Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7
7 A BLIND WALTER IS OFF TO ME PICNIC His "Store" ii Closed Became He and 500 Otheri Attend the City Mission Outing. THEY FILL NINE STREET CARS If you happened to need a pencil pencil holder when you were loar Sixteenth and Farnam streets, sfud If you thought to yourself, "Well, I'll just drop over and buy one from this blind boy that stands on the corner," you found, when you arrived at the corner, that the blind boy was not there. "Business as usual" Monday. But "Blind Walter" was off at the City mission picnic. The hot tun did not tat down upon hi patlnnt brad as he stood hesMe the mall box and called out hta wan. He dirt not shift from one weary foot to the other. He waa not. jostled about by busy crowds. Goea to Miller Park. ITe waa out at Miller park all day. He sat In the shade of the treei and nature's soft braexea fanned hla cheek. Ho felt the grau. He smelled the flowers. Kind hp. rids ministered to him. A kins- couldn't have, had it better than Blind Wnlter rest, comfort, kindness and everything he wonted to eat from sandwiches to ice cream and lemonade. Walter waa only one of about 600 who spent the day out at the park. They tot an early start so as to stay just as lona as possible. It was but little after o'clock in the morning' when nine street cars arrived at Twelfth and Howard streets where the crowd waa waiting. These cars were furnished free by the Ort.aha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company. Miss MeOee was there with many vol unteer assistants, including Mrs. '.Jeorge rioane, Charles F. Robel, Tom Itobel, hn Robel, Grace Robel and H. J. Stlr 1 W. But when the crowd saw those chs the whole police force couldn't have held them back. It looked like storming the trenches over in Europe. None of those klddnes waa taking a chance on getting left out of the picnic, not after he had talked about it and dreamed about it for weeks. A ad Saeh a BTolse. And away went the cars, the" boys whistling and the girls shouting, little cripples holding their crutches and emll irVf "like baskets of chips on the way t j a bonfire." iuch a noise I My, it sounded like a juvenile riot on wheels. But it was the kind of riot you read about, "a riot of fun," "a riot of Joy." And the police men along the route didn't atop the riot. They Just smiled. And all the people that saw the nine ears gliding along smiled, and everybody was glad that the folks were off for a good time. Miller park! Nobody needed to be told. The conductors nearly had heart failure keeping the kids from Jumping off before the cars stopped. And then away scam pered a thousand feet over the grass. Some of the boys had been there before and they assumed airs of 'great im portance, leading their comrades straight to the lake, where, in a, Jiffy, they were In the water. - Are Enloylnr the Oilfns. The girls were soon absorbed In the delights of "Ring Around a Rosy" and other girl games. The email babies were rolling in bliss on the grass, while their tired mothers Just sat and enjoyed per feet rest and the good fresh air and the happiness of their little ones. A committee of small boys guided Blind Walter around the park and ex plained everything to him. He had about fifty pairs of sharp eyes to see things for him, and fifty babbling tongues to explain the beauties of the park. Then came "the eats," and the way the aandwlches and potato salad and ings disappeared was a caution. And le ice cream! It surely didn't have a lance to melt. Several base ball games were hotly contested, particularly that between the "M. Ji. Boosters" and "King Arthur's Boys." JURY FINDS THAT SILK SHOT IN SELF DEFENSE A coroner's Jury Inquiring Into the shooting of Juan Gonsale; In a restaurant t the rear of a saloon at Ninth and Davenport streets, on June K, returned a verdict that Oomales had been shot In In direct oppoelHon to that she formerly self-defense by Jsin- Bilk snd trcom- . ve the chief of detectives At the In mended that Silk be released The shoot- uet her story as decidedly favorable Ing occurred following a brawl In the to the dead man. restaurant, occasioned by the Mexican of the Woodmen of the World snd Pity Nstlonnl bank bulldlnca from which a BURNING LACE CURTAIN AIIKAUIb InUUSANUS view could be had of the interesting sight. demanding beer after hours. Pllk wss not called to teetlfy. Ursoe Pherrlngton. 120 South N'lnth street, offered testimony Apartments, flats, houses and cottages ran be rented quickly and cheaply by a Pee "For Rent" Ad. A burning lace oiruln attracted a throng that parked Fifteenth street from Iwuglas to lfsrner Isat evening, snd be side, brought occupants to every window Herman llahin, optMan, who oootiptea the third floor of a three-story brick building st l South Fifteenth street, re turned to his spsrtments to find the cuttsln shlaie. In a short period fire vchl.-les of all descriptions filled the street In front of the place. The bUse waa extinguished before It bed dono much damage. Oet competent help through The B.' and get Into your own business. Epworth Leaguers u Break Camp Monday l The Omaha District Epworth League ivtitute at Ralston, which opened Mon day, will close Sunday evening with the devotional services, which will be at tended by a number if Methodists of this city and vicinity, besides the Bp worthians who have been In camp. Most of the Methodist churcles In the city will hold no services Sunday evening, giving their congregations an oppor tunity of visiting the Institute on the closing evening. On Saturday night and Sunday morn ing the meetings will be addressed by Kev. W. F. Sheridan, Chicago, general secretary of the Epworth league. The institute, it Is asserted, has been a success. The excellent weather made camping a real pleasure, about 100 mak ing their homes in tents at Hillside park, where the meetings were lie-Id In an open-air pavilion. Plenty of time was allowed for recreation, swimming, boating, tennis and base ball, while the evenings, after the close ot the services, were devoted to hikes, wiener roasts, etc. QApRcn rnwrFRT TnNifJHT AT THE FIRST METHODIST The choir of the First ' Methodist church, under the direction of J. E. Carnal, will give a sacred concert this evening at the church as follows: Orean Preluds Meditation Birtlett I.'naocompan'-cd Hymn Softly NViw the Uttht of Xmy Soprano Sulo Betiolii, There bhall Come a Day Hu.'lt Mta Margery Shackelford. Anthem Pilgrim's Chorus Verdi iuet Oulde Me, O Thou Great Je- hovnh Lansing Miss Haxel Silver and Mr. Carnal. Anthem Ho Every One that Thlmt- th Martin Organ Offertory Melodic in E minor. Mansanet Solo I Heard the Voice of Jesua Hay Ratliburn Howard Steherg. Anthr m Inflamniatus istabat Materl lUiaaini Miss Silver and the Pholr Good Night Hymn Grant l's Thy f Peace (Tostlude Fantasia 11 Trovotore... Verdi Liver t omplalat Mkfi l ot Inhapp). No Joy In living If your stomach and liver don't work. Stir your liver with Dr. King's New IJfe Pills. All druggists. Ad Sunday, June 27, 1915.- .Complete Line of Tlotor Records and Tiotrolas. BURQESS-NASH STORE NEWS FOR MONDAY- . . Bselnslv. Agents for Omaha for raraons Chloasring ytanos." .Phone Douglas 137 ALL-A-BOAR. MONDAY FOR BUR(SE SS-MASH The Store Tells Its Story Every Day By the Way Its Represent atives Speak and Act THK cleverness, courtesy and manifestation of being interested in what the customer wants to know or do is the best illumination that can be given to the pub lic of what the store actually is. Unless our eople are in good health and well bal anced by knowledge, patience and promptitude, to receive our friends when they come to the store, the generous, fresh stocks and proper prices on even-thing count for but little. In stocks, assortments and character of merchandise, not to go backward would he something, for we provide most liberally, but this will not satisfy us; we must go for ward and forward and FORWARD every day, and b of the "Greatest service to the greatest number." .lune 27, 1915. BURGESS-NASJI COMPA NY. Pretty 18&27-in. Flouncings at 25c EMBROIDRRBD flouncings. 1 and IT Inches wide, fins Hwlas and bstlste, dainty corset cover embroidery, aJso fine embroidered organdy and Hwlas edges. Mountings, 9 Ho. Organdy, rolls and batiste, dainty colored embroidered organdv, all overa, 27, St and 40 Inches wide. Flouncing, 59r. Thlrty-slx-lnch wide organdy and batiste. Lace Flouncing, 25c. Nst top. net chantlNy, fine shadow and silk chiffon, all beat eolora. Barg -Ba.h Co. Mala Floor. $12.50 Lazy Back Fibre Rocker $6.95 1Q. roomy, comfortable rock- ers, ot brown fibre, upholster ed back and cushion of pretty cretonne, laxy back style, were $12.50, for ffl.B5. Burgess-Bash Co. Third Floor. B1 It Has Been Some Time Since You Were Offered Such Beautiful NEW LINGERIE BLOUSES as These at $1.95 Every One In Burgess-Bash Oo. Second rioor. a Splendid $3.00 Value THEY represent the very newest fashion ideas in blouses for mid-summer wear Something entirely ' 4 dif fert nt. " Each as fresh and dainty a9 the latest style can make it. Blouses of plain and 'embroidered voiles, sheer batistes, organdies and mulls, with hemstitching, tucks, laces and em broideries, to add to the daintiness of the trans parent fabrics. Special purchases brought this variety of style and quantity makes it possible for this remarkably low price of $1.05 for Monday. Every waist la a positive $3.00 value. Charming New $5 and $6 Georgette Crepe BLOUSES Monday at $3.95 Special groups In beautiful new effects, evolved of Georgette crepe. The usual $5 to $6 qualities at $3.05. A Special CLEARAWAY, BEGINNING MONDAY, of RICH ORIENTAL RUGS Any Woman Will Appreciate the Superior Style-Quality of These Palm Beach Suits at $10.00 THE very newest style expressions are represented here In this showing ot Palm Beach suits at 10.00. . - .i Every suit is set off with style touches that are new, different and full of character; all are extremely practical through their per fect adaptability for street, outing, motoring and afternoon wear. Oo. sjaeond Tloot FOR YOUR NOTE BOOK Signs of the Fourth: Flags, red, white and blue bunting, etc.; a pulse-stirring sight. Be patri oticdecorate. (Basement) Sale of DAINTY WHITE PETTI COATS for Monday at $1.00 Each AN offering of unusual importance beautiful much iipinw their usual nrice. There are a new petticoats ai score or more or pleasing styles. Itest Quality Materials and Trimmings. The materials are nainsook and cambric, cut full and wide, some with circular flaring flounces; others straight with underlays, trimmed with deep embroideries, shadow and val laces. , ribbon headings and bows, all lengths Included. The values are really remarkable, . Bnrtrsss-Kssa Co. .oona floor. A. Clearaway of New Wash Goods ThaTWere $1.25 to $1.75 at 89c A MOST exquisite collection embracing a wide variety of imported wash fabrics, all 42 Inches wide In the newest shades and plenty of black and white. A , Embroidered Voiles, were $1.2o a yard. Embroidered Crepes, were $1.50 a yard. Embroidered Voiles, were $l..r( a yard. Silk Striped Crepes, were $1.23 a yard. Fancy Crepes, were $1.75 a yard. Novelty Weaves, were $1.75. Wash Fabrics, at U5c a Yard. One large counter, Including 40-inch voiles in stripes and figures, seed voiles in pretty shades; also plain crepe voiles In all the best shades. , , B Hash Co. Main floor. These 85c to $1.00 DRESS SILKS Are Certainly Big Values at 69c FOULiARDS In pretty neat designs and wanted shades; plain colored chiffon taffetas, 27 inches wide, fancy Loulslne and other pretty weaves In stripes and checks. The regular price was 85c to $1.00, Monday; 0c a yard. Illat-k Chiffon Taffeta, at W)c. Full yard wide. This Is the most used In black silk for skirts and suits this season. An extra value Monday, at Hic a yard. B nrf ss-Bash Co Main floor. Month-End Sale of Sewing Machines Were $35.00 to $50.00 at $23.75 O be exact there are but 17 mar-bines offered at tbis price and 17 3hrewd buyers are certain of securing wonder ful sewing macbine values. The offering includes such famous innkr-s as: WHITE SINGER THE FREE HOWE' And other from which to make your selection. Only one or two of some models. Mostly machines that have been taken In exchange for our famous hTANlAUI, but every one guaranteed to be in splendid sewing condition and offered to you on terms as low as $2.00 Down and $1.00 a Week No mail or phone orders. Burgass-Bash June's two great novels are "X Far Country" (Winston Church Ill). $1.50 and "Jaffery" (W. J. Locke), $1.35. (Book Sec tion Main Floor.) In great demand now are these colonial glass water or lemon ade sets jug and six tumblers, several styles at J9e the set. (Fourth Floor.) There Is solid comfort la these couch hammocks with their heavy wire springs and felt pad, and the price Is $4.60 Instead of $7.50. (Third Floor.) Wooden serving trays are quite the fad now. Imitation mahog any frame with brassed handle, figured cretonne centers and glass top, size 12x8 Inches, lo Monday, (Fourth Floor.) -One pretty summer frock may be made as useful as two or three if you wear different col ored sashes. New moire and satin ribbon for sashes at the ribbon section. (Main Floor.) At Fully l to i Under the Regular Price OUR entire stock of rich, luxurious Oriental Rugs is included in this clearaway at these very unusual reductions. The collection is a most remarkable one, embracing the most sought makes such as Bel ouchistans, Rokharas, Kermanshaws, Kazacks, Irans, Mahals, etc., choice pieces for the hali, doorways living rooms and bed rooms, in color ings to match the decorations and in either light or dark effects. This ida: RLOtCHISTANR. Slse 2-8x3-4, were $12.50. now $7.50 Slse 4x2-4, were $13.60, now Slse 2-2x4, were $13.50, now fO.HA Slie 1-1x3-8, were $12.00, now ttt.Bo Size 2-2x3-10, were $12.00. now BUe 2-1x3-10, were $13.60, now B0.HA Site 3-1x3-8, were $12.00, now as.AO Blie 2-8x3-8, were $13.00, now fO.AO Slse 1-1x3-7. were $13.50. now BO.PC Slie 2-1x4, were $13.60, now 9.a Site 2x3-8, were $12.00, now f7.oO Sire 2-2x4, were $13.50. now .M Sire 2-3x4-3, were $16.00. now flO.fto Slse 2x3-8, were $12.50, now ftf.50 n fl. II . I bHlm 'W I iir 'liii"iijMin ' t UOKHARAS. Site 4-2x1-8. were $15.00. now $18.00 Slse 4x1-1, were $30.00, now Site 3-10x2-5, were $37.60, now B22.B0 Sice 4x2-3, were $30.00, now $20.00 Slse 8-11x2-6. were $30.00. now 920.00 Site .90.85 .9111.75 .9A.7!V .915.75 . 920.00 . 935.00 . .9S7.AO 2-8x3-9. were $13.50. now KAZAKH Site 8x6, were $18.50, now Site 3x4-2, were $18.60, now Site 3-2x4 ". were $18.00, now Size 6-1x3-7, were $30.00, now Site 4x5-9, were $45.00, now Size 4-4x6-4, were $47.50, now Size 8-5x3-10, were $50.00, now 944.00 (JHANJAH. Sire 3-1x4, wee $14.60, now 910.50 Size 3x3-9, were $14 50, now 9H.50 Size 8-5x3-9. were $14.50. now 90.50 Size 8-0x3-9, were $14.50, now 911.50 Size 3-4x8-7, were $14.60, now 911.50 Size 3-6x8-8, were $14.60, now 911.50 Size 8x3-9. were $14.50, now 9U.50 Size 3x3-8, were $14.50, now 911.50 AFAGHANH. Size 3-9x8, were $42.50, now 937.50 Size 4-5x5-10, were $55.00, now 940. OO , IRAN'S. Size 4-Sx6, were $45.00, now 95.00 .920.00 . '.922.50 , . 930.0O . . 9M1.0O . 9X5.00 Size 4-SX2-7, were $30.00. now. Site 4x2-8, were $30.00, now. . . Size 3-8x2-8, were $37.60, now. Size 5-9x4-ii. were $44.00, now. 8lze 4-3x6-3, were $42.00, now. Size 4-4x6-8, were $41.50, now. Size 4-sx6, were $45.00, now .9500 Size 4-4x6-6, were $40.00, now ...9AI.OO Size 5-6x7-0, were $43.50, now... :.. 90.00 KIIIVAA. Size 6-8x7-8, were $120, now. 95.00 Size 6-1x7-1. were $90.00, now 970.0O Sice 9-10x8-6, were $200. now 9105.00 Slse 7-8x9-6, were $97.60, now........ 975.00 Size 10-7x8-8, were $246, now 9200.00 Size 6-7x8, were $95.00, now .975.00 MAHALS. Size 13x9-8, were $195, now 9150.00 Size 12-11x8-8. were $165, now 9155.oo Site 12x8-9, were $180, now 9125.00 Size 12-11x8-7. were $185, now Size 12-4x8-3, were $176, now 9145.UO Slse 12-2x9-1, were $176, now. Size 8-6x11-9. were $175, now 914.VOO MOSULEfl. Size 8-8x6-4, were $30.00, now 92-4 .OO Sire 3-6x5-10, were $30.00, now 924. oo Sire 7-2x3-2. were $30.00, now 924.00 Site 3-1x6-8, were $30.00. now 924.00 Size 0x3-2, were $30.00, now 924 .oo Bnrrsss-Zfaab Co. Talre 11 oor. You'll Go a Long Way Before You Find Better Rug Values Than These for Monday AT least that is our impression and only comparison wilj prove the statement and we court it. These listed here., are but irnid posts to unusual rug buying possibilities Monday, ' lL . Kit 1 I'll $18.00 to $22.00 Axminster Rugs, $12.95 pYTDA! They are Indeed extra values, as an inspection will quickly prove. Full room fftQC lze 9x12 feet. Heavy Axmlnster rugs, In a splendid r I J" selection of new patterns; every run guaranteed per- JL fce1,r feet; were $18, $20 and $22, for 912.05. Burg-eas-Basa Co. TkUXd rioor. 917.75 IUm.iu Mlse Velvet Hags, 912.00. Full room size 9x12 feet, extra heavy quality end In choice selection of new patterns. Very desirable, were $17.75, now 918.00. 92 and 92.25 Axmlnster Rugs, 91,60. Size 27x64 Inches, a heavy pile Ax minsters; regular price $2 and $2.25. Monday, 91.00. 93.50 and 94 Axmlnster Rugs, 92.00. Heavy pile Axmlnster, size 26x62 Inches; pretty selection of patterns. Monday in BURGESS-NASH BASEMENT SALESROOM Japanese Bronze Bamboo Baskets Usually $1 to $2.50, Monday 25o50c T'l A th Co ThlrS rioor. IEUE is a limited quantity of tbese baskets, and in most cases i;re aro only two or three of a style the earlier you get here In the morning the better variety and the greater values you will find. Fruit Haskets, Sandwich !laket, Jardinieres, Waste IVaskets, Flower flaskets, Vasee, Wall flaskets, Etc., Ktc. SO many odd shapes so many attractive baskets, that almost every one of the number would have to be described individual ly to give a fair Idea of the assortment included.' The usual $1 to $2.60 values at 25c and 50c. Barrs-Xfaafc Oo Basaanaai. Radical Clearaway Monday of Girls White Summer Dresses-Rare Values IT'S a group of srirl's dresses for ages 6 to 14 years, that have become broken in assortment and we trans fcrred them from the Main Section of the Second Floor to the Basement Salesroom for quick clearaway. There is a wide selection of styles made up in organ dies, lawns, lacps and embroideries. Three groups: Girls' white dresses, were 98c to $1.60, bperlal for 89c Girls' white dresses, were $1.18 to $2.60, special. I for ... $1.39 Girls' white dressee, were $.$ to $3.98, special. for . . $1.95 Burgvsa-Bash Oo, I as. meat. The Much Wanted White "Sports" and College Coats Monday at $5.95 TIIERE are sizes for women and misses, in white cord chinchilla effects; also pretty shades. The dr nr usual price to $12.50, Monday special, at epDelD 97JM New Cloth Skirts, 93.05. All late styles, In serges, cords and fancy mixtures; also black and colors, full wide skirts, made to retail to $7.60 912.00 Hkirts for 94.05. Fancy checks, stripes, plain colors and mixtures; also "sports" skirts for tennis. golf and outing wear, made to retail to $12.00, -for , Women's Talm Reach Suits to 910 for 9.K v Genuine Palm Beach Cloth In plain natural color, mannish styles, with hip length coat, made to retail to $10.00, JQ 912.50 Mark Hilk Coats, Made of good quality black chiffon taffeta, latest styles, box 7 QC plait in back, high waist line belt, usual $12.50 values for..4 I .IO $4.95 H Mi at 97.05. Co.. as.rn.Bt. IN THE WASH GOODS SECTION 7ic Checked IHmltles, 7 He. Also mercerized mulls, dots, stripes and floral effects, desirable lengths for dresses and children's wear. Yard 10 White Flaxons, IS He. White flaxons, 38 Inches wide for cool somraery dresses inl and white, lc quality la&ZC Burgaea-Vaaa 12c Printed Flaxons, 18 He Neat figured designs, checks and desirable black and white stripes; the yard. PajnUU Cloth, 85c. Beautifully printed designs, very desirable for house or outing dresses, 36 Inches wide, Of yard eSuC Co. Base meat. Your Films Developed FREE when orders are loft for printing. This is kodak time. Tak a ko dak with you. Barf- Co. atala Tloot. Men's Suits, 91-5 to 940.0O. Strictly hand tailored and finished, a feature of oar men's cloth- (" ff lng store. Palm Beach SwlUiO.UU Bargsee Baaa Oo- rwth rioor. vertisement I