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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1915)
THE UEE: UMAJIA. 1TKSI.AY, JUM! I'l', U ron kent Board and II onmi, 8F!AI'Tin I, room, wl'h two enreptlon 'ly large riiiscti. In a Vrt Karnem nn:ne; large purrh and yard, good board, -yotinn nu n , i w-r. rr-rt l!rnv '. FiriUhrd ttosima. If you do net see anything that suit ou In the wiv of Furnished Room yol an rail at Room 1i4. Hre Uidg., and m' lor the ree Furnislicd Koom bureau and wo will iladly refer you to a high Haas rooming or boarding liouae In any part of the city. SIM CHKAtK 12 FA UN AM Nice clean rnoni, rtiinp. .ST Nicely furnished room, east front. Douglas 7S74 tm at. MARY S AVE Nice, cool, mod ern room: private family. Red 77, ll.ASSV, MOlKHN. nml. Fl'RNISH f ROOM IX FRIVATK. FAMILY; RfciA HON ABtK MARNKV 4H1 PA R lA)H rooms, rcas 'ail Doug iit'.i. LAROE, cool, elegantly furn. rooitu, 83 to Ift weak; real noma menla; large lawn porch. 81 N. !Ld. P. 5TH. 'i.07 FARNAM liarnf." nloely furnished fnmt room with eaet exposure. Modern r nnvenlancea. For gentleman. XU'EliY furnlahed modern room In prl vate family Tall Harney 740 OXK lame front parlor and one smaller room. & South fth St. --w 1, t, 3-r. suites, modern. 32. iO. l TIPS. Cool rooma. tnod., reaa 30?" I'm. 'I. 175. N. 17TII, 809 Cool housekeeping rooma. Reasonable. Faralefcrd Hoasc. K-ftOOM. completely furnlahed. strictly mortem bungalow for rent. Web. 4o:. KOR RENT-MODERN "-room house. furnlahed, aultable for hospital, eanl tarlum or nurses' home, on Farnam ur line Houylas KTSA J'TRNISHEO house, eeven room, until Sept. 1; fine location. Address U Bee. rinilahrl lrk-iliai Rooma. S428 DODGE Modem light housekeeping; reasonable. j22 FARNAM Very nice housekeeping rooms. Very reasonable. AUKORNIA, K17, fur. hkpT., 11.75 up. CASH, Wi Three beautifully furnished roiima. uroiind floor, alnk, gas range. 'AIS, I70B Pool, modern rooma, 82.00. J3LKT. llwht hnimekceplna ruoina, all modem; rent very reasonable. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Ifoaaekeepfnai Room, DAVENPORT. 10-1S. aulte of rooms: laundry privileges; large lawn. Bo. front. MODERN houaekeeplng aiiartment, main floor. 1812 Capitol Ave. iJAVENPORT. 2018-Two or three nicely furnlahed front houaekeeplng rooma, FARNAM, 2tnt). rm. with alcove. H. 4211. 648 8. 26th Ave., 2 rooma for light houae keeplng, $3.60 week. . I afurnishrd llonarkeeplnc Roonaa. Jl'A88, 2412 J unfurnished rooma on bath room floor; reasonable. ouglaa 7320. Hoaaeb ao Cottagrea. Korth. f ROOMS; all modem; on car line. BemU i Park. H 2048. . 'ALL modern 4-rooin bouso, on car line. In Florence, large yard. Florence 800 Main St. & 6-ROOM houa In Kountie Place for 120; all modern Call Tyler 2102. 'HKAUT1FUL 8-room house, 42 Lincoln i Blvd. 27th and Cass), 8. Might rent a. little cheaper to a good tenant. Owner .vould rent a room If desired. Walter Villa. 408 Bee Bldg. ;151 NORTH 8STH ST. New aeven-room modern house, for rent or sale by owner. ' "Walnut 137. oath. For Rent South half of double brlek , house 7 rooma. 4 bedrooms, all modern, at IfiU South 29th St.. near Park school, on . block east of H ana com park. Tel. Harney 1. West. ,WKST FAR-NAM District; 7-room mod ern house. 106 S. 86th St. JTi N. 21TH AVE. bix-room, modern house; newly papered; good location. Harney S1W. Mlacrllaneoas, FIDELITY Shnn Eioualaa 488 for comDlete list Of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving, 18th and Jachaun Bta. BEBVIlE "iJ 4-ROOM houaa on 1 lota; garden growing; 1 block from car; good well; rent rea onsbl. 18 H. IWth St. Harney 717S. g-ROOM screened porch, 132.50: atrlrtly modern, 1 blocks to car. located U323 j1.. U uu t'0 Farnam, 8 rooma, moa., orlck, 860. 410 N. 22d, 10 rooms, mod., 2 baths, 145. '.'18 N. lHth, 8 rooms, 826. T564 St. Mary'a Ave.. 8 rooms. $30. Ju27 Chicago, 8 rooms, mod., M. RINGWALT. Rrandels Theater Bldr. FOR RENT Too have a complete list of all houses, apartments and flats that are for rent. This list can be oen free of chaise at Omaha van storage m.. BEK the Central Furmtura Store FRED RENTAL LIST. . l-ROOM, modern brick houae, 610 N. 20th ot. i noinaa o. ncuvji " t' al h Co., or ttlfphone Wel'Mer 1HIS. GlobeVan&Storage Stnroa, moves, packs, ships; l-horee van and J men. $1.26 per hr.; storage $8 per mo. Batlefactlon guar. D. 4888 A Ty. 830. ALL sixes. 3 per montn up. 607 Paiton. FURNI8HED OR UNFURNISHED -r. house, facing Hanscom park. H. 4!U8. Gordon Van Co. lit N. llth St Moving, Pacalng, Tel. P. 894 or Web. 138t J Co.. movmg, Exp. rack 1207 Farnam. f . Hit, r -v t . HPf 1 packing A storage. Wheat Market Breaks Under Poor Demand and Prices Unchanged to a Cent Lower. CORN RECEIPTS ARE HEAVY OMAHA. June 81. mi. n heat, com and oats were lower to day, a poor demand sent wheat un c banned to 1,. lower. The com receipt to'st led wventy-eeven ear and there waa a fair demand for all the commercial grades. The white and yellow corn aold at a fractional advance over the mixed. The corn market was ftlao quoted unchanged to lo lower. There were only a few aalea of oats re ported and these cars were sold at a de cline of SliWc. The sales of rye were un important, there being only three cars of that cereal aold. Sentiment la decidedly bearlah and every one In the sieciilative world, who knows the Ideaa or the bears when conditions are bearish, feels that still iower prices are eertntn. While it Is true that weather conditions are not as good as they might be. still it la thouaht that there will be plenty of small grain to harvest as soon as the weather permits. Clearances were: Wheat and flour enual to 7!.0it bushels: corn, 3&4.0UO bush els: oats. ' KTJ.OOO bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Id lower; corn, unchanged. Primary wheat receipts weie 71.0n0 bushels "and shipments Jtl,J bushels, against receipts of K8,fti0 bushel and rhipments of l.STu.OOn hushela last year. Primnrv corn receipts were 7!,(io bush els and shipments l.Ott.OOn bushels, against receipts of 10,0n hushela and shipments of 411.000 huahcle last year. Primary oats receipt were fcwa.OiO bush els and shipments MJ.W bushels, atralnnt receipts of K7l.nt bushels and shipments of 814.000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPT?. WheatCorn.Oats. Chicago sfi 149 131 Minneapolis 324 Duluth '.' Omaha 23 V, SS Waaalaalaa. FREE lumber with enrery sale. Land near ripokane raising rruit, grain, vwiiuiuib, stock. Free booklet. Consolidated Land I TT. 11. I. - nA . It' V. RKAL ESTATK FARM RAXCII LAMU FOR MAL.R (tlttorola. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Fmlth Co., W8-14 CHr Nat. Bfc. T. tWa. Iowa. HAVE TOTJ A FARM FOR FAl.Et Write a good description of your land and send It to the SJoux City, la.. Journal, "Iowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Me dium." Twenty-five words every Friday evening. Saturday morning and Avary Saturday evening and Sunday morning for one month, giving sixteen a-l oa twelv, different day for $2: or 69 words, $4; or 75 words, $6. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, Stt,0i readers dally In four arsat atatts. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. 88 cash and $5 monthly, no interest or taxna: hlahiv uroductlve land, close to three big markets: write for photographs and fun information. Monger, n. m, n. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. Nebraska. FOR SALE Best large body high-grade medlum-prioed land In Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, WoJ bacn. Neb. . wiomlii. WYOMING homesteads', limited are of excellent land: open to 820-acre filings. Unsurpassed for grain, corn, potatoes, vegetable, alfalfa; good water; free coal. Stockman's paradise; game plentiful; sec ond excursion June 24. See me at Pax ton hotol Juno 19-20 only. C J. Duinbolton. l'AUMS WANTED -L. I HAVE some cash buyer for salable terms and ranches: owners only write C. C. Buckingham. Houston. Tex. LIST real estate and rentals with DON ELSON R. E. CO.. 301 On. Nat l Bank. REAL ESTATE 1X)ANS FARM LOANS. 6 PER CENT TOLAND A TRUMBULL, 448 Bee Bldg. $100 TO 810,000 mads promptly. P. L. Wead. Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Eta CITY and farm loan. 6, 6H. 6 per cent. J. H. Dumont A Co., 418 Btat Wan. WANTED Good farm and olty loan at loweat rates. PETERS TRUST CO , 1623 Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrant. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St CITY property. Large loans a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 228 State Bank Bldg MONEY on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homes. East Nebraska farms. O KEEFE REAL EST AT HI CO.. 101F Omaha National. Phone Douglas 2711 8KB us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust Co.. Omaha. CITY LOANS. C. Q. Ca.-iberg, 310-18 Brandls Theater Bldg. REAL ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADB-A relinquish ment 8 miles from county seat. A bar gain If taken at once. For particulars write Box 114, Merna, Neb. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE ACRE tracts on or near oar, wltn new bungalows; $1,500 to 84,000. Call for loca tlcn and fre city map. . PATTURoON, Patterson BU. REAL E8TATL- SVBCRBAJf Florence. ACREAGE OR T HADES, TEL. FLOR ENCE. 404. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE A t v and rilo. ag Maggard s s. lng, packing, shipping. jiougiaa 14SM. 1718 Webster Bt IIoilSPS crtl8h Sons A Co., Bee Bldg. tur mo A nice office m a good location, make your business plans successful. TILE BEE BUILDING "THE FTJILDING THAT 18 ALWAYS NE!W" turnlshe Just such eomlilnatioaja, Office Room 103. CHEAP RENT. Large new steam-heated store room. Xeavenworth Hi. Conrad Young. x Brandela Theater. Douglas 1671. DKSIKAB1J0 new store roon. and base ment. M N. 16th Bt. Conrad Young, 3 Brandela Theater. fkiuglas 1571. GOOD storeroom, 818 N. lth St. R. 4376. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stain Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office. Room 103. (araajrs. OA RAG H Close In. laru fireproof bulld intf. suitable for a fimt-claas garsge; reasonable rnt. Conrad Young, J"J2 Brandela Theater. Douglas 1571. WANTED TO BUT Yalo buys everything 3d hand. Tyler 1418. elFFKICE furniture bought and sold, J. C. Reed. lfl Farnam. Doug. 14 StUghUy uawl Ulg grade vtano. D. 801T. NEAR 24T1I AND CUMING 8-room house, good lot, brick pavement, all paid; house la In first-class condition, rooms are large; price has been 84,UM, but now reduced to 83,tXM; 00 cash, balance iJU per month. C. G. CARLBERG, 818 Brandels Theater Bldg. Kanaaa C1v 71 4.1 St liiila . ! C' 11 I Winnipeg 101 ... ... I - i i I .'11 nv ,o. a nam, i car at si.i.; j cars at 81:18, . car at 61. 1: No 4 hard winter. I car at 1 US, ear at 81.11: No. 2 durum, 1 car at 81 U. Corn: No. white. 1 ear at 7VV. No. 3. 8 eara at 7Jc; No. 3 yellow. 6 cara at 7H-. lta ears at 71c; No. i yellow, 1 car at 71c. 4 cars at 7c, I car at 7'V; No. 6 yellow. 1 car at 7n-c. 1 car at ,c; Xo. yellow. 1 car at Tfc; No. I mixed. 1 car (near white) at Jovc, 2 ears at 7tc. 2 ears at Tf, No. .1 mixed, 1 car inear white) at 7ie, 2 cara at 7"c, T enra at Wc; No. 4 mixed, 1 car at No. mixed. 1 ear at c. 1 ear nt Wc, 1 car at ec. 1 car at .c, aample, 1 car at Cc; . car at -57c. Oais: No. 8 white, 1 car at 444n, 2 S-J cars at 44V. of a car at 44c; No. 4 white, 3 cars at 44c. 1 car at e; aample, 6v car at t r at 80c. Ry: No. 8. 1 oar at 1 : Prt car at 11.07; No. 8, 1 J-6 cars at 81.07. Omaha Caah Prices Wheat: No ; tur key, I.I7W1 IS: No. 8 turkey, 31 16Vfl 17. No. 3 hard, $1 lr.Jil 17; No. 3 hard. H.13 I lfi: No. 4 hard, tl 0Mfl.l2V,; No. 3 aprlng, fl. 1411. 18: No. 3 durum. 3I.111T1.1, No 3 durum. Corn: No. 3 white. 72.2V: No. 3 white, 711i7Jo: No 4 white. 7Hi71V: No. 6 white, TtmoTIVic: No. 6 white, 70,f71c: No. 3 yellow. 71 TlViC; No. 3 yellow. 7Wtr71c; No. 4 vel low. (0ii70c; No. 8 yellow, TOti-TOH-; No. k yellow. 4,i(T0Vc' No. 3 mixed. T04lv; No. 8 mixed. eUSTne; No. 4 mixed. rae? Wiic: No. 6 mixed. W"4?6Sc: No. 4 mixed, "IWV, Data: No. 8 white, 4CMJoc; standard, 4Ru4S'4c: No. 8 white, 44V(M4c; J," whlto, 4344n. Barley: Mulling, MtifV; No. 1 feed. lllr. Rye: No I tl.0791.03; No. 8. tl.0S4J1.0T. CHICAGO Git 4151 AI1 rROVieiO. Fe tares f h Tradlaa; and Cloelaa t'rlcea oa noewl of Trade. CHU.UOO. June n. Wheat prices broke to below 81 a huahel todav. tho firat time for the 1W6 crop. ISIowneas of export demand, together with a north ward spread of the harvest, did a good deal to force the decline Prloea cloand steady at KHW under Saturday night's level. Other leading staples, too, showed losees corn lSP!tc to IVtSiVl 1I,,I0 n provisions UWtfbX. Weakness In the wheat market begiui under the Influence of more favorable weather, and especially In Oklahoma and Kansas. Then came word that cutting was general In Important sections of Illi nois, Missouri and Indiana, and that the first car of new wheat this season had arrived at 8t. Louis Besides threshing returns from Oklahoma wera said to show yields greater than had been ex pected. At this Juncture, reselling by foreigners appeared to deprive the bulla of any hope which remained. Dnrlng the rest of the day liquidation proved gen eral and shorts vigorously pressed the market atill further on the down grade. Around 81 for Heptember. many reatlmt orders to buy wheat wrv uncovered, but the sentiment of the trade as a whole was too bearish to permit a ready check. Corn suffered in value owing to the break In wheat and as a result of weather that promised to favor the bears. Argentine cargo continued to be offered at New York Oats ranged lowor with other cereal. The Beptem ber options, the same as In wheat, went to a new low level for the crop. Selling by packers caused a sag in provisions. The weakness of grain was aid to have been the chief Incentive to unload. Closing price on options: Article! Open. Hlgh. Iow. Close., I Bat y" OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful 8-room, strictly modern home. In splendid condition; good loca tlon; elegantly flnlahod inside; as good as new; large lot; cistern. Price 33,700. Call 86U Wirt Phona Web. 2r after 8 a. m. 8400 cash (or acreage or vacant lot), bal. iwih muuriii nuine, near rchool, car. Miller park and Fort Omaha. J ...... 1 W .1.1 1 " i . ' . .1 . I. . . . ... eUBl'RBAN home. 7-room house, 4 lots. with bearing fruit of all kinds, H block from paved road, five blocks to car line. This will be sold for right price and cash. Call after p. IB , Walnut 1S73. K. Hoaklnson. HEAL. ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Here's a Fine Buy !. buys six-room, story and a half dwelling, strictly modern in every re- pect: corner lot 40x100; paved street a; nice shrubbery and trees; three nice bed rooms and bath upstairs; nice llvlna room, good sited dlninv room, brick man tel; good cemented basement, with hot air furnace; near two car lines. Bmall payment down, balance like rent. Scott & Hill Co. (Wheat July. 1 04V. 1 06V. ept. 1 02V. 1 03 Corn July. 74 74H Sept. T8 74. Oat I , July. 44'4 45V, Sept. 34j SSeV Pork July. 1 flft 18 95 1 Sept. 17 42V 17 42V.I Lard July ft 32 Sept. 66 8 66 Ribs July 10 86 Sept. 10 85 10 7V 1 03 I 1 (CvJ 1 OKH MVsl 1 04 T2 T8 76 7I'I T2V! 75 4:wJ 4ST' 4RS stHi 40" 1 I IS SO 16 Ml 17 25 1 17 86 i 17 '6 8 37H 8 37 J 4ifH 9 60 66 I 7:Vh io x no a io an io 66 ! '0 87H TO Cash Prices Wheat: No. 8 red. tl 16 No. 2 hard. tl.204i&1.22. Corn: No. 8 yel low, 74V'75V.: No. 4 yellow, 7344. Oats: No. 3 white, 4T(HRVi: atandard, 4H8r, Rye. nominal. Barley, fiWiTfc. Timothy to.Oixg.OO. Clover, 88.n0fl-l3.60. Pork. tl.7J Lard. 8.10. Rib. .ig:l0 BVTTER-Steady; creamery. Sartre, BXJOS Hteady; receipts. 20.6H8 case- at mark, casea Included, l41fl7o: ordinary flrats. ltflV; 17ViU174c. POTATOE-Higher; old receipt. 41 x ' " . tmr no I II. villus jpn V; new receipt. 65 cars; Texas inuini., sacKoa, 'urtc; Virginia Cob bler. t3.8R(OT60. I . ....... ,,iHiiCr, ia, is. NEW YORK GEHGRAL MARKET 4otatlons of the Day Varioa Comnraditlea. NEW YORK. June 2!.-FLOUlV-Kaslar; spring patents, W.265i66B; winter patent 86.5G4i6.k0; winter stralghU, t6.40S5.0; Kansas straights. 85.66 80. nntAi-fpot weak; No. 2 red. 31.24V4: Nl- hard. 3i.28Vi, c. 1. f.. New York, ex Port, billed; No. 1 northern Duluth, $i.2: No. 1 northern. Manitoba. tl.Zltt. o. i. f uiralo. Futures, weak; July, Sl.OMi. CORN Snot weak: No. i lellnw attz promot shipment. ' . OATS Spot weak: standard, 64c: No. 3 white. MHc; fancy clipped white, 64Vffi6rtc. llAY-ulet; No. 1. tl 20; No. 2.; No. 3. 31.06, shipping, KOiOic. HOPS Quiet: state common to choice, 1914, lOrtplfc; Pacltio coast 1914. lOfflUo: 1913. T10c. HIDKS-null: Rn America, 87c. LEATHER Steady : hemlock flraf Kb.- aeennda. aui81c. PROVISIONS-Pork, barely rteadv: mess. 8U.00IS18 00: family, 821.004(123 00 short clears. tl.S0if21.60. Beef, steady' mess. 8i8.00iilF.6O: rarnilv. 1 uv:.x, u Lard, weak; middle west, 88 804i4).oo. TALLOW Quiet; city, 6Sc; countri', 6(tt)Hc: special. tc. n BuTTTER Raar; .-ectnta. 8.25S tuha- creamery extras 18S score), 28c: cream ery, higher scoring ZHio; firsts, 87 !7ic: seconds. 2t4QSM. tuuB-nrmet; receipts. 14,174 rase; fresh gathered extras. &Wt3'c: extra firsts 21p.'mc; firsts. lftVtti-Hc; seconds, lH18c; nearbv hennery whites, fine to fancy. 2S&2c; nearby hennery browns, 224J!4c. CIIEKSK Firm: recelota. 11.407 boxaa: state, whole milk, fresh flats and twins, white and colored specials, 1416c; American fancy. MVtjC. POULTRY Alive, unsettled. Dressed steady; western froten roasting chick ens. liff2Zc; fresh fowls, iced. 140il64o; fresh turkeys, iced, lti.c. i Kanaaa City Grata aad IroTialOB. KANSAS CITY, June 21 WHEAT No. 8 hard. 81.17tr1.22; No. 2 red. 31 131.14; July, Uf4ac; September, VStWhyc , Deoem- ber. 8Ho. CORN-No. 8 mixed. 73W73HC: No. 8 white. TJc: No. 2 yellow. 744W4VK-: No. 8. 7W3Ve: July. 70c; September, & aWSc: uecemner. aio. OATS No. 3 white. ; No. S mixed, 42'0-43o. EI "ITER Creamery, 27c; flrats, 25e; seconds. 2Sc; packing. 18c. vnaiL-Firsts. 17c: seconds. 18"4e. POl'LTRY Hen. 12c; roosters, 8c broilers, tic. I M I art polla Grata Market. MINN EAPOLIB, June 21 WHEAT July. 81.164: September. Sl.oiJVlH.OOSa: No, 1 hard. 81. W; No. 1 northern, ll.tTHi 1.27V; No, 2 northern. 1.14H'al.M. KIjOUR I'nchanged early. BAKLKY Jrt'70o. RYF-tl 12"J1.13. 11KAN-821.50. (VlRS-No. 3 yellow. io4,fa'70i-. OATX No. 3 white, 44Vi-4oc. FLAX-81 7211.73. Douglas l'J 9 '7 Met atrue nldif Bt'NOAIXyW, new, modern: south front1 I2.&00; 7th and Dorcas. Patleraon. D. CHT. MEDICAL PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures plies, fistula aad ether rectal diseases without surgical operation. Cur guaranteed aud no money paid until cured. W tit foe book ot recta; dlaeaaea with testimonials. LH, K R. TAKRV. 240 Bee Bldg RUPTURE curtid In a few day without culn. Call or write Dr. Wray, 3m4 Be Bldg., Omaha Eatabllshed Ubi, Cattle Steady to Ten Cent Higher Than Last Week Sheep Are Aotire and Steady. HOGS STRONG TO FIVE HIGHER HOUTH OMAHA. June 31. 116. Receipt a were: Cattle. Hogs Sheep. Rettmate Monday 4.ii" 6 8.1'"'' Sam day last week.. 11.1 U 3.6' Saw day 8 wk ago... 4.0Ui 7.4w Sam day 3 wk ago... ;4rt ;i Same day 4 wks ago... 6.0i .'47 t.' Same day laat year.... l. 416 6.SSJ The following table ahows the reclits of rattle, hogs and sheep at the South Dmaha live stock market for the yoar lo date, a compared with last year: 1S16. 1014 lnc Dec. Cattle 43.136 3S.l7 T S Hogs 1.4.ri Ltf...tl6 210. j frheep 064.S l.oJ4.NI 82,785 The following table show the average price for hog at the South Omaha live stock maiket for the last few days, with comparisons: Date, j 1H16. ll4.113.il13 ll'll. l10. 1M. June June June June June June Juna June June Juno June June June June June June 7 4.1V 1 , 7 42 T 4I'4 18' 14 7 14 16 7 1V li 7 UtN 17 7 2,H 1: 7 K2 i 7 871,, i 1 7 40H' 4 8 18 7 83 Ml 7 87 8 7 87 8 8 03 8 too t oil 8 Oil a wj 6 13' 8 JO' 8 31 ill 7 861 rh 4J ' 17 44, ri 63 6l 64! ' I so; 4o( 7 1 S8I 7 38 4U 7 . 401 7 36, 43 7 40 7 46 11 7 r 6 881 Ml "l 4 88 8 ! 6 k 8 )i 8 7M 6 7( 6 7i 6 5 91 I 6 02 6 m 6 IS' 1 t U 7 87 I 40 7 87 7 89 7 88 1 67 7 M 801 7 l 7 68 1 I" 4H 7 8 01. 8 16i 8 2 I 33 8 36 8 W 83 8 27 40 8 8N 21 Cattle. Hogs.Sheep. Morris . Co tio3 1.04.1 l,02o Swift Co 760 1,211 IWI Cudahy Packing Co.... HJ7 1.1SH 2.213 Armour Co 610 1,6V. 2.812 Schwarts & Co ?w J. W. Murphy 2.R2 8. O. Picking Co 1 Swift, from country ... 5M F. S 78 YV. B. Vanaant Co 92. Hill ac Son Hi F. B. Lewi 1RH J. H. Bulla L. F. iluai 86 Itosenstock ftros 17 It. F. Manllton X Sullivan Bros 46 Mo. Kan.-Cal. Co.... ( hrlmio 22 Higaina 18 Huffman 17 Roth i Tanner lire 45 John Harvey li'2 Meyers 12 Other buyer !! ... 14 Sunday. Receipt and dtttpoaltlon of live stock at the Union Stock yards, South Omaha. Neb., for twenty-four hour ending at 3 o'clock p m., yesterday: RKC1C1PTS CARLOADS. Cattla liana. Sheen li r a C. M. St. V.... 13 3 Un.on Pacific i? 114 8 C. dt N V aaat.. 14 3 2 C. 4 N. W west.. 64 :N 1 C, St. P.. M. O. 21 ti C, P.. Q east.. 1 C, H. Q.. west.. 14 II 1 1 c, R. l. r .. cast 3 s .. i Illinois central.... : .. l Chicago Ot. Weat. 10 2 to a more satisfactory level, and aeller lok for present aliea to hold firm, un leaa supplies become abnormally heav . There awina lo I a aood demand foi feeder lamla. but at present there la no wav of supplying It and feeder buyers are contenting themaelvea with Picking up a few throwouta The beat of theae are benight readily at t" 00, with lesa de- I an able klnla inoMng on down the line. There was a pretty decent sprinkling ff cd ahee; in the offeringa and they moved In pretty murh the aame nolrhea aa at the close of last week Colorado fed yearling lam ha brought f 36. a figure which Is considered nlah enough to take the best of the fed stuff Oood range yearllnga moved around 37 .IS. with a few as hlKh aa IT Ml. which was laat Friday a top. A atrlng of feeder yearllnga went at p.; 26 Kwea are In comparatively llsht aop plr and are eelllng lai gelv at 84 Ml 00, nltlioiiKh a few real good onea reached t"i 26 todav Culls and foedcra are chang ing hands at 14 00 aud under Quotations on aheep and lamba: lmba. go.d to choice, 87.76nr 36: lamba, fair to go.Kl. l.'.a'vT.ii; lami'a. spring. btr. :, vearllngs. fair to choir. 88 n.i0; ee. gOid to choice. 84 7Mln.86. ewes, fair to good. It Hil4.7. Repreaentatlv sales: No. Av. Pr. 4IH Idaho marling 84 7 to 10 Idaho yrarllnas 65 7 90 Idaho yearlings II J W1 Idaho yearllna-a 83 6 26 ICO Idaho yeai-linge 7S 8 10 60 bliihrt feeder lamb R7 7 00 1447 Idaho spring lambs 08 I M 300 ewes 1W I 00 86 cull ewe 94 4 00 44 cull ewea 3 60 210 Idaho wethers 10S I 75 CHICAGO LIVM STOC K M AtlKKT Liverpool Grata Market. LIVERIOOL, Jun tl. -WHEAT Spot, oulrt: No. 1 Manitoba, lis 6d: No. t, lis Id; No. 8, Us; No. 1 northern Duluth, lis Vl; No. 8 hard winter, 10s HWd CORN Spot. o.ulet; American mixed, new, tit. FUUlt Winter potent. 44. HOf'8-In London, Paxlflo coast, ft 10 ti.4 16s. Metal Market. NEW YORK. June 21 -MFTALff-Lead offered at 86 75. ru. tier not I'toted. Cop-IH-r dull; electrolytic. 2"W?m.5n. Iron steady; No. 1 northern, t'.l SOayiS 00: No. t, 114 2Jil4 7f: No. 1 southern. 814.001.14.64; No. 2. 313 76114 26. Tin firm; five-ton lot. 141 76, bid: taenty-flve-ton lot 111 W. bid. At London1 Spot copper, til; futures, CM d. electrolytic. 5 los. Snot tin. I A 170 10a; futures, lf. Antimony, 12 ut. uaq, . -tv rm au, apeiver, z: iw ivs. Total receipts.... 106 98 H,'i lISPOSITIONHEAT. (sltla Flras lloaa stroai hee) 8trad. CHIOAtiO, Jun 21.-'ATTLK-Re-celpts. 14.00i hend; market firm: native beef steers, W.RMrt.6fl: western steer. 17 00 4-8 26: cows and heifers. H SMjO OO. calves, 8i 6i!i .So. ll)t Rei'elpts. 37.0J10 head: market htrong; earlv decline reitnl"''d: bulk of sHles rdr7 0: lla-M. 87 6o(d'7 90: mixed. IT 40aT.; heavy,; rough, ti n ..HO; plus; tti.mvg-7.oo. SHKlll' AND IA MRS Receipts, 10.000 head; market ateadv: altnrp. 15 tKnjIl.sO, lambs, H.76'.iV.iri; aprlnga. 6 :wfi 8R. i "t. I.oula I. Ire atock Maraei. ST. LOUM. Mo . June 21. CATTLK Receipt, 4,V head; market strong to 10c blither; native beef steers, I7.60fj9.3r,; yearling ter and heirera. 8 fl"l ; cxiwa, llOflT .60; Blockers and feeders, tV0iIiS.26; Txaa and Indian steers, 16.25 418.66; cowa and heifers, tl.0nyt.60; native calves. lfl.0urfW.6O. lKnlH Rexehts. 9.100 heal: market steady; pigs and lights, 3.M7-K. mixed and butchers, 7.o37.90: intial heavy, rr ;ojc.w.. SHEKP AND I-AMHiS-RecTlpt. 1.900 head; market steady; dipped native unit tons. f00ttjA.J6; clipped Iaml. t$.60tr.0l:. spring lambs. $7.;"oti.7t. Totals ... 8,861 7.R23 10,416 CATTLE Receipts showed a heavy falling off this morning as compared with a week ago, but still were move than twic aa large a for the corresponding day a year ago. While the receipt constated largely of beef steers, the average quality was not so good aa on most day last week. Still there were yearling In the yards good enough to bring 89.16, with heavy beeves up to 88.00. The feeling on the market was atrong and desirable grade could, be quoted a strong to 10a higher, with other kinds at least steady. tows and heifer war in very fair de mand, with prices fully steady and pos sibly strong on ome of the better grade. Good feeder were in fair request and fully steady. Trashy stuff was slow and dull as was the caae all last week. Quotations on cattle: Oood to choice yearlings, t8.60IO. 16 ; good to choice corn fed beeves. 88 4ii8.85; fair to good cornfud beeves, 88.tOtf8.40; oommon to fair corn fed beeves 87.2608.16; good to choice heif ers, I7.00tg7.8t; good to choloe. cows, 84.64 tj.7 60; fair to good Cow 6. 6008.60; com. men to fair cow, 14. 4oti;6. 60, good to orolr stocker and feeder, 17. 60. 20; fair to good stocker and feeder, 3i.004J 7.60: common to fair stocker and feeders, 14 OOGI.oO: stock heifers, 14.0147.00: stock cows, 86.76ifj-6.75: stock calves, 84.6008.50; veal calves, tH.OOrft 10.26: fat bulla, stags, etc., 6.6&ti7. 26; stock bull. ..0iKtf7.O0. Representative sales: 11DKF STEERS. No. At. Pr No. Av. IN. M 74 T 14 1LM u 14 Sf- 1 U It 1161 I 0 16 7K1 00 21 ntt ( tb io ,.. nil i w tt in i 7n 41 10n 1 is M 1 ITT i Tt 14 14M t M M 1T1 I an 41 1"7 40 M 1J7I t 0 ih 10.- tl 14 UI7 9 (Ml 84 14i? I 69 STcr.ttrt AND HEIFERS. 84 714 1 tn t& SM 7ft 14 'it 4 00 13 Uit Hit 41 M4 4 36 17 1 00 W IK IM 14 IN 111 COVV8. 8 N 18 3 104 4 34 8 lO0 4 76 1 ISO 4 44 I W4 6 74 14 1UT4 4 40 6 10 4 tit HtilFBRS. 1 70 6 (O m 18. t 444 4 00 1 120 t 76 8 40 I 34 I.. U3Q 8 W HULLS. 1 1110 I 44 1 1044 9 4fl 1 1100 4 44 1 tM) a tl 1104 I 84 1 14u 7 U 1 14440 44 CALVES. T 91 7 04 1 114 8 14 4 , M II STOCK EltS AND FIClDDKItS. J..... 4TI u n HI tu 74 4 74 3 444 7 4 HOGS Receipts went mouerate. bain mailer than for most recent Mondays. In the neighborhood of 10i cars, or ti.nuo head, showed up. which Is l.tuO smaller than laat weak, but 2.0UV larger than lor the am week of last year. Oood light and mixed hogs, of which there wm a better allowing than usual, sold readily to shippers on the early rounds at price that were strong and ln most Instances a nickel higher. Bulk of the shipping hoga sold at t7.4607.66. sev eral loads reaching the latter pi lie, which was the day's top and a nlcknl above Saturday's best price. Packer trade opened out atronger, and the big bulk of the hogs moved in fairly lively fashion at strong to 60 higher prices. On th extreme close reports of a dull finish In Chicago, weakened th loo I trad, and a few cara that arrived on a late train found the early advance loat. This weakness made the laat rounds draggy. but a fair clearance had been ef- rectea rrore 111 :JU. Thar la atill a bear ish feeling In heavy grad, and aom old this morning aa low as 87.10. whil a ooupl of load were fbroad to go at 17.00 Saturday. Parkers' drove were bought largely at a cost of 87.40, end the bulk of the packer sales was quoted at 37 .ft7.46. There was a good aurlnkling of shipper hog around 87.60, and aeveral loads reaohsd 17 65 which wa tha day' high figure, and the best prlc that ha ben laid for over two weeks. Repreaentatlv sales: lu T e. A. sH. rr. U 4M ... t 10 t Ml M T 4 1 74 44 T 80 44 .119 "u I 4 ... ft 77 ..tM ... tu2 1 1 7 8n 74 .T ... T t 1 44 T ll4 74 tJO 44 T 44 44 11 14 T 14 M in t f 4714 4 It ... T 4 40 l 40 J 40 I HXl 110 T7 74 40 1 III 44 th) U 8 87H 41 art ... in 47 tU ... in SI in at f u 13 141 844 t 40 SHEEP-Racelpta were th largest for any day since Monday, April 18, om thirty-four oars, or 8.600 head, balng atl rnated. Aa will be seen, thl I aa many as have been received during most whole weeks during th last titunth. Today1 run Is more than twice a large aa laat Monday, three time aa heavy a lao weeks ao, and a gain of more than t,0u0 over the corresponding day laat yr. In spit of tit fact that receipt were the heaviest for some time, trade opened out in good season, and It did not take long to clear the bulk of the Iambs at good steady prices. Big end of th spring s' r moved around 89 60. th figure that wa catching tha bulk of th (offering at last wsek's clone. From the looks f things packer now have prto down NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Wall Street ! Attention it Direrted from Diplomatic Situation to Court Rnlinp. COAL DECISION HAS EFFECT Kanaaa CUr Lira toelt Market. KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jun 21 CATTLK Receipts, 3,0t0 head; market atrong: prime fed atxera, 9.00iffO.W; dreaaed beef steers, fs.CO.O0; western steer. I7.60O 6.S0; stocker and feeders. tti.8M18 40; bulk of sales, ttl.OO! 7 ia; calves, 16 UUtj 10.00. Htx.l ite.-e.lpt. l.'0 heal: market higher: bulk of sales. I7.6ub7.8Ti: heavy. I7.ii4;f7i6; packers and butcbera, ti.MtiJ1 7.70; light, I7.601j7.70; plga. 86iri7.60. mi I ainu lAMISM-lte'-elpta. 3.000 head; market steady; lamba. !7 7fiVtV; yearllnga, t7.0oiia.00; wethers, t5.26fl.2C; ewe. l4.W6.tfN I Host City LIT ttoek Market. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Juna 31.-OATTLI3-Recelpls, 1,600 head; market steady to 10n higher; native steers. t7.6otfv.0fl; butchers. 8R.tC4i4l.10, rows and hslfers. t6.00fi7.26; cannera, I4.OO415.0O; Miockers and feeder, t6.2TiV;.l6; calves, li.U)t10.86; bulls, stags, etc., tD.3Ki7.26. steady: heavy, it S64i'7.60; mixed, t7.80if8 7.86; light. I7.ivrr7.80. . HIILfcl- AND LAMBS Receipts, 200 neaa. rt. Joseph LIt Stark Market. ST. JOBKPH. Jun tl.-1ATTLI0 R- ceipis, l.suu neaa; market hlghed; steer, I7.604J9.2S; cows and heifer, t4.tO4T8.0O; calves, 4 0iKfi60. HOOfs-Rocelpta. 8.300 head; market. steaay; top, 17. to; duik of sale. 37 till N BHKEP AND LAMBS Rao.-lpts, 1.000 head; market steady; iambs, IK.oJ-9.5. Mt Stoek la Bight. Reoeipt and shipment of llv stock at tha five principal western markets ysa- tarday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Kansas City IOOO 8,000 l.onn fi. louls 4.2(10 1.1110 1.800 Chicago 16.000 37.0iiO 10,00) 8nuth Omaha 4. CD 1.800 g,M) Hloux City 1,600 6,600 800 NKW YORK. June 21 Wall aireefs attention was tetniorarlly diverted todav from foreign affairs to the 1'nlted Ktates suprem court, which held Its final open session prior to the summer recess. That tribunal handed down a numlwr of deci sions of Interest to the financial and In dUMtrlal communities, th moat Important of which deaJt with the relations between the LVIawnre. laikassnn At Western railroad and Its subsidiaries, th coal companies. This .-e'a'l osoli was oe. clarel o bn in lo.ilon i,f the law and Ha effect upon coal car Icis la lit t to t-a Ignored, even though this was not di rectly discernible In th market for sut h sei urttlo. War t..-hs again to"md large in the day trndlna aith new hiuh reoorxl tor Hethlehem Hteel at i8 and Raldwlil lo comotlve at WV Other stocks of this class alan made aut'stantlal unliis. while a variety i.f less ni,m ti speculative aprrlalltlcs roe 3 to 6 point 1'nltnd ,-tates S.t-l, afer a heavy t pen Irig, soon advanced on buying which toin- rlsed it. any largs in transac tions. Us best prices wsa recorded In 'Is 'nal deat nga, tlin ireifsl list thn Ndng I his he i 1, notations. Railway stocks uf lie Invitu nient a roup showed no dcc-lb d tendency tii tll the late buying movement Comprehended Hearting. Vninn I'aclflo and Bout hi-rn Pacific, all advances of a point. Metal Isaoes recovered from their leth argy of the previous week, American ".melting leadlnn with a gain of 3 points, WtUi a few minor shares 3 to 5 point. Retterment in the copper had Its basis on renewed payments. Total sale of storks amounted to 413.000 shares. There were indications that the pro posed French loan hy our bankers was approaching the stage of completion, al though exact detail, Including tha amount to be taken and the maturity of the accommodations, remained to be determined American participation la the new llrlllsh war loan on other than a moderate scale was regarded. Improbable. French and Italian exchange wore at their weakest, demand franc belnir quoted at f.47 and Ures at aV74j. Rates on lmdon were on a parity with recent low figures. rh bond market wa firm with an ad vance if 4 points In mercantile marina 4'i Total sale, par value, aaareaated I2.H4.OHii. . L nltrd Ktates bonds were unohana-ed on call Number of sale and leading Quotations on stocks were aa follows: stales. Hit tl. Lew. Cless l.too t 1744 rrtt law t4l T444 T44 ninety day. JHtKV per cent! trig months. 8 per cent. CAIJ, WONTCT Weady; high. I per cent: low. 1 per eent; ruling rate, t per rent; laat loan, t per eent; cioaiag bid 1 per cent; offered at 1 per cent. I.nadon Mtnrk Market. LOT4PON. June 31 Rualness In Hie Amerloan cciirttln section Is decreaalng. owing lo the small amount of atock avail aide outside of the high-priced shares. The tone, however, wa firm with Cana dian Pacific easier on dividend uncer tainties. SILVER Rar. 23 6--16d per ounce. WON K V I Mrl 4 per cent. Plarount rate, ahort bills. 2 per eent; I months, per rent. 1 car Market. NF.W VORK. June 21 HI OAR-Raw, Steady; centrifugal. 4.IWC: moleasoa, 4.Uc. Refined, steady, cut loaf. 7c; crushed. 4 8.1c; mould A. 6c: cnbea. .; XX. X poadered. Il"i; powdered. .0e; fli- granulated, loc; diamond K, .10i-; con fectioner' A, 4c; No. 1, 6.sfe. Future, were steadisr early today; prlies at noon were unchanged lo 3 points lilnhcr. The raw sugar caah market dosed stcrd . Pales of 17,000 bssa of Cuban cei trlfugal were made at 4 K7o, and IS.Ono bags m Porto Rico aold at 4.3c. A sale of I.'i.isii tons of centrifugal was rcii.rted to PYance at 8.11 l-l;c c. I. f. New York. One thousand tona of refined was taken by France lata Friday at 4.7KSOC. Cnffe Market. NF.W TORK. June 21.-COFFKKThc market for futurea opened at an advance of 84ji points this tnornlna In resionee in the steady showing or Rraall. but business was mostly In the way of switch ing from near to later dellverlea and snlv. eiuent fluctiiatlnna were Irregnlar. with the close 10 points higher to 1 point lower, with the two near month relatively firm Bale. 40.600 bags. June. 6.86c: July, S.HAr August. .73c; September, 6.72c: October. 6.77c; Novemler, 8.77c; Pecemher, 6.77c. January, 8.81c; February. 6.86c; March. I.httc; April, 2o; Mav. 8.MC. Hpot. quiet. R. No. 7. 7V; rntos No. 4. OSc It Is reported In the eoet and freltfht market that bantoa 4s have sold a low a 8.76c. with other offer at 80e. Rio 7 were quoted at 7.10c, Rio on lAndon was t-lM higher. Mllrels prices, 78 rels higher at Rio; unchanged at Santos. Total1 28.700 64.400 32,400 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. P1TTTER No. 1. Hb cartons. Sic; No. 2. 60-lb. tuba, tc. CHEESE Imported Swiss. 12c; Amer ican Bwlsa, 2c: block (Swiss, 22a; twins; 10 Wo; daisies, ITHc; triplets. l7Wc; Young America. 18o; blue label brick, 16S4c; 11m burger. 2-lb., 20c; New York white, Ito; Imported French Roquefort, 40c. FitiH Trout, 14c; large crapples, 14c; halibut, lie; channel catfish. 14c: herring. 7c: codfish, 14c; mackerel, l6n; salmon, 18o. SWErrr POTATOKB Kansaa. t2.7 bbl. Wholesale prices of beef , cuts effective April H are a follow: REEF CUTS-Ribs: No. 1. 184ie; No. t lWc, No. t, 18ic. Ixilns: No. L 20440; No. 1. 2"c; No. 1. 19440. Chucks: No. L 1114c: No. 3. ll4c; No. S. 11c. Rounds: No. t 161o; No. I 16c; No. 3. 14c. Plates: No. 1. c; No. t. 4c; No. t. c. I"OlTLTRT Broiler, too; aprin; chick ens. 15o; hens, 14c: cocks. 8yc: roosters, Vc; statf. 84c; ducks, 16c; geeao, 10c: turkeys, U4pl6c; pigeon, per do., 40c ducks, full fetherod, 10c; geese, full feathered. 8c; squab. No. 1, li.60. No. 3, too. Fruit and vegetable price furnished by ailllnskl Fruit company: . FRUITS Oranges: California Valen. rlas, loria, li, XA. 800a, 18.76 per bor; liios and smaller, 14 per box. Lemons: Kxtra fancy Oolden Bowl, 800 800. 6 per box; estra fancy Houthland Baautles, 800s. 3fios, l per box; fancy Silver Cord, 80, 3w, 84 60 per boa; fancV J us trite, Ja, aaus, 14 60 per bos. Grapefruit: Cele brated Chase brand 44a, 1460 per box; 64s, tr ier box. Pineapple: Extra fancy Cuban, 24a, 80. V. 8310 per box: extra fancy Floiidaa 24. 30. 86s. M per box. leclduous fruits: Plums and apricots, tl.64 per box; peacbea, tl 66 per bog. lome-grown cherries: Twenty-four- 3 uurt cases, 82 per case. Rananaa: Me lum alse, 12 to !2.6 per bunch; Jqmbo fruit, Cliangulnola and Port Llmon, 4c per lb. Cantaloupes: Pony 44-crate, tt per crate; penv 64-rrate, 1260 per crate; standard 46-crste, It-sO per crate. Logiin berries: California. 12 60 par crat. Red raspberries: Washington, 13 per crate. VLC.KTABLi: Houthern oabbag. l'4o per lb.; head lettuce, 1 per dos : leaf lettuc. 40c per dosen; pepper. 60c pr basket: tomato, II U per crate: onions, crystal wax California. 1160 per crate; Texas yellow, 11.25 per crate; rhubarb, tu to 4c per lb . celery, 1.36 per doi. ; wax and grjen bean, 11 basket; cucum ber, tl per basket. Potatoes: Minne sota white, 70c per bu. New potatoes. ."o per lb ; 8-bag lot or mora. 3c per lb. NUTR No. 1 California walnuts. ISc lb.: filberts. 16o per lb.; Hraxlls, 12Hc per 111.; pe'ana. U'Wo par lb.: sunr walnut dates 11 6ti per box; almond, too per lb. MIBCYlLINFXH'k-CrackerJack. 1360 per case; caae, cnecHers, sj.fiu per caae, Vt caae, 11.76. Peanut. No. l raw, 4c per !b. ; roasted, Ic par lb. Jumbo, roasted, 10c ler lb.; raw, 80 per lb. As paraarus: Market price. Honey, 14.80 per case. Wholesale prices rf beef outs: No. 1, 18c; No. 4 ribs, l"c; No. i ribs, i8'ae: No. 1 loins. 24c; No. I loins, 2V,c; No. 3 loins, 18V:; No. 1 chucks, Utc; No. t oliucks, lmc; No. 8 chucks, lie: No. 1 round. 164c; No. t round. 16c: No. t round. 14o; No. I plates. lc; No. 3 plates, 8;c; No. S plate. 8c. (otloa Market. NEW YORK, June 31 COTTON Upot quiet: middling uplanda. 160c. No sales The cotton msrket closed baraly aieady at net dacllne of 17 to 18 point. Cotton future closed barely steady: July, 834c; Octnler. 8.76e: I "eoeinbsr, 10nc; January. 10.07c; March, lo 21c. C,.r.n fnllirMA r.i.A -t u I,. I.. 8 44c; Octotwr, 8B7c; I'eceniber,' 10 Wc; January, i i-; arc 11, 10 jr LIVERPOOL, June tl. -COTTON- Spot steady; good middling. 6.6ud; middling, 6 8d. low middling. 4.6.1d: sales, Ho) hare. Alaska VI4 Amalsamalsd Cepper . Amsrlt-sa hss4 Clusar. Amsrtraa la Amsrleaa . 4 R Amsiiimn S. 4 R. pf4 Am. auasr Rsflnlns .. Aissrl.-an Tsl. Tel.. American Tobao Anaronda Mining Altaians Iisltlmors Ohl Prnetlra Ral4 Traiistt.. (alirnrsla Pslmlsaai .... Ianadlsn Paririe ('antral leather . lis Ohio...... Chloaao O. W Chlrssn, M. 4 rW P rhlao N. W rhino Coppsr (Vlors4n Kusl Iron... Colorado goathara Pnr 4 Hlo Ursnd.... rsner 4 K. 4. pM MstllUrs" Merwlllse .... Kris Osnsral Rlsrtiio Ot-sat Nrtrthsrn pf4 Oesat Northern 4Jra etfa. ttuassnhslm Riploratlon.. Illinois ( 'antral Intsraarnuih Mst. pf4.... ineplrattf) Copper Intsrnstlonal llsrrsstsr ., Kansss City Huutlisni.... Lshisn Vallsr LoulsTllla Naahvllla... Msslran IHtmlsuia Miami noptMrr Missouri, K T MlMurl Parlllo . Mstlonsl Biscuit . Nattnaal Us4 .., rtsvmila Oenr . , Naw Tort i.rrtral M. T.. N. M H Norfalk 4 Wsrtsrn Northsra Pacirio Paolfln Mall ratine Tsl. 4 Tsl Pennsylvania Pullman Palace Cu.... Star 'on. Copper Plsarilns Ropublls Iran 4 ftusl.. Hook Island t o ftoek Island . pM .. m. L. A a. F. 14 pM Bout hern Psririu outhsrn Railway Tssnissn l topper Tssaa itompanr t'nloa Padriu t'nlon Pacirio pM I'nltsd Rtstss Utssl II. 8. Btssl p!4 t'tsk Oopesr t'sbask pt4 Wsstsrn Union Wsstlnrihouss Rlsctrio , Msnlana Power Total solas foe tha dor. 8.TO0 14rs) 11.40 U.T40 IliO l.lna 40 ""too ll 8. ami on l.sse 4 1.400 us 44 1 4H 47 101 TH 44t4 16" 4as4 m l 4j 44 884 4 44 1004 8"44 44 1"$ Iff! 1H4 ln4 1r44 T 1l as ami .... u u mis "4 4(1 nvi tivZ 40 4A. UAH 1 4.a) I. an t.loo den re 4. OK) l.tni 4.iKm H1 1.400 ii7i 10 t4 M 174 1ISI4 46 "tS Kris S 144 741,' 84 8"V4 IT Mil 84 ;7t(4 171 1I74 TS MS 1S S 144 'T4H s , 1.40 lis lata 701 400 tm rv ton 8.KU its MS 4 104 lorT IS II MS IS inau, IMS to 1.700 1444 lots 1 M0 t4 14,im 146S 1.4U0 81) inn I. AST) 1.M10 s 14S IDS 14S 14IH 3 4 Its .100 IMS US 7I,P inn 4.7UO ion 31.40ft 4IS 1S 4S 'ris' 4S lS lras 47S 'sis trs 418000 sharoa. IMS 4S 6 18 ITS 5 liS rr 44 S )tr 7S IIS 104 IMS HIS 7S 94 II 1S lis 44S If, s 4t II I0T MS 1"4 S 14 4S 14444 10 S IS 1S II 11? IMS 1144 IIS 1(1S I IS S 41 S 4S 41 Omaha Hay Mark!. OMAHA, Jun VI PRAIRIB 71AT fhnto upland. 318 0nsT13 60; No. 1, 813 WVfr 18.40; No. 1 SlOOnlOOO; No. 8, 4.0uflS.tW. choice midland. 3l2.rijaVt; No, 1, 112 tvt f 18.60: No. 8, 88.ll04riO.00; No. I, M.OOfl1 00; choice lowland, 110 00 10 60; No. I. 6'.6Vlf10.00; No. J. $7.()u.0U; No, 8, 8B.4fi if! 00. PTK.A W :nnlc wneT, s.irT(.w. ALTALFA Very limited dmand for onvthlng but No. t and cholc old. A good No. 8, howwver, will sell well. Choice old alfalfa, $14; No. 1. lU.OOtfU.UO: No. 2. 88.004ill.00. Lower grade not wanted. Rraporaled Apple an Drieel ITrwlti NFJW TORK, Jun 2L EVAFORATBD APPLPTf Qulat; fancy. 44f4o; choto. 8tTKSc: prime, 7S87Vko. 1HIKI FKl'lTS ITunea, steady; Cal- Ifornla. 10c; Oregon. 7N4i'lOo. Apricots. quiet; choice, .?; extra chrdca, 8Vf; fancy, 4410s.o. Peaches, dull; choko. 66Ho; extra ohotc. oAafiftS; fancy, ai,o. I lata I na, steady; loose muscatela, VTt7t4e: choloe to fancy seeded, 7aJ7e: seedlesa, 6sr;Ho; ijnndon layer. l.ics 1.46. ' Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. June Sl.-DRT QOOTr Cotton good for fall were today ordered In milt freely by Jobber. Many In quiries war made by bag manufacturers for I Osnahurgs and brown aheetlng. French buyer were In tha market for cotton war stapl droo goods. Cotton r-arna wera steady. Baryaral wall known Ine of cotton hosiery were cpened for the spring. IMS. season. Local gteeka and Ilnnda. Qitniatloaa Inratshad br Bums, nrlsksr A Co., 444 Omaha National bank building: (Hocks Bid. Aaksd. Bsnksra Morsaa Loan 11 M a sol tics Croamsry, prd 44 W ttssro Co. pfd 11 N Pslrniont Osomory, T par oont p(4.. lolS 1"" Hsrsld Dutldlns. 4 psr east pfd S P Loses Wllso Biscuit, oB 14 IV MuunUIn SUlss Tsl lot I'l Omsha A C. B. Ht. Ry.. ptd Tl Omaha C, B. II r. A B . prd 44 47 Fstora Mill, 4 par cant pfd 44 44 Union Block Tarda stock 44 17 Bonds ferunlng. Nab., Watar Wks. ISa. 144 48 14n t'uoshr Pasklns Co. Is. 1814 100 lt Columbus. Nsb.. Diss. 4s. 1114 1 pi Outhsnbur. Nsb. la, 1444 M MS na Blsc. re. 4a. IfM II W Kaa. cur. Mo.. School pis 4Ss. 1MI 104 81 1'il.U Northwsotsra Else 4s, IIM 44 104 Omsha tj L A P. 4a. lltl 14 97U Omaha Iswsr 4S. ! S 10V( Omsha A O. B. At Hr. 4s. 1t4 44 MS proTlnes ot A I borta Is. im 44 47 Hod Cloud. Nsb.. 4Ss. 1124 M 17 Swift A IS. 4s. 1444 MIX M esottla Wash.. Bridas it. ion IN 60 lo4 K I'Dlrorsllr Plaoa. Nsb.. 4Ss. 1117.... 4 Ms H Baak ( learlncs. (IMAHA. Juna 21. Hank clearing for Omaha today were 83.216,826.8t and for th correspond liia oay last year iu.gH.rn.ZB. New Vork Mossr Market. NBW 70RK, Juna 21. MERCANTILE PAPTR 8H4i'34 Pr cent. UTEKLINQ KXtniANOE Blity - day bill. 34 73; demand. 34 7C26; cable. 84 7U6. HII.VKH liar. 4XC-, Mexican dollars. 38o. HONUI4 Government, steady; railroad, firm. TIME LOANH - Bteady; sixty and There's hla an oner mlllln tlonr In t gmatl towns ami rursl tvimmitniii 1 Wallace A Wrnna, Bturglg, Ky say they ?tnared 14.088 In aernn months. Oulleoka! TatuL) Produce Co. net tJUO a month. I rvooinoit miiUBgCo., Mt. Clem-1 Ufa. M!ch.. cleared ga.Aut in I tweir moo tha and the Burr I Oak (Kan.) Mill A tleratorl si nod in .i.h. nn. i.. I 1 X,V ulffi J . . ill as . l -fuazoi riarveu 8MM7lsailalnd KaRae rtaae Mill 1 th most wonderful lourmlllanr bolll. I Plaoea paring bualne within arasoof I ery aiublUpu red-blooded man who! want to make money fast. 0paltlsl 181, 86 and fa) bids, of 0 neat roller patent I i imraaay. write now rorotir rre nook, i "Th8uryof a Wonderful Flour Mill .''i pnnea, terms, plana, eta. It Will be a I revelation to yoo. AN0LO AHKRICAIt HILL CO. fMQ riuni atreet sT8sw ' Ay. - & CO. NEW YORK CHICAGO Stocks Cotton Grain-Provirvns imm. ITw Tock tHoofe 4f 3Tw Tork Oetaa 34a Oalaa 8loar41 - eg 838. Zrls Karoaaar' Baokaaa mjuuMMi Olty Bear mt TiaAo sf1"r-rJ'1'T Chasm of Onii ni Ornate Oxata 3txokagw 711-15 Orandels Dldg. W. C. PULLER, Mgr. THB ODD IXIT R8!VlrCW. a apaet woskly pspsr tolllns sboot opportunltls la Odd jim ot Now Tork Miock Ihcbanfa ssourltlaa. 4LSS a yosr. Ismod erarr Botunlar. sa4 tor aample enplsa. 41 Broadway. Now Yarn City. t. Ials (.rala Market. HT. ILT1S. June 21 -WHKAT-No. J red, 8116; No. t hard. II IStil.19; July, Hoc. iSepteniber, XSe. CORN No. t. 7Vd76i-; No. 2 white. " 7SVc; July. 74.-; Xeptemlier, T14,'u7lSc. OATS No. J, 47V; No. 8 while, 4'V CHILE COPPER COMPANY Collateral Trust 7 Convertible Gold Bonds Du May 1, 1923 'arilkl lata Call Capper C. ataek at 8)84 akara Developed or reserve amount to 303,300,000 ton, aver aging 3.23 copper, with atrong indication that large additional tonnage will be developed. The plant which ha juit started to operate will have, whan running full, dally capacity of 10,000 ton of ore, with an annual production of over 1 20,000,000 lb, of copper. Company"! engineer estimate coat of production will not ex ceed 6 cent per lb. Tha enormous developed or body makes ths bonds, in our opinion, absolutely i and their convertibility into share at $25 add attractive possibilities of pric enhancement. Lttltt of Mr. Daniel Gvf'sn, Pruident tf At CM Cppr Comf). in evnirehot wtk Ikt uU of Uu lalai f tkt cemsssy'i feast, with tfiter't report, stay k kad on tpfhctlxon. TugeneMeierJr&Co. 14 Wall Street New York