Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 28, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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e B-ees
omnie Maaziine Page
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A Man's Grouch
and the
Reason for f It
Oh, Eve, Thy Name Is "Mystery"
By Nell Brinkley
C .pyrlaht. lntcrn'1 Ncs ervlc
"And whv?" f naked.
It I my liablt to ask whv and I eon
tend that It I a rood habit. For when
w .'krioT everything Is so life will be
vary livable.. The
wnrld become a ' i n m
rtiore- endura b I
feldlnif place. Tn
(ha dim beginnings
of the world F.u
rtplde prayed, and
praying died: "O.
Hod of 'mortals,
'irlve humanity light
that tt mar parn
whence evils come
and how to cura
But the man who
failed forth the
"And whv?' irte I
a man
who leads a bmy.
grinding life, doee
omo food, mm harm and l on the
wtrole an average cltlern. "I've taught
my wife a lesson. i said he.
'And why?" I had asked.
Thl waa M atory: "I went home nt
last evening. My wife waan't In. That
wouldn't , have mattered In Itself, but It
waa the third time It had happened In a
week. That waa too often. My mother-in-law
met me In the hall. 'Where's Jane?"
I asked. 'She Isn't home yet.' ahe aald.
All right. I aald. 'Tell her when ahe
get home that. 1 have gone out, too.' 1
went Into the front room, taking my
overcoat with me. In a few mlnutea I
heard her talking excitedly. 'Why didn't
you tell Mm I'd been detained? The very
Idea.' When her mother aaw how dis
turbed ahe waa ahe told her It waa a
trick and that I was In the front room.
But the had gotten her leason Just the
same as though I had been out."
, Then It waa that I pressed home a
"Why?"' Why do men make a fuaa if
their-wrvee are not that home when they
arrive?. Tour dinner waa ready for you.
weent It?"
. "Tea,, my mother-in-law and the maid
had seen to that. But It wasn't the mere
matter of material comfort." ha main
tained. "I'll tell you why. It la because
, the wife la an Integral part of tha home.
When aha Isn't there It Isn't home. A
woman pught to be glad her husband
wants her to be at home to greet him.
If he didn't car about her ha wouldn't
cAra . whether aha waa at home or not"
There you have It. one of man'a Im
memorial grouches. It la aa old aa tha
world Itself. ; Doubtlese tha first cava
man roared lion-Ilka when ha came home
from his hunting and found tha cava
emptv and heard his wife chattering with
the nearest cave woman neighbor about
the spring at vies In leaf drapery. Nor la
thare any doubt that Kva had her troubles
with Adam. All tha records prove that ha
waa a faultfinder.
i"! can't Join your club, a woman aald.
"because my husband la peculiar. Ha al
ways wanta me to be at home when ha
gets home."
'That 'Isn't pcullar," commented an
other woman. "It la a sex-wide character
istic." ;
. What Is significant ta that It Isn't a
mere exercise of man'a right to find
fault with his spouse. There la a reaaon
for It. i, And a man haa spoken It. It is
because woman la an Integral part of
the home, And because If a man didn't
care for his wife ha wouldn't , care
whether aha were there. At laat you have
a reaaon, and a compensation, O ya wives,
for. hastening home before (.. .
ill SUCH PAItl
Suffered Everything Until Rs
. stored to Health by Lydla
. E. Pinkh&m'. Vejeta- -,
."; . He Compound.
Flo ranee, So. Dakota. " I used to b
Tory tick every month with bearing;
down pains and
backache, and had
haadacha a jocxi
deal of the time and
very little appetite.
Tha pains were to
bad that I Used to
it right down on the
floor and cry," be
cause It hurt ma so
and I could not do
any work at those
times. An old wo
man advised me to try Lydla E. Pink
hara'a Vegetable Compound and I got a
bottle. I felt better the next month so
I took three more bottle of it and got
well so I could work all the time. I
hope every woman who Buffer like I did
will try Lydla E. Pink ham' Vegetable
Com pound. " M rs. i. YV.LAJ48ENO, Box
8, Allyn, Wash.
Why will women continue to suffer dav
to and day out or drag out a sickly, half
baartad existence, missing three-fourth
of the Joy of living, when they can find
health la Lydla E. Pinkham'i Vegetable
Compound I
For thirty year it has been tha stand
ard remedy for female ills, and haa re
stored the health of thousands of women
who have been troubled with such ail
menta a displacements, inflammation,
ulceration, tumors. Lire guiari tie, etc
If yei want (pedal ad Tie writ U
l7ia TL Piakhaa Hedlclee Co. (coal,
aeatiati Li mm. Ma Tear letter will
he opened, read sad answered by a
Tien; a hrli la strict ecafldeaco,
. ,
.mVi..! ,4
"Don't dub a girl cowardly-custard," says the cynic because
she has a little pet fear. Olrls are strange, queer things. Girls are
not afraid of realborrors, big dangers, and hard fighting Girls are
afraid of black bugs! But the same girl who shrieks at an angle
worm in the walk after a summer .rain, stands on on tiny foot a
bit and then circles round him with shut eyes and a shudder this
same girl wUl face the big things oMIfe, go into the dark with a
smile to bring out with her a tiny life, and with sacrifice and tears
and dreams help him to grow and then when be I a tall chap just
(Copyright, Kit, by tha Star Co. All For
eign Rights Reserved.)
Synopsis of Perious Chapters.'
After the ftrasle of John Aniea.
bury, hie prostrated wife, on of Amer
lea's greatest beauties, ales. At her ooalli
frof. eHUIKer. an agent of the Interests
kldnaus the . beautiful S-rear-old' baby
all I und brlnga her up lit a paradise
where ana aeee no man. but thinks she
la taught by angels who instruct her tor
her mission to reform the world. At the
ae of U aha la suddenly thrust Into the
wuria wnere airente oi the interests are
ready to pretend to find her.
The one to leel the loas of the little
Ameebury glr most, after she had been
spirited aay by tha Interests, (was
lummy Barclay.
til lean .ra later Tommy iocs to 'the
Adirondack. The Interests are responsi
ble for the trip, by accluent he la the Ural
to meet the lit tie Anutabury girl, aa aha
comvs forth from bar paradise aa Cvlestla
ilia alii from heaven. Neither Tommy nut
leiestia recuanlses each other. Jonuny
lluds li an eaay matter to rescue Leiesua
from 1'rol. BtllUter and they hide in
the mountains; later they are pursued
by Slllllter and escape to an Uland where
they spend the night.
That niabl. rtlimer. foliomirur his In
dian guide, reaohea the leland, found
t-'rlestla and Tummy, but did not disturb
them. In the murnlug Tommy goes for a
swim. During his absence ntllllter at
tempts to slral Celeatla. who runs to
Tommy for oelp, followed by BlUHter.
The Utter at ome reallsea Tommy s pre
dicament He takes advantage of it by
taking not only Celeatla s, but Tommy's
clothes. 8ttlltter reaches Four Corners
with Celeatla lust in time to catch an
express for New York, there he places
Celestla In Rellevua hospital, where her
sanity Is proven by the authorities.
Tommy reaches Bellevue Just before BUI
Mier a doarture.
Tommy a flret aim was to get Celestla
away from Slllllter. After they leave
Hellevue Tommy la unable to get any
hotel to take Celeatla la owing to her
coetume. But later he persuadea his
lather to keep her. When he goea out
to tha taxi he finds her gone. She falls
Into the hands of white alavere. but
escapes and aoea to live with a poor fam
ily by the name of Ioulaa. hen their
son Freddie returns home he finds right
In his own house. Celeella. the girl for
which the underworld haa offered a re
ward that he hoped to gt.
Celestla secures work In a large gar
ment factory, where a great many girls
are employed. Here she shows her pe
culiar power, and makes friends with ail
her girl companions. My her talka tp tha
atria she Is able-to calm a threatened
strike, and the "boss" overhearing her Is
moved to grant ttva relief the girls wished.
and also to right a great wrong he had
done one of them. Just at this point the
factory catchea on fire, and the work
room la soon a biasing furnace. Celestla
refuses to, escape with the other girls,
and Tommy Barclay ruahea In and car
ries her out, wrapped in a big roll of
Tommy had not gone mad. From the
great rol! of shirting material r tore
,uoul!l broa4 (tr
lia to rcs to the side
It HereSee It at the Movies
john Picture Sena nycLSfery fvr cttpd.
walk, knotted them together, 'made a
double bowline (which la almost aa easy
to sit In as a, chair), made Celestla sit
In It. swung her jut of tha window and
lowered her to safety. His own escape
waa not aa easy, for every moment the
fire gained' upon him, and he waa un
conscionably scorched while making the
upper end of his line faat. A moment after
he reached the sidewalk the Una burned
through and fell. '
Tommy waa so dated that when a
reporter asked htm what" tils" name waa
ha told him. and all hla friends had tha
pleasure of reading about the rescue In
the afternoon papers.
Barclay and Htllllter were very much
disturbed and Mary Blackstone was so
furious with Jealousy that aha aucceeded
In making Fitch.' who waa with her when
i-he read the paper, furious and Jealous
too. But he kept this to himself.
Mary waa not only angry with Tommy
and Celeatla; she waa angry with heraelf.
"It waa In my power," ahe thought, "to
pull that minx's clawa. Tommy brought
her here, and I refused to take her In. I
was aJool. It's natural enough that In a
surrounding of common laboring girls
she should shine out Ilka a superior
being, ahe Is good looking; there la no
doubt about that. And ahe'a probably got
a magnetic voice, and knows how to roll
her eyes and make men feel. sorry for
her. And so she's made a fool of Tommy.
But put her among tha kind of people
he's used to and aee how she'll bear that
comparison! When ha aeea her trying to
eat oysters with a. spoon, for Instance,
and mistaking father'a butler for tha
president of tha United States If I'd only
taken her In for a few days and asked,
people to meet her! I wonder If tt'a too
lata aowr
Tha mora ah thought along these lines
the leaa aha thought that It waa too lata
to do anything. Celeatla' address, owing
to the notoriety of the Octagon fire, waa
now common knowledge, and without
any exact plan, Mary determined to visit
her aa a preliminary to disillusioning
Bhe confided thla Idea to M en
8tx months of persistent love making
could not have advanced Tommy's cause
aa far aa had one lighted cigarette butt
thrown Into a pile of greaay rags. Bhe.
thf messenger from Heaven, had been
saved from a hideous death, not ty any
direct Intervention of Heaven, but by
the ready alt and strong hands of a
oung man who did not believe In her,
or her cause, but merely loved tier
I luring thoee niiniiti hen it had
seemed as If Until tuuUI n t be put off,
safe out of babyhood, with hi feet
can send this, her own blood and dreams, away perhaps to war with
a cmlle as long as there Is anyone to see!
My dear little frivolous grandmother, with her whimsies and her
dozen of frocks and her fans and her patches and powder,- with
heart and a head that then seemed the mere sparkle on the top of
a shallow brook later went Into the wilderness' with a pioneer
lover-busband; she lived in tiny log house, fought the wilderness
with him, cooked and . wove, had ten children,' wove and cut and
made thi black homsepun eult that one son wore when he became
Celestla had thought very little about
saving the world, an 1 making it hnppler.
LJke any other young girl In the same
situation, she had thought principally of i
saving her own skin. And' remembering
that thla had been se, ahe could not but
be a little shaken aa to her own powers
and worthiness. She believed heraelf a
human being for tha time ahe should re
main on earth, but not a. human being
born of human parents. In Heaven ah
had been all Celestial, and would be
Celestial more when ahe returned
to Heaven. She had merely been changed
temporarily Into a human being by tha
ntvlne Will for Divine purpoaea. That
was what, ahe believed, with the com
plete faith' of a little child.
The Octagon fire did not really ihake
Celestla's faith In herself, her origin or
her destiny, but It set her to asking
questions. What line must ahe draw be
tween heraelf aa a human being au I her
self as a Celestial? Already certain palna
of thla- earth and certain pleasure! had
been truat upon her. She had not been
able to prevent the fire, or to escape its
terrors. No more could she keep her
heart from beating a little quicker whek
ever aha thought of Tommy. Hov long
was she to be a human being? Until her
work was done a few years at best. She
wctild have to eat and tn drink and to
sleep. What other Indulgences could ahe
grant heraelf? Only such as would not
Interfere with her work. Ia the best
work dona on a minimum of pain or
pleasure or a maximum? If aha bad to
love all men; waa there one whonr ahe
must not love more than all the t.thera
rut together? Had Douglass. befo he
broke hla arm. workwd better or norae
because he had a loving and faithful
wife? .Why far better, of course! H had
Irdeed at one time been In the drinking
way, but a pair of eyes, you wouldn't
have thought them especially bright or
blue, but he did had saved him. .
Already Tommy had .helped her with
ber work. If only by tha fact of saving
ber Ufa so that aha could work. If he
could be alwaya near her, wouldn't h
be alwaya helping? And aha couldn't
answer any of these questions aatlafae
tcrily. There were two voices In her
mind. Ono kept aaylng "Let yourself go
love him It'a aU right." while the other
kept aaylng "Of course you are human
for the moment, but you have no right to
b as other humans are. Tou rouan't let
one man dlaplaca from your heart that
love . of
the whole world vwhlca It eon-
firm on the highway of life", she
Epicurean Episodes :-:
Among tha moat popular hors d'oeuvres
la Deviled Mother-in-Law Indeed, al
though thla dish Is highly indigestible
and certain to disagree with every one
who partakea of it,
it practically forma
tha ataple diet of
most fa m 1 1 1 e a.
where It la not
only served at the
beginning of a
meal, but also at
the end, and fre
quently through
tho middle.
There are fifty
seven different va
rieties of Deviled
Mother - In - Law,
each household
having Its own
cherished recipe,
and each a little
more acid and
vinegary and full
- -bsxx. J
of pep than the
other. Not only la this the rase, but men
and women via with each other In con
cocting this savory relish until It Is hard
to aay whether the husband or the wife
la tha greater artist In Its manufacture.
Hence It Is not at all uncommon to see
two Deviled Mothere-ln-Law served tip
at the same tsble at the aam time.
Strictly apeaklng. Deviled Mother-ln-Law
ta a family dish, especially when It
la particularly high seasoned, but occa
sionally it U passed around to guests and
acquaintances. This, however, la not
good form. Deviled Mother-In-Law, like
ripe watermelon, should only be partaken
of In the privacy of the home circle.
Good taate demands this.
Also, It la to be observed that one of
the peculiarities of thla plate la that
while we all have an Insatiable appetite
for the Deviled Mother-ln-Law of our
own make, we do not in the least rare
for that prepared by our friends, and a
vary little of It satiates us and palls
upon our palate.
- To obtain a Mother-ln-Law for deviling
it la never necessary to either buy It or
to go out and hunt for one yourself. It
is alwaya wished upon you, and what
ever kind you get you are sure to think
that It 4 tha very worst thai ever hap
pened, and you would have preferred any
other known variety. -
Occasionally a man undertakea . to
make a confection of hie Motlier-tn-Law
by atewing It down In a 4yrup of sweet
words arid loving attentions and sugary
compliments. This la never done unleta
the Mother-tn-Law belongs to the species
known aa tha Rich Widow, which Is
simply bulging with money.
The results In such esses are aald to
be so highl satisfying that the men who
cook up Mother-ln-Law in thla way are
a professor in a great college; she sent four sons to sacrifice, two ta
the civil war and one to the Mexican! And when she was 80 she
was lovely, loved a throat ribbon, Vas afraid of a caterpillar and
had the light of battle and courage behind her faded eyes!
' Eve ia a mystery. Eve is made of many things brought from
the sea and the land and the sky and heaven! Eve la afraid of an
angleworm, but she will turn and face the hardest things in life for
a tender spot In her heart, and because she loves will smile under
stress. and heartbreak and give her life for her beauty in a pinch!
enabled to knock off all other work, and
to rile tn automobiles, and drink vin
tage wine, and live on lobster Newburg
and planned stcakw. and only use Mother-ln-Law
aa a sweetener.
So far -as Is known, women have no
knack at preparing any variety of
fweetened Mother-ln-Law, and never try
their hands at anything but deviling It.
As a matter of fact, men seldom attempt
It either, for It seems to be the consensus
of opinion that to do anything hut pickle
a Mother-ln-Law la as unnatural as It
la to maku soup out,, of buttermilk, or to
put sugar on fish, or pepper on straw
berries. Soma people commit these gas
tronomic crimes, but they show a queer
and exotic 'ante.
To dtvll a Mother-tn-Law man style,
take the Mother-ln-Law that ou have
unconsciously acquired by marriage, and
give it the once over to see where the
tender pots are. It , la sure to" have a
few sensitive places that you can dis
cover by a little careful study. Then
get out your hammer and knock these
Advice to Lovelorn
av Manias taxmax -
tar at Heme. ,
Deaa Miss Fairfax: I am about to
graduate from public grammar school
snd am considered exceedingly pretty. I
have been receiving attention from young
men, aome of whom are W and n years
old. I delight In going to theatera. so
have accepted aome of their offers. It la
hardlv possible for me to stay In evenings
to study. There la a young man. one
year my . senior, whom, of all that I know,
Is the only one that comes up to my
house. He Is a refined, respectable and
educated young man, well liked by my
parents Do you think It right for me to
go out with so many young men or do
you advise he staying home and study
Slay at home and study. Surely you
can be no more than IS years old at the
moat If you are lust being graduated from
grammar school. Then you are far too
young to be going about with young- men.
If you are older, you are backward for
your age and ought to try very hard to
advance yourself by earnest study and
application to your work.
Better et.
Dear Mias Fairfax: Some two years ago
I met a young ladv who waa visiting a
lady friend of mine and I. dealrtna to
show her courtesy, gave several theater
parties In' her honor. Since the lady re
turned home ahe haa written me several
letters of a friendly nature and I In turn
replied. Recently I have had several urg
ent Invltatlona to visit her and a request
for my photograph. I fear she la con
struing mjr letters to mean more then I
Intend thev skould. Now. I am not in
love with thla young lady at all. only as
a distant friend, and as I am a maa of
M years and ahe ta a young lady of only
?S. pieaae advise me If vou think It best
for me to
with her.
continue mr
Mother-in-Law An Intimate
for Consumption in the Home
until they are beaten Into a Jelly. Of
course, you can do this much more
thoroughly if your Mother-ln-Law 1 al
waya handy about the house, but with
persistence you can turn out a seat Job
even when Mother -In-Law la far away.'
Then yoa can give It absent treatment,
which serves every purpose.
Having carefully prepared Mother-ln-Law,
make a sauce a follow: Take a
ton or criticism,' tho more add the better:
a barrel of ridicule, a bushel of aaeajtyd
prejudices, and an unlimited amount
determination not to be bossed by tha
wires inotner. Dissolve all of these In
Plenty of temper, and steep the Mother-ln-Law
in it until It becomes sour enough
to set your teeth on edge. Serve this
dish with a garnish of. sneers and Jeere
and cold locks and frozen facea
Deviled Mother-ln-Law a la Bonne
Femme Is prepared much In the same
way. Women, however, always begin
making this dish by separating the
Motber-ln-ljiw from the son It adores.
This breaks Its heart and makes It easy
to pickle. Having thus prepared the
Mother-in-Law for the pickling process.
me nouscwiro submerges It In a sauce
the baais of which ia Jealotiey, but to
which have been added equal parts of
temper, nerves, stinginess and malice.
, Add no salt to thla mixture, as the tears
jof tho Mother-ln-Law make It sufficiently
i.rmjr. 11 me soak In
thla mixture until It acquires the desired
peppery flavor.
Deviled Is highly recom
mended as a r.ot weather dish, aa It ia
guaranteed to eend the temperature of
any table about which It la freely passed
down to aero.
f I ether uses with every bottle.
'I M, Mr. SOS-rail etoree.
I Three -tn-On Oil Company
f K. Broadway. HewYerk
Xy .fl at the preclae time f P gl
' J of aompreaaloo oil tha LBi
V aaafoete with e-tn-Ooe. ill II
f. Wave gums, overheats. I " Jl
M M gathers duster dries eut. Par tTl
1 eittsrthaaaor rolntralcylln- '
I oar oil. AlsekeepaUathareoft, ik
V it in criht metalehlolna like Dew.
r;i V
ted )
iT He Continued Tomoi-row.)
' ' ' ' ' ............. ... .