a 6-room bungalow, l.rnd ne eacn. r uu Dasement wun launui y iaciu- . modem ihrnn.k.,,i i.i. A BARGAIN If taken at once, modern 6-room house; maple flooring, shade tree, bearing cherry tree, other shrub bery; block from car line. Phone Web ties. Nice lot. facing on Bo. Centre! Blvd. time. GALLAGHER & NEIjSON 644 Brandela Bldg. Douglas 23SJ.-0 SOUTH SIDE rooms, all modern, paved street with paving paid; located on South 27th street within walking distance; good location. Price, I2.W0. C. 0. CARLBERG, SIS Hrsnnels Thcetr Bldg. oak in BARGAIN RY OWNER A beautiful l-roorn. UricUy modern home, in splendid condition; good loca tion; alerantly finished insl le; as good aa tew; large lot; cistern. Prioe 13.700. Call JXU Wirt. Phone Web. after 9 a. w. MEDICAL PILK3 FISTULA CURED. nr. K. R. Tarry cure pllea. fistula and ether rectal diseases without urncal operation. Cure guaranteed aud bo lacney paid uptll cured Write ro' cook or rectal dlwasea with tes'iiuonlal. iK. K K. TAHKV. UP Bee Bldg liUPTUPE cured In few day without ualn. Cal' or write Ir. Wray, 'jA Bee Xildg . Oiraha. Kstabllshed ISA. Be pleased to show same nt any , Prtnelpal rooms. This house Is only oioca irom car line and In beautiful loca tion. Terms, $J0 Cash and Monthly Payments to Buit. The other ia a large 7-room houe, fc block from car line. In beautiful new ad dltlon; house I ail modem, with oak in living room, dining room and son room; there 1 a large brick fireplace in th living room and there Is every desirable bullt-ln convenience. This besutlful home can be bought on the following terms: $T0oCash and Monthly Payments to Suit. Telephone Douglas today and we'll j be pleased to send auto for you to corae ! and make Inspection. REAI, ESTATE SUBURBAN Flore jice. L. NBTHAWAY for traiies. Flor. 276. tooaell Hlaffs. $90 Per Lot 4. than 1'. IS. bonds Pledged to ncuurc V. K. deposits (fl Se' in ties other U. 8. bonds (not In cluding s t o c k si owned unpledged.. Total bonds, se curities, etc S, Subscription to stock of Federal Re servo Itank, ll.S.OOO.OO la) Tyeaa amount unpaid. 17,500 (b) M other stocks. Including premium on same. I. Bunking house, 173, furniture and fixtures, 310.U4.39. 7. other real estate owned I. Due from Federal Reserve Bank 9a( Due from approved re irrvc agents in New York, Chicago and St. Louis 10. Hue from hanks and bank era (other than included in I and t) II. ('hecks on banks In the same cltv or town na reporting bank 13. (a) Outside checks and other caali item M.200 40 b) Fractional cur rency, nickels, and cents 2,21 96 (ilW.Vi 14. Notes of other national hanks 9.600.00 lawful monev reserve In bank Hi Total coin and certificate.. 4.077.00 17. Iegal-tcnder note 13.000 00 18. Redemption fund with IT. 8. treas urer (not more htsn f. per cent on circulation! 10.000. 00 10,000 SO 13,326 00 84.000 00 6.308. 64 60, 614. 76 I'!3,7M. r.l 2.307. 42 19.K0.Z1 '.K.V4.7 2-JO.O0U 00 M,4.5 40 00 Total I2.K4.964 X) LIABILITIES. 1. cpltsl stock paid In f 300.nn.flo 2. Surplus fund t).(i0 t. 1'ndlvtded profit, IM.HIK.3S Is current ex penses. Interest. and taxes paid t 10 VA 4. Circulating notes.. 200.0(0. 00 7. Due to bank snd bankers (other than Included In i or 6) 9. Dividends unpaid 9. (a) Individual de posits subject to heck ISM.06S 40 lb) Certificate of posit due In less than 30 days (c) Certified checks (dl Cashier checks outstanding let Inlled Slate deposits (h) Iepeslts requir ing notice of less tiian V) davs 10. Time deposits: (a) Certificate of deposits: due on or after JO days Seven fine lots on monthly payments. Small p merit down, balance monthly. These lots all level and nice, west part of Council Bluffs. 7th Ave., near Sid St.; ! close to Omaha car line. Would make I a ol'-e place fur chickens or fruit. Kach, i I9U.U0. THE REXJAMIN CO. Room 1. First Nat. Bank Bldg , Coun Cil Bluffs, la. Phone XI. E. P. Wright Residence phona. Walnut 6X1. evening. Office phone, Dougla 3924. tii'l.M i.ui::: 14.53.7.:" 79.978.36 4::.M7.r, 1,029,136. 4i NKW YORK GB.MSKAt, MARK KT Qaotatloae of the Day en Vartosa (om modifies. N KV YORK. July 1.-FLOUR Unset tled; spring patent. 6.vf4.6&. VIIKAT-iwt. firm; No. 3 red, $1.33; No. 2 hard. 31.39. c. 1. f. New York, ex port: No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.; No. 1 northern, Manitoba, tt.JIV o. I. f. Buf falo. Futures, Irregular; July, 11.14V CORN SjHjt. firm, No. 1 yellow, aiiiic, promot shipment. OATS Spot, firm; standard, 6CC. No. 3 white, 66',i; fancy clipped white, U't i85")e. HAT Firm: No. 1, .; No. 2. ti-laty 1.17H; No. 31.05; shipping. 96cll.00. HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice, 1914. inwiSc; Pacific coast, 1P14. lli&13c. m. fofjio. HIDE'S Steady; Bogota, Jlc; Central America. 37c. LHATHER Firm; hemlock flrt. 32c; seconds, 90lSle, PROVISi6N8 Pork, steady: mess, I1X. f(19.00: family. Kn.'OffCXOO; shoit clear, 119 60J21.60. Beef, firm: mess, l.oOiJ 18 60; family, H9.6Ot00.50. Lard, firm; middle west, S8.9Ortf.0O. TALLOW Dull; city, Kc; country. G'n'iMiHo: special, 8Hc BUTTKR Kasy; receipt, 12.SS2 tubs: creamery extras, 2t2c; firsts, 26V4yi SrW.; seconds, 24W2tVc. liUCJcV Weak; receip's vj.6.; cases; fresh gathered extra, 22'iTOc; firsts, 189 lHM'C. CI 1 KICSR Barely ateady; receipts, 9.2D3 boxes; state1 whole mtlf flats and twins, fresh specials, IGVu'lBc; do, average fancy, UVc. POL'LTRV Uve, weak; western Thick er, broilers, 23t24c.: fowls, Uc; turkeys, ll'ri)12c: drewsed. Irregular; western roast ing chickens, frosen. 184i22c; fresh fowls. Iced, 13VVJ16ftc; turkeys, 16(o'17c. Kansas CUT Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. June 30. WHEAT No. 2 hard. II. 24 32; No. I red. 11.15; July, l.onh'1.00s:. Reptember, 98',ic; De cember. 9S".tC. CORN No. S mixed, IXUffVir; No. 3 white, 74MtTc; No. 3 yellow, 75c: No. 3, 74'.jc; July, 'ilWc; September, c; De cember. ISwlHc. KOOS Firsts, 17e; aeconds. Uc. OATS-No. 3 white, 47c; No. 2 mixed, 4:a'44c BI.'TTER Creamery. I7e; firsts. 26c; seconds, 21c; packing. 19c, POULTRY Hen, lie; rooters, c; brollei. 22c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNHA POLIS, July I.-WHBAT- Julv, $1 tMi; September, 31.R3H; No. 1 hard, USSla; No. 1 northern, H.S4V& 1.37. FUWR Advanced. HAR.LKY 24i9c. KTr-1.11ri.U. BRAN-621.60. CORN No. 3 yellow, 72,(iT3c. OATS No. 3 whit. 4W4Htic. riAX-l.70HHc1.7H. at. Loots Grain Market. ST. LOL'IS, July 1-WHBAT-No. t red. new. ll.16Kfl.16; old. 11.14; No. 3 hard, nominal; July, tl.OJ'i; September, 99Sc CORN No. , 7r.Vc; No. 3 white, 77Vio; Julv. 79c: September, 71Hc OATS No. 2, 4i44.4Sc; No. 2 white, KK o0c.. Liverpool Grain Market. LIV KRPOOU July 1. WHEAT-Spot, steady; No. 1 northern Duluth. lis 3d; No. 2 hard winter, 11a 4d;. No. 2 Mani toba, lis 4d; No. I Manitoba, II 8d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 11 Id. toffee Market. NEW l'OKK, July 1.-0FFKK After opening steady at unchangod prloea to a decline or two polrts, coire.o futures rallied on scattered covering with active month selling two to three point net higher, hut eased off aguln later In the dav under trade selling, which waa ac companied by reports of a somewhat easier ottering from lun. The k lose was two to four points net lower. Hales were 32.260 bags; Julv, .9Hc: August, to 85o; SoptemlM-r, 6.76c; Cctober, November and Iiecember, 6.ic; January. (i.67c; February, i.9lc; March, .95c; April. 7c; May. 7.ufe; June. 7.10c. Spot, quiet, r.lo. No. i, .c; Santos. Nn. 4, 9Vc. Rio in were said to be offered at 90c In ihf coast and freight market tills afternoon. Rio ex change on London whs i.XJd lower, while mllrels price were unchanged at Santos and TO rels lower at Rio. Sunday. CATTLK Receipt were moderate to day, only 116 car being reported In. This makes the total lor trie lour oj im week 14.IWI head. Thl I 4.000 smaller than f the eame daye last week and the smallest of any recent week, although close to 3,000 lsrger than for the same period a year ago. Beef steer were lOGPt&c higher on the good kinds, the bee heavy beeves br ng fng p M and the best yearling f 46, high est for the year. Thl means that prices on the atrlcUy good kinds are IRC higher than last week. Cornfed cows and heifer were In good demand at atrong price, but anything (bowing grasa wa mora or less discriminated agalnat, tha market on that kind being ateadlly work ing downwsrd. There waa no material change in Ucker and feeder. Quotation on rattle: Good to cholca yearllnga, K 7Rtf 46; good to chotoa heavy heeve. 9.0Ofl9.eO; fair to good cornfed boevea. 8.60ia 00; common io fair corn fed beeves, 7.2o438.50; good to choice helf er, 17.608.26; good to choice cows, 16.76 iff. 60; fair to good cows. lfi.764J6.76; com mon to fair cowa, 4.omtf6.76; good to choice feeders, 7.Kj..20; fair to good feeders, 37.0tU'7.50: common to fair Block ers, 3fi.6(irfr.MI: stock heifers. 6.7fcr7.a: stock cows. 15.604)9.60; stock calves, 16.00 07.M); veal calves. t8.004i.76; fat bulla, stags, etc.. I5.36(U'7.J6. HOO.S Hog wore MflOc higher thl morning and aotlv enough at the ad vance to eltnct a clearance by 10 o'clock In the morning. Shipper took hold very freely, picking out the beat of the light shipping grade, for which they paid a high aa 17.60 and on uo to 17.66. which wa the top, a agalnat ( o yesieraay. Packers, while not especially eager to take hold on the opening, still wanted th hnira. and when they had one made a beginning they bought very freely. The hulk of all the hoga sold at I7.40a7.46. against I7.304V7.4O yesterday. All lu ail it was a very satisfactory market. Receipt of hog have been running very II tier al thla week, amounting ror the four day to 46, neaa. wnicn is a lew hundred head larger than last week liberal run and the largest of any similar period alnce four week ago. Aa com pared with a year ago there ha been a gain thus far thl week of about 8,000 head. SHHVEJP Sheep and Iamb have been pouring In at quite a lively rate thl week, although the total for the four daya Is only about the same as for the corresponding period of last week. How ever, as compared with a year ago there I a gain of over 6,000 head in the run. A ha been the case every day this week the big end of the receipt consisted of spring lambs, but still there wa quite a little sprinkling of aged stuff. Buyer evidently wanted the sheep this morning and the offering of that kind of stock changed hands for th moat part In good season. The market waa not far from steady on the desirable kind. Price were a little lower on their face, but aomo of the offering thla morning were very wet, which would make up for a good share. If not all of th decrease In price. A six-car bunch of Oregon wether sold at 96.60, a agalnat 36.60 for the same stuff yesterday. However, the fleeces today were very wet. Karly advices regarding spring lambs from other market polnta were very dis couraging, with the result that buyer at this point held hack, making the mar ket alow on lamb the same a It ha been every day thl week. Quotation on sheep and lamb: Lamb, prlng, 14.4000.90; yearling, fair to choice. lii.MKd'.'.W; wether, fair to choice. 36.60a) 9.69; swss, good to rholoe, xj.ooq&.bo; ewes, fair to good. 14. 2606.00. CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET NKW TOHK. July l.-Featnres of ene. clsl Interest were altogether larking In tmlny's stock market, which bore the usual anto-holldny aspect in Its dullness and Irregularity. So far aa outJlde de velopment were at All a factor, foreign conditions exercised an unfavorable In fluence, the sinking of the steamship Ar menian with further loss of American live causing renewed apprehension re garding relation between this countrv and Oermany. Domestic news waa most favorable. In cluding tho government's report on cot ton, which showed a condition slightly almve the average of the past decade. ( rop news from the northwest wsa more reassuring and advice from IPttaburg and other Industrial center reported a steady Increase In the output of steel and Iron. Almost half the day' trading centered about four stocks I'nlted States Steel, American Can, Miami Coppor and I'nlted Statea Rubber In the order named. Inter est attached to the movement In Rubber because It was expected that the di rector would act on tha common divi dend oon after the close of the market. Rubber receded slightly anon after the opening, then rose 2i over yesterday cfose. later loalug Ita advance. Miami Copper made a substantial gain in re sponse to Ita Increased dividend and Can rose smartUr after It erratic course of the morning Steel whs steady when not firm, some of the early transaction being In large lot. Total sales of stock amounted to 267,000 share. Railroad share of the high grade class moved within very narrow limits when at all and othsr Investment Issue were equally aiathetla. These same Issues were decidedly lower abroad. London F rloes showing losses of a point for the (arriman and Pennsylvania, while Cana dian Paclflo was down 3. Europe was again a seller here, nhlefly of bond, liquidation of these securities aggre gating about IN00.O0O, Foreign exc.nanae win innn mor steadr. mainly because of an absence of offerings. In fact, rate on Rome and Petmrad were nieroljr nominal, lyonaon exchange on Parla moved to an unprece dented rate, presaging further hipment of gold from Pari to tna nnusn meirop- oll-- The genersi doto nsi nmr on moderate trsdlngTntal sales, par ralue, aggregated C.4M. , United mates oona wm uninw or1, es'l. Number of sales and leadlna; quotation on tock were as follows: Alaska Or Amalirsmatee poster ... American Beet ftussr... Amsrlrsa fan American S. A R Aaunieaa B R. Pfd. A si Bueer Reflnlns Amsrlran Tl. Tel.... Amstinsn ToKseee Anaennil Mtnlng Atchlma Bultlmors Ohio Drnnklrn RH Trsestt. California Pilm ... rn4laa Pino renlrsl Ilhr CheMpsali A Otlle (ihioo a w Chloun, U St. P.... ( hlnaso A N. W Oitno Copoer ColoraV Kuel Iron... Colorado a fVwthern. . .. rionror A Rio Orsnile. . ItaitYsr A R. O. r'C mitlllsm' Scurltla ... rls rttoersl Rlertrlo (Iml Northers I'M Ilmt No. On. rtt Ousssnhvlm Exploration Illinois central Interhoronsh Met. ptd... InKplrstton Ooppor Intamatlonsl Hsrrerter Kansas (ilr Bouthern... Lahlsh Valley lulaTlll m Naanvius Moilraa PVtmlaum .... nml (Vnnr Mlasonrl, K. T Mtaaourl rarlflo National meruit National Iad Navada Cupper Naw York (Vntrsl N. T.. N. II. A H Norfolk 4 Waatorn Northarn Pulflo Psrlflo Mall Poino Tel. A Tal PannaylTnnla Pullman Palaee Car.... Mar Con, Cfepper KaaJIIns ItUvubllo Iron V Steal. St. K 4 9. F. id pta. Houtham Pa-if1a (Smtharn RatlwaT Tannaaaee Copper ..... Tains 0mpanr Union I'aHfla tinlon Parltlo pfd tlnltad stataa Htaet.:.. I', rt. Hteal ptd Vtah ttoppar Wahaab ptd IVsatam lrnlon Wasdnshousa Bleotrls Monuna Power TotaJ aakas (or tha oar tattle Wrak Sheep 78.2Sti.1S6.- 78.2S0 ', Total t2..'4.9M. Blate of Nebraska, County of Doughs, ss. : I. If. W. Yates, jr.. caehler of the bave na mid bank, do solemnly swear that the above sta cment is true to the best of mv knowledge and belief. H. W. YATKS. ,IR . Cashier. Subscribed and pworn to Ik fore me this 3(th day of June, I:'l6. Correct A tu tt Pr?RCY K OWYN NK. Notarv Public, r. W. Cl A R K K. WAHRK1V SWITLKR. J i. W. SCHKIHKL. ar Market. NKW YORK. July 1 -Sl'OAR-Raw. firm: centrifUKal, 4 6ikfi4.!ic; molasses, 1 JC '0 4.19.-. Sales. JO.OOu batts of Cubans. Re fined, steady. Futures quiet and firm In sympathy will, the strength in raw sugar. At noon prices were uii' huiit.'ed to I point higher. tron; Ilo; listsr. CHICAGO. July l.-TATTLiO-ReoelpU, 6,000 head; market strong; native beef ateers, 9H.8tfv.wi. western. 37.2&r8 46; cows and heifer. t3.2f49.ftO; ealvea, 37.33010 60. HOOft- Keoelpta, 3u,000 head; market weak to 10c lower; bulk of sales. 7.b0if 7.8o; light. t7.7tMU7.90; mixed, 7.St4r7.So; heax-r I7.006T.75; rough,; pigs. w. 3n i .eo. SHBBP AND LAMBS Receipt. 17.000 head; sheep market steady: lambs, weak; sheep, Ki.'Iniij 6.oi ; lomba, including springs, 87.001!10.. He n TtH l 4 4l 14IW S 4414 4 no 79 TS 7i 10-S 107 HftH i iam im xmh J' . TH VS im loo arm T4 T. TH ns w4 u : 14 9.9iw i44 un, 11 l.t'is aoi 4014 4014 900 H MS Mil lit, .... 1 w4 sat tiH m, .. I MOD t4S 4S J.toe ws on 170V4, m ia, ton 1l', )l 11i l.onn XT, 34H 4S 1.40 2 4J', iS V 9o 75V Tsu tat, 3. too m 't 101 4 900 14t4 K1'4 lIK 1.7l TI4 7 7;.' m.sno suss 9 em 4H 11T too u 41 41 v 14 KOfl MS, 9SV4 k9i (00 44 U 4JS H.14. ' 1:i nun tout, isti, n4 l.liM 94 K'A 1.4i to 1o.1t4 U aw 4 1 :s v 8,iaJ 14U, 14T 1474; im a :" 7. no tns hts l.toi is Its 1. am - si?, J" and 12 1:4 157 1,5,10 ;s m irrvi 7en i4 , sot, U.ion w tS Ml i(is IWHi 1"" 1.T0.1 m f7s ; Ml li It v, (.foil tas 97H 400 W4 4t 9 167,000 ahana few Vork Money Market. NF.W YORK, July 1. MERCANTILK PA PBR 34f 3Hi per cent. STKRLI NO KXCHANOB Plxtyday hills, 34.7226; demand. $4.7626; calbea. 34.77b. SJLVKlt Bar, 4M.c; Mexican dollars, 87c. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, h"lMEJ LOANS Soft; sixty-day. Hi'd 3 per cent; ninety day, 2'OC per cent; SIX monins. per win. MONiS x Bteaoy ; high. 2 per U per cent; ruling rate, 1 er cent: lat loan, it per cent; cionng St. I.oul Live Stock Market. BT. IiOlJItJ, July 1 CATTLE Hecelpte. 2,100 head: market trong; natKe beef steers, I7.60(m.6ii; yearling steers and heifers, lA.0e.itj.4o: roi, to.OotiT.DO: stock ers and feeders, l(i.0iiti,S, southern steers, J5 2.VflXS6; native calves, $6.0010.50. 11(5(18 Receipts, 9,200 head; market higher; pigs and lights, 16.0(7.00; mixed snd butchers, I7.8frjpl.00; good heaw, 7.Sj j7 90. SHEEP AND LAMHH RecelpU. 6.400 head: market steady to If: lower; clippeil native muttons, $f clipped lumbs, S7 6O7j60; spring lambs, t7.60nr0.93. Kansas ( Itr Live HtocU Market. KANSAS CITY', July 1 CATTLK-Receipts, 2,u0 head: market higher; prime fed steers, 9.2f(rfl8; dressed tieef steers, a..Vvtw.X; western steers, 76o(9.36; cows, heifers. I7.0uav.60; bulls. !" UXuft.iAi. calves. 0(k-al0.25 HOOS Receipts. 9.000 head: market hlKhcr: bulk of sales, f 7(suj 7.70; hesvv, t7 60( packers and butihers. 7.u0 7.76; IlKht. $7 trraT 76; ptits, 7 0O-uT.6o. RIIEKP AND 1 MBS Receipts. 2 Wo henil: msiket steady lo 10c lower; lambs, 19 2Vr(0.7f; yesiilngs, W Nol,(; wethers. lii.26'(W.0O; ewes. 14.764(6.60. 9losi City l.lve Mtork Market. SIOCX CITY. la.. July 1. CATTLK Receipt. 1,2"0 head: market steady: na tive BtoerN, S7.(yu9.0n: butchers, .ViiT.'o; ows and heifers. 34. jmid.Tu: ' alvea, ll.uo 'If.' 60; bulls, blags, etc ,'.ai. IBSIS Rec-elpiH, lO.flnn brad; nisrket 5c higln'r; heavy. 7.4(i"iT.(0 , mlxe1. 7.2(Mr 7.40: light. I7.0o4j7.3u; bulk of sales, t. 01 T.iV). HHKi:P AND LAMBS-Rco ipls. 4ml head. at. Joseph l.le Klerk Market. ST. JtsSFPH. July L 1 'AJTIJu Re ceipt 1.2) head. Market hikl'cr; stee-s. t7.isi4.rjii; cows and heifers,; enles. loOi860. IKK ISKcci ipl., 7.(( head. Market " hUhel : top. 17 7,.; bulk ol sales. f7.'"ifi ; i!,. Iry l.oU Market. 1 SIIKK.H AND lA M BS Kc'i l,is. I.isk) NEW YORK. Julv 1.- DHY C i( U is I heud. AUrkcl lower:. Iiiinl.s, in HtiTo. Colored Koods today were In steady de- mand. Two hr.ind.'i of sheeting were 1 9lock In Hiicbt. advanced l( a yard Worsted dress goods I'.iicI Ih or lle slork at Hie fie moved in laruer nluire for euliy di !v '( loot western nuirkeis yesterday: ery. I at lie. Hoks, I ,l.t:iio4s (if. -.((" si i Maparsirs ppies sss iirirs i-ruira i..mhh NKW YORK. July 1. KV.M'Olt ATKD !' '''..a. . APPI.KS- lu ll . Sin- it- . 1 .V) DRIKD FH1ITS -Pn.iie,. f ri.t. .M il ro .iii 1 11 1: ' :..'i cuts iitxl peaches. (iil"t aim bt( o . ); ,i CALL. cent; low. lsi per cent; iter Lid. 1 per cent; offered at IT per cent Closing price on bond: U. rat. 9a. rag.... 91Mo. Pso. er. 9a..,. J do seapoa 97 N. Y. . . IHs... 77 V. 8. la re.- x. t;ur w i" do ooupoo loiN. Y. raU 4sa V. 8. a. rag 1 N. T.. N. II. da coupon lion er. a Psnama. 9a ooupoa. .loo1 No. raclflo 4a.... Am. bmsllera i....lH Ion A T. T. or. 4a.looiO. a). U raf. 4a.. Armour A Co. 4'a.. 14tr. T. T. Is.. Atrhiaoa (n. .... Krt Faun. con. 4s.... Hal A Oii 4s M's do eon. 4wa..... Vaa. Ohio 4'is. 9tiltaallllig sn. 4a. (- B. Q. J. 4a ... tH. L a 8. r. r. C M S P a 4a.. M'tBo. Pan. er. 4a.., do sv. as lull do raf. 4a C. A H. raf. 4Wa... tlSs do rr. 9a. a R n. rat. as.. 41 So. Railway 6s... Kris ran. 4a. Ta t:nlon Psrins s. On Klartrla (a Wl (io cv. 4a ill.' No. Ut 4a... 97 ti. . llubher fa. 111. (n. raf. 4s... 17 V. . IMssI Is..., K r Ho. raf. W'abaah 1st Is.... U A N. nnt. 4a.... 90 Wast. Union a M. K. Bid. W 90 Ar T lat 4a. 74 Offarad. .109 H. ...110', ... tm. ...S3 ... r ... 9T ... 7 ...l(K!i4 ... H 4a (MS ... Ill ... IM', ... ... ... 94', ... , ...IMS ...lois ...100 1S Wast. Klao. ct. la..lH'i London Block Market. LONTKjN, July 1. Tha tendenoy waa uncertain in the American section of th stock market, but the cloning was tea!y. Trading wa light, with Canadian Paclflu ad Pennsylvania receiving the most at tention. .l LV ICR llur, 16-ld per ounce. M(iNBV-l per cent. LtimxjlNT RATlSiiShort bill and three month. 4' per cent. (.. I'M l prin- Sheop. ' .V I '1.0 17. IKK, Ml IV.'O.- t otloa Market. NEW YORK, July lTOTTOX-Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 9.60c. Sales 7,"o bales. Cotton closed easy at a net decline of from 2 to 6 point. Cotton future opened steady; July. 9 Sic, bid; ( Ictolier, 9.00 :; December, 10.0c!c; January. 10.Wo; .March, 10.32c, bid. LIVERPOOL, July 1. OOTTON-Spot. good business done; prices steady; good middling. 6.62d; middling. 6.22d; low mld dlng, 4.7d. Oil and Hosln. NEW YORK. Julv l.-TCRPKNTlN K -Steady. R08 IN Klrra. SAVANNAH. July l.-TCRPICNTINK-Firm, aWfcc; sales, 171 bbls : rei-elpls, ;: O bbls.; shipments, sbbls.; stock, 22.3K2 bbU UOSIN l'irm; wiles, l.Hn bill ; receipts, 1.1: bbls.; shipments, MO bhls. ; to. k, f7.:'i4 btile.. yuote: A, B, 3:i.w; C, D I! in. K. ft.; K. t. II. ; 1. fi to; ic. IS.s.'.; M. 34 4i; N. i40; YVO. U.9; WW. Ulrtal Market. NEW YORK. July 1 METAI.H-Uh.1. I.7.75. Sielter, not iioted. Copper, elec trobll"'. iiuii't, at Ht.XAi'M.. Iron, quiet and unchuniced. Tin, easy, at It-.'. At London. Spot copv'r, V 104 ; fu tuics. i:si lue; elec-trolytic. at p.. Hlx tin. i.'17ii 10s; futuies. i.lu7 10s. Lead, It. I. Selt..r. 4:l0u. 'I'mImI. 7K t". :hki American Telephone & Telegraph Co. A divl'lt ml of Two I 'o.liirH pot iar . ill iniiti tin Tlnirsdu, July I 1 i .' lt istotklHildet vt r'i-(r'l hi (!.t vu of btiiii'HM on W'nliur !j , (i. u- jt I) l Mil K'v r...