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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1915)
in THE BEE: OMAITA. T JUNE '., j There is not a probable buyer of property in this city who would, fail to read your advertisement in the Real Estate columns of The Omaha Bee WANT ADS ClIDi Or THANKS. W wish to express our many thsnk to rur friends snd neighbors, aiMt the Union Paclfio store department employes for the sympathy and kindness and the many florl offerings given os t . the death of our beloved bsby. MR. AND MR. C. F. ANDERSEN. DKtTHD AMD FUKERI. NOTICES. HART John, aged 4 years, June 21 Ha I survived by two brother. Thorns J. and Pstrlrk. Funeral Friday morning from Gentleman chapel. R24 Iavenworth street, at : a. m. to screq Heart church at . m. Interment at Holy Sepulcher cemetery. . BIRTHS AND DKTH. Blrth-Jame B and Loretta Veaer, 17a Van Camp iwiua -boy: Warren end Vest More. 2"30 Lake, girl; Charles and Helen King. W North Thlrty-flftn avenue, rlrl; J. O. ant Mary Stewart. J2 omh Nineteenth, irlrl: RrT no Met Broa-n. Florence tiy; Herbert awl 1-et.iUa Martin, 4-lS 1'iwlerwooil avenue, girl; Ony and Gertrude Smith. 9f Can ter, boy: Bn"r and Angelina Salerno, L6 Pa title, girt. ... Deathe-Jamcs R. BclL 77 year, bos rttal; Gladys Anderson, I year. ISfi North Thirty-fourth: Martin iMffdnn. 74 year. Ills South rhlrty-eecond; Edith. A. V linn. 21 year. 2JJ Brlntol; Mr.! 'MsJHId Kelpln. year. n& North Twentknr; Mr. Elizabeth Kennedy. W mn. 2f07 St. Mirt avenue; Viol Matia, i years.' lit , South Fourteenth; MeArthtir. 41 yeara, 2124 North r-flrt; Charlcsr W. Rnthke, 64 Hugh TwMtfv.f lrt yrar. hpltal: Ktith . Bamlarsli, month 2771 Cumin. . ' MARBMAfirT LJCstSSKS. Permits to wad ha a bean frantad to tha following: Nam and Realdanc Ann Moora, Omaha. kj John T. Wood. OinahaJ , j Nallla Ooff. Omtht frl D. Keller. Benaon , Blcncha P. Wooda. Tabor, la... Oeorga S. Hawaa. Omah Roa Peteraon, Omaha... K lw1a Holland, Omaha Kllen Walah Deln. Omaha Arthur Khlert, Woodblr. I... Ma hie Bee be, Beebeetown, I William H. Oraba, Blair rell McPonald, Blair Kdward J. Murphy, Omaha.... Fay McNamar. Omaha Age. II M 30 2 23 :::::::: 2 37 21 20 1 IS ...over 21 ...over 18 Arthur R. MeConnell, Flous City, la Kittle WUUama, Pallaade, Colo 4X 41 Arthur R. Dickey. Creaton, la 2S Ee'her WohUtrom, Creaton, la 21 William P. Wllaon. Omaha 44 Sadie Lee Kent. Omaha 33 John Oerth, Plymouth 37 Julia Sandman, Harblna 30 Henry W. Wakefield. Kanaaa City. Mo over 21 Annabelle Plttenger, Kanaaa City.. over II BL'ILDIKO PHHUITa. Gog Vallur. 1404 Plnnay. frame dwell li ar. K. R. Anderaon, !S North Ttilrty-fourth, frame dwnlllnr. !2.3no; Mlaa E. C. Olaon, M2S Webater. frame rfwelllna;. t.V; 8. T. Miller, K15 North Tlilrtletii. repeira to dwelllnc. 11.000; John K W llacn, liT Kherwoo avenue, frame dwelling", t2,; John H Wllaon. 14( Hherwvod avonue, 12.000; Amna Grant, tX3 North Fortieth avenue, frame dwelllnc, 1,0(10. Today's Movie Prograini U.NTuKN alldea tor movlea. Vend your eery t ua. Ua can reproduca photoa r will prepare your copy. Wa will color a dlractad. Be Fboto Dept.. 103 Bea Bid. Ptirtiaei, EMPRESS, J5TH AND DOUGLAS. JilOH-CLASS VAUDKVILLB AND PHOTO PLAYS. Hith-cl Vaudeville and Photoplaya. iUrry Van Foaaen Bernavlcl Broa., Tha Blinhoa. Abou Hamld Arab. Aaaorted proKram of photoplay. Admlsnlon 10a PRINCKSSi 1817-18 DOUGLAS. Iteat Mutual Maaterplece, 4 part. "Vp from ina iepina. i Xlerely Married Man, Keyitone com. Aertk.. ALHAMBRA, 1821 N. 24TH. Faihlon and Simple Life, Than. com. dra. The Kite. 3-reel K. B. drama. The Broken Window, American eom.-dra. KUOLIC. 24TH AND 8PRAQUB. Animated Weekly. Current Uventa. Acroea the FootilBhta. 3-ree Bla; U dr. llenrta and lul. Joker comedy. (JRAND. 16TH AND BINNEY. "THEATKR BEAUTIFUL." HOME Or HIGH GRADE PICTUREH. Fpioita of Plain, F.piaoda No. 14. Truly Ruby Typea. drama. Tlie fY teat la I t."ode.' 2-reel drama. HIPPODROME. 25TH A CUMINQ. CIX)SKD FOR REPAIRS. LOYAL. 2406 CALDWELL. l'nlike Other Olrl, 3-reel Rex. lxive and Handcuff. Power. Hiram' Inheritance, Joker comedy. LOTH KlP 2 4 TilAN tTLOTH RO P. Ruth Roland and Henry King in Blue Blood and Yellow, and Ueo. Ad com. THE" OMAHA, 'THE" COOL tIIeATER" 40TH AND 1H)DUK. Change of program dally. llannd In the ky every Sunday. awafh. 282 4 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO, Mia. Jrr'a Auction Bridge, Vltagraph. In the Dark. S-reH Uubin. ARBOR. 22D AND ARBOR. Cloned until Saturday. Open under new management. OU MBIA, 1710 SOUTH 10TH. The Coward. 3-rl Easany. Sweedle r lnlh. Eaianay. Broncho Bllly'a Word of Honor, Faaanay. COMPORT. 2 4tll . ANDSTNTONr Tlie living Death. 3-r. Ma). Tbo ;o!i1-i Rainbow, Am. Dra. The Freight Car Honeymoon, t orn. FAVORITE A1RDOME, 171 VrNTON. The Poet of the Peaks, 3-r. Amer. dram. Mutual Weekly, The On-i Over, Beauty comedy. OEM. . 1268 SOUTH 18TH. Black Box. No. U. 3-reel serial. Her Mysterious Escort. Powers. At the iiitigville Barbecue, Joker rom. LYRIC, 117 VINTON'. Black Box. No. 14, 3-real aerial. Her Oil) Blood. M-itrpa. Victor comedy. Wee. MONROE, 2665 FARNAM. The Man ef the Hour. (Robert Wr-wl-k A five-reel Worlds feau-. PASTIME, tit) XJEl'ENWORtTT Wild Irlah Roe. 3-reel Ooi Heal. Tti Old Tutor. Big L W ho I'uysT Series No. Bsafk OaSks. LEfiSJE. 24TII AND N. Mra. Jarr and the Beauty Treatment. VI t 'In Ke.-ret Well 2-reel K micro 'In Wealth ot lue I'oor, tssanay. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE ritOGRAMS Exclusively In The Ilea Santa o kl. 24TH AND O. MAGIC, Troken Coin, 1 reel ferial. Boob's Romance, -recl Ijommlo rom. Tinker of Stubblnvllle, B!g I'. toaaell MlarriL. ELITE NO. 2. 64 5 BROADWAY. With Bridges Burned, Ireel Edison. The Fable of -The Hlshroller and tha Burring Plondlne," Eeaanav comedy. NICHOLAS, 54 7 BROADWAY. In the Pay of Famine, 8-reel Vltagraph. Ham. tt)4 Detective, Kalem comedy. ROPER. 6J7 BROADWAY. Orlm Messenger, f-r. Rig U. Artist and tha Vengeful On. Victor. Two Hearts and a "hip. Nestor Comedy. aevlle. 24TH AND M. ORPHEUM", THE PPOILKRK, REELS. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort Tor Your Customers and. Patrons by. locating in The Bee Building Buperlntendent'a Office Moom IPX 30.000 oublo yarda low arrdr work to let. H. K. Andereon. 196 California Bt. Pourlaa 5414. o Inveetlaate T.M.C.A. out prk. auremer. AUTOMOBILES -ryl.. 7-paea .W a-paea. OaklantLlia 0-paaa. Uulck ZJh A-paaa. Jackaon..9io 6-paen. Maxwell.... 20 6-paaa. J legal. .. 235 X-paaa. roanatar... ta s-paa. liup jm- ve Hiiy, nan ann Kxcnnnga. THK AI TO CLEARING HOLSE. 2200 Farnani. Tel. Douglna 3310. AUTO Clearlna llouae, i2i Faniaro, buya and aalla uaed cara. Phone uouaiaa aiiu. Ovarton'a for leaky radiator. 60o, dealer Want an auto. C. J. Canan. MoCaaue bldg. Induatrtal Uaraae Co.. 3uth Harney BU NEBRASKA Bulck 8ervlo Station. 11114 r emain St Phone Doufe-laa '31. $100 HSWARD for any magneto we can't repair, cone repa. uayadorrer. i m.m. 113 Cadlll uadlllec. .MJ. CADILLAC CO., OP OMAHA. 7"M rarnim ft. ioug. za. DETROIT ELECTRIC A BARGAIN, CALL OWNER, HAR. TOO. Whenever you ere connlderlna aelllnf or buying uaed car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you win nave no regret ir you buy or ndvertlae through the uaed car column of The Bae. Phone Tyler luOO. KRIT runabout, r,t If taken quick. U P. Madaen, B27- Broadway, Council Bluff. NEW Ford auto deliver bodtea of all atylea, open or closed, alwaya on band. Our prloea will aave you money. Bee Jofanaon-lxrnforth Co.. Utt-Sl-a No. lath. C. KL&ASSKH, expert radiator and lamp repair. Ty. 703. 2A1 Leavenworth. CADILLAC, 1913, roadster, good coadW tloa, IXS5. Tyler 4(4. Motorcycle. IMS TWIN Cylinder Reading Standard motorcycle. Fulpned with lamp and pret-ol(te tank and apeedometer. Call Webater 1081 or write f.W N. 2th Bt. 5NB alnale apeed Henderaon for aal or trade. Will conalder diamond, lot or light roadater. Addreas J (90. Bee, or W alnut am. ATTRACTIONS A CONCf.HSloN to let for Hie celebra tlon at Florence. Write or call F. F. Kutcher, chairman of concceslon. BUSINESS CIIANCIS If your Ruatnea chance will tand rigid Inveatlgailon and la lut what It 1 f dvertlaed, or If you are looking to atart n bualneaa for yourself you will be per fectly aatiafled If vou uae the Bundle Chance column of The Mee. When buy ing or aelling a bualneaa Phone Tyler lit). FuH bA UK Confectionery store doing good bualneaa. Owner retiring, Addreaa P. T. Btorey, Cheyenne. Wyo. ENTIRFi stock of drug, sundries and future. Including well-equipped lunch eonette service, in on of the beat loca- tiona In le Moines, will be sold at pub lic auction sale at 10 o'clock a. m. Mon day morning. June 28, 704 West Walnut t.. les Motne. la. Thl la the t ha Namur ttwk and wa doing paying bualneaa. but wa Involved In the failure of other bualneaa venture Can be bought with or without lease, and I fin op portunity for the right kind of man. Total Invoice, I.H.IOO. Addreaa E. K. Maine. Trustee, Tua Toungtrnian Bldg., J ea Molnea, I. IMPLEMENT business for sale, county seat, weatern Nebraaka; too much other business to handle; worth Investigating If interested. A u dress Y M7, Be. TO GET In or out of business call on O A N Q EST A D, 404 Be Bldg, Doug. 3477. FOR aALU Southern Neb. village a yd country practice end office fuxntlu, by July 10; take post graduate courae; Cathollo community; no Catholic doctor; ll'i:.. Addreaa C." Omaha Bee, Council Bluff cards. Clark aV Son. D. lam. 1 OR S A LB Hardware stock, building and fixture; location guod live town In eaatern Idaho; one ot the beat grain and atock growing sections In the wrat; sales last year, lai.OuO. Addreaa 1 676, 1. WANT W-hanJ hardware store fixtures, Warren atyle preferred. Ad. Y its. Bee. WHY RENT? Ask about the U:,r diatrk t Aitkin count v, Minnesota, the Land of Opportunity; unimproved, til to Ub; Improved. J to l-ti per acre; eav payment plan. W. U. Templeton, eU! ltee, Omalia. HEAL etate Business ulatrea aupplM or handled: all stales. F. V. Kniest. Omaiia. Hk-ATBKo liuy. of asll your tk. aler. znachlne and aunnll thMi.i. Theater Exchange Co.. e r areata it, IrJwli Ky7 FINK hardaar store and slock, lixated In county Beat town In low. T &3. Bee. EDUCATIONAL GO TO SCHOOL MONDAY, JUNE 28. Why not aperd the next three month prortaUy? Begin training that will enable you to enter good poaltloa three month rooner. Build foundation tor euocrul future. Doaena ' of other oung i-eople are staitlig bow. Why not you? Phone Douglas liti for full Information. DOYI.ES COLUsGE, II. K BOYIJiS, PrtMdent. Boyle Bull.tli.g. Omaha. NV.b. f.spe.-it-nced lady lutor In siade nnd li'mn x u(H: lutiiu Is, irake-up so. I, a ), laity. Best rvfeieate. Aoart A-llU Dav. 11. to, t MOVIES FEATURES TODAY MONROE, 2555 FARNAM. Robert Hour.' Warrick In 'The Man of the a five-reel World'a Feature. FROLIC. 24TH AND H PR AOL' P. The White Terror, Imp. festur. One aood comely. ORPHKL'M. 24TH AND M. THE SPOILERS, I REELS. I'. ESSE. 24TH AND N. Romnnce of Elaine No. 1. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOTHROP. Ruth Roland and Henry Klnf In Blue Blood and Yellow, and Oeo. Arte com. EDUCATIONAL FOR aele, the following acholarehlpe In a firat claa Omaha Buatneaa College: One unlimited combination, buaineia and ahorthand courae. tme unlimited atenographlo course. One three montha' bualnees or ateno- araohlo courae. Will be aold at a discount at tha office of The Omaha Bee. . XIl SALE FOR BALE Hera la claaalflcatlon that la of tha utmoat Importance to every reader, aa thla column offere ome excep tions opportunltlea every day and email want ad will aall your article at It full value. Phone Tyler 1000. FaraKare, Hoaaefcold Gwwda, Kt. PTRNITURB BAROAINB M beda at II each; tablea, kitchen and cbln cabinet, M Ice boxea, IS caa atovee, 26 dreaeera. W N. 34th Bt. Webater 1W7! nprSlhouBht and aold. J. a Reed. ,;i1Va!207 Farnara at. D. M. Henea Vehlekaa. DO BlIYH well-dreaaed, neck rein sad dle hone. LEWIS COHN. 3:123 Herri Hon tit. Phone Bo. 8023i HtAK-ui,u aorrei. 'i lumoer wiion, reaaonable. 3411 N. 24th St. Har. itoil. I'oallrr, : anMew. ' BTERKOTYPB metrics make the bast and cheapest lining for poultry house They are VlxZi lnohes, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and praotlcally fireproof. 76o hundred at The Bee of floe. Small wheat. 100 lb. t 35. Wagner. 301 N. 11 Yrsie writers. TYPEWRITERS sold, muted. repalreJ. Central Typewriter icxc. w rarnam. FOR SALE Ntw and cond-hnd carom nd pocket billiard tablea and bowling alley nd cceaorte; bar flxturea of all kind; easy payment, j ne orumwiw-Bnlke-Collender Co.. 407-4 B. 10th St. New ZJ-hand inotora, dynamoa, magnetos, etc., mechanical reualra. L Bron Klectrlo Works,818-20 8. 13th St o TOOLS, shovels, picks, lackacrewa, win dow glaaa, 3 carpenter benche II each; 10 match machines, 10c each, 1 hot water boiler complete, iio; combination ciecino flxturea 2&o each; Iron beds complete, $4; good horse, .i; harness, . 10; guod ex press wagou, 76. J. C. I8H, Tel. Harney 243. 70S 8. Hat Ava. $3.20 g Uolden West Whiskey, 4 full arts bottl'.l In bond, pre paid. Cackle Broa., Omaha. Fl'R BALE Three good fodder and en- ailage cutter, equipped to cut coarse and tine; In good order, completo, with leeding table. Price, 1UU each. M. C. PETERS MILL CO., OMAHA FOR BALE Diamond locket, earring stud; reasonable Friedman, 1211 Dougl SECOND hand radiator and plpea. Cen tral Iron and Metal Co., 1211 Dodge. AN UP-TO-DATE plating outfit and big stamping press for sale cheap. Hans C Hansen, Hansen Heights, Brayton, la. FOR SALE cheap If taken soon 20 h. p. gas tractor and 6 bottem 14 Inoh P. and O. plow. Addreaa Y-Hil. Be. OLENDERS, white and red. Doug. 6776. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aaa Office. WANTED Saleslady; none but ex perienced need apply. . Orkln Pros., United State National Bank Bldg. OFFICE CLERK; must live at home end turnlih good; 10 per week tu start. BUSINESS MEN'S REFERENCE ASSN. 131-20 Woodmen ot Worlu. tiool) stenographic position with auto firm. Sh&. Clerical and office clerk. good penman. 130. Bookkeeper and stenographer, 31. , tXMjPKRATIVK RKFKRENCH CO.. 3015-U CITY NATIONAL BANK BI.TO. STENOGRAPHER tout of town) Irt THE CAN AGENCY. BEE BLDO. Areata aaa ae.ranreaaea. WANTED Competent salesladies. Apply Orkln Bros., United Slates Nat'l Bank Bldg. Factory aaa Traae. GIRL to learn hairdresslng. Oppenhelm Parlor. Ileaaskeeaera and Daaaewtte. - WANTEDWomn cook. Detention Ho pltal. Telephone Health Offlo or Dr. Connell. GIRL wanted mall family. for general housework; 1U20 Cal-ltol Ava. WILL consider competent colored girl with reference for housework and to assist with baby; good wages; good home lo right party. 240 Capitol Ave. KXPKillKNCED girl for general ho use- worn; no washing. II H. Mth bt ll.ML WANTED A white girl for general housework, small family; permanent place H. TVA. WANTED iJood girl tor general houae- worx m private family, two miles north of Florence; good wages. Call Florence COOK Experienced. Ill B. Mth. WANTKD A girl for general housework. 1S2 Park Ave. WANTED A middle-aged wuiiian for housework. Call at 613 S. loth ait. BET of wage for strictly flrat-claea girl for general housework. References Required. Wal. it i lsard St. MAID for general housework. Ill North 4lat Bt. Walnut S. Mtacellaaawae. YOCNO women coming to Omaha as stranger ar Invited to visit the Young Women Christian association building at bt Marv'a Ave. and 17th 8t , where they will be directed to suitable boarding places ar ether, ise assisted. I-ook for our travelers' guide at I'nlon station. WANTKD Hotel help: email town, west ern Iowa; head waitress. 1 waltreaaea, (at. try woman and paatry and 3d cook. Address Y 61. Bee. ANTLI hamtier maid and second rook, inilton Hotel, Jewell, la WANTED An e-rin-ed inaikei and sorter Klmbnll linn-lrv. I I I Ja brnn. Gel competrnt help thiough The Bee nd set Into your ewa bualneaa. HELP WANTED MALE llerleal anil Office. RAILROAD OFFICE CLERK: mini un d'rtn.1 clalma and local frelKht office work. Halarv l'5 per month. BIINKH'MKN H REFERENCE ASSN. ll-20 Woodmen of World. SALESMAN, Nebraaka territory; aalary depends Bookkeerer: only high-grade man need apply; tl"0. WATTS REP. CO.. M0 Frsndela Theater. .A LES MAN Irt STENOGRAPHER K' CITY SALESMAN (Investment) 1"J TUB PA NO AGENCi. i1 BEE RLDO. TELL us your troubles if you ha been unable to secure rcaition. e can help you. MIDWEST HO.MJl.-Vt W 312 Bee Rlrtg. SALESMAN lor furm Implement cora- pivny, salarv nd c-oinmiaxlon. fO-OPERATlVK REFERENCE CO.. 10hV.ll CITY NATIONAL BANK BL1X. WANTED Experhnccd correspondent to i write pulling form letter to introduce- new tecnnicai invention, r. v. nox bit. Omaha, Neh. WANTED Bookkeeper for small bank; banking experience unnecessary. Ad dreaa P RM, Bee. HIGH-GRADE commercial positions. WEST, REFERENCE BOND ASSN. TCI Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. BEST COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogere Reference Co.. 6- State Bank. Aareata. Kaleemei. aaa Sollrltere, W TO 8J0 PROFIT dally selling our new houaehold article: tt M premium with each II. M aale make quick profits. Mum ford A Laraon, 309 Walker Bank S.dg., Bait Lak City, Utah. WANTED Three single young men to solicit farmers In western Nebraaka. Good contract for rlxht ones. See me at Motel Harney after a. m. F. B. Wilson. Very Desirable Space tor Printing Office Light, water and Janitor serric free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. EXPERIENCED coal salesmen. Address C BOS. Bee. BOND salesman wanted: one who has first class connection and ran eell 6V per cent Canadian gold bond on commis sion. Joseph A Guyer. 83 State St.. Al bany, N. Y. EXCELLENT proposition for two good men In Nebraska, Call or write. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Association, 423-26 Cltf Nat. Bank Bldg. HAVE choice Improved Red River Valley farms for sale In Minn, and N. Dak. Agents wanted. Hickson Land Co., Hick man, N. Dak. Factory ad Ttadee. Drug store snap; job. Knelat, Bee Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition fifi, on account of big trade. Wag for f and 10 cent work. Eleotrto massage taught, - Hydraullo chair Catalogue free. 1124 Douglaa St, Omaha. . Free Tuition at the Weatern Barber College, the oldest In Greater Omaha. Hydraulic chair, electrlo massage: In fact, everything flrst-claa COME NOW. as this Is the best time of the year to learn. 1 do my own instructing and personally supervise each student. T. U. KERSCHNER. Pres. Western Barber College 1404 Dodge St. WANTED Immediately, for permanent position, ruler, prefer nonunion. Le ifebure Ledger, Cedar Raplda, la. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO 2055 Farnam St., Pre Catalog-u COLLECTS. OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Blacksmith to start ahop; A-l location. Writ for particulars to Y It, Bee, WE need me; had to- turn down two lob per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of thee job Catalogue D. B. tree. Nebraska Auto- mobile School. 1417 Dodge St WANTED Shoemaker from July E to Aug. 6 while I am away; must operate Fleming machine. Addreaa M. E. blover. HOC Elm St., Atlantic, la. MOLEJl BARBER COLLEGE Special summer rates. Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th Bt. Omaha. af laeellaaeaae. THOROUGH LY competent colored la II llor. with wife and no small children for new apartment In West Farnam dlt trtct. Ulie reference and state Drevloi experience. Box B 416, Bee. HAS your ' grocer Informed you about Irwin's free premiums? If not send his name and addresa to II. C. Irwin.- t02 N. hitli St.. St. Louis. Mo. Advertising dem onstrators wanted. WANTED Railway mall clerk. .6 montn: uraana exam natlona comma: sample questions free. Write Immediately. r ranaun institute, Dept JM, tu. ttoches ter. N. Y. WANTED l.OtO men to t ham and egg, lfie. Ooffe John, 14th and Capitol. WANTED-Names of young men want ing tu be Hallway Mail Clerks. 176 month. Answer immediately. Y. &6e. Bee. 340 00 per week to you if ambitious and hustler. Addresa, with stamped envel ope. Manager. Box S9. Alexandria. La. SITUATION'S WANTED THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you set the desired results. This applie to residents of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Blurts. Krlng ad to The Be office or telephone Tyler lUOO. LADY wishes a position as housekeeper in good, reapectahle home: wish to leave the city and go to weatern at a tea. experienced and competent; references. Acdreaa A 651 Bee office BOY, It, wants to become electrician; prefers a German employer. Address Henry Oddo, 1S17 William St., city. ol:NO man with high school elucation desires position: good references. Ad dreaa K &S. Bee. LADY desiroa steady housekeeping posi tion; references. Address A , Be. Nt'RSK to rare for children; best of reference. .Tyler 1S9. COLORED girl wanta position aa cnam bermald or general housework. H. tM. PERFECT waahing, Wchster 4VSS. expert Ironing. REFINED, reliable, middle-aged lady would Ilk poaitlon a demonstrator Kindly atat salary and other particu lars Address, M t!, tie. STENOGRAPHER, young man. desires out-of-town position. Reference MJ B. 19th St. Phon Red Oils. COLORED woman want work of any kind. W ebster 2244. MIDDLE-AGED man desire work around houae In exchange for board and room; quick. Addresa K 6MS, Bee. RELIABLE, middle-aged lady would like a poaltloa aa housekeeper in or near Omaha Kindly atate salary and other attlcular. Address. I. Bee. YOl'Ni; man wants work. Would like aleadv job; willing to work gardening, kauaa cleaning, anything. B 97, Bt. SITUATIONS WANTED V'ANTi;D Work lit housework or gen eral work: colored msn with references. Phono Wcheter 7vid. TEACHER, middle eg", would like cler ical work; or, would tnke good rare of children; have excellent references. Ad dress C 602. YOCNO lady, experienced ethnographer and excellent penman, desire place a stenographer: references. Call Doug. 6!i). W OMAN vTlth 4-ear- ijd bi"iy wants Place a housekeeper: can gle refer ences. Tel. Walnut 1127. KS.W Parker St, LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL HLCFFH STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cats. Manr articles eacn day are turned In and the company Is anxious to reatore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 43. Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Loet and Found medium means the Immediate re turn of that article If advertieed In The Bee. the Iost and Found paper. PERSONAL YOl'NG women coming to Omaha as strangers are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Irfok for our travelers' aid at the Union station. IF THE party who haa In his possession the Jewelry tolten from the Homo Drug Ce. at Silver Creek, Neb., on the night of May 9. lRln, will return aame good cRsh reward will be paid and no question aaked. Arrange for a meeting by writing to P. O. Box 21. Silver Creek, Neb. THE Salvation Army industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga elne. we collect We distribute. Phone Douglaa 413R and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. GORDON, the Magaatn Man. Doualas 71 Phone POULTRY AND EGOS INDIAN RUNNER DUCKS, WEB. 8514. SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see tha "Automobile" clasalfl cMon. ROAD CANDY OUTFIT, hamburger counter, knife spindle and knives, large chuck cloth, violin, five match-vending machine, two new pump guns, leg of mutton leather case, buttercup cutter, two auto side lamps, one H. & R. break open. .33 revolvers, large Ever-ready flashlight; will swap. Addreaa S. C. 1302. Bee. DRUMS Set of Lyon ft Healy drums and traps, to trade for motorcycle, diamond or what I may be offered. Ad dress, S. C. 794, care Fee. "INDIAN" motorcycle n new aide-car; late 1014 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electric equipment. 1911 Improved kick starter: new tires; all per fect condition. Cost 1370. Want Ford or lliiht roadster; no other proposition con sidered. Address 8. C. 1073. Bee, KODAK "Anaoo" folding pocket, else Hx4H; double lens, automatic ahutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; like new; together with complete outfit. Including new 16 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, eta Want vlslbl typewriter in good condi tion. Address 8. C. 10K5. Be ONE four-gla door grocery shelf cab inet 7x5 feet bv 13 Inches deep, con taining W feet of shelving, ceiling backed and stained mahogany; for grocetie Addresa S. C 1133. BeeJ ONE steel-bound trunk, one leather nand bag, one high-grade 17-Jewel watch, will trade. Iet me hear from you. Aldrea S. C. 1129. Bee. PLAYER PIANO A fine high grade player; want trade; big assortment of rolls. Address 8. C. 1127. Bee. PIANO A good upright piano, fine In terior, top slightly burned; may trad for uto. Address a. C. 1123. Bee. PAINTING nd papering In exchange for roll top deak. Addreaa B. C. 1136. Bee. PAINTING Will exchange painting for horse. 3624 Burt St. ROOMING house, 3223 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make quick deI. REFRIGERATOR In good condition, value about 110. What have you to trade? Addreaa, 8. C. 11S&, Wee. SEWING machine Singer. Retail price 165; good condition; drop hed. Will exchange. What have you? Address, B. C. 1134, Bee. ' SILO Brand new low silo, 300-ton ca pacity; never erected. Will exchange for flrot-cl flvo-passtsngir car. Ad dresa 8. C. 11., Bee. TINWORK Will swap tlnwork for small 110 alternating motor. S. C. 1133, Be. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and got something you really need? It costs you nothing to join the Swappers' Club, snd you will find It lots of fun swapping things. Writ Room 104, tee Bldg.. or phone Tyler low. 'V ANTED Buffet, dining table or rug for new 12-Inch Westing house fan. Ad das 8 C. 1131. Be. WESTINGHOUSB ELECTRIC COOK STOVE, with coffee percolator, egg boiler, hot plates and other attachments; also electric riwim heater; value, 100. Ex change for Vlctrola, typewriter, book cases or office furniture. What have you? Address S. O. 1130, Bee. WILL trade factory rebuilt L. C. Smith typewriter for anything I can ua. Ad dreaa S. C. 1UG, Bee. FOR RENT Apartment aaa Flat a. The For Rent advertisement appearing In the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot bo beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one de siring to rent. Phone Tyler Vino. $18 ; and up. Modern 4-r. apartments. near noeioince. o. f. KleODlns TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS. FACING BEMIS PARK. CALL WALNUT 3N89. 8T. GEORGE 6-room apartment, redeco rated throughout. 118 N. 81st Ave., se lect West Farnani diatrlct. Phone Web ster 17. VERY choice 4 or 6-rooin steam-heated apartment on West Farnani St. JOHN W. ROBP.1N8. 1S03 Farnam St. 810 So. 27th. -r.. mod. flat. 130. !n Iewey. 6-r., mod. flat. $. S&tt Bristol St.. 4-r., mod. ex. heat, 320. C. G. CARLBERO. 313 Brand, The Bldg. Board aael Rotiase. HARNET ST., 3rt)B. nicely furnlahed room. suitable for one or two gentlemen; board If desired. Harney 57."i7. Furnlahed Roomt that offer every mod ern convenient and comfort In private families . r boarding houses of the high est class will test be found In the Fur nished Rooms column of Tli Be. Phon Tyler 10O. LARGE front room, witii board. Weet Fart-am d. strict. Phone Harney BEAUTlf lli room, with two exceptloa lly large closets, in Weat Frnm home; large porch and yard; good board; young men preferred. Harney 43KI. Faralabea ilwaaes. PI RNI3HED OR ITNFL'RNISHnn. mod ern. S-rm. cottage. Reasonable Web. dm I'RNISHEI) house In Dundee for sum mer: references. Walnut 1671. NEWLY furnished 6-room bungalow, all modern; on oar line. Webater IV FIRNISHED -ROOM HOldE. MOD ERN. NEW. 4.TT Harney St. Wa!. 2ir. aralake kwaase. If you do net see Anything that suits you in the way of Furnlahed Room you can call at Room 104. Bee Bldg., and ssk for the Free Furnished Boom bureau and an will gladly refer you to higi) flat rooming ur boarding houa in any part of ib oity. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OP TITLH. Kerr Tl'le Guarantee and Abstract Co., modern ahatract office, 306 So. 17th St Phono D. M37. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldeat abstract office m Nebraska. Brandel The. ACCOI XTANT. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Address 433 Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglas 7406. ADDIMU MAtlllMES. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. T. 6333 AMATEUR FIKISIllXa. FILMS flevetorad free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 41fl Bee Bldg Dept D. ARClllTECTg. Everett 8. Dodds, KlTpTxton Blk. t. gmi. ATTRACTIONS. OUTING parties desiring service or rf freahments, phone Hanscom park. H. t4. ATTOR!SEll, T. Dlklnson. 611 Pax ton Blk. D. 104. AUCTIONEER. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-11 W. O. W. R. S28S. Nafl Sale Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. AUTO INSURANCE. 40 saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising home Co. Doug jri. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Oman Radiator Rap. Co., tmx Far. D.300L BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDER, 1501 N. lgth. Web. S2S7 BEjDOINQ. 0WHA. PILLOW CO.. MOT Cuming f';,347. Renovate. feathSr . nd mattresses of 11 kind makes feather mattresses and down coreri BLUB PRINTING. HORNBT BLTJB PRINT CO, 303 Omh National Bank Bldg. BRASS AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Mrth Bt BllLUlMU WRECHERS. LUMBER and brick building wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4S08. CARPENTER AND CONTRACTORS. 6TEVKN80N, 123 8. 22d. Dougl 6630. Lessard at Son. 1903 Cap. Ave. T. 193S. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL, ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrenoe, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8481. CHIROPODIST. Carrie J Burford, 630 Pax. Blk. Red 46A7. CIVIL, EMUIAttEHS. M. J. LACY, 611 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 171. CLEAN EH AAA DYERS. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Leav. P. 1RU. COACRETU VONSAUUCTION CO.' Weatern repreaenUUv of VELVETILB COMPOSITION flooring. INVESTI GATE 81H3 City Nat Bk. Bldg. D. M7fc COSTUMES AND LODGE lUrrL-UCI. MFG. ot lodge regalia and costumes. Tneo. Laeben at Son, 1614 Ho-ward. D. 4116. DANC1N4 ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 137L Sommer rates now at Mackle's; private lessons daily. 1H14 Harney. Doug. 644. UUbllMAnMnU. Terry Dreasmak'g college, 10th aV Farnam. MISS STURDY. 3411 CABS. RED T320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. BTATK Dry Cln, Co.. 120 N. 13ti. D. $071 DELECT AVE. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Evi dence fecured In all case. Tyier 11J4. DaUNTLSAS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 121 W. O. W. Bide Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickes, TU City Nat Bank, Taf Dental Rooms, 161? Douglaa. D. 218. DRUGS. DRUGS at eut prices! freight paid on 111 orders; catalogues-free. Sherman a Mc Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 118 N. Uth. Term. KLEtAROLXSIS. trio Allender, 824 Bee Bldg. Red 8066. BVKKVTUino roa women. ACCORDION , side, knife, sunburst box pleating; covered buttons, all sixes and styles; hemstitching, ploot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 2U Douglas Bloc. D. 13. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloak, suit and dresses sacrificed. 308 N. 16th Bt EVERYTHING A-OR MEN. IT'S getting warm now. Special summer ratea. 6.6u. Y. M. C. A. FURNACES AND TINWORK.. HABERSTROH. 4028 Hamilton. Wal. 2871. FLORISTS. BATH'S, f lorlst. 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L. HENDERSON, 161i Farnam. D. 1351 atembe Florist Twiegrapa Del. Ass n. HESS St SWOBODA, 1416 Frnm Bt A. DONAGHUE. 163 Harney. Doug-. 1001. SWAN SON, the florist Web. 4829. So. 701. GARAGES AND BARKS. GARAGE. 708 S. Soth St. Harney TM. MAT CLEaatNU. Panamas cleaned. D. Elael. UM City Nat PANAMAS cleaned and blocked. 1530 Har. GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE replate everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1230 Harney St. Et. It B. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICS 'PHONE WEBSTER 6811 General Office. Uth and Manderson Bt. JEWEA.EII. LUCKT wedding rings t Brodegaard' JUSTICES OF 1 ME PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE. 113 Paxton Blk. R. 7W1. Notary pub., deposition steno. C. W. BRITtCSI1 BakeTblock. V. C. HASCALU 420 Paxton Blk. D. 21ub. LIVE SI OCR COMMISSION. MARTIN CROI tk CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIOHTING llITlkU, WIRING. DUUKIN Thomaa. Douglas 3611 Mlftlftts E.MOAmEKRS. WI1J, pay to consult W. H. Godfrey en mining business. 30T State Bk. K. 4941. quality and expert service that M AMEl ES. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. Mass. D. Til Miss Walton, Mass. R. 324, Neville Blk. i , MASSAGE 620 Bee Bldg. Douglas OT1 Clara Lee, bath r,d massage. Dougtaa I7S1. BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Doug. i - MASSAGE Cull D. S227 for appointment, miss jacobs' m.. r 224. Neviii Bit MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Miss Steel. M. BRUG.VAN, mass.. 203 Karbach Blk., R. 2727. M. HALLO RAN, baths, R. 223 Neville blk. T1 A TTTRsnd mass., alcohol rub. Lura Wilson, 1802 Farnam, room L Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Bunday. Miss Staple Ev. open 8: Sun. 10-1 D.713. MISS GITBERT. massage. 109 8. 17th Bt MOTORCYCLES. HARLPT-DAVIDPON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In used machines. Victor Roes, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavenworth. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Eg., 14th and Doug. Motlo picture nutcnine na nun oergain WPl rent moving ptctnre machines. Bt Theatrical Exchange, 640 Paxton block. MUSICAL. . PIANO lessons, BOo per leswon. Web. 2340. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. BOURICTUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAB 2471 OCULISTS. Eye examined, glasses fitted, pay as tm cn. Drs. Mccarty, 1111 w. o. w. Blag- i irty, 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. i dlC PHYSICIANS. t Brandala Bldg. D. SAt OSTEOPATHIC Dr. Peterson, 80 JOSFPHINT3 ARMSTRONG. 18 Bee BMa. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. Xh. H. $723. K. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Oo. Red 7620. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machtn Co.. 110 B. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7111 H. A. Bturres. 63S Brandels Theater Bldg PIANO REFINIBxlING. GKNERAL overhauling, 80 year, exp. Refers noes, 703 17th. Bed 6830. John Baer. FLATING. D. $377. A cm Plating Co., Ill B. 16th Bt. PRINTING. WATER 8-BARNHA RT Pt. Co., printing. TL Doug. StO, 634 8. CENTRAL PRINTING OCX DOUG. 8751 DOUGLAS Printing Co. TeL Douglas M4, Ralph PrtnOng Co., 320 a 19th. Doug, tm RUBBAGB COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGB CO. This I the man to call if you hare any ashe or tin can to haul. Phone Web. 6813; BAPS AND TIMJa LOCK. JSXPKKTS. O A T7T7C Ovemed, ra paired, oomb. J M. P XLkJ changed. V. E. paven-M-KJ port. 1408 Dodge. DTlWi. SCALE REPAJUUNO. Om. Standard Scale Co CIS & Uth. ZXtnl SCREEN DOORS. Omah Window Screen Co., Pour. 4838. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN EROS., aho rPair. 2118. 14, Harley Shoe Rep-r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.I448 SEWING MACMLNES. TTT rent repair, sell needles and parts W C ior all aewing machlneaT NEBRASKA CYCLE CXX, 16th and Harney. Doug. MX. BTEEAs CEiLINO. CARTER Sheet Metal Comnanw. a a STORE AND OFF1CA FIXTURJoiT ii i i - i " w v aw Sjetf"' ,cie' ahowcasea. ,helv. SUMMER SCHOOLS." PRIVATE summer school; sneclal tlon given to delinquent 'tS2uX 5 o delinquent pupils WEA. SUPPLLESr OMAHA Towel Supply, 3QT r ntn. ft TAILORS. ptAB. C. LANDERTOU. 108 N. Uth Bt Palm Beach suit to order. 181$ Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINO V STEINLB. 180 y,ra.M TYPEWRITERS FOR RENtT RENT n Oliver Typewriter I mo. for a. Oliver Typewriter Agency. 1 Farnaat Butt TypewrlUr Exchange, HI S. uth fix All make for sal or 'JnL RENT a writer. Remington," not Just typ low rent. Call Dnu.i.. 7 WATCAL SPECIALISTS.- Chrttlansen. 3d fl. Paxton Bk.. II rr, P. WEDD1NU STATION ER1-T Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Cm. WINES AND LIO.UOR. ALEXVJETES. J01-8 8. 13th St. Wine liquors, cigars Plat dinners. U to 1 lSJ HENRY POLIXKK LIQUOR HOUBH. 16th and C.pltol Ave. Yen-cent linen! FOR RENT Ksrsl.btd Rooms. NEWLY papered' front room, on Blvd. H. 321. WANTED ONE Oft TWO NICELY FCRMSHED ROOMS IN Dl'NDEE OR NEAR FARNAM CAR LINE. AD DRESS E 316. BEE. NICELY furnished suite of rooms; quiet business l eople preferred Dodge St fa FARNAM oT-Nlcely furnished" room, east front. Douglas 7674 260J 6T. MARYS AVE -Nice, cool, mod-' ern room; private family. Red 2977. Faralaaeg llaikla Raaaaa. IJI3 DODGE Modern light housekeeping' reasonable. CALIFORNIA, ti!7. fur. hkpg7"il"7T up. Ilaaaeltee-aitasj Rao ma. DAVENPORT. 218 TWO OR THRE7H NICELY FCRNIBHKD FRoSt HOI SEKEFPINO ROOM.4. mJ2 i MODERN houaekeeplng apartment main floor. 1613 Capitol Ay a. " $ttl 8 Nth Ave.. 3 rooms for light house keeping, 61.60 week. u- lleaaea and totta. Narth. FILL 2-STORY SQUARE-. North aide. 1 block to car O KEEFB REAL fcSTATB OO 1018 Omh Nat l Doug. tfo.-.