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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1915)
ttie mrn: omaha. Monday. .iink .. irn.i. You will find it easy to find the finder if you make it easy for the finder to find you. The Omaha Bee is the recognized Lost and Found medium of Omaha m . . WANT ADS Want ads received at any time, but to Insure proper classification mut be pre sented before It o'clock noon for evening edition and IN p. m for morning anj Jonday edition want ads received aftar such hour will bo under In beading, 'loa Lata to Classify." CASH BATES. (fwi consecutive tint, 1 cant word ch Insertion. Three times within on weeg, D oanU word each Insertion. On Udh, t cent a word. ' CHARGE RATES- ran consecutive times. I cents a Una ach Insertion. Tnrea tlrna within ona waek. it cants On each Insertion. Ona tme i: cents a Una. Count als av stage word to a line. MJntarium chart a. St cents. Am advertisement Inserted to be run nrlil discontinued mut ba stopped by written order. ATI clalma for arrora tnnat ba rnada within fifteen days after the last Inser tion of the advertisement- Ta can plac your want ad la Tba Ba by telephone TKU5PHONR TTLBR V- TDKATH AND FflEH!. NOTICF.B MTJWKRRMjl TH Mra. Lttxle, Jn I9. IKli, aged '71 yaara. . 'Funeral from family residence. W1 . Franklin street. Monday, at p. in. In terment, IToepect Hill cemetery. Friend Invited. TOD ATS COMPLETE MOVIE rROURAMS Eicloalfdy In The. Hem. UUfTCRN al1ea (or mo Tie. Sand youy top7 to ma, W can reproduce photoi or will prepej your eopy. Wa wlU color dractad. Baa Photo Dapt. 1M Baa Bid. Dawatawa. ETylTB NO. X 1U FARNAM. In tha Dark. S-reel iMMn. llfe'e Myeurlee. Mlna. The Tramp. Reaanay. UIFF TUKATR. UTK AND HAilNJCT Moma of Parmouat Picture. PHrNCKSH. 1S17-1 DOfOLAS. Blue Blood and Tellowlwka. U Ko. rom. The Panaer Troupe In Photo Vaudeville. Her Own Blood. Thrilllryr weatem dr. Aarttk. AI HAMBRA. W NORTH StTH. The Human Octopue, 1-reel K -B. The Son of a On. Reliance drama. iFerdy Finka' Fllrtatlona. comedy. DIAMOND, 2410 LAKE. 1'nder the Creaoent, l-reel Oold Heal. The I-a Act, Hex. Or Hla wyddlna; l' y. Neator comedy. KRANKXJN. 24TU AND FRANKLIN. Heart-8ell Newa I,l t.rlal No. n. An Innocent Sinner. .Vreel Kalem. FROLIC, ttTH AND HPRAGCE. J-reel comedy. Courare, Bta; V drama. Ford Weekly Current Bventa. OKA NO. "Theater Beautiful." lft-Blnney. Vaudeville and Keyetone comedy. Tha Burned Hand, t-reel drama. The An;el of the Lat. t-reel diama. 1VV. HTM AMI HUKDKTTB. Kddle'a little Nightmare. Nealor comedy. Myaterloua Contracrav, J-reel Oold Seal. Burled City, Kdu. LOTAU l OALDWKLL. Toll of Touth, Taemmle drama. A Daughter of the Nile, S-reel Vlutor. No Koup, Joker comedy. LOTHROP. TH AND LOTHROP. Itty Nanaen In "The Celebrated Scan dal." In 6 reela. ath. 28:' LEA VKN WORTH. APOLLO. Tha Awakening Hour, .1-reel Kaeanay. Alinoat a Hero. VHagraph. AIRIxj.Mfc. KAVOBITK. 1714 VINTON. Duel In tha Dark, 1-reel. Than. Petaiatence Win. Reality drama. FattVe Faithful Fldo, Keyatnne comedy. ARBOR. Hobert Warwick Hi ft reela. t!l" AND ARBOR. In the Dollar Mark, 4'OH MBIA. 1710 HOl'TH THNTH. Tha Cloaed Door, 2-re Kalem. Mr. Jarr Vlalta Hla Home town. Vita. Tha Hherlffa Btory. plograh. K)MFORT. MTU AND VINTON. The Greater Htrength. J-veel American. A mother a Juatlce, Reliance. Mabel a Wtira Way. Keyatone. FAVORITE AIR DOM K. 1714 VINTON. Shorty Among the Canmhala. lr. Bron, Tha Winning Hand. Hellance drama. t FXf. " I aTkihTt H IJTH. Tha Oyler Dredger, 2-reel Victor. Oraat Kg Kobbery, fewer comedy. Tha Woman Hater Baliy. Power dra. l.TRJC. 117 ViN TON. The Troubadour, Israel Big V. Animated Weekly. Kiddle of the Wllk Mocking. Inio com. VibTlMF.. taD AND LEAVENWORTH. Fkipper fttmpaon'e Daughter, Joker. Heart of Cerle, S-reel Rex. Charlie Chaplin In a -reel ecreen. VBNKZ1A. UU tecj. UTB ST. Tmat reel at alatual ptoturea. rRANKK'S AIRDOMB tnth Famarn. Vanganca, S-reel F.aaanay drama. Sonny Jtm at Mardi Uraa. Vltagraph comedy. MtXVRfiR, 2fW FAKNAM. Tha Wild Fi1ne. Kalem. Rival, s-reel Kalem. IHmHea. the Auto Faleman. Vltagraph. BENSON. " MA,N pT Faith of Her Father (Cleo Madlaou and Murdork MacUoarrteV I acta. IOvere' lucky Predicament. Joker com. Caaaell xllarfa FLITK No S, Mfc BROADWAY. The Snow-Burner, t-r. Vlaaaoay Iraina; The Co-ivormon of Hmilliig Tom. hell Drama; BooMey'a laby. Vltagraph Com. NICHOLAS. let' BROADWAT. The Deitroyar. S-nel Kalem Drama. The VanUhlug Vault. Vltagraph Comedy. (tOPEK. J7 BROADWAX. Giim Meaaenger, t-r. Big Tj. Artist and tha Vengeful Ona. Victor. wa Hearta and a Ship. Kener Comedy. Saatb Osik. HKSflrB. urn and n. Oiherwiee Bill Harriaon. Sr. Kaaanay. June' Hypnotto ICye. Vltagraph. "The Tear on tha Paae. Blograph. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Be Coinfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Cotstomers awl Patrons by locating in The Bee Building Buperintenrirnt s ttrnce Moont 11. TODAY'S COMPLETE MOVIE PKOtiHAMH Exclusively In Th Hee oath Omaha. MAGIC. 24TH AND O The Snowglrl, e-reei I.aemmle drama. OTllU. ORPHET'M. 24TH AND M. The Iire of the Mask. 4-recl Master piece. AUTOMOBILES ALTO Clearing Houat, 22 Farnam, buy and aall used rare. Phone Douglas SJ10. Overton's for leaky radiator. 6oc, dealers. an auto C. J. Canan, MoCaguebldg. Industrial Garage Co . frith Harney Bta. NEBRASKA Huick Service Station. UI1 Karnam St. phone Douglas 721 fun PSWARD for any magneto wa can't repair. Col is repd. Raysdorfor. 210 N.U. a FOR one IMS Hercules, 6-pasSohger touring, electric lights, electric atarter, aa ro-id aa new, !. One 1014 Ford touring, tiw slip covera, demountable rims, extra tire; In flrat- clasa condition. 13.T6. one isttl Mason touring, In flrst-class condition, $lfiO. rRANnn'u.m auto co., L'f'24 Karnam St DKTKOIT KLIXTJtIC ATVAnOAIK. CA1.T. OWNER. IIARJ Whenever yon are innaldorlnll aelltnif or buylnj a uard car and you want full value for your motu-y or you want people who are wlllInK to pay for what they are Knttinc you will have no r"ret If you buy or ndvrtle through the uaod car ! column of The Bee. Phone Tyler 1"00. (t-CVMNKhF-. jTrkaon. llKht delivery rar, line mernanlral anape, tlrea only fair. A reil bargain. $H0. ll R. 10th Bt. NRW Ford auto deliver bod tea of ail atylea. open or cloeed, alwaya on band. Our Price a will aava you money, he Jonnaon-Danforth Co.. IM9-tl- No. lath. C. ELAAfiSKR, expert radiator and lamp rapalra. Ty. 703. 2tnt Iavanworth. ATTRACTIONS A CONCUSSION to let for the celebra tion at Florenoe. Write or call F, F. Kutcher, chairman of conceaalona. BU8INEH8 CHANCES If your Bualneea Chance will atand rigid Inveatlfatlon and la Juet what It la advertlaed, or If you are looking to atart In bualneaa for youraelf you will be per fectly aatlefled If you uaa the T)utne Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or aelllng a bualneaa Phone Tyler 1C0. BlONfi, ahow carda. Clark A Ren. D. IT,. 8 on Your Money A limited amout.t of preferred atork In one of 'miaha'a beat bualneaa flrrna for 'e. Attolutely aare Inveettnent. Kliarea U' each. Fm- full Information write K l1. Bee W-FOR SALk-5l6 aorea, awell Im provement, dandy orchard, near city beat part of South Da kota: liberal term. JIM WllAV, HIOl'X CITY. FOR SALKrtouthern Neb. village and country prac-tde and office furniture, by July 10:. take poet graduate rauraa; Catholic community; bo Catliollo doctor: I12S. Addreea "C," Omaha Baa, Council Hi 'if fa. FOB SA I. K Confectionery atore doing good buaineaa. Owner retiring. Addreaa K. T. Storey. Cheyenne, Wyo. FOR BALK Dental office arid complete equipment; electrics eervtc-e, In York dla trlct: atrlctly flret claea opportunity and Invoice ll.Ono takea It. Oolnj to farm. For further information write T 17, Bee. l'OR HALK Hardware atock, building and fixture: location good live town In eaatern Idaho; one, of tha beat grain and atock growing aeotlona In the weat; aalea laat year, 111,000. Addreaa 1 676, Bee. DRI ll HTUKF. WANTKD FX)K CASH. I am In the market for a Nebranka drug atock; give full particular In firm letter It you expect to sell; give volume of bum tie, atock, fixture, rent, etc. Addree Y MO, Bee. WHY RENT? Ak About the lwler dltrl t. Aitkin count - Mltineitota ft.. Land of Opportunity; unimproved, 1S to I; Improved, S to V per acre; eaxv ayment plan. w. (J. Tcmpleton, SJC lee, Omaha. W-FOIt SALR-S30. Improved, near Huron, M. D. Price, I4; term. 1 t VI AfAr dlril'V i ni v r TO OKT In or out of bualneaa call oa OANOtHTiri Mi Hu nu. un . - ' WHV. VII. REAL eatate Bualneaa ! aupplled or ii.iiuieu, aiiaiaiea. r . v. inieat, Omaha. 7rf. p Pr ArfirTn A!ra ir t tv J .11 c f II I.M.ivl 4 Jk j I u TALMA(1K-T)0M1S 1XVJ4TMEXT CO. 121- Woodmen of World Bldgr. PHON'K DOCOUAS afvS-o Hotel and Rimnlag tleaaea for gala r Rf it, OCDEN HOTKL for rent, furniture for aale; haa !W aleeping ronma. II apart menta with kllchi nettea. ateam heat, tile iioot in onice: wen located ror automo bile tourlata: la on paying haala now. Call C H. Kimball. Council Blutfa. Ia Staeka aad He4i. TO MIMNtl 1NVEKTORS -..,wll,1 Tn'1 ,n "1nce of June In Ooldfleld. Nev. While there I will gather the moat reliable Information. I will In anect the Important mlnea and will have the advice of a mining envineer w hoe name la well known In the mlnlnt world and whoae opinion rarrtea weight. I have no promotion, nothing to aell vou. I am an Independent broker acting for the beat Inlereala of my client If vou want the lateit Oold'leld or Tonopah Infor mation, addreaa A. J. Moore, Ooldfleld, Nev. taeka aad Heads. THKATERS Buy, lease or sail year the ater, machine and supplies throush Theater Exchange Co., 14(4 Faraaoa St. Doualaa lkif7. trr.- . - EDr CATION A L LKARN 'HIE BAUUER TRADE FREB Tl'ITION AT THE WESTERN HARDER COL LEGE 1404 DODGE ST., OMAHA Hydraulic chair, electric massage, in fact, everything flrat claaa. I'onui now. as this Is the best time of the year to learn. 1 do my own Instructing of stu dent, and personally supervise each one. T. O. KFK 'HN E R. President. FOR sal the following scholarships la a first claaa Omaha Bualneaa College: Ona unlimited comblnatloa business sad shorthand conree. Ona unlimited eienogreshlo course. One three months' business or slcao- graphlc courae. Will be aold at a discount at tha office f The Omaha Bee 00 TO SCHOOL MONDAY, JUNE 2S. W'ry no sperd the next three months profitably? Brain a training that will enable you to enter a good pualOoct three months rnnner Build a foundation for a successful future. Ioaen of other jroung people are startir-g now. Why not you? Phone IVtitglaa 1565 for full information. HOYLES COLLEGE, H. H. HOYLlaS, IWidcnt. Buylaa BuUdli.g. Otnaba, Xeb. KIHCATIONAL Experienced lady tutor In Krade find hiah chooi auhj" ta; mke.up work iernlly. Beot reference. Apart. A-811f J v. H. a-iW) FOB 8Ald For Pale here la a clanairicatlon that I of the utmot Importance to every reader, aa thl column offer Borne excep tional npportunltlea every day and a email wnt ad will aell your article at lis full value. Phone Tyler lOn. Karnltnre, lloaaehsld Uoadi, Kte. Fl RNITI'RE BARGAINS M bed at 1 each: tablea, kitchen and china cablneta. M l-e boxea, M gaa atove. 25 dreser 'Jl-t N. 14th St. Wehater 1W7 FOR SALE Hnuaelicild furniture con aiatlmc of illnlna rocm table, chair. bed, rug. g atove and davenport. 440 P. IWh Ht. Tyler 1205 Di-XfvM b'Sht and aold. J. C. Reed. FCRNITIRE of 7-r. houee for sale. Harney 7iM. BI'FFKT. (IiIiir closet nut l!1i. ind table. Wnl- llaraee aad Vehlelea. BOIJ). Ooon driving home and buggy. Dr. Roaewatcr, 210 Bee Bldg. Ill illSH, waKon, bugKy and I set of har nra for aale or trade for auto: muat be In fli'ftM Ina condition. iCh Spald ing fx. Mneleal Inalramenta. BKAI'TiFl'L mandolin, reaoonable;Doug laa STKRKOTTfPE matrl-a make' (he beat and rheapeat lining fur poultry house. They are 17x23 Inchee, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 76c a hundred at The Bee office. Small wheat. 100 lb. 12 15. Wagner, N01 N. 14. TYPEWRITERS sold rented, repaired central Typewriter inc. uaa r arnam. Sf laeellaaeaaa. FOR 8ALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and acreeeorles; bar fixtures of all klnda; eaay payments. The Brunawlok Ba I ke-Coi lender Co.. 407-401 S. 10th at. BABY carriage at market price. Call Web. i64. 44th and Fowler Ave. TOOLS, ahovela. plcka, Jackscrewa, win dow glaaa. 2 carpenter benchea, tl each; 10 match machines, 60c each, 1 hot water boiler complete, 110; combination electric flxturea 2bc each; Iron bed complete, 1; good horae. M: harness, $10; good cx preaa wagon, 7ft. J. C. ISH. Tel. Harney 141 70S fi. Slat Ave. FOR BALE bet high claaa bank fix ture; a bargain. Write Hank of rlprlng fleld. Hprlngfleld. S. I. $3.20 a Oolden Weat Whlxkev, 4 full art bottled In bond, pre paid. Cackley Bros., Omaha. Ft'R HALF Thre good fodder and en silage cutter, equipped to cut coarse and fine; In good order, complete, with feeding table. Price. 1100 each. SECOND hand radiator und pipe. Cen tral Iron and Metal Co., Dodge. FOR HALE cheap If taken Boon JO h. p. gas tractor and b bottom 14 Ini'h P. and O. plow. Addreaa Y-tM, Bee. FOR HALE Diamond locket, diamond earrings and stud; reasonable; Fried man, 1211 Douglas. A WHITE wicker baby carriage In good condition; very reasonable; Her. 47 1 1. T 2.1-hand motors, dynamos, lfW magnetos, etc., mechanical repalra. La Bron EJeotrio Works.SlS-20 S. 13th St. -4 ONE good eound mule; IOCiO lb.; will make aood anywhere. Inquire Court ney & Co. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aa Office. Factory aad Tradea. GIRL to learn hairdreaslng. Oppenhelm Parlors. Iloaeekeepera aat loaeatlea. WANTBI) Woman cook. Detention Hos pital. Telephone Health Office or Dr. Connell. WANTKD-Ona girl for general house work. Cell or phone ia S. 3tUh St. Harney 2X2.. for general house- I WANTED-A girl for general house work, small family, ermanenl position ltsrnev 34. W ANTkiD Experienced girl for general housework, where second girl Is kept; good wsges. Apply 4Ji S. 8th Ht., Coun e Bltlfts. Phone UVt Council. WANTEl Competent girl to do general housework. Good wage Apply with reference. Mra. Leonard A. Spalding, X,M) Harney St. WANTEI Experienced girl for general houaework; two In family beside c ond girl: good wages. 4J0 S. 8th St., Council Bluffs. Phone Ittil WANTED A maid for housework in family of 4 6 S. 3Hh St. WANTED Good girl for general house Work In private family, two miles north of Florence; good aagea. Call Florence 4M. WANTEd Neat young girl for general housework In private family. Call Har ney 477. WANTBI Good girl for general houae work. 4sns Douglaa St. Walnut 1182. MAID for general housework. II. 2tt. GJ RL for general housework. 23t Cali fornia. WANTED Girl for general houaework, only 3 In family, tlti S. th Ave. H. 479 COMPETENT white girl for general housework, three grown pereons In family: referencea required. 604 S. 3fth St. Harney 43UY COLORED girl wanta steady place doing houaework. Wrh. 2244. WANTEIV An experienced girl for gen eral housework. H. 4.142. M leeellaaeoae. TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women' Christian aaaoclatlon building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to aiiltable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler's guide at Union station. BABY cartings at market price. Call Web. 404. 4Mh and Fowler Ave. HELP WANTED MALE Clerical aea Ulttoo. UK3H-OBADB commercial positions, EST REFF.RBNCE BOND ASSN. TO Omaha Nat Bank Bldg BFHT COM MEKCIAL POSITIONS. Rogers Reference Co.. Me-8 State Bank. Sgi'ARE PEGS IN rig CARE HOLES. We find a position that fit you. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 101A-14 CITY NATIONAL BANK. Aiti'T B k'p'r and typist. ti. Bl'SlNEfl.'l MEN'S REFERENCE APS'N. WOodmen of World. SALESMAN, drug cool rut xp Si Caleeman. barlwr supply axp tn Watta Ref Co.. 1A-40-4J Braivdeia Thei ONE IX)ZeN nten wanted at once tv qualify for traffic poettiun: experience not essentia). Apply Room Wrt. Hliig. Ask- for Mr. Grant A seat a. Isltiisrs aaa aollellara, IS TO tH) PROriT dally selling our new household article: tl M premium wltb each tl M sals makes quirk proltia. Mum- rer 4k Larson, ma Walker Bank Bldg., Salt Lai City. Utah BOND salesman wanted; ona who has a first claaa connection and can sell a 4v par cent Canadian gold bond on commis sion. Joseph A Outer, tt Stale 6t Al bany. N. Y. WANTEt IJve wire salesmen to re pre ss lit old eatabllahed tailoring houae In the state of Nebraska In your own home territory. Must furnish A-l reference. Man having auto or motorcycle preferred. Permanent position and big pay to right party. Writ Tailoring. 114 Kaaota Bldg . Minneapolis, Minn, HELP WANTKD MALE A gent a, Salesmen and Solicitor. Very Desirable Spaca for Printing Office Llgbt, water and janitor sorrice frea. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Supeiintendent'a Office, Room 103. EXCELLENT proposition foi two good men In Nebraska. Call or write. Mutual Prneflt, Health and Accident AasociaUoa. 4fl-26 City Nat ! "ank Bldg. Factory anil Tradea. Drug store snap; Jobs. Knelst. Baa Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition tub, on account of big i irade. Wages for 1 and 10 cent work. Clectrlo massage taught. Hydrauil chalt. Catalog frea. 1LM Douglaa St., Omaha ATTENTION Butter 4o a pound; won derful patent machine which merges one pint of milk Into one pound of butter (making two pounds) In two minutes; 150 per cent to agents. Write for Informa tion. Family Butter Merger Co., Wash ington. D C WANTED Immediately, for permanent position, ruler, prefer nonunion. Le fehure ledger, Cednr Rapids. Ia. Positions Now Open. Free Catalogue. AMERICAN AUTO 2o.v, Farnam St.. COLLEtm OMAHA, NER. WANTED Two first-class machinists that understand automobile work thor oughly; good wages; none but first-class men need epply. Address K 507, Bee. WANTED Blacksmith to start shop;, A-I location. Write for particulars to Y S'S, Bee. WB need men: had to turn down two Jobs per week lately. Get In. Learn by our method, (let one of these jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge St WANTED Man cook for cafe. Address Box 2lt) Walthlll. Neb. MOLER BARKER COLLEGE Special summer rates. Catalogue mailed free. 110 So. 14th St.. Omaha. Mlaeellaaeuaa. WANTED LOO men to eat ham ana cgns, 15c, Coffee John. 14th and Capitol. WANTEJ-Rallway mall cIerksTT75 a month; Omaha examinations coming; samplo questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin institute. Dept. 22L E. Roches ter. N. T. WANTED Experienced soda fountain man Sundays and holidays. Apply nanscom t arn t'avuion WANTED- Name of young men want ing to be Railway Mail Clerks. 76 month. Answer Immediately. Y. ftfid. Bee. WANTKD Good vaudeville acta, min strel '(uartet, gno moving picture for free exhlh!tlun. Concessions. Shows July 8. Wlota, Ia. Address, L. L. Reed, Secretary Committee, Wlota, la. M0 00 per week to you if ambitious and a hustler. Addreaa, with stamped envel- "i1". manager, nox ww, Aiexanona, IA. W ANTE 0600 men to wear tailor-made aulta, H off. Friedman, 1211 Douglas. SITUATIONS WANTED AMBITIOUS young man wants to go to work: a good education; good at fig uroa. a!ao good penman- experienced In general office work. Telephone Doug. 4M. A ild roe. I.. (42. Bee. MIDDLE-AGED colored woman want a work. Web. 1219; north part of town desired. EXPERIENCED young man wanta ateady work in private family; house, cleaning or gardening; porter. Janitor: , honeat. ;ober and w illing to work. Ad dreaa A 4X7. Hee. YOL'NG man, 18. graduate of school, energetic and of good character, dealrea nnBitl.tti nffarlnir a inn.iliinllnii. u.nm .r (man a future. N. E. McClenahan, 4013 Blnney. Walnut 4:11 POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energetic young man. Beat referencea furnished nnd not afraid to work. Phone Douglaa 84fl. THE (Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Uervant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the deaired reaulta. This applies to residents of Omaha, bouth Omaha and council mull. Mrtng ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler lOuf. COLLEGE girl who llkea children wanta posluun as nurse maid. II 414. COLORED laundrea wants work. Web. 2244. YOUNG lady, expert writer, wishes posi tion. Address L ft". Bee. A CAPABlT:" ledy. Will assist a small family with the work for home pri vileges and some wajrea or will act as companion to an elderly lady. Address p nee. PRACTICAL) nurse wants position. Tyler l'i'.2. BOY, 1 years of sge. willing to work. Cn.ll ttefl wen. council niuria. CLERICAL or general office work, ex perienced. Harney ir YOUNG MAN wishes position a chauf feur with private family, or would run on percentage basis for Jitney bus:, can furnish good reference. Addreaa A tM. Bee. A CHILD'S nnrae wishes position: best leferences. Tyler II. " COMPANIONSHIP to refined lady In ex change for board In reepectaDio ramliy. Address B f5. Bee YOUNG man deelrous of employment: has had experience In towel supply and in shloolna department of wholesale drug company; ha attended business school last winter. Hood references. . duress J 67X, Hee YOUNG girl wishes position aa nurse maid. Douglas 8. CAPABLE lady desire, a position In a refined home aa houeekeeper. Refer encea. Harney 27&0 IX8T AND I-XH'ND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having lost soma article would do "well tocall up the ofilc of the Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway rompany to ascertain whether they left It in the street care. Manv articles each dsy are turned In and the company Is anxious to reatoro them to tha rightful owner Call Doug 4t Ioat or Found ad In Omaha's Loat and Found meOlum means the immediate re turn of that article If advertised In The (tee, the I .est and Found paper LOST-One bay horae.' weighed 1,100 lb.; ona brown mare, weighed 1.0UI. D. Iu34. PERSONAL. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women s Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., whete they will be directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted Look for our traveler's aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army Inuuatrlal honvt so licits your old clothing, furniture, iaaga tinea We eollect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4115 and our wagon will csi. t all and Inspect our new home, lul6-li ti ll 14 Dodge Bt. QOKlN. the Magaxioe Man. Phena Douglaa Tltt. PARTY shipping to Wyoming or Ien ver would share rer Isl4 Davenport. Tel. Tier UN. SWAPPEn-S 4TOLUMN AUTOMOBILES For other autoinobila bargains sea tha "Autoojoblle ' viasalfi- cation. SWAPPKRH C'LIMN ROAD CANDY Ol'TFIT, hamburger counter, knife spindle and knlvea. large chuck cloth, violin, five match-vending machine, two new pump gun, leg of mutton leather case, buttercup cutter, two auto aide lamp, one II. at R. break "pen. ,33 revolvera. large Ever-ready flashlight; will swap. Addreaa 8. C. 1302, lto. CAMERA 4xn camera, first claae i ondl tlon, used abort time." What have you? Address S. C. 1124. Bee. FEED ORINDER One feed grinder; coHt $35; S lota burr, one for cracking corn, one for corn meal, one for graham flour: only one set been used; will trade for a email gasoline engine, gun or watch. Ad dress S. C. HIS, Bee. GENI'INIC (Shetland pony, rubber tired buggy and harness, new. Trade. Ad dress tf. C. DM), Bee. HAVE a guitar, also American type writer, also drip head sewing machine In good condition. What have youT Ad dress S C 1118 Bee. INDIAN" motorcycle anA new aide-car; late 114 model, twin cylinder, two speed, complete electric equipment, 114 Improved kick starter: new tlrea; all per- lect condition. Coat .77u. W ant Ford or llKht roadster: no other tironositlona con sidered. Address S. C. 1072. Bee. K DA K "Anwo" folding pocket, size faxt'a; double lens, automatic abutter; rising, lowering- nnd laterally shifting front; like new; together with complete outfit. Including new ! developing tank, priming rrame. tray, carrying case, etc Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Address 8. C. 10S5. Bee. I HAVE a 5-passenger fore door Stude- bnker auto in good condition that I will Undo for late Ford and pay cash dif ference. Address p. t IU2. Bee. MANDOLIN Will trade Washburn man dolin for guitar or some other musical Instrument. What have you to offer? Address. S. C. 1117. Bee. MOTORCYCLE. Indian, twin, two-speed. has electric starter, speedometer, also 1!15 kick starter, electric horn and lamps: tires In very good shape: coat S:tJ8. Will sell reasonably or trade for vacant city lot; other traders do not answer. Address. S. C. 1120. Bee. WILL trade good roll-top dek for draft ing table, or sell. "G." Omaha Bee. Council Bluffs." la. ONE steal-bound trunk, one leather liand- bag, ,one high-grade 17-lewel watch, will trade. !.et me hear from you. A ldress S. C. 1129, Bee. PHONOGRAPH To trade, a 2 mln. Edi son Phonograph with 46 records; for tools, or what have you? Addreaa S. C. u a. nee. PLAYER PIANO A fine high grado Player: want trade: big assortment of rolls. Addreaa S. C. 1127. Bee. PAINTINO-Flrst class f ainter will do In side or outside pnlutinu. Will take in exchange tailor made clothes, groceries, diamond, horse, buggy, cow or submit what you have to exchange. Will give atlpfactory reference. Address H. C. 1121, Omaha Bee. PIANO A good upright piano, fine In terior, top slightly burned:, may trade for auto. Address 8. C. 112X, Bee. PRINTING PRESS Columbia" prlntinu press, chase x0; will trade for a gun or watch. Address rt. C. 1114. Bee. RACE type Mitchell, first claaa condition, classy looker, can send photo. Want to trade for Ford. I. O. Box 75. Platts mouth. Neb. ROOMING house, 2222 Farnam St.. to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. RUG What have you to trade for a 1x12 rug and a buffet? Would like a pnonograpn. Aoaress B C. ll-l, Hee. SHEARS Thirty-inch tinner's sc, uaring shears: almoat new. Will trade fur small gasoline engine or for anything 1 can use. Address S. C, 1113. Bue. Wanted to Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lots of fun swapping thing. Write Room lot, Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler 1000. STRUCT URAL ST KEU ETC. Will trado Structural steel, ornamental lion, stair work and fire escape for light car or roadster. Ford preferred. Address S. C. 1122, Bee SEWING MACHINES I have some brand new. hUth grade machines, 5 and 7-drawer, beautiful drop head cases. Mako me an orrer tor one of tncm. -u-dress 8 C 1118 Bee. TIN WORK Will swap tlnwork for small 110 alternating motor. B. C. 1132. liee. WILL trade factory rebuilt I C. Smllh tvnnwrltr foi snvthina I can line. Ad dress S. C. 11!, Hee. WANTED Buffet, dining table or rug for nsw 13-inch Westlnghouae fan. Ad dress 8 C. li:U. Bee. WKSTING'HOUSB KLB TRIC COOK STOVE, with coffee percolator, egg boiler, hot plates and other attachments; also electric room heater: value, tlfti. Ex change for Vlctrola. typewriter, book cases or office furniture, what have you? Address 8. C. 1130. Bee. WILL trade gilt edged stock In reliable local company, composed of responsible, business men, for used light car:, or will trndo part stock and give difference In money. Suit yourself. Would also take lot or western land, but must be worth the money. HabituHl traders kt-rp off. Address d. C. luM. Hee. FOll RENT Apartments and triats. The For Rent advertisements appearing in tha For Kent column of The Bee daily can not be beat for variety that will please and fill tho needs of any one de siring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS, FACING BEMIM PARK. CALL WALNUT 2! ST. GEORGE t-room apartment, redeco rated throughout 111 N. Slat Ave., se lect West Faroant district. Pnone Web ster 1674. ' CASS 3122. 7-rm. flat, modern. Wal. 2o.'. THE NATHAN apartment. Sherman Ave. and Spruce St. F.loiuit three nnd four-room apartments, nearly new build ing; large rooma. oak finish, artistically deoorated. Fine screened porch. All con veniences. Splendid surroundings, very reasonable rent, only lew minutes' rlc'.a downtown; else beuutlful live-room apart ment In Harlan Apia., one-half blink south; oak finish, fireplace, screened Porch, very reasonable. Kee Janitor, Apt. No. L Nathan, or call office. SCOTT A HILL CO., JOT McCague Bldg. Douglas 10. $ Q and up. Modern 4-r. apartment , nAai rvval f tl D al . kKI . em. as. a yva k v a ivv , a , a , Dtsj utJiitsl, NEW 7-room flata. with garage. 55 Park U Ave., li a mo. Call H. 7307. F. J. Carey. IM3UGI.A8 AT 24TH NICE, t OOL, STRICTLY modern apartment. Phone Doug. 2170. 6-ROOM apartuvent. the Mason. Hat and Maaon. Conrad Young, 322 Brandel Theater. Douglas 1671. 4-RcKXH flat. Ui Iavenworth bt, steam heated, new building; Uu. Conrad Young. 821 Ph-andels Theater. I). 1671. 5-ROOM aperunent The Chula Vista. SOih and Poppleton:. very deelrable. Conrad Young, S22 Brandels Theater. IXHiglaa l.".Ti Kfc-l'UCED i n' on tp-t j-clato 5 and 4 rocim apnrtments In faslm natie apart- nient house, private garage. No otjej lion to cntinrn. inu Hhe.'i-cm Ave. THE STANDARD FITS THESE DESIRABLE 4-room apart ment, of apecial plan with private hall, make each a separate home. Cool bevond any separate house. Plenty of light. Thorough ventilation. Fine wood work and decorations. Complete baths. Free hot water. Steam heat. Janitor service Close In. THEJR QUALITY AND PRJCH Invite examination. T J. HOOK. 1101 N. lth St. FaraUhed A start meals. CAS.a) 2416, S-ROOM SUITE NICELY FURNISHED AND DHLX)RATED. RUNT REASONABLE. PLUMHER-ei) worth of work; must te on who wanta to buy a lot or home. Address E 67, Oiuaha Baa. Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service tliat will pleaee the most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. Kerr Title Guarantee and Ahetract Co., a modern abstract office. ! Bo. 17th st. rnone f. REFD ABSTRACT CO. oldeat abtraet offlo in Nebraska. 20 Brandel Thee. At COl VI ANT9. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A. Address 433 Ramge Bldg. Phone Douglns 7406. ADDING MACHIXES. Adder Men. Co. (Wales). W. O. W. D. MM AMATELIt FIMSlll.MG. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 416 Bee Bldg iKspt. D. AHCI11 1 Ltia. Everett S. Dodds, R12 Psxton Blk. D. 2W. A1'TH4.t'TIOtj9. OUTING parties desiring service or re freshments, phone Hanscom park pavilion, It. t4. ATT4REVS. C. T. DIUInson, 611 Paxton Blk. D. :M. ALt'TlUtEUHS. Dowd Auction Co.. 1115-lfi W. O. W. R. Nati Pale A Auction Co.. 1327 W. O. W. ALIO l.NSLKANCK. 40T saved on your automobile Insurance by patronising a home Co. Doug 2819. AUTO HAD1ATOH REPAIKsI Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2028 Far. D.OT1. BAKCHlEs. Z. H. KEEPER, 1506 N. 18th. Web. S297 BEDMINO. 0MiHA PILLOW CO.. 107 Cuming. Douglas S47. Renovates feathers . ... and mattresses of all kinds, makes leather mattreases and down cover. BLUE PRINTING. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO., S02 Omaha National Bank Bldg. U11A89 AND IRON FOUNDRIES. Paxton-M4tcheil Co.. 27th and Martha Bta BUILDING MHEIKKH). LUMBER and brick buildings wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web. 4808. CARPET Hit; CXKANEHS. Omaha Cnrpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1671. CAHPEIVl'EKS AND CONTRACTOKsT STEVENSON, 8 8. 22d. Douglas E6S0. Lessard & Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1631 CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Iawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 841. CIVIL UNO INFERS. M. J. I.ACY, 618 BEE BLDO . DOUO. 4715. CLHANL.US AND UIIiHS. ROYAL Dry Cleaner. 2231 Lea v. D. 111. CU4CRET13 CONsTstUCTloN tU.'B Western representative of VELVETILB XMPOS1 1 ION flooring. INVESTI GATE 811-12 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. una.1 COSTUMES ANU tuUlill aUPPLHSa. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumea. Theo. Lichen & Son, 1614 Howard. D. 4116. UAN11AU AUADttlMlhiS. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Summer rales now at Mackie's; private IcBsuna daily. 1M6 Harney. Doug. &44t. PUb.UAKl.(i. Terry 1 irtsainak'g college, 20th ac Farnam. ' fcUlTS, gowns. In tioniea. Wal. 2267. i MISS STURDY. 2416 CASS. REK 7320 DIEltS AND C LEADERS. STATE Dry Clng. Co., 120 N. lTth. D. 6072. DETECTIVES. ! i JAMES ALLAN. 312 Neville Block. Kvl- j uvnic teturcu in an cane, lyiur ujo. j ' DfciNTlSTS. ! Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Fickea, 724 City Nat. Bank. Tafe Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglaa. D. int. DRUM DRUG st cut prices; freight paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha, Neb. KLECTR1C PI A. Not. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 16th. Terma. ELEC'l ItoLx SIS. Uloa Allender, 624 Bee Bldg. Red 3065. EVER Y 'I'll IN O rOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box i pleating: covered buttons, an sixes ana; style: hemstitching. Icot edging. Idwal Pleating Co.. 4K Douglas uiock. u. ijm. NEW TORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed. 2u8 N. loth St. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. IT'S getting warm now. Special summer rates. tn.ftO. Y. M. C. A. FURNACES AftU TlawUfck. HABERSTROH. 4026 Hamilton. Wal. 2871. FLORIST. BATH'S, florists. 1804 Farnam St D. 3000. L, HENDERSON, 161 Farnam. D. 12is. iaember Florist Telegraph DeL Ass a. HESS SWOBODA, 1416 Farnam St A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 100L SWANSON. the florist Web. 4S2. So. 701. MAT CLBAsjING. Panamas cleaned. D. Elsele. n City Nat GOLD AND SILVER PLATINU. WE replata everything of metal. Omaha Plating Co.. 1220 Hstney St. Est. 1S6. ICE). Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE -pllOiJE WEBSTER MIX General Office, lath and Maudereon Bta. JEWELEM.S. LUCKY wedding ring at Brodegaard'a JT STICKS OF 'HIE PBtlB, H. H. CLAIBORNE, 61S Paxton Blk. R. 740L Notary pub., depoaltlon atuno. C. W. BBJTT. SOI Baker block. V. C. HA8CALL. 420 Psxton Blk. D. 2US. I.IVB STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CRC9. CO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING rlXTlHEk, WIRING. mTTfTvIV Tlioma. Douglas SqIS. MOTOHI VI U'l. H A r.t.FT-DAVIDSON MOTORCTCT.F.S. Bargalna In used machines. Victor Roos, Tha Motorcycle Man," nul LaaveJiwortu, MA8UESES. 1 ATTT5?" mass., alcohol rub. Laura Wilson, 1802 Farnam. room t, Douglas 8751. Open evenings and Sunday. Miss Staples. Ev. open ft; Sun. 19-1 D.713. Mass. Saunders-Kennedy Bldg. T. 713. MAESAG& 620 Bea Bldg. Douglaa S71 Clara Lee, bath and traaaage. Douglaa 875V. BATHS, 274 Balrd Bldg., 17th and Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment MASSAGE, 1721 Dodge. Miss Steele. . Miss Walton, Mass. R. 221, Neville Blk. M. HALLO RAN, baths. R. 223 Neville blk. MISS JACOBS Mass.. R 224, Neville Blk. M. BRUGJTAN, moss., 203 Karbach Blk.. R. 2727. MISS GILBERT, massage. 103 S, 17th St. MIN1AU HNUINEEHS. WTLT. pay to consult W. H. (Jodfr'y Oil mining business 2.17 State Bk. R. 4341. JnOtlNU litllKL MAC1II.NE9. OMAilA Film Kx., 14th and Doug. Motloi picture machine and film bargains We rent moving picture machines. Star Theatrical Exchange, 7,40 Paxton block. MOWEHg BH A It f UN ED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 7428. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES. Harp Piano. 80S Lyric. D. 8704. BOURICIUS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUG LAS 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR SALE Extra fine cana seed at tl per bus., sacks roc each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS. Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as you can. Drs. McCarty. 1111 W. Q. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, C03 Brandele Bldg. D. 214 JOSEPHINE ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bldw. PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40th. H. 672S. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7fia). PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., 110 S. 11th St PATENTS. D, O. BarnelL Paxton Blk. TeL Red 7117. H. A. Fturges. 636 Brandela Theater Bldg. PIANO HEF1NISHINU. GENERAL overhauling. "SO years, exp. References. 70S 17th. Red 5830. John Baer. rLATlNG. D. 6277. Acme Plating Co., Ill S. 16th St. o PRINTING. WATERB-BARNHART Ptgt. Co.. quality printing. Tel. Doug. 2190. 624 8. l3th St. CENTRAL PRINTING CO. DOUG. 8754. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa M. Ralph Printing Co.. 320 S. 19th. Doug. 3166. HI UUVUE I OMPA.MFA NEBRASKA Rl'BBAQB CO. This is the man to call If you have any aahes or tin cans to haul. Phone Weh. 6mt. 8AFB AND TIME) LOCK PKaVT . O A O Opened, repaired, comb. M P TC changed. V. E, Daven 7 A port, 141 Dodge. D. 18JL SCALE HEPAlRl.Va. I Qm. Standard Scale Co.. CIS S. 12th. D.U. sim;n iiiioki. j Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug. 4692. ; SHOE REPAIRING. : FRIEDMAN PROS., shoo rapalr. HarthoRep Co.jOOt Farn'in. R.S44g EW1NU MACHINES. Wrent, repair, sell needles and parts for all sewing machines. e "MICKEL'S," NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., loth and Harney. Doug. 166L TEEL 1EIL1NI.S. ! A5I5R8heet Metal Company. 110 S. 11 TOKa; AND OKI- life FIXTUHKI. DESKS, safes, scales, showcases shelv. lug. etc. u, buy, soli. Omaha FUiua and SupplyojHJtmj:th. Doug"Ar TOWEL BUPPLllnJaT OMAHA Towel Supply. 207 8. 11th. D. t?a. TAILOM.S. . CHA. C. LANDERYOU. 108 N. 16th St Palm Beach suits to order. 1815 Farnam. TRUNKS AND bUITCASKS. FRELING STEINLS, 1806 Farnam St TlPKWHlTEJlS t'OB RENT. RENT an Oliver Typewriter S mo. for 14. Oliver iy pew rlter Agenc y. 1S06 Farnam. Butt Typewriter Exchange, 316 a Uth Bt All makes for sale or rent RENT a "Remington," not Just a typa writer, low rent. Call Douglas 1284V WATCH SPECIALISTS. Christiansen. Id ft Paxton Bk.. It yr. ax p. WEDDlkU STA1TONERK. Wedding announcements. Doug. Ptg. Co. WINKS AND LlttUORk. ALEX JETES. 201-1 S. 13th St. Wlnea lmuors. cigars Plate dinners, U to S. loo. HENRY POLLOCK LIQUOR HOUSX 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunch. FOR 8 A LB Faralsaed Avarimeati, FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. IKS S 83d. 6-room, strictly modern flat, t2&' Har ney 136. BMtral a a kiwa. Furnlehed Rooma that offer every mod ern oonvenlenco ant? comfort In private families . r boarding houses of the high est class will best be found In the Fur nlxhed Rooms, column of Tbs Bea. Phone Tyler 10 o. NICELY furnished room, suitable for young man, with hoard. Douglas 73U ELVfWOtJH PARK suburban home. Cat 1 blk. Cool rooma, good board; lawn; home privileges, very reas. Wal. 1774. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large closets. In a Weat Farnam noma; large porch and yard; good board young men pre for red. Harney ma. LARGE front room, with board. W'eat 1-amam q strict. Phone Harney 6ota. Faralsbed lloasea. FCR RENT A BEAUTIFULLY FUR NISHED 6-ROOM APARTMFXNT FOR THE SUMMER WEST FARNAM DIS TRICT. PHONE WALNUT 292 6-ROOM. completely furnlaned, strlctly """' uunnigw lor lenL Web. auU,