Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1915, Page 2, Image 2

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    THE 13KK: OMAHA, FRIDAY. JUNE Co, 1915.
'COME back; joliet
ConricU Implore Warden to Return
and Aid in Building: Real
Bonor System.
havoc wrought when the Republican river and the creeks that feed it responded to the
deluge. i.
) "No 99" bridge on Burlington, East of
s franklin., alter watery .had receded.
JOLIET. 111., Juoa 24. Finding
of Mr. Edmund M. Allen's pocket-
. . . 1 . L J A J - t
nnoK ci.niamiDs; i"vcri nunarru uui- i
ls and taluable Jewelry caused the
penitentiary official to abandon a
theory that robbery might have been
the motive for the murder of the
prison vurden'a wife last Sunday
mor.ilng. It was not learned until
today that the victim's purse was
misstate end a search for it was be
gun wltt the result that the black
lebthtr pecketbook was found among
the debris of the charred bedroom
nhere Mr. Allen's body was discov
ered. Molt res for MnrArr.
The penitentiary officials espressed
the opinion tonight that Mrs. Allen was
killed either for revenue or as the is
suit ( an assault.
An armed guard patrolled outside I he
prison rates today for the first time in
eereral yesrs.
, Warden Allen was deeply affected
when he received a letter of sympathy
from the 1.700 convicts In the peniten
tiary. After reading the letter, Warden
Allen declared that he would not re-
Isn his position and that the honor sys
tem st the penitentiary would bs con
t Inued ;
"My confidence in the bnys has not
been shaken. They have stood bv me
snd I'll stand by them."
roarlrta' Letter.
The letter. In part, follows:
"At this hour of deepest Brief, ws send
you this messat of our lors and sym
pathy. "Caesar had his Brutus; Rome Its Nero
Snd Jesus, ths Just, His Judss, yet the
remnants ' of His disciples remstned
steadfsst and true. Bo, In spits of ths
dreadful blow that has fallen upon us,
must ths work of yourself and your wife
go on.
"Ths syss of ths world are upon us
and ws must succeed. Corns back to us
snd ws will build together a rest honor
system as a fitting memorial to your
dear departed wife, that will be mors
lasting and enduring than marble or
bronse. We will build men in whom
honor Is not osd and will not dis.
, (Signed)' "TOUR BOT8.".
(Continued from Pssie Ons.
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nited some petroleum and benslns tanks.
thi railroad station and several factories.
The city apparently had not been touched
by the artillery fire of the Buaslans and
111S Austrisns.
Captured Officers declsrs thait svsn
until vsry recently ths fall of lumbers;
had not been regsraed ss even w remote
possibility by the Rueslsns. Ths fortrTl-
at Ions of the, city hd been modernised
In every way." " ,v '
The loss of Umlwrf deprives the Rue
t.ians of their last atrong supporting point
on Oaliclan soil. Ths moral effort of the
occupation also will be considerable. It
la now being recalled In Berlin that three
months sgo Emperor Nicholas declared
that ths fall ef Prsemysl. In connection
ith the occupstlon of tiemberg, consti
tuted sn overpowering victory for the
: Preach Official Report.
. PARifl. June M-The FVenph war of afternoon statement today said:
North of Arras Isst night has been
rather calm, If ws except ths territory to
the north of Couches, where the cannon
ading nsver cesssd. The enemy bom-
Varded Arras, the Hospltsl of the Holy
tfscrsment being hit. Borne sisters and
cme nurses were killed.
"In front of Domplerrs, west of Per
nnne, the esploston of a Oermaa mine
. was followed by a violent bombardment
of our trenches. Aa attack executed by a numerous German force was easily
checked. On the heights of the Mouse at
the Cslonne trench there hss been no
"In lytrrslnc. not fsr from Lelatrey,
the enemy delivered a counter attack.
ftrr a rather spirited engsgement thsy
were repulsed.
"On the rest of the front lst ntzht
lisaeed culetly.
"The prisoners msde elnre June 14 In
the region of the Fecht river total twen
tj -flve officers, fifty-three under offloers
snd 431 men."
Masons Dedicate
Hall at Columbus
UPLAND. Neb.. June 24. (Special.)
Franklin county Is Just beKlnnlng to
rcsllse that last Friday's rain and hall
storm wss ths most dlssstrous In the his
tory ef the country.
Not a township In the county escaped
the ravages of the hailstones. It Is esti
mated that at least H per cent of all
wheat In the country has been destroyed.
In many places a total loss occurred.
This means a loss of hundreds of thou
ssnrts of dollsrs. Nearly every bridge and
many of tho culverta In the county were
washed away or damaged by ths resulting
It is expected thst the county will heve
to vote from $100,000 tu $130,000 in bonds
to replace these bridges and get the
roada In shape.
Thompsen creek, which drains from the
north end of the county to Rlverton, took
out every bridge but three snd caused
Immense damage In Rlverton, Uklna the
railroad bridge and hundreds of feet of
the right-of-way and demolishing one
ltwssrsriisrtii iiiiiiiiiiieiiiii 1 is rin n
Iooiirj West up "BurJinion track rom Franklin depot.
cemont house and numerous smallsr
buildings. Dosens) of hesd of csttls and
horses were drowned in this creek. Rlver
ton has been cut off from the surround
ing country slnre Friday. Telephone and
telegraph lines were destroyed. The rosds
In all directions were Imnaseable.
Center creek, draining ths country from
Wilcox to Franklin, csused a like amount
of damage along Its course. At Frsnklln
the water barked u at the tracks and
flooded the surrounding country, Including
the depot, until the rnllway grade save
sway. When this went it took a mile of
Thousands of seres of Republican bot
tom corn and alfalfa land are atlll under
water and all crops destroyed. The big
Iron bridge at Franklin over the Repub
lican was psrtly wsahed away. The cen
ter span was carried a mile down the
river. Tracks were rsrried a quarter of a
mU. 1
"Ninety-nine" creek, emptying east of
Franklin,' wss over forty feet deep be
fore it carried the railroad embankment
and brtdse away.
All trains over ths Burlington from Red
Cloud to Bloomlngton have been an
nulled and it is not thought posslbls to
fix the tracks In leas than another week.
The town of Macon suffered severely
from the hall. Roofs were punched full
of holes snd hundreds of windows were
The road supervisors hsve hundreds of
men working on ths rosds and brldgea
and today it Is posslbls to get from the
north part of the county to alt the
towns sxcept Rlverton. It Is not possible
to drive from any south town in the
county .to any other, and boats sre car
rying food and provisions to the people
south ot the river.
Thirteen hundred acres of land era
under watsr just south of Msoon with no
way to drain It.
The destruction st Franklin la fierce.
No mall has gone out or into Franklin
since Friday. All freight is now being
hauled to l'rlsnd, nineteen miles. '
Another Slight Etuth Shock Fait in
City Eecently Visited by
Eti CBNTRO, Cal., June 24 Another
slight earthquake shock was felt hero
at : a. nv today. It stiook brinks from
the Masonic temple and varioua other
buildings were ruined or damasred by the
series of shocks Tuesday night.
Beveral slight tremors were felt during
the night and kept people of the valley
in a state of excitement.
According to those who have taken
stork of ths damage the loeees caused by
the earthquake will not exceed tMO.000.
Business men are enthusiastically Joining
in a movement to obliterate alt traces
of havoo.
Tn two weeks ws will not know we
had anything like this," said Msyor
Offers of financial assistance received
today by ths mayor were declined.
WASHINGTON. June 24. Secretary
Lane of the Interior department received
reassuring messages today from Tuma,
Aria., and El Centra, Cal. R. M. Priest,
acting manager of the government work
at Tuma. telegraohed:
"No damage at Tuma: two slight shocks
last night and nine at El Centre, Cal.
Buildings extensively damaged by fire
at Calexlco. Irrigation system not dam
aged anywhere. No Immediate relief can
be given from Washington. Tuma has
offered asslatsnce to Imperial Valley."
C. R. Rock wood at El Centre tele
graphed: "Neither levee nor canals Injured. El
Centro and Calexlco badly damaged, but
we have begun to rebuild better. The
people of Imperial Valley desire to ex
press through me their gratitude for
your quick sympathy."
Secretary Lane had Instructed Priest
to offer any aid ha could to El Centro
snd said to Rock wood In part:
"A people that has done what your
people has done oannot be daunted by
either earthquake or firs."
Bis Killed t Mexlre.ll.
CALEXICO, Cel.. June K-The number
of earthquake victims killed at Mexteall
Tuesday was definitely fixed today at
alx. Beveral American women were In
jured. Brigadier General Robert Wan.
kowskl of ths California National Ouard
arrived here to confer with city offi
cials on measures for relief. Fifty men
were put to work clearing sites for re
building. Slight shocks were felt here
again today.
Bellevue Graduates
Married'ih Open Air
in Unique Ceremony
COLCMBC. Neb.. June 24. (Special
Telegram.) The Free Masons' hall was
dedicated here today, about XM members
attended the ceremonies. Grand Master
Mason Bsmuel B. A'bltlng. ssalsted by
officers snd members of ths grand lodge,
performed the ceremonies and ths fol
lowing program waa rendered:
A ambling of the brethren.
Kr.try of grand lodge In grand ro
reMion with mualr.
t.ivlng of grand honors three times
ingir,g of the owning' ode.
Invocation. Grand Chaplain Charlea U.
Si nan .
Inspection of ths temple by the grand
loila-e mualc march.
First rtrer.mambulatlori on the grand
lolae around the ermbnl followed by the
second and third and four i'lrt'Umumbu
laiKin and grand honors
li'ocatloQ. Urand Cl.aplsln Charles M.
M utc.
l'rc Umatiou.
oreil.xi by Master Workman William
lion by M. W. S II. lain A. iJeuord.
P M.
benediction. Grand CI a plain Charles
M Hhepard.
Tableau a tribute to tl.e flag of our
1 ountry by fifteen youug womrn a1
fifteen Kntshts Templar, accompanied by
an. glng. "rilar Kpangied Banner."
Robert A. French, grand cuatodlan,
took active part In the ceremoniea. At
I p. m., the lodgs met In closed wrk.
among them some from her friends In
k'r. and Mrs. Rice left Thursday evening
(or Chicago, from where they will go to
ks Geneva, Wis., for the summer.
KSiar Teaaa Treeaeed.
KI;AK. Neb. June 24. tepociali
Yiitral fty won. lo 1. wben 101 mr
wmt tt In the nasth limine. The
Mtun sot fifteen hlte lautrt-e ten
n navl il l Wiry. I'mplre. Many Htoiy.
Ual l i t. Lenny snd Ciranl; LUar. Car.
A wedding of unusual Interest In Pres-
bytsrtsn mlsslonsry circles In Uils psrt of
the countrv took place In Hsuevue on
Wednesday evening when Miss Edna
Findley of Bellevue wss united in mar
riage with Glen Rice of Pierce. Neb.
Miss Findley Is the dsughter or Mrs.
W. If. Findley. whoee husband, Kev. w.
H. Findley, wss for years a missionary
among the Omaha Indians. The young
woman la a graduate ot Bellevue college.
In the class of 111. The two yeara after
her e-raduation she spent aa a missionary
In ths Sheldon-Jackson school in Alsska.
During the Isst year aha has been teacn
Ing In the Bellevue public school and has
been active In local missionary clrolea.
Mr. Rio Is also a Bellevue graduate in
the clsss of isll and while In school be
was a star athlete and debater. Ha won
first place aa Bellevue) representative In
the ststs peace contest In 1911 over the
Crelghton men. This ysar Mr. Rice
completed hie four-year course st Mc
Cornrick Theological seminary. Chicago,
and after hla wedding Journey he and his
brlds expect to enter upon a pastorate
In westsrn Nebraska.
The ceremony Wednesday evening was
performed at 7:4o on ths lawn of ths
Findley home In Bellevue by Dr. Stephen
Phelps. Prof. E. M. Jones of Omaha,
under whom Mlaa rtndley studied muslo
while in Bellevue college, plsyed the wed-
dlnc march.
The wedding procession moved serosa
ths lawn down a white csrpeted . alsie
formed of daisy chains to a bsnk of oass
and under a bell of daisies ths nuptial
knot was tied. Little Irmabelle Cum-
mlngs, cousin of the bride, carried the
ring In a Illy chalice. Mlsa Mildred Stepp
ng "I lAve Tou Truly" Just before the
ceremony and following it Mies nssei
Wilcox rendered two violin numbers, ac
companied by Miss Ruth Flynn.
The brl'le waa beautiful In a gown of
white crepe de chins with chantllly lare
and pearls, her long tulle veil being held
with lilies of the valley and smllsx. ins
csrrted a shower bouquet of lilies ot the
alley and white roses.
Her cousin. Miss Irene Deau. aa brldes-
mald. waa gowned In pink and carried
pink sweet eaa.
Mr. Velmsn Rlcs, the groom's brother,
as best man.
After the ceremony a reception wss
held on the lawn to all th guests. One
hundred and ten friends and relatives of
the bride and groom were present. Out-
of-town guests were Mr. and Mrs. II.
Hire of Pierce, Neb., parents of the
groom; Mr. end M'S. N. J. Rics vt
Flagler. Colo.; Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Walker. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Otis and
Rev. George 8. Rica of Council Bluffs,
Uersld snd Wlmsn Rice of Flagler. Colo.;
i'rof. and Mrs. E. M. Jones of Omaha,
Dr. and Mrs. Wilcox and daughter, Hasel,
Dr. and Mrs. Walter N. Halsey ot
Omaha. Ulas Mary E. Kins and Miss
Ceanor M. MUman of Logan. Ia.; Misses
Christine Jensen of South Omaha. Msr
garet Nunn ot Walthlll. Florsnos Stevens
of Minnesota. Cleo Scott of Chad row.
Neb.; Mlaa Brown of Ceoksvtlle. HI.; Mrs.
sod Miss Irene Deau of Valley Falls.
Kan.; Mrs. W. J. Cummtngs and children,
Irmabelle and Blllle. of UsKitoa, Kan.;
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Itataerman and eon,
Frank, of 1'awner City. Neb.; Mrs. Frauk
Middle of !., ban
The biiilc received many beautiful gifts, j
(sfter which a sumpuous banquet was
given to the members ami visitors.
Eight Hundred
Austrian Troops
Killed by Italians
ROME, Juns 23. (Via Paris, June 24)
The official statement Issued tonight at
the headquarters of the general staff of
the Italian army was ss follows:
"Along ths entire front there has been
an artillery duel between pieces of
medium aud larger caliber. The enemy
endeavored last night to attack particu
larly Monteplano, Val Grande, Val rio
cok, Cremaverse. (situated between Fix
socolllns and Zelllenkofel). and C.-aU-vcrde.
which had been occupied by our
troops yesterday.
"During ths night of Juns H-22 and
continuing the following day, the enemy
made three desperate attacks against our
position at Frelkofel. All these attacks
were repulsed successfully by the splen
did fire of our artillery and ths use ot
hand grenades. The enemy left ton
bodies on the bettlefletd.
''In the bay of Plesso preparations are
being made by the Austrlana for ths In
stallation of heavy artillery, and slong
the neighboring heights convoys have
been seen going from Plesso towsrd the
upper I son to
game was a three-base hit by Mead of
the visitors with the bases full. Bat
teries: Western, Van Iw, Van Lew
and Carson; Milllgan, O ruber, Havellka
and Mead.
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
LINCOLN. June 24. (Special.) Three
hundred and fifty Buick automobile deal
ers representing lows. South Dakota
snd Nebraska are In Lincoln today for
their fifth annual convention. This Is
sbout half of the actual number In the
three states. The thing Interesting most '
of them Is the exhibit of the nek six-'
cylinder 1918 Buirk. This evening a ban
quet was held st ths Lincoln hotel with
Lee Huff of Omaha as toastmaster.
Aat .twaral that Speaks Volwswes.
Golden State. Extra Pry Champagne,
was swarded the "Orand Prix" at the
Panama-Paciflo International exposition.
This mskes) ths fourth "Grand Prix" for
this famoua Champagns. produced by the
Italia a Swiss Colony. Astl, California.
Revenue Agent and
' Distiller Indicted
FORT SMITH. Ark., June 24. Knox
Booth, former chief of the government
"In the Monte Nero region aud along .Internal revenue district of Tennessee
the Isonso the dsy of June
32 passed
Mllllarasi Defeats Western.
WB'TKRX. Neb., lune 24. (SDeoisl.)
Ths Mtllliian base ball team defeated
the Western team here Tuesday by a
score or u to w The feature of the
and Alabama, with headquarters at
Nashville.: John L. Casper, a Ksnsss
City distiller, and ten other men. were
Indicted by a federal grand Jury this
afternoon In connection with an alleged
conspiracy to . defraud the government
by illegal operation ot distilleries.
See its Purity!
Pure, transparent vege
table oils make pure
Soaps made from
animal fats are not so
cood for the skln;tbelr
heavy lather does not
easily rinse away. .
See bow quickly Jap
Rose latbersand rinses,
leavlntf the skin clean
and soft.
Voor Dealer StUstt
Thompson-Bel den ?Go.
New Figured Cotton Goods
35c and 40c Yard
Unusually beautiful arcs the&r new fabric., their fine
ness BUffest silk rather than cotton. Voiles of various
weaves, white arid tinted grounds printed in dainty col
orb, some have just a suggestion of color while others
have flower scattered all over. Exceptional values.
Dress Goods Section Main Floor.
Muslin Underwear
Combination corset cover
and drawers, materials are
of fine nainsook, trimmings
either lnce or embroidery; a
4 special value at
Third Floor. '
With all tho new
Including th
new automatic
stop, record fil
ing system and
larger - ton
rhamber, at ...
1 (ci f
Visit our newly' remodeled Talking
Machine) Department on the Main
flour. We have gone to big expense
I us tailing new, sound-proof demon,
atratliag rooms, and now Welcome
)oa to the beet equipped depart.
uiesU west of Chicago.
r w
I Is
Oak or Mahogany
It laat ear M ni s saautiral. saaaia.
Slamoaa or ftaa wmua If too s abaul It
risht. Taj. ar to "ao aboat It" la te ten
a caars. aeeouot vita ua aaS arraat. term,
ef payoMiit to auK y.ur W.
doltver th. soode ana row have th. plaaaura
ana ataMlsa ef wvarlnc wtill. s a r a s
Tbwf ta 00 adveataa la "envies op" th.
fall avto. before yea bar. bavaa. ur un.
waa bM.ia.aa. wtth atoraa la smar etttvs, aa
abiM u. t. e.11 aa araSit at lower prtoae
tbea .Umts ana waa SaanaaS all eaab lovt.
NO. Ma i DUaoaS
Hlag. S prong
mouDtlna ik ACQ
aolld goM
II at A WtBK
SS UlaaioaS Rtas.
lk. aK "14. Loftte
'wrlaetlsa" S f5 O
aoantlns apw
$A a Komtk
Tts LaSIm' Watah. O lit? Ia Tnl-
alM. 14k aolU solS. haaS Imt. fla. aollS
aarvwt raa. fla. dmoad gala, par feet
la star aatuag. tiuaS ewt. bfilllaat dta-
wKk Sigta wr Waltkaai atuaa. tkiw. im-
ainam. rwar itaiot tia. pwaxla U-m.
turjzT'" s .f.... im-si
UM S aiONTH Si. at" A 'MONTH.
fiss Psirr Til P. H teisissri Tifl t 3
Call or writ, far Catalog Ha. MS fWaa
Oeaglaa tM sad aaleaavaa wilt sail.
Boys' Union Suits
39c Each
Our regular 50c grade of
Boy's Knit Union Suits,
short sleeves, knee length,
Fridov - - - -39c each
Wash Goods Specials
Friday in Basement
10o and 12'vzc May Bud and Luce Dress Crepes, 27 inches
wide; all the wanted summer shades and designs,
at 6Vc a yard
121fec and 15c Dress Ginghams, all this season's patterns,
Bates' Toil-du-Nords and Amoskeag brand - - 10c a yard
Tissues and Voiles, 27 inches wide, neat stripes, checks,
and fancy floral patterns 12V6 a yard
Basement Ready-to-wear
50c Table
Friday we will place on this table a mipcc-llaneous assort
ment of lawn kimonas, gingham aprons, white dressep,
percale dresses, sateen and gingham petticoats, choice
each 50:
The Store for Shirtwaists
Friday's paper will carry an announcement of
an important sale of fine blouses.
Watch for it.
Sale of Silk Remnants
Detail of salo will be announced soon. Watch,
for it. Remnants of silks of every grade in fashion's
list will be included.
VERY Person Who
Invested in Home Builders'
Preferred Shares
Last December at $1.12 per share, received the benefit
of the extra surplus profit of 2c per share January 1st,
in addition to the regular guaranteed 1, which' raised
the value of his shares to $1.14.
Those who invest now, before July 1st, will share
in the extra surplus profits of the last six months.
Home Builders' shares have advanced in value
every January and July according to the surplus act
ually shown on its books. This advance, plus the 7
cash dividends, has earned over 10 for present stock
holders. Does your money earn morel
Ask for our booklet, the "New Way".
202 South 17th Street.
Omaha, Neb.
Honesty bailt oar basinets
to ons of ths largeet practice tn
Nebraska. We tell you on first
consultation Just what rati neet
and exactly what cost ef same
will be.
TAXwLMm XTma.onosT
Taft's Dental Rooms
Positive Relief
from the Battering caused by dis
ordered conditions of the organs
of digestion and elimination
from indigestion and biliousness
always secured by the safe,
cai-tain and gentle action of
Tonight, 8:20,
and Bat., Mat, and
TBTSt TIT. iV TW" nnwn
Edward Lynch J&su''
Bayard Tamer's Sensational Melodrama,
stats. i lee. 8 So. BveaUa-s, aSe. ase, SOo
Ilea Wfci Whers the Trsit lhTtdes?
Wedassday I
a a auar
Lake Manava
Dancing, Bathing, Boating
Many Other Attractions
vrae MestasT Irtetejes) Birery Besmlaa-