Tim UkJti: 1 AHA. 1 1HKSDA V. M,l, 1, 19 FOIRENT. FaraUkrU Hum. Tf yoa do net see anything; that ru!ta you In the wav o( Furnished Koomt you rtn call at Room 104, p,oo Bldg., and ask for the Fl-ee Furnished Room buresu rlmi rooming or ooarding houle In any pa rt of the city, STRN1SHED rooms, with bath, .-loset. neat, ngnt una water, romished Kltcheti. Kamam Blvd. Harney lfc. o km A rcii LAn row iti.ie CNR nice room to one or two gcntlmen. nomc privilege a risni parry, n avi. THRKE single room with bosrd. Smith exposure. Oentlemen referred. 23 St. yturv'w Ave. Do'glas CNFWT.Y papered front room, on jjlvd. K. fi. Wanted Furnished Hoomi, X WOULD like n roim In nrtvnte home of congenial end homelike suiToun.llngs. ith shower hp.th preferred, hut not es sential; would like breakfast end supper. Kindly stste full particular when reply In. S. Bee. Parti Inked Hiekelii( Rum. tU DODGB-Modern light housekeeping's reasonable. Housekeeping; Room. 1205 FARNAM Nice, plenn. modem housekeeping; rooms, Reasonable., DAVENPORT. 2011 TWy Oil THHBH NICELT Fl'RNISHWD FIlUNT HOUSEKEEPINO ROOMS. tVARNAM. 2S:2. two nl.-e housekeeping rooms, very reasonable. fT A V1 TV( MrKi.v f."t"R. NISHET) HOI BEMSI I'IMI KOOMB, $8 50 WEEK. Ltarkt Hoasekpcpkna? Room. 'u x-aivjv a v t,. i ana a-room ftpen- menta; clean, cool. cosy. Harney iVilO, Hoimi sod Cottaares. North. ATUXj modern C-room house, on car line. In Florence, large yard. Florence BUS. too slain 8t. BARGAIN If taken at once, all modern b-room house; maple flooring In living and dining rooms; large shade and bear ing cherry trees, other shrubbery; one Wk from car and school. Webster sr. 13. r-ROOM all modern Iioum. close to car, $2f.- Douglas iTlo. oath. For Rent South half of double brick house 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, ail modern, at 1511 6outh 2vtb Sc. near Park school, on block east of Hanscom park. TeL Harney 1609. Writ. poven-room modern house. 108 S. 86th St. Mlacellaaeoas. SEE the Central Furniture Stores. FREE) RENTAL. LIST. tt'Ti Chicago, rooms, mod., flu. 410 N. 22d, 10 room, niod., 2 baths, $48, 219 Capitol Ave., 8 rooms, $30. 8708 Farnam, 8 rooms, mod. brick, $50. SK.4 St. Mary's Ave., 6 rooms, $30. 813 N. 18th, 8 rooms, $2G. RT NOW ALT, HRANDKI8 THEA. BLDG. $18 6-r. cottage, modern ex. neat, fine location, fine shape, aeant. July L $18 7-r. dwelling, ' modern ex. heat, Close-in, M17 Grace St. .US 6-r. modern dwelling;, fine "hapo, Rd and Grace. $10 6-r. cottage, brick basement. 2 rms. S16 Bancroft St. W. O. SHR1VER. l'h. Doug. 1S3. 1047 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bid J. C. Reed Exp. Co., moving, packing ft. storage. 1207 Farnam. D. 148. Maggard's $Zlt S JngjpafcUHg.. ahlpplng. 1718 Webster (St .DURING summer, ten rooms, two baths. modern, reasonable; best location; ref- fences required. Addros. H gin, rnr. Gordon Van Co. $33 119 N. 11 th St. Ktol Ave Tel. D 894 or Wob. ISSt ALL, sites. U per month up. 507 Paxton. Houses f"'?.1, Son ft Co-' B " " In all parts of the city. For Rent 8-room cottaRo, 1615 N. 29th St. J-roora ipsj-tment, Frsnkllti 8U .-room apartment. 2J-S3 Franklin St. All In first-class condition, nice yard, ater rent paid by owner. GALLAGHER & KELSON 4 Brandels Bldg. Douglas 33S2. Nice Cool Office With .Vault Near the Elevator aod Stairs - Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent'! Office. Room 103. -R cottage, close in. 4is Chicago St. GlobeVan & Storage Stores, moves, packs ships; J-hors.. van and 1 men, $1.25 per nr.; storage $3 per mo. Batlsfactlon guar. D. 4U$ A Tv, Lu. FIDELITY fiKT FKEE Phone Douglas USX for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sis. 4-r. 1110 N. 22D HT. RASP BROS flat, steel ranirn. hbi stova, kitchen cabinet, water paid, $17. Douglas 13. " Stores Office. A nice office m a good location, make your business plans successful. THE BEE BUILDING ' "THE BUILDING THAT If ALWAYS NETW" fttrnlches Just such combinations. Office Room 103. STORE IN WEAD Ei'lLDIXU. WE AD, 1801 FARNAM ST. F. L. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent for Jitney service. Kord preferred by competent driver. Address I. 64S, Bee. WANTED To rent auto for jitney serv Ice; Ford preferred, by competent J river. Address L 64.1, Bee. WANTED TO BUY VE pay Chicago prlres for alumluuin scrap casliiiKS. Pnxton-Mltchell Co. o (WANTED Good light top buggy; no rat tletraps. Johnson Bros.. Malvern, la. Tale buys everything Jnd hand. Web. 4WM. OFFFICfi furniture bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 12"7 Farnnm. Doug. 614 WANTED To buy food grocery and meat fixtures for our new more. No 83, at 8i7 Farnam. Tel. liasket Stoi-e Office. Douglas :.i0. A 'For Bale" aa will turn second-hand furniture into cash. REAL, ESTATE FA KM R4! U LAVUI yoR iALR Callturuia. Hve Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Bmlth Co.. SI1J.14 Cli Vat. Bk. O. ftna Live Oak Colonies - There la t.o boiler land, nor a more beautiful or detdrable liHatljn In Cali fornia than our toiuoy land. To realise this you must see It EXCl'KMON JILT 13TI1 Can s 1! you any sizud tract you may want, improved or unim proved. Five literatim-. D. 2819. W. T. Smith Co., City National Bank lildg. loi.radv. FOR BALE Reitlou in Weld Co.. Colo., $175 per acre; no trades; write owner, f Ma T ln..ln 111 Colorado. U0 ACRES very beat farming: land In northeastern Colorado. $10 per acre; l 'h. balance ten year at per cent. This land Is really worth over $15 rer acre. Wheat on nelKhborlng farms has averased as hlsh ns bushels per ecra for the la-it ten years. A. W. Burg - . 104 W. O. W. Bldg. Ions. HAVK TOO A FARM FOR SAt.KT Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City, la., Journal, ' lows s Most Powerful Went A1 Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen a is o twelve different day for $-'; or $0 words. $4; or 75 words. M. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper. W,0 readers dally In four great states Iowa. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. $S cash and $$ monthly, no Interest or taBa; highly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographs and full Information. Munger. R. 1TL N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Mtsaoarl. 90 BCSHET.l corn acre; 10.000 bushels wheat raised on 800 acres land same as I am selling. $35 acre, $4 cash, balance twenty years Do not let this ..hance psB. O. $. Stelvblns. o eliraka. FOR SALE fi 40 ax-res of good land In Dawson county, Nebraska; 12i acres Bow in wheiit and corn, balance raw. Good stock farm. No trade. Address Owner, Box 964, Lincoln. Neb. o. lftKACRE well Improved farm near Fair mont. Fillmore Co.; price $llo.o pe clal terms. John L. Maurer, Omaha, Neb. Orea-on. BT OWNER 40-acre improved ranch near rni I rass; Ideal climate; good build ings; Tokay vineyard; young pears; grain; $4,000. William Jeffera, Murphy, Ore. FARMS WANTED Farm Wanted I want to buy a good Improved farm of lfio acres near a good town. Will go mr as one nunnrea rnilea rrom omnlia. Must buy direct from -owner. No nirents. Address Arthur C. Grossman, 208 Boston uiuro, umsna, XNeo. . PHONE DOUGLAS 5107. REAL ESTATE EXCTIANGE FOR EXCHANGE. - 875 acres, Todd county, Minnesota, four and one-half ml'es southwest of Eagle Bend, and only four hours' ride from St. Paul. Black loara soil; Clav subsoil; level to undulating. Seventy-five seres timothy and clover; balance scattered brush and timber, with large acreage of open land. Should be owned by some one with suf ficient means to do some tilling and clear ing. With improvements It can be made one of the best stock farms In tho state. Adjoining lands now selllliff at $76 to $100 per acre. Price: t4i per acre; purchaser to -sumo moHuaKo of $1,R75 due 1920, at per cent Interest. Want $o.000 or mora cash, and balance 'of eoulty in unen cumbered Canada lanil. HOWARD KVERFTTT. Commerce Bldg. St. Pnul, Minn. o FOR EXCHANGE. $75.000 Oregon irrigation bonds. GUt- eagen security; o per cent Interest, pay ble sonii-annualiy. Want clear Mon tana, North Dakota, Wisconsin or Canada lands. HOWARD KVERt'TT. Commerce Bldg. St. Paul. Minn. o TO EXCHANGE for land or city prop erty. R-lO-aio store In a rood Colorado town. Must get out on account of sick ness. Address T-64S, Bee. NICE) home. Boulder, Colo., to exchange for Omaha property. P. O. Box 293. o IMPROVED 100, 75 acres of corn, acres of wheat, will make 35 bushels. Price reasonable with or without cron and tock might exchange.. Hellyer, Repub lican city, Neo. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE The Greatest Bargain In Kountze Place 1S17 Evans St., . brand new, modern home, large IK In if room, vestibule en trance and coat closet, dining room with paneled walls and window seat, kitchen, fine pantry and vestibule, all on first floor; three bed rooms, sun room, or summer sleeping porchi and batn on sec ond Cloor. This is a well arranged and beautifully finished house: plumbing and heating guaranteed, and house has Just been decorated on both floors with ex pensive paper. Full set of screens and shades go with the house. Yard Is nicely sodded snd street Is paved. Price only $4,100; $3C0 cash and $35 per month. You cannot equal this bargain in anv part of town. Go out today. Tenant will show you through. Payne & Slater Co. m Omaha Nsfl Bank Bldg. Nifty Bungalow Bargain Vestibule, living room, dining room and sun room, finished In oak; bedroom and kitchen finished in yellow pine, with birch floors; bath room white enamel; oak floors throuRhout; two front room have boamed ceilings; dining room has plate rail, panel walls, window seat and bookcases; sun room hus ( windows, with a 8. K. exposure: house Is 1 stories, but 2d floor isn't finished; could finish 8 rooms', high-grade fixtures, guaranteed furnace, floor drain: lot 40x127: paved street; location and neighborhood Is fine; near 19th and I-alrd His. About $400 cash and rest monthly, or lot as first payment. Rasp Bros. : liifi McCague Bldg. Douglas li'n.1. $-ROOM HOL'BK. All modern except heat, cemented basement, bath with porcelain fix tures. . New lighting fixtures, east front. price. $i.ty.uo. $.1u).M . .cash, balance like rent. This Is an opportunity to own a house. Let us show you this. ( , T RAVER BROS.. Sunday and Evenings. Webster 43. Douglas 11. VS. 706 Omaha National Bark Bldg. On the Boulevard 4113 North 20th St. ( rooms and sleeping porch. This nouse Is lea than 8 years old. la worth J.7i. but owner needs the money and will sell for $3,3un . Tte best snap In the city. W. S. Frank Sul Neville Block o REAL LSTATK XORTH MDJS NICK HOME IN KOUNTZE PLACE FOR $3900.00. First floor finished In oak. having a library or den. besides hnIL parlor, din ing rom and kitchen: three bedrooms and bath on second floor; a well ar ranged house, most new, on a south front lot. ftvxl24. W. II. GATES 47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1294. tCRAIIf-ANDTRODUCE-MARKETi Actire Cash Demand for All Qrtiiis Leads to Advance of Two Cent in Wheat Market. REAL ESTATE HOrTIl SIDE West Leavenworth Bungalow MIS leaven worth St.. a beautiful new bungalow, modern In every convenlcm-e and finished In every detail. location Ideal, being between the West Farnam and Field cluh districts. I-avenwrth car parses the door. Paved streets on all sides and paving all paid for. House lias five extra large rooms and bath on one floor, and fine basement. If you want to see something different, come out this afternoon and look this house over. See the beautiful decorations In all the rooms and notice the beautiful effects obtained throUKh the use of beamed ceilings In parlor and dining room; bullt-ln bookcases In living room and beautiful bullt-ln com bination buffet and china cabinet In dining room. This bungalow Is a little beauty and finished so completely thnt your time will he we'l silent In coming out to look It over. Price. $3,000; terms can be arranged. Open today for Inspec tion. Payne & Slater Co. 18 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. o SENTIMENT IS NOW BEARISH fcaf,'w'W4? s No i northern. $l..''ni.3.l Fl.ol K - I ri. iiin-cd HAHI,KV-l'ii'... liV I'.il Hu 1 11. BRA N- t21.o. Cf'KN-No, .1 vellnw. 7l'.'iiT.V. OATS No. S whit.-. 4-;ti4,j'-. FLAX-$1.70tjl.;iV IVIHW YORK (ir.r HII. MARK RT Varloas MOST COMFORTABLE HOME $4,900. Has five lovely rooms and bath first floor; three bedrooms snd bath second floor. First floor all finished in oak. House Is strictly modern in every respect Lovely lawn, east front, paved street. One Uook from Hanscom Park car line. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Bldg D. 83S2 o OMAHA, June 80. 1916. There was an active cash demand for all grains today. Wheat was eieMa!ly strong, selling lo over yesterday's prl.t-s. There whs only a few cars of wheat on the tables and 'these were quickly taken up at the ad Ivance. i orn receipts were fair and there a goodly number of sales reported. The commercial grade ot white ami yellow, corn were In good demand and the mar- Ket sold unchanged to He higher. There were only five cars of oats re ceived today, but these were easily sold at an advance rt Wc to lc. Sentiment In the distant futures Is gen erally bearish. althouKh It Is rather bull ish on July, owing probably to the de creasing stocks and the light receipts all over the country. Some of those who are pesslmlstlo in regard to the new corn crop say that several reports re ceived from Iowa points despair of anv thtnk like a normal vleld. Clearance were: Wheat and flour eot'nl to l'lr. .wi K,.v.-i-. m lels: onts. 7.11.000 bushels. Liverpool Spot wheat unchanged to Id hlnlier; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts were S7S.OO0 hu.thels and shipments .Ono bushels, arntnst receipt, of 504.t bushels and shipments of 9tX,ono bushels es year. Primary corn receipts were M7.0OO bush els and shipments 7fS.00O bushels, against receipts of SKl.ono bushels and shipments of MO.000 bushels lsst year. Primary oats receipts were 640.000 bush els and shipments 4M.O00 bushels, against receipts of amino bushels and shipments of 7S9.0TX) bushels last year. CARLOT RBCFJIPTB. Wheat.Corn.Oats. 211 South 42d $4 blocks of 40th and Farnam; T rooms and reception hall; 4 bedrooms; oak fin ishing well decorated: 50-foot lot: nice bis; shade trees; $36 per month. You must act at once If you get this. Hiatt-Fairfield Co. 230 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 49. Vacant Lot Bargain $1,500 REfllDHJNCE W)T FOR pTrV-Mth Ave., firit vacant lot nouth of Iaven- Wflrt h gfeuflt miia nr A . I - I- trs in front. Konk. Ml fl, 2114 St. Doug. ifw, k?vrnin(i, SOUTH SIDE $ rooms, all modem, paved street with paving paid; located on South 27th street within walking- distance; good location. Price, $2,900. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE West Farnam 7-R Modern $4,000 48d Street hetwean Farnam and Doug las. Reception hall, living room, dining room and kitchen on first floor, and four fine bed rooms and bath on second. Ab solutely modern and In fine condition. Oak finish and floors on first storv. lot 60x125. Paving paid. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Tyler 1536. State Bank Bldg. REAL ESATE INVESTMENTS Garfield County Land Wanted An exceptionally good Income property. Ideally located, mouern in every respect and almost new. Price (lo.DuO. Owner wants land in Onrflal.l county, northern of Burwell, for his equity of flo.tiuO. He owns land in that vicinity and wants to Increase his holdings. J. H. Dumont 8c Co. 418-18 State Bank Bid. Phone DoaK. ra i. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Homes $100 Down $200 Down $300 Down We have a number of 4, 6 anj C-room homes in different parts "of the city we can sell you by paving a small payment down and the balance on email inonthlv payments about the same as rent. Cail or phone ua and we will send you a list. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1)4 Harney 8t. $4,000, Easy Terms Owner must sacrifice new house neat Omaha university; fine location, with large shade trees; first floor has llvlnn room, sunroom or library, dining room and kitchen: nicely decorated and ouk finish; second floor: $ bedrooms snd sleeping porch; eryth1ng modern; paved street and near car: $600 cash will hsn rlle. Real bargain. Glover & Spain 6ft 21 ' 48 8U Chicago 7 Minneapolis 117 t'uluth 18 Omaha 7 Kansas City 41 rU. IaiuIs 14 Winnipeg J4 Sales reported today: Wheat No. 1 hard winter: i car, $1.24; 1 car, $1.2SV4 No. 8 hard winter: 4 car. $1.80. No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. $1.20. No. 2 durum: J car, $1.16. No. 8 durum mixed: H car, $1.81. No. 8 mixed durum: 1 oar. 81.18. Corn No. 8 white: 8 cars. 78c. No. 8 white: t care, 71o. No. 1 yellow: 8 oara, .2c. No. $ allow: 8 cara 72c No. 8 yel low: 1 car. 71c; 8 cars. 71 "o. No. I yel low: 1 car, 71,c; 1 csr, 70Vo. No. $ mixed: 8 cars, near white, 71Vjo; 8 cars, 71c. No. 8 mixed: 8 cars, 70Sc. No. 6 mixed: 1 csr. 70c. No. mixed: 1 car, tHc Sam ple: 1 car, 8Hc; 1 car, 67Vtc; 8 cars. fo, Oats No. $ white: 1 car, 4uc; 1 car, 44Vc: 8 cars, 44Sc. Samplo: 1 oar, 48c Omaha Cash Prlcee Wheat: No. $ tur key. 81.25fel.27; No. 8 turkey, $1.3k3L8; No. 2 hard. $1 ifl.24: No. $ hard, $1.2uii 1 13; No. 4 hard. $1.14411.80; No. 8 spring. $J.lldfl.2I; No. 2 durum, $1.14a4.16: No. 8 durum. l.1BtjH.14. Corn: No. 8 white, 71V liTir; No. 8 white. 71'4fnVo: No. 4 white, .lflTlc; No. 6 white. 70Mj7iyiO: No. 4 white. 70Hf71o: No. t yellow, 7107Jo; No. 8 yellow. 71H4l714o: No. 4 yellow, 7ia 71V,c: No. S yellow, 7oVj371c; No. 1 mixed, 7iV&71e; No. 8 mixed. 7aMJW4o: No. 4 mixed, eV!j70Vic; No. 6 mixed, KH, t)70o; No. mixed. t!tf6!rio; samiilo mixed. (KiffWVie. Oats: No. 8 white, 40si 4';c: standard, 464WiHc; No. 8 white, 441 iE4jc; No. 4 while. 44Sf44V4c, Barley. (11 iff 4c; No. l feed, rav&sio. Rye: No. 8, $1.04 fll.07; No. 3. M.tVdl.Oii. I . I Qaetatloas of the Day oi Minedltles. NEW TORK, June .-FLOtrn-Stendy. WHEAT Ppot, Irregulsr: No. 2 red, I1.32W, and No. i hard. $1 8M. c. I. f. 'New Tork; No, 1 northern, Duluth, $1.87Vj, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba. $!., c. I. f. export. Buffalo. Futures were steady; JVly. H.H'i. CORN Spot, steady; No. 2 yellow, fce, prompt shipment. OATSfpnt. firm; standard, r; No 3 white. MVS fancy clipped whlta. 5fiW 67c. II AT Firm' No. 1. $1.80; No S. 8i.l.'yffi 1.174; No. 8. $1 .0J; shipping, "WcTtLOOV HOPS Quiet: state, common to choice. T01SIAHA' LIYE11TO 1MKET Hct7 Cattle Ten Higher and Othen Steady to Eaiier Sheep Steady and Lambs Lower. H00S FULLY TEN CEUTS UP Pacific coast. 1M4. lKul.lo. Bogota. Tie; Central first, 32c; 1914. 10W.V; 11-13, S'iflO. IIIDKt Steady America, lie. I.BATHKR rirm; hemlock seconds, swine, PROVIPIONP Pork, steady: mess. $11 50 ??1!00; famllv, 821.KMTT.1 00; short ilear. 1S Htyacn 60. lleef. firm, mess. (18 sv,fc I8 60; family, $1 W0N.V. Ird, firm; middle w est, $8 iXHit 0i. TALIXW Dull; city, 6V; country. BTt''Jfilt: speclsl, OV. BUTTKH Barely steady; relpts. 11. fc7 tubs; creamery extras CM acorei, tl 2c: higher soorlng. 8SW2!o: firsts, Wnf ITSc: seconda IHJtf.itr. FOUS Weak; receipts. 1."la rases; fresh gathered extrss. 22?23c; extra firsts. 2if21o; firsts, lsmjll second 17-aiv. CHKfB Steady receipts, 927 boxes; state whole milk, flats' and twins, whlta sieclala 16Hci state whole ndlk, flats and twins, colored. liMri6c; state wholo milk, flats and twins, average fancy, lfV,c. POrLTRT-Allve, weak: chlokens. broilers, ZXtMo; fowls, lHSviM7e. Dressed, dull; western froien roasting chickens, ifJOtOe: fresh fowls, loed, lSHtrittHc; fresh turkeys, loed, Uxjl7e. SOVTH OMAHA. June .V. 11 iieceipt. were: Csttle. Hogs. Sheep. yi-i'iai Monrtav 877t Official Ttiesdav. 4 W1 Kstlinate Wednesday.. 8.OO11 1 , Three days this week 11.4S7 t Same days last week.. 14 Ml 1 Sumo days 2 weeks sk I4.11 eanie days 1 weeks ago 1) 41 Same days 4 weeks so 14.874 Same days lat 1 ear. .10.:: The followtn. .- u.lDla of cattle, hogs and t-heep at the South -Jmaha live ato.-k market for the year to date, aa com-.ared with last year: . imA. 114 Inc. , Dec t1 Ci0;,4.i0 2.uM 106.JW ' ..I.HS.4.4 l.XWf.91 t7.sl .... "'JLIT" 1.040,va 1,07 674 80,711 The following table chows the average Price for hogs at the South Omaha live tock nistk.t for the last few days, with comparisons: C HICAGO OR4IV AND PROVISIONS. 1 1 Features of the Trading: muA daaias; Prices on Board ( Trail.- CHICAOO, June 30. Unexpected heavy rains In Oklahoma, Arkansas and Mis souri tended to drive a majority of wlinat traders to the bull aide of the mitrki-t. As a result prloes closed firm at Tvjnc nut advance. Corn gained H4to net. outs wound up H'tple higher and pro visions will) a rise of 630c. It waa not until business In the wheat pit '-ad been under wsv for some time that sentiment began to rear decisively In favor of giving quotation a hoist. The easy (dart was duo to improved condi tions shown on the westher map. but htillifdi estimates of the domestlo winter crop and of the exportable surplus of India noon acted as more than an offset. Strenglh developed rapidly after storm dnnuiKo newa began to flood In from the southwest and especially aa purchases overnlttht from first hands were said to have been next to nothing. DesMto assertions of some exporters thnt wheut sales to Europe had become so difficult as to tie alnoet on a gold basis, free on board ship. 400,000 bushels of old and new wheat were announced aa hav ing been disposed of for ocean passage. No doubt was expressed, however, but that the demoralised condition of tho foreign rxehanse market was greatly I'Hm'ierlni the export trade. Corn strength was mainly In sympathy with wheat. The bearish character of I ha government w oekly report formed noniottiln'r of n handiest) for the bulls. In ih onts crowd most attention was given to an active demand from the see board. l!rd(nnK snl"S. however, made the de ferred months relntlvelv weak. Higher prices In the hog market lifted provisions OoshIp continued that Euro nenn srovornments had placed big orders ho'' 'or ments.' Closing prices on options: Liverpool drain Market. LIVKRPOOL. June 80. WHEAT Spot, steady; No. 1 northern. Dulutb. Us 8d; No. 2 hard winter, lis 41 : No. S. Mani toba. Us 4Sd; No, 8, Ua 8ld. CORN Spot, quirt; American mixed, new. 7s lid. v 1 NFW YORK ST4CKS AND BOWPS Europe's Llqaldatlow of t' a. Bonds Topic of Dlsews.loa. NEW YORK. June 90. Int reaaed offer ings of our securities for foreign Inter ests and the uneasiness arising from further weakness) In all branches of the foreign exchange market provided the motives for today's Irregular and halting stock market. Kurope's persistent liquidation of our bonds has assumed such proportions aa to form the toplo of general discussion In bsnklng circles. Some high grade Issues In the railway division show losses of 1 to almost 3 potnta for the week. The bulk of the selling, according to popular report cornea from London, which Is unloading for Its own and French ac oounts. Oermany Is liquidating largely by way of Holland. The extent of these operations mar be judged from the fact that today's sales of one Issue. Bnltlmore Ohio convertible 4s alone aggregated $115, OuO. Total salus of American bonda today, mainly for future delivery, ap proximating $t00.oi0 at par value. Aa for foreign exchange new low records were made for remittances to Iiondon, Paris. Rome and Petrograd. There were heavv offerings of checks on Paris at 6.78. with comparatively few acceptances. Checks on Kome, or llres. were quoted at ti.23 and rubles, or Bussian exchange were quoted at 38, representing a dis count of 18 per cent against the par value of the American dollar. Sterling; stesdled after dellning to a fraction under 4.7. Apart from thane conditions, the stock market lapsed into extreme dulness, in anticipation of the coming holidays. Almost one-half of the sesson s trading occurred In the first hour. A few of tha better known railways, was specialties, copiiers, petroleums and motor special ties made early gains of 1 to 8 points, some of which was later forfeited. Secondary railways continued to reflect the uncertainty attendtnr their future. Missouri Pacific declining to . Its low record of the early year end Missouri. Kansas ft Texas' falling; 84j to -U, Its minimum price of msny years. - Total sales amounted to 226.n00 shares. The Bank of Knglsnd was a purchaser of some 3.ono,00 additional gold, but so far as could be learned no part of It was subject to release In thla country. The general bond list wss heavy, at variable concessions. Total sales, par value, aggregated $3,710,000. . , t United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotations on stocks were as follows: irtrh. La. Cles.. ! XH4 I. KM) Artlclel Opon. I High ' Low. Close. Yes'y Whestl 1 I I I .lulv.f 10V 1 nfiSI 1 044 108HI 10C4 Kept. I 1 01, 1 tt'V 1 0im 10V 10T4 Corn 1 I 1 July. 72 V H -721 73 73H Sept. 7Hil 72S 71Wi 2i 1l Oats I I Julv. 43' ! 44S ..43'.,' 44S 4H, Sopt. 37V,i 374, 37i 87', 87, Pork I I I Julv. I 16 8741 ! SO 11 674 16 80 16 66 Sept i 17 174! 17 a 17 174 17 25 K 124 Lard I ' July. I 8 i 46 9 2T. 9 424 234 Sept.' 9o0 I 74 9 60 1 674 8 474 Klbs I II' July. 10 10 40 10 86 10 40 10 824 Sept.! HI 06 ( 10 70 I 10 n 10 74 10 824 Douglas 8962. 918-20 City National. REAL ESTATE 8VBURI1AN Florejtee. C. L. NETHA WAY for trades. Flor. 276. REAL EST AT 75 IXIAN9 FARM LOAN3, li PER CUNT TC'T.AN P fc Tit1 ' M BULL. 4S lies l!lvlg $100 TO 110,000 madi promptly. F. U. weaa. weao nicy . utn and Krn..m Bts CITY anj farm Idana, 8. 64. rr ent. J. H. Dumont A Co.. 418 State Hir,.. '? WANTLl--Oood (arm and City loans at lower, rar.es. PETERS TRUdT CO.. 1122 Fnrn.im. WANTED-City loans and w'arrau')'. V Farnam Smith & Co.. 120 Karniv-n St. SIEDICAL Chicago Cah Trices WhestT No. 2 red. $1.264l 28; No. 9 hard, $1,284. Corn: No. 2 yellow, 7DVft7k:; others nominal. Oats: No. 3 white, 4HVa4tc; standard, iiUSc- Kye: No- 1-17' Barley, mf 72c. Seeds: Timothy. $5.60fl.7S; clover, $8.rAG13.8f. Provisions: Pork. $16.75; lard, $t .4; rllis. $.76'010.2C. Bl'TTKH Lower; creamery, 224T370. E(i(JS lx)wer; at mark, case Included, I r-fi l'v-: ordinary firsts. Ifc4il4c; firsts, icaif.'.c I'OTATOKJ U'nsettled; new. receipts, & cars; Vliglnla Cobblers. $1 8071.90; Ok lahoma and Arkansas Triumphs, sacked, Wa-rtfx : old. receipts, five cats; Mlohlaan, and Wisconsin, white, lSUic. POULTKY Alive, lower; fowls, 134o; j srlnrs. 2itr"3e. j Kansas (Mr (train Pro I. Ions. ! KANSAS CITV. June 30. WHhVAT 'No. i hsrd. $1 24Jjl.3.'; No. 2 red, $1.1$; IJuly. $l.''H1i'1.O0; Stptcmber, M'c; 1 e- ceinbcr. W'g'-. COP. N No. 2 mixed, 71ii734c; No. I white, "4'-i 7.V ; No. 2 yellow, 7.x': No. 8. 744c; Julv. "l',c; September, Hc; De cember. Hl'uimc. ! OATS'-No. 2 white. 47c; No. 2 mixed. I Bl'TTKH-Croe merr. 27r; firsts, i conds. 2.V; paclilnit. I!i4c. K.OCS Firsts. 17c; sefonds. 13Uc. .' POULTRY Hens. 12c; roosters, broilers, 1Ki22c. 2Sc; A BARGAIN if taken at once, modern ti-ruom house; maple fiourlua, shade trees, bearing 1 berry txevs. ciher shrub bery; liloik from car Hue. Phone Web. Soil . BAROAIN BY GAY N Ell A beautiful 8-room, ttrtctly modera home. In splendid condition; good loca tion! aleaaatly flnlahe4 inside; aa good aa new; large lot; cistern. Prloa $8,700. Call 86U WirC Phone Web. 24 after I a u. RUPTURE Rupture treated successfully by all safe, scientific methods. The majority are cured without a surgical operation. V e have treated many hundreds of men. women and children. The cott Is deter mined after examination, and lime re quired to cure two or threo weeks. Call or write for further particulars. Frank H. Wray, Suite 8ji, Be Bid , Oruaiia. Nek. at. Loots Grata Market. ST. I.OUIS. June 80. WHEAT No. 2 red. $l.l44ti'l 16: No. 2 hard, nominal; Julv. $102; September, 94c. CORN-No. f, 76c; No. 2 white. 774c; July 7He; September. 7l4OT4c. OATS-No. 8. 47Vu44c; No. 2 white. 50c. P1LKU FISTULA CURED. Dr. EL R. Tarry cures piles, fistula aad other rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cure guaranteed aud no snoney paid until cured. Write for book en rectal diseases with testlnjoolala XH. K. R. TARRY. 80 m bid, t Mlaaeapolls (irala MtrkI. VINNKAPOLIS. June 80 WHEAT July. $1.U4; Hepteniber. $1.04; Np. 1 REAL ESTATE LOANS CITY property 11. T W. Irge loans a sue lalty Thomas. U Btste Bank Bldg MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. M. W. BlndWr, City Nstlonal Hank Bldg OMAHA homes. East Ncbrsska farms. O KEEKE REAL EUTATifl CO.. 101 Omaha National. Phone Dougtas 871S. 8KB as first for farm loans In eaaivrn Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. citv i)km r n Cm-ura 6 Alula OeM , Amalxamat.! pp.r ... Am.rlca Ht nug.r.... Amrlran Cm Amrlin H. A H America K. A H ltd . Am. Riissr lUflnlni Am.rlo.it T.I. Ttl ... Am.rti'.a Tobrra An.C4mf1a Mining Atchison PKltlm.iT. a Ohle Braoklrn HUtla Transit . Csllturnla I'rml.yoi Osnsdlan Fscltla Ontrsl L.a(h.r rb.Mpe.lt. a Ohio fblrago O. W Chlo.su. M. A St. P...-. Chlcso N. w Chlno nwr (k,lor Kul Iros.... Colorado ft S 011th. m Iwnrr a Rio Ormnil..... llDT R. l. Pl rIMIIlr' nmnirtll) Erte 0Mral Elwirte Orwa Northern ,M Ort N. Or. tf. Ousssnh.lm Biplorstlos.. Illinois I ntrl Int.boroi(h twt pfa... InHrstloa Cvpvr ... .. lntarnatlonsl HMTW.r .. KanM City aouth.rn Lshlsb V.ll.r Luul.rlll. A Nuhvlll... M.i loan PMrol.ua Miami Copper MiHouri. K. ft T MlMouri P.rHtlo N.tloii.1 Ulwult ... N.lkMial K.vail. "ppw New York onlrsl N. Y., N H a H Norfolk ft Wtrn North.rn rwclfla , Paolfla Mall ,. Paniria T.I. a T.I...... .j pwrnwrlfacls Rar (. Copper Raaalns Vpublli iros a 8tMl.... Rurk Ulantt to Hock Island Co. ptd 1 u a s. i pt.. aouth.rn Partfln 8outh.ro luilwar IwnwM Onopor T.aaa tompn)r Union I'arltio fnlos Pltlc P'd l oll. 4 mate. Su.1. I. 1 atwi prd t't.h foppor Wafa..k pf4 W t rn t'alns W.MIngoouaa Filwtrta . Total ! tor tha day 8V tlao l.l'C 4114 1 14 ' .4 1S 400 I3IS 114 t.K 1.7O0 s.pno i.kis Si 1i0 76't 14kH 40 00 lift 11 . 44 110 .114 W"4 7i 1424 404. 2t 4H 11 V. 4.2no too t.Hun i.100 aw 4 t 17ISk 11 Hi, IS 8H M. 19' lit 4 3 74 4H4 S 0 1044 lot 1HH IM4 w loot, ' 4 14 1.', 40', IP. t' 1K 4H II H S4 400 'i.floo n t.l"0 too MS )W4 ll MS M'4 K too4 1414 1414 141 117U w too 114 ill. 744 84. 14 74 li 1.(0 1 r4 ti 00 in .1044 too 11 l.40 400 U.euv lw 7I I. ieo 4.S00 II. 2n bM lid 401 iOO KM, 14 14144 Ml, 14 74 II os lN4 644 . 44S 1044 1474 Tt 7 '4 l"4 s4 II 1274 1144 Vt 10, .4 414 4 4 M4 U4.000 atiaras. 7 is i 117 41 sat 4 1"! m 14714 '. 4 7i rs 144 m 1M 11714 81, 40 l"i 7S ' 14 444 Loral Hlocks aad Uoads. Quotations fomlihad hr Bsras. Brisker ft C , 441 Oaiaiia bauk building Block Bid Aakas. Asiarlras tm.lttn( gM-ulitlai, ptd ... 14 ft nankr. Menim Ixaa 14 enr Katlon.l I. nil pa n.r. A IV) . P'n II 11 P.lrni.nt Craaiurr. T pw ont ptd.... 100 H.i.ld BuWiu. 4 par oant pfd a4 o U Broom ft Li.t.r pfd 474 Mountain Hi.Im Tela 101 Omaha ft 'u Bl'ift. at. Rr ptd 71 10 71 7 110 rf 111 H 44 tlmana a I'o. niufd Rr ft Bnd(a pfd. 44 fwltt ft Co Pfd 104 Villon rttork tarda stock M Flat. Rank. Omaha Hut.ib.rsw a Co.. 7 par c.nt pfd So Sioux I Ur Yard, pfd bonda- Cudahr PkS Co.. I84 100 1,444 Colasibua, Nab.. BIm: la UU l 11 ( M r National Bank Bid, . 4s K Outillnantal Oas a Blea. la. 1177...... uv, IiundM. N.b . atunlclu.1 ,.. 1IM0 . . 101 71 101 M k.nsa. Ct U ack. blst. 4aa. mm. .1 a a 101 U Iylalana I. 1M loll, iJtw N.e auta T.lrpbooa sa 7t 44 Omaha flee U ft Pow. 4. INI an S714 Omaha Bawar 4,.. 14 tv. yJ Ouj.ha ft (o uiutf. at. Br. te. ltw . 14 , Horkr Mt. Ku.l la. twnu. ft Hloua City twerk Vda. 4a. ir i I nixnllr Plac. N.b.. 4... 1417 M w4 Wlohlta Vnlon Stock Tda. 4a. ISJ4 r too Ita-dlTld.ad I . I.ondoa Slook Market. IiONDON, June SO With the esieptiou of snlllnj Canadian Pariflc to a lower level, business In the American section of the stock innrkot was confined to further isles of gold bond at eaalr prices. KILVFR-Har. iSd per ounce. MON K V 14 per cent. Discount rates, short bills and three months. 44 per cent. s art 10 ! i:,fMt u.ti 12,000 7.0f S4.8S7 28.S9S 3.0fvJ 87.K48 33.781 .T4 8S.S70 4.t! 4I.S. P.4' 28.11, 2S.?H w ltn-the tistla aeHTe-Trytt-the- liewiewtl good gulte a string of wethers sold st $1 SO. Some shorn fed western lambs sold up to $s.w. tiling lambs, which constituted th bulk of th receipts, wera very slow, and It was midday or after before a clear snce was effected. There 1 a feeling among buyers that am-lne lamha which advanced 4Vo on Monday, are entli-elv u man. ana xiiey oave been worKing ever since to wipe out that advance. Sellers have fought hard against the de cline, making the market very alow yes terday and today, with the result that H was after midday both days before a clearance was effected. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs fair to to choice. 1. no. tVO"; ewes, fair to good, $4.2n3.(io. Itehresenlatlve ..To... No. ni Idaho feeder yearlings.... S." Idaho feeder yearlings.... ireiier yearlings 84 cull yearlings, 121 lilnho ewes 9i Idaho wethers culls ; Idaho feeder lambs. ...!! K7 liialin lamb 1" fed clipped lambs 1418 Idaho wethers i cull wethers 274 clipped lrunha etui lamhs W'ouaiions on sneep and Iambi spring. r 4on.ij0; yaarllngs. choice. $.t)-,j'7.0; wethers, fair 8,.fjjn HO; ewes, good to chol . Tate. ! ls16. 1P4.11S. 1912 ll'm . 11910. June June June lune June June June June June June June June June Juno June June June Juno June 18! ? r41 8 111 f2l 7 81 5 I 8 001 8 T 91 16 T 9 8S 18 14 T 14T4 ml t 0, 8 01 .R4 is 2S' T !4 T 244 Mr 841 8 01 8 06 8 11 8 9DI 8 81 8 ml 8 u Jit 8 17 8 iM 8 IS I 8 tt in 1 8$ 1 " 7 U 8 4.S 7 1S 5 91 9 21 7 48 8 8.'l I m I 80i T l 8 Ml 7 ,V. $ 791 9 $7 1 7 85! I 7 40 8 50- 1 8 Si. 9 3K 19H". 8 41 1 f 20. 8 92 8 4 T 36, 8 H T 8 A1 9 44 9 fl 8 M 8 62 8 41 1 'l T 40 14 T 46 7 7 M 7 A 8 441 7 84 OS 7 84 8 11 $ IT 9 401 8 23 9 17 8 1 9 lftl 124 8 81 9 84 9 M a 9 18 8 63 7 T 89 7 45 7 40 7 48 7 to a 7 84 7 U I 8 80' 03' T M A v. . 77 . M . 7:i . 70 . 9o . 91 . 84 . 4 . 81 . 81 , 100 . W . 81 . M Pr. 5 V.. ti iV) S ! 8 nt 4 .i A M' 4 .' ' 7 111 It 5 ll 8 iii 4 ;. 4 2. Sunday. Raoelpts and disposition of live stock at the Union stook yards. South Omaha, lor twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yeaterday: RF3CBIPT8 CARS. Cattle, lloas. Hliesp. H t i C. M. Ft. P I b .. 7 Wabash ...., I 1 ,. Missouri Iaeif1o .... 4 1 I'nlon PacKlo 88 48 O. A N. W.. east... 4 4 C. ft N. W.. wit... 88 C, Ht. P., M. A O.. U 18 C, B. q., east... 2 C. B. west... 14 81 C. R. I. A P., east. 8 10 Illinois Contrsl 1 8 Chicago U. W..... 8 $ 101 18 I 1 8 1 44 1.41 8,832 76J Total reoelpta ...122 DISPC)SlTION HE7AD. Cattle. Hogs. Blieep. Morris & Co HA l,o l,3f Kwlft ft Co 714 1.41 Cudahy Packlnff Co.... 79 9.4HO Armour ft Co 8X5 i.Wl Pchwarta ft Co. S7 J. W. Murphy 1,416 H. A 8 48 Benton, Vanaant ft L. . 2! ..... Hill A Bon 8 F. II. Iewls 42 H. F. Hamilton 33 Sullivan Bros ..... Mo. Kan. Calf Co.... 82 Hlgglna 4 11 tiffins 11 , 7 ' Roth . 48 ..... Meyers It Tanner Bros. , 41 ...... John Harvey : Other buyers 202 ..... a... .8,403 12.008 8,801 Totsls f'ATTLK Receipts of cattle were oulto moderate this morning, only .120 cars being reported In. Tho total for the three days this week amounts to 11.4.77. bead, hidng the smallest of any recent week, but larger than a year aao by 1,400 head. The feature of the trade in beef steers was the greatly Improved demand - for heavy cattle, which were very active and loo or more higher than yesterday. While there was nothing; that oould be quoted as strictly prime, there were a number of loads good enough to bring $9.20 and $9 25. After the more urgent ordere were filled the market eased off on the close. Good light yearlings were steady with yesterday, the best selling at $W . The less desirable yearlings, tnst Is, the fair to pretty good kinds, wera alow to a little lower. Cows and heifers opened strong, but closed weak. Feeders showed little or no change, being generally steady with yesterday. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings, $t).7JfO 86: good to oholce corn fed beeves, $3 8014). 2ft: fair to rood corn fed beeves, 88.nH.0O: common to fair comfed teeves, $7.2cf8.90; goo J to choice heifers, $7,604 8.00; good to choir cows. I8.7&W.60; fair to good oows, $u7tvti.7&t oommon to fair cows, $4.0h3.,7t; good to oholce stookera and feeders, $7,6018.20; fair to good stackers and feeders. (l.OWif 7.80; common to fair Blockers and feed ers, $.2637.00: stork heifers, . $.17577.001 stock cows, $S.sOo.H): stock calves, $.0fVA 8.(K; veal calves, $8.00tf.T6; fst bulls, tax, etc.. $oe7.. Representative sales: BKKF 8TEirari8. Na. At. P.. i IIM III M. I 10. No. I .. ... 14... II... ... I .. II .. Av. Pr ... mi im ...Hit IK, ...lltl 9 10 ...UM I li ...117 I7S ...10 I 7ft .1111 I SO I. 87.. .... lull ....1114 ... .1111 ....till I II I lie IS .1M I 2ft .114 PJ 81.. 24.. .. II.. It.. II.. 4 . 4.. 1.. 8Tr KHH AND HElFtUB. .HM7 lie , 74 no 118 m .11H 1 10 I K I U I 0 I I U 7 7 0 1 ::r.::::::i IM 1 II t ... V7 W 44 ... ... mo I 00 11 ... IM III 17.. ... Ill III 41.. ... 142 IH 14 . Ct)WH. ... 8M I M I . ...1044 I 10 8... . . . f 39 f 00 HiSIFFRH. 1 171 I 91 10 : an IK 1 W0 t M DULLS. MO 8 71 1 1U IH intl IS 1 llaO I 90 St6ckrks AND FEEDFlta SM I SO n 707 T II ? HOOS There was a good, big buUo In tha hog market this morning. The trade opened 6410o higher, both shippers and packers buying quite freely at the ad vance. As It became apparent that the packing demand was heavy, the market strengthened up, . becoming fully loo hlslier and closing at the !est time even stronger than that. In other words, tha general market thla morning was right at lOo higher than yesterday and active enough to effect a clearance of pretty much everything In sight by 10 o'clock In tha morning. A large proportion of all the bogs aold inside the range, $7.8047 7.40, as against a bulk yesterday of 87.20 fj7.80. The popular price yesterday was XI. Z,, while today $7.36 was the favored figure. Aa high as $7.46 wsa paid for the best, as aaalnst yesterday's top of $7.86. As a whole tho market wss very satis factory from start to finish. Today's advance makes up a conahU rahle part of Monday's and Tuesday's decline, leav. Ing the market barely Ac lower than It was at tin close of last week, and a shade higher than It was one week ago today. Represents five sales: No. At. Sh. Pr. It IM ... T (1 140 SO T M ta in so t ii4 si til ... T K II -4 18 IS 47 Ill ... T IS 70 7 11(1 ill 17 iiai s jo 7 10 44 177 1 7 SO so i;o a in I loo ... 7 10 M n ... 7 14 11 111 so 1 114 41 It 40 1 Wi 41 MO 44 T -J 41. 141 ... 1 a 7...:.. m t 41 .2M IN Ik 40 14 40 7 M 44 I0 W til 80 7 .40 T II II Ml SO 1 14 No. Av. Sh. Pr It oo ... T 15 H 101 ... 7 IS 4 SOI Mtl T Ift t 211 ire 7 II 44 tt lift 7 la 1 4 IZO I II 40 2fl 4U 7 15 41 11 7 I;, 111 trt l 7 n a m 1 H 71 137 ... T 16 70 140 40 7 85 ft IM SO T II ST 115 ... 7 S 71 JK M t 37. "1 Ill ... 7 74 :.. no ... 7 174 U JU 40 7 174 47 He t 40 70 Ill ... Tll 14 Ill 40 7 41 44 144 ... 144 4 HICAtiO MVK STOCK MARKRT t attle ftt row. Hogra (trong tbeep TJasettled. CHICAGO, June SO. CATTLE Re celpts.. l.o) head; market strong, mostly 10c higher; native beef steers, H.H9i. western steers. 87 8oj 48; cows ami helf era, 8.1 .K!iH.60; calves, $7.25510.50. HIM IS Receipts. 88.0U0 head; market mm joanbe higher: bulk, $7.5ov7.7i.; light. $,.66414.90; mined. $786.86. heevv. 8.tKir7.7R; rough, r.'fi7.16; pigs, 6.oo'a 1.0". NHEPP AND LAMHS Receipts, 14 00H head; market tinsetUed; sheep, $n. '." Ha; lamha, $7.0om86; springs, $7.ij.W.60. Kansas City l.tve atock Market. KANSAS CITY. June SO.-CATTLK-Re.eli.ts. IM head;' market higher; prime fed steara. $9.K7.i; dressed beef steers M60419 26; western steers. 87.2MJ 9.26; cows, 4.ovu7.76; helfera I7.00tf9.6i; !.rrr" . Bd '"'"rs. 8S.264J 60. bulls. $n.0n if 7 (v; calves. $u.Oku.i0 85. . HOUS-Recelpta. 10. OuO head; . market, higher; bulk of sales. $7 Stiy'J tl; heavy. $7.4ofi7.K; packers and butchers, $J.50i 7.a; light, r.46U'7.i; pigs, $J.763... S1JKJ0P AND I-MRS-Recelts. 7.t head; market. WirtSr lower; iamba,.$!0r' 9 NO; yearlings $HHj 100; wethers, $5.V 8.26: ewea. IA inV,;, m at. I.nals I.lve Block Market. ST. LOlTia. .lunt? 80. -C ATT LB Re ceipts. 8 HoO head; market higher; native beef steers. 87.6oifi9.o0; cows and heifer. $i.O03S .40; stockers and feedei-o, $t.0fro.2S; gonthern steers. $8.26i.K; cows and heif ers 4 00u.n0: native calves. 98.004il0.6O HOOrt Receipts, 7.900 heed; market, higher: piga nd lights. 84i.8tvJ-7.S5; mixed snd butchers, $7.7tr7.; good heavy, $7.78 eyr.go. HHhlEP AND LAMBS Receipts. . 4,10i head: market steady to c higher; clipped lamhs, $7.6fHi8 60; clipped muttons. $6.0trjr6.26: spring lambs. $7.tsri10.10. t . . 1 Blooc City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. June JO.-CATTLE-Recelpts. 1X00 head: market strong:- na tive steers, 88 8Mi9.00; butchers, I6.MJT8 a: oows and heifers. $6.K4Ji7.00; canners. $410 fi-u.06; s lookers and feeders, $6.85Q7.18; bulls, stags, etc., $0.1477.10. HOOB Receipts. 8 Ono head: heavv, 87. 8r.fi 7.66; mixed. $7.15f7 SR; light. $7,0tfjj 7.16; bulk of sales. $7.1tVfl7.46. SHKK.P AND LA MB3 Receipts. 81 head; ewe. $8 60.40. Bt. Joseph Live Block Market. ST. JO SB PH. June 80 CATTLE Re ceipts. UOO head: market higher; steers. $7tti.o; nnws and heifers. $4.Ki)eC); oalvea. 88 002. HOOS-KecelpU, $.700 head; market, higher; top. $7.80; bulk. T.40r7.58. BHICBP AND LA MB4 Receipts, 1.00 head; market lower; lambs, $tVW..26. 1 . s Stock In Rlabt. Reoelpls of live stock from the five prin olpsl western markets: tie. nun". 0111;. South Omaha. fHoux City Kansas City... eU. Louis .Chicago . 8,f10 12.i)W . 1,200 ' 8,0 . $.800 10.'k . 8.SII0 7, 9J .18,00) 2X,0n0 i.oV Kl 7,t 4.101 14.011 Total receipts 27,000 . 85,$TI J2t New York Mos.y Market. NTCW YORK. June 80.-PR1MF. MKU CANTILK PAPFR 8fS4 per cent. STFRI4NO EXCHANOE Slty-day bl'ls, $4.72; demand. $4 70; cables. $4.71.. SILVI5K Bar. 48c; Mexican dollars. S7c. BOND Oovemm,nt, steady; railroad, heavy. . . TIMR IX3ANH-8l!tty days. S'4M4 per cent; ninety data. 2.orft'i Pr cent; six months. 8 per cent. CALL MONFTY-Staadyr blat, t per cent; lowest. 14 per cent; ruling rate. 8 per cent; last loan, 14 par cent;, elostng bid. IN per cent; offered at 14 per cent. Oosing prices on bonds: V. rat- la. r.... 4Mo. Pat. . . 4 do coupon 97 N. Y. C. g. IHa.... Tt U. B. la lS.. 1014 "N. T. flllr 4,a. ..IM do coupon ineN. T. State 4H. ..., r. S. 4.. rag W N. T . N. H. ft H. 4. eoupos . Ill' cr. a 1104 Panama S ooupon. lfi4No. Pacific 4 MM, Am Hmaltar. 4a... 1004 do la A. T. ft T. e. 4W..WI 0. H. I rf. 4a 17',, Armour ft Co. 4,... IHPr. T. ft T. a.... 174 At-hla m. 4... 0VP.nn. ana. 4a 17 Hal a Ohio 4s M do ran. 4., 11 4'haa. ft oaio 44. 14 RaaillM ran. 4 14 C R. a O 1 4a.... KtH L ft g. F. r. 4a 44S O II ft a P g 44., lVBn. Par. - 4. ft.). do or. 4. I'ri', - on r. f. ft R. rf. 4S n ft ft. rot, I Brl. sn. 4a n.n. KlMtrlr ft.. (It. Na. lat 44 111. in. r.f. 4a ag. r. Ho u a M a . 8e 14 do rf. Is 4 Bo, Railwar I ... 44 ' I'Mo, PactfTr 4a. 10144 do av 4a 1U. 8. Rabhar 4., 7 V. g. BtMl la at W.kMh lat Is. N.. UBI. 4. .. W V I'uion 4 '.a . . II V, T lat 4... 71 WMt. Blac. c I. I'M 1'1 , .101 '4 JuS', Bid. Dffer.d. BHElLiP While receipts were not so large a yesterdsy, there being only 22 cars in sikht, still there was a llleral run. making the total for the week 28,31l, tle largest of any meant week and larger than a year ago by over 2.600 head. While a considerable proportion of the receipts consisted of spring lambs, ss has been the caaa every day this week, there was a little sprinkling, of older stuff, there being several cars of weth ers and a few shorn fed lambs. The de mand for sheep was very good, and the' offerings for the most part changed hands very readily at strong prices. Just how much I; Ik her the market really was would be a hard matter to say, for the ! reason that thane have been so few1 sluep or ewes on sale of late. It would! be aafe, however, to quote the market as ' around 25c higher on desirable wethers, 1 I I Cotton Market . NKW YORK. June 23. COTTON Spot, quiet: middling Uplands. 9.80c; no sales. Futures opened steady; July. 9.8Sci Oc tober. 9.76c: December. 10.01c; January, 10.HV; March. lO.Mc. Cotton futures closed steady; July, 9.24c: October, 9.78c; . December. lo.Olc; January, iO.flfcc; March. 10.82c. i .. The cotton market closed steady at a net gain of from $ to 4 points. LI VLB POOL, June 80. COTTON Spot, good ousiness done: prices steady; good middling. 6.62d. middling. 5 22. low mid dling. 4.7M. ' ( ' Metal Market. NETW TORK. June 80. METALS I .aad firm, st $6.78 asked. Spelter, not quoted. Copper, dull; eleetrolytlo, $M0 SxltJO M. Iron, steadv and unchanged. Tin. quiet: spot, $J9. 60-00. 00. ' At Iondon: Spot opper.- 81 16s: fu tures. K3 2s 8d: electrolytic, &. Lead. 28 6a. Spelter, 100. Spot tin. 172; fu tures. M8 6. Antimony, 1269127. Dry Goods Market. . .. NEW TORK. June 80.-DRT OOOLij -The primary cotton goods msrkct as. quiet today. Prices on flntahed goo were atesdy. Woretexl yarns were .i slightly better demand, but prlo-M "etc Irregular, linr Market. NTfiW YORK. June SO -81GAR-Tti-. firm; centrifugal. t.HWU.Me-: inoias. 4.03rf4.12o. Refined, firm. Futures were more active early 1 Uday and at nvo t prices were I to S points higher. I F.Taparsled Apples aod Dried Frtalla 'WW YORK. June SO EVAPORATED APPLFJS Dull. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, apricot, peaches and raisins, firm. ENTER THREE AND' HALF CENT AUTOMOBILE BUS SPOKANE. Waih.. June 29. Three snd one-half-cent fare automobiles began op erating on the Spokane streets today. Tha cars seat ten pasaengeri each. ' Book containing tickets fop 100 rldea are bolnr aold for 8S.S0. -. ''-. Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. TUB ODD LOT HBVIBW. subilalwd by John Mutr A Co . tails bo yau roa bur Naw York auk B-acaaaf. awurttl on tk. Partial Pa maul Plaa. II 0 a ar Ho4 f-r lr aan) pia ooplaa, II Uroad.7. N.e Vor, Cty.