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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1915)
CROPS INUNDATED BY RECENT RAINS Bridget Are Aluo Washed Out in Southern Nebraska and North em Kansas. TROUBLE IN IOWA IS PAST While the morning reports to the railroad Indicate that throughout Nebraska the rain has ceased falling and the weather has cleared, great damage has been caused an a result of the flood. This Is particularly true In the south part of the state. The Monday report to the Nerthmest irn I to the effect that over an area of ten to twenty mile In all direction.' from Superior, Saturday night anil funday momlntr the precipitation waa from five to twelve Inrhca. All low and bottom lands In Nuckoll. Tiyer and Webster ountlea are submerged to a depth of two te ten feet, completely destroying ropa and drowning conslderabl live itoch. In many Instance farmer and ther dwellers on the low land aaved Ihemaelvee. their famlllee and their property by moving to the hllla. The rain seemed to be In the nature of a cloud burat, and continued fur hour. Houth of Superior, me years ago, the Northwestern built a line down to Web ber, Kan., constructing a bridge over the Republican river. Thla bridge was two mile eouth of Superior, and conatated pf a atructure of nine bent, each thir teen feet In length. Afterward, both the line and the bjfwa were let, ted to the Bante Fa for a m ternis of yeara, that road being dealrui of getting Into Super ior, though It did not went to build Into Kebraaka, aa It did not want to comply srlth certain conditions of the state law. 'Brtltra Carried Away. Sunday, following the flood, the Re publican river roes fifteen feet and car ried ths bridge away, turning the whole valley rnto a tea, six to eight tnllea wide nd from iwO to fifteen feel deep. By reason of tbe Sunday flood, the Rock Island baa suatained loaeea In the northern part of Kan that will ap proximate poaalble 1110,000 and delay traffic on the Qmaha-Denver line for perhaps a week or tea daya. Between Belleville and ftcandla, the bridge over the Republican liver, a atructure mora than 1.000 fet long, ' waa lifted off the piling and carried away down the strea-n, where It waa com pletely demolished. Another bridge on the same atream, quite aa long, between Belleville and McrarUnd. ' waa waahed away and destroyed. For mllea along the Republican river, It la aaaerted that the Rook laland grade haa been waahed to the level of the aurrounding country and the road will, have" to be ret u! It before It ean be operated. In the meantime, trains an the Omaha-Denver Una will be Aetoured over the Union Pacific;, Crop fader Water, Advlcea to the Roof Island local of. licet. Indicate that west of Fwtrbury and Into K ansae for W mljes or mora the a hole country In under water from the ralna of laat week and that'about all of the eeotloa of country from five to ten ten miles wide, crops snd practically all destroyed. Over thla atretch there are miles of country submersed to a depth of cne to ten feet and la the low lands there are numerous places where the water la fifteen feet deep. North of the Rock laland lines, while the rain waa heavy, apparently It did not do any damage to apeak of. It In terfered with repair work on the Bur llngton, but when tt eeaaed work was resumed and by tonight the Burlington will get tralna through to Denver over Ita eouth Una. On all other llnee In the atate the road la In gwd condition and tralna are on schedule, w Treable Kaasaa Llae. The Union Pacific tied more trouble with Ita Una down the Blue river and on aome of the llnee In northern Kansas but repair work la proceeding ru. I'.'f and tralna will be running within the rest couple -of daya, providing there are no mora flood. On the I'nlon aclflc's main Una condflor art bark to normal, but there la considerable oongeatloa due to the fact that exposition travel la heavy and the tralna cf ttia I lock Isltntf that are being detoured over the main line and into Denver. . East of the MUeourl rler the railroads are no longer experiencing any dlf floulty on account of flvnla. There have not beta any heavy rains within Iho last forty eight hours and ail track trouble baa beea reoelred. ANOTHER OMAHA BOY TO , MANAGE DARTMOUTH TEAM 'Frank Walters, general manager of the North wealern, la one of the happleat men In Omaha, having received word that jhia son, Henry Waltmen Waltera, at tending college at Dartmouth, haa ee irured onor la hU examination and next ear beoumee a Junior. . . la addition to getting honorable mea tlon, young Mr. Waltera haa beea elected manager of the Dartmouth foot ball team (or Beat year, something that Is looked upon as a distinctive honor. The position laat year waa held by aa Omaha boy, John Loomta. son of N. II. Loomla,. gen eral attorney for tbe Union Pacific Toung Mr. Lootnle waa graduated this year. BROTHER MUST INTEREST NAVYT0 BE TAKEN IN It Is juat poaalble that the Ignited States navy will be able to oSir tfee service of J. H. MoOee of Narka, Kan. The local office haa received a letter from hie brother, I B. McOee, who la a sailor and haa been three yeara on the CnlteJ ftatea Steamship "Paulding, now lying at New York. Lt B. exhorts the local recruiting officers to write to fala brother. "Maybe you'll be able to Interest him." he eays. U B. baa beea notified that It la more Important for bla brothar to "Interest" the United States aavy than (or tbe aavy to try to Interest hlna. ALL GRAINS MAKE Dr0POF A CENT FROM SATURDAY Caen grain on the Omaha market fol lowed the option that waa dewa from laat week, September wheat sailing below I! per buehel and aa low as J'i eenta per bushel. On the cash market wheat solj at fl. 1291.17; corn, TO cent te T2H ecota. and oat, 43 ceata to teat. All of the cereal were dowa aa evn cent (ram Saturday. Omaha receipts tit tie day wete wkaet, twenty-tbrae; errn. evi,ty eeven: oaU, tt carloads, with variy every tng taken aa aooa aa offered. Rine Says Use of Names of S. 0. and' Dundee is Illegal Ordinances end rherter which have governed Omaha heesn to operate ovr Pntith Omaha and Dundee at l'l a. in Monday, according to City Attorney Rln. Although the officials ere not In legal custody of the property and fund of the nnexed town a. It I- contended, for In stance, that policemen In South Omaha hall make arreeta according to the law of thla city, otherwise euch sr rett would be lllegnl, sssumlng that a writ of mandamua will he grunted Tu.h day. ta another expression of the legnl department Attorney Rlne further contenil that the offlrlal uee of the namee "Nnuth Omaha" and "Dundee" are not legal. SURPRISED THAT HE DOES NOT GET THE INFORMATION "What's the population o' Veneseila?" a iked a tall, thin, gloomy looking man mho prenented himself at the wlndoa In the poetofflce corridor marked "Informs, tlnn" and presided over by I-oyal ft. Mole. sir. Mole coyly dissembled and pointed out to the aeeker that only local post office Information waa on tap at hlv par ticular fountain of knowledge. "Huh, It aea Information," grumbled the radaveroua one looking up at the sign above the window. Mr. Mole referred the gentlemen to the public library, the Encyclopedia Brit tardea, the World Almanac, the etlaa and varloua other "likely" placee where the txect flgurea could be found. Ill vis itor did not rouae from hi melancholy trance, but, looking once more at the leend over the window, he mum hied: "H aes Information." and then with a reproachful took at Mr. Mole he ahambled off. KEEPERS OF DISORDERLY HOUSES ARE GIVEN FINES TjmT. Hart, saloon Her per at sixteenth aniiSraaa atreeta, wa fined 1 100 end coat In polloa court for keeping a disorderly house. Oane Morrla, Sit South Seven teenth street, waa fined a like amount for the aame offenae. Martha Howe, 1830 North Eighteenth, anj Mra. Joaeph Bo land, 1401 North Twenty-flrat street, were fined 2ft and eosts each. Only rew f-aa Ga. Those who are ao fortunate that e penee doea not have to be considered are now going to health reaorta to get rid ot the tmpurltlea of the eyetem that cauae rheumatism, swollen, aching Joints and atlff, painful musnle. If you are one of those who cannot go, yet feel that you need relief from suoh pain and mtaery, try Foley Kidney Pill. They restore the kidneys to healthful activity and make you feel well and atrong. Sold everywhere. Advertisement. 0 MEAT STILL HAS BUHPERODTLOOK Two Division of the Burlington Re port Crops Far Above the Gen eral Average. CORN PROSPECTS NOT BRIGHT According; to the flurllngton's wekly rrop report for Nebraska, while? the exreealve rains have In- Jnred the wheat crop to somo extent, on the whole It Is up close) to the bumpTr point. vn i" iniB or jvu) - a 1 1 t a 1 A A per rent for normal condition, at the I end of last week, on the several divisions, covering the winter wheat area of the state, the estimate was: Per Cent I Per Cent. Omha W I Lincoln 7 Wmore mlXrt'ook 111 Tl.c Vymore and McOook division re tain the high (funding of one week , but on ne Omha and Lincoln d'vlslon -here the rainfall we the heaviest and the most damaging, there waa a falling off of eonte 4 to S per cent. Wheat over the entire territory hae heeded and I filling well, the apparent dsmage being due to lodging and aome rust that h appeared In aome Instance on the low lande where the water ha stood or the ground and liaa not yet run off. Report On for. The report relative to tern Is not en couraging and by dlvltlon. on the baala of 10(1 per cent for normal at thla season of the year, the condition la put aa fol low: Per Cent. 71 r. Per Cent. f? Omaha Wvnwire McCook Lincoln Too much rain la what haa kept the condition of the corn telow the normal, the report stating, "Corn ha had a bed start, aa the aeed rotted In the ground to aome extent; aome of the corn has been wahed out and all corn haa made alow proeres because of iow temperature aod exceaalve moliture. In the district of Nebraska where augar beet are raised, condition are leaa favorable than they wer one week ago. On the low lands many fleida have beeen waahed out and the raina have de layed cutivatlon until the weeds have gotten an nnueual atart. Around Morrill it la estimated that field approximating 100 acre have been totally destroyed and will have to be replanted. If ay te Delayed. All over the state the meadow are covered with water and haying haa been delayed. The flrat cutting of alfalfa I practically a failure. In localities where It la cut. It rotted on the ground before It could be dried out and ataoked, and where it was not out, owing to rapid growth during the wet spell, It baa be com toe eoarss and haa matured to Excess Over We want to find and consult with any "Nobby Tread" users who are not securing excess mileage. . This wonderful anti-skid tire properly inflated is constantly giving enormous excess mileages over and above its extraordinary adjustment basis of 5,000 miles. mm Thousands upon thousands of "Nobby .Tread? users are securing mileages of 0 ef 000 10.000 e 12,000 . Today through sheer merit alone, "Nobby Tread" Tires are the largest selling high-grade anti-skid tires in the world. , Omaha Branch: United States Tire Company OMAHA RUBBER CO., Agent, 1608 Harney Street "NohbyTrrod" Tin arm toU by Leading RtliabU Dealer. Do not accept alt itat Untied StatesTiPGs i Maul by thm Ltu-rewt RuUm CasspsmY ia ttt) Vcjrli (Lmpkryiii; BBBBBBBBasaBBeaasBBBaaassaasaBBsaBa-aeaB mt h sn extent St to lone much of It feeding value. Dealing with fruit, there doea rot eeem to be much In slant except epule. and It la asserted that they promise a good crop. On account of cold weether and frosts, peaches will he a failure, while berrlee will be but little better. Cherrle have teen bdly damaged by cold anl wet and In no locality la more than a fair croi" looked for. ADVERTISES NEBRASKA AS SPOT TO HUNT AND FISH The Northwestern It out with It en nnil booklt. 'ritliln hunt!ff and f'shlna r-enrt tributary to Ita line. The im,e it 11,000 with another Rono to folj 'low later in the month. Thla yer r-r-i tlrnlnr attpntion -1 U.,tV rViknt. I in the iiiustmtcd bokut of fortv De ! particular strees is hi id upon Ainsworth. j Cody, Valentine, Long Pine ami Wood Iike. Neb., as nlnce where In season the hunter can find e, ducka, plover and prairie chicken a plenty. Reference la made to the ake end etreama not far from the, town and the assertion la made tnat they are teeming with Vass, rrappie and aunflh and that It is not difficult for a fisherman to fill hi creel In a few hours. IHrectl.ina are given for reaching all the Nebreek resort and a list of hotels at or near them la ap pended. , Peadwootf. Hot Sprjnge and Rapid City, fl. t., and Ijtndur, Wyo., are called to the attention of the tourist, hunter or fisherman. 1 , PLANTS ONIONS NEARBY TO MAKE THE POTATOES WEEP John Nlckolaon. deputy Vnlted Statea district tlerk. la an enthusiastic gar dener, and raise some of the finest green grocerle In Omaha. He Is making re searches along Hie line of Luther Bur hank and asserts he discovered a way of watering hi potatoea during any dry season that may come. "You see," said Mr. Nlckolaon. discuss ing hie great discovery, "I plant a row of onlona between every row of potatoes. Just about the time the ground Is In need of rein the onlona will make the board. The latter met Monday after tenlng the aoll aa much aa 1a neceaeary and causing both the onlona and potatoes to grow rapidly." COTTAGE PRAYER MEETINGS BEFORE BILLY SUNDAY COMES Hundreds of cottage r rarer meetlnga are planned to be held In Omaha every day during August, preparatory to the Billy Sunday campaign, which la sched uled for September 6. Iocatlona of the meetlnga have been figured out by the committee, with the help of the poetof flce authorities, so that every community in Greater Omaha will be well covered with the dally meetings. The preliminary prayer meetlnga on Sunday afternoons have been discon tinued by the committee. , 5,000 Miles imm tags Miles Miles Miles 5,454 Meaj SOUTH OMAHA LIST MAY NOTJTAND OP Council to Analyse Eleventh Hour Acta No Fundi for the Late Appointees. NOT DISPOSED TO "SHAKE UP" The city commissioners have an nounced that they are not disposed to Indulge in any "shake-up" among clty employes of South Omaha, and they hare likewise declared they will, aa V h a aAna ma Sk ! V ASS Btl. " VV' 1 ' ' alyro with a critical eye eleventh- 1 hour appointment! and other offlrlal acts. They refuse to make any com ments on the action of South Omaha officials Saturday. In this connection Commissioner With nell of the fire department aald: '1 will not stand for the eleven new firemen ap pointed last Saturday evening In f-outh Omaha. The funds will not permit, in the first place, and the men may not be needed. It la a matter for careful con sideration. The fire districts of the eouth sec tlon of Omaha wilt bear a new rela tion to South Omaha. The districts to TODAY'S BEAUTY HINTS . To whiten and beautify tbe com plexion permanently we have found no better preparation than a lotion made by dissolving four ounces of spurmax In one-half pint bot water, then adding two teaspoonfuls gly cerin. This removes any pimples, shiny, muddy or sallow appearance, and will make anyone'a skin cle, , smooth and velvety. It does not show or rub off like powder; In fact, It seems, a part of the skin; and for removing tan and freckles Is un equated. It Is necessary to shampoo more J imiueniiy in me warmer weaiuei because of excessive dust and tbe fact that the head perspires more and Is usually more exposed to the weather. The easleet-to-use and quickest-drying shampoo that w can recommend to our readers can be prepared very cheaply by dis solving a teaspoonful of canthrox, obtained from your druggist, In a cup of bot water. This rubbed Into the scalp creates a thick lather, soothing and cooling In its action, and very beneficial-to scalp and hair. After rinsing the scalp ia fresh and clean and the hair dries quickly and even ly and takes on a bright luster and soft fluffinesa that makes it seem very heavy. Advertisement. 11) be entered by the eouth side house 1 will revlelon." Some of the older men In the South Omaha fire department service have celled on Mr. Wlthnell during th" last few weeks and have been assured they a 111 be retained, providing their sr Icea art aatlafactory. "A new system of discipline Is needed li the South Omaha fire department," added Mr. Wlthnell Commissioner Kugel aald he Is In' lined i Twenty - Anniversary Sale Continues Kvery Itajr Thla Wtx-k. New liots nronght Forward. Sweeping Price Reductions On All Our Fine TAILORED SUITS Tailored Salt worth f 2.1.00 C 4 C Tailored Suite worth f 29.50 $ I J Tailored Suit worth WVOOf 4rt5fl Tailored Salts worth 39.509 10 Tailored Bait worth f4JV.OO tff)C Tailored Ha ita worth $55.00 V . An immense assortment of sy designs in both silk and suits for selection. Beautiful Silk Dresses Made to sell to $15, foulards, messalines, taffetas, poplins and novelty silks, jly QQ Charming designs, many with pretty lace waists, ail colors. Marvelous values at our Anniversary Sale price. Women's House Dresses; to f 1.26 values, at 45 Bungalow Aprons; 80c and 75c values TIP; Women's Pretty Summer Drosses Nearly all the items advertised Sunday for Monday will be continued on sale Tuesday with the addition of scores of new lots. Anniversary Specials Imported Black Sm1ss Chiffon Taffetas $2.60 yard values, beautiful lustrous finish; at,' yard. ........ 92.00 and 92.25 Crepe de Chines and Canton Crepes All Bilk. 40-ln. wide, pretty de signs, good colors, yd. 93 1 Anniversary Specials in Rug Department 920.00 Tapestry Brussels Rugi Seamless 9x12 size, in all new patterns, at 314.98 12.50 Seamless Brussels Bugs Oriental and floral patterns, 9x12 size; on sale S8.98 Basswood Curtain Stretchers Will not warp, 6x12 size Just what you need 89 Several Other Specials. 1 Windsor Pflsse Crepe at Hc The 18c quality, 30-in. Crepe in long mill lengths; plain colors and figured; all at, yard.. 9 Hit Amoskeag Apron Check Gingham the best made, yard Ki White Embroidered Dot 40-ln. Swiss 26c quality, yard, 15 Bleached Muslin Long cloth finish, superior 9c grade, yd' 6ttt? Pillow Cases 42 or 46x36 size, 16c quality, each tie? Bed Spreads Pure black, crochet and full size spreads; $1.3 values at, each 95 48-lb. sack best high grade Diamond H Flour, ' Monday . . . .t 50 19 pounds best Pure Cane Granulated Sugar, 'only 8100 1 bars Beat "Era Ml. Diamond 1 "v- or i-AUixiry yueen wnUe laun dry soap B6o 7 lbs. best Bulk Laundry Starch 'or BSe lbs. mlaoallaneous Chick Fee J for s6o 4 Iba. fancy Japan Rice, 10c quali ty for BS4 4 lbs. beat Hand Picked Navy Beans for flSe Tall eans Alaska Salmon .... loo Oil or Muatard Sardines, can H MacLaran's Peanut Butter, per In, laUe Herwheys Breakfast, per lb... a&e The beet Domestic Macaroni. Vcr mloelll or Bpas-liettl, per rk-. 7V4o 31-ounc Jars fin. Fruit Preaervea for 880 W. O. C or Krumblee for break fast, try It, -er packaxe Be K. C. Corn Flakns. per pkff-.. Be Large bottle Wore eater Sauce, pure Tomato uateu ricaiee, aa- aorted kl noa. or ere Pared Muatard, per bottle Advo Jell, for deaaert, the Jell that whips, per pk. ..... t -pound cana Gold en Pumoktn, Hominy, Sauerkraut or Bked ?eans. can 7HO pound can fancy Waa, Btrtiiir, Oreen or IJma Beana, par ean Tho t-pound can Sweet fturar Porn Thi 4 cans Carnation or Pet MUk..8o 4 cans Elkkom or Marahflebl'a Milk at, only BSe The best Tea Sittings, lb... IflHO rait I 111 9 EsiiM w 1 iiiuo PATS fjm vNvn ;--vi,- VWr i? Ask for Krug LUXUS and Save Coupon A BEER OF QUALITY Phon Douglas 1889 Luxus Mercantile Co., Distributors and have a case sent home tc retain the present South Omaha po lice department Insofar as posslbl hut ' doea not feel bound to recognise upne ersary appointments made on the ve of the dissolution of the South Omaha city govern meat Cold lllaata Caaae ecetica. Sloene Liniment will help your sciatica. Oet a iV bottle now. It pene-tratea-kllle the pain etope many aches. All druggleta. Advertisement- Eighth Dont Mlsa the Pplendld Bargain Offerings. Watch Ads. J clas woo Gingham 1'nderskiris Made to sell at 75c .39 Long Crepe Kimonos $1.60 snd $2.00 values ft5e Special 81.95 in Silk Department $1.59 Fine New Tub Silks 32 and 36-ln. wide, in all most beauti ful new weaves and colors: at rard -68' and 88 Anniversary Specials in Drapery Departm't $4.98 Cable Xet Curtains 3 y. yards long, in white only pretty patterns, pair ..82.00 92.50 Marquisette Curtains -Pretty designs, bright colors; Tuesday, pair .-81.59 Cable Net Curtains $4.00 PPir values, 2 tt yds. long, in ivory or white; at. pair. ... .82.25 Golden Santoa Coffoe for family use inert ia nothing r n.r 11. tn. The best strictly freah Eggs, noth ing finer at any price, per doa 80 3 fancy Full Cream. Now York White, Wisconsin Cream or Voun.; America Cheese, per lb BOo Imported Swlaa or Roquefort Cheese, per lb 400 Neufchatel Ciieese, each so The Tegetable and Prult Market for the People. IS lba. New' Potatoes to the pecw, at 33o It lbs. Old Potatoea to the peck. St BOo 4 bunchea freah . ueeta, Carro'a or Turnip for a 4 bunrhea fresh Radishes, Onions or Lettuce for 5 New Cabbage, per lb .So Fancy Rip Tomatoes, lb.... TVo I larae Oreen Pennera Be 5 large head Lettuce 60 Fancy Wax or Oreen Beana, r.r - lb. TWr 4 bunchea freah Rhubarb Be ut no your Plnapplea aad Oher. rise now. Targe jaiey Xmsobj, do. 15o-B0a The Batter, Cbeese ana Egg Mar ket the People The beat Creamery Butter, carton. per lb 8"e The best Creamery Butter, bulk. lb. B8a Fancy No. 1 Dairy Table P"tte'. l Good Dairy Butter, per lb BSe W