Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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CORNELL CREW AGAIN SWEEPS RIVER AS OF OLD Here is the latest picture of the Cornell varsity eight in a
time row cn the Hudson at Foughkeepsie. The men are boated as follows and will probably row in the same order:Left to
right: James, coxwain; Collyer, stroke; O'Brine, 7; Cushing, G; Warren, 5; Andrews, 4; Othus, 3; Bird, 2, and Fernow, bow.
75 Choice of Any $ A 26
Trimmed Hat in the House jr
Trimmed Hats
Dress Hats I
Street Hats
Trimmed Hats
I to.L3-Q ? " :;:r:
Annnrenary of Muider of Auitrit-n
Soyml Pair, Retaltio; in Ten
Nttioni Flying: to Armi.
A year ago yenterdajr th Austrian
archduke, Francis Ferdinand, and
hta wife were shot and killed In tti
little Bosnian town of Perajevo by
'Oarvlo Printlp. It was tbe act of
Prlnilp, a poor atudent. whlcb ul-
rcauiica ia ia utuuDi go
ing to war. These nations are, on
one hand. Great Britain, France,
Rnsela, Serbia, Japan. Belgium,
Italy and Montenegro, and, on the
other, Germany, Austria and Turkey.
The war to date, according to con
servatlY estimates compiled from
the best available reports, has
caused a loss to the various belliger
ents of more than 6,000,000 mon.
dead, wounded and prisoners, and
more than 600 ships. Of these about
120 were war vessels.
Oataaadla Rmlli.
Tbe ouUtanfljif rasulta on land ara
The BTeater portion of Belgium Is
under the control of Oermany.
Germany has ben driven from the far
A part of the Dardanelles la In the
poaeeaalon of the allied : troops.
Portions of France and Russia are In
the poaieselon of German troops.
A strip ct Alaaec has been taKen from
On the continent of Africa parta of ter
ritorial possessions have been lost by both
VeMoue Island poewsslons of Germany
have been taken by the forces of the
allies. .. . i
Italian troopa are In poesesslon iof a'
strip of Austrian territory. ,
The outiatandlna reaulta at sea are
these: Herman and Austrian mercantile
shipping has been driven from all the
open- seas. ;
German and AuaUlen war vessels hev.
i K7.00S tons have been destroyed.
War veseela of the allied nations having
' a total displacement of approximately
13.000 tons have been aent to the bottom.
riMta Almost Intact.
The greater portions of the German and
allied fleets In the North "e remain In
tact. Ebcoept for communication through Hol
land and the Scandinavian nations, Ger
many la cut oft from the rest of the
Efforts on the part of the Germans la
place the British Isles In a similar
predloament has reaulted In the sinking
. by submarines of hundreds of vessels
' flying the flags of the allied and neutral
The sinking In this manner of the
I Cuaard liner LuaUeala with the loaa of
isnsre than 100 Americas lives precipitated
s-rasMast upon the part of the Unite!
i States that such practices Insofar 'as
jtasyi mfgbt menace Americana, be stopped.
' Tbe annual convention of tbe National
Association of Galvanised Tank Manu
facturers la to be held In Omaha In Oc
tober.. A. K. Eaton, proprietor of the
Nebraska and Iowa Steel Tank company
and president of the national association,
has returned to Omaha from Kanaa
City, where he attended a conference of
th,e executive board of the national as
sociation. While there Mr. Eaton also attended a
meeting of the United States Metal Cul
vert association. He was elected chair
man. Mr. Eaton was entertained w'.ille In
Kansas City by Charles R. Rutler. preel
dtnt of the Kansas City Commercial club.
Mr. Eaten finds the demand for steel
tsnks growing constant!?.
: Killed Vr live Wire.
ATLANTIC la.. June . (Special Tel
egram.) Arnold B. Burnham. an attache
of a show with a rarnlval company which
showed here laet week, was electrocuted
when handling a live wire her about mid
night Saturday night while the company
waa loading up. He waa married. The
body waa sent to Hervetton, N. T.. where
his father re idea.
Dsa't Be Cssetlpste.
All kinds of ailments remit from con
stipation. 1. King' New Ufa Pills are
mild and effective, prevent conetlpatlon.
5c. AQ druggUte-AdverUeement.
Department Oraere.
WASHINGTON. June S.-(Sneral Tel
efTfcjn ) On -the recommendation of Sen
ator Hitchcock. Lr. i'. E. Ramsey, was
auwjli.ted aeneloB eurgeon at Alnaa-ortti
Jd."Drk,l- w- Gndel at Weeping
water. Neb.
Nobraaka penaion granted: I.tisste J.
Ttall. I nlreralty Piece. 12; Bert Fer
guaon, Naponee. D. e
Poaloffite ertahtlehed at Han.iloti
nit a eouoty, Voi,.lnc with Mre. Kate
U, Harooi'eh ae pmllrtn.
The eotiipi roller of currency has re
' CWtl the application of Uie Central State
ioS of Hmtl. a. !.. to conrt Into the
I-Ira National bank of Hayll. with a
Pltal ef !2f no.
Tue I'oaicffw e department hae a-tepted
the rropal of Jarrwe F. MrKail to ieaxe
ouarlore for the uoai.flie at HofSxilK-,
Nfh.. on south kid of becond street be
tttern LKiffomow and epranie atreets
Utt f a eare from May L 11A
United States in Identical Notes
Telli Them Door Must Be
Kept Open.
PEKING. June M. Warning that the
I'nlted Slate', would not recognise any
agreement between China and Japan
which Impaired American rights In China
or endangered the lo-cslled "open door"
policy, was conveyed to the government
of both Cajna and Japan In an Identical
note from Weehlngton. which wen dellv.
ered about May tK. The notea were
handed to the foreign offices of both
eoimtrte a week after China hsd se
ceded to the demands contained In the
Japanese ultimatum. Ineletlng upon con
ceptions from the former nation.
The United States note In substance
followe : ( .
"In view of the negotiation which now
are pending between the government of
China and the government of Japan and
of the agreementa which have been
reached as a reetilt thereof, the e-nvarn.
meat of the t'nlted States he the honor
to notify the government ef the Chine en
republic thst It canaot recognise any
agreement or undertaking which haa
been entered Into or which may be en
tered Into, between the rovernmanta ef
China and Japan Impairing the treaty
rights of the Vnlted States and It clti
sens In China, the political or territorial
Integritv of the rpubllc of China, or the
international policy relative to China
commonly known as the open door policy.
An Identical note has been trsnsmltted
to the Japaneee government."
Thirty Thousand
Fire at Atlantio
t ,
ATLANTIC. la.. June IS rtea,r-i.i ri.
sgram,)-A UMOO firs at 1 o'clock, this
morning destroyed the Mlckel frame ele
vator building and anothaa tuilMfnv
Juat south of It. damaged four Rock
isisn rreight oars and burned several
coal aheda filled with m. I Ktnnn .
local dealers.. The Mlckel elevator build
ing, in which the firs started, was fitted
up In the front part by W. Slby for a
The O. H, Bunton Grain company oc
cupied the elevator and they lost garln
to the amount of tsna fullv ineumd. The
loaa to the restaurant man was 11. too
wun ii.ioo insurance. The Green Bay
Lumber company, which coneern w.a
burned cut here In the flra of April 21,
occupied the south part of the Mlckel
building temporarily and lost about totfuv.
worth of materials, fully Insured.
c. p. Meredith and Albert Kuake, coal
dealers, loit eome coal and sheds. Mr.
Kuskea. loss being about with In
surance ef tun and Mr. Meredith's loss
including the loss of a carload of ce
ment was tl,700. Ths joss on the Mlckel
building was 11S.009 with inaurancA r
la.000. Ths theory Is the fire waa Incen
diary. The nsw Oren Bsy building, built
to take the place of tbe one destroyed
sixty days ago which is fireproof on the
outside, wse not damaged.
(Continued from Page One.)
out a feet pace. Stroking thirty-nine to
the minute, ten Eyck's youngsters were
soon three-quarters of a length ahead of
Cornell with Columbia and Pennsylvania
a length back fighting for third place.
The Salt City crew rowed steadily away
from Courtney's boys who tn turn out
claaeed both Columbia and Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania eight "tipped rapidly
until It was hopelessly out of the raoe.
Columbia made a great epurt at the fin
ish, but did not quite catch Cornell, who
won second plsrs by thrwe-quertere of a
length over Columbia. ho In turn was
three lengths ahead of Pennsylvsnls.
which (lnlehed In sn exhauated condition.
The record Is :, held by Cornell.
Kugel Says He Gets
It Coming and Going
"Whet are you going to run di.wn in
outh Omaha a fundav achool?" asked
soutnaide rltisen of Commaalonr
Kugel of ths police department.
"Say, ain't you goina to do anvthm in
South Omaha to enforce the lawaT"
asked another man from the packing
house belt.
"There you are a fellow gets it com
ing and going." remarked Mr. Kugel.
Reports from South Omaha are that
Sergeant Vaneus, recently aaelgned to
tne south territory. Is being held re
sponsible for slleged efforts to enforce
certain lewg there.
(From e Staff Correapondent.)
LINCOLN.' June a -t Special. r-Three
countiea reported to the seeiwtary of the
Ruts Board of Aaseeanient today, tao of
them showing a small inrveaae or the
valuation of last tear. Antelope reports
a vali.atlon of l.i.t.T.Gdu, an increase of
lw; Franklia county shews a valuation
of S2.Sll.41t, an Increase of 4. while
Boa Butte, mlth a valuattoa of K.flU.lM,
shows a decrease of tltf j
Indiam Leave Every Person in Min
ing; Town Naked and Carry
Four Oirli Away.
OUAYMAS, Mexico, June 28. -(By
Radio to 8an Diego, Cal.) Advices
received here by messenger from the
interior state that 200 Yaqul In
dians raided the mining town of
Sauxe, 100 miles Inland from Ouay-
mas, assembled 300 Inhabitants and
stripped every one naked, then, while
a detail guarded them, others looted
the town, packing up everything
transportable on a pack, train.
When the raiders departed they took
with them four young girls. No casual
ties are reported.
Come with Baslee sad Drama.
The Indians approached the town
mounted, with buglee flourishing and
drums ruffing. The Inhsbltsnts as
sumed they were a body of troops ap
proaching to protect them and offered
no reelstance.
Captain Ashley Robertson of the United
States cruller Colorado and Major Will
iam N. McKalvy of the matins corps, ac
acoompanled by three other officers, mo
tored through the American aettlement
In the Taqui valley today to Investigate
conditions. They found everything quiet.
Trio settlers have built barricades of bags
of grain around their houses snd all
houses are loopholed.
Mexican troope now garrison all the
farms In the vslley snd no further raids
are expected, as the rains have set Ir.
Ths settlers all express the Intention to
remain and' fight the Indians If neces
sary. Ordev of Sfsytsrena.
It Is reported that General Maytorena
has ordered his troops not to take the
offensive against the Indians.
The authorities at Masatlan, It Is said,
detained a commission from Lower Cali
fornia, a neutral faction, who were urg
ing peace, until they announced al
legiance to Carrans. The military com
mandant at Lapes has placed all civil
officers ef the neutral government under
arrest, awaiting ths arrival of the Car
ran la gunboat Guerrero.
Donaldson Signs
for Omaha, Making
Seventeenth Entry
Richard Kennerdell, chairman of the
eonteet board of the American Automobile
association, and Fred Wagner, who will
act as starter at ths big July B race, will
as In Omaha tomorrow, arriving In the
morning and spending ths dsy In Inspec
tion of the track. Watrner end Kenner
dell will confer with the speedway of
ficials In the matter of arranging final
details for the race.
Another driver haa algned to enter ths
big race. He Is H. O. Donaldson and will
drive a Donaldson Bros. Special. The
oar la made at Mllford. Ia, It Is a nsw
machine and baa asver been raoed. There
Is a chance that Donaldson may not com
plete hla maohlas. but this la not thought
likely by the speed ay management.
Donaldson's entry la ths seventeenth..
Bert Murphy ef the Murphy-O'Brien
Auto company has sudlenly turned phil
anthropist. Bert, who rarrlec the dig
nified title of chief umpire, has donated
the use ef a couple of hie nsw and nifty
Paige machines for the use of the press.
In hla own words, hs Is willing to take
a chance on having a flock of newspaper
men scratch up his bright new cars. Bert,
having bean given the swell Job of um
pire, had to do something In return so hs
donated the press cars.
Mrs. Maeso R. Csrwester.
TORK. Neb., June 28. Special Tele
gram.) Maude E.. wlfo of Charles N.
Carpenter, died at the family home at
ths age of 47 years. Funeral services
will be held Wednesdsy afternoon at 1
Lawyer Accused of
Plotting to Kill
His Father-in-Law
PlTTMH'RvJlf. Pa., June 28. Georgs
Mi?Henry, a waiter of Washington, D. C.
who von arrested there and brought
here last night in connection with an at
tempt on the life of Franklin T. Schnei
der, a wealthy candy manufacturer, In
a hotel hrre Inst Thursday, waa Identi
fied today by O. W. Morris, manager of
the hotel, as having been a guest there
the day Snlmelder was annaulted.
McHenry and Thomas G. Forney,
Washington attorney, who Is alleged by
the police to have confessed that he was
Implies ted In the plot to kill Schneider,
his father-in-law, will be given s hearing
June V) on charges of assault with Intent
to kill.
Forney Is being closely guarded by the
police, as they believe he will attempt to
take his life If he has the opportunity.
He Is said to be the son of Frank For
ney, a wealthy farmer of Linton Mills,
O., and to have had a brilliant record at
the Ohio State university at Columbus,
where he was educated.
Forney was taken to the county Jail
this morning, where he will be held with
out ball until the hearing. He denied to
thi officers that he contemplated suicide,
hut they deprived him of hla belt, gar
ters and suependers. Schneider, the po
lice declared, would be the principal wit
ness at the hearing. .
LITCHFIELD, Neb., June a.-(8pe-cial
Telegram.) Orren Slote of this place,
snd Miss Hess Parsley of Kansas City
were married at Lincoln, Neb., June 17.
The Rev. Ir. Lei and of the Presbyterian
church officiating. The bride was form
erly employed In ths millinery business
here, while the groom has been post
master for two years.
nag he snd Cold Are Serious
Don't disregard your cold. Tou
sneeze, cough, , are feverish nsture's
warning. Dr. King's New Discovery will
cure you. SOe. All druggists, Advertise
ment. Bee Went Ads Produce Results.
There is no
When you blow out a
Safe Home match, it is
OUT. And it stays out.
Every Safe Homematch
n chemically treated to
prevent after-glow.
.Safe Home matches
are extra long and extra
The extra length means
extra service. .
SafeHome matches are
non -poisonous. .They,
are safe to have in the
All grocers.
5c a box.
The Diamond Match
At the same old location, opposite the
postofflce. Do not be confused. This
store has no connection with any other
Omaha shoe store. If you suffer from
iorn. bunions or weakened arch, let
Stryker advise you. Hie special study
of foot ills and the adjustment of scien
tific appliance enables him to help
See Stryker for Foot
Comfort Service
Douglas Shoe Store,
117 North 16th St.
This offer includes our entire stock of about five hundred
beautiful hats ranging in price from $8.75 to $50. Every
hat goes in this sale; absolutely .no exceptions. Every
woman in Omaha should make an effort to attend this
v event, the greatest of all our millinery sales.
Sale Starts Tuesday Morning Promptly at 8:30 Oclock 2d Floor
Bathing Suits
We are showing a number of styles for
both women and children.
Bathing Suits, Caps, Floaters and Shoes.
Bathing Suits, in navy or black trimmed in
white or contrasting colors sizes 34 to
36 - - $2.25, $3,50, $5.00, $6.00, $8.25
Rubber Bathing Caps, Silk Caps, rubber
lined, all colors
at 25c, 35c, 50c, 65c, 85c to $2.50 Each.
Bathing Shoes, in black or white, 50c pair.
A. 4
Fishing Trips Lake Excursions Mountain
and Seaside Resorts Two Great Expositions
America's Wonderland Tours
Enjoy them aU on our Great Western circle tour or taks
them one at a time.
The Great Western is Travel and
Vacation Headquarters in Omaha
W nr tpav.l ,Tnrt
misale the- average travelei- we know tbe country, the rall-w'y"-,n,d
resorts. We have literature right on our shelves
descriptive of thousands of vacation spots throughout the
country. Well give you this free aU you need do Is tell us
where you want to go, what you want to do, or what you
want to spend.
9.ur .frre- Tn Great Western pays tin to assist
all Omalia travelers whether they uas tbe Ureal Western or
Com in today and Ut'g talk it over
P. F. BONOItDEN, O. P. A T. A.,
1322 Farnam Ht., Omaha.
Phone Douglas SCO.
VERY Person Who
Invested in
Home Builders'
Preferred Shares
Last December fit $1.12 per ehare received the benefit of
the extra surplus profits of 2c per share January 1st,
which raised the value of tho shares to $1.14, in addition
to the regnlar guaranteed 7.
Those who Invest now, before July 1st, will share In the extra
surplus profits for tbe six months closing June 30th.
Home Builders' share have advanced in value every January
and July according to the surplus actually shown on Us books.
This advance, plus tbe 1 cash dividends, has made the earning
over 10 perannnm for present stockholders. Does your money
earn more?
Ask for onr booklet. "The) New Way.
American Security Co..
Fiscal A grots.
202 S. 17th St., Omaha, Neb.
thtai rncT
Board , room and
transportation via
Chicago Great Western
Other trlpa ranging in total
expense from $30.00 to ss high
as you care to go and as long
aa you wish to atay.
w. U ..ji.j l . . . . .
th$ "Great")
PalmBeach Suiting
at 65 c Yard
The popular fabric for sum
mer wear. A new shipment of
this cloth has just been re
ceived. Purchases made Tuesday and Wednes
day will appear on August 1st statement
Cool Lake
In the heart of the beau
tiful Lake Park of Minne
sota. Splendid boating.
fishing, hunting-ideal camp
ing spots no Hay Fever
good hotels, and .cottages
for rent, if you prefer, just
the place for the family-
send for copy of
containing detailed informs-
tion this region is most con
veniently reached by the
splendid trams of the .
Northern Pacific
Kinnesota & bternatioiial
Railways .
Writs for full Information
and details regarding farea,
SIS Century
Thirty-fifth. Ttr
For Liquor and
Drug Users
Removes permanently the craving
for Liquor and Drugs.
Always Improves ths general health
Surroundings pleasant system hu
mane, nothing "heroic.- uu
Drugs ar withdrawn gradually, and
with ths aid of our tonlo remedies
patients suffer no collapse.
Do not be purauaded that aU treat,
men ts are alike. Ours la the onl
effective one, aa time and experi
ence proves.
Come to us without delay. These con
ditions are eerlous and there should
be no experiments.
Send for illustrated booklet. Corre
spondence strictly confidential.
The Keeley Institute
Cone SSth sad Cass Streets,
OaxsJLa. ni. .
I M.Us
Omaha vs. Sioux City
June 27, 27, 28, 29.
Two Games Sunday. June 17
riret Called at I P. M
Koalay, guse ta, Xdles Swt
ss sg ea ; vv
This Wee,
'Til STOUI vcmwi.'
Edward Lynch ""r!;1
&AV XdaagaM llrl aMlese TI 1 f.4i.
W M r JtE Tllia 1 KAIL 1,1 4l.ra.
Iff sates. I ISA. SfiO. ETanlMTsa ...
.at Wsekl "THS TUo ATvl