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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1915)
12 THK HKK: O." n?II)AY, .11TXK 25, 1915. HEAL ESTATE NORTHWEST Clip the Coupon at the Bottom of This Ad It is worth $10 to any one who will come to 50th and Military Avenue between 1:30 P. M., Saturday, June 26th and 5 P. M., Sunday, June 27th and make use of it as directed entirely deserving of exceptional sales methods. So we are offering this Coupon as an inducement to you to come and see the lots we have for sale in one of the best located and beautiful residence .sections in the city. We know that if you will come out and see these lots that you will be greatly impressed with the many advantages they offer and the reasonable prices and easy terms. VEARNE PARK will mate a strong appeal to you if you are anxious to make a home for yourself and your family at as reasonable a cost as possible. WEARNE PARK has been made just as inviting to the homemaker as skillful engineering service and money and care can make it. The lots are high and sightly; the surroundings are beautiful; the air is delightfully clear, pure and invigorating and there is excellent street car service. The Purchase Price of lots in this Addition includes all of such im provements ns Boulevarded Streets, Cement Gutters and Walks, Trees, City Water and Gas. So You See The price you pay for one of buy much ground-It roundings, y permanent buyers have i and years. The Prices Range From $475.00 to $930.00 The Terms $15.00 to $20.00 Cash and $5.00 to $10.00 Per Month sent it as directed. Clip avenue at 1:30 P. M. Saturday Since you will secure your pick of the gain by coming early. t i.i! :ii Kjur rupresuniauve win iSio; COUPON This Coupon represents $10.00. and will be accepted such by the undersigned, when applied at part of first payment on any lot In WKAHNK I'AKK a aubdlvUlon of Douglas county. Nebr.. mhlch la untold at the time thla la preaented; provided, however, that thia Coupon la presented for redemption between the hours of 1:30 P. M. Saturday, June 26th, and 6 P. M. Sunday, June 17th. at 60th and Military avenue. E. P. WRIGHT. NOTE -Only one Coupon will be accepted aa part of purchase price on any one lot purchased under above conditions. FOR RENT Hiimi a.4 I vltaa. -ROOM clean modern brick flat, south front, near Hth. E. C. fcawy.r, 4M pntnclela bids Phon Ioug. ltiaa. o ALL. modern t-routn houee, on car line. In FWauca, iaxg yard. Florence Sue, Main tit. M -KuOM houaa In Kounla I'lai (or ; all modern. Call Tyler 1101. 15.1 NORTH U1H BT New seven-roota modern houaa lor rent or sale by owner. Walnut 1jT. tn. . , til SOUTH CD. . Two sol ooe-half block of tkh and Farnam; I rooms and reception ball. 4 bedrooms, oak finishing, well decorated. su-fuol lot. mo tig a hade treea; Ij& per muMtv.' iou uuat act at once tf you set lliia. HIATT-FAIRF'IEI.n CO.. rw Omaha Nat. lsnk hM. P. 49. T-Kooat MuDt.HN HOI :B --4J6. Y-3 Pa-lrie. Oood house, close tn. One- half btok to Htnxom Para car llo. W 111 ut Is Lrat con lltl m. AK!daJ.KO.NU-VAIJH CO.. "-- titota !- REAL ESTATE XORTflWEST This is an exceptional method Estate for sale, but we wish to beautifully located building the lots are exceptionally more than a buys location, transportation improvements -to -wait and hope for, for years "MYTT? The Coupon below can bo IN vy 1 i- applied as part of your . first payment if you pre the Coupon nowBe lots remaining you will Take Benson car to 50th a. xi muui you mere. FOR RENT ih. For Rent South half of double brick kouae T rooma, 4 bedroom, all modem, at UU Mouth Xvta be, near Park school, one block east of Hanacom park, let barney ItrM. EABY-tu-keeo house on one floor; UU 1'a.rk Ave.; a beautiful bom, 4 rooms, laundry, pantry, etc: a tr lolly modern; aa stove ; lacing llanaootn Park, JU, rare chance. M lawellaa.. EAST WALKINO DISTANCE. Beven rooma and rcptlon hall. 4 bi rooma. Oak finish, polished floors. btrVtly modern. K. C. Sawyer, phone Uouslas I-. 4X1 Hrandela Kldv. iij. elaea. U wr uonta ua. Ul Paatoa. $io: REAL ESTATE NORTHWEST of offering Real dispose of some lots quickly and 6ince high grade they are these lots will mere plot of beautiful sur facilities and that many lot at 50th and Military undoubtedly want to see the advantage you'll and Military avenue v If It Rains Saturday " Arrangements can be made to ex tend the time of purchase to those who will present this Coupon be tween the hours of 1:80 P. M. an 6:00 P. M. Saturday, June 16th. at our office, , 1703 Farnam Bt. Ground Floor Corner Office, Bee Buildlnc. E. P. Wright Doug. 2026 FOR RENT Mtaellaneoaa. ALL MODERN. 111041401 N. 40ta and Hamilton Bts., T rooms. IU.0O M74 HamOton Bt., T rooms, loo ttTO Myrtle Ave., rootna. M to Jonas Bt-. rooma. 4;l.ii) to aV kith bt. rooma. lA.Oo SWT Cumlnc 8t (-room brick flat IJbOO 3uuS Iodae St.. ivoma. OUTolDK Ar-AHTMENT. fOUTH AND ILApT SXnJ6l;RE. tX.OO hark Ave., 4 rooma. OLOVCR A SPAIN. Doualaa Mwt. i City National. FIDELITY B.Nvttk FREE atv.u rM.i.a Ma ui.t- A vaoant bou.a and apartment.: slao for torase, mevtns. 14th and Jackaon Sta, 6EK the Central Vumlture Biorea. FBES nr. m i a L, u.i. Gordon Van Co. alovina Paralns, htoi asn. rt n. inn at. Tel n or Wee U-l v, modern, t-room bunjiaiow. bard wood f)nin. euiit in iwki a'. Wirt bt louslaa UUL Keaaonabla. l ()l( RENT Mlerrll. . C. Reed T.rv. Co., movn, rrkln Sloraae 12i7 Farnam. f. 14. Maggard's d ua for oa- for roov- int. packing, shipping. 1711 V'ebater St Bide " 1 ' a'Mitai ti 1 fiej CIIJT. lobeVan& Storage Btores. move. uerJta. shins: 1-horne van nd 3 mm, $1.25 per hr.: stnraae 12 per mo. Satisfaction xuar. I. 4M A Ty. m torn mmm ofiie, A nice office tn a good location. make your business plans successful. THE BEE BUILDING "THE BUILDING THAT 18 ALWAYS N BT" furnishes just such combination Office Room 103. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. upetintenderit's Office. Room 103. (inratMi anil Rama. GARAGE-TOs 8. Jflth St. Harnev 735. WANTED TO BCT ale buy everything 2nd hand. Web. 4904. OFFFICB furniture bought and sold. u. need, run rarnam. Doug, s.14 WANTED To buy good grocery and meat ftxturea for our new more. No. S3, 1137 Farnam. Tel. Basket 8tore Office. Douglas nam. WANTED To bay Jersey cow; rich milker. Call Walnut 13"n. Ichtly irwu hlirn ararte ciano. r. 1017. WANTED TO Bi;y Second-hand daven port, must open Into bed. and bo In Bond lean condition, 8ta'te price. Adress Y 5sS. J fee. RKAL ESTATE FARM Jk RANCH LANDS FOR SALE tmlltorala. Live Oak Colonies, none batter. W. T. Fmith Co., sii-14 city Nat. ua. . bob. atlckiifaa. Big Land Opening On Tuesday. July 6, Only At $9 Per Acre Of Swigart'a new Dickson Township Tract in Manistee county, Michigan. We throw In 2.U0O additional acres in addi tion to tha original 6,ouu acres. Mmy who could not leave work last month wanted another chance and reuucitcd a reopening. We will not reopen tha aale at the former price of $8 per acre. We cannot now make the price leaa than U per acre, and this Is a lower price than these lands will ever again be offered for. It la still only a fraotlon of their value and they will soon be several tlmea that price. No land for stile until ex cursion arrives on ground. Not les than 40 nor more than 100 acres to one person. $.0 down and 17.60 monthly on each. 40, or annual payments. Five per cent off for all caah. No land at thla price after cheap rate excuraion, which leaves Chi cago Tuesday, July , 11:30 a. m. Kntlre expense from Chicago and return, Includ ing board, railroad fare, Pullman sleeper, etc., about $16.M. Write immediately for map-circular, giving all particulars. These are choice farm lands adapted for gen eral crops, stock, dairying, poultry. truck, fruit; near towna. railroads, mar kets; quick tranaportatlon by boat or rail to Chicago. Qrand Rapids, Detroit, opportunity of lifetime for wage earner. farm ranter or farm hand to get a farm horns. George W. Swigart OWNER. CM0 First Nst. Bk. Bldg. Chlcsgo. - Iowa. HA V19 TOU A FARM FOR SALEf Write a rood description of rour land and send It to the Sioux City, Is., Journal, -towns onost roworiui want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Fridav evening, Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening and Sunday morning ror one montn. giving sixteen ads oa twelve different days for 12; or 0 words, 14: or 76 words. SC. Largest circulation of any Iowa news. paper. 2(4,000 readers dally In four great aiai.a. BETTER than money In the bank, i good tarms in t'ottawattsmle county, lows. Sure investment. McCoy &0'Doherty 711 Plate Bank. SMALL, MISSOURI FARM. SS cash and 15 monthly, no Interest or tarns; highly productive land, close to three big marketa: write for photographs na ruu iniormation. Hunter. in. i. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. LET us tell you about thia 70-acre stock rami in oionona Co., lowa, I67.M an acre. An 80-acre farm S miles of Wood bine, is., pnes 1W per sere. Writs us. McCoy &0'Doherty m eiais nam niag. Wassjlagten. FREK lumber with every sale. Land near Hpokane raising fruit, grain, vegetables, stock. Free booklet. Consolidated Lsnd Co.. Elk. Spokane Co.. Wash. KARMS WANTED LIST reaJ estate and rentals with DON KLSON K. t. CO.. ail ijra. I uanK. REAL ESTATE 1XJAN9 FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT TOIjAND TRUMBULL. 441 Be Bldg. 100 TO 110,000 mads promptly. r. L. VVead, wean mag,, inn ana rirnim eta. CITT J. H, and farm loena, t, Dumont A Co., 414 tAi. 4 pc State Bi er cent. a UN WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest ratea. PETERS TRUflT CO.. la Farnam. WANTED City loana and warren's. W. Farnam Smith 4V Co., 1X30 Farnam 8L CITY property. Large loana a specialty. W. H. Thomas, Z2 tttate Bank Hiug MONEY on hand for city and farm loana H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homea Eaat Nebraska farms, O KKEFE REAL ESTATE CO.. I01f Omaha Natlonnl- Phone Doug.aa 1711 8KE ua first for farm loana In eaatern Neb. United Statea Trust Co.. Omaha. 6ft CITY LOANS. C. G. Ca.-tborg, ID-12 Brand'ls Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE A'"UE tract on or near car, wltn new bungalows; SI.60O to 12,000. Call for loca tion and free city map. PATTERSON. Patterson Blk. REAL ESTATE KORTH SIDE New Bungalow At a bargain. large rooms, strictly modern, finished in oak, all of the latest bedroom fixtures; walls are decorated; yard sudden; f me location, cloee to car and school. Call the owner and make arrangements to gea this fins bom. At your own torma C. E. Musgrove WEBSTER 4S'l. NEAK 24TU AND CUMING Nina-room houae. good lot, brick pave ment, all paid' house In flrat-ciasa condi tion; lare rooma; price cut to U.0OU; tuuO caah, balance monthly. C. (. CAKLBEltG, ill Brandels Theater Bldg. RE All FSTATF NORTH SIDE 16th and Cuming 33x1.12 with Improvement, renting at 4S per month. Price for quirk eale j.tfo. A Mc bargain and bound to bring more money. Glover & Spain Phone Iourlaii Mntjr National. Plx rooms, all modern exoept heat, outh front lot, laved etreet with par In paid, nke ahnde trron. clone to 24th are"t cur line and Ixjthrop achool; tWO carh will handle thla. C. 0. CARLBERO, S12 Prandola 'Theater Bl'la- $250 Cash Balance monthly, for a dandy new mod ern bungalow; walking dlatance: nice large lot: ht'e finished at once at 2215 Clark Bt. in oak. fee It H. A. Wolfe WARF. PTCK. nono. wis. $30 Cash and $30 per Month Ruvi thla beautiful 5-room bungalow; modern throughout; furnace heat, full cement baaement; oak flnleh principal roimi; 1 blocka from car line and 4 block from another; 2H blocks from tine achool. Telephone Doug. 292G Today or Call Wal. 682 Any Evening Between 7 and 8 p. m. CAN YOU BEAT ITT Dandy 4-room houae. modern except heat, cement cellar, ahade tree, paved et. with paving paid; price H.OflO; VJflO cash; located near 27th and Brlatol Sts. C. G. CARLBERO, 312 Brandels Theater Bldg. BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful S-roorn. strictly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tion; elegantly finished Inside; as good as new; large lotl cistern. Prlao $3,700. Call 2SVJ Wirt. Phone Web. Z9S6 after a. m. REAL ESTATE SOUTH SIDE HanscomPark Dist. Six-Room House We have a very pretty nerwhome, only two blocks from Hanscom park, that can be sold on easy terms. This houe is oak finished, with beam ceilings, built-in bookcases, etc.! fireplace, toilet and laun dry In basement. Ixjt 60x132. Price 16.260. Located at 333S Walnut St. Small cottage would be accepted In trade. Norris & Norris 400 Bee Bldg. Phons Douglas 4270. REAL ESTATE WEST SIDE So. Central Blvd. New 6-R. House $4,300 Facing enst on one of the prettiest turns on the bcmierard, on a choice lot In a natural park- Finished and occupied Dy owner only tnre montns ago. ne must sell now and will sacrifice. Six dandy rooms and bath and ail klnda of closet ana storage space. nsnnsome hardwood finish and all the desirable and artistic feature of the up -to-date home. T00 cash and $49 per month will handle. ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO. Phone Tyler 163. Stats Bank Bldg. REAL ESATE INVESTMENTS 12 Net Investment Store building, close in. paved street. rented now on a five-year lease at 130 per month; price reduced to 17,700. Terms can be arranged. Investigate at once If yju want a bargain. Glover & Spain Phone Douglas S96. 19 City National. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Florence. C. U NF.THAWAX for trades, ence 27. Tel. Flor REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Two Beautiful New Homes On Easy Payment Plan. . See Them Today, Sure One Is a 6-room bungalow, brand new and modern throughout, with oak In principal rooms. This house omy H block from car line and tn beautiful loca tion. Terms, $300 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit. The other Is a largo 7-room hours, H llcck from car line. In beautiful new ad dition; house is all modern, with otk in living room, dining room and sun loom th-r Is a large brick fireplace In the 11 v Ing room and there la every desirable built-in convenience. Thla beautiful home can be bought on the following terms: $500 Cash and Monthly Payments to Suit. Telephone Douglas today and we'll be pleased to send auto for you to come and make inspection. E. P." Wright Residence phone. Walnut CM. eveilngs. Office phone, Douglas 2S2C. MCE FIVE-ROOM BUNGALOW FOR ONLY $2, 50.00 . . $250 CASH. House is In good order, fully modern, on paved street, near car line; lot 40x130. W. II. OATE3, (47 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 124 B('NGAIW. new. modern: south front JI.UX); 7th and Dorcas. Patterson. D. ttiT MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. fr. IE. R. Tarry cures pllea. fistula and other rectal diseases without', surgical operation. Cure guaranteed and ne money paid until cured. Write for book oc rectal diseases with testimonials. IjsL E. R. TARRV. 14ft xiee bldg. ttUPTURR cured In few days without aln. Cal! or write Dr. Wray, M Bee i ray, sue tie lwi. O iilil.. Ouiaba. Established TO DRAFT WORKERS IN MUNITIONS SHOPS Lloyd George Givei Labor Seven Days to Volunteer to Man Fac tories Turning Out Shells. CONSCRIPTION IS ALTERNATIVE LONDON, June 26. David Lloyd George, the minister of munitions, has given British labor seven days In which to make good the promise of Its leaders that men will rally to the factories In sufficient numbers to produce a maximum supply of muni tions of war. This was the most striking statement In the new minis ter's speech In the House of Com- Aak for Seren nays. mons today In the course of outlin ing the munitions measures, which is designed to control not only the out put, but the men responsible for the output. The first of the seven allotted days will begin tomorrow and with its dawning will be launched a great campaign to re cruit the workers. "I had a fresh discussion with the trades union leaders." said Mr. Lloyd George In his speech, "and told thorn It n adequate supply of labor could ict be lecured, compulsion was Inevitable. The vr.lon representatives answered: 't;ive ua r. rhanre to supply the men needed In seven days; If we cannot get thei we will admit that our cnBe is consido-ably weakened.' "The seven days will begin tomoirow," continued Sir. Lloyd Oeorge, "ami ad vertisements will appear in all th. pa Irs. The union representatives have en gaged 190 town halls as recruiting offices and the assistance of every one has been Invited." The munitions bill makes strikes and lockouts Illegal; provides for compulsory artltratlon; limits the profits of employ ers; creates a voluntary army of work men pledged to go wherever they are wanted, and contains other prov.alons which will give the minister full powers to carry out the plans he has devised to develop the production of munitions. ends Man Over flea. After emphsslzlng the absolute neces sity of vast supplies of guns aurt ammu nition, which he described as the great esrentlal of victory, the minister an nounced that he had snt David Alfred Thomas, managing director of great colliery companies in South Wales and known as the "British coal king," to rep resent the munitions department In the United States and Canada. Respecting thib point, the minister said: "There Is not the slightest idea of su perseding our existing agencies. They have worked admirably and have saved s many millions. Mr. Thomas will co operate with the Messrs. Morgan with a view to expediting supplies-" Speaking of the German preparation, tha minister said: Germany has been piling up material. Until It was ready it was friendly with everybody. We really thought an eta of pesce and good will had come. At that moment It was forging and hiding sway enormous war stores to attaok its ueigh- RAILWAY TIME CARD LMO.N STATION Tenth and Uaaea, Chicago It North Treat em i NORTH. Dspart. Arrive. Twin City titnai.. a 1 i am sio pm b 7:44 am a I II am a I II pm a : pm a 4:41 pm all U am a 4:04 pm a 7 .11 am BAST. a 7:1 am a 7 CO am a 4:00 pm a 7:44 am all:(l pm alJ:aa pm a l:4 pm a 4:10 pm alO M am a 04 pm a 7 :0 am akota FUHior Sioux Cltr Loof .. Mtnn.lpolU ExpraM Iwlo Clljr Limit!. D.itw gpHlal .... Carroll Local Hawk.y Kipraas .. Chlcaao Local .... Carroll Looal Chicago Special San V-mdcimo Limited aitf M am .10:11 am Oi.rlanft Llnilt.4 a 1:00 pm a 7 HO am Oroaon-Waablnfton Limited. .a I It pm al0:lf am IjOS AnSlS wduwi .M p tu.H aa WWT. Chaflroa Local a i:4 am Lincoln-Dallas a 4 20 am a 4:to pm Llnooln-Long Pins a 1:11 pm al4:ll pm H.MInaa-Sup.rior b 1:14 pm b 4:14 pm D4wood-Hot Bprlnca a I Ml pm a 440 pm Caaper-Laxl.r a 1:44 pm all o aa Wabash Omba-8t. Louis XiprMS.,..a 4:14 pm a 4:B an Mall and BKprM ! iu:s i I nioa Pad f to Overland Limited a 4-40 am a 1:44 pn California Man .w pa b...w am Omaha KiprMl a 4:14 om Atlanta Biprea. ......... a 4:44 am a 4 40 pm (I N pn a 1:40 am a 7:45 pm a 1:14 pm a 4:44 pm ai4:4 am bll.4 pm a I am a 1 44 pm 1:14 pm il Ijoi Anf.ioa branw -. Color.Ho Biprs a pm Colorado Social all ljam San FranclKO Limited .10:14 am p.oltlo Umlted ........ ;::...all 44 am OrMoa-WaSblnstoB' Limited. .a!4 14 am North Piatt. Local . ''" Orand Ulaad Looal s 4 40 pm Stromaouri iwi r Illinois itatrw Chleaga LlmlUd (Tiioaao g's 4 40 am Albion -0kil. k4Spm Chlcaao, Mtlwaahea Bt. Pi Llmltod a 7 10 pm all:H am a 7:11 am all 1 am a 1 16 pm Aw.-... Aattciml a .:.u pm Cblcaso wi't - . r -.hlori.1. Mall 4:44 pm Manilla Local Chlcaao Ureal a t 44 am Western Twin City Limited ,...a 4 '94 pm ..... 4 so am ...a 4 4 pm a I N am a 4 to pm a I 4i pm s T 44 am In nir us- Otilcago BiprMS Hlaaoart Pacific ic r. a at. i aiprws ..a I 04 am .ell: I. pm k. c. k c. a Bt. I- Bipree... a 4 00 pm a st. roi . .a I vi pm a l ie pm klcaao. Bock lalnnd Pact f I BAST. Rwkr Mountain unrnw.. .a 1 :04 am all OS pm bie K pm a 4 40 pm a l ao pm an is am a 1 00 am rico Lx- rm.r-. .... ...bis 04 am ...a 4 14 am ...a 4 14 pm r. a 4 24 pm rtra. nany - NISM K'PT iw Uotne. Local Pai Chloaao-N.braak Llmiird ..a 4 04 pm WBHT. a l:: pm a 4 00 pr. all M am a 1 04 am rolarada a California Eip....a 140 pm OkUhoma a T 04 am Rock? "'" " BURtlNGTON STATIOJf Teath aad Haass. BarIIto LINKS WEST Cpart. Arrlv.. mw Limited .. N.bruka Loral ... Ntbrwka Bipraia Lincoln Loral .... r -.lavilla-ttohttTlar .a 1 14 am af:U4am a I 44 am a 4:1. pm I U in a 4 14 pm ... 1 9 pm k 4.60 am . I.t pm bl to am . .-. Htlla. Men- uu sad W ashington a 4.14 pm a 1:44 pm BMirtm, Haatlnaa and Oraa4 laland a 4 11 pre all II pm D.u.r-Caiiforrla a 4 14 pm a 1:10 pm HaMinaa-Orand Iataad a 4 4 pm all 11 pm Unrola Loral a 7:40 pm a 1:40 pm ODtorado-t alilarnla. Korth- Mt-Orl Northern all 14 am a 1:14 am LINKS BAST. Chicago and Illinois a 1 11 am a 744 am Lneal a 4 II am riattnnoutk-Paflfla Juaet....a 4 10 pm a 4:44 am pinunuiti facllu June. ...all 44 pm a 1 44 pm CWioa Local b I 15 pm bll am Chlrago sTtprMS a I 44 pm a I pm Chl.aso Limits a 4 e pm a 4 00 am ,viCM. an4 Illinois a 1 10 an all SI axu LINUS SOUTH. gunns ntr St. Jo4a a I 14 am a I OS pr. St. Laula, Mo a 4 M pm all Mam Sanaa Cltr-st. JoMpk all 44 pm a 4.44 am a aallj. b aallr Snndajr, WEBITER fTREKT STATIOS Pit- teeath sad Webster, (hleaa. Bt. Pal, Mlaaeapolt A Dpart. Arrive. Tvla rir fianiif a 4 li am 4 t. pm SlutUt Cltr KlprM., b 4 SI sm 411:14 am KIMS CI it lnina.r I m am Xdtai k4Spm b I 14 am a Su 1. b aallr Snadaj. hers unawarrs and nmrdrr them in their sleep. I p to the Itrltlah. "If that trickery Is to succeed till tht tht4 Willi thff fal hfaees of International good will rn:mhle to dust. It Is essential for peace of the world that it should snd It Is up to us to see that It does so. 'Valor alone will not achieve success, or the vslor of oi.r brave men at thd front would have achieved It lonjj ago. We must strain every resource of the n.srhlnery of organisation at our disposal so as to drive conviction Into the heart of every nation over the whole world that those governments who deceive the', neighbors to their ruin do so at thei peril." Mr. Lloyd George admitted that tha shortage of munitions was serious In. view of the standard set up by this war. This fact, he continued, was doubUess ss well known to Germany as It was In England. He referred to hi recent Interview with Albert Thomas, who holds a post similar to his own In Krar.ce, and addel; "If we can within the next few months produce as much ammunition as can the French, the allies will have an overwhelming superiority In the first es sential of victory. "The Germans undoubtedly we may ss well recognize It anticipated tha duration of this war as no one else has done. They realized it would be a great trench war and they had organized an Immense supply of machinery applicable to such conditions. We assumed that victory was due us as a trlbuto from fate. Our problem Is to organize, not take It for granted. To do this the whole engineering snd chemical resources of the empire must be orgonlr.ed. When thla has been done France and ourselves alone will overlay the Teutonic output." "It will take months before we can ob tain the maximum output," Mr. Lloyd Oeorge went on. "Existing firms aro unable to deliver goods In accordsnee with agreement because they cannot man the machines. It Is entirely a question of labor. If I could lay my hands on an adequate supply of skilled labor I could double In a few weeks our supply of machine guns. Can't Forecast Mot. "I cannot forecast Oermanyg next, move. If It swings its forces from the J cast to the west It Is vital for the lines! of our troops that every avallsblo may chine gun should be produced. It Is es sential that trade union restrictions, which interfere with a great output of munitions, shall temporarily be suspended at once. There must be a stoppage In slackness and an end must be put to the practice of employers pilfering each other's men. There must be no strikes or lockouts during the war." The minister of munitions said hi i M7 ment i newf t haa early recognized that existing armam firms were Inadequate to supply the or old armies. A vast Improvement already been made by Inviting business men to organize in their own localities. For Instance, through local organization in one town alone 150,000 shells monthly already are being turned out and thes figures were expected to rise to 350,000. Twenty Thousand Starving in Single City of Old Mexico WASHINGTON. June 24. All Red Cross funds available for famine relief in Mex ico have been exhausted, and tha society has issued an urgent appeal for food stuff and money. Twenty thousand per sons were reported as practically starv ing in Guerrero. How desperate tha food situation is. even In Vera Cruz, Is said to be Indicated by the case of a talented woman, a yeara a publlo school teacher, who was found begging" in the streets for food. Another sister, well educated, waa peddling soap. In Mexico City thousands are begging for food and flocking about stations where food supplies are being distributed by foreign relief committees and some times by the government. Before tha harvest Is ready both the city and country will be In a much mors distressing con dltlon. The price of corn and beans la six times the previous price, bakeries having closed for lack of flour, and food stuffs are obtainable only In small quan tities. A week's cessation of aupplleg would bring the entire city to almost aV starvation point Obey Health Rules Ana Live to ue bt) SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., June 84.-Th- ivtrin thread of life iianntfl .9, might be lengthened to 65 years If tha American people so wished and would obey a hypothetical aet of rules and reg ulations, Pr. Victor C. Vaughn of Ann,' Arbor, Mich., retiring president of tha American Medical association, said today1' in a publlo meeting to which the day was devoted. "Sine 1&S0," he said, "the average of, longevity In this country has been in1 creased more than 10 years. In the last ten years lifs has been lengthened by more than four years. "If every city would Install rules and. regulations for health, such, for Instance. aa William C. Gorgas, surgeon general of the army might give, the lives of ous children could be brought up to an avert age of 66 years. Ths elimination for a month of tha various health bureaus." said he. "would cause this country to be plunged Into a plague worse than anything that eve happened in the middle ages." A "For Sale" ad will turn second-hand: furniture Into cash. Culls from the Wire "A motion for a change of judge to aerva during the numerous cases pending in Huerfano county, arising out of the re cent Colorado coal miners' strike, waa overruled by Judge Granby Hillyer at Walsenburg, Colo, Three more of the ten suhmarlnea under construction at the Fore River Shipbuild ing corporation's yard at Quincy, Mass., for an European belligerent, to b de livered after the war, will be launched within a few days. That the telephone Is rapidly suppUnt- mn mi inear&pn in iu operation of rati roads waa asserted at tha session of the Association oi nauway Telegraph Bu perlntendenta at Jtocheater, N. Y. It was estimated by Barney A. Kaiser of the American Telephone and Telegraph com pany that of the ra.oai mile of railroad in the I nitttd btales, 1U0.0UO are cperatel by telephone. Customs if ficlals at Washington de. dared tonight that the revenuee from ctmtoma now In hand for the fiscal year which enda June 3t, amount to mora than nu n i -.,.t .i. man . . . . " '""v l"r" is a Dmiuwt J80.000 W0 than the receipt Us year, bZ European war 'wl ... .. ...u., wi. rai will De rlrkiM 4a pO.u00.0ij0. This would be ill low tn estimates mad by fWetarw MAdoo last fsll and less bv 5