The Omaha Sunday Bee Iwamt-ads PART THREE WANT AD SECTION PAGES ONE TO SIT 1 VOL. A'liV NO. 2. OMAHA, SUNDAY MOKNINd, .HJXK 27, 1015. single corv five cexts. WANT ADS .Want mill received at any time, hut to Irrtsure proper classification muit he pre faented before 12 o'clock n m for eventnK edlllon and 7:30 p. in. for morning end Sunday edition. Want ads received after urn nourk will be under tue heading, "Too Late to Classify." CASH RATES. Seven consecutive time. 1 cent a word each insertion. Three tlmea within one week, 1H cents a word each Insertion. On time. 2 cents a word. CHARGE RATES Seven consecutive times. cents a line each insertion. Three times within one week 10 cents a line each Insertion. One time. 12 cents a line. Count six average wo-ds to a line. Minimum charge. 20 cents. I An advertisement inserted to be run Until discontinued must be stopped D written order. . . , All claims for errors must he made within fifteen days after the last Inser tion of the advertisement. Tou can place your want ad in The Bee by telephone ttIjRR m DEATHS A I FCNKRCL NOTICE". EDWARPS-Hattle. wife of A. H. Kd wards. Wednesday. June 23, axed 61 funeral services Sunday nt 2 o'clo.k "l residence. 1641 South Twenty-ninth trert. Krlend welcome. Interment, l'orcst Lan cemetery. Automobile. MTTRPHY James, aged 88, June 28. Funeral Monday morning: from resi dence of his daughter. Mrs. M. 8. i . Miir phy. 40 North Twenty-first street, at 8.30 o'clock, to Sacred Heart church at 9 a. m. Interment at Holy Sepulchre ceme tery. SMITH KlUa C, acd 64 years, wife of Alva Smith. . . Funeral from the residence, 2601 Bpald- Ing street, Sunday, at 2 p. in. Interment, j' oresi i.awn.- w , LODOE MITH ES. PAINTERS' NOTICE. Election Monday night. June 28. All members of Ruth Rebekah lodge No 1 are requested to attend the funeral cf Bister Caroline Logan Bunduy nt 2 p. m. from Bruiley & Dorrsnce chapel. JENNIB SHORT. N. G. ROSE) GOLDEN, Sec." BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Harry and Becky Bradkin, 1104 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Leslie and Salome BrjiC.on, hospital, boy; Iran .nd Teresa Mitchell 1719 William, boy; l.harle and Mary Robinson. Benson. Llrl: Willium and Ella Wheeler, Uli JBurdette. g'.rl. r Deaths Partla Broberg. 3 years, 6201 North Thirty-sixth; Sam Barr, 62 years. hospitl, Cack Copley. 3 days. 0 Spalding' Hattle Edwards, 50 years, 1M1 South Twenty-ninth; William Simmons, 26 years, hospital; Mary WlUlama, oo years, 1706 South Seventeenth. MARRIAGE! LICENSES. Permits to wed have been grunted to the following: Name and Residence. Ag Frank Gardner, Coxad 39 Eleanor Henderson, Omaha SO Joseph C. Reynolds, Omaha 28 Edith Sullivan, Pocatello, Idaho 2s Joseph Pekaa, Omaha 23 Mary Cuka. Tabor, S. D 2i Charles D. Lane, Burlington Junction, Mo . i.i,. tj UnrHnfftiin. Rurllngton June- tion. Mo 28 Frank X. J. Dargaczewskl, Omaha.... 32 Agnes E. NowaekL Omaha u Emll David, Omaha Alice Boyd, Omaha - Alva R. Oshn. Omaha 22 Ruth Morris, Omaha 19 Exra L. Flshhun, Lincoln ST Katherine Burks, Omaha over 18 Albert Breltkrentz. Omaha 21 Esther A. Wlnther, Omaha 20 John D. McCarthy, Omaha over 21 Cecelia Goonon, Omaha over 18 Harry Mark, Muscatine, la IS Celia Woolfson, Omaha 23 Today's Movie Programs LANTERN alldea for movie, fend your copy to u. Wa can reproduce photo 1 1 nfc.nAM Mil. s,n Wa will color directed. B Pboto Dept.. 101 Bee Bid. Onwiwwi, EMPRESS, 15TH AND DOUGLAS. K1QH-CLASS VAUDEVILLE AND i PHOTO PLAYS. The Inurrection, three-reel Lubin. ln High Society, Kalem. Thelr First Quarrel, Vltagraph. PRINCESS 1317-19 DOUGLAS. Hearta and Swords, two-reel daina. The Home-Breaking Hound, Key. com. The Silent Witness, Thrilling drama. Aortn. ALHAMBRA. .1824 N. 24TH. Conversion of Froty Blalce, 8-r. Broncho drama. ,r , Those Bitter Sweets, Keystone comedy. FROLIC. 24TH AND SPRAGUE. The Pursuit Eternal, 2-r. Imp feature. A Mountain Melody, Rex drama. Hiram' Inheritance. Joker comedy. GRAND, 16TH AND BINNEV. HOME OF GOOD PfCTlHlKS. The Right to Happiness. 2-r. drama featuring Vivian Rich, Hearts Vnitcd dom. dra. Mabel Loat and W. O. V, Keystone comedy. HIPPODROME. 25TII & CUMING. CLOSED FOR REPAIRS. LOYAL, 2406 CALDWELL. Rroken Coin. 2-reel Serial. Toy Maker of Leyden. Powers. Hearts and 'Tubs, Joker comedy. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. Kmma Dunn in Mother, 4-r. Pathe New. When Knights Were Hold, Cartoon com. APOLLO, 2 sYT LEAVENWORTH. The 1'nsparlng Bword. UiWn. Otherwise Bill Harrison, 2-reel Rssanay. The Starring of Flora Finchurch. Vita. ARBOR. 32D AND ARBOR. Closed until Saturday. Open under new management. COLUMBIA. 1710 SOUTH 10TH. The Goddess Chapter 5, In I reels. COMFORT. 24TH AND VINTON. J FAVORITE AIRDOME, 1716 VINTON. Man From Nowhere, 2-reel Domestic. The Little Mother, Mai. drama. WUhed on Mslx, Keyatone comedy. GEM. 1258 SOUTH J8TH. Framed. Power. Mlsmated. Imp comedy LYRIC, 1817 VINTON. Animated Weekly. Her Mysterious F. rwrt, Powers. A Dismantled Beauty, UKo comedy. Utile M r.f xer. PASTIME, 23D & LEAVENWORTH. Shattered Meniorie. I-reel Gold Beal. When Her Idot Fell, comedy. V-reela of picture 7. lOIUV'S f XIMPLKTK MOV1K ritcMiltAMS KxcluMtvelf In The lice west. .IONROE. 2565 FAltNAM. 'ls-Wlor'Tow, VH.. tTiE OMAHA, THK Cool. THEATER. 1 4oTH AND l.nlMir Change of program dally, mnmcind In the Sky every Sunday. LEPSIE, 2T AND N. Courage and the Man. 3-recl Lubin dra. Ham at the Fair, Knicm 2 4TH AND O. M-AltH', Test of a Man. two-reel Bison. At the Bingevillc Harlw-ue. Joker com. ELITE NO. 2, 54 5 BROADWAY. A Child of the North, two-reel Vltagraph. The Sheriffs Story. Hlograph . The Clubman. I.ubln mnHv. NICHOLAS, 64 7 BROADWAY. Vengeance, three-reel Kssnnny. The Story of a Clove. 'Itagraph jwn. ROPE'rT 637 BROADWAY; Grim Messenger, f-r. Big U. Artist and the Vengeful One. Victor. Two Heart nd a Ship. Nestor lomtdy. ORPHEl'M. """""TH AND M. VeoWlv The Refugee. Thanhanscr drama. Tavern Keeper's Son. ANNOUNCEMENTS IWE MAKE WALKING A P1-,"-'"; Why not have a pair of rubber soles and heels put on your summer shoes. They are cool and easy on your feet. Rubber heels tend to prevent head s' be that is very often caused by the iai on hard leather heels. Men's rubber heels Men's rubber soles l-J Ladles' rubber heels 40 We also have a very comietent man in charge of our hat cleaning dept. Pan ama hats a specialty. Our prices are very reasonable, con siCering the quality of our work. We Rre experts In our line. Let us prove, It " ' Call Red 3440 for delivery service. llarley Shoe Repair Co., 2004 Farnam St. Shoes made to order, JH to Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Superintendent') Office Koom 10. Central Office Exchange Offers Desk room in their offices on the entire third floor of AVare Block. Prices are $10, $12.50 and $15 per month. This in cludes Telephone, office help, light and janitor service. Inquire at H. A. Wolf Ware Block. Doug. 8CX38. Replate It Like New Have your brass beds, gas and electric fixtures refinlshed and repair-''. HiKh trade work at reasonable prices. Gold, Silver copper, bravs and bronze plating Acme Plating Co. Tel. DourIbs f7T. ill S. 15th at.- eUPERFLl'OUS hair, warts and mole permanently removed by electricity: consultation free and confidential; all work guaranteed. Mins Allendei. 624 Bee. o Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, summer. 20.)0 cubic yards Iowa grader work to let. 11. K. Anderson, 1915 California St. PouKlas M14. o JOHN GRANT PAVlNtJ CO. To our friends and former patron we wish to announce that the John Grant Paving: Co., whcrh for 35 year ha operated In Omaha, doing for 35 year guaranteed Concrete Construction work, now ha offices at R30 Pan ton block, fi. B. GRANT, MGR. Phone Doug. 3318 or Web. aOJS for esti mates. o Idle Wealth There is probably thousands of dollars' worth of personal property in the city of Omaha alone which is of little value to its present owners. Nearly all of this would be of use and decided value to somebody else. Why not exchange to mutual advantagoT You must have bo me tiling you don't need or ! want. Advertise it in the Swappers' Column of The Bee and get somethiDg for it Phone Tyler 1000 THE OMAHA BEE r L D i. O-- 11 a A J. W4 WwjfVirJ nHM vif rr u rtv MOVIES FEATURES TODAY FAVORITK AIRDOME, 1716 Vinton. t Exploits of Elaine. LOYAL, 2406 CALDWELL. The White Terror, 4-recl Imp. LOTH HOP, 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. Clara Kimball Ytung In Hearta In Exile. 5 reclsv OKPHEUM, 24TH AND M. THE SPOILERS, REELS. AN rtOUNCEM KXTS Fancy Pon Pons Rring In your old plumes and willow plumes to us. We mk all kinds of feather novelties at reasonable prices. Plumes, feathers and paradUe algrottea cleaned, dyed and curled. Indies' and gentlemen's Panama hats cleaned and re blocked. Dora Eisele Thone Pong. 3T2. 1136 City Nat. Hank. AUTOMOBILES Some Exceptionally Good Bargains in Used FORDS 1910 Ford Touring: $175.00 1!U0 Ford Touring; 190.00 1912 Ford Touring 250.00 1913 Ford Touring 275 00 1913 Ford Touring- 2S5 00 1913 Ford Tourlwj 300.00 1914 Ford Touring- C5 00 1914 Ford Touring 335.00 t You w:!l have to aee these Fold to appreciate their value. We also have fifty other used car of different make at exceedingly low fig ures. Write for our full list and prices. Industrial Garage Company, Used Car House, W. C. MARSH. Pres. 20th and Harney. This Week's Barg ains Specially Priced for Quick Action 1 fitevens Durya truck. In good condi ,tlon $460 1 1912 Chalmer, thoroughly overhauled and painted $475 1 1915 Hercules, 6-paaa. touring; electrlo lbthts, electrlo darter; a good ae new 1400 The above bargain are worthy of any prospective used-car buyer considera tion. Francis-Cullis Auto Co. 24 Farnam Street. Little roadster. ..pM) Ford roadster.. $ 'SO Hulck SX Regal 2 -fi Cutting; JS5 Truck 180 K- M. F 2.71 Motorcycle 145 THR AUTO CLEARING HOCSK 22' O Farnam St. Tel. Douif. S31u. Small Truck, $50 Good little ear. Just overhauled. ' KKAM BllOS. 209 N. 15th St. FORD Touring car equipped with shock absorbers, raldus rod, elec tric light, speedometer, hire rack and extra casings. Ha run 12,7uO miles 4)ju. OPEN SUNDAT. 21 S. 2TH ST. LIGHT Roadater, mechanically guaranteed. Tire good $175. TOl KING car, overhauled, re painted 3n0. Open every day, 7 a. m. until I p. m. 216 8. 29TH ST. AUTO CLEARING HOUSE JLK(iALS for TI1LS WEEK 1914 5-pass. new car. never been run, list at $2,575; our price $1,500 ll coupe, lit at $2.S50, run only 2,300 miles; our price 750 11(13 Marion roadster 650 1H13 6-pass. Oakland 3uo 1913 "Little Four" roadster 250 1113 E-pait. Jackson $25 1811 8-pa. Bulck 230 1A12 S-paaa. Maxwell 20 1912 6-pasa Cutting JH5 1?U 5-pa E. M. F 250 1911 5-pans Regal 22 j lt12 2-pas. Hupp 2J5 1914 Car Nation, run S'O mile 250 1913 6-pass. Ford t& 1913 2-ra. Kord 250 1911 -ton truck W 1913 Motorcycle, 2-cyl. Indian 146 Tiic Auto Clearing House, 23 Farnam St. Tel. D, 310.Jton, T. ni'SINKSS CHANCKS U. M. EATON, 1 KM? V. KATtW A man alio can Invest ir.oftn In a manufactured article that will be used on everv electric motor truck throughout the world, patented In all countries an I now In use on many electric lines, cost to mf g. about $.t.0n, sell at wholesale at llivon. A blir demand lll le created for this as soon as it ia shown to the master me chanic of the various roads. Positively no competition. KATON ha a splendid Jobbing business ha a splendid jobbing business be bad for about J.C00. This company Is now earning between 8 and 9 per cent per month; has always paid 15 per cent cash dividend. A mighty nice, clean business and under the very best management. A splendid place for a capitalist who wants larger earnings and a safe Investment, and devote a little or a much time to the business as he wlslie. KATON i n show you where tlO.nno in vested In a manufacturing con cern manufacturing an aith-le of national uae, a concern with II iarties workers and pro ducers. They need a man a office manager and sales man ager. This really Is one of the real good opportunities where you can work right with your money and see result every day. KATON has a, firm rated by Dun and Hradstreet at about l-IO.miO. Very highest-paying qualification, if you have ll.oul to 5.0il to loan this firm at per cent, which will be guaranteed, this money a ill be used in a eeiarate de partment, placed on the market this year for the first time. Contracts now closed since Jan. 1 by ono man are I7,t. at a net coat of less than $2,000; net profits on thin contract la about $..,!Hi0. They Intend to place from 10 to 20 extra men on same work, and profits in this department will be not less than for 1M15. For the use of this money they will nay 10 per cent of net profits of this department. This In adition to the guaranteed per cent. You can earn from ii.uw to $.1,000 extra upon your money, depending upon the In vestment. I have personally In vestigated this and know that it la exactly a outlined. Yo.i can not possibly make any mistake In at least asking: me for full particulars. L M. EATON, HOC W. AUTOMOBILES LSKU Ilos h maKnetos bouaht for cash, any condition. See Carl A. Andersen, the auto repair man. 1407 Jackson street. Oniahu, Neb, $100 Reward for any magneto wa can't repair, repaired. Hayadorfer. J10 N. 18th. Coll CHALMKU8 6-64 horsepower roadster; In A-l condition: starter: electrlo lights: run C.W0 miles; car sold new for $i4M); looks like new; lXl takes it: call Mr. Anderson, Harney 409. or address 2131 S. S4th r't. AUTO Clearing House, 2oa Farnam, buy and sells used cars. Phon Uouslu SIUX Overton for leaky radiator. 6O0, dealer. Want an auto. C J. Oman. McCague bldg. Industrial Uarage . toth Harney Bt. BtJl'ITY in 7-r. house, mod. ex. heat, to exchange for auto, or good close In trackage lot for auto. Either one a bar gain for someone. 100 Mccagua Bid;. Doug. MM NF.BKABKA Bulck be r vice Hlatlon. ml inam St. Phone Dnugla TIL 1912 Cadillac, $i.r0. CADILLAC CO.. OF OMAHA, 2i'54 Farnam St. Doug. 422S. I NTF. It NATIONAL. DliiLl VF-lt Y OAK IN GOOD CONDITION. WOULD MAKH GOOD JITNEY BUS. CALL 2.W N. 27TH AVE. REASONABLE. Little Roadster.. $H Ford Roadster... $4V) Hulck 82o Regal 225 Cutting 2)! Truck lt K. M. F iliOIMotorcyclo 146 THE AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. 2209 Farnam St. Tel. Doug. 3310. Whenever you are considering selling or buyinj a used car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you uy or advertise through the used car column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1000. NEW Ford auto deliver bodies of all tyle, open or closed, always on hand. Our prices will aav you money. See Johnon-D4nforth Co.. l&29-21- No. 16th. C. ELSAS8EK, expert radiator and lamp repair. Ty. 703. 2&01 Iavenworth. WILL exchange $370 equity in lot, good location, lor automoun. weo. ibSi. BUSINESS CHANCES MISSOURI BANK FOR 8 A LB, LOCATED IN BEST PART OF MO. STATEMENT (Condensed). CLOSH OF BUSINESS, JUNB 17, 115: RESOURCES. Loan and discount , Bank's premise and fixture., Cash on hand ....$.', 878.31 .... 687.96 .... 22.72154 Total LIABILITIES. Capital (lock (fully paid) ...$30,000.00 ... L315.W ... S3.5S3.11 Profits, net Deposit Total ...$K4,89.80 Controlling Interest offered. Bank not yet 5 year old. Only a few mile from a blr city. No particular reason for selling. Investigate and Judge for yourself. Bank' monthly pay roll about $180. Price $136 per shara. Book and caah on hand guaranteed; also that all note are bona fide. Address T 690. Bee. If your Business c'bance will stand ilTd investigation and la lust what It 1 advertised, or If you are looking to start In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If vou uae the Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or selling a business Phone Tyler part. FOR SALE, rent or trade; a good M-rooin hotel In Merna. Neb. Address Fred Beck. Merna Neb. VALU ABLE hydraullo placer ground, 640 acres' nesr railroad and two proven mines; all requisite facilities; price right. Apartment 8, 44 Eleventh St., Portland, . FOR SALE-Pop corn and peanut wagon, first-class condition. 1X14 Capitol Ave. ENT1KE stock of drugs, sundries and fixture. Including well-equipped lunch eonette service, in one of the best loca tion In l'es Moines, will be sold at pub lie auction sale at 10 o'clock a. m. Man day morning, June 28, 704 West Walnut St., De Moines, la. This 1 the ( has. Nimur stock and wa doing a paying business, but was Involved In th failure of other business venture. Can be bought with or without leas, and ia a fin op portunity for the right kind of a man. Total Invoice, $24,100. Addreaa E. K. Maine. Trustee, 708 Youngerroaa Bldg., Ie Moinea. la. EXCEPTIONAL OPPORTUNITY for In vestors in southeastern extension Hum ble (HI Fields. Wells pay thousand of dollar dally. Investor get deed to lot In our auibdlvialon and share In co-operative well, which w will drill soon. Write for literature, map and plan. Peoples' Oil & Gas Co., 640 Foster bids. Hou- BISIXESS CHANCKs O. V. Bids. WANTS RATON would Ilk to make the acquaint ance of a lady of neat appear ance, with some selling ability, who would be willing to Invest $1,000 in 10 per cent guaranteed preferred stock in a very uo cessful manufacturing concern, who desires to open up an up town office on the ground flour trent $V00 per mol, and they will put In a consignment from $1,X) to $2.M worth of their high-grade artistic goods, which will appeal to everyone who nees them. This I an opportunity seldom equalled. We want the store, we have the aooda anil we want the saleswoman to he, financially Interested, an that w know the business will have her undivided tlmo and attention. EATON has a Jobbing business In films and moving picture supplies. This Is one of ( 'mails' big con cerns. It will take about $IA,iOi to handle It. Present proprietor are making good money, but they think they are good looking enough and smart enough to manufacture films. KATON baa several places where $1.nu0 Invested will give you a splendid position. 1 wish you would call and see me anil let me (alk to you. I feel sure that I can how you opiortunttlea that are wor thy of your most careful con sideration: always Ix arlni; In mind, however, that I solicit the most rigid investigation and will at nil times look as careful to your safely and satisfaction to those of my other client. I7ATON haa hundreds of good businesses for sale planers that are doing fine and If you exect to buy a business be sure to see me and look over my list of opportuni ties. EATON haa many places where with 1, 2 or 1 thousand dollars you can do well. Don't think because I de vote more spuco to big Invest ment that 1 cannot take care of smaller ones. I want you to see me and talk to me before spend- ng money of any amount O. W. IJldg.. Doug. lOiTJ. Patents That Protect and Pay Book and advice free. Send sketch or model for search; highest references; best results; irotnptneK assured. Watson K. Coleman. Patent Lawyer. 24 F. St., N. W Wanhington. D. C. im-'KriAHK your Income during spare lime. Mart a mall order business. We upply even, thing on easy terms. Write for particulars. Nadico, Ki4 Belmont Ave. Chicago. o FOR SALE At a bargain if taken at once, harness stock, tools and fixtures. J. N. Veeder, Mountain View, Mo. o FOR SALE Restaurant, all new tlx- tures. On principal business street in Lincoln. Good bargain. C. L, Clark, 621 Richard Block, Unooln. o RELIABLE Manufacturing Company want business man, open office and manage sale force. Exclusive territory You handlo own money. ShouM net $7,000 annually. $400 to $) Investment In good required. Haleamanager, 601 Plymouth St.. Chicago.' CAPITAL raised for going oil projected enterprise through sale of stock or bond Issue by establKlu-d hnust. Mor ris. Suite 205. 3f.$ Broadway, N. Y. fl INVESTED now may earn you l.u in protected co-operailve oil dovelop mont near big Gusher Fields, where In vestor make fortune every day. Iit $7.80 before drilling. $1 monthly. Write today for free literature. Triangle Oil Company, 4i)0 Carter Building, Houston, Tex. GENTS furnishing: store. Good locetlon; in South Omaha, for sale or trade for real estate or good auto. Reason for selling, can not look after personally. Call Red lxin. 614 Paxton Hk. CONTROLLING interest in small town bank, good country, well established business, $10,000 to $16 )0 to handle. WALLACE'S CO-OP. REF. CO.. 1015 City National Banks IMPLEMENT business tor sale, county aeat, western Nebraska; too much other business to handle; worth Investigating If Interested. Address Y 587, Bee. TO GET in or out of business call on GANGKSTAD, 404 Bee Bldg. Doug. 84,7. SIGNS, show cards, Clark & Son. 1. 1378. FOR SALE Hardware stock, building and fixtures; location good live town In eastern Idaho; one of the beat grain and stock growing section In the west; sale last year. $21,000. Address 1 676, Pee. WANT lid-hand hardware store fixtures, Warren tyle preferred. Ad. Y 648. Bee. WHY RENT? Ask about the Lawler district, Aitkin county, Minnesota, the Land of Opportunity; unimproved, $18 to $26; Improved. $25 to $45 per acre; easy payment plan. W. G. Tcmpleton. 603 Pee. Omaha. REAL estate Business places supplied or handled: ell states. F. V. Kntest. Omaha. FIME hardware store and stock, located In county seat town In Iowa. Y 6K3, Bee. THEATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, macnine ana umue tnrou4jn Theater Exchange Co., 14fl Farnam St. Douglas 18117. $100 BUYS half Interest In photograph gallery, Including building worth $00; no experience needed. Address M 609, Bee. HOW you can buy New York Stock ex change securities on a partial payment bast, securing good stocks and bonds at prevailing cash prl-e. Thl and other expert new of finance explained In the euremt Issue of TUB ODD LOT REVIEW, tuned weekly, $1.0o a year. Hhnd for sample ooplc. 61 Broadway, New York City. COUklTY MANAGERS who cn ell th Perfect Self-heating Iron and get ul agents, ran make $5.00 to $16.00 a day. Thoae who work our plan make money. Fxclulv territory. Rales manager, 47 Anchor Bldg., Dayton, O. o MOVING PICTURE HOUKE, with seating capacity of over 300; Al lo cation. $40. Birkett & Company 42S Bee Bldg. Douglas 6M FOR BALK General merchandise tore. In good Nebraska location, about Vft mile from Omaha; no opposition. Did $14.0u0 cash biialnesn last year, with In creasing business this vear; have post office In connection. Thl I a rare chance to get into a good cash business. To those meaning bualnem full particu lar and opportunity for Investigation will be riven. Slock and fixtures, about $:t,800. will sell real eslato on easv terms for $2,250. Might rent It to good person. Address W. 615, car Bee. Money making pool hall Sacrificed; am clearing- over $100 month and oan show you; 4 table, cheap rent, no competition: other Interest compel my attention; $ro0 caah takes stork, busi ness and fixtures. Call Sunday or even ing. 4143 N. 1'ith St FOR SALE All or part of full equipment of bakery, formerly owned by the Warner Bakery Co., consisting of oven, bread dough mixers, belting, shaftlnr. hanger and pulley, rases, scales, tools and wagons and other equipment. CVn rad Young, Si' Brandeia Theater. D. l.STt. WANTKD-Fln. opening in a well established wholesale house for a young man who can invest from $4,000 to $&0n0. Business extends from Omaha to Pa cific uoaat. Address P. O. Bos 297, umint, in so. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will please the most critical: AII9TBACTS OP TITLR. Title Guarantee r1 Abstract l Pi I Co., modern abstract office, A tut Bo. 17th PL Phune D. MJ. RICTO ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office in Nebraska, ffl Hrandeia The. AUUIMU MACHIMS9. Adder Mch. Co. (U !.). W. O. W. P. 5.W AttOl'XTAM'l. Dworak:i; Hook opened nd closed, system In stalled and accounta audited. Address 3 Hamge lildg. Phone I ...MB- ' '""g AMATUIH KINlsillNU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft 8hop, 416 Pee HUlg Iept. D. A item rm 1 . Ferett R TVvlrta. 12 Paxton Plk. P. 2-W1. ATI It TIO.NS. ptTINO partte desiring freshments. phone Hanscoi ervlce or re in park. H. r.SM. ATTORNEYS. C. T. Dlklnson. Kit r.iinn niu- D. 1H. Att'TIOKKLHII. Dowd Auction Co., U16-H W". O. W. R. 2aa. Nafl Pale Auction Co.. J3ST W. O. W. AUTO 11 RANCH. 40 Ted on your automobile InTOranci; .... a nome Co. Doug IM. AliTO HAUIATOH UEfAllUK Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. SOMFar. D mm. DAKEKIEI, Z. H. RFEDER. I5rtl N. TMh. Web. KM UKUIUKu, " 0AHA PILLOW CO.. MOT Curolnr Renovate. feaTn.r. festh.r . "'esses or all kind, make feather niattresse and down oovra ULUbl PHlNTlhU. ' HORNBT BLUTO PRINT CO.. $03 Omaha National Bank Bldg. UHAS9 ANU IRON t-UUNUUlElll. ' raxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Bta MUILUIAU V RECKEHS. LUMBER and brick building; wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co? Web. Is CAHl'UM tu AMI CONTRACTU!. STEVENSON, 8JJ s. 224. Douglas ES20. Leaard It Son. 1908 Cap. Ave. T. 1S3J. 1 1I1HOPHACT1C BP1.NAL AUJU'M'TS Dr J. C. IiwTence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 41. IHlHOfOUlSl'. Carrie J Burford, 620 Pax. Blk. Red 4M7. CIVIL, M. J. LACY. MS BEE BLDG . DOUO. 471. CL.alAMli.Sia AAU OlfeH. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Lear. T. WIL CUMCUaiTlU CWNB1UCCTTOM CW.'a Wtern repreaentatlv of VELVETILB COMPOSITION llooruig. lviuBii OATE Ml-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 167$. lOSTLMUa AAA L.OUOM ft ft A' L Lai. MFO. of lodg recalla and costumes. Theo. Lioben & Sou, 1514 Howard. D. 4115. UAMIAU ACAAalBllliiS. CHAMB1C11S" Academy. cUsalo. D. U7L Summer rate now at Mackle'a; private iessuns dally. lhl Harney. Doug. MMt. LtUaiSftAAAAVlMA. Tarry Dreasmak'g oolige, 2otb 4b Farnam. MISS STURDY, 2418 CASS. RED T320. UIUHI U ILUAftUltB. STATE Dry Cilia. Co.. 120 N. X2th. D, 6073. ua. vs.. JAMES ALLAN, 812 Neville Block. Evl deucu secured In all cam. Tyiur HjS. OSiMllSik. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, Ut City Nat Bank. Taf Dental Room. 1617 Douglas. D. 2186. UHUUI. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on $10 order; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Irug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ULHl'TUlU PI A A OS. Continental Nov, Co.. H N. loth. Terms. fcXLUCTUoLKlS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee TUdg. Red 80KS. 2E Vl At V THIN a POH WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knlfs, sunburst, box pleating; covered buttons, all else and tyl; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal rteaung co., aw uougia moo, u. itm. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down: cloak, suit and dresses sacrificed. 2n N. 18lh SL aiV AbHk'l s'OAl MEN. IT'S getting warm now. Special summer rates, an.bii. T. M. c. A. r CHNACfc. AND lINMOhK. HABERSTROH, 28 Hamilton. Wal. 27L PLOHISTft. BATH'S, florists, 1S04 Farnam Bt D. 3000. U HENDERSON, 1519 Farnam. D. 1258. Member r iorisi ihwiiii jlbi. a n. HESS 4k SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St, A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 100L SWAN SON, the florft. Web. 4H2. Bo. 701. HAT tLlfiAn tNG. Panamas cleaned. D. E1ele. Iin City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1520 Har. gold and silvi-.u platinu. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1Z30 narney oi isi. 1CB. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'PHOWE WEBSTER 69U General Office. 18th and Manderson at a. JLST1CK OP THE PK ACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 61$ Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary pub., dupoallion tuno. C. W. BR1TT. 301 Baker block. V. C. HAPCALU 420 Paxton Blk. P. 2106. LIVB STOCK COS1MISSION. MARTIN CROa. AV CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIOHTINU TATCAla,s, WlttlNU. DTTRTriN' Thoma. Dougl 35 13. kllNlNU KNUlAUEHS. WILL psy to consult W. H. Godfrey on mining business. ft7 State Bk. H. 4S4L MOVING PICURK MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Motlos piciure uiacmn ana rum uergaina rent movlrttf nlctum nurhln.. fit Theatrical Exchange. 640 Paxton block, M Kl E. Mas. Raundera-Kennedy Bldg. D. Tli MASSAGE. Room 224. Neville Block. MAR8AGE620 Be Bldg. Dougla 6J71. BATI13 and massage. Dougla 8751. BATHS, 211 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. MASSAGE. Room 274, Neville Blk. MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. MASSAGE. 203 Karbach Blk. Room K27. BATHS, R.xim 223 Neville Blk. TlATTTS"n1 niaaawge, aloohil rub. IMfl iiiuiuKini9 room , i)ougia4 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. HVENINOS until 8; Bun. 10 to 1. D. 71S. MASSAGE, 1 S. 17th Ft. MoronctiLici, HART.TCT-PAV1DSON MOTOTtCTCT.E. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roo. "The Motorcycle Man," 2701 Leavenworth. Ml H AL. PIANO leswins, iVc per lesson. Weh. 2tfl. MlitltAL INIlUtl'HOM. BOURIC1U3 MUSIC BTUDIO. LAS un. DOUO- OCt LISTS. Ryes examined, glasses fitted, pay you can. Dr. McCarty, 111! W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC I'll YttlCIA M. Dr. Peterson, fXTJ Brandels Bldg. D. 214 J08FPHINFJ ARMSTRONG, 815 Res Bid PAINTING ANU I'APKHINO, HUGH MTMANUS, 411 N. 40th. 1L 672$. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7520. PATENTS. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7111. A. Pturge. 638 Bre.ndel Theater Bldg. fKl.VllNU. WATER8-BARNHART Ft. Co., quality printing. TeL Doug. 2190. 624 B. 13la 8L CENTRAL PRINTINO CC DOUO. 37J1 DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas 644. Ralph PrlnUng Co.. $30 S. 19th. Doug. 2188. RIBBAUB COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUB BAG B CO. Thl I the man to call if you havs any aahe or tin can to haul. Phone Web. 5X19. AJl'A9 AMU TlltlO LiUCK AUXPACAiTi. Opened, repaired, comb. t 17 P-kT changed. F. E. Davtn- cnangea. r'. t, uavn port. 1404 Dodge. t. 18JL CAL.U UKPAlklNU. Om. Standard Seals Co.. C13 S. 12th. D.2J1L CRHUN UOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 4891. 6UOB HEPA1H1NU. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo rapalr. lu Ml Harley Shoe Rep'r Co., 9004 Farn'm. R.8448 HWIM1 MACIllNiesI WTck r"1 Ztplrl ne"e nd parts YY C for Mwing machines. "MICKEL'S." NEBRASKA CYCLE CO lath and Harney. Doug, 1461 TiliaiAa CfcilLilNtaa. CARTER Sheet Meurany. up B. 1. TOHU AMI UFt-ICAs VIXIVHH. r TT r " .Jes. SI MM bit SCHOOLS. ,Un,AgTvEen,,m "W- 'P-'al atten- " pupils. H. 7b. to Ha; a. supplies. OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 B. 11th. n. 1'AlL.OAtS. CHA8. C. LANDERYOU. 101 N. Utti at TUCNKS ANU SUITCASES. FRELINQ A BTEINI.E WA Farnam St TYPACWHllKlts OH RENT. RNT an Oliv.r Typewriter S mo. for $C Oliver Typewriter Agency, wu Farnam, BAi?H?? ExehsIiV. la Uth 8b - w ur 1 mil u RENT a "Remington." not i...t . t. writer, low rem. Call Dougla iM. WATC1A SPECIALISTS. " Christiansen. 3d tl. Paxton Bk.. 13 yr. exp. WKDD1NU STATION ULAt. Wadding announcement. Doug. Ptj. Ca. WAN KB AMU CliiUOALS. ALEX JETES, 201-3 8. ISth St. Wines. .M " nan oinners. ia is s. wc. HENRY POLIXCK LIQUOR HOU1BI Uth and Capitol Ave. Ten-oent lunob. Ul'HI.NKHg CHANCKS NOTICE Saving bank depneltora: In vest you money In farm Uiu or hnn.l. and Increase your Income li)0 per cent. pui you in touch with reliable firm free. Inveslora' Service, lierajrf hmd Jollet. 111. WANT good party to furnish money to develop a vncr.nt corner (walking dis tance) where total Investment of 114.W10 will develop a value of $2fi.U0 and an an nual Income of 8,'i.ftuO. Onlv tiihM n..K m quired until loan 1 negotiated, when ome of that $i,ft00 may be returned. I am a ouiiner. Keren-nee exchanged. Address P 61. care Omaha Bee WE will sell at once grocery stock and butcher business, doing good busines. Have largo list of customer. Phon Douglas 2A7 for quick action. WILL sell tate or county lights for manufacture of sectional curbtnza for Wells. Equipment furnished. liig profit Griffith. Strand Hldg. New.rk, N. J. FOR SALB My new stock of general merchandise, on shelf 4 months? ahnut $2.ono. In good country town; sickness. Address S. W. Winn, Greencaatle, Mo. KF8TAURANT ON 16th St., making over $100 per mo. clear, owner lck, must sell. tuv. Gangestad Room 404 Bee Bid. D. I4T7.S CIGAR ami confectionery store for sal cneup; usnay location. X00O. Gangestad Room 404 Bes Bldg D. S477." P'lH FI 8- MONTHS INVESTING fYHi PIU.)F1T, a monthly guide to mon-y making'. Tells how $100 grows to $2,K How to get rich quickly, and honestly U. V- PAHHKH. Pub.. 64 J3 W. Jackson Blvd.. Chicago. $10 INVESTMENT la land and co-opera-tlvo oil will niay make $1.0uu; paymenis fl monthly. For particulars address Texa-Gulf Co.. .42 Union Bank. Houston. Texas. It 00 111 In Mr Houses for Sale. FOR SALkV-Very reasonable 20-r. room ing house: furnished extra nice; In ex cellent condition; new Improvements; good I reason for selling. Address F 4. '. moneymaaer; wbjhiiik oiKian-e, beat