Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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    TI1K HKK: OMAHA. MONDAY, .1 I'M: Jl. 1!U:
(The Omaha School of Orchestral Instruments I
IIKXllY (1)X, Director, f
t Guarantee, the .uallty of Iho progress of it student.
During July and August communicate in writing only. 1
College of Saint Thomas
Under the Control and Direction of Archbishop Ireland
Ctlhtlal Cammtrcial AcaJemlc Prtparatory
Careful Mental, Moral and Religious Training
Seven Hundred and Forty Student from Twenty-four State Last Year
For illustrated catalogue ddreu
Very Reo. II. MOYNIHAN. D. D., President
The University School of Music
Uth and R Streets, Lincoln.
Pianoforte. Organ, Voice. Violin,
'Cello. Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone,
Cornet, Trombone and all Theoretic branches.
Public School Method. - ' Piano .Tuning,
Two Orcnesjra, Aesthetic Dancing,
Complete Courses In all departments lending to decree.,
Term Begins September G.
Write Dcjmj-tiiirat A for New Catalog. . ,
WILLARD KIMllAIJi, Director.
The Graduate College,
The College of Arts and Sciences.
The Teachers College,
The College of Agriculture,
The College of Engineering,
The College of Law,
The University opens for the first semester on Wednesday, September 15th. One may enter also at the be
ginning of the second semester (about February) or the Summer session (usually the first full week in June),
On any point of information, address
The University of Nebraska includes
the following Colleges and Schools:
Mount St. Mary's Academy
A Hoarding Hchool for tilrls
and Vonng l-adie. Conducted
by the Hervants of Mary.
It 1 the aim of the Servants
of Mary to Impart in their New
Academy a thorounh religion
and secular traJnlng to their
Home life ia combined with
school life aa far aa practic
able, that the young ladles of
the Institution may reriect In
their Uvea, evidences of a
strong religious faith with the
refinement and culture which
should distinguish our Catho
lic women of today.
Academic and Preparatory
Conrses, Music, Art, IluMnes
Course, Needlework, etc.
Terms Moderate.
Heverend Mother Prioress,
O. 8. M.
Wk P.
A school whose chief purpose Is Character Building and the develop
ment of the Individuality of Ha pupils. Thorough preiiwtratton for college
or buslnens. Accredited by Hlate University. Every boy receives personal
care and Individual attention In classes and during recreation hours.
Hpeclal Instructor for athletic. Modern buildings, extensive campus,
complete equipment. Hepiirate lower school for younger boys, with very
careful eupervlslon. Catalog sent on request. Address,
MA-IOIl V. I.. (1ANSHI.K. tVnunandjuit.
The College of Medicine,
The College of Pharmacy,
The School of Commerce,
The School of Fine Arts,
The School of Agriculture,
The Teachers College High School.
Rev. William R. Hall of Pbllaael
Iihln la f bargee of Aaaaal Kvent.
The Young People's conference la to be
held In the college btrlldlnr. Hustings
college, July 27 to August 31. A large
number nre planning to be present. Tho
college gives the use of its building's and
fin nlshe board and room at a moderate
Everything l In spUndid condition for
a good conference this year. The board
at rhllailelphla Is planning; an unusually
strong program and it Is expected that
the churches of the state will take char.,
of thin opportunity for instruction and
training In leadership.
Rev. William Kalph Hall of Philadel
phia l,ss charge of the work, lecturers
of national prominence will be present
ami lenders will have charge of the class
work from 'lay to day.
Ien Kemp g.ive the commencement
address to the graduates of the county
schools of Furnas county at Beaver City
last week.
Prof. Hansen of the violin department
and Miss o Mara, pupil of the conserva
tory In piano, gave a recital at Glltner
Wednesday, under tho auspices of the
Woman's cluh of the Presbyterian church.
Warren Davidson, class of 1K16. has
been chosen teacher of science and ath
leiln director In the Cosad High school
for Hie coming year, and Iceland Hall lias
H-J'fe: V1; T:'i
tsken a position as teacher In the lilKh
school st Edgar.
Miss Marguerite Bartholomew, who has
been assisting' in the office, epent a few
days at her home In tiollxntiurg. but
has returned to take vtp her wmk HKatn.
A largo number of visitors were in the
city during the commencement season,
and some remained, visiting fi lends and
looking about the college after the exer
cises were over.
The museum has attracted a large
amount of attention. It Is being added
to from time to time.
Prof. Kent, who has charge of thla
department, la now at his home, Ann
Arbor, .Mich, but will return and spend
the month of August In Nebraska, gath
ering grasses and other spec inn n for
the mi. scum.
Among the faculty who 'iac left the
city are Trof. M. I. LomsIoii, who will
spend the summer at her former homo
In Kentucky, Prof. Carpenter, who Is
doing post-graduate wi.rk In the t'ulvei-
slty of Chicago; Prof. Kent, who Is at
his brother's home at Ann Arbor, Mich.;
Pr'if. Ferguson, who Is continuing his
poHt-gTaduate work at the l'niveislty of
Nebraska; Mrs. Sheldon, who has aono
to her home In Scott's Plnff; Mi.s llorn.i
tJay. who la In summer school nt the
t'nlveralty of Kanas, and Prof. Hayes
M. l'ihr, director of the consei valory,
and Misr Kuth Ann Johnson of the piano
department, who will be married In June
and take their weddlmr trip chsI.
Miss Kuth Kitchctt. who .was etmaged
as a teacher or puhlin school music and
assistant In piano, has gone to her home
In Massachusetts. She will nut be at the
college during the coming yiar.
Prof. Raney will not return, but will
spend some time In Wisconsin university,
working on l is doctorate. He has re
cently been given a fellowship.
Rev. Sir. Wehrenberff bus gone to
Wooster, O. lie will not return to Hast
ings. With these three exceptions, the faculty
coi.i.k;i; or
No stronger course given anywhere In
practical Osteopathy.
The Van Sant School
Begins its twenty-fifth year by
1st. Enlarging its space, and
2d. Adding to its course of
formation, call nt tho school or write for catalog.
Oool rooms ami early hours (8:00 to 2:00) invito you
to summer work.
IONE C. DUFFY, Sole Owner,
Corner Eighteenth and Farnam Sts., Omaha.
? -. . .
In Charge of Sittert of St. Dominic
This academy is situated in a beautiful and healthful
place. Building roomy and with all modern improve
ments. The academy is accredited to the University of
Curriculum comprises: Primary, Preparatory, Aca
demic and Commercial Courses, together with Music and
Painting. Every attention given to moral and religious
For particulars apply to
Spalding, Neb.
will remain as it was the last yar. Tho
successors to Mr. AVrlirenbcrg, Mr. Rancy
and Miss Fltchett have not jet been
Prof. Hansen. Ur. Pean. Miss Fisher,
Prof. Cunningham, Prof. Kemp and
President Crone are still In the city and
w'll remain during the greater rait of
the summer.
a iiinksk. ni;nt TKH,
t.raduale tf Snnlhnrttrra ollme
Leads Prlnretos Debate Team.
Tien Kan Kin, ''4, the first Chinese
student to graduate from Southwestern
college. Wlnfleld. Kan., has been chosen
leader of the Princeton Chinese debating
team, which meets the Harvard Chinese
team next September. The question Is,
"Resolved, Thst China should adopt
conscription." The Princeton team has
the al firms live side.
While at Southwestern Mr. T.ln won a
place on the debating team and also
honors In oratory. He had an excellent
record ns a student and completed the
college course in three years. A scholar
ship ot Princeton drew him to that Insti
tution last fall, where he has taken work
leading to his master's degree.
In addition to his school and debate
work, l.ln is translating Into Chinese a
book on political science. It Is entitled
"The Pevelopnient of the State,'' written
hv Pr.,f. Dealy of Brown university. If
l.ln doea not succeed In selling the manu
script he expects to use It as a textbook
when he tsWe up his work as a political
science teacher In China.
I'urlns his freshman year at South
western Mr. Kin translated a aeries of
art Idea on the Chinese republic, which
was then In pro-ess of formation, and
these were published In the Wichita
Peaee Paaeant.
Miss Cora ratten of Chicago Is the
author of the pence pageant scheduled to
he given in the Garden Terrace theater
at Yankton rollge. Yankton, S. P., last
Friday evening. The rast Included 300
school children and young- people of the
college. Miss Patten has her own cos
tumes, flags, banners, etc.
This pageant has been given three
.... .
till :i ' ..
times In Chicago this month, with great
success, and Is to le given In Washing
ton, New York and New Orleans and
many other places. Miss Patten herself
having engaged to train and conduct
perfot niances throughout the season.
At the climax of the pageant, "peace
pledges" which have been placed in a
box are "planted" Ht the foot of a tree.
land this tree Is then dedicated as the
! "nence tiec." to be a memorial hence
forth of the promises which the children
of the community have given.
'rt niovrs wis honor.
Medals. ronni and l.anreln A warn
ed at Ml. Si. Mary's Urmlntr),
Graduating exeirlses at Mount St.
Mary's seminary,. Fourteenth and Cas
tellar streets, last Wednesday were
marked by an interesting program and
by the awarding of academic honors V
many of tho pupils. Bishop JScannell de
livered the address and Miss P. Ilowd
the valedictory. The program was as
follow a:
Entree Festival Man h Tellmann
Piano 1. Misaes B. Cooper and M.
Koach; Piano II, Misses tl. Xon
nellv and M. Hes' lcan.
Miss Jrene Murphv,
"Water Miles" Kinder
Choral class.
"The Secret" Gsutler
Pianos 1 and II, Misses C. Gorman,
M. Heavlcan, M. Kent. Rose Bu
II ri and I.. Wacek; Pianos III
and IV, Misses M. Queeney, M. "
Flanagan, K. Tobln, C. Wheeler,
M. Shinmnn and H. Hoard.
Recitation Winning Cup
Miss Mildred Werts.
"The Kaith Is Itecked With Beauty."
Op. 14. No. 1 Maase
Choral class.
"Canrice Caracteristique" Paul
Piano 1 .Misses C. Kelly and M.
Wagner; Piano 11. Misses B.
Cooper and H. Counsnian; Piano
111, Misses M. Wlndhelm and K.
Recitation The Gladiator
MIbs Phyllis Straub,
"Polonnaise" Rive-King
Pianos 1 mii II. M'syes O. Oeinp
sev. G. Donnelly. 11. Gustamn
and C. Smith; Pianos 111 and IV,
Misses Mabel and Maud Massey.
K Brown and A. Osterman.
"The Dance Invites I's." vocal trio..
Misses Magaret FalU. Phyllis
Straub and Fare Chambers.
11 Trovatore" Verdl-Melnotte
PInoa 1 and II. Misses I'.. Daniels.
M. Falk. M. Foley end M. Roach;
Pianos III and IV. Misses P.
Strauh. F. Collins F. Chambers
and It.
'Ave Maria"
Chora- class.
Crownj for excellence, awarded
vote of pupils: Misses C. Smith,
Falk. II. Uulin. M. Kent. M. Dowd,
v heeler and C Counsman.
Crowns fo'- satisfactory clas work:
Awarded to Mlsatea I. ecek, M. Tot ten.
H. Hoard. M. liotirkc, M . rruuian, A.
Meyers, G. .in. I R. Bogan.
Hibbons for Christian doctrine. Misses
P. Straub. M. Muldoo'i, C. Keily, G.
Dempsey, P. Dowd, M. Dolan, II. Rus
sell and C. Gorman.
Rtbbou tor pollutes: Miss Catharine
Diplomas and ribbons for honor: Misses
C. Smith, H. Guatason, C. Goriiuin, M.
Hannon, M. Roach, M. Dolan. II. Mc
Mshon. M. Bell, M. Hoctor, A. Duffy.
M. Flanagan. K. Wacek and M. Bourke.
Diplomas for Palmer method ot Pen
manship: MIshcs M. Foley, M. Bulin,
R. Bulln, M. Connor, B. Cooper. A.
Duffy, F. Dermody, M. Kent, N. O Nelll.
K. Sehall. H. Wacek, A. Osterman. K.
Snyder. M. Shipman an.' C. Wheeler.
Teacher's certificate for Palmer method
of penmanship: wnrded to MIssck Mar
garet Muldoon, M. Wertz, F. Chambers,
.M. Dolan ami M. Roach.
Teacher's county certificate, awarded
by the stat. of Nebraska: Miss Irene
Mi.ryhy and Miss Marnnret Muldoon.
Gold medal for Christian d ji trine,
liescnt by Itt Kev. ttnhnrd Scannell,
I . D.: ilerii d bv .Minxes i". Straub, G.
Dempsey, M. Muldoon. P. Dowd. C. Kel-
I. Murphy. II. Kusseil, , Goruun. M.
Kent. M. Hannon, M. l'cll, M. Roach
and II. McMahon.
Drawn bv Miss Irene .Murphy.
Gold medal for Kaiin. presented by
i Rt. Rev. Monslgnor A. M. Colaneri,
! V. G.: Merited by Mlses C. Smith, II.
j Kuyscll, K. Chambers, K. Brown, M.
'Bell, M. Hannon. M. Runch. F. .Moj.iton,
I II. McMahon and R. lu lin.
Drawn by Miss Faye Chambers.
Gold honor for fii:il.,r 1 atiu cliisa, pre
sented by Mother Superior: Merited by It. Oi.Hlasou. II Wacek hiuI K.
Drawn by Miss II. Guatason.
Gold medal for ethics, presented by
Lev. Jamea Ahcrno: Awarded to .Miss
i'uullne Dowd.
old medal for EtiRllsh enmpoaitton,
preinted by Rev. J ltoche: Merited by
Misses 1. Murphy. P straub, P. lowd
M. Muldoon, M. Werts, M Foley, H.
Russell, It. Gi.stason, F Chambers, K.
Brown, H. McMahon. M. Bell, M. Koach,
K. Murphy and M. Kent,
Drawn by Mlxa Hel,n Russell.
Gold medal for elocution, presented bv
Kev. P. c Gannon. Awarded to .Mint
Mayme Foley.
Second lrie for elocution awarded to
Miss P. feiraub.
Third )rne for elo.-utlon awarded to
Mwa M. Wertl.
Gold meilals. diplomas and laurels for
music: Awarded to Miss Kstehr Danieit
Slid Miss Miiymo i'olev.
Conferring of diplomas, laurels anl gold
crosses, class of UUo: Misses P. Dowd,
i. .viiirpny, .. liem'sey, p. fJtraub
Muldoon, M. WtrU and C. Kelly.
.Nebraska Oatral ( ulleae.
Central City. Neb., now has an insti
tution In Nebraska Central college that
U bidding high for patronage. K. H.
Partsho. president, declares it to be of a
high order In Its intellectual and moral
standards. It offers complete courses in
business, domestic science and the aca
demla branches.
Hlgti-grade boarding school for girls
lerms 1180 per year. Wrlta for catalog
lZt Camden Point, Mo. g
,:lK0' Olrls: Jsnlor osijm of-
?'..mM ttmmmu: oil sod Imuti
Mitt mum, mrmmta cBmaml-
MJ. fcwal oar. si,M oirtT bull dins.
a. ' tamsss. auxlOTa duIUibs
VV " ,"'p' j Usrtc Wauki
I t, bwen Km cii, us gt. jr,a.
I f 'L asulog kUrai J. lui.
I V-e, a. u.. a. v..
rrsst lnt.
Station "A."
Lincoln, Neb.
vr ' r'ass"'!,'- , Hi