Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 8-B, Image 18

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    t? B
T1IK OMAHA SlimVY BEE: .TtTXB 27, 1915,
A Detective Novel and a
Motion Picture Drama
Presented by This Newspaper in Collaboration With
the Famous Pathe Players.
mace? CMiie
Miss Pearl White Elaine Dodge
Mr. Lionel Barrymore Marcius Del Mar
Read it Here KOY-T1.E.1 See IT All in Moving Pictures.
The Weil-Known Novelist and the
Creator of the "Craig- Kennedy" Stories
Dramatized Into a Photo-Play by Chas. W. Goddard,
Author of "The Perils of Pauline," "The Exploits of Elaine.'
Everything you red here today
you can see in the fascinating Path
.Motion Picture at the Motion Pic
ture Theater thU week. Next Sun
day another chapter of "The Ex
ploits of Elaine" and new rathe
(Copyright. Ju, by the Star Co.
Foreign Rights Reserved.)
Synopsis ot Previous Chapter
After the finding of Wu Fang's body
and Kennedy's disappearance a submar
ine appears the following morning- on Uie
buy. A man plunges overboard from It
'and .trims ashore. It la the entrance
of Marclua ImI Mar Into America.
At the Dodge home one of Wu Fang's
men la trying to obtain Information of
Kennedy and the loat torpedo. Ilia plan
,1a blocked by Del Mar's arrival, who aleo
succeeds In winning Klatne's confidence.
Iter she la warned by a little old man
to be careful. Del Mar'a ml. Ion at the
Itodjre houae waa to locate and recover
the torpedo. He would have been suo
ressful had It not been for Elaine's &K.
Xusty. who dug- It from the flower pot.
while Del Mar and Elaine were talking
only a few feet away. Kuaty carried the
torpedo to the attic. The little old man
meete Iwl Mar at the Dodge home. They
draw guns together, gasea from the ax
plodrd ahella of the old man'a revolver
overcome D0 Mar and Elaine, and the
old man of myalery disappear..
Where the Chase Led
So confident waa Blaine that Kennedy
waa still alive that ahe would not admit
to heraelf what to the reat of us seemed
obvious. ,
She even refused to accept Aunt Jose
phine's hints and decided to give a mas
querade ball which ahe had planned as
the last event of the season before she
closed the Dodge town house and opened
her country house on the shore of Con
necticut. It was ahortly after the 'strange ap
pearance of the fuaay old gentleman that
I dropped in one afternoon to find Elaine
add reaping Invitations, while Aunt Jose
phine helped . her. As we chatted, I
picked up one from the pile and me
chanically contemplated the address.
"M. Del Mar. Hotel La Coste, New
Tork City."
"I don't Uka that fellow." I remarked,
shaking my head dubiously.
'Oh, you're Jealous, Walter," laughed
Heine, taking the envelope away from
me and piling tt again with the others.
Thus it was that In the morning's mall,
Del Mar, along with the reat of us, re
ceived a neatly engraved little Invitation:
"Miss Klalne Dodge requeata the pleas
ure of your presence at the masquerade
ball to be given at her residence on Fri
day evening, June 1."
"Good!" he exclaimed, reaching for th
telephone, "I'll go."
a a a
In a restaurant In the while light dis
trict two of those who had been engaged
in the preliminary plot to steal Kenne
dy s wireless torpedo modol, the young
woman ethnographer who had I etrayed
her trust and the man to whom she had
passed the model out of the window In
Washington, were seated at a table.
So secret had been the relations of alt
those In the plot that one group did not
know the other and the strangest meth
ods of communication had been adopted.
The man removed a cover from a dlah,
l.'ndenieath. perhaps without even the
waiter's knowledge, waa a note.
"Here are the orders at last," ha whls
pared to the girl, unfolding and reading
the note. "Iook. 'The model of the tor.
redo is somewhere In her house. Oo to
night to the bell as a maaquerader and
search for It."
"Oh. splendid'" exclaimed the girl. "I'm
reay for a little society after this grind.
Pay the check and let's get out and
noose our costumes."
The man paid the check and they left
hurriedly. Half an hour later they were
at a costumer's shop choosing their dis
guises, both careful to get the fullest
masks that would not excite suspicion.
It was the night of the masquerade.
During the afternoon Klalne had been
thinking more than ever of Kennedy. It
all seemed unreal to her. Mora than
once she stopped to look at hla photo
graph. Several times she checked herself
on the point of tear a .
"No," she said to herself with a aort
of grim determination. "No he la alive.
He will come back to me he will." .
And yet sie had a feeling of terrlfle
loneliness which even her moat powerful
efforta eould not throw off. Brie waa de
termined to go through with the ball,
now that shs had started It. but she was
really glad when It came time to dress;
for even that took her mind from her
As Maria finished helping her put on a
very effective and conspicuous costume.
Aunt Josephine entered her dresalng
"Are you ready, my dear?" she aafced.
adjusting the mask which she carried so
mat no one woum recognise her as
Martha Washington.
"In Just a mlnuts. Auntie," answered
Elaine, trying hard to put out of her
mind bow Craig would have liked her
Somewhat earlier. In my apartment. I
hsd been arraying myself aa Boum-Boum
and modestly admiring the Imitation X
made of a etreue clown as I did a couple
of comedy steps before the mirror.
But I waa not really so light-hearted. I
could not help thinking of what this) night
might have been if Kennedy had beea
alive. 1 Indeed, I was glad to take up my
white mask, throw a long ooat over my
outlandish costums and hurry off In my
walling car In order to forget everything
chat reminded me of hint la the apart
ment. Already a continuous stream of guests
wss trickling In through the canopy from
the curb to the Dodge door, carriage
and great gaping from the crowd on the
As I entered the ball room It ws really
brilliant and pic turesque assemblage.
Of couree, I recognised Elaine In spite
of her mask, almost Immediately.
Characteristically, she was talking to
the one moat striking figure on the
floor, a tall man In red a veritable
Mephiatopheles. As the muaio started,
Elaine and his satanlc majesty laugh
ingly fox-trotted off but were not lost
to me In the throng.
I soon fcund myself talking to a young
lady in a spotted domino. She seemed
to have a peculiar fascination for me. '
yot she did not monopolise all my at
tention. As wo trotted past the door, I
could see down the hall. Jennings was
still admitting late arrivals, and I caught
a glimpse of one costumed as a gray
friar, hla cowl over his head and hla
eyea maaked.
Chatting, we had circled about to the
conaervatory. A number of rouplea were
there and, through the palms, I saw
Elaine and Mephisto laughingly make
tholr way.
As my spotted domino partner and I
swung amund again, t happened to
catch another gllmpso of the gray friar.
He was not dancing, but walking, or
rather stalking, about the edge of the
room, gazing about aa If searching for
In the conservatory, Elaine and Mehiato
had aeated themselves In the breese of
an open window, somewhat In the
"You art Mis Dodge," he said earn-
"You know me?" ahe laughed. "And
He ralaed hla mask, disclosing the
handsome face and fascinating eyea of
Del Mar.
"I hope you don't think I'm here In
character," ho laughed easily, aa she
started a bit.
"I-I well, I didn't think It was you,
alio blunted out. .
"Ah then there Is someone else you
care more to dance with?"
"No no one no."
"I may hope, tr jn?"
He had moved closer and almost
touched her hand. The pointed hood of
the gray friar In the palma showed that
at laat he saw what ho sought.
"No-tjO. Ploase xouee me," she
murmured rising and hurrying back to
the bsl) rem.
A subtle smile spread over the gray
friar's masked face.
Of course, I had known Klalne. Whether
he knew me at once I don't know or
whether it was an accident, but she ap
proached mo as I paused In the dance a
moment with my domino girl.
"From the sublime to the ridiculous."
she cried excitedly.
My partner gave her a sharp glnnce.
"You will excuse me?" she said, ami. as
I bowed, almost ran off to the con
servatory, leaving Elaine to dance off
with me.
his gun ready, he lifted tip the
maak of the domino girl,
Bo It's you." he grunted.
lis was about to lift the
maak of the Mexican, when
the bolero leaped at hliu.
Del Mar plied In. But sounds
downstairs alarmed them and
the emissary, released, fled
quickly with the girl. The
gray friar, however, kept
his hold on Mephlatophelea,
as if he had been wrestling with a veri
table devil.
Down In the hall, I had again met
my dotnlno rlrV. a few minutes after I
had resigned Elnlno to another of her
numerous admirers.
"I ttviugh you deserted me," I said,
somewhat phiued.
"You deserted me," she parried, ner
vously. "However, PU forgive you If
you'll set me an Ice."
I haatened to do so. But no sooner had
I gono than Do Mar atalked through tha
hall and went upatalra. My domino girl
waa watching for him, and followed.
When I returned with the Ice, I looked
about, but she was gone. It was scarcely
a moment later, however, that I saw
domino girl of the night before who
handed her a note snd sat down, looking
about ao demurely, while Elaine read:
"My dear Mies Dodge:
"The bearer. Miss nertholcll. la an
oporatlve of mine. I would appreciate It
If you would employ her in some ca
pacity In your house, as I have reason
to believe thst certain foreign agents
will soon make another attempt to find
Kennedy's lost torpedo model. Sincerely,
"M. DEL, MAR."
KJalne looked up from reading the
note. Miss Bertholdl waa good to look
at, and Klalne liked pretty girls about
"Jennings," ahe ordered, "call Mnrle."
To the butler and her maid, Elaine
gave the moat careful instructions re
garding llsa nertholdl. "She can help
you finish the packing, first," ahe con
cluded. The girl thanked her and went out
'with Jennings and Marie, asking Jen
nings to pay her taxicab driver with
money she gave him. which he did,
bringing her grip Into the house.
Later In the day, Elaine had both
Marie and Bertholdl carrying armsful of
dree ses from the closets in her room tip
to the attlo, where the last of her trunks
"Hello," he nodded to a girl In the
Bertholdl nodded back snd he took hla
seat. Hhe had begged an hour or two off
on some pretext.
Outside the restaurant, a heavily
bearded man had been atanding looking
Intently at nothing In particular when
Bertholdl entered. Aa Bailey came along,
he followed and took the next booth, his
hat pulled over his eyes. In a moment
he waa listening, his ear close up to the
"Well, what luck?" asked Bailey. "Did
you get a clue?"
"I had the torpedo model In my hands,"
ahe replied, excitedly telling him the
atory. "It Is In a trunk marked "K.
DoJgc." "
all this and more the bearded stranger
drank In eagerly.
A moment later Bailey and Berthodl
left the booth and went out of the res
taurant, followed cautiously by the
stranger. On the street the two emis
saries of Del Mar stopped a moment to
"All right, I'll telephone him," she said
aa they parted in opposite directions.
The stranger took an Instant to make
up his mind, then followed the girl. She
R : -
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Dal Mar was lying on the floor, bound and gagged, before the opn safe.
her hurry downstairs, accompanist by were being packed. On one of the many
the Mexican bolero. I stepped Hoi ward trips, Bertholdl came alone Into the attic.
Del Mar, quite surprised at the sudden
flight ef Elaine from his side, followed
more slowly through the palma.
As he did so he passed a Mexican at
tired In brilliant native costume. At a
algn from IM Mar ho paused and re
ceived a small package which Del Mar
slipped to Mm. then passed on as though
nothing had happened. The keen eyea
of the tfray friar, however, had caught
the little action and he quietly slipped
out after the Mexican bolero.
Just then the dofnlno girl hurried Into
the conservatory. "What's donng?" ahe
aaked eagerly.
"Keep clcae to ine." whispered Del
Mar, as she nodded and they left the con
servatory, not apparently together.
, Upstairs, away from the gayety of the
ball room, the bolero made his way
until ha earns to Elaine's room, dimly,
lighted. With a quick glance about, he
entered ra itlously, closed the door, and
approached a closet which ha opened
There waa a safe built Into the wall.
As he stooped over, the man unwrap
ped the package Del Mar had handed him
and took oat a curious little instrument.
Inside waa a dry battery and a moat
peculiar li.atrument, something like a
little fiat telephone transmitter, vet
attached by wires to ear . pieces that
fitted over the head after the manner of
those of a wireless detector.
He adjusted the headpiece and held
the flat lr.etrument against the safe.
close to the combination which he began
to turn slowly. It was a burglar's micro
phone, used for picking combination
locks. Aa the combination turned, a
light sound was made when the proper
number came opposite the working point
Imperreptlt ly ordinarily to even the most
sensitive ear, to an ear trained It was
comparatively easy to recognise the fall
of the tumblers over this microphone.
Aa he worked, the door behind hlra
opened softly and tha gray friar entered.
closing It and moving noiselessly over
back of the shelter ef a big mahogany
highboy, around which he could watch.
At last the safe was opened. Rapidly
the man want through Its contents
'Confound It!" be muttered. "She didn't
put tt here anyhow."
. Tha bolero started to close the safe
when he heard a noise In tha room and
looked eurtously back f him. Del Mar
himself, followed by the domino girl, en
"I've opened It," whispered the emis
sary stepping out of tha closet and meet
ing them, "but I can't find trie "
"Hands up-all xf you!"
They turned in tlmo to sea ths gray
friar's gua yawning at them. Most
poittel Ik lined them up. 8UU holding
to speak to her, but she almost ran paat
me without a word. '
"A nut " I remarked under my breath,
pushing back my mask.
I started to eat the Ice myself, when,
a moment later. Elaine passed through
the hall with a Spanish cavalier.
"Oh, Walter, here you are,'1 ahe
laughed. "I've been looking all over for
you. Thank you very much, aire," ahe
bowed with mock civility to the cavalier.
"It was only one dance, you know. Pleaat
let me talk to Boum-Boum."
The cavalier bowed reluctantly and
left us.
"What are you doing here alone?" shs
aked, taking off her own maak. "How
warm It la."
Before I could reply, I heard someone
coming downrtalrs back of me, but not in
time to turn.
Elaine's dressing table," a voice whis
pered In my ear.
I turned suddenly. It was the gray
friar. Before I could even reach out to
graap his robe, he waa gone.
Another nut!" I exclaimed involun
"Why, what did he say?" asked Elaine.
"Something about your dressing table."
"My dressing table?" she repeated.
We ran quickly up the steps. Elaine's
room showed every evidence of having
been the scene of a struggle, as she went I
over to the table. There she picked tip
a rose and under it a piece of paper on
which were some words printed with
pencil roughly.
"look," she cried, as I read with her:
"Do honest assistants search safes? 1M
no one see this but Jameson."
"What does It mean?" I asked.
"My safe!" she cried, moving to a
closet. As she opened the door. Imagine
our surprise at seeing Del Mar lying on
the floor, bound and gagged before the
open safe. "Get my scissors on the
dresser." cried Elaine.
I did so, hastily cutting the corda that
bound Del Mar.
"What does It all mean?" asked Elaine
as he rose aa stretched himself.
etlll clutching hla throat, aa It tt hurt,
Del Mar choked, "I found a man, a for
eign agent, searching the safs. But he
overcame me and escaped."
"Oh then that is what the'
Elaine checked herself. She had been
about to hand the note to Del Mar when
an Idea seemed to come to her. Instead,
she erumpled it up and thrust It Into her
Or? the street the bolero and the domino
girl were hurrying away as fast as they
Meanwhile the gray friar had overcome
Del Mar, had bound and gagged htm.
and thrust hlra Into the closet. Then be
wrote the note and laid it, with a rose
from a vase, on Elaine's dressing table
before he. too, followed.
More than ever I waa at a loss to make
It out.
It waa the day after snaequerade ball
that a taxicab drove up to the Dodge
bouse and a very trim but not over
dressed young lady was announced as
"Mlaa Bertholdl."
"Miss lkdfc?" she inquired, as Jen
nings held open the portieres snd she
entered the library where Elaine- and
Aunt Jnaeplilne were.
her arms full as usual. Before her were
two trunka, very much alike, open and
nearly packed. She laid her armful of
clothes on a chair nearby and pulled one
of the trunka forward. On the floor lay
the trays of both trunks already packed.
Bertholdl began packing her burden In
one trunk which was marked In big
white letters, "E. Dodge."
Down in Elaine's room at the time Jen
nings entered. "The expressman for the
trunks is here. Miss Elaine," he an
nounced. "Is he? I wonder whether they are all
ready?" Elaine replied, hurrying tut of
the room. "Tell him to wait."
In the attic. Bert hoi id was stUl at
work, keeping her eyes open to execute
the mission on which Del Mar had sent
Kuaty, forgotten In the excitement by
Jennings, had roamed at will through the
house and seemed quite Interested. For
this was the trung behind which he had
his cache of treasures.
As Bertholdl started to move behind
the trunk. Rusty could stand It no longer.
He darted ahead of her Into his hiding
place. Among the dog buaoult and bones
waa the torpedo model which he had dug
up from the palm pot In the conserva
tory. He seised It In his mouth and
turned to carry it off.
There, in his path, waa his enemy, the
new girl. Quick as a flash, she saw what
it waa Rusty had, and grabbed at It.
"Got out!" she ordered, looking at her
prise in triumph and turning It over and
over In her hands.
At that moment she heard Elaine on
the stulrs. What should she do? She
must hide It She loked about There
was the tray, packed and lying on the
floor near the trunk marked "E. Dodge."
She thrust it hastily Into ths tray, pull
ing a garment over it.
"Nearly through?" panted Elaine.
"Yea Mlfca Dodge," ,
"Then please tell the expressman to
come up."
Bertholdl hesitated, chagrined. Tet
there waa nothing to do but obey. Fh
looked at the trunk by the tray to tlx
It In her mind, then went downstairs.
As shs left the room. Elaine lifted the
tray into the trunk and tried to close the
lid. But the tray waa too high. She
looked pussled. On the floor waa another
tray almost Identical.
The wrong trunk," ahe smiled to her
self, lifting tha tray out and putting the
other one in, while she placed the first
tray with the torpedo concealed In the
other, unmarked trunk, where It be
longed. Then she closed the first trunk.
A moment later the expressman entered.
with Bertholdl.
"You may take that one," indicated
"Miss Dodge, here's something else to
go In." said Berthoidi in desperation,
picking up her dress.
"Nsver mind. Put It In tha other
Bertholdl was baffled, but she managed
to control herself. She must get word to
Del Msr about that trunk marked "E.
Late that afternoon, before a cheap
restaurant, might have been sera our old
friend who hsd rod as Balky and aa
th Mexican. He entered the restaurant
ad made hia way to the first of a row
continued down trie street until she csme
to a store with telephone booths. The
bearded stranger followed still, into the
next booth, but did not call a number.
He had his ear to the wall.
He could hear her call Del Mar. and
although he did not hear Del Mar's an
swers, she repeated enough for him to
catch the drift. Finally, she came out,
and the stranger, instead of following
her further, took the other direction hur
riedly. a
Del Mar himself received the news with
keen excitement. Quickly he gave in
structions and prepared to leave his
A short time later his car pulled up
before the La Coste and, in. a long duster
and cap, Del Mar Jumped In, and was
Scarcely had his car swmur up the ave
nue when, from an alleyway down the
atreet from the hotel, the chug-chug of a
motorcycle sounded. A bearded man, his
face further hidden by a pair of goggles.
ran out with his machine, climbed on and
On out over the country Del Mar's car
pod. At very turn the motorcycle
dropped back a bit. observed the turn,
then crept up and took It. too. So they
went ror some time.
' .
On the level of the Grand Central.
where the trains left for the Connecticut
shore, where Elaine's summer home was
located. Bailey was now edging his wsy
through the late crowd down the plat
form. He paused before the baggage car
Just as one of the baKgage motor trucks
rolled up loaded high with trunks and
bags. He stepped back as the men
loaded the luggage on the car, watching
Aa they tossed on one trunk marked "E.
Dodge," he turned with a subtle look and
walked away. Finally he squiimed
around to the other platform. No ono
was locking and he mounted the rear of
the baggage car and opened the door.
There waa the baggage man sitting by
the side dour, his back to Bailey. Bailey
closed the door softly and aquoexed be
hind a pllo of trunka and bags,
F inally Del Mar reached a spot on the
ralroad where there were both a curvo
and a grade ahead. He stopped his car
and got out.
Down the road the bearded and goggled
motorcyclist stopped Just In time to avoid
observation. To make sure, ho drew a
pocket field glass and leveled it ahead.
"Walt here," ordered Del Mar. "I'll
call when I want you."
Back on the road the bearded cyclist
could see Del Mar move down the track,
though he could not hear the directions.
It was not necessary, however. He
dragged his machine Into the bushes, hid
it, and hurried down the road on foot.
Del Mar's chauffeur was waiting idly
at the wheel when suddenly the cold nose
of a revolver was stuck under his chin.
"Not a word handa up or I'll let the
moonlight through you," growled out a
harah voice.
Nevertheless, the chauffeur managed to
lurch out of the car ond the bearded
stranger, whose revolver it was, found
that he would have to shoot. Del Mar
was not far enough away to risk It.
Tho chauffeur flung himself on him
and they struggled fiercely, rolling over
and over In the dust of the road.
But the bearded stranger had a grip
of steel and manage to get his fingers
about the chauffeur's throat ax an ad
ded inaurai'.ce ngntnst a cry for help.
Ho choked lilm literally Into Insen
sibility. Then, with a strength that he
did not s?m to possess, he picked up
the limp, blue-faced body and carried It
off tho rond and, around the car.
In the baggage car, the baggage man
was smoking a surreptitious pipe of
powerful tobacco between stations and
contemplating the scenery thoughtfully
through the open door.
As the engine slowed up to take a
curve and a grade. Bailey who had now
and then taken a peep out of a little
grated window above him, crept out from
his hiding place. Already he had slipped
a dark silk mask over his face.
As he made his way among the trunka
and boxes, the train lurched and the bag
gage man who had his back to Bailey
heard him catch himself. He turned and
leaped to his feet. Bailey closed with
him Instantly.
Over and over they rolled. Bailey had
already drawn his revolver before he
left hli hiding place. A shot, however,
would have been fatal to his part In the
plans and was only a last resort, for It
would have brought the trainmen.
Finally Bailey rolled his man over and
getting his right arm free, dealt the bag
gage man a fierce blow with tho butt of
tho gun.
The train was now pulling slowly up
the grade. More time had been spent in
overcoming the baggage man than he
expected ard Bailey had to work quickly.
He dragded the trunk marked "E.
Dodge" frcm the pile to the door and
glanced out.
placed his two hands to his mouth an4
shouted :
F.rjm the side of the road by Del Mar'
... , . . .
rar tue bearded moiurcyciisv imu
emerged. buttoning the cnauireur s
clothes and adjusting his goggles to his
ow n face.
As he approached the car, he heard a
shout. Qlckly he tore orr tne Diaca
beard which had been his disguise anol
tossed it Into the grass. Then he drew
the coat high up about his neck.
'All right!" he shouted back, starting
along the road.
To gether he and Del Mar managed to
scramble up the embankment to the road
and. one at each handle of the trunk.
they carried It back to the car, piling It
in the back.
Tim Improvised chauffer started to take
his place at the wheel and Del Mar had
his foot on tho running board to get be
side him, when the now unbearded stran
ger suddenly swung about and strck Del
Mar full In the face. It sent him reeling
back into the dust.
The engine of the car had been run
ning and before Del Mar could recover
consciousness, the stranger had shot the
car ahead, leaving Del Mar prone in the
. s
The train, with Bailey in it, had not
gained much speed, yet it was a perilou.
undertaking to leap. Still, it was morel
so now to remain. The baggage man
stirred. It was now a case of murder orf
a getaway.
Bailey Jumped.
Scratched and bruised and shaken, he
scrambled to his feet In the briars along
the track, lie staggered, up the road.
pulled himself together, then hurried
back a fast as his barked shins would let
He came to the spot which he recog
nized as that where he had thrown
the trunk. He saw the tramped
broken bushea and made for the road.
He had not gone far when he saw,
down, Del Mar suddenly attacked and
thrown down, apparently by his own
chauffeur. Bailey ran forward, bt it was
too late. The car had gone,
Aa he came up to Del Mar lying out
stretched in the road, Del Mar was Just
recovering consciousness.
"What was the matter?" he asked.
"Was he a traitor?"
He caught eight of the real cauffeur
on the ground, stripped.
Del Mar was furious. "No," he swore,
"it was that confounded gray friar, again,
I think. And he has the trunk, too'."
Speeding up the road, the former mas
querader and motorcyclist .stopped st
Eagerly he leaped out of Del Mar's
car and dragged the tunk over the side,
regardless of the enamel.
It was the work of only a moment for
him to break the lock with a pocket
One after another he pulled out and
shook the clothes until frocks and gowns
and lingerie lay strewn all about.
But there was not a thing In the trunk
that even remotely resembled the tor
pedo modol.
Uhe stranger acqowled.
iriioi. w&v lit
(To Be Continued.)
n oft
. and)
ad. .
v, farj
Just around the curve In the railroad,
Del Mar waa waiting, straining his eyes
down the track.
There was the train, puffing up the
grade. As It approached he rose and
waved his arms. It waa the signal and
he watted anxiously. Had his plans been
carried out ?
The train passed. From the baggage
car came a trunk catapaulted out by a
strong arm. It hurtled through the air
and landed with its own and the train's
Over It rolled into the buehes, then
stopped unbroken, for . Elaine had had
It designed to resist even the most vio
lent baggage smasher.
Del Mar ran to it. As the tall light
of the train disappeared he turned around
In the direction from which he had come.
DatBgNd F Bailk
This institution Is the only one
In the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify case. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to the
treatment of non-contagious and
non-mental diseases, no others be
ing admitted; the other Rest Cot
tage being designed for and de
vmed to the exclusive treatment
of select mental cases requiring
for a time watchful care and spe
cial nursing.
jipBoDtis f Ulaflime
With Edw in Arden as
esse ineatrc
Romance of Elaine With Lionel Barrymore
Episode No. 2 Juno 30
If ITUIne Lad only known. It waa the of booths on one side.
SFAUGniTE Theatre
17th and Vinton St.
sV)manre ot Elaiae with Uoaal Barrymore,
Episode No. 1 Juno 29
2410 Lake St.
Bplsode , S4. fuse ts.
8212 N. 24th Street
Bplsode Wo. July l.
GRAND Theatre
16th and Binnoy
Episode No. 1 July 1
Romance ef Elaine with Lionel Barrymore
em Theatre
1528 So. 13th St.
Episode No. 24 Today June 27
Nicholas Theatre
Council Bluffs, la.
Episode No. 19 June 29
24th and Fort St.
July 2
U For Bookings: ViritePalha Exchange Inc. 1312 Farnarn St. Onaha Heb,