11 FOR IlEXT lloasrs anil t ottaar-a. Mlacellnnenoe. IiOoK AT THESE REST SNAPS: 6-r.. mod.. Ill" No. 27th Ave.. $14. SJl S. Hh, m: ! Franklin. 6-r.. mod.. $1: l:tJT. S. 17th. 7-r., moil., choice. $19; S-r.. T'X, s. 11th. 312.fr. 3 others. IV 14V.X Tyler aiavj. .M.;V, modem, Ci-room bungalow, hard wood finish, hullt In bookcases. J; i Wirt St linimlas Hensonsti1. S n-r cotteae, modern ex. hent. fine I locution, fine shnt'e. Bciir.t, July 1. DS-7-r. dwelling, modern ex. heat, ilise-ln. 1617 Orace St. modern dwelling, fine hapo, Md and (lrce. IKi--r. cottnae, brick basement. I rms ;ii Hancruft si. W. O RHR1VKR. I'll. Pong 1vtt. I'HT Onuhn Nut. Pk. Hldg JC RPPfl raking V torxe! v- IVW j jo? Farnam. i. Hit ... nI 17 sou rui.ni, I iVlrtUUtllQ S Co- Tall u fores- ""OO""" tlJ7Vxt n,J,V.l f Ing. packing, shipping 171 J Webstar 8t Jicug'as 149 Ul'RINti ummer. ten rooms, two baths, modem, reasonable; best location; ref erence required. Addrosr. B 613. care Bee. Gordon Van Co. e-ving. tng. Sto: urn. J19 N. 11th St. Tel. I. KM or Web. 1SSJ. ALL alxes. $3 per month up. 507 Paxton. Houses Pol'culr For Rent Vroom cottage, 1615 ti. 29th St. 4-room ipurtment, 2M34 Franklin St. 7-room apartment, 2s:i3 Franklin St. All In flrst-rlass condition, nice yard, water rent paid by owner. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandels Rldg. Douglas 3,'tfa. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. -R. cottage, close in. 24t Chicago fit. GlobeVan & Storage Stores, move, packs ahlpa; g-horon van and 1 men, 11.25 per nr.; storage $3 per mo. Satisfaction guar. D. 4338 A. Ty. 210. FIDELITY b??itk FKEE " Phone Pougla 28S for complete Hat of vacant houses and apartment: also for atoiage. moving. 16th and Jackson Bts. tore ana asffltsea. A nice office in a good location, tiuake your business plana successful. K THE BEE BUILDING "THE EUILDINQ THAT 19 ALWAYS NEW" (nrnlahe just such combination. Office Room 103. VERY desirable storeroom, 607 No. 16th St.; cheap rent. CONRAD YOUNQ. Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug. 157!. KTORF7 IN W'KAD BUIM5INQ. F. D. worth St. CONRAD TOITNQ. 322 Brandei Thcator Bldg. Doug. 1571. WANTED TO RENT WANTED to rent for Jitney service. Ford preferred by competent driver. Address I, 64S, Bee. WANTED TO BUY t WANTED Good light top buggy; no rat tletraps. Johnson Bro.. Malvern, la. Yale buys everything 2nd hand. Web. 4D04. OF EPICE furniture bought and olO- 3. C. Heed. 120T Farnam. Doug. 6146 WANTED To buy good grocery and meat fixture for our new store. No. 33, at S1S7 Farnam. Tel. Basket Store Office, Douglas 2300. CASH Register Wanted Oive description, number and price. Address, Y 693. Bee. , REAL ESTATE f FARM A RANCH LANDS FOR SALES - ;alltoraia, tire Oak Colonle, none better. W, , T. 6mith Co.. H13-U City Nat. Bfc. T. 1811. Colorado. FOR SALE Section In Weld Co., Colo., 13.76 per acre; no trades, write owner, Fred Uhle. Lincoln. 111. 320 ACRES very best farming land In northeastern Colorado, $10 per acre; ItOO cah, balance ten year at per cent. Thf land I really worth over $15 per acre. Wheat on neighboring farm ha averaged as high as 30 bushel per acre for the last ten year. ' A. W. Burg 1404 W. O. W. Bldg. Iowa. i HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send it to the Sioux City, la., Journal, Iowa Moat Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five word every Friday evening. Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving alxteen a1 oa twelva different day for $2; or 60 word, 14; or 76 word, $. Largest circulation of any Iowa news P Aau paper. M),Oott reader dally In four great state. SMALL, MISSOURI FARM. 15 cash and $6 monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land, close to ree bur market: write for photograph nnd full Information. Munger. R. 17L U. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Msslaaa, MONTANA ranch for sale; splendid ranch of about 3.7uO acre, and four ranches of 100 acre each in Teton county, Montana, for sale by owner, at very at tractive price and reasonable terms. Ir rigated and every acre tillable. Railroad croas property and depot on ranch. Map and descriptions on application to R. A. NebraaV. BIO PROFITS IN FEEDERS. If you have a good eastern Nebraska or Iowa farm, not a brush pasture, but a real farm, we can help you exchange it for the bet 4,320-acre cattle ranch in Ne braska. It s a hard-land, short -icras, wheat-graaa-hay ranch that will raise feeders that will top the market. Im provement good. W ater and timber shelter. I convenient to good-sized .own. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha National bank Building, Omaha. A GOOD BUY. l.'il acre, only 15 mile west of Omaha and Z mile from Millard. Oently rolling; about half in corn, balance upland hay. Uood Douglas county land I a good buy at price quotea, iw per acre. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha National Bank Building. Omaha. I M PROVED CLAY COUNTY FAKM.J 1UI acres, 6 miles from Edgar, level to gtntly rolling. All under cultivation but 3o acres; 5-room lH-story house; good bsrn; all well-painted. A choice farm. Prloe, $100 per acre. Good terms. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha. 1 REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE ' WANTED A irug store. Will exuhaiwje highly improved Irrigated fruit farm of 40 acres in northeastern Oregon. Ad t 'Irese, Y 6f4. Bee. i To tvt'HANGE for land or city pmp- rty, 5-lu-aSo store In a good Colorado town. M;t get out on account of slck- I MEDICAL PIIlES FISTULA CURED Dr. E Hi. Tarrv cure plla. fistula mm I ration. J Cure guaranteed aud no 'i.iirjr pasu uniu rureu. write IO Doog t rectal Jdiseaac with testimonial. DH. K. It TAl tRV. 240 B Bids. RUPTUliE eurtrfl In a few day without P-lo. (all or writ Dr. Wrav. &ji Ha a: idg., (Junaha. Established 1M4. RKAI, F.STATF XORTH SITK 5005 North 24th St. Lot 53x127 Paving Paid Beautiful Shade 3 room, modern except heat, paved street, paving all paid; ehautiful shade tree In front and lota of shrul'berv and hade In rear, with fin outbuilding and chicken vaid entlrelv fenced. Thla prop erty can ha seen by going direct or railing us up and we will take you out, Price and terms exceptionally low. TT!ij. T ftU niait-rairneui va. 2 i 'inn ha Nat. Hana Hldg. i '. 4. I 111 I 11 I 1 ,1 I I I -- -"- v c""n makes the first payl lion cash makes the first payment on -room house at 4416 Decatur St. This house la near car Una and on a large lot 50x150. At the price asked nd term offered It is a fine proposition to handle, as It is sure to be worth more money In a few years. Price has been reduced t' mako a quick sale. iM) cash makes the first payment on a 6-rooni houae at 4631 Barker St.. large lot 50x160 This place is worth more than the price asked. He sure to see It today If you are looking for a sn;i. This place can be made a money maker for you. Creigh, Sons & Co. Douglas am t,,H Me Hid house: and lot. ... This Is your chance to get a home In a hlKh-clnsa neighborhood for less than the value of the lot alone. PATNB INVErSTMRNT COMPANY. New Location fith Floor Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. A BARGAIN "if taken at once, modern 6-room house; maple flooring, shade, trees, bearing cherry trees, other slirub berv; block from car line. Phone Web. an 3. BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful l-room, utrlctly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished inside; as good a new; large lot: cistern. Prloe W.700. Call IZVi Wirt Phone Web. 29M after t a. nv REAL K STATE SOUTH SIDE Field Club District TMs beautiful new home has a large porch across the entire front. Veatlhule with coat closet, with plate glaaa mirror door: large living room, 10x26, oak finish, beam celling, fireplace, bookcases; dining room beautifully finished In oak. buffet, china cabinet, window seat, small closet for table leaves, etc.; kitchen complete In i very detail, with latest built-in design cabinet; clothes chute to baaement; large rear entry, rear porch; beautiful oak stairway to second floor; four large bed rooms, with mirror doors; complete bath room, with clothes chute to basement; stairway to attic; full basement, with laundry tubs, toilet, fruit cellar, floor orain. shower bath. Price, $6,2f). Lo cated 2317 Walnut St. Norris & Norris 40b Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 4270. FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Seven room, all modern, south front lot. splendid location, close to school and oiio block north of Field Club. Price $2,800. C. G. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. Vacant Lot Bargain $1,500 RESIDENCE IjOT FOR a7&-35th Ave., first vacant lot soutn or Leaven worth east side of street: two large oak trees in front. Ronk. Ml S. 22d Bt. Doug. 4RS8, evenings. AN IDEAL HOME, CILEAP $4.2tiO 6-room strictly modern home, all oak finish downstairs, 8 large bedrooms upstairs,- with nice roomy closet off of each. Full basement with laundry facili ties. Nice lot, facing on bo. central Blvd. Be pleased to show Same at any time. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandei Bldg. Douglas 3S83.-0 Hee Want Ada Produce Results. REAL ESTATE WEST SEDB A Clean-Up Sale of Our West Farnam and Cathedral District AND POPPLETON PARK 1X5TS will be continued every day this week un til every lot la sold. Our sale yesterday waa a record breaker for 19U for this clnse of property. Every Lot a Bargain Every lot ha sewer, city water, con crete sidewalks, all grading done and ready for building a modern home. $495 $725 These price will never be ag low again. Some rpeclai bargain during our clean uo aale. We have several lot in our first plat of Popple ton Park a low as $, ir they are aold thl week. Our easy term of $10 down and $5 to $10 monthly remain In effect until July 4. Don't wait very many day longer. Thl opportunity will not last The addition office is at 424 and Cali fornia. ' Phone vs today and we will send an auto and salesman for you. Shulr & Gary Phone D. 42U 204 State Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATES-INVESTMENTS Trackage 120x120 It., right in the heart of new wnoleoalo dlxtrtct. Trackage on two Idea; reasonable at 812.0UO. GALLAGHER & NELSON 644 Brandei Bldg. Omaha, Neb. o REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS COTTAGE, ONLY $1,600. EASY TERMS. A splendid 5-room cottage, alt modern except furnace. Lot Wxl2ti; room for an other house; street pavea ana ail paid. Certainly a snap for aomeone. Sea us In our new location. 6th floor Omaha Na tional Bank building. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Telephone Doug. 1781. $4u0 CASH AND $26 MONTHLY. AH modern 6-room cottage; furnace heat; paved atreet; lot 60x100; only H block from 3 car line. PAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, 6th Floor Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Apartments, fiats, house ana cottage can be rented qultkly and chaaulv by a Hea Tor JUof GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Run Strong with Briik. De mand and Price Advance An other Cent. LATE HARVEST CUTS A FIGURE OMAHA. June 2, 1SH5. Wheat was strong aga'n today, selling l'tc higher. The receipts of this grain were light and there was a brisk demand, which mould easily have taken care of larger receipts of this cereal. There was not much change In the. i-orn market and it was quoted V- lower to '4c higher. The demand was only fair and the sale were light. Oats were firm and sold unchanged to .c higher. The demand waa sufficient to take tare of the light receipt. Feeling abroad is firmer because of the European drouth, and It must bs re membered that the harvesting of wheat in the United State I later than the trade believed It would be. This 1 rut ting a figure in the wsy of price mak ing In the importing countries. Liverpool spot: Wheat, Hf4d up' corn, V?d lower. Frlmary wheat receipts were 412.0iV) bu. ana shipments SM.000 bu., against receipt of W7.0U0 bu. and shipments of SM.iiOO bu. last year. Primarv corn receipts were Ni,0On bu. and shipments JXH.onn bu., against receipts of iwJ.miO bu. and shipments of GSS.OOil bu. last year. Prlnary oats receipts were &3.i0rt bu and shipments 2.'l.0.0 bu., against reielpt of 744,000 bu. and shipment of 707.000 bu. last year. CARI-OT RECEIPTS. Wheat. Corn Oat. CNcago !.. 3S ll 151 Minneapolis 243 Duluth 10 Omalm 6 .Hi 4 Kansas City 44 ' :t! to St. Lout 9 3 2 Winnipeg 124 Sale reported: WneatNd. 3 hard win ter: 1 car, $l.$m; 2 cars. $1.20, No. 4 mixed: 1 car. smutty, $l.0S. Rye No. 4: 1 bulkhead. $1.06. Corn-No. I white: as cars, 7!c. No. 3 white: 1 ear, 71c. No. 2 yellow: $ car, 71c No. 3 yel low: 6 car. 71c. No. 6 yellow: 1 car. TOHc No. 2 mixed: 1 car. near white, Uc; 2 car. 70Vc. No. 1 mixed: 1 car, near whit. 71c; 8 cars. 70c; csr. WHo. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, near white, 71c. No. mixed: 1 car, near white, 70c. Sample: 1 car, Wtyc. Oats No. white: SV, oar. 44. No. 4 white: 1 car, 43Hc; V car, 43c. No. I mixed: I car, 42'tc Sample: 1 car. 43c: V car. 42c. Omaha L'ali Prices Wheat: No. I Tur key, $1.24til.J5; No. 3 Turliev. $l.jl.J4; No. J hard. $l.iil .23; No. 8 hard, $1.1V4 (61.2m; No. 4 hard. $1.14J1.1; No. 8 npring. $l,12rfl.H; No. t durum, $1.14 1.16; No. 3 durum, $1.1301.14. Corn: No. S white, 71Mi72o; No. 3 white, ,ltQnia; ro. wnite, iitfiiv; no. 6 white, 701u45 7He: No. 6 white, 70m371c: No. t yellow. 7Hi&71Vic: No. 3 yellow. 80.t371c: No. 4 yellow. 70twv704,c ; No. 6 yellow, WfJWH:, No. yellow, 70i70Sc: No. 2 mixed, "OiC 70Vfcc. No. S mixed, OOHifllOo: No. 4 mixed, WWfiSHte; No. 6 mixed, Hj6tHc; No. mixed, 8VfiMVic. Oata No. white, 44 (fHfte; standard, 44j444c: No. 3 white. 4.tSr44c: No. 4 white. 43,ie43iV. Barley Malting. W,iW4o; No. 1 feed. HOUjfilc. Rye io. z: ii.oHin.t77; so. 8, l.wEri.o. St .Lonls Grain Market. 8T. LOUIS. Mo.. June 39. WHEAT No. S red. HOW. $1.18S1.1R: No. II hard. $1.2ofl1.2c: July, $1.0014; September, axo. CORN-No. 2, 7ftc; No. i white, VMfi; July, 73c: September, 70c. uais-.ho. s. 4, He; No. z white, 4Hc. Liverpool Grain Market. M LIVERPOOL. June 29. WHEAT-Spot firm: No. 1 northern. Duluth. lis 3d: No. 2 hard winter, lis 4d; No. 2 Manitoba, lis 4d, No. 8 Manitoba. 11 Sd. CO n N fe pot steady, American mixed, s lid. I Kanaaa City Grain and Provlalona. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. June 9.-WHEAT No. 2 hard, $1.2R1S1.W: July, 9e: No. 8 red, $l.l; September, (BSio06c; Decern- OATS No. 2 white. 47G474c: No. mixed. 4WNf,e. t'URN-.o. 3 mixed, T31n74Hc; No. ! REAL ESTATF ACREAGE Invest Your Money in Acres Near Omaha 10 acre within one-half mile of Mili tary road, northwest of Benson: lies hltrh and sightly; ha 8 acre In fruit, 6 acre in alfalfa, 2 acre open land. Price, $.160 per acre. 10 acre north of Florence on paved road, finest view, overlooking the river ana Missouri valley, close to Florence, $400 per acre. 14 acre adjoining the above 10 acres. just a little off paved road. $300 per acre. or win sen 1 acre at tne lama price. & acres north nf V -1 t r n--1. 11-- y. I m-y. and sightly, east view, nearly level, close 10 pavea roaa, f.m per acre. These are only a few of the good bar gain ww have on our list. We also have one-acre tract oloae to paved road, out Benson wy, that w are celling lor $10 uown ana iv per month. Your money invested in acreage near wi" iei ana saisai investment you can get. your taxe are low and the Increase in value 1 certain, as aura a cvminues 10 grow. Htas tings & Heyden 1U HARNEY STREET. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dnadee. Dundee Bargains We have four lota in nundea at liVi lot. The beat bargain to be found In Dundee to hold for advance lu price. Inquire at onoe, a these will not remain long un.oia at the price. BENSON & CARMICHAEL Tel. Doug. 1722. 642 Paxton Blk. o Coanell Blnffa. $90 Per Lot Seven fine lota on monthly navmanta. Small payment down, balance monthly. These lot all level and nloe, west part or council uiurr, Ttn Ave. near s&d St.; close to Omaha car line. Would make a nice place for chicken or fruit. Each, THE BENJAMIN CO., Room 1, First Nat. Bank Bldg., Coun ill Bluff. la. Phone 203. Floronae. C. U NE7THAWAY for traces. Flor. 77. REAL EST AT A LOANS FARM LOANS, S PER CENT TOLA ND A TRUMBULL, 446 Bee Bldg. $100 TO $10,000 made promptly. 7. D? Weed. Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam Pt CITY and farm loan, 6. H. t per cent. J. H. Dumont. Co.. 414 State Ban4. WANTED Good farm and city loan at lowest rates. PETER TRUST CO , 163 Farnam. WANTED City loan and warran'-s W. Farnam Smith . Co.. 1320 Farnam St, CITY property. Large loan a aperlslty. W. H. Thomas, tU Stat Bank bldg MONEY on hand for oltr and farm loans. II W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA home East Nebraska farina. O'KBEFH REAL EST ATS CO. gr Omaha NatioaaL Phone Dougie TTli EE 11 first for farm loans in eastern P.eo. united state Trust Co., Omaha. 6 city t11 va n n c. .ik-.. 0 llO.il HmuUM TlilM U4a white. ',:: No I vellow. 7fce: No i. 74',c; July. 7l'c; September. r'; I- cember, 4iic. HI'TTKIt creamery, 7c; tints. 2Ac; seconds, 2.V; packing. 1!4)C. rts Firsts, 17c; second. rr. l.THT Hen. lJc: rooster. c. broiler. lB22c. 1 , I lilt . 4,HI AMI PRtt la0g I Fralnrea of Ike Tradlaa nad Closing, Prior on Hoard of Trade. I'll ICAUO. June ff Renewed leal ot pressure irom a rapid movement ot tne trla crop brought aoout oownturn looav In the prl'-s ot wneat. Not Itneianntn nn eaili auvance. the maraet aunouHu eteauv at the close, was Ho to Win' unaer last night lel. Corn flntehea ii c down, oai 4,0 off to o up and pro vision vaiying from uncnanged figure to a rise ot 6c. Neaknex In wheat became rpecllly noticeable during tne last hour of the session, when clearing weather and bet ter threshing returns had led to predic tions of an Increase nf hedging Sales. A long range forecast that gave promise of at leaat several oat ot clear Kies ana warmer temperature counted decidedly against the bulls, It being urged that the market was iu-.c above last year prolees. with a crop iw.is).v bushel larger than last year, and two-thlrda of ttie total almost ready to move. The ell Ini; that ensued wn shaded by some of the blagest houses on 'change and snowed a neariy complete reversal of sentiment as compared with the feeling at the start. Commission buying, baeeu on higher cables and on stormy weather In the do mestic harvest region waa general In the first half of the day. The demand waa for July, which remained comparatively firm In the late trading despite the sharp set back suffered by the September and Ie rember deliveries. Rather -urgent milling demand for old wheat made the bear ttispoaed to be cautious In regard to sell ing July. Corn was governed mainly by wheat. Sllghtlv Improved crop report from Illi nois and Iowa tended to nanmrap tne bulls. In the oats trade, encouraging Held advices appeared to offaet to a con siderable extent the effect of a strong de mand from tiie seaboard. Provisions rallied on account ot ouying aupposed to be lor pacaers. i viia nui- set the maj-ket had neen oepresseu as a result of lower quotation on hogs. Closing price on option: Article! Open. IH igb ' low. Clo. Tes y 1 05Vfl foHS 1 01 1 UKU'n i ml 72! 7Sal 71S S7H 7RV, 4 S7 71 H 4S4 17 V 1 Ki 1$ Ho 1 17 12Vi!l7 10-13 17 02V4 10 25 V I 66 io sa io rv 10 7V, 10 m riA-mm Cash Prices Wheat: No. I red. nominal; No. t hard, $1.IR'- Corn: No. $ yellow, 754i75Vc; No. 4 yellow, 74c. Oats: No. 6 white, 4lW4c; atanaarn, rns:. Rve: No. 2. nominal: No. 4. 6LI5. Barley, C?7te. Seeds: Timothy, $6.60tr 60; olover, $s.wvins.ab. I'roviaions: rora, iis.tw:, iara, $9.12M-: ribs. $9.75il0.2f. BITTER Ixiwer; creamery, xuuc. LOUS Iiower: receipts, 2S.T7li casts: at mark, cases included. lWflHc; ordinary fhats. IMiirme: firsts, lfil6V!iC. POTATOICS Higher; old, receipt, cars; Michigan and Wisconsin white, lfc&P 22c; new, receipt. 30 car; Virginia cob blets, $r.!Ktr8.10. POULTRY Alive, lower; fowls. 14c; spring. 20W23C. MOW YORK GE.1ERAI, MARKET Qnotnllon of the Day on Vnrion Commodities. NEW YORK, June 29 FLOUR-stealy . WHEAT SdoL Irregular: No. 2 red. $1.$1U, and No. 2 hard, $l.?.c, c. I. f., New Vork export: No. l' northern. Duluth $i.3t'4, and Mo. I northern, Manitoua, ii.m, c. I. f Buffalo. Future, easy; July, $1 US CORN Spot. ey; No.2 yellow, 85c. prompt shipment. OATS Spot, steady; atandard, 4e; No. S, white, 53'c; fancy clipped white, 54'n fa 60c. H A Y Firm : No. 1, $1.20; No. 2. $1.16fl' 1.17H; No. 8. $1.06: shipping. !)5cr$1.00. HOPS Quiet: tate, common to choice, IBM. 10W13c; PaclllC coat, 1W4. lllJc. 1PR SiftlO. HI PES Steady; Bogota, Sic; Central America, 27c. LEIATHKR Firm; hemlock flrat, 32c; seconds. HOifjJIc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; me, $1S. CilO.OO: famllv. J21.0OiflC3.O0; short clear, fl9.GisO31.60. Beef, ateady; mes. 1H.(? 18.60; family, $l9.M(rt3o.50. Ird, tady; middle west, $R. 0h.i)0. TALLOW Barely steady; city.. 6io; countrv, R'uSHc; special, Vc BUTTER Barely ateady; recoipta, 32, 400 tubs; creamery extra (08 acore), 2S1f ic; higher scoring SSVifclSc; firsts, ttSyrp 27Vo: second, L4Me3"Mo. KQQS Weak ; receipt. 42,605 cases; fresh gathered extra. 2H23c; extra firsts, 20-S21c: firet, WViffliiVic; econd. 17iilc. CHEESB Steady; receipt. 17.283 boxes; state whole milk, flat and twin, white special. 16Hc; state, whole milk, fist and twin, colored, btSbc; state wholo milk, flat and twin, average inncv, lB'c. POULTRY Alive, weak; express chick ens', 22tfT:?7c; express fowls. 17c; turkeys, not quoted. Dressed, quiet; western roasting chicken, frosen, 18fl2Jc; fowls, fresh iced, l3VfflSVc; turkey, fresh Iced, 1517c I ' Mlanenpolla ;raln Market. M1NN15APOILI8, June 29. MTI HJA T July, $1.214: September, $1.CCS; Cash, No. 1 hard, $l.Vi; No. 1 northern. $1.24 l.S6; No. 1 northern, $1.21Vffl.t;V FLOUR Unchanged. BARLET-64ic. RYE $1.111.12. BRAN-$21.60. CORN No. $ yellow, 71(R7mc. OATS-No. $Vhite, 4E46Vic. FLAX-1.68Vts1.70V. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. June 29, COFFB B T ho only business reported In the market for cofree future her today consisted of ex changes from December to May at a premium of 20 points on the late position. The market opened nominally unchanged and closed unchanged to $ point lower, with near month relatively eaav In the absence of buyer. Sale. 1.U0O bag. July, .9Sc: August, t.Mc; September, 6.77o; October, 6.63c; November, .ac; Decem ber, .83c: January. 6.86c; February, (.90c; March. Me: April. e.8c; May. 7.03c. Spot, dull: Rio No. 7. 7W: Pantos No. 4. 9ic. Coat and freight offer were about unchanged. Rio exchange was 3-821 higher, with mllrei price 60 rel lower at Rio and vn ret nigner at fantos Cotton Market . NEW YORK, Juno . COTTON-tipot, quiet; middling uplands, $9.60o. Future opened firm; July, 9.$-; Octo Ixr, 9.76c; December, 10.04c; January, 10.14c: March. 10.40c. Cotton closed barely ateady, net t point nigner to i point lower. LIVERPOOL, June . COTTON-) pot, good business done, price steady; good middling. 6.62d; middling. 6.13d; low mid dling, 4.76d. Sale, 12,000 bales. Including 11.300 bale American and 2.600 bale for speculation and export. Oil and Koala NEW YORK. June 29-ROSIN-Qulet. TURPWNTIN'E-Bteady. BAVANNAH. Oa., Juno $9. TURPEN TINE Firm. ,rV; sale. 433 bbl.; receipt. 1040 bbl.; shipments; 10$ bbl.; stocks 21.2X7 bbl. ROSIN-FIrm; sale. 1.419 bis ; receipt, 2,24 bhl ; shipments, l,6rt bbl.: stock, 64,7T7 bbln Quotation: A. B. $2 96; C, D, $3 Of,; K. $3.30; F. O, $3); It. $:l.86; I, 40; K. $3.60; M, $4.26; N, $4 40; WO, 9 30; WW. $4.60. Dry Good Market. - NEW YORK. June 29. DRY GOODS Forty-Inch osnaburg were In good de mand br the bag trade today. Cotton varn were dull and Irregular. Serge were advanced 10 cents. Mohair filled ftnod ranged from par to fH cent bovr as year. nsjar Market. NEW YORK. June 39.-SUOAR- Raw barely steady; centrifugal, 4. 60s 4. Use; mo latees. 4.0jt"4 l,'o: refined, stesdy. Sugar f i. Hires, quiet snd about unchanged at midday. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frails NEW YORK. Juno 29. EVAPORATED APPLES Dull. DRIED FRUITS Prunes and raleln. firm. Apricot and peaches, quiet. ' Wheatl I I Julv.i 1 04' 1 f Sept. I 1 08,! 1 04 Corn ) July.f 7SV, 74 Sept. I 72'l '.a! Oats July.l 4' 4.V, rJept.l 7H 37 Pork I Julv.i 1 67V, IS 70 Sept. 17 05 17 l7Vt Lard juiy. mt aav, Sept. 40 60 Rib I July. 10 2fi 10 2H Sept. 10 66 10 OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET ! - ' ,. , . Beef Steen Actire and Ten Cents tT:i.- cv- J T -.. T lilgner ttneep and Lambl LOie Some of Recent Gain. II00S SUFFER FURTHER DROP ITH OMAHA, June it. IMS. Receipts ware: Ctti. lings. Shsep. Of i trial Mondav 3.77 .m1 h Su. Estimate Tuesday 4 an l.l.fnO ll.iiO Two Uye this week. .m A.: 2I. Same days last week.. ..wi 2J.713 1S.1:I4 Same days vk. ago I0.7 1(1017 A.-'M Same daya $ wks ago. s.W IT 47 s.V.I Some tin) a wk. ago. ,H11 .J7 2.7ik1 fame days last yeai . . C.IM 1A.701 i;.lsS The following lab) snows the reo-'lpt ff cattle, hogs and theep at the South Omaha live stock market or the yar to dte, a compared with last yeir: ms. ii4. i-. ivc Cattle Ho4,o so . li't.. Hogs l.fi.;H 1..447.TW 274.i Sheep l.fM4,J71 l.ir71.',o 37,78 Th following table anew the average price for hots at the South Omaha llvs stock tnaikn for th last few days, with comparison: Date, 1HI6. ll.;ll.ilgH I!'1I.I9III.H' June ll t r.'HI 8 OJi k 621 1 : 0' I 1 ft June 11 1 $ 04) $ 6l t $il 6 71 til J une 14, 7 14U,' $ 6tt I U, 7: 271 T 6 June Id TosCiiO?! i T ' I 7' 4 1 PT Juno Ml T 13Si $ 01 JO i 6 i 8 W J C4 June 17 7 l.'S $ 06 I 4.1 t 1 1 ill 7 "3 June June J una 7 32 1 IS. $ Mi 7 23! I ' i KOI $ 41 1 29 $ 92, I I tl $ 401 1 36: 6 M TV t f$ I T ; 7 46 June J una 7 4U 13, 9 4.11 7 4 ! 23i 9 171 $ 2.ll June 1 1 a 44 ), 16 June June 241 I I2ti 6 09! 61 T 4$, tUtj SOI 1 7 i 14 $4 7 40 261 1 M t I3 6 63 a; 7 nivi n ni ti i 9 i 7 4 7 US 9 131 June June June June 7 $ 15, , , SCVil I 8 44 !! 7 24V 1SI 7 34i 6 oai V oo 7 4 T 34 $ IS 9:i 7 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at th Union stock yards, South Omaha, tor twenty-four hour ending at 3 p. m. ye terday; RECEIPTS-CARS. Cattle. Hog. Sheep. H r a. C. M. A St. V. 3 7 4 Wabash Missouri Pacific... Union Pacific C. N: W.. east. C. N W.. west. C . St. P , M. O. C, B. r y., east.. C B. g., west.. I 4e III 3 42 73 11 I .V 17 H t. H C. K I. P., east 1 t. P. west Illinois Central Chicago lt. West Total receipts... IW l7 40 I'MbPUSlTlON HKAD. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 'M 1.740 1.1.11 Morrl A Co Swift & Co i Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co ..l.ffS .. SW3 ..1,082 ,1.c7 a,'tl 1.72 1,140 1,'Oi 3.4.V !.0l 3.030 Schwarti A Co J. W. Murphy, r Lincoln Packing Co.... 1(5 H. O. Packing . 9 W. B. Vansant Co 4i Hill A Son (si F. B. lewl J L. F. Hnu 21 Hnoenstork Bro 47 11. K. Hamilton IN Sullivan Bro 17 Mo. Kn. Calf Co.. 132 Hlggln II Huffman 6 Meyers a Tanner Bro 161 John Harvey 114 tOher buyers 27 Total 4.749 tt.000 10,472 CATTLE Receipts were moderate thl morning and the total for the two day foot up only 6,076 head, being the small est of any recent week, although slight larger than a year ago. Under the Influ ence of a splendid buying demand th market opened up early with beef steer around l'c higher than ye1erdy. The trade waa active at the advance and the big end of the r.ffcrlngs changed hands at an early hour. oOod yearlings sold up to $9.3f. aa high aa anything ha brought thus far this year. Cow and half cis were strong t yester day' advance and th trade artive. so that the desirable Part of the offerings soon changed hands. There were not enough atocker and feeder in sight to make very much of a tost of the market. Quotation on cattle: Good to cholo yearling. $.75tf9 36; good to oholc corn fed beeve, $S.S0i9.25; fair to good corn fed beeve. $g.$o.0; common to fair rornfed teeves, $7.26fi8 90; good to choice heifer. $7,600 3.00; good to choir oow. $,764y7.60; fair to good cow. $6.7Wl.T6; common to fair cowa, $4.00iB4.76: good to choice atocker and feeder. JT.OOrWS.tO; fair to good atocker and feeders. $7 Oftif 7.60; common to flr atocker and feed er, $0.2607.00; tock hclfor. $S.7iV('f7.O0; took cow, to-odJilW; stock calve. S.OO'J 8.00; veal calves, $8.00jfl0.00; 1st bulls, stag, etc.. $6.ff7.. Representative aale: BBF.F STBHRS. No. A. Ps, Ns. A. Pr. t MI T 16 liM I an 17 I n t IMS I K fl srvfl I 40 II 1WI I S5 IT H7 4t M Ut M iO Ill M . IMI 16 an io I ii ii lit" is 111 111! ro II 12VH I ti II l0t I 7li 8TB KRS AND HEIFERS I W In II W 111 11 M Its l to II 711 W M 7"! 9 ) 1. Ml 1,4 II IK I II 17 110 6 j COWS. 4 Ml 4 It 11 1H ( ,1 1 1040 I 0 M M7 9 70 21 T41 0 3 1I7A 71 4.... Wl 6 15 9 IS Ml t U 19 M ! 1 Ml ( 40 4 1400 7 to 3 10W 4 HBIFERfl. 1 4T T lit H 7 M 49 1 709 T 09 MVLL8. 1 1179 6 SO 3 In 9 1IX 6 9ft 6 7M 1 76 1 440 T 00 CALVES. It Mt 10 1 319 ttn t 470 7 0 91 1(1 9 S 1 90 I 00 1 iw Ik BTOCKER AND KliBDEU. 9 , 941 00 I. 4 4 90 14 Ml 9 II 7 ti 7 1 HOOS Yesterday' estimate of 300 car for today was very nearly realised, 196 car being reported in. With unh a lib eral run, and with early advices from other point Indicating a general weaken ing all along the line packer started out with the evident determination to break down the market. Shipper bought quite a sprinkling of hogs, paying i itee that were generally ion lower than thev paid yesterday. in other words they bought hog at $7 2!ft' $7.36, a agatnat a top yesterday morning of $7.46. While they bought qulie freely of such hogs ga they could use their total purchase w only moderate as compared with th total number on aale. Thl left the big end of the receipt tor the packers. Packers svemed determined to buy their ho aa much a 10c lower than reater- iday'a market and seller would not the trade dragged along during the greater part of the morning Representative sales: . Ms. Av. ah. r. No. Av. Bh. rr. 14. T 16 7.,. .19 M 1 B . ... t n .111 19 T 97 . 40 T 90 .1M ... 7 ) II 314 4 374 It 4 4 T 10 U 7 SO T tt 71. T U 71. f M tsf 10 Haasaa City Live gtwk Blarkrt. KANSAS CITY. Jung t9.CATTLR-Receipts, 7.S0O head; msrket higher; prime steers, 9.20JT 60; dressed beef steers, tt.lt 4)9 16; westaro steer, $7.&wij0.26; cows, $4.6037.76: heifers, $7.00.60: stockers and feedern, t.a&.,; bulls, $6.607.00; calve, t W-H 10 26. HOOS-Recalpt. 16.000 head; market lower; bulk of salea, 67 404(7.60; heavy, t7.40Ji7.46; packers and butchers. $7.40 J.65; light. $7.407.76; nig. $6.767.40. SHIOKP AND LAMBS Receipt 6.000 head: market lower; lambs, 3s avrjnO.OO; yearling. r.OOOjs.OO; wether. $f.2.HiJ.2i; ewes, .d04io.60. t. Joseph Live Itock Market. ST. JOSEPH. June S9.CATTLB Re ceipts, 1.900 head; market higher; steers $7. (Oft. 36; cons and heifer. $4.5o-li.4; calves, HVr9 .00. HOOS Receipts. $.0u) head; market lower; top, $7.46; bulk of sales. $7.80427. 46. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Rerelpt 1.000 bead; market lower; lamba. U.0i"lf 90. at. Lonls Lira Stock Market. 8T. IXUIB. June 29 CATTLE Re ceipts, 3.400 head; market higher; native beef steers, $7 awd&.ou, cows and helfere. W0iji4i. atockers and fseders. U(Mt 8.26; southern steers. 6 36 tj I 46, cows snd b' lfers. $4 0fi.r.0: native calves. t, flil !i i. I ll 11 114 1e elnt. T Ia .lower; pigs and lights. $na.ti7.l; mixed and luitchera, $7.".iri . good heavy $;.7' U17 -,v i SIIEFP AND LA M MS - Receipts, .. Jheail; msrket lower: clipped muttons. ;. lu'mbi ,!,;il3i"mb"- -'- (Hll lhll I IVK sTIK K M4H.RKT I altle Firm Hon Weak to t ile (rata lwff. CHICAHO. June t!.-CATTI.Kltecelit 4 no heail. market firm; native hi-cr steers. M 7tVfi" 7j: western steers. 17 OMr I g.4i; cows end heifers, $;(.2.Vnti.40: calves. 17 2.vti 10 an Hi MIS-Receipts. IS.imo hesd. maikef weK to lower: hulk of sales f!.:t'H T ti. llRht. $," 4i.i7.7; mined. $;.16'u7.70; heavy, $H.'.i0i 7.56; rough, $ S""ii7 if. pigs, $l 0li ? 4ii SllKKP AND LA MRU-Receipts, ll.O .head; market unsettled, sheep, gi.HntM.w,; I lambs, $7.2aU9.utt, springs. $7.211 10.7.". 1 ainna I Mr Live Mock Market. SIOUX CITY. June 3S C ATT I. K Re ceipt. l.ftM head: market sleady; native steers, $7.fli0 .16: Imtchera. $;.Vr7.7f., bulls, stiics, etc.. $r..nf7 r1 Steedv ; heavy, i7.3Mi7.tO; mixed, 67 lejj' 7.W; light. $7.tTI 1.10; bi:lk of snics. $7.W mx IS Receipts. 7,i head: market Si 7 .:. SI1KL1 hesd AND IJ MBS Receipts. Mtork In ainht. prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. So. mi Omaha 4' IV 11.5"' Chicago 4,(i l.0a ll.ifo Sioux City 1. 70 2.-1 Kansas City 7.1'M 16,t" St. lA)Uls $,400 7.400 6.3IV.1 Total.... V),tnt l.6 a:t.a0 .New fork Money Market. Closing prices on bonds: C g. est. H. r.... .Mo. Par r. .. do Mtipoa ....... n a. j. v. s. . 97 101 f. . Is res li S. 7 rur 4w. do cnuisMl V. a. 4s. rst do reupen Panama oiipoo Am StnsUra ts.. I"1 N. T ( 4s. W N. T N. H. n lll'l v is ,HNo. fs.'lllo .... .14 Ss rl. ...lli ... ;os ... iH ... ITS ... ni. . . . 17 ...nn's . i 4i MS ... Hi ... MS .. . !' ...101 ... M ... ...ins, . . mi s .. .100', . .. im A T AT. rr. 4.l01f I. Armnu, (. 4is. HPr. T T. M. Alrlilsin sen. 4s 1 'rsnn. pen 40 . . . Pal. Ohio 4 .... Cites Ohio ('. H. U I. . C M l 4H dn fl ts (' a S rt. 4S . n. H. O. nf. as. Frls sen. 4t. iln. Klsvlrlf H .. lit. No. 1st 4V4t. Ill fn. rf. 4.. . 97 Oo eon. 4H . M HeoAlna rn 4s , , 9M.8 I, 9 H. r. r. leu sm. pc rr. 4s . It 4n rsf 4s . t-i do rr. , 4 He. RaMwsr 4s . , ;t nlnn l"sottlo 4s.. MI dn nr. 4s , nl'. P. HiiMier s. ,17 t Steel Is . . . . SIMjWobosh 1st U ... IiiWmi. t'nlun 4s TIHWeot. Khsr. . I j "K. O, Wo. ret. 6s. . i a k. uni. .... M K. A T. Ut 4 BU. OffenKl. London atoek Market. liOVDON. June American securi ties on the stock market were Inclined Io droop. While several sale were recorded In American gold bonds, pre sumably for the purpose of Investing In the war loan, these bonds are being shipped to America In large Quantities and Insurance rates on inem nave neen advanced. SILVER Bar, iTd per ounce. MONI.Y-1H per cent. DISCOUNT llATrS-Phort and tttre month' bills, 4 per cent. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June . METAL-- Lead, ttl.Tii. Spelter, not quoted. Copper: Kloetrolvtlo oulet at $30 Xnti'X .60. Iron: Steady and unchanged. Tin: Easy; spot, l-.76fo40.ZA. At Ionnon t opper: spot. , xs oa; future. 183 7s Id: electrolytic. !05. Anti mony. 12.Kfria. Tin: Spot. 131 16; fu ture, 108 10. Iead, 11 3d. Spel ter. 100, Text of U. S. Note on Frye Case Made Public at Capital WASHINGTON. June 29. By agreement with the Oerman foreign office the Btate department rrnda public, last night, text of th note, sent on June 24, by the United State, asking Germany to recon sider It refusal to aettle by direct diplo matic negotiation, instead of by prise court proceedings, the claim presented on behalf of the captain and owners of the American nblp William P, Frye, sunk with Its cargo of wheat by the commerce raider Prins Eltel Fried rich. Ambasaador Gerard cabled that he had delivered the note last Saturday afternoon. The American government declares that Inasmuch a Germany ha admitted liability for the sinking of the Frye under the treaty of 1862, prise court proceeding are unnecessary and not binding upon the United State. Aside from the question of how the In demnity hould be paid, the not bring out clearly th refusal of the United States to accept the contention that Ger many ha the right to atop th carrying of contraband by American ships "by the destruction ot the contraband and the hip carrying It." While no mention of submarine warfare was mads In either th last German note or the present reply, occasion w taken to deny thl right, because of a belief that gdmsslon of It now might in th future bs used as a justification for submarine attacks on American ships. Jury Finds Greek Guilty of Crime and Not Insane George Pappandopulos. who shot and killed hi alstar, Mrs. Ellen Arbanllls, In a North Sixteenth street restaurant In Omaha July 1$ last. Is not Inaane, but guilty of assault with intent to kill, ac. cording to th verdict r turned last night by ths Jury. Th defense offered by the Greek, whose homo Is In St. Louis, wag that on th dats of the killing, and for some time previous, he wg mentally unbal anced. On the witness stand he told the Jury of a twelve-day dream. In wiilch he was given divine Instructions to punish the woman. Judge English refused to allow this part of ths testimony to go before ths jury as ovtdenoe. in spits of previous testimony from Dr. F. E. Coulter, alienist. Dr. Coulter emphatically stated that ths Greek's Insanity was established, In hi mind, beyond all doubt. Council Passes Barbers' Sunday Law in a Hurry After twenty-flv years of more or less persistant effort th barbers of Council Bluffs have succeeded in securing; the passage by the city council of a Sab batarian law that has been successfully opposed for a quarter of a century. The council last night pad a Sunday clos ing ordinance making It a crime for any barber to do any barber work Sunday. The ordinance was so quietly prepared by the barbers, wbo have so long sought such a drastic law, that no knowledge was permuted to bs given ths public, it was presented and rushed through under suspension of th rules without a dis senting vote. I J is of tbs same type a many of th previous laws attempted to have been enacted, and which havs been knocked out when resisted In court. The penslties In the new on are a little more drastic than In any of the prevtou at tempt. I NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Recurrent Demoralization in For cign Exchange ii Salient Feature. NEW LOW RECORDS SET NEW YORK. June 29 -Recurrent de tuoi nll7.nl urn In foreign exchange was the salient feature of today's financial nevel opmcnts and more than anything else served to hold the stock market In check Further depreciation occurred In remit tances of three of Europe's leading capi tals. Paris check were quoted at 6.1V icli hsmarks at 91 'a and Urea at l it'. These qiiotatlnna were not only the low est reported since the outbreak of tlta war. but established records for msn years previous. Ixindon exchange made shsht recovery with demand sterling st 4 " 3-1. No more gold was rocetvsd from Canada despite yesterday hopeful intimations from London. There wer rumors of another inflow of gold fron' France, but these were not borne out o evnts across the mater. With fea' exceptions securities Wer hervy or Irregulnr throughout, the weak nexs In Canadian Pacific, United Statei Rubber and aeveral other active issuei conducing to that end. Canadian I'aclflt solu ss low ss 141-V an overnight loss or 4 points, and Ita lowest quotation In seven years. Rubber repeated yester day's low price of 4. Rock Island, ac the shares of the Chicago, Rock Uland Pacific railroad are now known, also fell to the low record of IS. with a re newal of pressure against Missouri Pa ctri - and .Missouri. Kansaa Texas. Offerings of Canadian Pacific .oda cure from local aa well aa out-of-towr. foreign sources and were traceable Ir part to May earnings, showing a net los ol over Iniio.ooo, or a total for th eleven month of the fiscal year of more than .0t0. No new explanat'on was offered for Rubber's weakness. There were material gain In copper, war share and motor, but the move ment In these Issues wat plainly nf a professional origin and failed to carry conviction. Trading dragged In th final hour with lower averages, price Interest at that time centering around the city bond offerings. Total salea of stock amounted to 31T.0W shares. There wss further heavy selling of out . bond for European account at more or less irlstantial recessions. Total !, par value, aggregated $2,146,000. United States bond were unchanged on call. Number or aaiee and leaning quotations on stock war as follow: also. Htsh. Low. Clean. Aisafct Hold l ive w In rs Amolsosiotxt Copper .... I, ten 741 74H Amorieaa Hsat Sugar. ... left 4v 4s 44 Antertrnn ( 27. 2m 4t 4ii 4 Amerlivs B A R 1.400 n4 71 7 Amsrtcua H. S K. M 1M, Am. Huxar Roflnlni ..... 107 American Tsl. Tel.... 100 1294, 1x114 i;j Amerti-an Toheero 2204 Anoeondt Mlnin I, MO rs4 M"4 IV, Atchison I.pn 101 A04 Hslilmora Ohio. I.no 17 :t Ti Dmnklra lUpId Transit.. a Ma U M CallMrals Potmlouai .... to 144 Ut W Canadian Psoitis I4.0i 14 141 UiH Central Leather I.nno 4IH 40 40i tlteooiMoke Ohio 4O0 M4 II 14 Chlraao O. W 114, rtilraan, M. St. p.... to) fS 9 90 Chlcaso N. W i rhino rrir 1.70 4 4WI 4V Colorado Kusl A Iron.... 1.100 II tlV 904 Colorado a) gnuthsm Denrsr A Klo Qrsnds , Ixnvsr A H. a. pit too i I Distillers' Ksrurttle .... I. son ts ss m Kris s.KW : mi. Oensrsl Kleetrlo I.im 171 IDs If Ort Northern f 4i lis 11 ms Orst No. Up ethi OjOJ MS tt u uucssnhslm Rinioratlnn.. l.luO 04 ti tl Illinois Ontrsl lm Inlertmroush Met. pi.... 400 7t4t TS 74 Inspiration Copper 1 00) ji Ihtsrnatlnnsl Harreoter 100 Kansas liv ftouhhsrn Ihlsh VsllST 1.S0I 141 141 141', Uulsvllls a NashTllls 117', Mssless PMroloum 1,700 74 71 74 lltllnml npner , 2l'i Missouri, K. A T I.I'H) 10 i Missouri Paelfle I.K 7S s 7' Nstlonsl bead no 91 M Nevada Coeeer 400 it 141 ht. Now Tosk Ontrsl soo so IT t' X. T. N. H. H 4410 4 M 14 Norfolk A W solars 109 Nnrthora raclfie too 1ST m im rarlrie Mall 909 II II U Psririr Tsl. Tot 10 I'rnnarlvanla ,40 1044 !' Pit Urns raises Oar M Rsr con. Coppor t.inn 94 Hn 21', 'Hsailln 11,100 u 1474k 147 HspMbllo Iros A gtssl t Roek Island re.... ,aeo Itork Islsnit Cj. pfd tno u u HI. L 9 K Id pfil... 1.100 7 7 ', nouthora Panne 1.401 II r SruihstTl Haillrar I.IXU 1 14 U Tonnoasoo Coppor 1.900 II M 3T Tessa Company 118 tnlos Pariflo I. COO lfl in ui t'nlns Paeirto pfd trO 9014 Kit so I'allsd gtstos rltssl I7,oeo 1 l m v. . hmmi pfd mo 1094 ion loo t'tah Coppsr 9, Ki0 91 r, (7 Wabash pfd ' WoMorn ti 11 1 os iv Ms M u Wsstlnshoiioo Blsetrla ,, 19,900 100 99 t Montana Power i Total aalos for th day. 917,00 shars. Philadelphians Are Here on First Leg of Extensive Auto Trip On one of th longest and most pre tentious American auto tours svsr re corded by the Omaha Auto club, Robert Coane and party of Philadelphia stopped of 1 at Omaha Sunday anJ Monday, reg istering at Hotel Fontenclls. Mr. Coane Is a prominent wholesaler of ths Quaker City and is accompanied by hie son and daughter and ths latter' chum. Their chauffeur, Jack -C. Otis, formerly served in that capacity for Al fred Vanderbllt, the Lultnla victim. Their trip will take five months to com plets and they are still on the first rtrttch of It. The itinerary la as fo'low: Philadelphia to Ogden, to Idaho mine owned by Mr. Coana, to Walla Walla, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma, to th Pan Francisco exposition and then to ths one at San Diego by way of Los Angeles and Paclflo coast resort. From San Diego they will send thetr big car by freight overland to New Or leans and the party will take steamer for Panama and thence go to Havana and New Orleans by boat. After an auto tour through part of the south they will again snd their car on ahead to St. Louis, whtls ths party takes ths river trip to that city. - From St. Louis they wUI tour by auto to ths Minnesota lakes and then to Chi cago and Detroit, from which point they will put their car aboard a lake steamer and go that way to Buffalo, then motor ing home to Philadelphia by wsy of New Vork City. Mr. Coane was said to be carrying tour ist checks for $18,000 to spend along thf way. Bes Wnt Ads Produce Result. Movements nf isjhi aeaara. rVwt. Arrival. Salkst. BOKnCAt'X Oscar II OOPtCNHAOBN.81. Paul LI V IUR r0 ) L Denials. Nfrw yohk levaa. YORK.... Kristlaalanord.... NBW T01iK....smia NKW YOKK gas rrsactac ITOCK HOI J4 Jsaoa. CRISTOBAL Bsssgn. Will rduc laflamsd. Strained! Swollen Tendon. Ligaments Muse lee or Bruise. Stop th lameness and Mia front a Splint, Side Bon or bono Spavin. No blister, no hair fori. Hon can be used. 2 g bottle delivered. Describ vour rase far snecial instruct inns ma dook 1 a. rr. 1 ABSQRSiNE, JRH th antiseptic liniment fof mankind. Koducas Strained, Torn Liaa- menta. Enlarged Claims. Veins ar Muscle, iiaala Cuts, tiorra. Ulcers. Allays paia. 9oc U 00 a Boniest staler! of ail,cia. Hsak ' Mnr" frra. W. f. T0UII3, r. 6. F, 104 Tins ;ttKt, Irn-'ml, Mut.