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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1915)
Bringing Up I - Hovthvt' vm nouM 1 1 1 w thi, I 1 "M UILW, 1 I'LL Take. IHLVKt , THE.tC EACK - f ATJ.H M M.l2bS?0 OM THE HEAD AND, A DOLLAR-, THREE FOR COME ON I THOUGHT THEX WHAT ? L ; . AT CCMcX VL.AHD I J 'T A CICAR - IT WCHTH! FWfL VTr-i VU7. IRON! W3 ( JTl J I TlliK I'LL TAKE )H ' f 7T- HIM TWICE AND K I ' J V, J . JqNE DC "if 7171 ' V a jd ROURKES LOSE OUT IN TEliTH STANZA - Htllman Pitches Kioe Ball Until that Spaim nd Then He Aviates to the Roof. IS35ELL 13 . FIRED FROM PAEK for nine ' Inning ChW-kUt nallman howlrfl along In Ma slickest vein and wss In lino to pitch a neat ball gam.. But In.tha tenth hla alda-wheel want back on Mm and what tha Booalara did la that tenth! roand la a ahama 18 ralata. Any how, Dfi Molnea copped tha frar, t to 2. Tha nourkoa had crabbed a two-run ld tn tha opening frama and It looked rood -for a wla tha war Mailman was labbrftig. Hut In tha alKhth old man Tex J one awlinc hla well known war bludgeon and tha next aeen of the pill It wii Bail ing over tha rlsht field wall while Cy Foraytha atood benaath It hurling dire -maledlctiflne toward tha Inoffenalva little xphera. A a Kdward Hahn waa on flrat at tha time tha aora waa deadlocked. J to 1 Tenth m Tarrlbl Affair. Then cama the horrible tenth. And there were two down when It all hap pened. To rtart tha Inning ailllgan made a hit and waa forced at aeeond by Hahn. Hahn waa In turn foroed at eecond by Sawyer. Krueger'a punk peg allowed Sawyer to awlpe the keyatona and tha Booster aecond Backer trotted home on 1(111 Hunter'a blow to canter. Jonea double aeored Hunter and BIIIb' tingle tounted Jonei. A aad tale, matea. but true. A hit by Bmlth. a walk to Foraythe and Krueger'a triple netted the two Rourka count In the opening licn. To enliven the dolnga a bit. Dutch Myera and Haldy Iebell had a few words of an argumentative nature. Dutch had all the better of tha argument. In the Blxth Hawyer attempted to go to third on Jonea roller t Whalen. Red ihuiked to Marty and Myera declared Hawyer out. Iebell didn't believe and ha told the umpa ao In language that might be described aa unexpurgated. The umpa majestically waved the Booster boaa to the coop. Warea Iabell Oat. But Iabell la an IrrepreaaiWo person and when ha feela In tha mood ha talka right bark to anybody, no matter If ha be one of Tip CNelll's mnplrea. Ha kept up tha fhatter from tha coop and then ha made the break. Ha made a alighting remark about Myera Belling hla pant In Bt. Jo eph for 3. No ealf-respectlDg umpire ran stand for auch crank, ao Myera vhIImI "outside bum" and. after a few preliminary maneuver, auch a stopping at tha water bucket, Isbell departed from eight. A awall gathering ot lady bugs war out to lamp tha pastime and they were very much disappointed with tha ahort oomlnga of our boys. It was about tha best Monday crowd of tha year. Interea aeema' to ba picking up base balllcally In Omaha. Tha aama teama will battle again today. Game will be called at t o"clock. Bcore: DE8 MOINK& AB. R. II.. O. A. to- a 1 0 A. 0 Whn rt I 1 lawyer. Hunter, cf a Jonea, lb. .... a Hartford. lb........ S WIIB. 2?.. Tannehlll, tb t D. Hrean, e., Ollllgan, 9 Totals 40 I OMAHA. AU. R. 10 30 IS O. 11 0 e PnHlh. If H. Breen, Fore y the. 4 5 3b "fa Krueger, 0 . tVhlieoner, lb. Krug, Sb Thoniuon, cf. Whkim, ss.... Hallman, p.... Kaiura 0 0 0 Totals .30 7 M Hatted for Hallman la tenth. ii,i... 0 00 0 3 0 3-" h i 1 1 i i -u ak.u 1. a Hon, 3 4)00-1 in,. . .:.. IIIIIH1.1-I hnnM run! Jones Thre-b Wt: Two-has hits: Tannehlll. i.inra KniK. Miolen base: hawyer. s.,.riu. hit: hawyer lKJObls plays. Iluiitu- to (syer to Hartford, Hilla to rMy-r L-ft on Imari: 1 Motnea, 7 Htrui-k out: By ailllasn, ' i.v iialiioaii. 4. Hasa on balls: Off iiilhvi.ii. r: off Hailman, 1. Hit by rit,lo-d ball: Hallman. Tim. Z:u. t'liiplre: Mer PK.VE OVKRWIIELMI LIMKB i;r.llea Take Uasaa by lesre of Klsht to Two. 1 ivniLN. Nfb.. June Denver bat' teis found tlui olfrlns of Pitcher tk'hreiber to llWIng today and tha tsitors won by the worn of s to Z. Boors : ObM v r.K. AU. H. H. O. A. K. Sln'r, f 1 0 r-r.1. Ids. lb 1 1 14 0 M-iV.niUk. If Z1 iallomay. 2I. I 1 3 3 'oifey, rf It 1 X K elk her, as. 3 3 4 3 0 0 A hrian. 3b f t 0 4 .lk, c. i 1 3 4 ( anlwt-ll. p 4 0 4 0 Totala 46 t M S7 11 UXt-OLN. Aa R. H. O. A K. Wolfe. If I 1 1 l.y l. .'! 4 1 I II ixl.rit-r. cf.... 4 X iinemsj. lb 3 1 1 It I 1 j' rt -a J i J Father McAllister, c 4 0 1 0.0 MoOafMKnn, s 2 0 I .11 Daley, .1l 0 I 0 1 H Hchrelber, p 3 0 0 10 0 Mora 1 0 0 0 0 0 Total ! 1 4 77 21 4 Batted for B. rVhrelber In ninth. Dwiver 0 0 0 4 1 1 X4 0 H Lincoln o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0-2 Twohnse htta: McCormlck Kt. Uallo way, Kelleher, Wllilama. Iiouhle play: Onlloway tu KhlrMr. Hacrlflce hits: B Hchrelhor, Cantweil. Marigaa. Htruck oiit: By B. BrhrellxT, 1-. ty Cantweil. 4. Baaea on balle: Off B. Bchrelher, 1; off Cantweil, 6. I mplre. Oaakelt. Time: 4:11, PAflK AND IMP II4VK riMT Hallaad Jolaa la mm Riot Baaaes After Sloax City Loses. fTIOUX PITT, la., June ZI.-8loux OltT loat the opening niiine of tha snies here to Ht Joseph. I'm pi re Van Hyckle or-, dered t'nun out of the game for disputing a decision, rage refuaed to leave until an officer was called. Msnset- Holland of the visitors wss ordered out of the famu and an officer accompanied him roni tho grounds. Later Page and Van flyrkle-met outside the grounds and a flstlo encounter ensued. The encounter grew Into a free-for-all fight In which supporters of the two men were arrayed or opposite sides. Mannger Holland was struck several times. rae waa taken to the police station and- afterwards re leased Score : HIOUX CITT. AH. R. H. ...4 0 0 ...4 0 T . . . 3 , 0 1 ... .1 I 0 ...4 0 2 ... 4 0 0 ...0 1 ...2 0 I ... S 0 1 O. I 10 2 0 1 7 0 Cooney, ih... Clarke. If Kane, lt lejeune, cf. . Callahan, aa. Davidson, rf. Young, b. ,, rlc, o Clark, p Totals ....) 1 JOHKPH. r is AU. It. If. o. K 0 Ranp, Sh Nicholson. If.., Page. Ub. ...... Tsylor, rf. .... Williams, rf., Watson, cf. ... Fisher, lb , "woldt. ss Tonneman, e. , Flanagan, p.. n 0 0 0 0 1 0 2b.. Totals Floux City St Joseph Two-base hits: 3 17 14 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 01 .2 000100 03 Page, Young, Tonne iHiuhle lilava: CooncV man , P. Clark. Callahan to Kane: Wlllinms (unas sisted), iiaaaa on halls: off Clark. 1; otf Klsnagan. 2. Htruck out: By Clark. 7: by Flansgmn. 2. Hit by pltohed hall: liy Flanagan tKnne). Time: 1:48. I'm plro: Van Syckle. TOPKKA WINS FROM . Wit HIT. Kawa Cap tar Krea lllttlaar toateat at lloasa. TOPnKA, Kan.. June Sl.-Topeka won a free hitting gante from Wichita. Doublea by Tydeman and I'atterson tied the acore In tha eighth after Wldeman had held the visitors to one hit for four innings, roptka scored tha winning run when Unover. pinih hlttlna for Wldi-man. beat cnit an Infield bit with the bases run. Boor: TOPKKA. AB. R. H. 1 3 0 1 0 3 1 3 0 1 O. 13 0 0 A. 0 0 0 4 0 3 3 1 0 0 Roche. If . 6 , it Trainer, rf. ... Bostwkw. aa... I Mayar, cf. .... Attlmore. 2U. Rappa, lb, .... ochran. b.... Monroe, c n lueman. p.... Clunn. p. U rover Totals so WICHITA. AB. R, 4 2 10 37 II H. O. A. 1 0 0 I I 0 0 3 I 0 Charles, lb... T'ox. If 4 4 4 4 0 1 4 3 1 Tydeman. rf. tstteraon. MX Brltton. 5b. . I (nap, sa Willi, cf. ... Ppencer, cf... Orlfflth. e. ... outhern, p. . -uelst Totals .... .34 13 0 Ustled for Wldeman In eighth uattna lor Poutlirrn in ninth. Topeka .... 1 0 : Wichita 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 Thraa-base hit: Monro. Twit-liau. kita- Trainer. Charles. fV. Tvdenian, Patter son, nacrinca ntt: Kappa. Sucrifloi flv: iinnio piay: iMtailcK lo l.attl mor to Rapps.' 8tol-m bases: Uche. l-iainer. t'O'liran. Hoan. Hit: Off lineman. . in elsht inn.nas. ltmu.a n fans: urr loeman, x; eff Hnuthern, a Mruck out: Uy Wldeman, 3; by Kouth- rro. . ua piicn; iceman. Hit hy i""io uai'i, py mniran, i; oy iiunn. rr rwuinm. . i me ixn. i.miim Cusack. Asaerloar Assoelattoa. At Louisville: n if v iieveiana t 11 (Louisville '. ft 10 ! Batteries: Carter ind RUllnsa !. forth and Clemona sixteen Inninas At Iniltanaoolla: n 11 rr i oiumnus k m IndianaiKUs 414 t Batteries: 0"Toole. Davis snd Colrman: Schardt and Uossett. At Kansas City: H. U.K. Minneapolis j 10 0 Kansas City 11 3 Batteries: Bentlcy and fullhan: Re(an and Alexander. At Milwaukee K H K ft. Paul a b 1 Milwaukee 113 Batteries: Pteela, Hall and Olenn: Mlap nlcka and Brannon, Hughes. Twelve In nings. Kar4 Dodae Heals ( keroker. TORM LAKE. Ia. Juna 81 tripeclal Tt-legram.V In the basa lll tournament hera tills forenoon, Kort Dodsn beat Cherokee. I to 1. In a pitcher' battle ba-twet-n Rustenhaven and Wl'kus. In hloh RusUnhaven had tha better of h. Batlerlea: Kust nhaven and Bmlth: WHkua and Harmony. In tha afternoon Sioux Rapids beat Storm I-aks, 4 to 1, r'uratiiner. who startad for Htorm Iike. bvlng wild trloux Rapids scoring four runs off Mr. delivery la lao Innluss. IxmwII held them ocirleas. BatleHis: Kiis hm-r ljdell end tYiapmsn: Kiiinen and Krr rin. Bat Want Ads produce Resets. HIK I.KK: Copyright. l"1fi. Internetlapsl Nea fcrvl-e MACKIANS PERK DP, TRIM YANKS TWICE Bad Pitching by New York Twirlen OiVei Double Victory to the Athletics. FIRST GAME GOES TEN FRAMES PHILADELPHIA, Jan 1. Bad pitch ing by tha New York twlrler gava Phlla delphla two victories today, 7 to 6, In ten Innings, and 13 to 7. In tha first game the home team scored four runs In the fifth Inning and made only one hit. a double by Walsh, and In the second Inning of the closing event secured only two singles and yet tallied five runners. In the eighth Inning of the opener Man ager Mack sent In four pinch hitters and when the ninth Inning started his lineup we almost completely changed. Lapp and Mrlnnls being the only players to remain In their positions. This game was won In the tenth on Mclnnls single, Keatlng's wild throw on Do vies' bunt snd Keatlng's wild pitch. Kcora: SKW YORK. PHlLADBI.rHlA. All. H. O A F. All. II. U A E. Hlh. rf pMklntm. Ml Mlal, tb... 4 Plnp. Ih I fr, rf I lUrtitll, If. I liaiimsn, Sb. 4 Nunamskr. e 4 Ksllns. p.. 4 t I owjii.h. rr-lhi J I I II I f 1 1 1 1 S 1 HI null rf-cl 4 IM. e 4 KiMrlns. Ifaat 0 Mrlnnls. tb. OiVnwiy. lb.. I OIlBVlOB. If., OMaloDO. 2b. lHuah. v.... 4 Ko. t a Totsli M n 11 sMurphr. rf . I 0 NrM.r. .. t laloU. 2b... 1 tMian . ... . I TuUls St T t One out when winning run scored. Hatted for Malone In eighth. New York 0 0300000 0- Philadelphia ....0 0 0 1 4 0 0 1 0 17 Two-hve hits: High, Walsh. Strunk, Mclnnls ?,). Htolen haees; High, Malsel. Ipp. Ksu in an. Walsh. Hchannr. Karned Mins- New York, fi: PhllHilelnhla. ft. ouble plsy: IJole (unassletedr. First ss on errors: New York 4- Plillnripl- phla, S. on balls: Off Keating. : off l;r-sil.., 1; nff Hush, 1. Hits: Off llroasler, tt In eight Innings; oft Bush, none In two Innlnxs Hit by pitched ball: My Keating iKopf.) htruck out: By Keating. ; by Fresalitr, : br Bush, 1. rmplree: Hildebrand anil Hcore, second Dame: NBW YORK. rHlI.AIIKl,rHIA. AH H O. AC. AH. It. O A .K. hih, rr i i OWalah. i f... I f... 4 .... 3 If.. 4 lb. I lb.. I a.. i i i o t 1 o 0 1 0 0 a i t i t i i I t i a 1 I to t'erklnaa. 191 Malasl. tb.., 3 1 l'l!l lb I tl'l IKirunk. A Tape, o. oi imrlna. 4 Mrlnnls, lCnnair ra. rf 4 1 S Haitian, If. t iMuman, Ilx 4 1 ox.i.Hia. 3 IKnpf. SS. PMhavkar. OBusb. p. Totsls. S Hw-anay, e. . 1 1 Si'kwrt. a . I I Nunantskr. ... I a. I ... l i aid vail, . 1 Piah. a I Mullen .... 1 It t 17 to Totsls It I 14 11 t Battad for Schwert in tire eighth. N-w York 0 303003007 Philadelphia 3 S t 0 0 0 0 t 13 Two-bese hit: linn Thrce.hsse hits: Malnno. Kopf. Karned runs: New York, I'hllanelr.hla. 7. First baas on errors: Philadelphia, 2. Rosea on halls: Off Caldwell. 6; off Pleh. 1; off Rinwkey, 4; off Bush. I Hits: Off Caldwell. 2 In two innings: off Pleh, I In six Innings; off Bhawkey, f In six Innings, none out In the seventh Inning; off Bush, none in uirea innings, jut i.y pitorn-d ball: By Pleh (kloIiinlsV Struck out: By Cald well, 1; hy Itch. 5; y Bhawkey. 6; hv Bush. 4. Umpires: O'Loughlln anil Itlldebrond. Spill Doable Bill. WAHIIINflTON .Tim 91 Washliirton divided a doubia-haader here today, 8 00 re; OSTOM. WARHINOTOK. AH H O. A . AB.H.O.A.E. Hnoeer. rf .. ft 4 1 4 tktosllsr. rf.. 1 S I S s M", jo . a 111 SKiMtar lb. ..4 1 4 1 Kpaaa.r. or., ft III l.lhanka. If... 4 141 lla. If.... 4 1 4 4 0 Milan. cf....4 11 Muklllaal. lb4 10 4 Altandll, lb... 4 1 10 I Janrrln, ea. .4311 IMorsaa, tb.. I 3 1 riarduar, lb. ft 1 14 OKanrr. c 1 1 I 4 Thoama. s... I I t I 1-Wllllsma ..I 4 e 4 Rutto. p 4 1 1 I 4Aliamlth. o. 1 1 1 4 . Mrllnaa m 4 4 11 ToUla It 11 17 II I (Thaw. ... Oallls. a... Naff Hoppae. p. . Jhnsua .. 4 4 4 4 141 444 414 14 4 4 Totals W T It 1 Patted f ir Henry In tho fifth Battel for Oallla In the fifth. Batted for Hopper In tha ninth. Boston 3 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 08 Washington ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 01 Two-hsae hits- Janvrtn. Hopper, Wag ner, Hnth. Earned nine: Boston. S; Washington. 2. lilts: Off Khaw, 8; none out In the first Inning: off Oallla. 3 In five lnnlnss: ..ff Hoper, 6 tn four In nings. 8toln bases: Iewis, Mueller, Morgan. Douhlep plays: Ruth to Thomas to Oardnrr. Las.s on balls: Off Ruth. 4: off Shaw, 1; off ttallla. 3; off Hopper. 1. First base on error: Boston. I. htru-k out: By Ituth, 7: by Oallla, 3. 1 moires: Dlneen and Nallin. Score aec ond game: , BOSTON. WAHHINOTO AB II. O A K II u n I B llaln.r. rf... 4 114 4Nastlar. rf.. 4 1 14 S Hmipsr. rf .. I 4 Wasnsr. tb. ft t t Hvrakar. rf.. 14 4 lla. If . . . 4 1 4 Hoblllial. lb I 1 II 4 nroatar. lb .. ft t 0 !,.!,, . ... ft 4 Mll.a. cf.... ft 4 4ia4ll. lb . t 4 IM .rsan. lb . 4 I 1 AlnarnllK a. 4 I dH.-llrMa. sa. 4 t a I 11 Janvris as . 4 I I uaoluar. lb. I a s ' r 4 I I H.nrlaaan .444 Tharaas. .. . B 4 t 1 boabllUL p. I 4-4 a t TfUII ftt 14 at IT I Sara, s I 4 4 4 I'niiiss. .. 4 a a a a " ..1 4 4 4 Faunwk. a.. 1 4 4 4 4 Uai. s 4 4 4 4 TtHaJa 1ft T-31 1J I Hutted for folllna In eighth. Ran for Cady In ninth. One out whan winning run acored. Boston 0 l3 o-l Washington ....00 Two-base hits: Janvrin. Cady. Earned runa: Off Shore, 4; off Maya. 1; off Boehllng. 3. Thr-bea hits: Milan. Oatner. Hits: Off Shore & tn two Bud wne-thlrd innings; off Colllna, 3 la four and two-thirds Innings: off Prnnork. 1 In one and on-thlrd Innings: off Mavs. 3 In ona Inning. Utolrn baaaa: Oandil, Morgan, McBrtde, Bundling Double play: Wasnsr uaaaslstWIl. Morgan to Oandil. Itasws on balls: Off 81: ore. 1; off Collins. 1. off Boohllng. ft. Base on errors: Boston. 1; WaahitiKton. I. Sturrk out: Bv Collins. 3: by Bovhllng. I. by PeniKM'k, 1; by Maya. L I'niftnrae: Saiila and Dlueen. OMAHA. TIESPAY, .TtJXK Standing of Teams WFJT. LKAQUF.. I NAT. LEAOITB. W.LPct WLPct. Ia Moines. 1 .and Chicago .....m 21 .RS5 Denver 19 .F.7S fit. luls....S3 2rt S5J Topeka ....3 23 .V Phlladelpha 28 24 .Bn Omaha 56 24 Boston 24 38 . 4f2 Uncoln ....33 2 .4w; Brooklyn ...24 tt .filO ft. Joseph.. I0 2 .417iPltsurgh ..26 26 .& Wichita ....10 37 .413! New York. .. 21 M .47 Blou, City.. 20 29 .Cincinnati ..21 27 .437 KKD. LEAG-UK. I AMUR. ASSN. W.UPct. W.UPct. Kan. City. .36 23 .A10 Indianapolis. 37 21 .HM Ht. Iiuls....83 M .Ooiloulavllle . 31 37 .Ml Chicago ....31 27 .KMjKansaa tlty.90 27 M Pittsburgh 30 .627 Milwaukee .27 .oi Newark . . . 28 .60ft1 Ht. Paul 2R .&0 Brokolyn ..28 .4fl! Cleveland ..2fi 2 .43 Baltimore .21 33 .Sk9Mlnneaolla 24 31 .4fii Buffalo ....31 40 .8441 Columbus ..23 32 .418 AMER. IaKAOUR. . 8TATK LEAOrK. W.L.Pct.l W.LPrt. Chicago ...37 20 .041 Beatrice ...1 10 .ff.5 Boston 20 ID .nu York 18 11 .Ki Ietrolt ....34 24.RW; Norfolk ....18 1J.X) Od. Island. .IS 14 .617 Falrbury ...13 1 .419 Hastings ..14 IS .467 New York.. 27 26 .60W Washington 25 2i .snoj Cleveland .21 82 .3Mi Phlla 21 34 .'l Bl. Louis.. ..ft) 34 jm Yesterday's Reeolts. WKSTERN LEAGL'E. Pes Moines, t; Omaha, 1 Kt. Joseph, 3: Hloux City, 1. Wichita, 6; Topeka, 6, Denver. I; Lincoln. 3. NATIONAL MSACHTE. Phlladelphls. 3: Pittsburgh, 4. AMERICAN LKAOLK. New York. 6-7: Philadelphia. 7-12. Boston, 1-6; Washington, 3-4. NEBRASKA 6TATK LEAGUE. Falrbury. 4; Beatrice, I. York. 4: Hastings. 2. Grand Island. 0; Norfolk. 7. FBDF.RAL LEAGUE. Chicago, 3: Baltimore, 7. Pittsburgh, 3; Newark, 3. Kansas City, 9; Buffalo, S. Ht. Louis. 8; Brooklyn, 2. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Cleveland, .7; Ixulsvllle, 6. Columbus. 'S; Indianapolis, 4. Minneapolis, n; Kansas City. 1. Ht. Paul. ; Milwaukee, 6. 44asea Today, ' Western iBgue Wichita at Topeka, Denver at Lincoln. Des Moines at Omaha. Hi. Joseph at Hloux l:y. .National Le.igue Pittsburgh at Cincin nati. Brooklyn at Boston. Phlladeluhla at New York. v American League New York at Phila delphia. Boston at Washington. Chicago at Cleveland, Ht. Ixiuls at Dolroit. Federal League St. Louis at Brooklyn. Chicago at Baltimore, Kansas City at Buffalo. Pittsburgh at Newark. Nebraska Hlate league York at Has tings, (Ira nit island at Norfolk, Hratrlc at Falrbury. Women's Tennis Tournament Starts at Kansas City KANSAS CITY, Juna SI. With tha cen tral west tennis tit la at atake, representa tive women players from several states were here today for the opening matches n the fourth annual central west cham pionship tournament for women, which will be played on the course of th Ivan hoe Tennis club. Miss Marjorle Hires of Kansas City will defend her title against an entry list ot flfty-elx. Including Miss Carrie B. Nee- ley, Chicago, erveral ttmea western champion; Miss Mary Katherlne Voor hees, Evanston, III., runner up In th Illinois state tournament last year; Miss Alice Prendergast, St. Louis, a semi finalist here last year, and with Mist Voorhees, winner In doubles, and Miaa Lesley. La Beau me, prominent Bt. Louis player. Twenty teams are entered in th doubles, which start tomorrow. GIANTS LOSE TO TIGERS IN EXHIBITION PLAY TOLEDO, O., Jun 31. A ninth-inning batting rally gava an exhibition gam between th New York Nationals and th American to lay to Ietrolt by a score of 4 to 3. Thirteen thousand em ployes of a local automobile concern saw the game. Cobb proved the star, getting two hits out of three times up, and scor ing the tlelng run, besides running wild on the bases. Score: , . . . R. H. K; New York 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 t 3 4 Detroit 1 00 1 0000 2-4 1 Batteries: New York. Mathewson. Per ritt, Schauer and Meyera, Smith; Detroit, Boland and McKe. HAYES WINS THE CHICAGO CITY TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP CHICAGO, Juna 21. Walter T. Hayes today won tha tennis championship of Chicago by beating his doubles partner, Ralph Burdlck, In the final round of tha singles. 4-3. g-l, 4-1. With Burdlck, Hayes won the doubles title yecerday. Miss Carrie B. Neely and Miss Kath erlne Waldo won tha women's doubles championship, beating Miss Malcolm Mo Nelll and Mr W. S. Miller, l-C I-3. Bed Boa Wla. WELLS. Minn.. June 21. (Special Tele gram.) The Kansas City Red Sox on a fsat game hers today by the score of 1 to IV Llston'e pitching for the Red Sax featured, allowing only ona bit and strik ing out fifteen men. The Red Sox play at Austin. Minn., tomorrow. Score: Riia Red Sox 1004001-3I1 Wells 000000-011 SCHUYLER. Neb.. Jun 21 Special Telegram. S'huyler won a fast tea-ln-nine game from Hogvrs. Bcorw: Roaera 1 031-4 Schuyler ........ I 1 1-4 Battertea: Schuyler. Andrewa and Davis: Rogers. Arcs and Otim Struck out: By Antirews, , by Arps, 14. Time: 1:41. Umpire-' Alle- 22, 191.. Drawn for The Bee by George McManus PIRATES CAPTURE ONE FROjIPHILLIES Firtt Ran for Pittsburgh it Home Run by Wagner in Thirteen Frame Flay. FOUR TO THREE IS THE SCORE PITTSBURGH. June 21. ntsburgh de feated rtiiladelr hia today, 4 to 3. In thir teen Innings. The winning run came on a single by Collins, Bancroft's error and a single by Hlnchman. The Pirates gained an early lead but the visitors tied tha score at two each In tho ninth, on doubles by Crav:h and Luderus. In the twelfth Philadelphia scored a run on a pasa, a sacrifice fly and Klehoffs sin gle. Pittsburgh came back In tho same Inning, scored a run on two passes and Murphy's single. The locals first run was a homer by Wagner. Score: PHILADELPHIA. PlTTSBI'ROH. AB H O A B. A.B.H.O.A.K. Bancroft, sa. ft 1 I Hm. 8b... 4 1 4 Nalhoff. !!.. 1 4 Yavnth. rf.. 4 3 4 Ludmrus lb. I 1 14 ll-kar. If... ft I I Whlttsd. of. t I Klllllar. e... 4 1 ft ft lfarar. If.... 4 0 ft 0 4 1 Ol'olllns, cf.. 4 110 4 0Ralr). 8b.... 4 101 1 OHinchmn. rf 1 i 0 V 0 OWasoar. sa.. ft 1 t 4 1 4 1 VI01. 2b 1 4 i 4 4 BJohnstoa. lb ft t 10 4 4 3 OOlliaos. c... (1114 O'Harmon ... 0 4 0 4 4 Marar, p.... I 0 S rhsjar 1 4 4 4 Cnorar a... 4 4 4 4 Rir, p. Chalmers, Totals.. ...304 OMamauI. p.. 0 0 4 4 4 p. 4 0 0 4 OAdania, p.... 1 0 0 4 4 -Hchans .... 1 4 4 0 0 ...44 1017 11 BMcUullan, pO 4 4 4 0 Murpnr, e... 1 1 1 Totals 41 10 10 11 1 On out when winning run scored. Batted for Mayer In th eighth. Kan for Gibson In the twelfth. Batted for Adams in tha tenth. Philadelphia .... Pllt?bur-h Two-base hits: Falrd, Johnston. ,.0 00000101001 0-3 ..0 10100000000 14 Cravath (2). Luderus, Throe-base hit: Byrne, Home run: Wagner, Stolen base: K Cllll- fer. Double pl vys-' Bancroft t Niehoff to Luderus: Wagner to Vlox to Johnston; Batrd to Vlox to Johnston. First base on errors- Philadelphia. 2. Bases on balle: Off Mayer. 2: off Rlxcy, 2: off Adams. 1; off McQuillan, 3: off Cooper. 1. Hits: Oft Mayer. j In seven innings; off Rixoy 3 In five Innings and none out In the thirteenth Inning; of f Chalmers. 1 in one-third Inning: oft Adams, 8 In ten innings; off MiVullliin, 3 In two Innings; off Cooper, none In two-thirds lnnlg; off Mamaux, none In two-thirds- Inning. Struck rut: By Mayer. 2; by Rixey, 2 hy Adam', fi; ty McQuillan. 1: by Mam aux, 1. Umpire!': . Hart and Cocklll. I Vf "STAR The Pocket-Pkce of Geniality" ACTION, ACTION, . ACTION is the demand of the "movie public" and the problem of the "movie maker." When snapping a big battle staging a corona tion or picturino; the "wild west"these action-makers relieve tne "tension" with a good chew of STAR. Here's what you tret when these seasoned cbe we rs : ' A thick plug", which means that you get more of the mellow chewing leaf and that a STAR plug won't dry out like a thin plug. ' '. A cluar that never varies in quality and one that weighs 16 H -i : mil uuutct u uio uuic. CHEWNG LEADING BRAND aT wax m M wa m -aw . " 1 ' ! Horsemen Guests of Matinee Club. BEATRICE. Neb.. Juno 11. (Special) This evening visiting horeamen who are hero to attend the races were entertained by officers of th local race club. The race will open tomorrow when the 3-year-old trot, 2:17 pace, 2:24 trot and half-mile run will be contested. Wed nesday will be Beatrice day, with four harness race and a gallop on th pro gram. On Thursday the S-year-old pace, 2:15 trot and 1.13 pace and three-quarter mile run will be events. Baron Holt, Oeorg Patterron and Alllo Watt are th big figure In the 4-yea.r-old trot tomorrow, and among the two dozen entries In th 3:17 pace are such wall known campaigner as Josie Knight, Major, Hardla, Tom Black and Madam Mack. In Wednesday's list ar Soclus, an Idaho racer; California, of O. L. De Rydsr's stable, and Valentin Bmoot from Arkansas In tha 3:30 trot; Jennie Flts gimmonx. Rcba R. of Idaho, Baron Wlxard of Minnesota In th 2:22 pace, and The Empress. Miss Perfection, Linwood Mack and PeUr Dallas In th 3:24 trot In the 2:08 pace, which comes on Wed nesday, Is entered Oveida, a famous pacing mare. On Thursday the race are the 3-year-old pace, 2:16 trot and 2:13 pace and a gallop. Defeat for Salem. FALLS CITY. Neb.. Juna 21-fSpaclal Telegram.) Falle City defeated Salem In a slow gam Sunday by a score of 8 to 2. 8core: R.H.E. Salem 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 12 8 I Fails City ..0 2 0 1 0 0 0 0 0-3 4 Three-bare hit: Prater. Two-base hits: Hlckln (2. Lyford. Salisbury. Strauss.: Struck out: By Poteet, I; bv Davis. 2; by Strauss. I. Bases on balls': Off Strauss, 3. Batteries: Salem. Davis. Strauss and Thornberg; Falls City, Snl- otr, i-oteei ano roieet. Attendance, tw. Time: 2:00. Umpire: Vanderhlll Darky Holmes' Wla front Sliaaaroetts Ducky Holmes won a fast and Interest ing game from th Shamrocks. I to 1. The features of the game, was the pitch ing ot Front and the hitting of Hassan. Score: R.H.K. D. Holmes ..0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 C-4 10 0 Shamrocks ...0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 4 2 Batteries: Holmes. Front and Sandau: Shamrocks, Hiatt and Yost. Struck out: Bq Front, I; by Hlat, 3. Umpire Dryer. Men Who Chew Are Men Who DO you take the STAR 1 .' '. - ' :i :H It TOBACCO UL OF THE WORLD ''ftV i HOME RUNS GIYE TERPSA VICTORY Whalei Whipped by Circuit Smaihea of Baltimore Batsmen to 7 to 2 Score. BENDER PITCHES GOOD BALL BALTIMORE, Juna 21. Horn run brought about Chicago' defeat by Bal timore today, 7 to 2. Knabe's drlv over the left field fence with one on tied tho count In the sixth Inning. In tho ov enth, Duncan was walked purposely, fill ing the bases, and Zlnn then hit Into tho right field bleachers, cleaning Tip. Ben der pitched well throughout Score: R.H.E. Chicago 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0-3 1 t Baltimore ....0 0 0 .0 0 2 .4 1 Batteries: Pendcrgast and: 7. 8 I Fisher; Bonder and Owens. Terriers Trlan Tlpa. BROOKLYN, N. Y., Juno 21-St. Louis gave Davenport a five-run lead today by securing two doubles, two singles and two passes off Beaton In the first in ning. Davenport pitched great ball and received errorless support, winning easily, 8 to 2. Deal's batting and John son'B fielding featured. Score: R.H.E St. Louis .....6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 8 14 0 Brooklyn ....1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 2 Batterlet: Davenport and Hartly: Sea ton, Wilson and Land. n 1 ... V f BUFFALO. N. Y., June 21. Th poor support given to Bedlent by the local ' team In the early part of today'a game, waa largely responsible for Kansas City' 9 to fi victory. Roxey Roach, late of th Toronto In ternationale, appeared In a Buffalo- uni form at shortstop today. Score; R U E. u-.... rii o. n 1 o i n o ?. n 9 il 2 Buffalo 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 - & 12 2 Butteries: Cullop and Easterly; Bedl ent. Marshall -and Blair. v. Newark Trims rlttshnrgb,' . , j a NEWARK, N. J.. June 21. Newark defeated Pittsburgh today, I to 2. 'Score: U.H.E. Pittsburgh ..0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 02 9 1 Newark 0 0 0 01 0 0 2 - 10 1 Batteries: Dickson, Hearne and Berry; Falkenbcrg and Rariden. .. ." i Exhibition Play. TOLEDO, O,, June 21 Exhibition:, R.H.E. (New York Nationals 3 0 4 Detroit Americans .4 8 1 Batteries: Mathewson, Perritt, Schauer and Meyers; Smith, Boland and McKee. tip ' from 15 oz. I I Plugs rr