The Omaha Sunday Bee Magazine Page As Mi ADY DUFF-GORDON, ththmoua "Lu ciU" ol London, mJ forenuMl creator of luhioo n the world, writes each week the fashion article for this newt- paper, presenting all that n newest and best in style for well-dressed women. Lady Duff-Cordon's Paris establishment brings her into close touch with that centre of fashion. :V:.;-Jf, vb;.;, rr:t; ;W;vMa v, -1 fv-;f 7 ;V--t-;v ''!'. -.v: ,; v;-..v f,;:,:4: .. ? 4 ' ! .. a n . . ' , .y LI 1 . a III SV K 'oils r I few w l i t- J . -I " "7; 2.: v -6 fY:A :t yi..l 'v- U'A . a . -a a'. ; ' t- 1 '.., . M !i,'J ... . ,-'!. - Phot mi JoeL rps a .'.- 7 - A Girlish Dreu for Girls. Whit Chiffon, With Eflrer Lct Bodioe. Tonic and Three-Oolored Silk CirdU. 1 ...'- , By Lady Duff-Gordon ("Ladle") WITH crandmothera dressing llk roang girls and mothers being mistaken for daogbters, It is really a Question Just bow a young girl should dress really to bn different from mamma or grandmamma. Unquestionably the eras for dancing has helped largely to bring the new girlish note into all the d raises. Erery one dances, and the stiff, staid oM fashions fcr women past forty are not at all har monious with the positions of the modern dances, or can oue be graceful ta them. Imagine one doing the fox trot in the stiff satins that the lady of orer forty used to wear! Personally I like the new girlish dresses- be cauM age is in most cases only a matter of the vtnd, and the younger(we feel the younger we look. I know beautiful old lady of seventy in France whose dresses are the most girlish Imaginable, and yet they are not out of harmony with her, because her mind la etlll girlish. She knows Just how to wear these, and one always feels an atmosphere of springtime about her. Of course, I am not advo eating a wrinkled person to wear the short dresses of childhood but what I do mean ia that most women have a tendency to "dress to old." and this Is not only not beautiful, but It Is unfair to the woman herself, and puts ber out of the running, as you Americans say. long before she ought to bo. Therefore I advocate glrllshness In dress wher ever It can be displayed. And as for young girls what difference does It make If mamma or grandmamma does wsar their a. p. ; 7.-- .-';.. (,-, -- a .T'V H f ' ' " '.5 '.' ' ' " ' A. - f- . .. . .," , f ' ...-v , 4 ! J :. (xJ - i v..;5., 1' , ,1 I " . ,. t W '.,a . 4 it . a 1 r t i . - "7 r ? , ' ' .1' I ... . : .c I -...-.. ... . l Dresi of LLrht Weight V ;i - ' evi ? f 7 i; v: i':,?v Vc-w-1! V f , '. ! & ' 1 V '. "Tji -i v t Another Oirliah Drtsi Adaptable to Older Women. It It ot White Chiffon and Lace Trimmed With Eosei and Carrying a Suggestion of Grecian Mode. 1 young frills and flounces? All that Sometimes the costumes will have the young girl has to remember la short and quite atraightly out coat that she must dress girlishly. When with a centre fastening of braid she comes to know that mamma and edged buttonholes and bratd-covered grandmamma also ought to dress aa buttons which can be used right up girlishly as they can there are no to the tdge of the cntlltary collar, or dlshormonles left left undone for an inch or two at the In the left hand corner is a real top, to show an under lining of white girlish dress for girls. It Is of white moire. Then, Juxt orer the hl.m. the chiffon, with silver lace bodice, a trim little garment ends Its career wide tunle and three-colored silk fir- series of braid-edged scallops,' die. The top of the bodice Is the tb ,k,rt following this decorative surplice effect,. and Is caught up In emple at the hem. where, by the the front with a pearl ornament. The wr lu measurements are exactly whole effect la virginal. four and a half yards. ThU is n Oirliah Street Dress of Light Weight Figured Cloth Trimmed With Over to the right, on the other atTle vhtch can, indeed, be depended band, Is a girlish dress which mamma on t0 ,ult almost an woman blessed could als owear with ft great deal ot wlb the "Un flurtt hica kelps to ease. It is really a dancing dress. ,Ta n PPearance of youthfulnesa It has a suggestion of the Greek In even wnen th woman's Calvary It. and ia of white chiffon and lacs middle-age Is already In sight! trimmed with roses. And sometimes, too. the navy blue And down at the bottom of the mill be provided with the latest pace la a girlish street dress which Tarlslan contrast of PtUraillt a-rev mamma or ever grandmamma could in collar facings and cuffs, and. pos wear, it is so adaptable. slblr. too. in the shirt blouse the It almost goes without saying that popularity of this particular end navy blue serge euitlng is respon- pretty scheme being foreshadowed, slble for a goodly number of the Indeed, by the display of quite a new full okirted models, whether number of new boots and shoes car-' ,,b. of co?t nd 'klrt' or rled wut ,n na lue place khl and trimming of black military braid boots being made still more deco- Which Daughter, Mother or Grandmother Alike Can Wear. X&Z TSSS! .