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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1915)
T1IK OMAHA SUNDAY RKK: .HJXK 27. 1915. 6 A E FAIR TO YOURSELF Day the Heeded Mono Furnishings at the Union Outfitting Company Lowest Terms and Prices in the city. Our large resources and low expense enable us to undersell and underterm others. These Ualues Arc Unbeatable SPE- . , - . " "--. : CIAL ' ,' -'J'S J TERMS: h ' J CASH; I 75 I '. Monthly. J M FOR THIS MASSIVE SPANISH FABRICOID UPHOLSTERED ROCtiER on chair Terms: 75c Cash 75c Monthly. Just like illustration, and is an especially tine and well made rocker, upholstered at It la In a spl adld grade of Spanish fabricold leather that will neither crack nor peel off. Has deep side wings, an shown In the picture, and la extremely comfortable built on largo, roomy lines that make It moot comfortable and Inviting. Can be had in a chair, If so desired, and at the extremely low price quoted above, It Is poaltlYoly the beat rocker or chair value In the city, and the liberal terms give you almost a yesr to pay for it. C. . r ,u . TERMS: Weekly. LOOKING IHTOJHE FUTURE Widening of Twenty-Fourth Street for a Business Thoroughfare Before the Exchange. SUPPORTERS FOR THE PLAH A wMenliur of Twenty-fourth anJ Har try strrets. toaether with the oientnr of one or two strrcU between Twontletn and Twenty-fourth and between iod-e and Harney, Is a consummation devoutly wlhhed by the Omaha Real Kstais -chrnae. At a meetlna last Wednesday th0 exchanae authorised Ita president to appoint a committee to work on th3 pos sibilities along this line. JYos dent Thomas will take his time snd select a commlttre. The plan Is that the committee shall confer with the proper city authorities end with the enKlneers on the matter of the expense of such a project; wl'h the flty attorney with regard to the method to be pursued, and with whatever au thority It may be necessary to confer with In ordr to et plans made for undertaking- the task. Faith In Twent y-Foorth. It Is rocoKnli-d by real otate men that the narrowness of Twenty-fourth st net Is a drawback to Its development. It Is also held by many that Tar-nty-tourth street Is Inevitably to be the main business thoroughfare of Greater O.-naha. V. II. Green In a talk to the exi'l ange asserted that In twenty years or less Twenty-fourth street Is sure to be the main retail business street of the- city. He suggested that the exchange busy Itself et once in a movement looking toward the widening of the street. Oeorge M. Morton contended that :ireen wai- on the right track, but that he would go further and require the street to be s mi wider than Oreen had suggested. Mr. s'orton praised the men who laid oi'i the original pint of Omaha, for he said they I'lannc.l better than they knew. He said ihy I. nle th downtown streeta wide Miounh the first plnce, for whlcn the present generation should be duly thank ful Thoncht of Twenty Years. President Thomas said that for tventy years he had been thinking of the propect of widening Twenty-fourth street snd lie believed It was high time to start. It whs pointed out that in any event the street will have to bo widened sooner oi Inter as the center of the city de I velops more and more In that direction, j Attention was called to tue fact that j the longer widening Is put off the more difficult It will be, since lsrger and larger buildings will be built on the present frontage, all of which will some day have to be cut off or moved back to glvo wider street space. A Modern Residence DIRECT ACTION OAS RANGE3 Why not use the modern stove Why continue to tise a coal stove or a wasteful gas range when th Direct Action positively pays for Iifieir tn a short time In the cost of Eli It sarea you? It's sanitary, cool, and gives Instant action. Moderate prices easy terms. Goods Sold Oat of Town on Easy Payments. Freight Paid 200 Miles. No Freight Allowed on Speciab. mm ef- jam- ! M if'! Plans for Keeping Business Out of the Residence Districts You don't have to stand for grocery stores or garages on the next lot to your lot In Omaha at least, not after July 1. On that day the city planning law goes Into effect In Omaha. If the neighbors will sign a petition, It will bo possible to declare a certain eeo tlon of the city an exclusive residential district, and it will then be possible to condemn and have removed stores or other objectionable Institutions that have located In your midst. ' It will be necessary that condemnation proceedings be Instituted, but according to the law, objectlonablo stores, apart ment houaes, garagea, livery barns and. In fact, most anything but residences, can be romoved, providing a sufficient I number of residents of a certain declared district sign the petition, providing- the i residences slready In the district have conformed to every building and other 'restriction. FLAGS for THE 4th $1.50 Values, Uiia&. on They are 4x6 feet In size and colors are fast. with 8-foot pele and holder. Sin nn tbe fam. IU.UU OUS KNOX- ALL Washing Machine. Made of clear Louisiana cy press. Have high-speed attach ment; sides and bottom of tub are deeply corrugated. Strongly guaranteed. KOIl AN O. K. WaxIklnK Machine s Good washer. $7.50 Well mad I jX'ssBBaaasjrAfej-i' ii r " 'i ALL REAL ESTATE MEN ARE WELL PLEASED WITH OMAHA . pmaha. tlnlegutea to the convention of the National' Association of Real Estate Kxchangris at l.os Angeles last week heard , one succession of praises for Omaha. They hoard this from the sev- jeral hundred delegates from Chicago, . M!nnap6lis' and several other cities from in eosi who came mrougn umaiia on i their way' to the coast and participated In the tourteslea extended them while In Omnha by the. Omaha Ileal Kvtate Ex change. ' I For a Well iV j O C nC Tor f Made . REFRIGERATOR. Saves You Ice. Union mitfittintC? ' jOMAHA.i V Large Wagon Umbrel- "7Pn las, heavily ribbed. . . . Qlj I'KOl'LKH eiTOUK. fvrnnr X'AIIMF P 1 Germany to Have 18 More Corps in Field ZVRICH. Swltserland (Via Ixndon), June M. According to an authoritative military source, Germany will be able to place eighteen 'more army corpa In the field by the end of July. These are com posed chiefly of the second category of the laud sturm. -comprising men who have never performed military service, out who are In, training, and In land reserves which have been resting In the Interior of Germany. It Is calculated that these new corps will about equal In number the ex hausted troops returning from Oallcla who will be granted partial rest, doing service aa Inland reserves. I r : .' I ':' :' ' -' 'i. .;.''-. t-v ' ' X'--.. ' . "'' ' - , - w:rV';' r 1 ... ;:' mn4 - ' i ... :r .ttrK'' """'7'"' - - rfrrr tn eta Ojg I i. h- : .;. J. J 1 ifli ;r v - - n I i 4 . 11 11 1 1 n' i 1 1' 11 u. 1 J U li -Jll ' 11 r. Vfl i u u U d vi The design shown above Is one of the most attractive homes on the prettie mile in Omaha snd Is butlt of brick ani stucco. The plan consists of five rooms and bath and sleeping porch. A small hall heparates the two bedrooms and lends to the batl. snd the linen closet off of It. The living room and dining rrom are sopaiated by a large cased open.nt: and have a heavy beam celling and wall cornice. In the Mving room la a massive fire place with a heavy wood shelf. The porch Is covered only by a heavy per gola which extends around the side to the rear proJectHoa, For further information regarding this I plan get In touch with Everett 8. Dodds, j architect, 613 Pax ton block, Omaha, Neb. I Phone Douglas 2981. ECHOES OF THE ANTE-ROOM MAY BE NAMED SUPERVISOR OF RECREATION. Ancient Order of United Workmen in Omaha Report Healthy Growth Daring" Last Year. SIX THOUSAND MEMBERS IN CITY SPEEDWAY ASSOCIATIONS ORGANIZE AT CHICAGO CHICAOO, June . The Sped way As .'.nclatlon of America, comprising "epr. ventatlvea of a number of autoc.obll pcedwaya In the United Statea, wci or vaulsed, according to announcement by Edward E. Gates of Indianapolis, coun sel fop the Federal league. Charles W. Bedwlclc of Indianapolis was elected president and Jaira N. Nicholls of New Rochelle. N. T.. vtcs president. Speedways at New Tortc, In dlsuapolls, Omaha, Sioux City. Tieoma and Minneapolis were represented. The purpose of the association, which Is Incorporated In Indiana, la to promote tba welfare of participants and te en courage speed contests. Ancleat Order Vnlted Workmen. Gate City lodge No. m will hold a card psrty and dance for their members and families Tuesday. Union Paclflo lodge No. 17 will have ln iitallation of officers on Friday, July 2. You are urged to attend. Greater Omaha lncreasd the numbe of lodges up to fifteen and the member rhlp In Omaha to 6,000. Ner lodges are urged to elect three delegates to the cen tral committee, aa there Is always tome thing of Importance before this commit tee. It meets the second and fourth Sat urdays of each month at the temple Knights and Ladles of Security. Ioyal council. No. 134, entertained Its members and friends last Thursday eve ning with dancing and luncheon. There was a good attendance. Today (Sunday) It Is planned to have a picnic on the east shore of Carter lake, to which members and friends are Invited. Will K.ntrrtaln Members. Friends and members of General Henr W. Lawton auxiliary will be entertained by Mrs. Lane, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Egan at the home of Mrs. Lane, 810! . North Thirtieth street, WeJnesday afternoon. Tribe of Ben liar. Mecca court No. 13, Tribe of Ben Hut, will give a lawn party to the members and their frlenda next Thursday at C. E. Clerk'a residence. 2315 North Forty fifth street. Ladles ' at Maccabees. Uniform hlvs No. S5, Ladles of the Maccabees, will give a picnic at Km a" t park, June 30, afternoon and evening. Plr knights and their ladies will attend. Woodmen of the World Day. . Monday. July 12, w ill be Woodmen of the World day In Omaha and on that ventful evening some Son delegatea to the order's national convention (sovereign camp), who will be In the city en route to St. Paul, will journey to King Ak-Sar-Ber-.'s Den snd there receive. a, man-slsed dose of "pep," administered by Old Toe Cayenne. The delegates are on their way to the aovereign camp convention. which meets tn 8t Paul, Minn., July IS. While the men are being gingered up at the Den the women will be entertained at a theater party. A special train haa been engaged to take the party to 8t. Paul, leaving Omaha at It p. m. ' mm , f Missourian Killed Under Nebraska Car ONAWA, la., June 26. A plunge of twenty feet from a bridge approach by an automobile near here today, resulted in the death of a man aupposed to be Leonard Williams of Post Oak, Mo. The body was found pinned beneath the car by a fisherman. Papers found In the clothing give the name and ' address above. The car bore a Nebraska number. Pirate Today. The members of Alpha -camp No. 1. Woodmen of the World, will hold a pic nic at Elmwood park this Sunday after noon. The base ball game will start at 1:30 p. n. The races and other sports will take place later In the day. FOUR EDGAR AUTOISTS M4KE TOUR OF THE EAST (Trom a Ptaff Correspondent ) WASHINGTON. June J5.-(Special Tele gram.) Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Voor hees and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stout of TMgar arrived In Washington yesterday en route to their former home In Trenton, N. J. They motored all the way from Nebraska, making the trip In about sis days by way of Chicago. They will remain- In the east for a month and then return by auto to their home In the Prai rie atate via Albany and Buffalo. Mr. Voorheea Is president of the Clay County bank of Edgar, his son-ln-lsw, Mr. Stout, being engaged In real estate. A. F. Stryker, secretary of the Omaha Live Stock exchange, and his son, Hlrd. who Is In his senior year at the Harvard law school, left last liight for Omaha. A told la l)aagTroae. Break It Now. Bell's Ptne-Tar-Honey Is fine for coughs and colds. 8oothes the lungs, loosens the mucous. Only S&o, All drug, gists. Ad vertlseinant. Independent Order of Odd Fellows. The funeral of Mrs. Caroline M. Logan wl) be held In the Er alley Dor ranee chapel ti ls afternoon at S o'eb tk. with Interment In Fo.'est Lawn come .-v. Mrs. Logan was tha oldest Rebekah In the stats of Nenreeka. Hesperian enoampment No. 2 will have Installation of officers ntxt Thursday evening. Omaha lodg No. S. Dannebrog lodge No. 216 and Jonathan ledge No. 226 will Install officers noxt Friday evening. DannsbroA- lodge No. 261 will Install of fleers next Saturday evening-. Heavy Hoisting L J. DAUBS 1212 FtrnamSL TeL D. 353 Let The Bee get; you -a good job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free THERE IS A TOUCH OF STVLE AND COLOR HYDRAULIC PRESS BRICK CO, n EHy-Yex Brick THAT YOU DO NOT FIND IN THE OTHERS 1302 V. O. W. BLDG. Growing Aatnertsoa Capital, 9900.000.00 HJome Builders' Growth the Largest During the Past Six Months In tin? Construction Department the demand is greater than ever before. Jn tliH Investment J)e'mtment tho demand for Homo Builders ' guaranteed 7 shares lias far ex ceeded nny two previous iKiriods. YOU WIU4 GAIN whatever ia added to tho prerient value of nil shares you ordr before July 1st, an tho price on that date will be advanced according to the surplus remaining after paying the regular 7 cash dividends. Our new booklet, the "New "Way," gives partic ulars. Ask for it! It is free. AXXBXOAJT MDOTCXTT OOWPAJTr, risoal Areata. HOME BUILDERS (Inc.) 202 South 17th St. Omaha, Neb. 7f Guaranteed Investments For Smaller Investors PROFIT-SHARING PLAN We are offering a limited number of shares preferred stock; in out Company, paying 7 per cent semi-annual guaranteed dividend-earnings and a division of the profits at the end of each year. This makes one of the beet and safest per manent investments yon can get, whereby you are assured at least 7 per cent dividend earnings and division of tho profits, which, together, have paid not less than 10 per cent for a number of years. Shares ore $100 each and are se-. cured by all real estate, mortgages and contracts owned by us. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $300,000.00. ElASTinGSa !1EYDEU91614 Harney St. PHONE DOUGLAS 7018. PAINTS FOR ALL PURPOSES VARNISHES, OILS AND GLASS. OMAHA'S LEADING PAINT STORE, FAaRlNIAlVI ST. C. R. COOK PAINT CO. DODDS, THE ARCHITECT Phone Donglaa 20H1. PAXTOV BLOCK, OMAHA. Send BO Cents for My New Plan Book. h. s. Mcdonald. NATO TRAPHAQAN, rmmimS ilk t Oet Out Xstlmatsi. We Beat Tente aad dams Taraltnrs, NEBRASKA TENT & AWNING CO. ire Ooaasotloa Wttb A&7 Other Teat and Awing Oeaesra. Phone Donglas 8641. 700 bouth bUteenth St, jgM STORAGE, Ca OUR SHIPPING DEPARTMENT Has much valuable information concerning rates, routes, time la transit and other matters of Interest to those contemplating ship, ping to summer homes or elsewhere. Omaha Van & , Storage Co. Phone Dovg. 4163 606-818 8outh Sliteenth Street ALEXANDER MUNROE Warn Al Msatlna sad TamtUattn. Tla, Oovrex aad ahMt Iron wvr. n vi nnm mi .as uae ei aisaisssra. THE HOUSE OF QUALITY WmnlmmnlMT tm Boot lata annt. gstlmstee Cbeerfolly OlTsa. au. --s A.n I " Ton eonia fcars miv aa hoar loirw thim If you'd had swiliii os thoso wimtZw tTia fT tnut and as eat Ue saa, v let u tae Stay Home Sunday Afternoons aMaat ebiijraa roa te aa anyway, . " ""aie 4V CaXX. lorjOT. bo. A Scott-Omaha Tent & Awning Co K