Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1915, Image 13

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    Hi e Be es Mom e Maaz i u e P a:
F r
II II - -
How to Keep
One of the burning toplr cf iMc-rest to
every married woman, and especially to
th married woman who is Retting: unfair
and fat, anl forty, and whose husband
I accumulating
enough moitey to
make him attrartlvt!
to oth r tvotnen. Is
'" to retain a hus
uand's Icve. '
Und r nKh rond'
llona keeping a firm.
Vet gentle grasp
upon a slim, slip
ncry eel Is a safe
and settled diversion
compared to holding
a, man nailed to his
own fireside. Hence
most middle-aged
ladies spend mucb
ilme, and thought,
nnd labor on how to
Veep their husbands
frsatnated. and thus
lreumvent the
harmer, and prevent the head of the
hours from roaming.
Men do not hothor to try to preserve
Iheir wives' affections. Whether this is
n rompll'mnt and Indicates a husband's
feet lalth In h'f wtfe'j love and l"y-
or whether It is an Insult and
ws that he esteems bee ru unattrne-
iv that he thinks that ho can't lone
her. no woman knows. And she'd five
a good deal to know In her own par
ticular Individual rase.
.It remain", a fact -that the average
middle-aged married man Goes inrough
none of the sriiles of leaiouey iibcut
his wife that ho Ones alrfiut him. Xnr
does he die, or exorcise, or tifO linlr
tjonlo to keep himself lookinff t his wife
)o the romantic yong -j".n she tr.ur
d. while jhe r-ies tr.Mish the tsrtures
the Inquisition In a vain attempt 1o
t eserve for 'lira the Illusion that tJ.e '.
still the bride lie led to the altar
In spite or 'ccause men 00 habitually
leave the stable door unlocked, cccnticn
ally the gray maro doss nolt and pies i ft
with another master. Indeed this .Ubs
trophe is happening with increasing fre
quency, and it benl'is to look as If the
time might come wliei; a husband would
'iave to take as much trouble 1 1 keep
lis wife as a wif Joes to Keep her. litis
and. An Interesting sldlf It Is thrown on
ihls view of the sublecl ty a nan who is
lulng a wealthy To'-hano for alli-nation
ot his wife's njtet!;n, and who sjve.;
the following ways In whie'i" her love
was won: - -
"Spending money while .out 'i'n
Tine dressing:, treating hr to e!aLcr:,te
luncheons; glvlnar her expmuive preni'.lr;
taking her to places cf amus'.ment; send
ing her flowers: remembering her birth
day; by the lavish tips he Kitve tvatera
In ra'es. hiring taxis and allowing them
to stand by the hour rpgardle.s or x
penae." Presuming that a woman's love is a
purchasable commodity, it is easy to un
derstand how the charms of a good
spender could prove irresistible If the
lady had the misfortune to be married to
a. tight-fisted husband. Without being
ariclous. It Is intoxicatingly fluttering
J a woman to feel that a man does not
ink that the best is good enough for
Jcr, and that lie willing to throw his
finoney away to give her plensure. Ro
nr in iiu-untru i jyso I' " "u j
lady whoa errant neart went after the
man who used, its her husband avers,
"fourteen lavish ways of spending
money" to win her love.
But, after all.ithe moral of the case is
ixit In what the lover did, but what the
bysband left undone. Few, if any, women
er really sell their love, but many men
life a woman's affection because they ar
tk stingy to keep It. The majority of
hhands. however prodigal they may
have bn In gifts before marriage, after
marriage are apt to think that It's too
much trouble to make their wives a
They justify themselves by saving that
Mary or Sallle can buy what she pleases
at the snops, and they hold that In puy
iiig her bills they are making her a
perpetual present Even on the occasion
of Christmas or birthdays, the present
only to often takes the form of a check,
which satisfies the man's senpe of duty,
but brings to the woman none of the
romantic thrill that she would have had
in some little gift that represented some
especial whim or fad of hers.
The man's excuse under such circum
stances that he didn't know what she
wanted adds insult to injury, for it
shows hew little she is In his thoughts,
and what tmall notice he really takes
of Tier. There was a time when ne did
know what she liked, and even felt It
hsr preference In chocolate croams and
To mn It may sound faroial to my
that a man won a woman's love by the
big tlp. he gave to waiters when they
went out. together, but women will un
derstand the psyrholoKii al significance
of it. They know h w often, whr-n tliei"
husbands take them out, they do i be
cause they've been held up by the wife's
Nothing is so f uner -al as a pleasure
jaunt forced upon one, and the man who
has to take his wife out because sl:e has
nagged him Into doing it. is in a kurly
temper that makes him take it out in
rowing with the street car conductor,
abusing the plsy they go to se and bad
gering the waiter at the restaurant.
Not so acts the man whose pleasure in
lelng with a woman makes him smile
upon the world, regard the street ra
Mindurtor as a long-lot broth r, every
plsy as a masterpiece, and the waiter as
a goUling who serves nectar and am
brosia, and who deserves to hsve gold
and silver offered up before him.
There's a letson for men in the man
ho won a wife's love awav from her
unbend by fourteen lavish ways of
"(-ending money. It's good economy to
keep things ' in repair, even a wife's
nert. and lots of divorce expenses and
alimony could r-e saved by a few judicious
Investments, of small cbsng la tsBdy
uid violets.
T1 11 The Most
tie Uoddess Story Ever-
r, 1
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i 1 tfe ?kx? w ,vJv A w& S
; rl w -vs , n ;o .ti:zu n inX , ;. n
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(Copyright. 1915. by the Star Co. All For
eign Rights Reserved.)
SynopsiH of IVevioua Chapter.
After the tragic death of John Ames'
bury, his prostrated wife, one of Amer
ica's greatest beauties, dies. At her death
I'rof. Stiiliter, an agent qf the Interests
kidnaps the beautiful 3-year-old' baby)
girl unci brings her up In a. paradise i
where she sees no man, but thinks she
Is taugiit by angels who Instruct her for
her mission to reform the world. At the
aae of is she is suddenly thruBt into the
world wliere agents of the Interests are
ready to pretend to find her.
The ono to feel the loss of the little
Amcsbury girl most, after she had been
spirited away by t lie Interests. was
Tommy liarclay.
Fifteen years later Tommy goes to the
Adiroiiiim.K!. The interests are responsi
ble for the trip. Hy accident ho is the first
to inert thu little Ametbury girl, as ahe
culms forth from her paradise as Celestia
the girl from heaven. .Neither Tommy nor
Celestia recnmilzes each other. Tommy
tiniis 11 an eu-y matter to rescue Celeall;l
from Prof. Htllliter and they hide In
the mountains; later they are pursued
by Stllliter and esrupe to an island where
they spend the night.
That night, t-'tiiiltcr, following his In
dian guide, reaches the island, found
Celestia and Tuminy, but did not disturb
them. In the morning Tommy goes for a
swim. I Miring his absence Stllllter at
tempts to steal Celestia, who runs to
Tommy for help, followed by milliter.
The latter at on e realizes Tommy's pre
dicament, lie takes advantage of it by
taking not only Celentla's, but Tommy's
clothes. Stilliter reaches Four Corners
with Celefelia lust in time to catch an
express for New York, there he places
Celestia in Bellevue hospital, where her
sanity It proven by the authorities.
Tommy reaches Bellevue just before Btll
'Iter's departure.
Tommy s first sini was to get Celestia
away Jrom St'.lliter. After they leave
Bellevue Tommy is unable to get any ;
hotel to take Celestia in owing to her
costume. But later ho persuades his
lathsr to keep her. When he goes out
to the taxi he finds her gone. She fall
Into the hands of white slavers, but
escapes and sroes to live with a poor fam
ily by the name of Pouslas. When their
son Freddie returns home he finds right
In hi own house. Celestia. the girl for
which the underworld haa offered a re-
ward that he hoped to get.
Tommy tried to fight bis wiy to It.
He intended to get to it nnd fight the
girls ba k from it so that it could be
opened. It feemed to him a matter of life
and death that he should do this, and
I'm afrjld lie wasn't very gentle, and
didn't stick very closely to the rules of
chivalry, lie waa very rough, nnd ho
used every ounce of h's strength. Beit
those girls, wrought upon by terror,
were a;) If made of steel and wire, and
it seemed as if thev thought that tlielr
one chsnre of safety was to keep Tommy
away from the door. One young girl,
joei earning at the top of her lungs, hit
Ihlin sgaln and again between the eyes
with her clenched fist, another flung her i
arms around his neck and tried to twint
his head off.
He forced hi way to the middle of
the crowd, and then he had to give up.
It was all he could do to fight his wsy
out again.
The other end of the room was In
flames. Through the roles of his shoes
Tommy knew that the whole floor was
burning on its under side.
A glance at Celestia filled h.n heart
,' with pity that was almost intolerable.
I Fhe, too, it seemed, had gone mad wlih
terror. Along the walls of the room
I were many lire buc kets, half lull of
IwMcr. Celestia had csugbt up one of
'them and was running toward the strug
gling mssx of humanity around Uie door.
But Celestia had not gono in id. She
was excited, hut l.rr mind was still capa
ble of putting two and two together.
She hurled the contents of the bucket
Into the thick of the crowd, and laced
off for another. The effect of that sud-
den herd shower of cold water was ex-
inordinary. It seemed to the
Tommy carries the rescued Celestia to safety after the fire.
psychology of the crowd from fear of file
to fear of water.
Tommy, perceiving this. Instantly him
self caught up a bucket and began to
fling water on the crowd. And between
them they began to clear a way to the
doc"'. Hut the fact that the floor was
beginning to burn through helped,
Tommy got to the door at last and
dragged It open. That started another
stampede that had to be controlled with
more water and with more violence. But
gradually Tommy got to the door and
Celestia In the crowd began to bring a
little order out of the chaos, and to herd
the girls through the doorway like sheep,
not too many at a time.
Twice there was a jam, but Tommy
straightened the half-witted girls out,
hurrying one and restraining another.
He was too busy to see what Celestia
was doing, but ho called to her from
time to time.
It had been a slow businecs, and hy
now the floor was hurnlng clear through
in many plncea, so that some of the last
srirls to paa through the door to safety
went with burned feet.
"Hurry, Celestia, called Tommy. "We
can go now. '
Khe did not answer.
He saw her at a window struggling to
I C-1.
ii., duo you mav aav. on a
little Island of floor surrounded, well
not yet by a sea of flames, but by a
strongly rising tide thereof.
"Thl way, Celestia! For God's sake
don't Jump!"
And ho ran to her acroc the smoking
and burning floor. A he reached her a
portion of the floor over which he had
just passed foil In with a crackUna.
crashing sound, and through the aper
ture name ana smoke roared upward as
from the crater of a volcano,
Celestia had not succeeded yet in open
ing the window. As Tommy reached her
she etajgered and fell 'tnto hia arms.
He turned with her toward the door
and groaned like a thing that had been
. ' "a Dcen
" "Lvf inai
way was
I supporting Celestia with one arm hr
auoceeqei in opening the window. The
crowd In the street below saw them, and
a kind of groaning and lamenting arose.
Celestia beran to revive.
Tommy had turned his hack to the
window. Not until the last moment
would he let her jump, and then only to
escape a more shocking death. Mean-
while his heart best timmiv mn .
pressed h'r c(oer and closer to his
s if he thought as thev had at
best but
few mlnvtes to live he must
l'"ake her understand how much he loved
. ner' Speech cotid not help much. And
1 ' "i rot in those moments
or speech he hsl rot in those moments
ianv r'at command So he preused her
:'"e to his breast and k I used her upoa
Advice to Lovelorn
He la F.xlrroirl; Foolish.
Iear Miss Filrfax: I am secretly en
HKei to a young man two years my
senior, but since we became i ti -aired ho
K'tca to .ilaces rf amusement v.Fout ice.
In the name boildum- 1 work Is a ynun
man who wish's my attention whom I
PS of I
a me to go to places of amusomeni,
which I rof iie on account of rny engage
ment. He has asked me for a kiss which
I refused. Knee, uvon refusing, he kissed
me and said ho had moie right than
any onn else to kiss me. J like him. He
ants at if he loves me. Tell me how I
can find out If he does, as he does not
know 1 am engaged I'L'ZZI.KT).
Slecret engagements are always unfair
to the girl, and you must either announce
yours or break it. Your fiance la un
just; he refuses you rights which he re
serves for himself. I think
the second
man show a more lovable disposition.
Imposing Motion Picture Serial and
Created. ::::::
Read It Here See It
the eyes and the mouth, and murmured
and murmured over her.
"Oh," he thought, "If only she could
love me, oould let me know ahe loved
rre, before the end,"
It seemed to him that he couldn't die,
that he mustn't die without her knowing
Then a sudden and more practical
thought came Into his head. If he was
to die, he must die trylnr to save her. I
Then she would understand. He looked I
j about him wildly, and his eyes fell upon
a great roll of black rnd white atrloed
material for making shlrto. leaving
Celestia leaning against the wall near
the open window, he made a dash for the
the shirting and unrolled a number of the
fire buckets that still contained water.
It was his notion to wrap Celestia In
the wet stuff, to take her In his arms,
and carry her safe to the door, and to
that safety which still seemed to exist
By some strange freak of the fire
there was still quite a large area of
flooring surrounding Celestia, as yet un
burn ed. But between that and the door,
to make the crossing, seemed to offer but
one chance la a hundred. The one who
was carried might live to tell th tale
The one who did the carrying could
hardIy hop for " much- H would be
so badly burned that although he might
lie alive when he reached the street, he
would not live long thereafter.
It takes many words often to tell of
what happens in a few Instant of time.
From the first cry of fir to the time
when Tommy had wrapped Celestia In
the wet shirting, and was preparing,
you may say, to wade through hell for
her, was only a few minute.
The last girls to leave the sewing
machine room had only Just reached th
street. Fire engines were still coming.
The crowd thet watched the conflagra
tion was still growing.
"Now for It." thought Tommy, and to
;celestlan he ahouted (he had to shout to
make himself heard):
"Don't be afraid, dear. I'm going to get
you out of this."
And he gathered her strongly In his
arms, pictured out, with swift eles, what
appeared to be the best route through
the flames, drew one gtat, lone breath
of fresh air, and Just then another great
piece of flooring hell in, and Tommy saw
i the narrow hallway beyond the door burst
! ullen!y into a perfe?l bell of fir.
I 1,8 w too late by a matter of in
If he had not wasted those precious
Instants In kissing her he might have
savea rver. J he agony or soul that h
went through with this realisation was
frightful. Death by fire seemed almost
Bj Beatric
nepeeds Oa HI Parse.
liear Miss Fairfax: l am engaged to
a young man, whom I re very often.
For the last two months 1 have bad to
do night work, because my empleyer has
found business dull and bad tj do away
with some of his help. A week ago he 1
told ma that I woul i hare lo continue j
working nights for somt fcur weeks, I
making It Impoawlble f ir nrn to see my '
young man so often a haforc. Now he
Is continually quarrelling with me and 1
wants nie to look for another position. 1
Io you think It Is r Is lit of him to inter- 1
fere in such a case viieii ven by work- !
Ing overtime I see blm a good deal? I
K. W. 1
He is very unreasotiu' le and selfish, i
Hold on to your position. If f t vfie f j
th rig-it sort ,i would make no .it tempt
to Interfere with your work until in a i
position to take vou from It by niatn-
I mooy
at the Movie
too good for such, a fool.
Then suddenly It seemed as if his mind
broke and that he had gone mad, for
he began to shout and laugh all at enoa.
Had be gone mad'
Or hadn't he?
To Be Continued Monday.
The "Nu Way"
ImproTcd 12-Section
The "Nu.
W" Dress
Form glvi
you a per
fect model,
repro d uces
your figure
Most easily
adjusted, no
reaching In
side to ad
Just; no set
ere ws to
loueen, no
handles to
turn, per
fectly sim
ple and sim
ply perfect,
waist can
he length
ened or
li o r t n ed
as recjulrxd.
hips for Din
ning or draping of skirts.
Term t II cash, f I a moath.
m Is
: V,.r,ii I i
s Hfirtir
hi SIS-
3 Y tin
One of man eldest comrenlone on this
I lonesome, moon-chased earth Is the silent.
little lover of dark corner and destroyer
or wool, fur and feathers, eal'ed the
clothes - moth. The
g host -white wing of
these fluttering crea
tures of the twilight
have haunted human
habitations from the
earliest recorded
The patriarch Job.
who was a great
wool raier. knew
only too well their
ravages when he
compared himself to
"a garment that Is
moth eaten." It is
probable that they
I n a I n a a ted them-
Into the smoky caverns of the prehistoric
cave dwellers, and luxuriated In the first
fur garments.
-The fondness they exhibit nowadays
for tailor-made smlts and other expen
sive products of the loom." saya C l.
Marlatt of the TTnltet States bureau of
entomology. 1 simply an illustration of
tbelr ability to keep pae "lh man In
his development"
Like the still more objectionable Im
pudent gnd dangerous hanrcr-rm. the
house-fly. the clothes-moth doge man's
footstep wherever ha ". embarts with
him on 1.1a voyage of trade or discovery,
crosses oceans with him. and officially
helps him to Inhabit any tiw lands that
he may find.
Thus it appears that clothes-moth eama
over with the Pilgrim father ef ome of
the other early white settler on thut
continent, for Tr. Marlatt apeak of thilr
early Introduction into the United fltatoa,
which soems to carry the Implication
that they wer not her originally. But,
if . they multiply with astonishing;
rapidity a soon as they got a foothold,
for by the year TTtt they had becnm
terror In the Tillage of Philadelphia, hy
their destruction of woollen and for.
Jt I not by th way, the moth them
selves that undermine the hair of your
costly fur evorcoai. plough winding chan
nels through the surface of worsted gar
ments and eat holes off th pU of ex-
Do You Know That
Martial men, good fight" of
choleric temper, have red and spotted
ftrurer nail a
The phrase "to Uonla a mast tn
stare at him a a wonderful person
arose when a show of Hon was th
great st tract! on In th Tower of London
and everyone went and stared.
"Hurrah! was originally a fighting
exclamation, and I derived from the
Slavonic "lluraj" '"To Paradle"-4h
belief being that valiant fighter went
straight to heaven If killed.
With a Purchase of $75.00 or Over
As a special trade induce
ment for Saturday we make
this very attractive offer to
sell one of these handsome 6-f t. oak
clocks for 25c provided
other goods to the amount of $75 Mde of ?- 'umd
or over. They are splendid time- flnlBh neat pper-
. j n 'n. two top drawers.
keepers and fully guaranteed. pt,ced $11 75
2-Inch Post Iron Bed y!
la Varalg Martin, (old bron
rone f 19
is a s s 1
finish or white, any als, fully
anteed, now only
Splendid Table Value
Made of solid oak, well built and
well finished. 6-foot extension,
of a Moth
pensive carpets, but If Is their offspring,
the larvae, or caterpillars. These are o'
a dull white color and hardly three
eighths ef an Inch long, with a brownish
bead. They are odd-looking creature,
for they clothe themselves, as if they
carried their un reel prorated for.c'ncse for
human society to the point of tmitatlni.
thetf big. two-irgged unwilling hosts, hv
wearing a garment.
The garment of the moth i-s ter;iilla r
conslnsta of a kind of sack, or packet,
woven hy its i.wn hand, and lined with
soft silk. In which It enecounces Itself up
to the car, and wh"n It takes a walk It
puts out a short length of Its neck snd
a hunch of forelegs and drags along. It
never take rff lt strn-'ige packet i
oomes out cf it unless pulled oui by an
Inqiiialtlvo entomologist, t'erhapa remeni
bertnkf lis own dcsllngs with laid-up gsr
menta. It keeps Its clothes always In use.
Mr. Marlatt has g1v-n an lr.teretlng
(description of 1hl, curious appendiute:
"With the growth of the larva It be
comes necessary from time to tlino t-i
enlarge the esse hotli In length and ir
cumference. and this is accompllfhd In
a very Interesting way. Without leaving
Its cast the larva makes a el It half way
down one side and Inserts a triangular
gore of new material. A similar Insertion
Is made on the opposite side, and the
larva revere Iterlf without leaving the
case and makes corresponding tilts and
additions in the other half.
"The ase I lengthened by successive
additions to either end. Kxterlnrly the
case appear lo be a matted masa .f
email particles of wool. Interiorly It l
lined wHh soft whitttiMi silk. By trans
ferrlng the hirva from time to time to
fabric of different colors the case msy
be made to assume ss varied a pattern as
the experimenter desire."
When it feels It end drawing near the
larva usually attaches it case to the
garment on which it ha been feeding,
but ometlma carries It elsewhere to be
attached. About three weeks later the
transformation la finished, and the moth
emerges, ready to lay eggs for the produc
tion of a new generation.
The egg are laid in April. May nr
June, according to the latitude, a a cer
tain warmth is required, and' usmally
they are deposited directly on th gar
ment that la to serve as the foraging
field for the larva. The eggs are scarcely
visible to the naked eye. Sometime thev
are deposited In crevices of trunk and
boxes, m which garments have been laid
away, and a soon as they are born the
larvae creep In through the minute cracks
and begin their forbidden feast.
Th best way to protect garments is
to begin In April or May and heat and
brush them thoroughly every few days
before they are put away In tightly closed
receptacle, with camphor, tobacco, naph
thaline, cedar springs, or some of the
ether "repellents" commonly used. But
If any egg have Seen left In the gar
ments they will J ten, and the larva will
promptly set to work. Th surest pro
tection la cold storage, the temperature
nearer being allowed to rise above 40 de
gree Fahrenheit.
you buy
Dresser Special
By far the best values in
Omaha. "Sturgtu" and
"Tourist" Carts. Splen
did care, newest lmprov
ments. Prices 930 down
to UJ.l5. Seej
our special
one at
Front leer, hardwood cabinet
lever-locic doors and ad Jus l-
eoie sneives; treat lue saver.
aiaaya ary. oaor
less and aant
tary. Special