Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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One More Entry Allowed in Auto
Derby that it Attracting All
Speed Fans.
CHICAGO. 111. Jun -(SpMll Te-rram.V-Whn
I he first Martins; bomb
breaks Into the air at 10 o'olnrk tomorrow
mumtng, twenty-four frtm and determined
Srlrer will send their Iron and etl
itearia on the flmt Up of the f1rt an
nual .W-mlln rare on the new tord
ipeedwajr here. ,
That each ami every one of the twenty
'our la confident f his ability to lra
Sown a hunk of the money I evidenced
hy tha nork they put on thlr mount
today. From dawn until after dark, tha
nrivera, mechanicians and plnen tolled
to maJia the mschlnes Juet a Vlt faster,
find the pllmcn were put through prac
tice. at changing tlret and making; re
pairs, Tweaty-Fwar t Start.
The llat of startera wan advanced to
twenty-four today when Carl l.lmber;.
'1 riving a Kunhram. waa permitted to
qualify. Limber; Bot the siitnrd Consent
ft all tha drivers and the ofrlrlala In
nrdar to enter. Llmberg's entry make
four 9unbeama In the race, thua making
Iba law limiting- the number of machine
frf tha aaine make to three a dead letter.
Tha apeedway officials announ'-e that
lha crowd will, rim over 100,000 and a
few of the sealoiis ones predict W0.OOO.
L'hlcaso la raca crazy and aa Indianapolis
Maims to feava had an ttemlnnre. of
IS.000 ,lt can readily he aeen that the Chl
taajo derVy lian isurp-d tha position of
Ihe gasoline classic, of America.
Rests the Favorite.
Darto Resta. tha famous driver, who
pi lota a French car. la the favorite. Odda
ara almost prohibitive and even tha
bookmaker, who wera discovered today
running a complete book on. everybody
In tha face 'refused to let against, him.
Hosts, la entered In the Omaha race.
The Btuta team la the team favorite.
Anderson, Cooper and 'Wilcox are tha
il river. The Sunbeam team, Porporato.
Urant and Von, Raalte, I second to the
ravorlte with the Psufot team, Reata,
Burman, and . Babcock, close behind. f
Ila Crowd Excepted.
Today tha track waa awept rlear of
tha laat bit of debrie and hundreds of
arpentara and wuikiiun tolled until sun
down, erecting- extra grandstands and
Hracher seats. Two extra grandstand
were put up tills week and circus aeata
or 100,000 people have also keen up.
. Record breaking time la expected to be
made o nthe two-mile wooden course, aa
several of the driver In practice spin
have averaged better than 110 mile an
hour. Rota ha been alloted the pole po
sition for the getaway. The cara will be
atarted In groupa of .four. It waa an
nounced. .. ..
Prise money amounting to M.OOu win
go ' to the winner.
Cheyenne Peeved
. Against Denver
The Commercial club tiaa been iavilcd
to send a special tralnload of It member
ta Aba Frontier la celebration ' at
Cheyenne. July 21 to U. The matter will
Ije considered by the executive commit
tee of the club next Tuesday.
tin it letter and accompanying posters,
the Frontier-Day management emphe
atxea tha (trained relatione between Chey
enne and Denver, resulting from Den
ver' alleged efforts to take Lincoln High
way auto traffic away from Cheyonne,
which la on the main Una ef the HlKhway.
(The Invitation to Omaha points out
that the situation offer the Hate City
an excellent opportunity to eecure In
creased .trade- along . the Cheyenne ser
mon of the 'highway.. the people are
not anxious to trade with Denver any
more. It I aald.
j It I alleged In the Cheyenne letter that
penver ha a man stationed at Big
prinK. Nab., whose business la to try
to divert Lincoln Highway auto t raff 10
to Denver, Instead of letting It follow the
analn line of the highway to Cheyenne.
Kalooatet tilrea Urease,
LOUP CITY. Neb., June Si. "rectal
Telegram.) The County Board of fcjpcr
jjhisora have been In session for the last
two days listening to evidence In the case
lf Kd Oilman, petitioner tor a taloon
ili onse at Schauppa; in the east pnrt of
oup City ' township.' Attorney" T" T.
jfle'.l of Ht. Paul and J. W. Fisher nt Loup
I'ity repreaonted the remnnetrator and
local attorneya. Judge A. Wall and R. P.
Ularr, represented the petitioner. Its
fi. net ra tore contended that there were
liot enough freeholders on the petition.
9'Iki license was granted and an appeal
ftom' the decision was taken.
i '
J F.siwsrth I.eaarse F.leets ttfflrere.
J NORTH PLATTE, Neb., June . Spe
cial.) The convention of the Kearney
Uistrtct Kpwotth leagues closed her to
faay. The following officers were elected:
president, Kva Hnilth. Ord; secietary,
:ilsabcth Meade, Sargent) treasurer,
John Jameson. Kearney; Junior superin
tendent. Mr. K. W. Crane, North Platte;
JTiret vice president. lr. Oleson. Sargent;
Second vice, president. F.ila Blatt, Ar
tiold; third vice president. Leona Jonre.
(.iverton; fourth vice president. Mae Wood,
'4'ihbon. The next convention is to be
) eld at Sargent.
Oaly Ww f aa tie.
. Ttiose who are so fortunate that ex
pense does not have to be considered are
now going to health resort s to get rid
Of the Impurities of th S) stein that
Cauite rheumatism, swollen, aching Joints
and stiff painful muscles. If you are
oue of thow who cannot go, yet feel that
you need relief from such pain and
luUery. try Foley Kidney Pllla. They
restore the kldne) to healthful activity
aiid ntake you feel well and strong. 8el4
everywhere. Advertisement
New ISIeetlea fur SeSOTlor.
1 Sl'PEKlOR. Neb., June . (Special
Telegram.) The city council met thle aft
ernoon and passed the Uquor license ordi
nance on third reading, but added a
resolution submitting the adoption or re
VscUon of tli ordinance to a ovte ef th
people. Friday, August 13. la the date aet
J or the fcloctlon.
; Neither the day itor night marshal ha
, made a aingle arrest or had a single trial
tu police court since th saloon closed up.
Metlet frosa scale Bheaaaattasa.
John If iroiia, Winchester. N. H.,
riu: '.'I suffer from acute rheuma
tism and Ploan'a IJnlment alweya helps
tjtV-fcly. ibo. All jlrugtfsi. Advertise
aucuU -.
Machinists' Strike
On Union Pacific
is Declared Off
The machinist' trlk on the Tnlon
Pacific Is off. but officially It will not
W. declared off until next Monday. That
Ir the official date when tha strike I to
end. according to the announcement by
tlie railway employes' department of the
American Federation of l4hor. The offi
cial announcement ha been received In
Omaha, and at the rearular meeting of
the Machinists' union tonight It will be
presented, read and approved.
The Union Pacific machinist, together
with those of other lines of the Harrlman
system, went out on strike four year
a no next September. They hare been
out ever since. Most of the younger men
have found employment elsewhere. The
older men have been leas fortunate and
wHIe all of them have found employ
ment at times there are some who have
not bren able to aecure steady Job.
Several montha ago a vote for the pur
pose of determining whether or not the
strike should be declared off was taken
by the members of the Machinists' anion
that had formerly been connected with
the Hnniman system. This rote was
sent on to the American Federation of
Lrbor headquarters for tabulation. At
the time of taking the rote It wa aa
afYted that there was a large majority of
the members In favor of ending the
strike, but .no official announcement of
the result has been received until now.
NORTH PUATTE, Neb., Jwna . P
clal.V A rifle range for target practice at
the experimental substation near this
ilfy was authorised by the hoard of re
genta of the 1'nlverslty of Nebraska when
thay Inspected the farm this week.i. They
also authorlxed two new building at tha
The range la for the use of the North
Platte Rifle, a local organlxatton. It
wl'l be constructed according to govern
ment regulatlona and government rifle
will be used by the shooters.
A new dairy barn and a cottage, coating
In ail. about tl.fiflO, were arranged for by
the resents while here. Rlertrlc power
from the North .Platte Elefttrlo company
will be S'ipplled at the farm, provided the
regent and the company agree a to
The farm manager have asked that the
regents Install a pump irrigation plant
capable of aerving eixty acres. A small
type of plant now In use there is too
small to get accurate results, they say.
The regent have taken the matter un
der consideration.
F.I m wood Boy Disappears.
PTATTflMOCTir. Neb., June jr..-(Rpe-c:al.-Frank
M. Warner of near Elm
wood, this county, waa In thla city for
the laat few days looking for his son,
Harry, E. .Warner, aged 14. who disap
peared from Me home there a few day
tnce. The father, who I almost dis
tricted over the disappearance, of his
oil, aald 'thai he knew of "hd reason why
the vmmt man should disappear. . Marr
If aVy quite large for his age. He has
lived on the farm with hi father and
attended school during the winter months,
assisting In the chorea , around . home,
aeemlngly contented with his lot. The
father ha offered a reward for any In
formation which will lend to his a here
lor tha ronrth
rFr 0,rt. of
w hare a larger aad better stock tnt
k are Be braaoS etere er staad ea the
tuete, aad w wtU gire yea prtoee waii
National Repeating Pistols, shoot SO
shots, each '. 10a
Strip Caps for all Repeating Pis
tols, boa of I rolls ...So
'A -lb. can Fire, red or green, per
bos , .....So
Snakes In th Orasa, dosen Be
Roman Candles
All our Candles contain full a-
mw i nun, vi vvurva isrs.
z-nail. x for
4-hall. lc each; per dosen
(-hall, 1 Vc eaeh: per kea
l-hsll. Ic each; per dosen
ia-hl, mo each; per dosen,,..
X-hall. t for
u-oail. 4c eacn; per dosen
H-lall, Be each; per dosen
1'Q-ball. c each; per dosi
It-ball, 10c each; per dosen
. .Be
. Toe
Fancy Exhibit Candles
These candlaa are very powerful,
throwing the stara very high, and
are very brilliant . In color. A muct
superior Candle to ordinary Ro
man Candle, and moderate In price.
-ball, each e
ball, each so
10- bali. each 8e
11- ball. each lOo
lt-ball. each la
Sky Rockets
We recognise no rivals In
production of Rockets of all
1-oiiiice, lc each: per dosen...
I -ounce, 1 'jo each; per doaeii..
-on nee. 2 sic each: per dosen..
4-ounce, 4o eeon ; par dosen...,
t-ounce. to each: par dosen....
L L 1 1. 7 . ' t r- rl in a n
. .10
. .le
. .ase
. .eoo
. T6e
1-lh., 10c each; rvr dosen
-In,, 16c each; per dosen
-lh J5c each: per dosen......
4-1 b.. t&o each; per dosen
Special Exhibition Rockets
These are special Rockets, made
with greatest care, and exhibit the
most pleasing, wondeiful and va
ried effects, with many combina
tions of rolor and pvrniechnlc nov
elties. They are very choice goode,
10c, ITe, 7e, ase. See esc a.
Colored Parachute liocketa. Pea
cock Plume Rockets, Klectrtc Mhow
er Rockets. Weeping Willow ttock
ets. each
J-lu 3e l-lb.. Ms: 4 -lb.. See.
All Mall Orders glrea prompt
ae w per seat ea your I'lrewors
eaaaet be eea by Vareel Voet.
This Oeapoa Is rood tor One Bex
ef Oeraaaa sjparala BTevelty Wtta a
BOe Order ee Over 1 se.
1411 Harnoy St. Tolophono D. 5720
Army Officer Say Nebraska Guards
men Most Efficient in
(From a Staff Correspondent
LINCOLN. June . (Special.) Tomor
row the ffleere ramp of the National
Guard will break after a very aucceaaful
Major Upton of the Tenth Infantry,
chief Instructor nays that It has been
one of the most successful camp of
Instruction he baa ever attended and that
the men and offleera are more alert to
what Is expected of them aa representa
tives of the guard than any place he haa
ever visited. He hes never had to wait
for the offloere to report, but hes found
them on deck waiting for hira when the
time came for duty.
Conditions at the camp have been Ideal
from a aaaltary standpoint The haxdet
problem In meeting the enemy haa been
the one of the "keetera" However,
standing pools of water caused by tie
ratna have been drained off and those
which have not been drained have had oil
poured on them- end burned In order to
destroy the Insects
Delay la Aemplaae Arrival.
Unfortunately the delay In the arrival
of the aeroplanea and some trouble In
assembling them has kept Chief Shaffer
from displaying any stunts In flying
during the week, but he hopea to have
the machines In shone In a day or -
and then the school in aviation, which
will be conducted most of the summer,
will be in activity. The War department
and others Interested In military avlntinn
are taking a great deal of In the Ne
braska aviation corps, aa It Is the first
one equipped In the country by a Na
tional Guard, and letters from national
headquarter and also from the National
Aero club Indicate that the work Is being
'watched with much Interest. Several
letters have been received by General
Hall asking that the machine be taken
t county falra and like plaoea for flying
exhibitions, and in some instances In
quiries have been made of machine
could be purchased.
I The department expect to build eeveral
machine If a call la made sufficient to
require it. nd before the eummer la over
It la expected to have a number on ex
hibition. I
news Notes of Ord.
ORD, Vb., June . rlpeclal)-A. 1.
(Bud) Shirley. OtJ'a vteran expressman
and well known among the firemen's
organizations of the state, left Tuesday
afternoon for a fishing trip. He shipped
his boat The Misty Maid) to Hurwell
and will moke the return trip on the
North lup river. Several . years ago he
undertook a similar trip, but the boat
overturned when barely out of port and
Its entire cargo was lost In the river.
The newly elected officers of the Com
mercial club are: President. I D. Mllll
kon; vice president, J. 8 Colllson; sec
retary, It I Dunham; treasurer, Vin
cent Kokes. The new directors sre W.
A. Wright, Horace M. Davis, Ooorge A.
Farklna, P. C. Ferryman, Irl V. Tolcn,
C. J. Mortenseo and R. I Staple.
Chorus Formed at Newman Urore.
NEWMAN OROVK, Neb.. June 26.
(Fpeclal.) A chorus of about 100 voices
ha been organised at thla place by Mlaa
Mildred O. Johnson, formerly. Anther
college, Wahoo, Neb. At U planned to
sing the cantata. fThe Holy Clty.T. by
Oaol, some time In August. ' Qreaf In
terest la being taken and the chorua Is
doing splendid work.
Only a few mere hopping days left to
vWy0m8 1 1 " n
ham ever before. One whole etore devoted to firework. Kemember. we
streets, we urge yon to get your supply at onoe, while oar stook Is oom-
au wiu e is your Denem to bay early.
It -lb. can Fire, red or green, per
bo iao
Fnakea In - the Orasa. extra large,
dosen ...lOo
Oreen Sparklers, doien , 80
Shooting Matches, box.,. 4o
H Salutes to box, J-ln. Cadet r'a
lutes. per box ee
10 Salutas to box, S-ln. Cadet Sa
lutee, per box So
10 Salutea to box. 3H-ln. Star Sa
lutes, per box , . Be
It salutes to box, 3-ln. Regular r"s
tutes, -per box so
100 Salutes In a box. IS or S Inches
long. . price per box
tVt-inch, per 100 Oo
1-Inch, per 100 . lOo
Tew reaay Torpedoes.
Fire Mammoh Torpedoes In a box,
per box ie
Sstara Quality Japaaaae Torpedoes.
10 In a box, per box So
It In a box, per box ,.4e
Tin roll er Sliver Torpedoes.
10 In a box, per box ...,.4e
It In a box. per box ae
Coloaaelaa Satra Torpedoes.
. double extra quality.
Z0 In a box, per box so
Uncle Bam Torpedoes.
A heavy reporting Torpedo. It
la a cat teaeer.
10 in a box. per box..... So
Oold. DraaToa Torpedoes.
Covered with gold foil. Chinese
style. ry popular.
18 in a box. per box ..; 4e
?0 In a bo. per box fee
German Electric Sparklers
Vetrfeot Karaalees
OMl (Urea's BeUght
i-liii h. per dosen 4e
10-inch, per iloieen a
IS-lnch, per dosen ae
It-inch, esrh ve
Ito-iiich, each so
All ow heels, new. box of 10 To
Titer rirrcrackere. 44 In pkg....8e
Mandarin Firecracker. in pke..
per rkg
Mandarin Firecrackers, i ; n pkg .
per pkg se
Mandarin Firecrackers, 71 In pkg.
per pkg Bo
Baby Mrecrai kere, 700 In pkg., per
pkg e
Large Pearleea Flrecrackere. ?0 In
pkg., per pkg Se
attention at above wrlcee.
VXefereaoe a
' Kemember, f are Ihe largewt Independent Firework. dealers In
the weal. Spec ial attention lo larg or small public or private) dis
play s of Fireworks. AT Ol'R NEW LOCATION
John Conn Is Held
For Investigation
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 26. (Special Telegram.)
Following the death by suicide of Edith
Tost of Wymore In that city following
a trip to Lincoln, where. In company with
John Conn, she occupied rooms at a
rooming house here for a week, a war
lant waa a worn out for the latter today
and he was taken for disorderly con
duct. He will be held under that charge
pending an Investigation of the cause of
the suicide of Miss Yost.
Conn waa known as John Petty before
coming to Lincoln.
Morrissey Makes
Trip to Canada
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 2S. (Special.) Chief
Justice Andrew M. Morrleeey left today
for a business trip to Canada, where he
owns considerable land. His Fourth of
July speaking dates at Randolph and
Crelghton on July S will be filled by E. G.
Mag si.
TiinonGinG to
Our determination to clean up
cnir Htock for the remodeling of
our Btoro has brought thousands
of eager buyer, who are taking
advantage of the unusual bargains
The sales In pianos and players
hare been phenomenal and the
tempting offers In that depart
ment are being snapped up. There
are offers In pianos that seem out
of all reason; quality pianos at
seemingly Impossible prices.
The picture department is also
attracting big crowds and the
choicest bargains are going fast.
But there are hundreds of them
and they are all good. The as
sortment of framed pictures,
prints of the famous paintings of
the world, are exceptionally good
and the demand for the works of
the old masters Is heavy, with
prices that cannot fall to attract.
Kverything is being discounted to
the very bottom prices.
We have only a short time left
to clear the store for the decora
tors. We must have . everything
ready before the front Is torn out
of the building, and we would
prefer selling at a discount to
storing the goods.
Don't delay: come early before
the stock Is depleted.
1513 Douglas Street
ret your snpply of fireworks, and
. Avoid the rush the last I sw days.
5c Novelty Fireworks, dosen.. ...ado
10c Novelty Fireworks, doxen...tOo
lc Novelty Fireworks, t dosen... ase
Cap Pistols, each to and, So
Caps for 1'iatola, dosen So
Triangle Wheels. Be, So, 100 aad l&o
Hot Air Balloons
Best and cheapest made. With
lnflator and protector. Mongollfler
hot air.
No. ., height SH feet. each.
No. 8, height tU feet, each do
No. 10, height 4 ' feet, each....lOo
No. IS, heia-IU SV feet, each.... ISO
No. 20, height feet. each....aOo
No. t5. helgtu 7't feet, eauh....a5e
No. SO. helKlit 10. feet, each. .... 300
Mines of Assorted Stars
Meteors aad Serpent.
each .to
each ayto
each ....So
each M.lso
Gold or Silver Mines.
each ,.lto
each ..34o
each .40e
each Sao
, each Tso
U. S. Flag
Painted muslin mounted on
sticks, full number of stars, beat
quality, faat and bright oil colors.
Will stand tha rain
No. Width. length.
, Dosen 3o
, Dosen ee
roen ao
, I lose n Be
. Kacli le
, Each ao
F.ach Be
, Kiu'h 4o
Karh Bo
r a,i I I -
In. .
In. .
In. .
In. .
In. .
In. .
In. .
. Fach
Each UUO
Karh ISO
Kach SOO
Vertical Wheels
Wheels of heavy revolving eases of
brilliant fire, with centers of varie
gated colore forming concentric
1-inch, each to
lt-lnch, each lee
14 -Inch, each Sfto
hank la Omaha. We mm ns tMia
to be eeat by exprees. Jtueworks
1 lx
1 IH X 4
S S x
4 4 4 X 1'
t X
4 T x 10i
8 x 14
7 4 1 x 'J 'j
HA 14 x 24
It X 27'
20 X
10 27 X 41
11 SO X B0
Offerings That Radiate Style
And Coolness Are Scheduled
for Saturday's Selling
White Jap Silk Waists at $1.95
White Jap Si'k Waists are especially desirable at this time of year
hrcause of the saving in laundry. They are cool and soft and smart
Vs'c are showing several pretty models in these excellent blouses
and at remarkably modest prices.
Some are nllover embroidered, some with frills and others with em
broidered dots on collar, cuffs and tie, sizes 3'2 to 44
Swiss Organdie Waists
Swiss organdie waists are also In great favor now. We are showing two ex
cellent numbers, embroidered and with the new Quaker collars and wide cuff.
Some are lace trimmed. The most unusual value
$1.00 and $1.45
Fiber Silk
The newest
sensible one, too. Just the
thinir for
Green, Penccck, Old Rosn, Black, Canary
and Copenhagen Bine. Hizes 34 to 44.
Boys' Wash Suits
Boys' Oxfords
Blucher lare styles, patent, dull and tan leathers,
rock oak Goodyear welt soles, Alden and Holland
makes, the supremacy of which Is universally
recognUed. Regular prices $3.00 and d -1 QC
$3.60. Sale price N P 1 a7J
E"3 aT"
j jr..
summer cloth.
PAY $2.00
We Will 811 You en Credit,
No Matter Whoro You Live.
M lEf lElf
Silk Middy
The classiest middy blouso
vre have ever shown.
Smart country club stvles
vogue and a
cool evenings.
in all white or with color
ed trimming. Two grades,
Three Excellent Lots to Select From Styles
Are Oliver and Pixie
With vestee effects in short or long sleeves, in good
quality striped or plain bine chambray, trimmed with white
galatea or Kimplp Kloth; also white repps and kindergarten
fabrics trimmed with smart contrasting colors.
Suit worth fl.O0 Snlta worth
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
f 0 II SMfilL!
This $22.00
Pay $3.00 Down Then fl.OO m week. .
These suits are all wool, fast color, tailor made. In the newest styles. With
or without patch pockets, high cut vest, semi-peg trousers. One of the
best selling suits of the season. We guarantee every one of these suits to
give satisfaction. Our regular $22.50 model. A remarkable special for
this week-only, at S17.50.
Women's Palm
Beach Suits
For this week we offer Genuine Palm Beach Suits,
made just like cut, regular $13.50 value, for $10.
This remarkably cool, porous and sightly fabric.
wnicn launaera ao oeauuiuii), is surety xne laeai
Sii other atylea to choose from. Choice this week at. only
1417 Douglas
Mail orders
on any of
these special
offerings -will
be given
at Nearly
95 c
-w " v mi ZsrLl
Growing Girls' Pumps
Any ankle strap stylos; patent, dull and tan
leathers and white canvas flexible welt sewed
soles, medium and low heels. Our regular
$3.00 and $3.50 llnea. - Sale QC
price pl saO