Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 30, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    Tim BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30, 1915.
Exquisite Hair Tinting
There Is a w rrcpa ration on tlie msr
et that la ao entirely harmless and o
v to un that there I really no e-
a for any woman lor nian to lonser
r,lrrj rra nr streakeri hair.
"Brownatone" met anl overcomea
every objection heretofore found to hair
tain and la so pleasing; In Ita uniformly
splrnrlM results that It haa within a few
month mad thousands of frtendi who
could not now be Induced to us any
Ihlna else.
"Brownatone" la tha result of most ex.
AaiiKttva experiments and la absolutely
suaranteed satisfactory or money will
be returned.
H positively can not be detected, will
not rub off or m-ash off. and la harmless,
and permanent In every way.
Prepared In two sha?s one for golden
or medium brown tha other for dark
brown or black. Also In two sliea. iSc
and $1.00.
A trial else and an Interesting booklet
will be sent upon receipt of ten cents, or
we will fill your orders direct If your
drufralst Insists upon substituting
Insist on ' Brownatone" at your hair,
drreser'a. ,
Mal only by the Kenton FharmacaJ
Co.. 629 B. Pike ft.. Covington, Ky.
Sold and recommended In Omaha by
Sherman A McConnell Drus; Stores and
Other leading dealers. Advertisement.
Electrte fans, tT.BO. Burcess-Oranflen.
lave Beat Frill t Vow Beacon Press
Public Insnraace jVtJoatar Ueorte
Schroeder, 03 Win block. Hed 44i.
"Today Oomplete Movie Provrajn'
classified section toitay. and appearai In
Tha Bea EXCLUSIVELY. Find out what
the various moving picture theaters offer.
Sigh May Bar Appendicitis Chief
Teoman High of the navy recrilllng
of (ice Is believed. by his physician to b
suffering with appendicitis. An prra
tion may be decided upon.
Steals and la Canght John Lmlsav,
colored, stole a sack of sugar from a
Burlington freight car. Successful, ha
went back after another and was caught
by tha police. He la now In Jail.
English Wow gnperrlso The city
touncll formally approved engagi .k C
If You Arc Not Already Limcriching
Pray Why Not? Sec All the Prizes
Ae the Ballyhoo man at fie entrance to
the sideshow, would ssy:
"It's open-n-n-n-n to everybodle-e-e-e-e!
Meaning, of course, The Bee'a contest
for the best limerick on Buffalo Bill,
who Is coming to Omaha with the Sells
Floto show for one dsy, Thursday, July
8. Then will the forty clowns tumble
over one another. Then will Rosa Rosa
land, the world's greatest enmerault
equestrienne turn streets and flip-flops
and somersaults far above tha bark of
her galloping horse.
i Hut why go tnto all the details? The
I whole gist of tha matter la that The Bee
i Is offering forty-flva prises for those
tinner? . -c n a.
I I PS i
A Family Resort
Festurss t C-esr
fjiks ihat sppMr o
and pl.aa. Ah Tfi
ind eld.
Sand eoneerts role
1 dsy for srsry
Ths best l&k la Uis
eeantry for bathing and
boating Abundaaoe of
gams fish.
Clear Lake la eastly
reached from your
town. sfsdsrat. prleas
prevail both as re
gards betol aoooroiao
datlons, cettaaaa for
rsnt and all living sup
plies. Danosa, bowling, tsn
ats and aU forms of
harmlsss amussmsnts
for ths young.
Oolf links available
Carro Oerde Country .
Intern more ef this
resort. Writ secret. rr
ef Cotnmareial club
for handsome Illus
trated booklet of Clear
The "Saratoga
oftk Wtmt"
ltmr.rki -h?ldft al th fun you'll h.v
. It, -4tlnsT Ikam anil
H. English of Chicago as superinU-ndentl " "'"" ,'" "
r public recreation at a yea,, be- j ZT B,
ginning juijr l. jr. Kngusn win mm
his work here next week.
Zoaea Bis atotoreyole A. Cleveland
of Florence haa reported to the police
tha loss of hla motorcycle, which was
taken from tha parking west of the city
hall on Monday. The machine was a
Tale type and of gray color.
For Buffalo Bill himself la to appear In
J front of The Bea office directly after the
parade and shake hsnds wlfh the win
ners and give them their frlscs.
As to tha prises, they'll run as follows;
First prise second $10. third 15. fourth
1.1, fifth $2, five prises of 11 each, fifteen
prlJiea of two reserved seat tickets each
to the Sells-Floto show and twenty of
one ticket each.
At for conditions. Just make the sub
ject of your limerick Buffalo Bill. Write
about him In any style you choose ex
cept, of course, derisively. Then mall
your affort to reach the contest editor
of Tha Bee before midnight. Mondajr,
July 5.
And If you don't know what a limerick
Is, here's a sample:
Bill Buffell aot Buffalo Bill
To aid him In making hla will.
Bill died without ptylng.
And people are saving.
IXk-s Buffell owe Buffalo Bill?
There! Get the IdeaT Now go ahead
If Any of Them Helped to Launch
American Liberty Kegel Want
Ton On Committee.
Commissioner Kugel, chairman of the
liberty Bell reception committee, wants
the names of descendants of persona who
signed tha Declaration of Independence
or who were In any way associated with
tha Immortal document. He wants Omaha
descendants to serve on a committee
July 9. when the famous bell will be
The commissioner does not want the
linn shsrily drawn In determining the
eligibility of those who will sere on this
special committee.
"if your great-great-grandfather or
soma other ancestor furnished the wood
for the bell towner when It was first
erected, or ssw the Declaration of In
dependence signed, then you should
serve on this committee," stated Mr.
Kugel to a man who was uncertain as
to his Interest In the great bell.
At a meeting of the city council Mayor
Dahlmen asked Commissioner Kugel for
a report of arrangements for the local
recoptlnn of the lell. Mr. Kugel ex
plained ha conferred with Chairman
Oould Diets of the Commercial club lib
erty bell committee and was assured of
automobiles for the party of sixty I'hlla
delphlans expected with the bell.
' If you want anything done, don't leave
It to the Commercial cluh," suggested
Commissioner Butler.
The bell will be parked' on Jackson
street, between Ninth and Tenth streets.
Get Two Licenses
and Will Have Two
Wedding Ceremonies
Harvey E. Morton. 21 and Ruth M.
Colern, l. who win be twice married,
once hy Rev. O. D. Baltslr of Kountxe
Memc rlnl 1 utheian church and one by
Father Buckley of St. Bernard Catholic
cl.urch, secured two license to wed at
the cctu-t houe.
Tin y will niske their home at toll Kofth
Fortieth avenue.
Agnes Work and Sabln Colton. latft M
RedfieUl, Is., aer married Monday even
ing by Rev. Charle W. Savldg. at his
reeidenre. They will make their hem
at Redfleld.
Bob Houghton Cornea Back Robert
Houghton, former politician and con
tractor, has returned to Omaha to resume
contracting business with II. Q. Ansell
of San Diego, Cal. After having been
away for several years Mr. Houghton
says ho la firmly convinced that Omaha
Is "tha one best bet."
Bait for Samaras Tiled Mrs. Mlnnl
H. Johnson and three minor children are
plaintiffs In a ault In district cou.t for
M,000 brought agnlnst Harry V. Hay
ward and Walter Molse and a surety com
pany on the ground that damage were
suffered as the result of sates of Manor
to William Johnson, husband and father, j
Congressman A. C. Harte of New
Jersey Compliments City on
Ita "Eiprit de Corpi."
A Hi Bona Dure Tbas Ajtyone Can Use
Without Disoomf ort or boss of Time.
We have a New Method that cures Asth
ma, and we want rou to try It a our
expense. No matter whether your rase
la of long-standing or recent development,
whether) It la present as occasional or
chronio Asthma, you should send for a
free trial of our method. No matter In
what climate yoil live, no natter what
your age or occupation, If you. art ttii
bled with asthma, our method should re
lieve you- promptly.1
We especially want to send It to those
apparently hopeless cases, - here all
forms of Inhalers, douches, opium prep
arations, fumes, "patent smokes," etc.,
have failed. Wa want to ahow everyone
at our own expense, that this new method
Is designed to end all difficult breathing,
all wheezing, and all those terrible par
oxysms at ones and for all time.
This free offer Is too Important to no-
Elect a single day. Write now and then
egln tha , method at once. Send no
money, simply mail coupon below. Do
It Today.
l&M. Niagara and Hudson fits.. Buf
falo. N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to.
Wa will give FREE OF
CHARGE with full
quarts of Prlmo Rye at
a. iu, cnarsjes prepaid.
Tourists Stop Bar The "stop off at
Omaha" Idea appealed ao strongly to A.
P. Simpson and party of auto tourists
from Axtell. Kan., that they are spend
ing several days in the date City before
continuing their trip to tha Black Hills.
They are registered at Hotel Rome. Other
members of the party are Mr. and Mrs.
8. S. Simpson and Miss Butler.
Woodrouga "Would sTaocead Hunger
Seeking appointment to the federal
Judgeship In the Omaha division which
will become vacant when W. II. Munger
retires In October, J. W. Woodrough Is
calling on members of the bar and the
democratic state committee. He was
president of the Nebraska Wood row
'Wilson league In the 1911 campaign.
To aVegistsr Bonds John Fead of tha
city comptroller's office will go to Lincoln
today with the K10O.00O Omaha Audi
torium, sewer and park bonds to be reg
istered with the state treasurer, aa pro
vided by law. These bonds then will ba
tendered to the buyers who will give tha
city the money aa soon as the history of
tha bonds have been approved by attorneys.
Beorranlsea Msdioal Staff The Union
Pacific haa reorganized Ita general med
ical ataff of the hospital department.
Dr. Jonas continues chief surgeon, with
the following named assistants: Hospital
surgeon. Dr. E. J. Updegraff: local sur
geons, Drs. 8. H. Smith. R. R. Holllster
and O. S. Hoffman; shop surgeons Drs.
Q. R. Gilbert and J. 8. Loney; occullsta
and aurista, Drs. F. S. Owen and W. P.
Wherry. - .
Vans Uelag Library In order to al
low tha out-of-town nuns attending- sum
mer school at Crelgbton university to
draw books from the Omaha' library,
rulea of tha latter have been adjusted
by tha board. Folly 100 nuns from other
cities are enrolled In ths summer school
and many of thorn are ulng the privil
eges of the local library. Ths school Is
Intended for teachers and the library
books used are mostly on pedagogy, lit
erature and history.
First Time in Years that Some of the !
Faithful Have Not Given Him
a Welcome.
Council Says All
Bands Have Equal
Chance to Play
Ths city council received another com
munication from Omaha Central Labor
union, sotting; forth a charge that former
tetters on ths subject of municipal band
concerts In parka were not given due
consideration. Tha mayor announced
that no discourtesy was shown. The
council, several weeks ago, unanimously
went on record as favorlnc tha plan of
giving an local bands, whether union
or nonunion, an equal chano. The elty
clerk was directed to explain tha situa
tion to the Central Labor unlock
Congressman A. C. llart of New
Jersey spent Tuesday In Omaha and
declared bimselt amazed at the prog
ress the city haa made atnee he was
i here before.
"I sincerely wish we hed the 'esprit de
corps' in the east that you have here,"
he said. "I live In llackensack. N. J.,
which Is Just out of New York.. Our
people there sleep In llackensack and
think In New York, whtch militates
agalnt Hnckensnck. We call Hacken
sac't the' 'bedroom of New York' and we
really do think It's the best room In tho
house. We believe our town Is the
original location of the 'Garden of
Kden.' "
"But we believe that Nctbraaka has
that honor," the congrcrsman was reminded.
"Well, maybe so," he said. "Maybe
Traveling with Mr. Hart Is George Talt, J
president of the Campbell-Imperial Wall
Paper company, one of the largest wall
paper manufacturing concerns In the
world. Mr. Talt Is also vice president of
tho Hudaon Navigation company of
which Charles W. Morse la president. .
Mr. Hart Is a director of this big com
pany. Mr. Hart is a democrat and an ardent
supporter of President Wilson.
Agree with WlUen.
"We have started In tha house on
numerous questions opposed Mr. Wil
son and have later swunar around to hU
way of thinking," he said. "Ws have
found him right so often that wa have
come to see him as a most extraordinary
man, a man of vastly superior perspicuity.
Now many members sre blind supporters
of Mr. Wilson."
Mr. Hart expressed a friendly hope
that Nebraska will make an effort to
keep Mr. Bryan at home. "Tha east Is
decidedly not 'strong for Mr. Bryan," ha
aid. ,
"Business In the east Is (raining con
fidence. It has ail tha other funda
mentals for prosperity now and as H
gains In confidence I hellevo tn era of
real progress will be Inaugurated,. .la
real estate we have not yet advanced
far enough, at least In New Jersey, ao
that lota can be sold. Houses are sale
able. A rather drastto mechanics' lion
law operates somewhat against sales of
The two eastern visitors with F. W.
Judson, W. U Yetter and F. d. Moore
formed a luncheon party at the Fon-tenelle.
Unannounced, William J. Bryan, j
former secretary of atatet arrived
from the east at 8 Tuesday morn
ing, occupying a compartment on one
of the sleepers of Rock Island No. 13.
Owing to the early hour and the fact
that it was not known on what (rain
he was coming through Omaha, there
was no one at the Union station to!
meet him.
During his flvemlnute stop in
Omaha Mr. Bryan did not leave the
train, nor did anyone call on him.
He sent the porter out for the morn
ing papers, and after' securing them
devoted his time to reading the news.
This morning was the first lime In
years that Mr. Bryan haa passed through
Omaha without a delegation of prominent
democrats being at the station to meet
and give him the glad hand.
B fiitr Hronl Jiilii filnnrnnon nf
i VM Waal J VI
Pianos and Player Pianos
Continiios Pithout Abatement
We have conducted many July Clearance Sales, but
never before have we made such sweeping price reduc
tions on World Famed Pianos, such as Steger & Sons,
Emerson, Hardman, McPhail, Lindeman & Sons, and
Sohmoller & Mueller. Many other high grade instru
ments including Player Pianos of fame.
. .
C o n s 1 sting of
hand-painted bread
and butter china
plate, a bottle of
fine Cal 1 f o r n 1 a
port wine, a gold
ate hed whiskey
glass and a pocket
This whiskey is
bottled expressly
for our trade and
la sold direct to
you. We guaran
tee this whiskey
to be better than
other high grade
old rye which sella
at double the price.
Orders sent west
of the Rockies
munt call for II
auurts prepaid.
Wa else sell
Three Brands ef
tke Iieading Beers.
ISth an California Kts Omaha, Web.
Assistant City Attorney TsPoel dealaree
his "overhead charges" are excessive.
Four years ago he bought a Panama
hat for rr.fiO. He figures It oosts him ft
a season to keep this hat dean.
The hat is now a "going concern," he
avers, because he haa discarded it for a
hat of leas upkeep expense.
"You had a price upon yrrur head,"
was the comment of City Attorney Rlne,
Boosting for the celebration to he held
next Saturday at Millard,' seventy-five
boosters in fifteen automobiles covered
Douglas and part of Sarpy counties, at
companied by a band. They visited many
towns and advertised the celebration
which they said would be the most novel
and Interesting ever attempted by any
of the smaller towns.
vi- i :
Positive Experts On All
. Self-Starters.
'Jlrahel & Anderson
Red 4473. 2059 Farnam.
Try This for Nearalala.
Neuralgia is a pain in tha nerves,
filoan's Liniment penetrates and soothes
the aching nervea. Get a bottle .low.
All druggists. Advertisement.
There was hardly enough grain on aale
at the Omaha Grain exohange to make a
market. However, prices were higher,
wheat selling at 11.20 to ll.HVi, an advance
of lVs cents. Corn sold up U cent, prices
being 70 to 71 cents and eats gained
cent, tbe selling prices being 42 to 44
cents. Receipts for the day were: Wheat,
seven; corn, thirty, and oats, four cars.
Child Dies from
Effect of Scalding
Leon Abrams, S-year-old son of Samuel
Abrams, 160$ North Taenty-fourth street.
who was scalded terribly Monday when
he fell into a tub of boiling water, died
this morning at Wise Memorial hospital.
2f,$39,SSand up
Extra Pair Trousers
It' true economy to
have an extra pair of
froor with your
suit. You'll get full
wear out of your coat.
We will include that
extra pair with your
auit order this week
without extra coat to
Nicoll Standard Clear Cut
with Extra Trousert of 4lOC
same or other material yu
W Jerreras' Sons e
209-211 So. 15tb St.
n I inr
Best Tltlaai for m Mliloaa Attack.
"On account of my confinement in the
printing office I have for years been a
chronio sufferer from Indigestion and
liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an
attack that was so severe that t was not
able to go to the rase for to days,
railing to get any relief from any other
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's
Tablets and the nest day 1 felt like a
new man.'' writea H. C. Bailey. Kdltor
Carolina News. Crispin. c. Obtainable
everywhere. Advertisement
You have read the specifica
tions before, but you can well
afford to read them again as
a reminder of how fine the
car really is:
One-man top; Jiffy curtains; real lesther
upholstery; deep, soft tufting of natural
curled hair; streamline steel body; oval
moulded fenders; 30-3S h. p. bloc motor
with .removable .head; full floating rear .
axle; Tlmkea bearings thruout; Imported
Swiss bell bes rings in clutch and trans,
mission; waterproof Eisemann magneto;
12-rort Northeast motor -generator for
starting and Irghting; self-lubricating
Chrome Vanadium steel springs; drop forg
tngs and drawn work instead of castings.
The wheelbese Is 110 inches
The price of the car complete is $715
(f. o. b. Detroit)
I ncE'BROTHErcs, Detroit
V', 'A
aw. - v a
te-e J JLJ jl VL-J i
nIS Sosj4 well kaeww saasr.
Rrsmlar sritw, Mee)i s dr f
( lenrnaee Bale ii IUU
We hare told more Instruments during the past week than we have ever sold in any preri.
ons week of our 68 years of business, and the bargains offered for the coming week are of crea
pTeater value. A visit to our store will conviaos you of the wonderful values we are offering la
both New and Used Pianos.
LBapgalns foe yEuas VJeoh
$800 Ireni Pond, rprlht 8100
$400 Emerson, Upright
t4&0 Knabe. I prlifht ..
W00 Marshall ft Wendell, ipriRbt .
WOO KlmbalL tprlht
M7a Str i 8on, lrlajit
1075 Steloway, I pHght
(1800 Sohmoller A Mueller, I'prlght
SUM Voae Bona, Upright
S27S Fischer. FarLrhi ft 75
$600 Chlckering, Upright 8120
moo Kathmctaek, Square jQ 25
ffiOO A. B. Cbaae, Grand -8200
1,100 Chlrkerinfr t Rons Grand ..200
$250 Chase A Baker, Cabinet Flayer $ 25
$800 Pianola Cabinet Player 8 CO
$500 Clongh Warren, Player Plane 8220
t&A ArhmnlW a Itaeller. Flavor Ptann ao m
j,. e4sw I
$700 Stnyrrsant Pianola Plana 8305 I
$800 wbeelock Pianola Piano 8480
Special Inducements During This July Clcirsnca Sdo
FREE 1 prld watoh net wltli erery piano sold
fat this sale.
FBBB A beantifml itool and trr(.
FREE 80 . days' triaL
Hake your ewa terms $ a month will do.
FREE Tonr railroad tare within $00 mtlee: ef
Omaha, If yon pore hate doling this sal.
FKKE DeUrery an eTery piano sold. Every
piano fnlly gfaraateed.
FULL TALTJE ALLOWED oa your eld ptaae) er
talking machine on any piano parchasej . darla
this sale. "
1311-13 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Exclusive Epref sntatives for Bteinway, Weber; ala o Aeolian Pianola Pianoa.
Store Honrs 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday till 9 P. Mi
Tuesday, June 20, 19 IS.
Phone Dong. 187.
Remarkable Clearaway of Rich Oriental
RUGS at )j to Va Under Regular Price
"UR entire stock U included and embraces ruga suitable for any room In tbe house. The col-
W orl
orlnea are either light or dark and will match any scheme of decoration.
tlon ! extremely wide and the saving poBlbllltlea are most unusual.
8Ue 2-3x3-4, were $13.(0, now
Size 4x2-4, were $18.60, now
Size 2-2x4, were $13.60, now..,.
Size 1-1x3-8, were $12.00, now
8Ue 2-2x3-10, were $12.00, now
6Ue 2-1x3-10, were $13.60, now.
Site 2-1x3-8, were $11.00, now
Site 2x3-8, were $12.00, now
SUe 4-2x1-8, were $16.00. now
Sue 4x1-1, were $30.00, now
SUe 3-10x2-6, were $37.60, now.......
SUe 4x2-2, were $30.00, now
Size 4-4x2-7, were $30.00, now
Size 3x6, were $18.60, now
SUe 3x4-2, were $18.60, now ,
Size 3-2x4-2, were $18.00. now
Size 5-1x3-7, were $30.00, now ,
SUe 4x6-9, were $46.00, now
The range of eelee-
. ,$TA0
. . fO.Hfl '
. . O.H3
. . $8.50
. . ST JM
. .S0.HS
. .
. .$0.50
. fttO.OU
. 922.S0
. $20.00
, .H15.7S
Size 4-4x6-4, were $47.60, now $S7.5
'I'll l! iMMlll
I' II ! M
urfess-Wasa Co. TtJra noor. j
This $12.50 Lazy Back ROCKER Decorate for the
Exactly Like Illustration, at $6.95 66 AM 9
m em
THE rot-ker iK exactly as pictur
h, very substantially built ol
brown fibre with lazy back, wide comfort
able seat, upholstered In cretonne and cre
tonne cushion. The regular price was
$12.50, very special Wednesday. r).9ft.
$7.50 Couch Ham
mocks, Special for
Wednesday. $4.50
Heavy khaki cloth couch
hammocks, with heavy wire
spring and felt pad; regular
price $7.60, special Wednes
day, at $4.O0.
Snrress-sTaah Co- TBirs moor.
ii r
BC patriotic
fliae -Old.
Women's Lingerie and Tailored WAISTS
Were to $1.50, in Basement, Choice, 25c
8TECf AL clearaw ay of a biar lot of women's lingerie
and tailored waiBts, lliat were fonnrly priced to
$1.60. There's a wide variety of styles and materials. Some soiled
and mussed, but everyone la a big value, at 23c.
orfaes-sTaah Oo. acta eat.
jjssBiirgesg-Naah Co.Everybody'g Store 16th and Harney
Glory" to the
breeae. Flag
tf all aivaasl sm4
red. white and
piue - nununga
Next Thursday
A remarkable
Sale of
u to H
I'nder regular price,
ee wUdowe eaa Welaeey rrea
taff papers tow vertleuiaie.