Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 26, 1915, Image 1
The sure way .to satisfy your wants is through use of the want ad pages of The Dee. Try a Bee want ad. The Omaha Daily Bee THE WEATIIEB , Unsettled vol. xt.v xo. :. OMAHA, SATrilD W MOKX1XU, .U'NF, Jii. 1!IV-SlXTKKN IWdlX Om Trains sad at letel Rsws steads, i SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. KALE WINS YARS1TY AND OTHER RACES FROM THE CRIMSON Eli Crews Victors in All Three Water Events Over Harvard Oarsmen on the Thames River. BIO MARGIN IN FEATURE RUN New Haven Athletes Defeat Oppo nents by Five Lengths in Four-Miler. FRESHMAN CONTEST DELAYED REOATTA COURSE, NEW LON DON, Conn., Juno 25. Yale won the varRlty eight race over a courise of four miles by five lengths. The "pe dal t'roei were: Vcle 20:52 Harvard 21:134 The race started at 6:44 with Ya'e leading shortly after the start. Yale led slightly at the one-mile mark. Yale was in the lead at the two-mile post by a quarter length. Yale was two and a halt lengths at the three-mile mark. Yale finished by five lengths. Yale Wins Frnknan Race. Yale won the freshman elght-oared race over a course of one mile and a half by one and c--half lengths from Harvard. The contest wu rowed In the dark. It etartcd aa a two-mile race, but an eighth of a mile from the start, when Harvard we leading by half a shell's length the oarlock of Harvard-! stroke oar broke. The race was halted and after repair! were made It was decided to race only one and one-half miles because of the darkness. Yale spurted after the restart was made, took the lead and won by a length and a half. No time was taken .because the Btart was made in an In accessible cove. Yale Wins Second. Yale won the second varsity eight race by a third of a length from Harvard in a snappy two-mile contest over the Thames course today. Yale led from start to finish, though Harvard made a (una rally In the last quarter of a mile. Yale caught the water first, and with i . a faster strode openea up a i"" length at the heJf-mlle mark. The two crews rowed a clean stroke and there waa little splashing. Harvard Increased Its stroke and came up on nearly even terma with Yale, but the Blues hook off the challenge and at the mile had a 1a.iI nrtv a' lenath. 1 Neat tba-ftulUJtIrvard cam avrong and cut down TJ' aovamag ioo ur foot Tale, however, ahct over the Una with ot)thlrd of a ahell length to ipare. The official time waa. Tale. 10:; Har vard, 10:11 Bl7 Crowd Gather. Cheered by condition f avorabW for both spectators and crews the thousands ho form the most picturesque setting seen at any American regatta began to rather along th course before the sun mounted the first quarter mark of lta course. Special trains from east and west, motor cars, excursion boats, iteam yachts and sailing craft, all contributed their share, and long before the starting tlmo of the Junior eight raoea the prin cipal street!, railroad stations and water fronts presented a confualon of color and clamor. Alumni and under classmen fronj the rival universities guided par ties o pretty girls, matrons' and children to points of vantage from which to watch the contest. The colors of the rival eUees were evident on every hand In form of flags, arm bands, feathers, balloons, confetti and paper streamers. Ticket speculators stood ready to aupply observation car rats at prices ranging from 110 to 3 each, and did a lively business. Wilson Arrives at His Summer Home CORNISH, N. H.. June 23. President Wiison, accompanied by his daughter, Margaret, and Dr. Cary T. Grayson, ar rived at his summer home near here soon after 1 o'clock today. He was met at the railroad" station at Windsor, Vt., by his cousin. Miss Helen Woodrow Bones, and motored to Cornish. The Weather Tor Omaha. Council Bluffa and Vicinity Partly cloudy; warmer. Temperatwre at Omaha Yesterday. Deg. Hours h a. m a a m 7 a. m , 5 a. m a m 10 a. m , 11 a. m 11 m 1 p. m t . m p. m 4 p. m 6 p. m P- m 1 p. m rooaparattT Loeai Reeord 191f. U14. lSlil. 191) Highest yesterday 16 tT to K liowesl yesterday 81 n Mean temperature 74 82 Prectpltallon 40 .10 Temperature and precipitation tures f rum the normal; . Normal temperature V w ..a . fnw Ka Am n 78 M .00 depar- 74 T'rtal dtftcloncy. since Haroh I. Normal precipitation Deficiency for the day 13 IT Inch .17 Inch 10 Winches S Inahes .45 Inch .41 inch Total laJnfall since March I.. Deflcloncy alnc March 1 Excess for cor. period, 1014.... Excess for cor. period. 1913.... Reports (rasa atatlaas at T 9. I. btatlon aad state of Weather. Cheyenne, cloudy.... Davenport, cloudy.. Ienver. clear Ies Moines clesr... Dodge City, cloudy.. Tsmp. High- BaJn- 7 p. m eat lall. T .00 .8 .oo .00 .30 .no .0 .00 78 83 88 8 7 84 84 81 8H 84 BJ 80 8! 84 74 7 84 74 .78 , 71 84 78 80 7 , 70 . 78 2 lender. rs.rtiv cloudv. North Pfstte, cloudy.. Omaha, clear.. Pueblo, partly cloudy. TUpId City, cloudy.... Fait take City, clear.. Panta Fe, cloudy fheridan, rain Klouv I 'llv YsloBttne Partly cloudy T ln.'.l-alestrai'e of Pre'clnltstlon 80 M (0 I A. Wtlll, Local l""orecater, THE MAN ACCUSED OF CAUSING THE GREAT WORLD WAR First and exclusive photo of Wogo Tan kositsch, who hatched the plot for the assassination of the Austrian crown prince and his wife, the denouement of which precipitated the present strife in Europe. Tanko sitsch is now a major in command of a battalion in the Serbian army. S ' . w - ' vv aajai. f - : - fs .a . , - , . ?ijJf ' I" - -V' JS i, ' V " m? 'J? " 1 ' -rLP1 f . 't lnaj," - r-Af frr1ff - f- rmmmmL00!SL i J i GOYERNOR CLARKE IOWA DAY ORATOR Exposition Officials Overlook Ar rival of Hawkeye Executive and - There is No Beception. HE PRAISES STATE'S RESOURCES SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 25. Governor George W. Clarke wu the principal speaker today at Iowa Day at the Panama Pacific exposi tion. The welcome he encountered was hopefully expected to obliterate any Impressions he might have re ceived when yesterday he arrived at Oakland, ferried across the bay and hunted up his hotel alone for his im mediate party. It was explained to him that his staff of seventeen colonels, lieuten ant colonels and other officers who had arrived the day before, and many high exposition officials had gone to meet him at the wrong time. Two hundred persons at Des Moines were reported "listening in" by telephone while the governor made his address. Miss Frances Clarke, the govern or's daughter, sang "Iowa." A lunch a dinner and a reception were fea tures of the program. Governor's Address. Governor George W.. Clarke. In his ad dress, said that there was nothing idle about the boast that the Hawkeye state was the "Garden Spot of the World." He declared the statement had come to be the consensus of opinion of the "com petent of all other states who have vis ited her or come to understand her vast resource!." The governor declared that conditions of heat and oold, sunshine and rain, richness and responsiveness of ;cl! throughout the entire extent of Iowa's area are so perfectly balanced aa to Jus tify the title. "Whatever may happen or has hap pened elsewhere, Iowa never brings anx iety to her people," said the governor. "The products of its fields, frequently lav ish, are alwsys abundant. Like charity, Iowa never falls. There is a sense of se curity and substantiality In Iowa." Billion in Farm Prod acts. The governor declared that Iowa's crop production la now more than twice as much as It was fourteen years ago. "Last year," he said, "It was W7.143.418, and, when the value of live stock Is added the 1914 value rises to tl.01S,S8S,41. What the state can do agriculturally is shown by Its unrivalled exhibits here and the pre miums It has taken. "Iowa's School of Agriculture and Me chanic Arts and I am only modestly stating an everywhere conceded fact. when I say this school Is the greatest of Its kind in the world has been - a wonderful help in Increasing Iowa farm production and animal husbandry. The state challenges the world on fine cattle. Iowa appreciates this great school and last year there was expended there 11,119,800. The state believes In an educated citizen ship and lsst yesr expended on educa tion $20,298,773. 'The state is not simply agricultural. It would be interesting to tell you of the manufacturing Industries. Last year the output of its faotortes waa t3SO.OO0.O0O." The governor reviewed the history of the state from the time the Indians were Its only Inhabitants and told of the rec ord It had mads In cltlscnshlp, pointing to those who had filled Important roles In the history of the nation. Ante Maker Met More Pay. TOLEDO, O.. June -The Willys Overland Automobile coinnsny today an nounced that the wages of employes will te advanced i ner rent July 15. GLAD HAND GIVEN OMAHA BOOSTERS End Second Day's Trip at Norfolk, Where Big; Welcome is Given CHICKEN - .' T" NORFOLK, Neb., June 25. (Spe cial Telegram.) The second day of the Omaha boosters' good fellowship tour was completed at Norfolk this evening at 6:80. Not a drop of rain nor speck of mud had been encoun tered.. It was truly a glad hand day for the glad hand was out every where for the Omaha delegation. At Norfolk the crowd was entertained at a picture show until V o'clock, after which they were escorted to the Elks' club rooms, where C. E. Bumham, chair man of the good roads committee of tha Norfolk Commercial club, formally wel comed .the guests. The quartet replied with some good roads songs and O, ernor Morehead, who Is sticking to tli ship like a submarine captain, gave a (.'ood roads talk, telling the Norfolk men what he believes convict labor will ao complish for the roads of Nebraska. 8. A. Rearle, Senator John M. Thurston and others came to the front with their famous booster talks, and refreshments were enjoyed. Visitors llelsi Kntrrtaln. The Commercial club of Norfolk sent 760 Invitations to farmers and men of neigh boring cities to' be In Norfolk to be a party to the entertainment. A delegation wag over from Madison and group of ten came from Pierce. Dinner was served at Elgin by the women of the various churches. It was a huge chicken-pie dinner, spread on Ira- (Continued on Page Two, Column Three.) Suit Against Oil Man is Frame-Up SAN FRANCISCO, June S6.-A J60,000 damage suit brought by Leon H. Fair child against Walter P. Shaw, wealthy oil operator of Los Angeles, Cal., came to a sudden close here yesterday after witnesses for Shaw had testified that the suit was a "frame-up" and after Fair child's attorneys . had asked Superior Judge Hunt If It would be unethical for them to withdraw from the case. The Judge told them not to do that, but to submit the esse without argument. They Old so and the Jury promptly returned a verdict In favor of the defendant. Mrs. Fairchlld killed herself In Lo Anreles about two month ago. Mrs. Annie C. Fleming, a friend of the Falrchllda, testified that they came to her last New Year's evening and Mrs. Falrchllda took her aside and told her that a "plot had been arranged by her husband and herself whereby ah waa to entice Shaw into her room, where Fair child waa to discover him and threaten to kill him if he did not give him flt.UiO. K!AJ S Ia JawLsw urn m I mi Omaha now has tn area of 3 1 .23 square miles covering' the most beautiful plateau surrounded by hills over looking' the Missouri river. It's wor;h seeing1. NEGRO CONFESSES KILLING 3, ONE IN NEBRASKA; HANGED Black, Executed in Alabama, Leaves Note Saying- Among Victims Was Crawford Deputy Sheriff. BUT TWO WHITES AMONG THEM He Orieves Because He Did Not Murder Another to Make the Number Even INDIAN ONE OF THOSE SLAIN BIRMINGHAM, Ala., June 25. Byd Jones, hanged In the county Jail yard here today, left a note In his cell In which he confessed thirteen murders. Two of his victims, a Mo bile & Ohio brakeman and a Ne braska deputy sheriff, were whites. The others were ne.troes. Jones named among his victims Thomas Thompson, Charlea Bennett und Depute Sheriff W. 8. Mosley of Crawford. Neb : Shsy White, Thomas Shay and Sem, Monterey, Cal.; Patile quirrgo, a Mexican at Fort Wlnitnte, N. M.. and John I.tttlejohn, an Indian at Bhrrldtin. Wyo. The unnamed railroad brakemsn. he said, ho killed at Boyd. Ky. 1 am sorry I missed getting Klchanl Moore September 13, 1911!." Jones wrote. Just one more would hsve msde an even number." Crawford Calls It Myth. CRAWFORD. Neb.. June 25-tSnecla' Telegram.) Hldney Jonne, the negro hanged at Birmingham, Ala, and who confessed to the murder of Deputy Sher iff W. 8. Mosely of Crawford. NeU. la unknown here. George Vhl, one of the oldest settlers of Crawford, having re- elded here continuously since 1878 on be ing Interviewed regarding the confeelon of Joness aid: "I have known every sheriff and eputy sheriff of Dawes county for the Inst thirty years and none were killed and no one by the name of Mosely haa evrr acted In that capacity. The only officer that was killed here to my knowledge was Arthur Moss, deputy sheriff of Crawford, who was killed by Private Heed of the Ninth cavelrv about twelve year ago. RmJ. who im a col- ored trooper, waa convicted of murder and sentenoed to life Imprisonment at Lincoln 'whore he died J; R. Moeely, a resident of Crawford for' thirty year, disclaims any relation ship to W. B. .yosely or knowledge of any such person. Many of tho oldest inhabitants, hnweer, recall several cases of murder where urriiru. - Car Bearing the Bell to Be Parked While in Omaha En route to San Francisco the Liberty Bell will be In Omaha from S until 10:10 o'oloek the morning of July 9. During Its top In Omaha the car carrying tbe bell will be parked on a siding alongside of the "Wrfht Wllhelmy building on Jack son, between Ninth and Tenth streets. In order that children and others may get a good look at the bell approaches will be built alongside the car, the top rlush with the floor. Guards will be with the bell constantly. From her the bell will go to Lincoln and thence to Denver. Hundred Drowned by Collapse of Pier PETROGRAD, June .-Vla London.) -jA dispatch received her from Kaian. In European Russia, 400 miles east of Moaoow, gets forth that upward of 100 lives have been lost in the collapse of a river pier at a local pleasure garden. The laat steamer returning to the city was to leaiv the garden at midnight. A crowd of holldaymakers men. women and children, were forcing their way in the darkness to the boat over the flimsy pier, when the structure collapsed, vir tually everybody was thrown Into the water. JOHN REED. AMERICAN HELD IN RUSSIA, FREE WASHINGTON, June K.-John Reed, an American war correspondent arrested In Russia recently for entering the war sons without permission, has been re leased. Ambassador Ma rye, reporting to day, made no mention, however, of Boardman Robinson, an artist arrested with Reed. Aroerk-an missionaries and other for eigners In Urumlah, Persia, and vicinity no longer are In danger, the Russian for eign office has advised Ambassador Mrye. I Russian troops recently occupied the , territory where Kurd bandits attacked I I'luiBiluns. The Petroarad - ernment assured Mr. Marye that a fore sufficient to protect all foreigners will be held there. FOUR EDGAR AUT0ISTS MAKE TOUR OF THE EAST From a Stsff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. June r..-(Bpclal Tele gram.) Mr. and Mrs. Charlea A. Vonr heea and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Btout of Fdgar arrived In Washington yaaterday en route to their former home In Trenton. N. 3. They motored all the way from Nebraska, making the trip in about six days br way of Chicago. They will re main la the east for a month and then return by auto to their horns In the Prai rie state via Albany and Buffalo. Mr. Voorhees Is president of tbe May County bank of Edgar, his son-in-law, Mr. gtout, being engaged tn real estate. A. F. Btryher, secretary of the Omaha Live fttork exchange, and his son. Hlrd. who Is In his senior year st the Harvard law school, left last nljht for Omaha. London Times Demands Nation Be Told Truth About the War liONno.V. Jun 2.V-A demand tha the nation he "toM the truth about the asr'" it voiced hy the Time tn an edttorlivl The paper declares there Is no imm.dlnte prospect of being able to comiyl tha Oerman t" withdraw within their own 'frontiers; tbat It will take nvmth to piovlde the Hrltlfh forces with tbe Mg ! gns. high explosives snd maclilne guns which are necessary. "The country has got to set Its ti-rth, ' sys the Times, ' disregard confusliif bul letins and face the probability of pro. longed and unprogreaslve CMmpalgn in the wet while tleneral von Maokensen t sue. etssful march probably had postponed a re.nmptlon of the Russian offensive for BRYAN WILL COME BACK FORCAMPAIGN Former Secretary to Take Lively Interest in Senatorial Campaign, Says Tom Allen. HITCHCOCK TO HAVE BIO FIGHT (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, June 2 5. (Spe cial Telegram.) T. 8. ("Brother Tom") Allen of Lincoln, who has I'evn In Washington for a day or more, left this morning for the west. Mr. Align, while refusing to talk politics to any appreciable extent. Intimated that Senator Hitchcock would not have clear sailing for the senatorial nomination next year, not withstanding present conditions. "Colonel Bryan will continue a factor In the political life of Nebraska, altnough out of the cabinet, and I look for him to take the liveliest possible Interest In the campaign next year In our state, not as a candidate, but In favor of the prin ciples for which he baa stood for the Inst twenty-five yeans." After talks with a number of Nebraska politicians, who have been In attendance upon the arguments that have been going on this week before the Interstate Com merce commission to increaae freight m,M on western rosds. it has been i l'rned that Governor Morehead will make the fight for senator against Sena tor Hitchcock and that John U Kennedy, Ktmer K. Burkett, ex-Governor Aldrlch and possibly Representative Charles Sloan will be in the running for the republican senatorial nomination. Attorney General Willis Reed has the senatorial be bussing loudly In his bon net and If nothing intervenes will make the rase-far Sens tor N orris' seat lir-i1&. But then ISIS la a long way off and a world of things may happen in the mean time. . Coming for Short Visit. LINCOLN, June K.-W. J. Bryan U coming- to his Lincoln home early next week for a stay that is expected here to be brief. He wired his brother, Charlea W. Bryan, today that he would be here all of next Tuesday. The understanding la Mr. Bryan will go from Lincoln direct to Ban Francisco, where he will arrive in time to celebrate Independence day. Proposal to Name Regent in Turkey Causes Deadlock PARIS, June tS. vnformation has been received from Constantinople, says a Haves dispatch from Athena that after It became apparent laat week that the Illness of the sultan was of a serious nature, the royal princes met and decided that Tussof lusdlt. eldest son of the late sultan, Abdul Hamld, should assume the regency. This proposal was vigorously opposed by the committee on union and progress, resulting In a deadlock, the so lution of which has not yst been found. An operation for the removal of a stone In the bladder has been performed upon the sultan by Prof. Israel, the German specialist, who has been at tha sultan's bednlde for several days, according to a Constantinople dispatch received at Lon don laat night by the Reuter Telegram Co. "Big Hank' Alleged Swindler, is Arrested BAN FRANCISCO. June -Henry M. Meyers, alias "Rig Hank," who hsd been sought throughout the country for more tlian a year, is under arrest he re today, charged with having been one of the gang thst defrauded Henry Davis out of $10,000 In San Diego In February, 1914. by what la known as the "pay off" game. The pollco aay he Is also wanted in Buffalo, N. T., where Is 4s accused of having defiauded a victim out of 127.000. The police say also that Meyers was at one time a member of th famous 15.- OuO.ono swindle syndicate that operated In many large rlttea and of which J. C Mabray waa the head.- Fac Simile of the First Resolution Adopted by the First Legislature of Xebraaka. Title Is In the handwriting of lta author and illustrates an Intereat-arlpptnfc story, tolling how A. 3. Poppleton caune to locate tn Oniaha a few months after the town waa laid out. See it in The Sunday Dee Mversl months until they also are pro lred with guns and sheila "To put It briefly the alllei on both fronts are being held with no prospect of an early change Moreover, the out look In the Dardanelles, of whlrn the less said the better, long ago rca'.d to effer prospecta of a swift and eay di version In tha middle east" The Ixtndon Times Is one of lxrd Nortlirllffe s papers which has wared an energetic campaign for greater puhllcltj In connection with the war. His attacks upon the Hfltlsh government are credited with being largely responsible for the formation of the new coalition ministry am. the appointment of David Word Hforge as mlnlptor of munitions. ADSTRO-GERMAN ' FORCESJEPULSED Official Report from Fetrograd Says Teutons Defeated with Heavy Losses at Three Points. BIG BATTLE IN K0ZANY REGION PETROGRAD, June i4 (Via Lnndon, June 25.) Austro-Oerman forces were repulsed with heavy louses at three points on tbe Dniester river by tbe Russians, according to an official statement under date of June IS given out today at the head quarters of the general staff. In the Kosmlerjine district the. Russians eerrled by assault a strong fortified height. Enormous losses are said to have been Inflicted upon the Ger mans in the Kocany region. The text of ths communication follows: "There has been no Important change on the Vldava and Dubysa rivets. "On the front of the Narew and Vis tula there have been only small outpost affairs. "Calm haa prevailed ua Lb Tancw front. Tee ton Move Checked. "In the direction of Solktew and Lvov (Lemberg) the evening of the t2d and the whole of the 2.1d were oocupled by the enemy In attempts to renew their ulterior offensive, seeking with particular obsti nacy to advance In the direction of the Cstglkouff and Dlmltrovse, along the railroad between Lvov and Brzesany. "Nevertheless, thanks to ' our troops, by energetic counter attacks these at tempts failed. "On the front of Joumauo-Detneax-. kovlts there haa been a fierce engage ment, which thug far hts developed un der conditions,, fa voratd to us. . "Important Oerman forces which on the morning of the 33d crossed th the Koaanv region to the left bank of the Dniester; Suffered ' enormous - losses Driven' back to ' the river, they - were forced to assume . th defensive . ' under Very difficult conditions, some of . their troops being crowded on an island In the river and others tfltginr to th left bank. Aaatrlans Driven Aeroaa River. "Near Martyovo and Rouadvlany the Austiians crossed . the left bank of the Dniester, but by impetuous . counter at tacks our troops threw them back to the river. Up until 10 o'clock the morning of the 23d tha enemy Inst about forty officers and 1,700 men of various ra&i- j ments, whom we took prisoners. The 1 enemy Is endeavoring to hold his ground (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Workmen Leaving Arsenals to Work for Private Firms PHILADELPHIA, June l6.-cor of killed workmen are leaving the employ of tho government arsenal at Frankfort to accept position with private concern that are supplying order for munition of war for th European belligerent. For the flrt time in year th arsenal Is suffering from a shortage of employes and offflals fear the situation may be come terioua. Twenty men In the machine shop and twenty-five In the fuse department resigned yesterday. A number of others gave up their positions last week and It was said today that nrtarlv ftvura lUntrtman h.J U. t. mni-a or lcs affected. The defections have ' occurred not only among th workmen, but afong officials as well. The men declare thsy have been given three-year contracts with the private firm at wages far In exceas of thoee I paid by the government. According toj 'officials at the arsenal there Is a federal statute which makes It unlawful for private concerns to use a promise of hlghe- nrages to induce an arsenal em ploye to leave the service ot the govern ment and an investigation was said to be under consideration. 1 Colonel Montgomery, commandant at the arsvnel has recommended to thai Washington authorities that the men be given a 21 per cont Increase In wage. Great Lake of Wine Burning at Fresno FRESNO. Cel.. June 25. Surrounded by ! a great lake of fire, the complete de- 1 tructlon of the buildings of the Barton Vineyard company, owe of tha largest wineries In the world, located about three miles east of Fresno, waa threat- a , an . 1 w w ,. . n a . . tr " r hmjt. inn roam t winery and storehouse, together with about IO0.OU0 gallons of wine, already has been destroyed by the fire, which broke ! out about 10 o'clock last night. The 1 loss thus far Is about to"0,000. The burning win spread out In a huge lake and ran down ditches surrounding th buildings. Shortly before 3 o'clock today a brisk wind sprang up and score of men were hurriedly called back to th fir line In an effort to save th remain ing buildings. Th government war house, containing brandy, th sherry bouse, containing more than 100.00 gallon of sherry; the distillery and cottages, were th build ings threatened. RUSSIANS SAY WARSAW LINE STRONG AS EVER Petrograd Reports Defensive Posi tion So Secure that Germans Cannot Withdraw Troops for Elsewhere. LULL IN FIGHTING IS GENERAL Belief Expressed that Teutons Are Preparing to Make Drive Into Russian Poland. MANY BRITISH OFFICERS DEAD LONDON, June 25. Something of a lull tn the fighting as compared to tbe feverish activity of the last fortnight Is enabling military observ ers on both sides to take stock and forecast future operations. Petrograd claims' that the Russian defensive positions are so secure that the Austro-Germana will not be able to withdraw many troops for use against the allies of Russia. The Russians assert, further, that their present line before Warsaw is as strong as It ever was and tbat their armies on the river Dniester will fall back only If the eastward drives of the Austro-Gerraans from Lemberg threatens to cut them off. The authorities of the central empires are less communicative concerning their future Intentions and movement, but it Is believed that Warsaw again is their oblecttv. In England the campaign for muni tlona la In full swing with th possibility of national registration to ascertain the "man power" of the nation. That Kng land appreclatea the need of adding to Its fighting resources la significantly Indi cated by the publication In the London Times of tables showing that the casual ties of offioers during tha last month come within a few hundred of th total casualties during the entire South Afri can war. The total In Bouth Africa waa 2.751, while the lists since May M show that 1.440 offioers have been killed or wounded or reported missing. Italian Official Report. ROME. June 24 (Via Paris. June 23) A gradual advance along the laonso river.' with the occupation of Globna, north of Plava and the edge of th plateau be tween Sagrado and Monfalcone are an nounced lu an official statement Issued toplght at the headquarters of th Italian general " staff. The communication fol lows: in the Tyrol-Trefitlno "region and in Cadore there hare been methodical artll (Contlnued on Pag Two, Coltuna 81a.) The Day's War New ACTIVITY ALONG th Italian frea tler Is atlll chiefly la artillery ea aasremeats, with occasional later lade of Infantry activity. OERMAN OFFICIAL aeraasts of th flahtlaai aloagr the Dniester aarree with th Rasslaa a to tho 4e perateaess of : tho straggle which th two armies are still wagrlasr 1st that part of Oallela. Th Tea tool version, however, admits re. troarreaalaa only at on gvelat, atat. laar that saperlor connter attach by th Rosslaa at Tarlaew had raeaed a portion of General Lln elaaa's troop to ho withdrawn toward ' tho Dniester aonfhcra hank. KLREWHKRB IX th eoatbeaatera theater of war inrosrrea woo betas; made, the official said, whll far. thcr north, althoasjfc the Gorman had evacuated tho -rlllaaro ol Kepaesyska, which they had r- really raptared, they had hrohoai throaah th Rasslaa line seas' Btes-aa and held their footldal there. cam rams in franck show tho rcanmptloa of sapreme activity Oa th hclaht of the Mease, where the French tell of a violent Ger man attaek. Tho German claim 1 that th operation there wrrt he. arna by the French and that a trench was retaken from them. The French admit a German ad. vaaee, hat declare tha former line later were re-established. In th Araroaee the German declare they have ajalned stroaad. ononoqonconononong a o a o To Whom , It May Concern a M o n o D o D o D o a o a o a o D o D a n a D o D o a o a 0 D The Omaha Bee wUl cheerfully take your ad over the phone for its big Sunday paper until 7:43 'Saturday evening. Don't forget if you are iu doubt n to what to any in your ad, that you plight get ppeedy results, it will give, us a great deal of pleasure to help you. Call Tyler 1000. Saononoaoononoaoal t