Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 2-A, Image 2

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Ullr, O.MAHA MiMlAl HKK: .liSt; L'7, 1!1.".
i -
Millions of Dollan Worth of Goods
Ordered Last Tear, and Already
Sold, Held Up by-Britcns.
of the Mexican leaders who are ajain looming up on the
WASHINGTON. June 26. Repre
sentatives o( 1.000 American im
porters presented to Secretary Lan
sing today a petition for action. by
tie United States to enable lb era to
bring out dye stuff, potash and
otber American owned good in Ger
many without British Interference.
Twenty Importers, bended by Lee
Kohna of New York, comprised the
delegation. Secretary Lansing called
Into the conference Solicitor Johnson
and Robert F. Rose, one of the for
eign trade advisers of the depart
ment. .The Importer rented tlie srrnnKemenU
rtrlnalr fTinrte Informally by them with
C.reat F.rllaln for shipment of American
owned gooda from ermnny throtutU
neutral ountrles en contract mad
rrlor to the orrtrr-ln--ounotl of March 1;
tha difficulties over an extension f time
for shipment of such cargoes, and the
general business effects cf tha British
Secretary Lansing took the natter un
der consideration and It la generally be
lieved It will. be presented to Oreat
Britain "apart from the broad subject of
tha ro-called "blockade." . which In
treated In a new note that baa been
uniler preparation for some time.
retltlnn nf Importer.
N'RW YORK. J jn 2.-The Importers'
petition, which la eddreeaed to President
Wilson, was mad publlo here. IV seta
forth that the Piltlah blockade concern
'not only the proerty rights of the
undersigned eitlxens." hut Involve a
"contemplated unlawful destruction of a
moat Important portion of tha entire
romm of the t'nltart States." Tha pe
tition dlscuaae Ineue of International
law and urges upon the president 'tha
need for a very early determination of
these Issues 1 so that we may know
whether -we may be able to conduct our
established buslnesa."
."Great liriteti.." tha petition seye, "ha
studiously avoided answering tha Amerl
. ran note of March 30, and months of val
uable time In which It wu necesaary for
na' to prepare tor our coming business,
have passed."
"Notwithstanding that this action of
tha Great Britain government doea not
.follow from any declared and main
tained blockade of German territory,"
true petition says, "we have been unable
to induoa any atearoshlp companies to
carry . our rood a, American property
either from unblookaded German ports
or from neutral porta, to which the good
have been ahlpped by land. The mere
fact that Great Britain doea net threaten
oonfiacatlon of our good. If they are
shipped does not concern i s, because, flrat
we cannot get them shipped, and sec
ondly, w are . Interested In tha much
reciter question of lawfully obtaining
supply of our American owned mer
chandise, whether tb same ha been
paid for, contracted, or may be con
tracted for In the future.
"We are not compensated by a payment
for a particular cargo after legal pro
ceedings in tha British courts, . for we
are concerned In preventing a sacrifice
cf American capital. . .
Caatrart Last Year.
"During llll and tha early part of this
Bear wa plaoad large contracts fur mer
chandlee to be manufactured by German
end Austrian concerns. We have obli
gated ourealves ta take this merchandise
and now that' a considerable portion of
such, merchandise Is finished and ready
for shipment, the manufacturers are
damamllng payment. We are In the
quandary of having to pay for our mer
chadlae and at the asms time being un
able to get our merchandise. In addition
w hav sold much uf this merchandise
to American business houses to whom we
are responsible Cor delivery.
"The conceeelon ef the. nrttlslt gov.
einment that wa may receive good that
were paid for prior to March 1, la of
no value to ua. The inJeralgned aio re
sponsible American houses enjoying good
credit and da not have to pay for their
merchandise before It la delivered.".
."With all deference to your excellency."
tha document continue, "who wa know
ha at heart the protection of American
wameroa, wa respectfully call attention
to the urgency of tha attuatlon anj the
preaslng necessity of our knowtng very
soon whether we shall be able to eonduot
our lawful buslnesa under tha protection
of well-established principle of law
which have been so ably and aptly
; - ' f . -. I
r, ' .- i-w T-r- - , ( . - . $
Fall Tage Statement Published in
Vorvraerts Asks Kaiser to Take
the Initiative.
Daniels Tells Naval Officers to
Profit by Lessons of Present War
Cralg will be appointed' l.y Oovepnor J of Cumins county have Jest been com-
Kendrlck, to serve until January 1. 1!1.
(Continued from Pas One.)
Platte, will follow In due course. It Is
understood hsr that Bryan and Hitch
cock have practically agreed upon the
men for the several land offices outside
Of Proken Bow and there Is but one hitch
there, over Ross Moore.
Two Patttoffle. Flsrhta.
Tift of tha largest postofflces are atlll
up In the air, one In all probability to be
thus suspended Indefinitely, beceuea of
the failure of Bryan and Hitchcock to get
Jn thf case of Nebraska City rumor
has it that both Bryan and Hitchcock
have agreed on Frank Marnell for the
Job, but aa for Falrbury there I atlll
"nothing doing."
Aa to tha major positions In Nebraska-
Collector, marshal and district attorney.
there la a feeling tRat Senator Hitchcock
has much more to lose In not reaching an
agreement than Secretary Bryan and be
ing actively engaged In campaigning for
tha democratlo senatorial primary nomi
nation It behoovea Gilbert M. to bet
busy and Iron out differences, otherwise,
the faithful may not accept explanations
when primary tltn come around.
That Oae-Tera Flaak.
Having used the name of ex-Secretary
Bryan aomawhat In this dispatch there
crowda In tlit other suggestion heard
today that a break is inevitable between
Sir. Wilson and hi late premier, not over
tha position of the administration aa to
it foreign policy, not over prohibition or
woman auffrage, but over the one-term
plank of the Baltimore platform. Secre
tary Bryan la the father of that plank.
It has been his shibboleth, and gossip
says he will not stand to It ruth
lessly shattered.
All tha amenities occurring between
the White House, cabinet officials, etc,
and Mr. Bryan are looked upon here aa
purely diplomatic fabrications, tha "shal
low murmuring while the deep are
pleted by County A sue aor Louis C. 8 harp.
The total for the towns of the county is
$4!7,!E5, msde up s follows: West Point,
I17J.1I!: Wisner, iOS,479; Ttancroft, S13S.457:
Beemer, S54.9OT. Tha rural precinct, six
teen In number, roll up a total of $l.'.iS9,ST,
making a grand total for Criming county
of S1.M7.S11
Rlsrlitsi ftrade Commencement.
OSCEOLA. Nobr., June 26th-The
Eighth Grade commencement exercises
of the Polk county schools were held In
the Osceola Auditorium today. There was
a clasa of ninety-nine who received diplo
mas from County Puperlntendent Ras
mlssen. the largest In point of numbers
that has been turned out In Polk county
Beside tha musical numbers offered, to
gether with local recitation, etc, there
was an address by Superintendent Harry
B. Bradford, of tha Bute University
farm station. His talk waa good and well
received by the large audience which
wa present for the event .
Farmers' t'nlon PlcaJr.
LYONS, Nebraska, June S5 (Special
TelegTam) The Farmers Union held a
greta picnic and entertainment here to
day, several thousand people attending.
El O. Wood, organiser of Lincoln, waa
oorator of the day. There were races of
alt kinds. Elk Creek defeated the West
Bide by the score of 17 to 4. Paul Calnon.
acting aa umpire.
Be Want Ada produce Reauit.
BERLIN, June 26. (Via Lon
don.) The managing committee of
the social democratic party In Ger
many has caused to be published In
the Vorwaertg a full png appeal for
The Interesting document declares !
the people want peace, and tha gov
ernment la called upon. In the name
of humanity, to make known lta
readiness to enter negotiations.
The appeal is published under the
heading, "Social Democracy and
Peace. ' It begins with a reference
to the fact that the socialist foresaw
the war. They workod vainly for an
International understanding, but
when war did come they placed
thorn .ie! ics at the disposal of the
fatherland. It then refers to the
declaration of the party in the
Reichstag August 4, 1914, which
"We demand, as soon as aafoty ha
been secured, and our opponent are nv
cllned to peace, that the war be brought
to an end through a peace which will
make possible friendship with neighbor
ing nations.
Protest ..! t Annexation.
The appeal close with tbeaa words:
"The managing committee of tha Vor
stand of the social democratlo party al
ways haa been opposed to a policy of
conquest. Wa now raise anew our sharp
est protest against every effort and every
proclamation the purpose of which la tha
annexation of foreign territory and tha
oppreaslon of other nations efforta and
proclamations which have become publlo
In Germany, particularly through the de
mands of great! eoonomio associations aa
well as through the speeches of leading
non-aoclallat politician.
"Even the recital of such efforts nerve
further to postpone that peace which 'la
warmly desired by the whole nation. Tha
people want peace! If thl war which
dally demands new sacrifices la not to
draw Itself out needlessly, to endure un
til the full exhauatlon c J ill the nations
In It on of the pertlcipa fnm power must
offer the hand of reace, Germany, who.
attacked by greatly superior force baa
thus far victoriously defended itself
agalnat all it enemies, brought their
starvation plan to naught ajid demon
strated that It Is unconquerable, should
take the first step to bring about peace.
In Nsm of Humanity.
"In the nam of humanity and culture,
and supported by the favorable 'military
situation brought about by tha bravery
of our comrade In arm we demand of
the government that It make known it
readiness to enter peace negotiation in
NTffWPOTlT, R. 1., June 26. in an ad
dreaa at the opening session of the Navy
War college here today, Secretary ranlela
appealed to American naval officers to
profit by the lemons that are being
taught by the STfat war In Kiiropo and
to fearlessly discard all theories which
fail to stand the acid test. lie referred
briefly to the navy program for the com
ing year and expressed confidence that
congress would authorise any Increase
"In personnel and material the navy I
larger than ever before," Mr. Panicle
aatd. "Its men are trained and fit. Its
expert In every department are active
to remedy any defects of the past and
to take advantage of all that has been
learnexl In the only true school In which
thl knowledge may be obtained, by ob
serving through our expert In Europe all
that may be learned from actual war.
"A you look abroad you see the
foundation of old theories crumbling
every way.
"We have seen the main fleet of the
greatest sea nation In the world with
drawn from the seas to some necluded
harbor without having fired a shot dur
ing the first yeap of a might conflict We
bave sen battle begun at rangea believed
to be Impossible and ships disabled by
shots from gunn as yet Invisible. We
have been told that modern sea fights
would be determined In the first ten
minutes, yet we have een that It took
six hour to decide one of the greatest
battle of the present war.
"With what weapons, by what at rate ry
ehnll we meet the terror of the enib-
maiina, and tha still unrevealed possl- j
bllltles of the airship? It Is to you, gen
tlemen, that this question must be put. I
It Is to you your secretary of the navy
looka for an answer. My earnest word, I
my nrilemn plea today la to urge you fear
lessly to discard worship of all things ,
that are old and to adopt courageously i
anything that la new the moment that I
some development of the present con
vinces you that the old way Is no longer
the tight way. or that' the new way
point the path of victory.
"I hereby pledge myself to spare no
effort to assist thl onward march."
order to put an end to thla bloody Icon
filet. "We expect oUr socialist comrade in
other belligerent land to exert their In
fluencea on their own governments In
this same sense.'
Atlanta Saloons
Closed and Police
Do Double Duty
ATLANTA, Oa., June 2. Near-beer
saloons were closed, the entire night
watch of police was held at stations for
extra duty and the guard of militia still
surround Governor Slaton's home in an
effort of the authorities to forestall to
day and tonight demonstrations cf pro
test against the governor's commutation
of Leo M. Fiank's death sentence. The
term of Oovernor Slnton expired at noon
snd crowds were in the city for the
Inauguration of Nat F. Harris.
The bualneaa aection of the city was
patrolled by a- double watch of police
today and forty extra mounted men were
sent to the capltol. Otherwise, to all
outward appearances, the city waa
Germans Sending
Heavy Guns East
LONDON, June 20. A Central New'
dispatch from Amsterdam says several
trains loaded with heavy guns havo left
Essen for the German front In the Bzura
river In Poland where It 1 believed they
will be used la an advance against
Warsaw. '
Slno the fall of Lorn berg military ex
perts in London have expressed ttrt be
lief that the Austro-German allies would
attempt to continue their terriflo drive
and capture Warsaw, the capital of Po-
have hammered their way to a point al
most within artillery rang of Warsaw,
but have been driven back by the forces
under the direction of Grand Duke
Americans in Yaqui
Valley Well Aimed
TOHArrt BAT, Mex June 25. By
Radio to San Diego, Cel., June 2.
American In the Taqul valley are well
armed with rifle and an adequate sup
ply of ammunition and are ready to re
pel any future Indian attacks, accord
ing to advice received bre today. Borne
of the American have arranged to hire
other foreigner to assist In their defense.
The valleys of the Taqul and Mayor!
rivers were reported quiet today. Rain
have begun and ar expected to caue a
rapid rise in the Taynl river.
This will prevent movement of the In
dians to the Mayort river, southward,
where an American settlement 1 located.
The mouth of the Taqul river was forty
mile wide during the December floods.
Latest advlosa from La Pax, Lower
California, stated that that .town and
vicinity had been cleared In favor of
Carransa. It previously wa declared
"neutral." Guaymaa has refused to re
ceive or clear Lav Paa shipping.
LONDON, June 26. The American cot
ton steamer Leelanaw, which has been
utder Retention at Kirkwall, in Scotland,
since early June, ha been allowed to
proceed to Archangel to dicharr It
cargo, consigned to Russia. The Lee
lanaw was detained because Its carga,
destined for Russia, wa oonalgnsd by
way of Gothenburg, Sweden, which coun
try forbid the export ef cotton.
OAKLAND. la,, June . (Speclal.V
Thursday, at the horn of Mra F. E.
Buckner occurred the wedding ef her
daughter,' Mlas Lenore. to Carl A. Fat
land of Dea Molnea. The arid wore a
gown of .Ivory tinted satin, with veil of
tulle, caught up with a spray ef orange
blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet
of white rose buds. Mr. and Mra Fat
land hav gone on an extended eastern
trip and after September 1 will be at
home In Cambridge, la. -
WEST POINT. Nb.. Jun H-fSpecUt.)
Theodore N. Fggert and Mia Dorothea
P. Harms were married at VJori German
Lutheran church In Kellgh township
Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The
bride ta the eldcat daughter of Rev. Will
lam Harms, who haa been pastor of the
pointed out by the Stat department In QUon church for more than thirty yeara
relation with Great
. . W maintain that
its diplomatio
hrttaln. . . .
when a Swedish merchant can ship to a
tierman port, wa also as cltlsens of this
country hav tb same right and that1
these fact convincingly. prove that there
la no affective blockade of -nearly tUo en
tire German coast."
The Importers appeal to t'.is pren'dent,
not only on the ground that their own
bualnaaa would be Injured, but on the
giound that "the only prospect for laace
la an insistence on those unquestioned
guarantees ahich hav been won from
tha belligerent powers under the leader
ship ef these free United Mates of Amer
ica, Wa respectfully ask your excellency
to firmly Insist that the Illegitimate pre
tentions of the waning countries do not
extend beyond those exception already
r grafted upon the principle of interna
tional law." ....
Judge Craig Drops .
Dead at Evanston
The groom I a prominent young famisr
of the same neighborhood. The ceremony
waa performed by tha father of the bride
and Immediately thereafter a largely at
tended reception was held at the person
ag adjoining th church.
jrwr POTVT. .VP-., June J (Special
-The weddlnj, of Howard J. 0v-ro:Uh v.
Llnoolu (o Miss Mabel Daniels or Ban
croft wa aolemnlsed at the Church of tha
Atonement at Bancroft on Wednesday,
hev. A. B. Marsh, minister of the Episco
palian; church of Blair, officiated at th
Thompson-BeldeTi & Co,
asalaa Aaaceament Rail.
WEST I-OlNT, Neb., June 6. Spclal.
Tb town and township assessment rolls
CirETFNNB, Wyo.. June .- Special.)
Ji'dse David II. Craig, ST. of the Third
Jjyjdiclal district. drofpd dead at Ev
anston. Wyo., Thursday night. He had
Wn holding a ( session of the Uinta
county court at Eveneton. Ills body
will be shipped t) his home at Raw! Int.
Hi death was due to heart failure, prob
ably Induced by the arduous labor ef
a forty-tac-day station of court which
he recently held at Kemmerer.
Judge Craig waa one ef the beat known
Jjviriata of- the Rocky mountain region
Ht had been n the bem h fur twenty
years and during his Judicial experience
tried sum of the Bibl Important caae
in Wyoming htmojy. Ills personal pop
ularity wa gruat and he waa elected to
tena after torro by large majorities.
x Judge Craig was prominent la Wy
eotng MUAiu-y. being a member of the
state, consistory, stud In other fraternal
avgantanoba A ucaeor to Judge
Waited Five Years
Wps Afraid of Dentist
Cam to
The Painless
sad today 1 oa of beet ooeterm,
Mr. C. A. Harlln of HIS Dodge
street bad teeih extracted by the
use of Vapor Wist. the said he
ha.1 n si tiki S yaara to have hsr
teeth out Just ask her about our
I'ainleea Extracting ef Tenth.
Vapor Wist is a In"! anaesthetic.
just applied to the run fur tb
I'alnleaa Katrar tins- of Teeth and
ail other Itantai Operations, with
out the leapt daagar of heart trou
ble or alcantea.
Omo 0. eeoad rUov. aaxta
Block, lata aa Fajraaia atte. JLa4v
SMsUuk Oiwa aaaSayn, 10 So l
naa eatu T. steud lor our boo a.
In fcpiUag au eboet la as ef ait
Summer Apparel
Moderate Pricings
These items are attractive to all
women who desire the best in dress,
and for prices, much less than are us
ually associated with' the high char
acter of this apparel.
Wash dresses of linen, in white, tan,
blue, wisteria, pink; of pique, in plain
white; striped gingham dresses of dif
ferent colors ; fine for camping, strett
wear or ncm?
$7.50 Vaiuc-5, Monday - $4.95
Other Dresses priced to 15.00
The Store for Shirtwaists
is showing some very attractive styles
for summer blouses at reducod prices.
Remnants of Colored and Black Silks
Specially Priced for Monday's Great Sale
It embraces hundreds of different kinds of goods, each with its hundreds
of different patterns. The regular season is over. Now, for ONE GRAND
SWEEPING CLEARING everything from a single yard to a full dress pat
tern must go. The new fall goods will soon be here; we need the room. Be
low are a few items selected at random, showing the special reductions for this
Black and White Striped Marquisette,
regular $1.00 quality, a dainty waist
fabric remnant for
All-Silk White' Crepe de Chine, regu
lar $2.00 quality, 5 yards in remnant,
for - 3.98
AlUSilk Satin Duchesse, Nile green,
$1.00 quality, 10 yards in remnant,
for $2.39
Spot-Proof Foulard, Cheney Bros.,
deep old rose, $1.00 quality, a most
beautiful fabric, 9 yards in remnant,
for ......... $3.94
Black Al!-Silk Crepe, de Chine, one of
our best, regular $2.25 quality, 5ly
yards 'in remnant, for - - $-1.9$
All-Silk Satin de Lme, regular $1.00
quality, light blue, soft, rich texture,
will not muss, 12V2 yards in remnant,
for $2.75
Striped Tub Silk, $1.00 quality dainty
colored stripes, 3V4 yards for 49
Navy Silk -and-Wool Poplin, regular
$1.75 auality, 40 inches wide, 5 yards
for -------- $3.95
All-Silk Imported Pongee, $1.25 qual
ity, 5s yards in remnant, for $1.69
Imported Silk Faille, $2.00 quality,
26 inches wide, new Belgian blue,
6 yards in remnant, for - $4.87
Spot-Proof Foulard, Cheney Bros.,
$1.00 quality, color taupe, Vh yards
for - - - - - - - $2.19
Satin Striped Tub Silk, $1.00 quality,
all white, double width, 2 yds., G8C
Black Chiffon Taffeta, $1.75 quality,
36 inches wide, 7 yarda in remnant,
.for - - - $3.98
Black Silk-and-Wool Poplin, $1.0'f
quality, 5 yds. in remnants, $2.19
NOTE Hundreds more to choose from than the paper ever hints of. On
sale Monday, sharp, 8:30 A, M. ,
Sale of Lace Curtains and Nets .
Sale Starts at 8: SO Monday Morning.
Beautiful Bungalow Nets, Lace Curtains. In white or ecru.
The selection Is large and the valuea offered will mean a great
earing to you In price.
See) Howard Btroet Windows Hunday.
Ribbon Section
Pretty, new brocade ribbons, in pink, light blue, white, yellow,
lilac, and green. These come In hair, bow and sash width.
Ribbon Haabe Made U Order la Any Style
few are here mentioned:
Butterfly bows in back or front, with pleated girdle.
pleated belt, with fancy ribbon buckle In back, finished with
long ends.
. Ehirred belt, finished with band-made rosea.
Tailored belts.
These include Vloleta, Sweet Pea and Rosea,
The Perfect Shoe
Can you conceive a shoo in absolute style that will
outwear the average shoe-that is decidedly comfortable,
and that costs only a reasonable amount t
These qualities are what you iiave been looking for
in a shoe.
Then, whv don't you wear ,
Complete lines and hundreds of styles for Women
and Children, at v
Exclusive Agents in Omaha,
It Pays to Read
This Twice
The people of Omaha and
vicinity have never before
had tho experience of being
confronted with a positive
fact, which is that not only
the greatest size, quantity
and quality sale is now going
on at 1513 Douglas St.; but
also the greatest reduction
in prices.
Framed Pictures
Ther ar hundreds yes thousands
of framed pictures, aa well as pic
iturea In ahcet form, tramsa and
other art srooda, discounted at tre
mendous cut. Many a $10.00 pic
ture la selling; at 13.00 and $4.00:
tha $5.00 and IS.00 plcturee welling
at 11.00 and $2.50. Plotures aelllnK
here at 3Bc, 60o and 7Se contain
framea which are worth three times
th price of the entire picture,
frame Then, there are hundred
of Jaipaneae Basket which should
retail from $1.00 to $$.00. selling:
for 46c, your own choice.
Then, again, there are silver de
poalts, glassware trimmed In white
metal and silver, an entire shelved
wall of them at SOo each. Arain,
aets. humidors, aah recctver and
hundreds of other articles on whlcn
the prices are cut In two one-half
Articles of Vertu
Another lot of all sort of tray
selling for 6Bo that are worth three
time that figure. In the statuary
tin, a great number and variety of
bust and figures selling at -one-half
price. CandaoeUcka, Electric
Lamps, Piano Lamps, Lamp Bhadee,
candle. Candle Holder are also
among the straight discounts of one
third off. . In some Instances, one
halt off. The prices on these are
from $1,00 up.
Deck gets
The desk set which hav been
elllng from $T.00 up. are now sell
ing from $3.50 up. The Sheffield sil
ver places at one-third off make a
decided out. Th Cordova leather.
representing pooketbooks, table
mats, ladles' bags, memorandum
-books, eto., articles that usually re-
tall from $1.00 to $30.00. now sell,
tag at oft,
Artificial Flowers
Artificial flowers, the finest Im
ported and American makea, start
with American beautle from ISo.
which formerly were 60o and $1.00.
In mirror, there 1 the greatest va
riety ever ahown at very clo prloea
with dlacount of 20 off to one
third. Music Department
The Sheet Music Department Is
selling mualo aa low aa 2 Ho per
Tha Mualo Department has violins,
banjo, mandolins, violoncellos, dou
ble bass, flutes, ptpea, acoordlona,
clarinets, mualo rolls, mualo boxes,
violin caaea, violin bowa. metro
nomes and string for all Instru
ments at prices that will force salea,
Piano and Piano Players
To give an entire Mat of plane
and player planoa. we have no time,
but wa can tell you that les than
$100.00 buys an upright plane a
good, dependable uaed Instrument;
$1V.00 will buy a brand new, up-to-date
walnut or mahogany or oak
piano, that should be Bold at $t50.0
regularly, on $5.00 monthly 'pay
menta Our atock of planoa covers
high a-rade makea, such as Mason &
Hamlin, Kranlch & Bach, Buali
Lena. Cable-Nelaon, Stelnway. Kim
ball. Llndenberg, Whitney, Klnse,
Itenderson, Hoepe. Hamilton, Thomp
son Brawater, eto. piano pticea
ranging ail along from $145, $130,
$137. $157. $165. $215 and up. Eaay
payment to auit, or cash It you de
aire. N
This Immense stock must be
sold. On July 10th we begin to
tear out the store front, pull
down the stairways, rebuild
talking machine rooms, put up
art galleries and practically make
a new store out of the old one.
We cannot do this unless we can
move our atock, as tt don't pay to
store It- We have decided to
give the publlo the benefit of not
only the cost of the goods, but
from 20 to J 3 per cent from be
low the cost.
If you are going to decorate
your walla with pictures or mir
rors, or require any of the bric-
a-brac, or player piano, which we
quote from $288 up, your oppor
tunity la now at nana, this eaio
will not last long, and to get the
beat selection, you must come
A. Hospe Co.
1513-15 Douglas St.