Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1915, EDITORIAL SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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    V ......,,,,
Officers of Benson Mothers' Club
Street Carnival
On Circus Grounds
All ofThis Week
A big street fair and carnival, with
twenty new attractions unit m nennln
idutof-Town Guests Here This Week
4 W
F . . ..
f s
and Many Functions Planned
for Their Entertainment.
(Continued from Pase Two)
.fornia. They will meet a party of ino In
Kansas City, who Join the special train
T exourstnn planned rjr the faculty of Lin-
denaood college of that city.
Mr. and Mrs. John Blxler and ion of
Lafayette, Ind., who have been the guests
of her aunt, Mrs. A. C. Beeson, and Mr.
Beeaon for two week, left yesterday
for their home.
Mn. George Proudfit of Lincoln, who.
with vher two children, came up last week
to visit her mother and grandmother,
Mrs. Reba Morgan and Mrs. Yates, re
turned Thursday to Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Caldwell returned
Wednesday from New Tork, where they
went to see their son, Victor, Jr., off for
Europe with a number of other college
boys on their way to do Red Cross work
In France.
Miss Loretta Dellona gave a harp re
cital last week In Btoux City under the
aunplcea of the Daughters of Isabella.,
After the concert Misa Dellone was
honor guest at a banquet, where she ad
dressed the guests. ,
Mrs. John C. French Is expected home
next Wednesday from Brooklyn, where
she hss been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Oliver Carpenter. A son, Oliver Clinton
Carpenter, Jr.. was born June 6 to Mr.
and Mrs. Carptenter.
Mrs. William K. Martin and Mrs.
Anthony Merrill returned last Saturday
from Denver, where the latter delight
ful aeries of lectures were as well re
ceived as here. Mrs. Merrill did not
stop over here, but went through to Chi
cago, Mrs. A. B. McConnell and Miss Irene
McConnell have returned from Long
Beach, Cal., where they have been since
April. Miss McConnell ha been away
since January, having gone then to the
iCoad ranch In New Mexico, Joining her
mother In California later.
1 Mrs. C. J. Smyth and son, Edward, ar
rived homo Tuesday from the east. Mr.
Smyth remained In Boston a few days
longer.. Mr. Bernard Smyth, who has
Just graduated from the Holy Cross
college at Worcester, Mass., Is visiting
in Ohio before coming home.
Dr. M. A. Klein, who has recently se
cured hln doctor of philosophy degree at!
Cornell university and has been visiting
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein in
the Barnard, will leave this evening for
I Berkeley, Cal. Dr. Klein will be con
nected with the university faculty of
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Towle returned
yesterday from Boston, where they at
tended the commencement exercises at
Bradford academy. Their daughters.
Miss Marlon and Mies Naomi, remained
east to visit In Pittsburgh and Washing
ton, and will behome the latter part of
next week.
Mr. Robert Cowell and daughter. Miss
Mona Cowell, arrived home yesterday
from the east, the latter having Just
graduated from Vassar and returned In
time to be one of the bridesmaids at the
Ackerson-Blake wedding, June 28. Mrs.
Cowell la staying east for another month
or m . ,
Malcolm Baldrlge Is visiting friends at
.Buzzard's Bay and will remain east for
the Students' conference at Northfleld.
Mass., next week, when students from all
of the big eastern colleges hold a meet
ing for five days. This conference Is
really a students' Chautauqua, and
prominent men of the country give ad
dresses. The boys live in tents, and ath
letic sports and contests of all sorts are
a part of the program. About forty Tale
men will attend the conference, besides
representatives from Harvard and the
other universities.
Weddir.j Plans.
Wedding plana of three well-known
brides ere Interesting features of the
' week's social calendar,
The marriage of Miss Harriett Blake,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Blake, and Mr. George Edward Akerson
of Minneapolis will be celebrated Mon
day evening at the home of the bride's
parents on South Thirtieth avenue. Miss
Blake was a Wellealey graduate last June
and Mr. Akerson Is a Harvard man of
the class of 1912 and most of the wedding
attendants will be college friends of
I both. Miss Helen Blake, sister of the
trlde, will be the maid of honor and Miss
Hilda Akerson of Minneapolis, sister of
kthe groom; Miss Helen Moffat of Pitts
burgh, Miss Marion Smith of Minneapolis
and Miss Mona Cowell of Omaha will be
the bridesmaids. Mr. Ira Gorham of
Minneapolis, roommate of Mr. Akerson
at Harvard, la to be the best man and
the other men of the wedding party will
be Mr. Horace Blake, brother of the
bride; Mr. Ted Brown of Minneapolis,
Mr. Claude McAlpine'of Vancouver and
Mr. William Craig of Youngstown, O., all
three college mites of the groom; Mr,
William C. Hammerel, Mr. Harold Wlck
ham, Mr Paul Jones and Mr. Jefferson
Jones, all of Minneapolis, and Mr. Manus
McFadden of Omaha. Miss Marlon
'carpenter. Miss Helen Buck, Miss Mary
Phllllppl, Miss Henrietta McCaguo and
Miss Henrietta Gllmore will stretch the
ribbons, and Miss Jessie Sanford will
csrry the ring. The I;v. Frank Young
of the Westminister Presbyterian church
will officiate.
The wedding of Miss Cal lata Reynolds
and Mr. Frederick B. Grulsel will be
celebrated at the Westminster Presby
terian church Tuesday at 8:30 p. m, Mrs.
Ralph E. Cunningham of Glcnwood. la.,
sister of the bride, will be matron of
honor, and Muriel Reynolds of 6t Louis,
a cousin of the bride, will be maid of
honor. Little Miss Mary Reynolds, a
niece of the bride, and Miss Katherlne
Kerr will be flower girls. The ushers
will be Messrs. Charles M. Richards,
James W. Fharpe, Ralph Cunningham
of Glenwood, la., and Porter Putnam of
(Lincoln. Miss Carol Marhoff will play
the Lohengren wedding march and pre
ceding the ceremony Miss Laura Goets
will sing. A reception will be held follow
ing the ceremony at the home of the
bride's parents, when the guests will be
limited to the Immediate relatives.
TUe wedding of Miss Mary Baumer,
daughter of Mrs. John Baumer. to Mr.
3. F. Rehra of Chicago will take place
"Wednesday, June 80th, at the home of
the bride's mother, 1130 Park avenue.
Rev. Bernard Sinn of Bt. Mary MadeU
ens's parish will preform the ceremony la
the presence of the family and a few
Intimate friends.
In and ont of the Bee Hive.
Mr. Charles B. Keller has gone west
on a business trip.
Mr. and Mra lindqulst left for the
Minnesota lakes Thursday morning.
Mrs. A. I Vernon and daughter. Miss
Marie, left this morning for Chicago,
where Mis Vernon will enter the summer i
! J V
1 l
II w
9 IVV, J
6 ,
term at the Chicago Art Institute. Mrs.
Vernon will remain several wi-eks visit
ing relatives and friends.
Mr. James L. Paxton has returned from
an eastern trip to New York, Washington
and Atlantic. City.
Mrs. Frederick Wing and Infant daugh
ter, accompanied by Miss Moorhead, left
Thursday for Chicago.
Mr. Sam Ureenberg left for the coast
last week, where he will visit the ex
positions for two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fullerton of Ot
tawa, III., are the week-end guests of
Senator of Mrs. Norrls Brown.
Mr. Huntington Smith, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur C. Smith, arrived home on
Tuesdav frr.m school In the east.
Mir Belle Fisher of Bay City, Mich.,
who has been visiting Mrs. H. G. Rock
fellow, left yesterday for the Pacific
Mrs. Howard Abel, who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Shotwell,
left this week for Chicago en route to her
home In Brooklyn.
Mrs. Alexander McGavoch, accompanied
by her daughter. Miss Sarah McGavock,
and Mrs. Georgo Thompson of Denver,
left Tuesday for San Francisco, where
they will meet the Misses McGavock and
together will take the trip to Alaska.
! V ' f
! ? V-' Si
Kill open at Twenty-first and Paul streets
'Monday for a aeek's run. Admission to
;the grounds will be free and the free at
tractions Ipiiuile a during Innp-the-lnop
act and concerts by two bands. The carnl
jVal company Is Allman Uros." big
.American shows and It will be open both
I afternoon and evening throughout the
week, commencing Monday.
Loan Associations
Are Loaning Large
On Nebraska Farms
At the June meeting of the board of di
rectors of the Conservative Savings and
Lean association the officers reported a
most remarkable Increase In the res ources
of the association, amounting since Janu
ary 1 this year to almost 1,000.000 All
money that was offered was not accepted
by the association on account of the in
ability of the officers to find satisfactory
securities. The officers report that a
great deal of -money is being otters'! for
temporary investment in association stock
these days which would ordinarily go Into
come more active line of business.
In order to provide an additional outlet
for funds, as announced early In the
spring, the Conservative devised a plan
for loaning money to farmers on a flf-teen-and-a-half-year
amortization basis.
Thus far the association has placed about
$200,000 on improved farms in the eastern
part of this state They are well pleased
with results and believe it will be the
means of not only assisting the associa
tion In putting its funds out, but In time
ot getting the money to the farmer
cheaper In the past.
A dividend was declared . for the six
months ending June 30 at the rate of (
per cent per annum. The, net total re
sources of the association at this time
In round numbers stand at J10.500.iXH).
The officers report considerable Inquiry
for real estate, botli improved and unim
proved, which will likely result In a more
relive business In real estate lines this
fall. Many Investors are playing what
nay be termed a "waiting game," having
In mind that perhaps better bargains may
be on the market later than now. Oti
account of the strong financial conaitlon
of this city, however, It Is not likely that
such investors will gain In the final outcome.
Krug Park Taxed
To Its Capacity
The picnic grounds at Krug park are
r.cne too big after the enforced en'arge
ment, as evidenced by the number of
basket picnics In attendance last Thurs
day at the postponed grocers' and butch
ers' picnic. Great numbers brought then
lunch and stayed from early motnlng
till late at night. The attendance taxed
the park and the various tides and con
cessions to capacity and the attendant
of the riding devices were continually on
tho Jump to properly handle the crowd.
The feature attraction of the day was
tho dance pavilion, which was thronged
from the opening hour till the closw,
while the other attractions, Including the
giant coaster, carrousel, frolic, wonder
land, Ferris wheel and skating rink came
in for a most liberal share of patronage.
Dr. Bradbury, the dentist. Is celebrat
ing the anniversary of his twenty-six
years in buslnesa In Omaha during which
time he has prospered because of the
way he has attended to his business and
because of his determination to advance
the science of dentistry as fast aa dis
coveries are made for the comfort and
convenience of the public Dr. Brad
bury's offices in the Woodmen of the
World building are continually crowded
with people who appreciate the personal
attention which the doctor gives to his
Dr. Bradburry la ai great lover of out
door sports and to this he attributes his
continual good health, as he devotes all
the time he Is not at his office to some
sort of outdoor recreation.
Prefer Woan Lawyers.
(Correspondence of th8 Associated Press.)
PARIS, June C Many of the soldiers
confined at the Cherche-Mldl rison
awaiting court martial for Infrinrement
of regulations ask to be defended by
woman lawyers. On the contrary, the
women at St. Lazare awaiting trial gen
erally ask the head of the order of ad
vocates for man to defend them.
Women Are ,
Doing in the World
Several hundred people attended the
formal opening of tho season at the
I Young Men s Christian association park j
, on I'srter lake Snturdiiy afternoon !
, Various sports free boats and lemonade,
and an alt around good time made the
affair enjoyable for everybody. Tho
j committee In charge included Mlits Blliw,
K Seeley, Denny Ryan, R. I Cams
ani I. R. Lines.
Jftj. Florence 0. daserPjlmer
Club C alendar
Sl'NDAY "Lessons from the Master
Teacher" at the Young Women's Chris
tian association club rooms at 4:30 p. m.
Tl'KSDAY North Side Mothers' club
annual picnic, Miller park, at 1 p. m.
V. S. Grant, Women's Relief Corps.
Mrs. John K. Dempster, hostess, 2:30
p. m.
WWDNESDAY Rennon Woman's For
eign Missionary society meeting at the
homo of Mrs. Charles Robinson.
THl'ItSDAY West Side Women's Chris
tian Temperance union picnlo at Hans
coin park.
The last regular meeting for the sea
son of the Benson Mothers' club was
hold Thursday. Tho regular program was
abandoned and an election of officer. was
held. The samo officers as last yeak
were re-elected. They are: Mrs. F. 8.
King, president; Mrs. R. S. Beasly. vice
president, and Mrs. M. D. Vlcno, secretary-treasurer.
The double medal contest was held
Tuesday evening at the Hanscom Park
Methodist Episcopal church. It was given
uiider the auspices of the Frances Wlllard
V Oman's Christian Temperance iinlon.
In the musical contest Miss Ivetta Smith,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. M. timlth
232T South Thirty-second avenue, wen the
medal. Her solo wss "Morning, Noon
and Night." The gold medal In the
declamatory contest was won by Miss
Dorothy Pond, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
B M. Pond, 2204 Woolworth avenue. The
medals were presented by John F. Dale,
The octette of the High School Gloe club
gave a number of selections during the
evening and Miss Geter sang "A Saloon-
less Nation In 1920."
The North Side Mothers' club will give
their annual picnlo at Miller's lark,
Tuesday, at U o'clock p. m.
The B. L. S. club of Benson is taking
a month's vacation. The first meeting of
the new session will be held In three
The Benson Baptist Missionary circle
met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs.
C. II. Burrtll. Mra. Ray Robinson read
a fcketch on "Early Missionaries Among
the Indiana," which preceded an opon dis
cussion. The Benson Woman's Foreign Mission
ary society will meet next Wednesday
afternoon' at the home of Mrs. Charles
Robinson. The leader will be Mrs. beaa
ley and Mrs. C. Bawtelle will tell of her
trip to Korea. A social (hour and re
freshments will follow the program.
The Benson Woman's Christian Tem
perance union postponed Its regular meet
Inr; of next week until a week lr nn
account of the Fourth of July festivities.
The' Benson Woman's club niir
postponed last Thursday and a called
business meeting was held at the home
of Mrs. J. V. Starrett Eight new mem
mers were voted in. Thev are: Mf.rl..
A. Meade, II. Rlvett. J. T. Plckard, A.
u urn nam. w. p. vrnnr viu t
N. Horton and W. H.' Loechner.
Mrs. J. W. Welch resigned as vice nreal.
dent and Mra N. H. Tyson was unani
mously elected to fill tne position.
ine annual club plrnlo will b helrt in
Miller park after the Fourth of July.
The last of the series In "Lessons from
the Master Teacher" will be given by
Miss Lilly M. Strong Sunday afternoon
at 4:30 In the association parlors, her sub
ject being "Jesus and His Friends." Miss
Ruth Ooolidge will be the soloist At the
social hour which follows the other serv
ice Miss Helen Laurance is hostess. Light
refreshments are served and there la op
portunity to make frVnds and renew old
This is the last vesper service for this
summer, that is for July and August. The
services will not be held again until after
the Billy Sunday meetings, which will be
the middle of October or the last.. An
nouncements of the services will be made
in ample time for all to know about It.
Although there are to be no services.
the building will be open from I until 7
o'clock every Sunday afternoon.
The two weeks reserved for the younger
girls at the Summer Hill farm are the
first two weeks In July. The Camp Fires
take possession the first week, from July
1 to I, and the other girls from July 8
to IS. Thla time la especially reserved tor
these girls and at that time there will be
chape rones and people to look after them.
At no other time during the summer will
girls from U to 18 be allowed to go to
the farm unless they provide their own
chaperons or older person te go with
them. It la hoped that those who are
planning to go to the farm win sae this
notice and go at this time.
The Llyssus 8. Grant Women's Relief
corps Kensington club met at the home
of Mrs. Frank Tlcknor Tuesday after
noon. The day happened to be the birth
day of three of .the members Mrs. Sarah
TKknor, Mrs. Bill Diffenbacker and Mrs.
Harriet Wilcox. The guests were Mrs.
C. S. Dodge of the Sully Women's Re
lit corps, Mrs. Clarence Myers. Mrs. J.
Russell and Mrs. Q. W. Dongneiker.
! The West Side Woman's Christian Tem
' peraoce union will have a picnic at Hans-
i com park Thursday afternoon.
The Ulyssua S. Grant Women's Relief
corps will meet with Mrs. John R. Demp
ster at 1413 North Thlrty-Iourth street
Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 p. m.
Work Being Rushed
On Bellevue Gym
The new gymnasium at Bellevue col
lege is booming aa well as all the affairs
of the school. One-third of the total
Work on tho building la completed. In
cluding over one-half of the brirk work.
Next week Contractor Harte expects to
put orr the roof and then work on the
Interior will begin. A two-layer floor is
to be put In so. that the final floor will
consist of specially selected hard wood.
The apparatus to be Installed Is the best
possible and will furnish an excellent op
portunity for men and women to learn
Indoor gymnasium work. Coach Benjamin
was selected specially because ot his fit
ness along these lines and la planning to
offer special gymnasium courses.
The college haa three of Ita best men
out on the road looking for new students
to enjoy these advsntages. Coach Ben
jamin has gone to the southern part of
the state. Prof. Puis is In the north and
west, and Prof. Peters Is covering the
eastern district. All three have been
meeting with a favorable reception and
all signs point to a big student body next
year, fiome energetic students have
already registered and applied for rooms.
Vice President Baskervllle la now In
the east on business. His trip will take
him to Philadelphia, Boston, New York
Chicago and other points;
Bellevue college had a distinguished
visitor this week In the person of Dr.
D. B. Purlnton, who for ten years haa
been president of the University of West
Virginia, and who for twelve yesrs previ
ous to that was head of Denlson college.
Granville, O. Dr. Purlnton Is a per
gonal friend of John D. Haskell, a
trustee of the college, and at his re
quest spent a day In Bellevue on his way
to the San Francisco exposition. He was
entertained by President W. E. NichoU.
An overstaht on the part of clerks in
tho post office at London, England,
cheated the United Kingdom out of sev
eral pence In postage. As a result the
public library had the novel experience
of receiving a copy of The Academy in a
mailing wrapper postmarked London,
but stamped with two United States
postage stamps of the pink, 2-cent
The American stamps look very much
like the British ones of the same value.
Miss Edith Tobltt. the librarian, referred
the matter to Pontmaster Wharton for
possible explanation. Just aa a matter of
Hot Days tired,
thirsty, wilting days
when the ther mometet
starts climbing when
nothing seems to refreyh
or taste good and there
seems no hope- of cooling
one of our Refresh
and Thirst-Qu e n oh i n g
Sodas. Their thoroughly
cooling effects are su
premely satisfying.
Your Pure, Wholesome,
Keep-Cool Drink is here
waiting for you.
Como in today and sat
isfy your thirst.
Sherman & McConnell
Drug Company
Downstairs, lata and Dodge Its.
owi'i sTirr,
Downstairs, leth aaa Barney
X.OTAT, rxamicAcrr,
07-ao Vort lata Street, -
4 to, and rarnarn Btreata.
Keep Cool
and Look Right
Everybody likes to do both,
and can with our help.
Send your summer garments
hert) thejr will be returned
with the real summery look
and feel that we alone can
give them.
MUCKS: Men's 2-Pc. Suits,
cleaned and pressed, 91.23;
Palm Reach Suits, cleaned and
pressed, fl; Summer Dresses,
$1.25 up; Ladies' Palm Beach,
Suits, 91.50.
We pay Parcel Post one way
on all out-of-town orders.
The Pantorium
'Good Cleaners ami Pjrers."
1510-17 Jones Street..
l'horie 1Kug. 003.
Ilrancli Office, 2016 Farnam St,
South Omaha Office, 528 North
24th Street.
1 ...vifr .iy
i ..nil. -''-
Tea Coreys, Baby Afghans, Florentine
Crochet, Crochet combined with Venetian
cutwork, macrame and Hardangerhave
an inimitable, lasting richness when worked
in supple, lustrous Article 804 Klostersilk
Perle 1 ' oz. balls.
When tsttlnn and crochet work call for a brilliant,
firmly twisted thread, make ideal results certain with
Article 80S KloMersilk CorHonnet Special
MH In W'hit- Sirf : C olor, Sir-, ;
I H5 40 3 3u 60 TO-"
a IS SO List.! Bias fUd
3 20 SO Drill Blu Yellow
S 30 70 Pink Blsck
SO- IOO1 BO Lstoihi. Ombb
Fcti. ..... 3. S. 10, IS. 20. 30. 40. BO. SO. 70
"Whits that Mays white colon that W
tins the Klostersilk Shopping List In connection with the
illustrated dlo books Bt your dealers. KiotUruia for
sale everywhere.
The Thread Mills Company
Thread Sales Dopt. (19 W. Adams St , Chirac
Shopping List
For Croektli4f
HanHsTprrhlrf f1r
1nr, inactiiona and tat
tinr, mm A't- M Cor
don net Special, balla.
Tow1 rHimrt, and
U heavy crochrt. Art.
fc4 PfH Killi,
or Art. Ik 1'crle, Urte
HnuHoir rapt, hahy
brrttrra, Art. Mto Satin
(.In, white, colors,
InfanU' farkftt. Art.
70 Crochet frlothe,
white, twiU.
For EmoroldoriB
Crou ultch, InHiala,
Art ?7Mmiline,cnlors,
white, akeini.
French knot, reavy
initial. Art. fVV Terle,
co lor a, hite, akeint,
French ernhmiHerf,
Inittala, Art 78 r Itxhe,
white, tkeini.
Fyeleta attrl Mono
rrmrta. Art. Ani Rrrtder
Special, white, akeina.
Padding and solid
embroidery. Art. yt
Jeanneue, white, be.fl.
Shadow work. Art.
7Si Kloc he, white, balls.
Towels, pillow cases,
Art. Sit, Ivory White,
keinsor Art. 84,wbitt,
Colored ehibnisdery.
Art. B41, India or Art.
&U Rope, holder.
will itrv a special
at It H 3 P. M.
Bt $ to $ P. M.
Tahiti May Bt Rtstrvtd
San Francisco
Bellevue Hotel
10 minutes to Exposition without
transfer. Built of concrete and
steel. Private bath to every room.
First class In every detail.
Rates from $2.00 up.
W. 'WTLZ.ia, Kanarer.
(Member of Official Imposition
otel Bureau.)
Central Park
Central TarkWest
at 72d Street
The House of Good Will
, Now that I am at The Majestic, I
can please vou more completely in the
matter of hotel accommodations than
you have ever been pleased before.
In addition to the natural advan
tages of the Majestic, such as ita lo
cation at a main entrance to Central
Fark and its accessibility to all lines
of traffic, there have been added all
the latest forma of comfort and amuse
ment, that make it superlatively attrac
tive. You naturally want to be in the.
center of things, and you areat the
Majestic This does not mean that you
will be in the heart of the all-night
district. The summer visitor finds here
a haven of rest and interest. The Ma
jestic is always a veritable paradise for
the motorist and the equestrian.
The foyer, corridors, restaurant
and ballrooms are of peat beauty.
The Cafe Moderne, lately opened, is '
the last word in smart dancing places.
Talented artists appear every evening.
The garden-on-the-roof is a balcony
overlooking fairyland.
You may be assigned one room or
as large a suite as you rerjuire. The
minimum rate is $2.00 a day. Res
taurant prices are reasonable and Club
breakfasts are served.
Guests arriving at the Pennsylvania
Station can take surface ear on Eighth
Avenue side, which passes the door of
The Majestic Write me for booklet
now. ' .
Managing Director
J-atelr Manager HoUl Imperial, N.T.
Make Your
Vacation a
Real Delight
When the winter's toil is over and
the sun begins to burn then you
should plan a real vacation.
Take it where you can enjoy all
summer pleasures companions,
water sports, golf, tennis, or a ten
minute ride to Chicago's business
centre. You can enjoy city life and
country in one at the Chicago Beach
Chicago offers numberless sights of
interest. You can see them all in a
quiet, restful way by living at this
breezy hotel on the lakeside.
And it's only ten minutes' ride to
the theatre and shopping districts.
- Mingle in the gay colony gathered
from far and wide. Write us now
for complete prospectus.
Chicago Beach Hotel
Hy4 Park Boulevard (51st Street)
on the Lake Shore
Y3L ' Chicago
(76) TrsVV