Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1915, Page 9, Image 9
TIIK MA.: OMAHA. MUMI.VV, .Hi.Nr. in, V.M. 1? "7 H 1 I Oil It KM' "ralahert tloeaes. FOR RENT- MOPKRN f -room house. furnished, suitable for hospital, eant tailuni or nuis' home, on Farnam ftr lm 1ourlas MAO. Pt: Ai'Ti i- tl. srm isBAN homk, n KiOMtt FTRMHH1.I' MOIH UX TWO A'TUi.l URUM. AT. I.. KIN 1S OK Flu rr ani khri hhrkv. nich I. AWN pIrCK KRDM BK.NSOV fii'IlfxitA I 'HON K PKNNtS . 2" N. l AVK. . iFt'RNIelIKI house, ro"M. until Sept. J; fine location. Address t $. Rf. Faralahed Hmhii. If you do net soe anything that suite J -- r . U wrav r rumlaliMt RnOtTlM TOU ..... in viiw - r. . v. " ' ' - - - - . an call at Room 104, Bee Bldg.. and esk fop tha Free Furnished Koom burtnu -A -t.Hlv rfr vnu tr a hll class rooming; or boarding liouao In any )rt ef the city. l!4 CHICAOO Xlc clean rtom. cheap. 1MI FABS AM ST. N icety furnished loom, east front. liouyiaa 'it.70 Farnnto. room with alcove. H. 4L'ia. a.r2 tT MARTS AVK. Nice. cool, mod- ern room; private family. Red 971. CIlASSf. MOI'PRN. CCH.1, FCRNlrrliri Loll IN PRIVATR; Hl:A RnN A HARNKY 40. PARlOU. rooini, rea. can twug. jik, Fl'RNlBUKP rooms. West Farnam dis trict, i.n n. iai .rtv. LARGE, cool, etoijajitly f urn. roomi. 1 to $ wek; real noma meats; large lawa Kerch. Kl N. -'d. D. 5751. vT. '1. IV t, ntndnni KHim in. " vats fa m i ly. Call Harney 744. Jf17 FARrtAM-LeNte. nicely furnished front room with east esposure. Modern convenienoes. ror gentlemen. ONj large front parlor and one smaller room. South aith St. TWO parlors on ground floor, with kitchenette; large porch, private- en trance; everything furnished. 04 S. g7th. I,' , t-f. aultea, modem. $2.50. D. 7103. Cool" roonia, mod rwa. 8020 Caaa. H. t76. N. 17TH,' ! Cool housekeeping touroi. Heawinsble. . Vsrnl-hed llaartualaiai Ksoiaui. I42g DODGE Modern Ught housekeeping; reaaonaiale. RU K A HN A til Very nice housekeeping roomo. Very reajonatile. PARNAM, M70. rm, with alcove. 11. 4213. "ALIFOHNIA, 22)T, f"r. hkpy., 1.7i up. CABS, iM'i Three beauyrully furnlahed room, ground floor, aink, gaa and ' OA3.-, ' 17' Coot, modern rooma, rt.Qi.' I brRT,J 2 llwlit housekeeping rooma. i all modrn; rent very renaon,hle. I range. (lloiirktrii'.H Hooaaa. DAVENPORT. 25UVW, aulte of rooma; ' laundry privilege; large lawn, Bo. front. MODERN housekeeping apartment, min floor. 1RU Cm pi to! Ave. JDA VENPOHT, 3014-Two or tbrea nicely furnished front houbeneeping roonia, FOR RENT Ueautlf ul furnished room, suitable tor one or two young man; pri vate bath and every modern conveitonce. Apply between and I p. m. Apt. 14, TravertoB ARt-. & 6t- London uourt, M S. iuih Ave., 8 room for light house keeping, tit.aO week. I'Bfarslnkrd HensekeeplnaT Rooma. 'AS8, 41ii 2 unfurnlslied rooms on bath room floor; reasonable. Iiousrlas 7.f0. Iloavaek Cottiea Morth. T ROOMS; all modern; o cr Una. Bemli Park. H W. . Afvb modorn -roora house, on car line, in Florence, Uwge yard. Floranoe . : llaln St. - JJ6 6-ROOM house in Kounlxo Flute for ww; il mooern ran tyier twit. BKAUTIr'UL, g-room house, 428 IJncoln Blvd. (!7th and Cass), &. Alight rent a little cheaper to a good tenant. Owner would rent a room, if desired, waiter Wills, 40S Bee Bldir. . J3J9 NOUTH 3STH HT. New seven-room tnoderi) house for rent or sale by owner. Walnut 17. oath. For Rent Couth half of double brick house f rooms, 4 bedrooma. all modern,' at 1CU South 29th St , near Park school, one - bloek east of llsnjcom park- Tel- Uarney laOa, . ll.fjoo-Easy wrm, buys Marcy; rooms, niodurn; near Field club. Ltrge corner lot; both streets paved. Fine uiil cood shade, nice flowers; a real home. Apply at premises. 3W6iJWiCY AVfc., b-rootn, mod., rent u. a. uA-NDKrtyou. Ttniis-las 67'i5. ' Nuvllle Block. S-BOOM HOUSE, fctrlctly m' durn. good (ooatlon. US! H. ixtt Ht. Phone H. il&li?. 4-ROOAI cotuuje and two lots, 66th and Pine Kis. Tl. Harney 1. West. WEST FARNAM IMatrlct; 7-roora mod ern house. ltM 8. 35th St. 11A lit Hai t BC K. 21TII AVK. Slwooni, modern i.ii- newly Dauered; good location. Harney 61W. ' lliaeellaneona. BCRnETTK BT.. OT-6-room houee; strietlv modern. rnun wenemr ion. v 4-ROOM houHO on lots; garden growing; 1 block from car; good well; rent rea- FIDELITY Phone Douglag 288 for oomplete liat ef vacant houses aad apartments; also for S-ROOM soreened porch, WW. etrUtly modern, i blocks to car, located SXlt Cttfg. Hurney tirx. cm u yt V, Ht a-e. and mtk.rtuii. i60. jh Mason St., S-r.. all mod., H0. t4H3 Franklin lit., U-T-, all mod., f.1a. nU N. SWd eH., -r., all mod.. $. tZW Mason 5t.. "-W mod., $ni. j!iU4 Maple St., 7-r., all mod.. IX. ' kiu N. Wth s)t. -r., mod. ex. heat, 211 S. lath Bt,, 6-r., all mod., $a. Sjii N. 'ui ht., ft-r., mod. ex. bjeat, IK.W. Chico St., 6-r., mod. ox. heat, . VA F.nimtt ft., I-r., mod. ex. heat. H Pacific Ht., 4-r., nod. . heat, $14. tit N. 18th Bt., 4-r., mod. ex. htat, IU. iWm N. 2id St.. 5 rms., all mod., $17. BIRKETT COMPANY. 4 Bee Bldg. Kousias 63a. 27iej Farnam, t rooms, nxd., brick, fort. 41(1 N. 2iJ, 10 rooms, mod., I baths, . " :i3 V. lHih, rooms, 26. ;.V.4 St. Mary's Ave., i rooms, $30. it'll C hicago. rooma, mod., $). R I NOW ALT. Rrand eis Theater Bldy. N".W (-room, entirely modern brl W; lo- u lAtH Uf Phnn. Inllflna 4K70. r-ROOM cottage $601 Franklin, $IH month. FOB HENT We have a complete list ef all houses, urimiti and flats that are for rent This list can be .eeen free of chaigo at tjmaha Van Storage Co. 80s lt t g-R()O.M modnrn. 1463 8. llth. Doug. SErfthe Central Furniture Stores. FRE8 RENTAL LIST. J-BOOM. modern brick holme, Rlrt N. Jih Hi. - Thoinaa S. Kelley, care of Burgeas Naah Co., or telephone Wcbfcter li'IN. GlobeVan & Storhge Stores, movea, paoks. ships; 1 hone van and $ men. II. ter br.; storage $3 per tna. Kmtl. faction guar. D. 4"t1 A Ty. 2 A ALL alsea. SI (er montn up. $07 1'exton. FURNISH Kl OR I'NFURMpHILU -r. house, lacing llanscom park. H. 4;i.'. Gordon Van Co. tB tin. fit N. llth St. Tel. D. 4 or Wub. 1SSJ. JC! RPPfl pacing i i7ora"e' AwV,VA. i.f.T Karnxtii. i H4 ljf....J'n Van and Sto.age Maggard s z't tt'g. pa kin, shipping 1713 Webstar . St r uiai lfnillsPS rtl'' on Ac Co., Bee Bldg. I OK ItKM Ilenara and InlUira. M tat ellenrona. V-ROuM o.ttm, modern ejcept hcst; nice ahadv vard. ITU 8. rsih St. Dou. Store aaa IIH A nice offlr tn a Kood locgtlon. make your business piaus guccesaful. TIIK BER BUILDING TIIK Pl'IIJTNCI T1TAT IS ALWAtS NEW" furnlfhru luat soch comhinatioaa Office Room 103. CHKAP RKNT. Itrre new etoatn-beated atore room, tm leavetiworth Pt. Conrad Young. ttl Rrandcle Tlieater. Ioigias 1K1RAHI.R new store room aid base- nient. S"7 N. lth ft. tonraa lwing, Kt Rrnndcis Theater. l"onpla W1. GOOU storeroom, tii N. IMh Pt. R. 457S. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator aad Stairs Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Superintendent's Office, Room 101. ftaraaree. OARAOK-riow In, large fireproof build. I nr. mutable for a rirei-ciasa garsgo; reaaonable rent. Conrad Young, KX Brandeis Theater, Douglas 1571. WANTED TO BUT Yalo buyeeverythlng td hand. Tyler 14V. OFFFICB furniture bought and sold, J. V. tieea, 13" r inuun. ioui. Slightly used high grade planet. D. MIT. REAL ESTATE FARM St RANCH LANDS FOR SALH (JavMiwevUk. Live Oak Colonies, none better. W. T. Smith Co.. Kl-14 City Nat. Bk. n. SMS. lews. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR RATJET acd aend it to the Sioux City, la.. Journal, " Iowa Most i-oweriui nam u dlum." Twenty-five words every Friday evening, Saturday morning and Avery Saturday evening and Sunday monlng for one month, giving sixteen ada oa twelv, different days for $2; or CO words, $4; or 75 words, $. ' Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper, 260,000 readers dally In four areat sta ti a. SMALL. MISSOURI FARM. $S cash and $S monthly, no Interest or tam; highly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographs and full Information. Hunger. R. 171, N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Wasblagtoa. FREE lumber with every eala Land near Spokane raising fruit, grain, vegetabiea, stock. Free booklet. Consolidated Lnd Co., Elk, Spokane Co., Wash. Hitmlit. WYOMING homesteads; limited area ef excellent land; open to SUO-aore flllnse XTnstirpassed for grain, ootn, potatoes. vogctaine, alralr; gooa water; iree eoei. C . 1. n1.H,f1,li ond excursion June 24. He me at Paxtoa hotel June 1S-I0 only. C J. Dumboiton. FARMS WAKTICD 1 HAVE some cash buyer for salable fnrinm and ranches: owners only write C. C. Buckingham, Houston. Tex. REAL EBTA'l'fl WASTED WANT ED Five or ix-rootn cottage In gooa neiiiDormwi, rmr b'wj whwi. Tt'lll ..n ull aah .11.1 m 1 1 1 VlllV riimltllrA If for sale and In good condition. Ad- WE will buy or sell that property ef yours If priced right. Htatt-Fairfleld Co. D. 4l$, LIFT real estule and rentals with DON ELSON R. B. CO., 301 Om. Nt I Bask. REAL ESTATE VOAS9 FARM LOANS, PElt CENT TOLA N D & TRUMBULL. 44$ Bee Bldg. $100 TO $10,000 mado pr-jmpily. ". D. Wead. Wead Bldg.. llth and Farnam Bta. CJTY and farm loans, S, SH. per cent J. H. Dumont & Co., 418 State Ban. WANTED Good farm and city loans at lowest rates. PETERri TRUST CO , 1& Farnam. WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith ft Co., UM Farnam St. CITY property. Large loana a specialty. W. H. Thomas, 2 State 3ank Bldg. MONEY on hand for city and farm loana. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA homea. . East Nebraska farms. O KEEFB REAL E6TATJ3 CO.. lOlf Omaha National. Phone Douglas $711 6EE us first for farm loans In eastern Neb. United States Trust. Co-, Omsha. 6 CITY LOANS. C. O. Carlberj, 810-13 Brandels Theater Bldg. REAL) ESTATE FOR EXCHANGE FOR SALE OR TRADE A relinquish. niant $ miles from county seat, i A bar gain if taken at once. For particulars write Box 114. Merna, Neb. 1 REAL ESTATE ACREAGE ACHE tracts 'on or near car, wltn new bungalows; ii.fiuu to Vi.wv. call for loca tion and free city map. FATTBKWJK, fatlerson H1K. REAL EST ATI. SUBURBAN Florrjice. ACREAGE OR TRADES. TEL. FLOR- ENCK, 404. REAL ESTATE NORTH SIDE BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful S-room. ttrlctly modern home, in splendid condition; good loua tion; elegantly finished inside; as good as new; lame lot; eivtern. Price $S.T0u. Call gili Wirt Plione Wth. 9M after a. m. $300 cash (or acreage or vacant lot), be!. mo. puys o-rooin moaern nome; near rchool, car, Millor park and Fort Omaha Phone Web. 4141 Walker. 4510 N. Wth St. SUBURBAN home, 7-room house, 6 luts, with bearing fruit of all kinds. U block from paved road, five block a to car line. This will De sola lor ngnt price end cash. Call after $ p. m, Walnut Vui. Va. Ifoaklnson. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS Must Be Sold at Once 1U0 S. tth St. Cood old 7-rooiu housit, modern except heat; choice east front lot, ii'li. Strc-l and alley paved anl all paid for. If lot waa varbnt It would sell for $1,750. Iluuae nd lot can now be bought for $V.!A, ty cah, balance monthly, or exchange considered. Is veatlKate at once. Rasp Bros. 10 McCague Rld. Phone Doualaa luutt. Bf'NGAIXyW, new, modern; south ionf $2,600; 7th and Dorcas. Patterson. t. tsT. MEDICAL PILES FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal dlaeasea without surgical operation. Cure gusranteed and no money paid until cured. Write foe book or rectal dis4s with testimonial. UH, V. R TAHHY. '.'40 Bee Bids None of 'em are in it at fun-making with the lCat zenjammers, Happy Hooli gan and little Snookums. RAIN HURTS CROPS IN KANSAS FIELDS Chief Patterson of Union Psoif io De claret Lowlandi in That $tte Are Under Wttet. BUT WHEAT CE0P IS STILL BIO Chief Patterson of the secret service department of the Union raciflo Is in from en extended trip over Kansas and seaerts lhat the lowlands all ever the state are under watir and that unless the rain ceaaa within the next few days crops win be greatly damaged and. In many localities, a total fnllurc. Said Mr. Tat'teraon: "I never saw such wheat prospect! as now, except on the lowlands that are flooded Wheat Is shoulder high, head filled to tho tlpa and maturing, though not ripening. With a few days of sun shine, the grain would be ready to rut and It would be the greatest In the Ma. tory of the state. 'Kansas Is filled with Idle men. wait. Ing for the harvest to commence. Ite ports of an enormous crop, a long seaaon of work and high wages eu. gone broadcast and, as m result, men have eome in from everywhere. The rltle and towns are full of them and they have warmed out Into the country. At this time there Is nothing far them to do and the most of them are without money. Qeneraily thy appear to be hon est, ready to work, strong and healthy. Out If something does not turn up shortly In the way of employment, they will hare to steal In order to exist "The cold and wet weather has de layed ' the harvest and consequently there Is absolutely nothing for men to do, and what la still worse, more are constantly coming In. Moat of them bum their way en freight trains, riding la empty rare. Officials of the road are winking at tha fact that the men are stealing riles, for they realise that If these men were charged fares, it would be impossible for them to pay end con sequently the armors would be unable to save tholr small grain crops. "While I believe Kansas' wilt raise a bumper wheat, crop, the yield Is going to be cut down some on account of damage by wet weather. What Is needed now Is warm weather and ' sunshine. From r.ow until harvest, every day of rain is working a great loss to the farmers " SLEUTH PSZANOWSKI WILL WED THIS WEEK Cupid has , invaded many unexpected places, but when he appeared Iq the office of Steve Maloney, Omaha's chief of police detectlven, and dragged forth Johnnie Psxanowskl, one of the sleuth ing staff, the action Is the cause of some surprise. Omaha's detectives have long been noted ss Immune to, Cupid's attack. Eddie Fleming, " Dan Lahoy, Jimmle JCenelly, and John Barta have long withstood the arrows ef the archer. Psanowskt himself remained unassail able for years.' Miss Emms. Talsky, KM Dodge street, is the young woman who captured the detective's heart. The wedding will take place at the home ef Fssanowskl's par ents, jras South Twenty-fifth avenue. Wednesday evening.7 RAILWAY TIMJB CARD UAIO.V STATION Tenth aad Haws, C'hlcaao A Northwestern NbRTK. Depart Arrlta a lo w pm a M am a 46 pm all:U am a 1:11 am tT:Hm a I So pm all:k pni a 1:41 pm al0:M am a 1: am al015 am a t 30 am alliW am ail : m Tina city Express Lekota Puhiiiy loux City Local Minneapolis KxurMta .. . . 7 am , b T 41 am ..a Ins pm ..a :6 pm Tela Cllf Limited. a i s pot EAeT. Denver Special Carroll Looal a 7:es am Hawkare Bxprast a T 4 am Chicago Local alt C4 pin Carroll Local a 4 Ml pm Chicago bpaclal ...a 1:0 pm tin Pranclate limited all M am pterland Uralta a 1:00 pm Oratoa-Waahlnstaa Limited.. a I. U pm Uou aasaws umiita , l;H (ia WftaT. Chadroa Loral a l td sa Ltacola-Dallas Il3ln Lli,Milo-Lonf Fins a I 15 pm Haatiasa-upetior b lili pm tMaswood-Hot gprlnss Il ttia a I: to pm atom pm k pm a 1 -in pm ail.vo am tsir-Laodr Illipa HalNuk Omabe-St. LouW txpraas. .a I II pm a 1.45 am ..a T:o em all: pm Stall BBS Bapraaa lolo FacltUs Orerlaal Limited -ullfnrnte. U.ll ..s I: am a I ..alia pm all a I a ..all U am e ..a 4;t pm s 4 ..ail XI am a I ..all:) am .... ..all:am at I. .all M aw s I . . I U am a 4 ..a I tu pm all ..kii 41 pm bl2 ..a I M pm a I ..a I so am a I 41 am Omaha gapraaa Aiiasu fcipraaa A nvr Ira LJmlteS Colorado special Pas Fraaciano Lsmiiao Pactfla Umllsd nnuQI-WiakmiUI LlBlitM fcorlh FlaUe Local OranS lalanA Local giromaburs oi Illinois Ceatral Chlraps ImlUd I'hloaao gaonas Albloa-Oakosla aa pm e 1 V St. Paal . T M pm all t klcaao; Mllwaake Pacltlo Limited a i m pm a f t'hiaso Darlliht Callfuroia Mail , ilai a Till am all a $:( pm a I a lieo m all Western a s la m . a Manilla im lb teas u treat an at am Twin tf IJilt4 Tula Cltr Wi la Cltr IXpraas I., s I SO am a I ilraga xriproas IM la a I Issoarl Pave If le CM M K. C. at, U Bipraaa a I OS am a 7 K. C. a K I. sapraaa .....all lo pm a I u- m. a. Mt a ft an . m Ihiease. Ileelc lalcad Paelftt AST. a W . Mountain Unllid....! ISm mm Ctlcafo Loral Pammr bit am bll tlaaso oaur nipreaa. . . .. ...s a : am a 4 C'nuaao Night kvpra a 4 14 pm si D alulnea lral yaaaongar. . 4 W pm all Cklcaso-Nobraaks Limited oipm a I mi. Nab. Llmlt4 to Llncola.a I IS am a I Colorado a Calirornle Bap ...a i 40 pm a I (klahoma Taiaa Kpraa..s 1 :V4 am all Rocky Mountaia i.imiio an la pm a 1 BlBLIslUTON STATION Teeth aad Masea. Barllasjtea Usee west Popart. Poavar Uailtet a T 10 am Ik. Loral s I It am Nasraaka gipraas a I H ara l.locoln Lral 4 1 10 pm Loulavilla-clrliuTlar bl.Otiua NorihveM. Maak Hllla. Mas- tana ant Waablnstra a 4:1$ pm Beatrice. Haatinss aa4 Oranl lalattt S4'llpm penver-lalirortlnm s IS pm Haatlasa-ran4 lalasd a 4 It pm Unroln Ixioal a I M pm .lliomla, North- weat-Uraat Northern a It :11am us am Kxin mioage sag llllBota a fit am luea Ical a I. la am Arrive a 7 tit am a I 10 pm S t It pm b I M am ble at aw a I K pm all U pm s t .m pm pm a 3 :10 pm s I :lt is a I N am a' I M 'a ia S I 40 pis bll o am a I 61 pm a I oo am alt si m IS pis all at a a a 4 41 am Platunjiooth-Pacltlr Junst. ., .a I iO pm Plattainoulb-FauKtO Jnoot... all M pro Crealoa local i k I U tin Cbl ago fcjpraas a I 41 an CtU ago JjmlU-4 a t It pre Oluato su4 Illinois I I N am UINB) SOUTH gsnsas Cllf St- Juacpk a I II as) St. 1-cAita, Mo.,, a 4 It pm Kasaaa UHr-St. Joaaph all pi era S tally, b Sallr sacapi guatajr. WKB1TER STRKKT STATlOV Fit. treatb aad Webster. Cblraao, Sl Paal, MIeaeapulis Jt Oaaaha rwraet. Arrive Tela Citr Paaarngar b I 13 am b 4 ti pal fvnii ( iir rwiM b 1 U am bll ij a nii'Ui t ujr r-aaaangar a a ak mm gsraos Lal b I t pat elites) a Amur, b sallr aasopt SaaSavp. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Pioneer Business Han Recovering from Injuries Suffered in Fall from Torch. FORMER H0Q BUYER IS DEAD A. Ie Perttqulat, who was injured when he fell from a porch at Twenty-fourth and A streets a few days ago, In recover, lug at his home. What waa thought to he a fracture ef the femur has turned eut to he less serious snd the Magic City's pioneer business man will be out again In a few days. It was said. Koraier Stnelt Rarer Head. Wllilam Buckley, formerly head hot. buyer st Cudahy's here, is dead at the ase of 46. after an illness of seven month. He di"l In a hoepltsl st Council Pluft. Mr. Buckley was unmarried and was well known in stock circles here, lie was a ( well known booster of South Omaha from his early youth and many of tho ettuies told of the old days contatn the pleaainc remembrance of "Billy" Buckley. Ho in survived try two brothers, John T. Buck ley of Ploux City and Michael O' Lough lln of South Omaha, and three Bisters, Mrs. Ida MoOarthy of Chicago, Mra M. ' P. Brennan of Houth Omaha and Miss Mantle O Loughltn of South Omaha. The funeral services will be held Mon day morning at o'clock at the residence. 1617 North Twenty-fifth street, and at St. Bridget's church at I a. m. Burial will be In Holy Bepuloher cemetery. To Install Officers. The B'Nai Abraham will Install officers today. Harry Dworsky wss elected pres ident. George Sax. wice prealdent: Pol Fogsl. secretary, and Joseph Hherman. treasurer. Morris Lefkovlts, Abraham Welntr and P. Ant man are the trusters. The association will hlld its first annual plcnie at Ralston today. Merpbr's lst Words. City Attorney IL C. Murphy said: Nothing remains now except the taking over of the dry by the Omaha commis sioners. We wish that this formality be done with due regard to the rights of tha local officials who guard tits books and papers of the city, I will esk that the mandamus be made returnable at I e'olock Monday afternoon.. That will be the end. There will be no appeal from the decision. Our antlon In making a forthal refusal Is dictated by my dealre to protect the officials In the bonds should the suits now pending in, the cotfrts he finally decided In fsvor of the men who think the merger law unconstitu tional." City Attorney Murphy, who has been the strongest and perhaps the ablest of tho antla, expressed his pleasure at the end of the fight. "There have been good merl on both sides." he said. "The people are the ones to say what they went. I am for giving the best there Is to Greater Omaha." It was said thst W. U Polity Intended to pursue his appeal In another suit. "Mayor Jim" Wo Strawaer. Mayor Dahlman, who will osnume tho teadershlp of the Magic City government after Monday, Is no stranger to Houth Omaha. Ferhaps there Is no man in Omaha who Is more familiarly known or liked in Kouth Omaha aa the cowboy mayor. For year before he entered the political arena Mayor Pa hi man was In the stock business at the Union Stock Yards. ' There his friends are legion as is shown in every campaign that be ever made. Without regard to party lines the stock yard men and many South Omaha men have gone out to boost for Mayor Jim every time his name comes up for anything. In local affairs ha Is always a figure much sought after on public and private occasions. . He takes the place of Major Tom Hoctor, who for twenty-five years, has been a figure in South Omaha politics. Characteristically Mayor Hoctor goes out of office In the city where he has ruled for years with a smile on his lips and a laugh In his eye. Whatever the little sadness of brsaklng old . ties Mayor Hoctor In bis last word to the council last night insisted that the formal re fute! to turn over the records be done "In good nature." Carnival Over. The -ngajement of the Jarvlu-Sceman Carnival company, . which has . been showing- in South Omaha, on N, M and Twenty-third streets, for the benefit of the South Cmaha hospital building fund, tame to a close with the laat perform ances laat night and, like the Bedouins, the show people folded their tents and hied themselves away, to entertain new audiences at Council Bluffs. Lost night was tbo big night of the we?k at the Country Ktoro. Slasle City Gossip. Miss' Jessie Fluley leaves today to at tend summer school at Chicago unl erxlty. Office ppaco for rent In Bee office. 2.11S N atreet. Terms reasonable. Well known location. Tel. South $7. The Woman's auxiliary of ST. Martin's church will meet at the home of Mrs. Adklne Wednesday afternoon, Juno 'Si, at 2:30 o'clock. Seven-room, all modern house for rent, t2U N street. Phone tioitth IM. The ke cream social which was to have been given on St. Alartlu's church lawn this evening will bi postponed until Sat urday evening. Pit. Mary's court. No. $77, Woman's Catholic order of Foresters, will hold a regular meeting Tujsdiy evening, June 22, at St, Mary's school hall. Mrs. Kelly will entertain the konsing ton of the Depree of Honor, Cpchurch lodge, No. 2-, Tuesday, June 22, at her home at lf9 South Twejity-ftfih street, at 2 :io In thd afternoon. The Ladles' Aid of the First MethodUt church will be eutertalncd ThtirsUay ift ernoon at 2 o'clock at a lawn t arty and tea at the home of Mrs. H. B. Berqulst, 1) North Twenty-fifth. Members of Houth Omaha Camp, No. 211, Woodmen of the World, are requested to meet at McCratin'a hail at 1 o'clock p. m , today (riundayl, to attend the fu neral of rio vr reign Ueorgo SterrlU Mrs. F. X. Kersher and little son, Francis, who have been vl'lting with tho formers mother, Mra Jim Kelly, have gene to Jciict. 111., to join Mr. Kersher. From there they go, to Msr quelte, Mich., for tho summer. Charhis Chaplin apiwars at the Beaso tomorrow, in his three-reel comedy, en titled, "work. Today we show the Luhln three-reel film, "On Hitter Creek." and also "Sham Slipper Slim." A epe cial Ballboo film, added today. Bense. ENTERTAINS AT LUNCHEON AT HOME FOR GUESTS Mrs. J. L. Stamp entertained at lunch eon at f'er home at 4212 Grant street in honor ot Mrs. J). I. Ham. Mrs. R, T Tropst and Mrs. R. O. Fiirlong of ftteani- boat Bpringa, Colo. Iw-coraliutu were in pink and green. The guests were: Mrs. W. A. Taylor Mrs. H. P. Kngei Mrs. Albrt Mead Mrs. U W. Piitrsley Mrs. Niemnn Mlas Lillian Rolf Mis. J. Rl mil iar Min Marjoiie Taylor Mra. Mo. Be of RaLrtotl ira. It. bu m PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Vlsry Pl kford, famous moviiiK- picture at tress, will sa throuah Onialu Tues- dsy evening at y:u6 o cluck on the Angeles Limited, eaalbound. Big Drainago Project Is Being Promoted BLAIR. Neh, June 2n Sxm lal Tele sram ) A merlins: called by the hoard of directors of the Hurt-Washington county drainage tlletrlct was held In the Blair opera house this afternoon and was at tended by a large number of Washing ton county farmers owning farms on the Missouri bottoli Innds north of Blair. A delegation of about tlnrty farmers of Hurt county was also In attendance. The meeting was relied to ascertain the sentiment of the farmer for or agalnat the costly project f draining about 70,'U) acres of land lying between lllalr and Ivoattir, the climated cott of which will he about JtStO.tkiO. The work will consist mainly of diverting) the Tekamah creek Into the Mieeourl liver, the same work on several olhor Hurt county streams and the Kvncial cleaning out of tho Burt. Washington county ditch which carries a ael volume. of water from Burt county and empties Into the river at Blair. The board of drainage, directors will call an cl.M-tlon In the hear future to be held at lhe Burt county court house, by which the owners of land In the dis trict will decide aa to the spending of this lame amount of money. The meet ing today was almost unanimous in favor of the project. The board of directors re: President John Cameron, secretary Preckenrldge, Treesurer Ed Latta snd Mr. Duthee of Hurt ominty. with Henry C. Jensen and Harry Kuws of this county. Besides the farmers the meeting today was largely attended by Blair cltiaens who are Interested In this vast drainage project, Declare Conditions in Mexico Deplorable GALVESTON. Tox.i June tYX-Three hundred and ninety refugees from Mt Ico were landed In tha United States to day from, the United States army trans port Buford after five days In quarantine off Oalveston. Few or them would allow themselves to be questioned concerning Mexican con dIUons, but all described the situation there as "deplorable" and many said that American Intervention waa the only solu tion of the problem. PARTY FOR YOUNG WOMEN IN HONOR 0F16TH BIRTHDAY A party was given Miss Fern Galloway Friday evening In honor of her slstsenth birthday at the home of her parents, Mr, and Mrs. a J, Galloway, Ul South Twtn ty.elghth street. The evening was spent In musio and wsret ' Misses Fern Uslloaav gsmea. Thoae present Misses l.oora Mayanell Ttogsna Anderson Hasal Larson Kilns Oalluway Mans tlallowav Heaxla Capehart. Messrs. Rudolph Peterson Leonard Paint VTHrtm Anderson William Conkling Harvey Powers Charles Karlquist. Ruth Mass l cell Mabwl Nelson Irene Floruit Klule Mcl can Frances Ida s Messrs. Fon Uoul tjconard Wlnterton Kdwln Wlnterton Raman'. Herahiirn Rov Karliiulat , Arnold Wahlstrom Howard h'toxel i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Qulloway WOMAN DIES. AGED. ONE HUNDRED AND THREE YEARS Fannie Patterson, negro, ff South Eighth street, snd oeltoved tho oldest resident of Nebraska, died last night at fcer home, at tba age of 10.1 yeais. She had been fll for eoveral days. She was horn Jn Mavery, her eldest son says. Her husbsn I was a servant In lhe White House tluVTne the. adminis tration of president Lincoln. . Whea war was declared, 'Patttuwon joined a olun teer regiment from Washington and served throughout the entire rebellion. He was mustered out at Leavenworth, Kan., where ho ho died soon afer. His wire then came to Omaha with her three children, where she has lived ever since. The funeral witl be held today. WILSON'S RELATIVE GOES TO WESLEYAN UNIVERSITY MT DDLKTOW N , Conn., June 90. Wee teyan university hss appointed Prof, "tockton Axson, a brother-in-law of Pres ident Wilson, as professor of E.gllth. Piof. Axson la a Wesleyan graduato and is at preeent connected with Rice insti tute, Houston, Tex. Culls from the Wire The keel of the largest transport evee authorised bv congrrns waa laid a: the Philadelphia navy yard In the prteance of s great crowd. The laying of the keel inauKurnird the building of modern (.hips at the Philadelphia navy yard. The new vessel will be 43 feet long and will have accommodations for carrying I.uOO men with full equipment. The forty-ninth general sseemhly of Illinois completed Its work snd adjourned shortly before o'clock. The senate ad journed at 0:4ft and the house a few min utes later. Doth bouses will stand ad journed until June , on which day slno dm adjournment will be taken. Timbers that have caved in frotr the Mile of the drift of the Longacre mine ul Nat k City, Mo., further delayed rescue work in the attempt to liberate Dsn lei Hardendorf and Redd Taylor, entombed nine days 216 feet underground. The cltv of Bridgeport, Conn , at a spe cial election votsd In favor of a coir. mis sion form of government, 4.4771) to 1,701.' The voters expressed a -preference for a (ommlssion of five to run the clty'j sf Islrs rather than the city manager plan.' The city also voted in favor of a mu nicipal Ice plant. The Federal Reserve board lias' urao tlcnlly determined to authorize the At-l lanta federal Dana to open, a branch tn Now Orleans. No formal decision has been reached, but it la understood there Is practically no opposition te It by the bou rd. IKal tender notes and silver in the hands of the federal reserve hanks In creased more than $4, O0,000 during the lust week, according to a statement ef their condition June S Issued by the Fed eral Reserve txiard jpiriLEY . EIa'rrell a CO. NEW YORK CHICAGO StccksCotton Grain-Provisions Bcaacaaima. STsw Tork Stock asokaage Steer Tork Oetboa Xichaage Chieago Board of Trade St. I,oals Kerekaata' Ksohaags Kaaaas 01 ty Board of Trads aUaasapolis Okaiubes ef Oommeroe Omaha Oral a Baekange 711-15 Drandels Dldg. W. C. FULLER, Mgr. SOX POUND OUT TWO FROM THE INDIANS Morton Tries to Save Second Oame, but Ball it Booted Back of Him. BENZ AND SCOTT ON MOUND CLKVBLANn. O, June 2n.-Chlrago won two games from Cleveland today. 7 to 1 end 2 to 0. Cleveland made almost as many hits a Chicago In the first game, but failed to hunch them. Morton pitched good ball In the eccoml, but poor Work by the outfielders which eonveited singles Into estra base hits, sllowed 'hl cago to store two runs. The next run waa the result of a triple steal,' Weaver scoring. Score, first game: t i.KVKIJtNO CMICMHV AM. II O A K AH H O. A T. SoutllW'h. rf u Turner, lb il Chapman, aa 4 I o 1 LrVlarh. ef. .. 4 t I OS o 1 0 1 II 1 1 1 1 s I II 0 1 t t t 1 1 1 l'iir i . 4 I 1 1 ltr. t'nlllnn. Mill" I Ornnrnler. Ill I 4 II I tarkann. lb. I tlranav. It... 4 PJ Cnlllna. ft. 4 I o 0 J Cnlllna. rr. 4 I n n n If .... I j Blialk. e . 4 I 4 0 fl llla. kb'BS, IP 4 1 I S 0 Hani, p I 1 0 fmlth. rf . V ni It. lb O'Nalll. c Cnnmbe. p Jaaa. p . . S If .... I 1 0 4 0 i Kill '.i.r. p.. Tali la. IT 14 T 14 1 Ilhi.l4 ... 'HavMiant Totala ... ft It IT II I Retted for Jones In seventh. Hatted (or Walker In Moth Cleveland 0 0 A 0 0 0 1 o -l I hlcago 0 1 I 1 0 I 0 0 17 Earned runs: Cleveland, 1: Chlcaso, . Two-base hit Roth. Three-base hits: J Cnl Ins Weaver 11m eaver 3. Home runs; Smith. Fournler. Stolen base: J. ColMns. Imini Play; Blackburne to Collins to Fournler. lilts: Off Coumbe. T In two and one third Innings; off Jones. 4 In four and two-thlrdpi innlnsa; off Walker, $ In two Intilnga. Rases on halls: Off I'mim', 1; off Jones, 2; off Item. I. lilt by pitched ball: Rv Coumbe (Heni). Hlriirk out: By Jones. 4; by Walker, $: by Hens. 1. Paused ball: O'Neill, lnplrea: Wallace and Connnolly, fcnors, second gams: CI.SVB1.ANP. CHir-AiKl. AH H O A SB n ti a Warns! $.,$ OMia.kb'ne. lb I I M Pran, t S t I Ocicott. p 4 0 111 Morion, p,IM -; ; Hsejnai. I , i I I Total 11 T IT 14 0 llammoaf . I Ttali..,..PTf7 11 - -Batted for Morton In eighth. Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 0 0fl Chlnsgo 1 Oioeiooo-o K.arned nm: Chicago, 1. Two-Dase tin: Qranev. Thrre-baso hit: Felsch. Home run: K, Collins. Sacrifice hits: wamhy, ttlaebhiirna. Fournler. Htolen ' pases Kchslk, Weaver, K. Collins. Roth. Hits; Off Morton. In eight Innings; off Hir slad, 1 tn one Inning. Bases on bellst Off r uit jlin Morton, $; off Scott. I. Struck out: v Morton. . bv Hcott, 4. Iwssed ball; Kgan. T'mplres: Connelly And Wallace. Browns Blank Tigers. PETROIT, Mich., June KO.-Wetlman had slightly the better of Pause la a pitching duol here today and at. .I-oula won, 1 to 0. C. Walker'a slnsle, followett hv K. Walker's double scored the tally. Deuas struck out eight and was espe cially effective in the pinches, Both Pitchers received splendid sunoorl. Boorei sr. lcm'is unrnuiT. A"H..A.B. h,Jl. If.. 114 0 Itnuab. m 4 t 4 S I if., alio onuab. m i i s lb., lilt PKstan'a, lb 4 1 4 .... I Oil DlV'hb. cf.;... $ I 1 1 rf 4 1 1 t tCravfora. rll 1 I I I Auatln. lb, Iran. M) f. Walkar Poalhw.k. ef I t I t iralark, ef... I I I t Turner.. Bk.. 4 111 IWaarae, aa.. i I I 4 0 t'hapmas, aa 4 I I S tiolllne, Ik i I I 4 ft ..... - k A a tl I RVmmImi Hi I I II 0 0; Ill i Celilaa rt. 4 4$ 0 0 a a a aHrfh iff ... 1 0 0 t I JPLAZA HOTEL- new ; "JF1JFTH AVBNUO and FIFTY NINTH BT.''" Tho coolest hotel iri New York. Overlookind Central Park. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops. Yovr address known the world over while you stop at The Plaza. OUTDOOR TERRACE AND SUMMER GARDEN ' Special Dancing Features Sieglo Rootnl wits Beth, 13.50 up Double Room with Beth, 5.00 up ' To reserve mesas er Is I ecu re fartkar isfersullae adaraaa PRHU STkKMV, Maaaia Ulr.afr . New York, Boston and the East; Via Rook Island LJns Choice of Nearly Flftr Different Circle fTtiurs to Choose From , Routing includes principal cities, points ' . . of intAirest and popular resorts of the ? -East, allowing optional steamer trips , ' via. the .Great Lakes, Bt. Lawreneo ", River and Thousand Islands, ' Lake Ohamplain and Hudson River; also ,' ', sound steamer between Boston, New: York and Norfolk, Va., and others. Round Trip Tickets on Sale Daily 60Day Limit Detailed Information concerning After the game drink a beer of quality with a neck-label coupon Phone Douglas 1889LUXUS Mercantile Com-' party, Distributors and have a case tent home. FRED KRUG BREWING CO. B1kr. If 4 I 1 It PVn.ti, r..! S 1 1 B lerr. Ih .,4 I t Ihr. lfc...l lit l..n. an... 1 til t Mnrlartr, lb 1 1141 Amv r ... 0 I t OMtanaaa. .. 1 t I I n W.llman, p. i 1 1 I PM' Km, .... 0 0 4 1 " lataa 1 I t Tolala : Iff I dMiunit 1 t S I t oTtala . . . 4 IT It 1 Hailed fur manage In elKhth. St. luls 0 0 n t 0 0 0 ? 0 t 1 .droit 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hits: K. Walker, Austin. Stolen . base: Cobb. Earned run; St. Uml 1. tinithte plays: Pratt to fmveu to 1rfarv. Morinrltv to Kavanaah t Hums. Rases on balls: Off Wellman. 1; off laitaa, V Strtiuk eut: By WHmee, 4, by lau"B. 1. Wild pitch: Weilroan, l imdrrg. Kiaus and Chill. MRSr MALCOLM NEIL CHICAGO TENNIS TITLE CHICAGO, June 20. Mrs, Malcolm Netl won the city tennis ehsmplnnahlp yester day, defeating Mire Kstherlus Waldo, e-I, -. Miss Carrie Neiley and Miss Waldo In the setnl finals of the doubles won from Miss Frances Houston and Miss Caroline Brail, 6-3, -$. Walter Hayes heat Harold Clifford in llie seml-rinsis, -3, Ml. -, and Ralph Hurdltk heat A. L. Oreen. Jr., S-2. 12-1". hJt. (llfford and M. tl. hstehum won In the sentl fiimls of the men's doubles from II. By ford snd A. Bqualr, $-4, S-2, -i 1-1 -4. DEATH RECORD, Mrs. Fleaaor Kelly. Al'BI'RN. Neh.. June . fSpeelai.l Mrs. Ueanor Kelly died st her homa In Brownville this week, acid yeara She and her husband, Newton Kelly, located there In 19. , Jn the early gUtlee Mr. Kelly, a freighter, was reported killed near Guide Rock by the Indiana, It aft erwards developed by the confession of his companion that h waa murdered. Mrs. Kslly Is survived by two eons, Hiram and Sllaa Kelly, and two daugh ters. Mrs." James Hlggcnbotbam and Mrs, James lisnnaford. - Sheldoa rerkras. At'ttL'TtN, Neb., Jttne 20. BneolaU Sheldon Cochran Is dead at hie heme. He , had ; been In falling health for several years, but his death eeme suddenly from hesrt failure. Mr. Cochran was one of the prominent cUlsens of this county. He came here In He was Tl Jraare of age. He is survived by big widow and by tine daughter, Ella, and a sea. WllN lam 8. Cochran. . i HYMENEAL .;, J H la ei-Sefc m mack or. Herbert T. Ring, newspaaer man or , Hooper, Neh., and Miss Elisabeth Sehn- marher of Fort .Calhoun, Neb., were united In marriage at tho bom of thej brtde'a parents at Fort Caihotisj Friday, June 1J. at J8 o'clock. Iley, Hey J, Wer nor, pastor of the Presbyterian courch, offlclaUnt. , . ' . " - Restore o Oo4 Health. "I waa sick for four years with stomach trouble," wrltea Mrs. ; Otti Oans, Zanenvllle. O. "I lost weight anil felt so weak that I almost gave up hope ef being cured. A friend told me about Chamber Iain's Tablets, and since using two bottles of them I have been a welt woman." Obtainable everywhere. Ad vertlsament york: u. ours to rates! aii routes on request. J. ft. McNAlXT, P. P. A., I4tb and Faruain, W. O. W. Bids. V