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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 22, 1915)
TIIE BEE; OMAHA, .............. JUNE ,'. 1915. You wiil find it easy to find the finder if you make it easy for the finder to find you. The Omaha Bee is the recognized Lost and Found medium of Omaha i WANT ADS fthnl aAa iwwlvod ml in. time, but tO Incur proper classification must b pre sented before If o'clock noon for evening edition and I:JO p. m. for morning ni "unday edition. wnt a recei veo "J1" uch hour will be under tba beading, lot Lat to Clalfy." CASH RAT3 . . tVswn ermsecutlvs timee, 1 cant a word arh Insertion. ,. Tare time within ona waak, 1H "" a word each Insertion. Cm tin. I cents a word. Am dvertieernent Inserted to ba run Mil discontinued muat ba stopped oy writ tan order. Atl claim for arrora touat ba mada within fifteen day after tba laat Inaar tkm of tba advertisement Tw mi placa year want ad 1 Tha Be by taiaphona TELEPHONE TYLER Vm. DEATH AND riSERt NOTICF.S ANDERBEN-Glady Loralne, June W. aged X year. . Funaral ervloe at parent a horn. 1H North Thirty-fourth street, on Tueertay afternoon. Juna 22, at 2 p. m. interment at Went Un cemetery. . RIRTHI AND DEATH. ri..Wa. tnd ReseTy. ho- pltaL hoy: Charle H. and Nora Vuly, ik Florence boulevard, hoy; lvm ana Hose Cruch. la North Nineteenth, boy; '.l. !. Franc ClDrk. 7771 South Thirteenth. girl; ffeme and Terexle ha. 3012 Arbor, hoy: Kdwln and Ki.iiM. llealv. 1KZ2 Clark, boy; Miner and Hilda Peterson. Ml North Thirty seventh, boy: Lon and Pearl Reynolds mm rniKlnr Vnv: Add 1. and Marguarit Rnaenbeum, Ifil Martha girl; Arthur i i.i. Muti California. rirL Deaths Margaret Ryan. 7S yeara. S017 Jackson; Llxxl Weeseremlth, 71 year. RftM Franklin; Henry t'. wlfrf, lo veara, 106 North r orty-awcono; iiutri ai llelfrlch. 14 yeara, Florence. MARBIAOn LICENSES. License to wed have been laaued to tha following: Nun and Resldenne. Age. 1lea M Miller. Omaha M 'Lslls, F.' Richard. Omaha 80 Andy P. Mallory. Council Rluffa 87 Tearl Leter, Council Bluff II Ernest F. William. Omaha 28 Andrea M. Smith. Omaha 26 Fevarly F. Straham. Wayne over 21 Mary Meltr, Wayne over 1 Jfarry J. Andrew. Nebrneka City 36 Florenea Chrtatlanaen, Omaha 10 Paul Krlegler, Omaha 12 J-Illsabota Schwart. Omaha 21 Fvana A. Andaraon. Omaha t Wary Holmatrom, Bralnard, Minn 21 John J. Fsxanawskt. Omaha 30 Kmma Talsky, Omaha 28 Albert B. Tollefaen. Kearney 26 Vera FlUirerald. Omaha 23 Stev J. Marecek, Omaha , 21 Oda K. Holmea, Omaha 18 John Rut nr. Jr., Thuraton M France Krajca. Thuraton 27 BUILDING PERMITS. B. Kuertlld. 11 South Thirty-fifth, fiama dcwUlng. $,(: J. If J.dmson. 27M North Forty-fifth, frame dwelling, U.OdO. Today's Movie Program! "pia h toi -sda ioqj a -p3ip t ITtak iu 'Jdoa moI aivdaid tvu.d ao npojdai n wn of Mm gaol paag aaiaooi joj aspil KUSXNri Dsnaisws. ELITE NO. 2. 1218 FARNAM. On Bitter Creek, t-r. l.ub. A Bunch of Matches, Kaa. Charle Chaplin In new corned y work. EMPRESS, 16TH AND DOUGLAS. . Oood assortment of Photo-Play, r J VAUDEVILLE. Kiimrl-Buah-Roblnaon. Monton-Well A Norworth. . Katharine McConnell. Turoano Proa ADMTKSION 100 HIPP, 16TII AND HARNEY. Brother Officer. 4 reel. Paramount Weekly. PRINCESS. 1117 DOUOLA8. Fdwerd Cojten In Ilia Obligation. 1-reel. Tha houl of Phyra. -r. Myutery drama. The TwcKVnt iytery. Kid corned y , north. ALII AM BRA, 1814 N. 24TH. One Bummer Sequel, -r. Am. Reformation of Peter and Paul. Thane Tha Ki'lrnllfio Mother, Com. DIAMOND. 2410 LAKE ST. Across tha Fnotllghta, 1-reel Big V. The Woman Hater' Ha by, IMwera. When Ignorance la Bllsa, Joker comedy. FRANKLIN. 24TH V FRANKUnT Tha Breath of Arahy, I-r. Vita. Tha Fa hi a of tha Two Sensational Fail ures. Kaa. C FROLIC. 24TH AND 8 PRAGUE. The Jungle Queen. Broken Heart and Pledge. Judgment of Men. K Ko. comedy. Grand. "Theater Beautiful." 1-Httiiicy. Utile Chryeentheum, Beauty lra. lathway from tha Poet. I-r. Dra. Dirty Face Dan. Kid. Com. Weeklv. IVY. HTH AND BI RDETTW. r dole's Littls Nightmare, Nestor comedy. -Aiysienous lomragrav, J-reel Oold Seal. ' Burled Cliy, Kdu. HIPPODROME. 25T11 4k Cl'MlNO.' CLOSED FOR REPAIRS. LOYAL 1408 CALDWELL. Counting out the Count (Sterling Com, A Shot in tha Lark. Rex. Kates AHM. Iaemmle Drams. Across the Footlights. LOTHROP. 24TH AND LOfifROTpT lXil.A. e-REtn, Vol NO. CL.VRA KIMBAIO. aoaitb. APOLLO. 28:4 LEAVENWORTH. The (io4i1rsa IB), Chapter 2. S-r. Vita. DlinpWa, the Auto Saivaman. Vila. The Other Olrl. Ess. ARBOR. I2U AND ARBOR. Th Pursuit of Pleasure. 3 reels with Ruth Roland and Henry King and a rood COLUMBIA. 1710 8. 10T1L Tlie Katerhroitk Case, 3reel. Vila.' The Subalilute. I Alb. COMFORT. 24TH AND VINTON. The living Death, t-r. Mil Th fVolnrn Rainhnw. Am. Dra. The Freight Car Honeymoon. Com. FAVOR1TB AIRIME. 1713 VlNToNi 1 'lalllualunment of Jane. 2-r. l.ronco'a Rrfornuttlon. Am. Dra. The Rnt Jumper, Key. Coin. GEM. 3268 6. HTH ST. The Snow Olrl, t-r. Latemml Drama. When lnorajv la Bllaa. Joker Comedr. LYRIC. 117 VINTON. Bills Blighted Career. J-r. IKa Com. The Oyster lTed-er, 2-reel. 'U-t PASTIME. 23D k LEAVENWORTH. The Trout) lour. 1-r. Hlg U. Knllowtng Father' Foouiep. Neat com. Fifty-Fifty. Imp com, ViNliU. UOi WO. HTH ax, ear reeie of Mutual pictures. 1 w""' JRANKE S AIRDOMB 3mh A Farnam. enxanie. 3-reel h aaauay drama. hoi.ny Jim at klaiui Uraa.. Vltagraph cmfdy. TODAY'S COMPI.KTK . MOVIE ritoaiAi9 ExclualTrly In The lie Writ. MOXROE. 2555 FARNAM. Clara Klmhall Toung In "Lola," a 5-rre Phuhert Feature BENSON. M3S MAIN HT Faith of Her Father fdeo Madison and Murdork MarOnarrlek 1 apt. I-overa' I.nrky Predicament. Joker com. .Ik Uaaaha. BESSE. 24TH AND N. The Guy with the Mloplaced Kyebrow. i-'harlrp Chaplin appoar today at tho ueaea in hi newest comedy cnntlon en titled "Work." Jan Wa Worth It. J-r. Vita. In tho Amnion J-jnalc. Sel. The F(irkBWIn Phlrt, Bio. MAGIC. 24TH AND O. Animated Weekly. Blue Blood, and Tallow Back, J-r. K-O comedy. Coaaell Mlr ELITE NO. 2. 645 BROADWAY. The Bnow-Burner. i-r. Raeanay Drama: The Convention o Hmllln; Tom. 8elU Irama: Boohley'a Fahy. Vltawraph uom. NICHOLAS. 647 BROADWAY. Tha IVatroyer, l-reet Kalem Drama. The Vanishing Vault. Vltagraph t'omedy. ROPER. 62 7 BROADWAY. Grim Meaaenger. t-r. Big U. Artlat and tha Vengeful Ona. Victor. Two Heart and a Bhlp. N..tor Comedy. Vaaaeviile. 24TH AND M. ORPHETJM. Holia of Bondage, reel. Featuring Lottie 1'lckford. AXNOUNCKMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself and Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Ruperlntendent'a Offlea Room lol. Investigate Y.M.C.A. out g park, aummar. , AtTOMOIULES A-cvl.. 7-iaan t'.M -iaaa. tlHklunil.MJfi 6-r.. Huli k iJ 5-paii. Jiu kon..2'0 R-pae. Maxwell.... 70 frpaa. Regal... S25 we put, ren inn r.icnnnn. TIIK AI"tM f'I.KHtfl 1IOI1HR. 2WB Farnam. Tel. Douglna 811 AUTO Clearing House, 22'i9 Farnam. buy and aalla used cara. Phone Dougiaa 3310. Overton e for leaky radiator. aOo, dealer. Want an auto. C. J. Canan. McCagua bldg. industrial Oarage Co , Harney Bta! NKBHA8KA Bulck Servlca Htatlon. 1014 Fat nam HL Phone Douglaa Til 100 PS WARD for any magneto wa can't repair, cone repa. Hayeaorrer, w ri.ia o FOR. sale, on 11A Hercules, o-paaeenger touring, aiectria ngnta, eiecirio aianer, aa arond aa new. I4UU. One 1914 Ford touring, new Blip cover, demountable rims, extra tire; In first- class condition. ' One 1vl3 Mason touring. In first-class condition, Mo. FUANCT H-Ct'LLIS AUTO CO., it)U Farnam fit. U12 Cadillac. 17 W. CADll.IAO CO. OF OMAHA. 2oM Faniam St. Doug. 422. DKTK01T ELECTRIC A BARGAIN, CAI.LOVVNKR, MAR 706. VMienever Vou are considering selling or buying a usod car and you want full value for your money or you want people a no are wining to pay tor what they era getting you will have no regret If you buy or advertise throueh the used car column of Tha Bee. Phone Tyler KXK). 2-CVL.INDKR Jackson, light delivery car, tine mechanical shape, tire only fair. A re.l bargain. 1100. M 8. llrth St. NKW Ford auto deliver-bod lea of-all atylea, open or closed, alwaya on band. Our prior will cava you money. See Johnaon-Danforth Co.. lk.'S-21-a No. lSlh, C. KL&AfiSKR, expert radiator and lamp repairs. Ty. 703. 2M1 Leavenworth. ATTRACTIONS A CONCKH.SK N to let for the celebra tion at Florence). Writ or call F. F. Kutcher, chairman of oonceaalona. BUSINESS CHANCES If your Hualneaa Chance will atand rigid Investigation and la Just what It 1 advertised, it If you are looking to atart In business for yourself you will be per fectly satisfied If you uea th Tlualaeaa Cliance column of Tha Bee. When buy ing or veiling a business Phono Tyler SIGNS, show carda. Clark & Svn. D. 1371 8 on Your Money A limited amount of preferred stock In one of Omaha's best business firms for sale. Alsuluteljr suT Investment. Share luC each. For lull Information writ K Ki, ifee FOH KALE Southern Nob. vlllag and luiilnlri, nr.i't I. . .nil rJ f i , nl.n by July 10; take post graduate course; Chthollo community; no Catholic doctor; 11 Address '," Omaha Boa, Council i. ... am rum i a. FoR SALE :uofei'tlonery at ore doing good business. Owner retiring. Address R. T. Storey. Cheyenne. Wyo. FOR SALE Dental office and oompleU equipment; electrio eervloe. In York dis trict; strictly first rlasa opportunity and Invoice tl.Ouu takea It. Going to farm. For further information write T (72. Hee. rOR SALE liara war stock, building and f Ulurea; location good live town In eaalern Idaho; one of the best grain and alock growing sections In tha west; sales laat year, SU.Ouu. Address 1 t.'t, le. I'Rl'G STORE WANTED FOR CASH. I am In th market for a Nebraska drug lock; give full particular In first letter If you expect to sell; give volume of busi ness, stock, fixtures, rent, eta. Addres Y &, Be. W HY RENT t Ask about th Law.vr d I st Hi t, Aitkin county. Minnesota, the Land of Opportunity; unimproved. III to VJX, Improved. J6 to lli Jwr acre; eaav payment plan W. G. Templeton, 0S lies. Omslia. OANGEriTAD. 404 Be Uldg. Doug. 317?. REAL estate Business plce (upplled or handled: all atatea. F. V. knlest. Omaha. tlNE hardware store and alock, lo.ted in county aeat town luwa. Addroas Y Bea. llolela aad stooaalagr lleaaes for Sal V Beat. OGDEN HOTEL for rnt. furniture for aale; has :) sleeping ruoma. 11 apart meuta with kitchenettes, steam heat, tile floor In office; well located for automo bile tourists; la on paying basis now. Call C. H. Kimball. Council Bluffa. la. loeka aad Beaaa. TO MINING IrTVKSTtlRS. I will spend th balance of June In Goldflrld, Kev. Wblle there I will gather the moat reliable Information. I will in spect the Important mine and will have t no avie or a mining engineer whose i same la well known in the mliuns world inu w noae opinion carries weiam. i nave ' nil piomotKina nothing to il you. 1 ism an independent broker sating for the I best Iniereati. of my Clients If vou want I I ho latest "eold-l-ld or Tonopah lnf.r- i niatiou. addica A. J. Moor. Uoldfleld. iNev. ( MOVIES FEATURES TODAY HIPP, 15TH AND HARNEY. Brother offlcere, 4 real. I'd r mount Weekly. LOTHROP. 2 4TH AND LOTHROP. I5LA, with Clara Kimball Young, TOCNO. 8 RRKIaS MONROE, ZiA FA RNAM. Clara Kimball Young In "Lola," a (-act Hltuhert Feature. SOUTH OMAHA. MAOIC, 24TH AND O. WHITE TERROR, 4 REELS. ORPHEUM, 24TH AND M. House of Bondage, t reel. Featuring Lottie lick ford. M78INE8! CHAXCES Mtaeka aad Boatde. THKATBRH Buy, laaaw or aall your the ater, machine and auppuee tnrougn Theater Exchaaga Co 140( Faraam at. Douglaa lsVT. EDUCATIONAL FOR sale tha following acholarahlpa la a first class Omaha liuainess college: One unlimited combination buslnaa and ahorthand course. On unlimited stenographlo course. One three month' business or t non graphic couraa. will be aoid at a discount at tna oinc f The Omaha Bee. . ao TO SCU00L .MONDAY, JUNE 28. Why not aperd the next threa montlis profitably? Regln a training that will enable you to enter a good poeitlon three month roofer, nuim a lounaauon ior a ancceaaful future. Dosena of other younjt people are atartlng now. Why not you 7 Phone Dongla 1565 for full Information. college, II. K BOYIaES, President. Boyle Building. Omaha, Neb. Experienced lady tutor In grade and high school ubje t; mexe-up wora a aieciaiiy. Beat referencea. Awirt. A-UU Dav. H. iSXO. POK BAMJ For Sale here la a classification that I of the utmost Importance to every reader, aa this column offer aome excep tional opportunities every day and email want ad will aell your article at it full value, r-none Tyler van. t'srall.rf, lloaaehold Goods, Eta. FT RNlTtTRB BAROAINfl W beda at each; tablea, kitchen and china cabinet. M Ice boxes, U ga stoves, 26 dreaser. VST N. 24th St. WebaUr 1607. FURNITURE of 7-r. Harney 7EM, house for aal. AUCTION AUCTION FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS At 821-23 So. 19th St. Mondy, Juno 21st at 1 P. M. Sharp. 21 dressers, i- bed, t Iceboxes, t com. mode, H kitchen table. I rug 9x11, carpet, 1 sideboard, 12 rockers, 10 center- lamea, 4 kitchen aaie. ainmg room tables, tfi dining room chairs. 1 oil stoves I healing atove. 4 sanitary couchea, bed cltnr and pillow for 18 bed. 1 wardrobe 2 stair carpets, a large lot of dlahea anc cooking ulenails and other articles too numerous to mention. Monday,. June 21, at 1 p -m. sharp. DOWD AUCTION CO.s Auctluneera. For our terma and date for auction sale, phone Red XO&. FOR KALE-Household furniture con sisting of dining room table, chairs, bed. rugs, gss stove and davenport. t0 S. I'.nh St. Tyler 1206. DKXKS b"ght ! " J- O. Rsod, I'univo unn Farnam t. D. ls. Horsoa aad Vehlelea. BOIJ5. GOOD driving horse and Roaewatvr. 210 Bee Bldg. buggy. Dr. Maeiral lulraarslt. BEAUTIFUL mandolin; reasonable, Doug las 6271. 1'ssilrr, .e aad MIn. STEREOTYPE metrics make tha and cheapest lining for poultry houses. They are 1.x JJ inches, stronger and more durable than tarred felt and Praot trail y fireproof. ;&c a hundred at Tha Be of floe, Small wheat. h lb. 32 2S. Wagner, MH N. 11 Typewriter. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented. rpaira Central Typewriter Exc. MX Farnan. Mleeellaseoauk. FOR SALE Hiw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bow Hug alleys and accessories; bar fixtures of ail kinds; easy payments. Ths Brunswick Balke-Colkvn mier Co.. 4n-4e 8. l'Jlh St. I1ABT carriage at market price. Call Web. 4MM. Mh and Fowler Av. TOOLS, shovel, picks. Jackscrew. win dow glaaa. 3 carpenter benches; II each; 10 match machines, h)c each, 1 hot water boiler complete, till; combination electrio fixtures 2&o eaoh; Iron beda complete, 32; good horse, V, harness, 10; good ex press wagon, ",1 j. v. ion. Tel. Harney 243. 703 8. Slat Av. FoR - HALE Set high claa bank fix tures; a bargain. U rlta Bonk of Spring field. Springfield. S. I. $3.20 Golden West Whiskey, 4 full quart bottled In bond, pre paid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. FoR BALK Three good fodder and en silage cutter. ounped to out coarse and fine; . In good onlvr. complete, with feeding table. Price, llto each. 6EOOND hand radlatora and pipes. Cen tral Iron and Metal Co., 1111 Dodge. FOR 6ALK. cheap If taken Boon A) h. p. gas tractor and t not tern 14 Inch F. and O. plow. Addresa Y-tol. Be. FOR SALE Diamond locket, eerrirurn v stud; reasonable; Friedman, 1211 IVmglaa. A WHITE wicker baby carriage in food rontliliun, ,r, iraainiua, iiar. fit,. New 3d-hand luuuti, dynamos, main to, etc.. ' mei-hantoal reuaJia. La Broa Electric Work.313- S. Uih Bt. o ONE good sound mule; 1060 lbs.; wilt make good anywhere. Inquire Court ney Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical ai4 Offtco. OVFICE CLERK AND TYPIST. . .. r 00 FTEN'tMlRAUt KH, UotD HOURS., 40.1) BTKNOGKAPHKR. INSURANCE .. 3A.00 lil'SINr MEN'S REFERKNl'H ASd N, Ul A Woodmen of World. tul'AHK PriS IN SQUARE HOLE 4 We find a poaitlon that fk you. CO-OPERATIVE REFER KiNCE CO.. lul-la City Nat. Hank Bldg. Karlart aad i radra. GIRL to kara hairdrlng. Oppenhcirn l'srlora . HELP WANTED FEMALE lloaaelieepera aiaid Domeatlce. WANTED-Woman cook, Detention Ho. pltal. Telephone Health Offlc or Dr. Cnnnell. WANTB1 Experienced girl for general housework, where eeoond girl la kept; good wagea. Apply 4 B. th Ht., Coun cil Bluffa. Phone VM CnunrlL WANTED Competent girl to do general houaework. (lood wage Apply with reference. Mrs. Leonard A. Spalding, 3630 Harney St. WANTED A family of 4 maid K B. for housework 29th St. In WANTED Oood girl for general house work in private ramiiy. two miiee norm of Florenea: good wage. Call Fljrence 464. WANTKD Neat young girl for general nousework in private lamny. van iiar- ney 477. WANTE1 ' Oood girl for general house- work. 4wai Douglas at. w ainui im MAID for general housework. H. S2SR. ivANTKD Girl for general housework. only l in family. 214 H. asm Ave, tl. 4.s. COLORED girl want steady place doing housework. Web. IM. GIRL for general housework. Apply 4201 Podge St. Referemea. COMPETKNT houaekeeper wanta posi tion In or out of city. Call Harney ELDERLY lady desires position as curse or Housekeeper. Call pougiag 7vn, WANTED A competent white cook: city referencea required. 208 B. 82d AT. It. VH. Mlaoellaiteoaa. Y0UNO women coming to Omaha aa atrangera ara Invited to visit th Toung Women's Christian association building at St. Marr'a Ave. and 17th fit. where they will be dlreoted to suitable board ing piaoea or otherwise assisted. lkx for our traveler's guide at Union station. BABT carriage at market price. Call weo. um. 4itn ana r owier Ave. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aad Offlc. TELL ti your trouble If you have been unable to aecur a position, w can help you MIDWEST BONDING, CO., 212 Baa Bldg. SALESMAN, city, salary and commis sion. Cashier. R. R. exp. 170. WATTS REF. CO., 8J8-40-42 Brandel Tha. HIOH-ORADB commercial positions. WE8T. REFERENCE BOND A'SSI. 7H Omaha .Nat. Bank mng! RFBT COMMERCIAL POSITIONS. Rogera Reference Co.. n2g- State Bank. ONE DOZBN men wanted at once t Qualify for traino poamons; experience not essential. Apply Room M0, Bee Bldg. Ask for Mr. Orant Aareats, Salesmen Solicitor. 15 TO 110 PROFIT dally elllng our nw hotieahoM article: t2.M Drcrnlum with eaoh 11.243 aala make quick profit. Mum- ford Larson, sua walker nana aiug.. Salt Lake City. Utan. WANTED Dive wire aaleamen to repre sent old established tailoring house in the stats of Nebraska In your own home territory. Must rurmsn a-i reference. Man having auto or motorcycle preferred. fermanent posiuon ana nig pay xo ripnt party, writs Tailoring, u Kaaota mug., Minneapolis. Minn. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and Janitor eerTice free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 102 BOND salesman wanted; one who has a first claa cbnnectlon and can aell a 61 per cent Canadian gold bond on commis sion. Joseph At Guver, 83 State St., Al bany, N. Y. EXCELLENT proposition tot two good man In Nebraak. Call or wiita, Mutuai Benefit. Health and Accident Association. 413-26 City Nat l Hank Bid. HAVE choloe Improved Red River Valley farm for aale In Minn, and N. Dak. Agenta wanted. Hlckaon Land Co., Hick man, N. Dak. Factory mmm Trades. Drug store snaps; Jobs. Knelst. Ba Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lb, on account of big trade. Wagea for t and 10 cent work. Electrio massage taught Hydraulla chairs. Catalog frost, LU4 Douglaa St. Omaha. L DO derful patent machine which merges one pint of milk Into one pound of butter tmaklng two pounds) in two minutes; ISO per cent to axents. Write for Informa tion. Family Butter Merger Co., Wash ington. D. C. WANTED Immediately, for permanent position, ruler, prefer nonunion. Le- febure Ledger, Cedar Rapids, la. Positions Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO 30K Farnam St.. Free Catalogue. COLLEGE). OMAHA, NEB. WANTED Blacksmith to start shop; A-l location. Write for particular to Y it. Be. WE need msn; had to turn down two ob per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method. Get one of the Joba Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St WAITED Man cook for cafe- Add Bog 116 Walthlll. Neb. MOLER BAKHEtt COLLEGE Special summer rate. Catalogue mailed free. HQ So. 14th St.. Omaha- af iscel laass aa. WANTED 1,000 men to eat ham ana oggs, ISc, Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. WANTEl-Rallway mall clerk. 376 a month. Omaha examinations coining; sample questions froe. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. VU E. Roches ter. N. T. WANTED Experienced oda fountain man Sundays and holidays. Apply Hansoom Park Pavilion. WANTED- Names of young man want ing to be Railway Mali Clerks. .6 month. Answer Immediately. Y. oM. Bee. ANTi:ik Oood vaudeville acta, mlu atrel guartet, gas moving plcturea for free exhibition. Concessions. Show Juljr 3. Wiota, la. Addrvsa. I- L. Reed. Secretary Committee. Wtota, la. tao.00 per week to you If ambtiloua and a huatler. Address, with stamped envel le. Manager, Box 6S9, Alexandria, I .a WANT IT. " 600 men to wear tailor-ma. 'e aulta. H off. Friedman. 1211 Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED AMBITIOUS youua man wants tu go to work; a good education; good at fig ures, also good penman- experienced In general offW work. Telephone Doug. H6I. Addree. .. 6.IS. Re MlDlLK-AGED cvlured woiiiaa w ajiia work. Web. 1219, north part of town desired. EX PER1KNCED young man wanta ateady work In private family; houao cleaning or gardening; porter. Janitor I htK-et. solr and willing to work. Ad- 1 area. A 47. Bee POSITION wanted by trustworthy eneigetlc young man Atesl relurewee furnmhod and nut afraid to work. Phone Douglas MM tHE ernt Giil Trobiem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant olrl Wanted Ad FREE until you get th daslred result. This applies tu reaidenls oi Omaha, boulh Omaha aad Council Hlulla. bring ad to The bee offlc or telephor. Tyler la. PRACTICAL auras want .position. Tiler Lbl. SITUATION'S WANTED A CAPABI.K lady. Will assist a small family with the work for home prl vilegea and aome wages or will act a companion to an elderly lady. Address P 54 Bee. BOY, M years of age, willing to work. Call Red S.VT4, Council Bluffa CL.KR1) ' A L. or general office work, ex perienced. Harney IWfi. Vol'NQ MAN alshea position as chauf feur with private family, or would run on percentage basis for jitney bus; ran furnish good reference. Address A (M, Bee. A CHILD'S nurse wtshea position: bet referencea. Tyler IK. COMPANIONSHIP to refined lady in ex change for board In respectable family. Address B WS, Bee. YOU NO man dealroua of employment; has had experience In towel supply and In shipping department of wholesale drJg company; has attended business school last winter. Oood reference. Addres J 678, Bee. YOU NO girl wishes position as nam. Douglas was. CAPABLE lady desires a position in a refined home a nouexeeper. neier- encea. Harney 2760. 1 LOST AND FOUND OMAHA COUNCIL. BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persona having lost soma article would do 'well to call up tha office of tha Omaha Council Bluffa Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It In th street cara. Many article each day are turned in and the company la anxious to restoro them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. 4:1. Lost or Found ad In Omaha's Lost and Found medium mean the immediate re turn of that article if advertised in Th Bee, the Lost and Found paper. PERSONAL YOUNO women coming to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian association building at 17th 8t. and St. Mary's Ave., wber thv win be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look ior our traveler aid at tna union station. THE Salvation Army Industrial homo o liclt your old clothing, furniture, inags clne. We oollect. We distribute, phone Douglaa 4125 and our wagon will ca'l. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. GORDON, ttie Douglaa TICS. Magazine Alan. Phone SWAPPERS' COLUMN AUTOMOBILKfcV-For- other automobile bargains see the "Automobile" classifi cation. ROAD CANDY OUTFIT. hamburger counter, knife spindle and knives, large chuck cloth, violin, five match-vending machine, two new pump guns, leg of mutton leather case, buttercup cutter, two auto side lamps, one H. A R. break open. .83 revolvers, large Ever-ready flashlight; will swap. Addres 8. C. 1202, Bee. CAMERA 4x5 camera, first class condi tion, uaed ahort time. What have you? Address 8. C. 1124, Bee. FFED GRINDER Ona feed grinder; cost xu: s lots burrs, one for cracking corn, one for corn meal, one for graham flour; only ona sot been used: will trade for a small gasoline engine, gun or wstch. Ad dressS. C. 1UB, Bee. GENUINE Shetland pony, rubber tired ouggy ana names, new. iraae. Aa- dress a. C. 1150, Bee. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new side-car late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two peed, complete electrio equipment, 1913 Improved kick atarter: new tire; all per fect condition. Cost 3.T70. Wsnt Ford or Hunt roadster; no other propositions con sidered. Address n. c. vm wee. K iDAK "Ansco" folding pocket, alaa SttxtK; double lens, automatic abutter; rising, lowering and laterally ahlfting front: like new: together with complete outfit. Including new 35 developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, eta Wsnt visible typewriter In good condi tion. Andrews 8. C. Iff. Bee. I HAVE a 6-passenge.r for door Stude- baker auto In good condition that 1 win trade for a late Ford and pay cash dif ference. Addres 8. C. 1U2, Be. MANDOLIN Will trade Washburn man dolin for guitar or aome other musical Instrument. What have you to otter? Address. 8. C. 1117. Bee. MOTORCYCLE. Indian, twin, two-apeed, has electric atarter, speedometer, also li15 kick atarter, electric horn and lamps; tire In very good shape: cost 8338. Will sell reasonably or trade for vacant city lot; other trader do not answer. AddreB. 8. C. 1130. Hee. ONE four-glass door grocery helf cab inet 7x5 feet bv 18 lncbea deep, con taining 60 feet of shelving, celling backed and atalned mahogany; for groceries. Address 8 C. 113.1. Bee. ONE steel-bound trunk, one leather hand bag, one high-grade 17-Jewel watch, will trade. I-et me hear from you. Aidrea S. C. 11 2. Bee. PHONOGRAPH To trade, a 3 min. Edl son Phonograph with 86 records; for tools, or what have youT Address 8. C. US. Bee. PLAYER PIANO A fine high grade player; want trade; big assortment of rolls. Address S. C. 1127, Be. PAINTING First claa painter will do In side or outside painting. Will take in exchange tailor made clothe, groceries, diamond, horae, buggy, cow or submit what you have to exchange. Will give satisfactory reference. Addres S. C. 1121, Omaha Bee. PIANO A good upright piano, fin In terior, top slightly burned; may trade for auto. Addresa 8. C. 1128. Bee. PRINTING PRKBS Columbia printing press, chase 6x0; will trade for a man or watch. Adiresa a. C. 1114. Bee. RACE type Mitchell, first clans condition, ciaasy looker, can send photo. Want to trade for Ford. P. O. Box 75. Plaits mouth, Neb. ROOMING house, 2SZ2 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobll. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. RUG What have you to trade for a 9x11 rug and a buffet? Would Ilk a phonograph. Addresa S C. 1123, Bee. SALE OR TRADE Firestone Columbus. run two years, A-l condition liar. a.i. STRUCTlfRAL STEEL, ETC. Will trade Structural steel, ornamental Iron, stair work and fir escapee for light car or roadster. Ford preferred. Address S. C. 1122, Bee. TIN WORK Will swap tinwork for mall 110 alternating motor. S. C. 1132. Be. Wanted U- Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and sot something you really needf It c.sts vou nothing to Join th Swappers' Club, and you will find It lot of fun swapping things. Write Room lot. Bee Bldg.. or phone Tyler 1000. WANTED Buffet, dining table or rug for new 12-Inch Westlnghouse fan. Ad dres S C. 1131. Bee. WKXTINtlHOUSE ELM'TRIC COOK STOVE, with coffee percolator, egg botUr. hot pistes snd other sttachments, also elm tr.c room heater; value. 1(M. Ex change for Vlctrola. typewriter, book case, or office furniture. What have youl Addreas S. C. 1130. Bee. WILL trade factory rebuilt I- C. Smith typewriter for anything 1 can use. Ad dress S. C. 113. Bee. WILL trade good roll-top desk for draft ing table, or sell, "li," Omaha Bee, Council Bluffs, la. FOR, RKXT Awartaneata aad Flata. The F r Kent advertiaementa annealing 7T!ln the (or Kent column of Th P-e dally IM nUI UV UV4 IUI I .1 I.VJ Lit I Will pleaae and fill th need of any on da string to rent, fiion Tyler liui TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS. FACING BEM18 PARK. CALL WALNUT Sst. T. OEOR'JIv -rviu aaruuetit. red ace rale throughout. 118 N. 81st Av.. aa leot West Farnam dUlrlcl. Paou Web ster 174. and up. Modern 4-r. apartmeaia near postofflo. G. P. Sisbblija. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer will please the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. T" Title Guarantee and Abstract IXPrfCo., a modern abstract office. AA"1"1' M6 So. 17th St. Phone D. M. RKHTD ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract offlns In Nebraska. MW Brandels The. ACCUCNTAMTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A... Addree 43S Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglna 74V ADD1.MU HACHIMES. Adder Mch Co. (Walea). W. O. W. D. &33S AMATEIR Kl.MSIIIXU. FILMS developed free If purchaaed from Photo Craft Shop. 41 Bee Bldg tgpt. D. AHClll 1 xCC'i'S. Kverett B. Dodds, 12 Pnxton Blk. D. SW1. ATTRACTIONS. OUTING parties desiring service or re- rreahment. phone Ilanscom para r vlllon. H. m. ATTORNEYS. Dlklnson. 611 Paxton Blk. C. T. D. -Wit. Att'llllMi.bH!l, Dowd Auotlon Co.. 1115-16 W. O. W. R. 32SS. Nafl Sale A Auction Co.. 1SJ7 W. O. W. AUTO 11.SIHA.ME. 4r saved on your automobile Insurance by patronlxlng a home Co. Doug W19. AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2023 Far. D.200L BAKEHIDI. y Z. H. REKDER. 1504 N. 18th. Web. S297 BEDDING. OMAHA PILLOW CO.. 1907 Cuming Douglas 347. Renovates feather . . and mattresses of all kind, inakea feather mattresses and down covers BLIB PRINTING. HORNBY BLUB PRINT CO., 302 Omaha "siionwi nana rtiag. BRASS AND 3RON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta UUILD1NU WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick building wracked any wnere. ovee-KCIley Co. Web. 4808, CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS. STgVEN3QN, 323 8. 22d. Douglaa 6620. Leard A Bon. 1206 Cap. Av. T. 1631 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL. ADJU'Al'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence, 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 8461 CIV11, UNGlftEERS. M. 3. LACY, 613 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 47U. CLEANER AND DYERS. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2?31 Leav. D. 1SU, CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO.'K Western repreaentatlv of VELVETIL.E COMPOSITION flooring. GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. P. 1673. COSTUMES AND LODtaU SUPPLIES. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo. Liebon A Sou, liU Howard. D. 4115. DANC1NU ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Summer rates now at Maokle'; priyata lesson dally. Hue Harney. ioug. DRUtlHAkllSU. Xerry Dresimak'g college, 10th oV Farnam. V fcUITS, gown. In borne. WaL 2287. MISS STURDY. 3416 CAS3. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATU Dry Clng, Co.. 130 N. 12th. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. JAMES ALLAN. 812 Neville Block. Evl dencu secured In all cases. Tyier 1136. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Ficke. 724 City Nat Bank. Taf Dental Rooms, 1617 Douglas. D. 2181 DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on 310 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co., 119 N. 16th. Terma. ELECTROLYSIS. tTloa Allender. 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3065. EVERY THIN O FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating: covered butt ona all slaea snd styles; hemstitching, ptoot edging. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Block. D. 1U36. NEW YORK sampl etor. Mt vaeata, building coming down, cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 2ufi N. 16th St. KVEMYTH1NU FOR MEN. IT'S Betting warm now. Bpeclal summer rates, to.M. Y. M. C. A. "FURNACES AND TINWORK. HABER9TROH, Hamilton. Wal. 2971. FLORIST. BATH'S, florist. 14 Farnam St. D. 3000. f. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. 1268. ' . . ... i . rr.L..... K Dal A a a r gdamvoi r wrwi " HESS 4. SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Dcug. 1001. BW AN SON, th florUt. Web. 48. So. 701. HAT CLEAnlnli. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsela. 11? City Nat GOLD AND SILVER PLATING. WE rplat everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. liKO Harney St. Est 1898. ICB. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR. ICE PHOs.'K WEBSTER 6813 General Office. Uth and Manderson Sta. JEWELEtaa. LUCKY wedding rings at Brndegaard'a- JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNB. 613 Paxton Blk. R. 74CL Notary pub.. deposiUoji stenu. C. W. BRITT. 301 Baker bloik. V. C. HA8CALL, 4?0 1'axton Blk. P. 2U4. LIVE IIOIK COMMISklON. MARTTN CROf. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING IUHUI.., WIRlNii. niTTfiriTJ Thomaa Douglas Kit. ULlUVlJt ,4,, -umng Si MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DA V1DSON MOTORCYPT.FS. Baraalna la used machines. Victor Roo. "Tha Motorcycle klan." ?708 Leavenworth. M ASSKTSES. t A TT T9n naaa.. alcohol rub. Laura liAlllftynin. 1. Farnam, room t Douglaa S7&1. Open evening aad Suaday. Mis Staplea Ev. open I; Sun. 10-L D 711 quality and expert service that MASSEUSES. Saundens-Kennedy Bldg. Mas. D. 71S. Mis Walton, Mas. R. C4. Neville Blk. MASSAGE 620 Be Bldg. Douglas 6S71 Clara Lee, bath and iraaaag. Dotiglag 37SU BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. 17th and Poug. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment. MI'S JACOBS, Mas . R 224, Neville Blk. I MASSAGE, 17?1 Dodge. Ml Steele. M. B RUG MAN, mas.. 203 Karbach Blk., M. HALLO RAN, bath. R. 22S Neville blk. MISS GILBERT, massage. 109 P. 17th Bt. MIN1NU ENUlnEERS. WILL py to conult W. TI. Godfrey ei mining Business, vi piaie na. i. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. McUoM picture mac nine ana iiirn varsuua rent moving picture machines. Star Thatrl"al Exchange. 640 Paxton block. MOWERS SHARfENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED: work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. ifM. MtTslcAL INSTRUCTION. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. LAS 2471. DOUO- OCt, LISTS. Eve examined, glasses flrted, pay a yon can Dr. McCarty, 111! W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, 003 Brandel Bldg. D, J14 JOSF.PHTNTfl ARMSTRONG. OS Bee Bide". PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 673. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7E30. PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN MachTne Co.. 110 8. 11th St. PATENTS. D. O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red 711T. H. A. Kturge. 636 Brandel Theater Bldg. PIANO REFINISH1NG. GENERAL overhauling, 30 year, exp. Reference. 702 17th. Red 6830. John Baer. aLiATINb. P. 6277. Acme Plating Co.. Ill 8. 13th Bt.- PU1NTING. WATERS-BAP.NHART Pt. Cy. quality prinUng. Tel. Doug. 3190. 624 8. 18th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 37J4, DOUGLAS Printing Co. TL Douglas 644, Ralph Printing Co., 320 8. 19th. Doug. 2166. RIBBAGE COMPANIES. NEBRASKA RUBBAGE CO. Thl Is th man to call If you have any as he or tin can to haul. Phone Web. 6819. AFB AND TIM IB LUCK BXPEBT3. O A T7T70 Opened, repaired, oomh. rirtr iLaJ changed F. B. Paven Aar por itog Dodge. j. 181. SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Bcale Co.. 613 S. lrth. DJB1L SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co., Doug. 4AM. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN BROS.. hoe rapalr. 2U S. 14. Harley Shoo Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R JltO SEWING MACHINES. !"mt' "Pair, sell needle and part W C tor a11 awing machines. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 15th and Harney. Doug. 1661 STEEL CE1LINUS. f A najivin a. . nneet Metal Company. HO 8. 10. TORE AND OFS ICM FIXTURES. DESKS, safe, scale, ghowcasea VOWEL SUPPLIES. OMAHA Towel Bupply. 207 B. Ilth. n. Ir TAILORS. CHAS. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th Bt Palm Beach ult to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRELINQ A BTBINLE. 1806 Farnam 8t TYPEWRITERS FOR RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter 8 mo. for 34. Oliver Typewriter Agency, uot FafnaS. Butt Typewriter Exchange, sit a 18th BL Ail makes for sal or rant. ou RENT a "Ramlngton." not Just a typa writer, low rent. Call Dougls laSA WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen, 3d ft Paxton Bk.. 18 yr. sip. WEDDING STATIONERY. Wadding announcements. Doug, pf, Co. WINES AND Llt4UORb. ALEX JETES. J01-3 8. 12th St. Wmea lnuor. cigar Plat dinner. U to 3, 10a. H,fRT "K LIQUOR HOUSEX ltth and Capitol Ave, Ten-cent lunch. FOB REV3 6-ROOM apartment, the Mason, 31st and I Maiwn. Conrad Young, Sil Brandels Kleiner, i'uukiu, ion. C.-ROO.J flat. J&U Leavenworth St., ateain iie.iu, uj ouiiuing; au. Conrad Young. 323 Brandels Theater. D. 1571. 6-ROOM apartment. The Chula Vlata th and Poi'Plelon:. verv iurirHia. Conrad Young, 33 Brandel Theater. Douglas i;.?l. REDUCED i-ii' on tp-to-,lui 6 and 6 rwm apaiimcnis In faHhunalile anart nient house. Private gxrae. No ohie--tionto cnildr-n. Z'Wl She'imin Ave " Till: STANDARD FJ.TS" THESE DESIRABLE 6-room apart ment, of special plsn with private ball makes eacr a separate home. Cool bevond any avparate house. Plenty of light. Thorough ventilation. Fin wood work and decoration. Complete hatha Free hot water. Steam heat Janitor service. Close In. THEIR QUALITY AND PRICE Invite examination. T J. I KlOKjJM N. isth Bt. V A Kartaaewte. ' ' ' PLUMBER- worth of work; must be Ardreaa E W7 .. .... , uu, a ioi or home. omaha Re. Furnished Room that offer evry mod em rosvenienco sn! romfuii In private families . r boarding hcuaes of ths hlgh- Tyle I0"" 'nU f Tb' Be- Phon XlfEI.Y furnished room, suitable for vounif man. with hosrd. Douarlaa Tin ! K'I,!lk t oo? LL. . '..,.tS2' PARK auburban horn. Car home privileges, very reaa. W al. ir6. i-AK.r. rront room. wlUt board. Weal Farnam d strict Phono Ham, aT X