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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1915)
II OMAHA SUNDAY .UTN'K 27. OVERLAND CAR IS MOST ADVERTISED John N. Willy Sayi that ii One of Reasons Why It May Be Sold So Cheaply. NEWSPAPERS BEST MEDIUMS Ths OYrrtand la frequently re ferred to as the most advertised of 11 motor ear. And this extensive publicity Is declared by John N. Willys, president of the Willys-Overland company, to be the principal reason why the Overland can be sold at a price which wouM mean a loss on every car to the majority of man ifacturers. Mr. Willys points out bow the widespread advertising done by his company has made It possible to mar ket the new Overland Model S3 for mo low a price as $750. "I recently overheard a romark during a conversation In th smoker of a Pull msn. Indicating that lha talkftr bc'.avtd Overland advertlalns must cost about $a per car. This, of eoure. Is preposl eroua. Taat year our advertising oost per car was a Utile leu than 1 per cent, this Var It wilt be a trifle less: next year materially less due to greatly Increased production. "The quantity of our production spreads all overhead so that the Item per car Is fo small that the buyer pays for but little mora then the actual material and In nor plua a reasonable profit, whlcn, alno becauie of quantity, Is small per car." 411 Read Kraipaiwra. Mr. 'Willys states that the advertising by bis company In the newnpapcrs brought big results. "I have all the faith In the world In r.ewnpaners." he says. "The dally t ews pnncr l the university of the masses. Tfople who read no other publication lesd newspapers. They get their news of the world and form their opinions of people and things from whst thev read In the dalllea. "And the Influence of the newspaper Is l.v no means local. It extends for a ra dius of many miles around th center of publication. The great body, of news pr.per readers Is composed of millions of rfty residents and hundreds of thousands of people who live in neighboring cities i.iitl towns and In the country. The vast oAmy of travelers which every city draws trad the newspaper. "Consequently we bring tha Ovctland nessage to the attention of the public through the medium of these papers. Ve find that our efforts In this direction have met with much success. Our news paper advertising, together with advertis ing In other fields. Is, In a way, a menu lira of our success." New Office of the Firestone Tire and Rubber Company W ,4 1- I Hi- 'V'. . .. t.4 f . f , i .- ". ,,,1,1 in- r f. 1 m W"J f W 'i I I ' I ; ft,! Ml at f '.:. ".' ' Rraifii la Ft re 4 . The Salt Lake club of the Pacific Coast league has given an unconditional re. Occupying a three-story fireproof I ulldlng, with a hlyh basmuent, Slvli.a it four floors, mill STVj.xJK) foe.t, tha Firestone Tire an.j Hulibcr company hae made Omnh one of its litrgoat dis tributing plants. The business is . In rharge of K. 1. hudisell, manne r, whu bns charge of the snles In Nebraska, t'olnr-ulo, Wyoming, western Iowa and the southern part of Houth Dakota. The Klrestonn cntupany has been In Omaha lor a lont time and has succeeded In building up nn enormous business, n business so treat that It hns been com pelled to move into the new structure st 2MS Farnam street, where the formal opening was hrld Inst Monday and at tended by more than persons Inter ested . In tires for automobiles, trucks and all ether wheel vehicles. At the opening the new plant was vis ited by a large number of the Commer cial club members, automobile - dealers and others. During the day, Harney Oldfleld, who happened to be in tho city, was one of the callers, his wife ac companying him. Then. too. . Uoyd Thompsn dropped In to look over the plant. The office was beautifully decor aeed with huge bouquets of American Itciiiity roses, carnations and palms. Visitors were presented with souvenirs llitlo rin-Monc tires made Into paper welphts, tube gags and gasoline rolls. At no'in of opening day, luncheon was served ut tl.e Ilonshaw, where a large numiier of dealers and salesmen were III J glli-rit. rprakln of the bUHlnean of the Klra tone company, Malinger Uudlsell suld: I didn't realise how crowded we were of epnee Is taken by the force artd the amount of stock we must carry. Hut It feels mighty comfortable to know that 1 have a real service backed up by a stock room and a shop that can produce." Mr. Kudlsell asserted' that Flrestono sales, both for pneumatic and truck tires, have been' growing at hucIi a rspld rato that he bad not been able to figure out increases until lately. "Rut," said he, "If sates keep up tho way they have been going we will run 20) or Sun per cent ahead of last year." Tho volume of sales the last twelve or fifteen months convinced the Firestone company that Omahu was deserving of newer ami better qunrters, a place where sufficient stock might he stored to over come nil delivery delays and the moat competent lire service, given. 1 The result Is a new Firestone bu'ldlng in Omaha, commodious, convenient and housing all departments. The service loom la large enough to accommodrte all cars and trucka needing quick lepalr. The machine shop Is equipped with elec trically operated hydraulic press, 200-ton pressure. In fact, tha new Flrtatone headquarters are equipped with complete tlre-applylng and repairing machinery. Stock rooms on the second and third floors are adequate to carry sufficient Firestone equipment of all sizes to fill all Immediate needs. ThB lighting is good everywhere. Two large skylights, throwing rsys of light direct on tha work In hand, are ued to light the shop and stock room. Front windows light the office with Indirect tlectric lighting at night. Prefers Trip to the Panama Expo to Ocean Voyage "Safety flrxt." said Kobert "W. Simms of Jacksonvll'e, Fla.. when he provls loned his big six Hteains-Knlght for a voyage over tho Iini-oin Highway from Baltimore to San Francisco and return. Siinius hits been accustomed to a Kuropean trip every three years and was scheduled for another this year. "Hut after careful deliberation," said Slmms, "earefuly considering both argu ments, whether It was to chance a blow out on the highway or a blow-up on tha f nan io nicner nemneaa, wno was od- ., , . .......... . talned from the St. Louis Americans. c.ven now In the new building every Inch j out on the highway or t A r- 7 sea, I decided that while a blow-out in a neutral country was a nuisance. It was much to be preferred to a blow-up on tho sea." Airman Del Tea KlaaetKar. "Art" Smith, the latest sensation In aviation, drives a Kisafl-Kar when on terra flrma. Bmlth's "stunts" at the ranama-Faciflo exposition have made him the most talked about of the younger aviators. Among the daring feats ac complished by Smith Is shooting off fire work while "looping the loop" over the exposition grounds at night. HUPMOBILE PRICE LOWERED W. L. Huffman Announces Price of New 1916 Model it $115 Lest Than that of 1915 Car. SEVEN DIFFERENT DESIGNS Two chief points of Interest in con nection with the 1!11 Hupmnbile the price, which is lll.i lowr than last year, and the number of body designs which make up the line, there being seven. The "principal ones, of course, nre the touring cars, of which there are two, the five-passenger. in the stnndsrd aheelnase of 119 Inches, and the eeven piissenger, mith 1.3-inch wheelhaso. The cithers include roadster, all-year touring car, all-year coupe, five-passenger sedan and seven-passenger limousine. Though numerous improvement and refinements hav been made in con struction and finish throughout the car. It Is practically the some In Its general appearance as the previous model. The design of the motor remains the same, though the engine Is about 20 per cent more powerful than that cf last year. The additional power Is obtained by Increasing the "yllnder bore from three and three-eighths to three and three-fourths Inches and by increasing the clear diameter of the valves to one and three-fourths inches. In r.pit of the added power, which results In bet ter pickup and even greater flexibility, 'the experimental cars have shown that this model will be fully as economical of fuel and oil as Its predecessor A new starting and lighting syttetn of two units replaces the single-unit sys tem used last year, while the same Igni tion system, employing current from the storage battery, is continued. A new feature Is nn enclosed silent chain instead of an xpnsed belt for Mrivlng the fan. As here.tofore, the clutch and transmission are assembled as a unit with the motor. Four addi tional steel plates have been added to the clutch, which now has seventeen olscs, running In oil. Additional springs facilitate the smooth action of the clutch. The rear axle remains the same, with silent spiral bevel driving gears, and the tear spring suspension Is unchanged from the long, underslung, aeml-elllptl;i type used last year. It is In the bodv, upholstery and equipment that the most Interesting changes have been made. The general design of the body is not altered. Up holstery Is of tha flush type and is of i genuine leather and curled hair. The seat cushions are thicker and the gen eral comfort of the car much enhanced. I i the forward compartment cf the touring cars the control levers have been moved forward to afforl more room for the driver to use tho. right-hand door for entrance and exit. The open bodies are completely lined with leather, pre senting r.o polished surface to be scratched or marred. Rent rooms quick with a Bee Want Ad. Ream Bros. STORAGE First Class Auto Repairing and Machine Work. 200-11 North 15th St. - Douglas 4401. Homers to Hell risk. It U said that before next year C. V. Somers will sell the Cleveland club to William Hmlth and J. C. MeOlll. the present owners of the Indianapolis Amer ican association club. TrsTtrnssrnrfT $75 4! - . i II il Choice of Color Steel Blue, Brewster Green or Black Unit Power Plant; Gennine Leather Upholstering; One-Man Top; Rear Seat 54 Inches Wide, Which Makes It Roomy; Weight 2,200 Pounds, Whtch Makes It Easy on Tires; 32 by 3Yz-Inch Wheels; Demountable Rims, One Extra; Stewart Speedometer; 10 Gallon Gasoline Tank; 2 -Gallon Reserve Tank Located in Cowl Whon $750 was announce! ns tho prkv of a good automobile with real specifications, and it became nu aesurwl fact that it was not a toy automobile, manu facturer took their pencils and began to fijniiv. HERE S OUR ANSWER : AOFJNTS AM) DISTRIBUTORS WANTED for Iowa, South Dakota and Nebraska. If you have not already taken a Bid car at $7o0, get on tho train, come to Omaha, and let's talk it over. If some one in your town hns a car at $750, your chances of doing a big business are very slim unless you can compete. Factories are working to turn out more cars for this fall's business than has ever been planned on be fo re in the history of the automobile industry. If you want to get your share of this business be fore it is all promised, you should give the matter your immediate attention. We hive a car that will make it possible for you to do the big end of tho business in your territory. SOUTH DAKOTA, WESTERN IOWA AND NEBRASKA. E. M .REYNOLDS & CO., 2105 Farnam, Omaha, Distributors : j)nt it on ii yout tmw Ffd cat X7t7TLL you get delivery of a new Ford this Spring ? If so, here is a suggestion : For your first spin bring the car to us. See the Gray & Davis Starting-Lighting System for Ford Cars. In a few hours time, if you desire, we can add to your car the services of electric starting and lighting from a battery. The fine-looking 1915 Ford deserves this equip ment Gray & Davis equipment For, since 1908, when Gray & Davis produced the first successful electric lighting dynamo, their name has stood for the top-notch of simplicity and efficiency. Owners of Used Fords: You are not barred from this equipment The System is made a part of any Model T with equal ease and certainty of results. Drive around and find out full details. Installed by INDUSTRIAL GARAGE Twentieth and Harney Streets, Omaha HERRING MOTOR COMPAXT OF PES MOI.VKS, Distributor for Thi Territory. PRICE COMPLETE System as supplied Includes motor gen erator, 6-volt battery, enameled steel bat tery box, starting and lighting switches, regulator - cutout, all necessary wiring chains and sprockets. ' AUTO SUPPLIES P.O. B. BOSTON i