fllK BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY. JUNE 21, 1015. WORK IS PLENTY Hi POOIS OFFICE V Legislature Declined to Make Pro iiioa for Clerki Required by Aato Law. seolemt hbiszlf is jojuvq (Trofp a Staff Corespondent.) LINCOLN. Jun . lD-ec ro tary of Itfl Pool ta In trouble. The legislature Shifted a Jot of e-atra' work upon hie Vprtme.jt and made no arrro prlmlon to cover th expense. He can not let the work no aad lMI to Mr th help to keep It up and do U on"tlck." The atibnooMio tHietne) ia cajnatne; all the trouble, . Mn Pool baa bora , com pelled to put on a fore of half a dotcw extra able bodies' men and In addition to that baa to work him-If. The bill , passed with low n-toqr clauoo ao thai work: had to begin right away and no money to. py the fiddler. All of too teen I A4 by wwaan of auto mobile gwa to. that road fund except rent, whhh ta "Suppose, to pay for the auto tags. Thia to seat la ay th dif ferent county treasure and t paid Into mm artwrW fund of th 4t. Mr. Pool ha to pay for th tase and the postage 1 for aerating them ooit ay mall, which take aboat half of th 3 cent, and I hare is. vry Indicnttas to ehow that th state did a poor loo In forcing this work on to a, department a ad making no provision for jpeytng for the help to ad-J mrntstrt Mr. Pool la xinaideraMy. worried over th eltuatioa for there appears to be no let-up and Just now he La trying" to ar. , ranee things in bis office to take asy! crowded conditions. The big bank of fice or work room kmks lfite a' bargain counter sal ia a ten enl eter wltb th hugh pi la of boses containing the tag which have been shipped tn ajid as more room Is needed ho will be ooanprlled t hany seme of th crk ta th front cTfloo. Liberty Bell Man. Tb liberty bail cerurttte of Lincoln Is making an of fori to take a coat oal of liberty with tbe old. mblen of liberty. Efforts ar being toad by tb commit te to. blub a to the ol4 reia stU pull It around th streets so tbmt everybody ego ace It and U iKtrti pf U city b used alike. It wg proposed to- twitch, th cr containing th boll from th Burllniton to th Missouri P,clM fhen rtl U onto th Omaha-Lincoln Beatrtc interurban. then switch It to the Lincoln Traction company and take It up In front of the atat house ao that Abraham Lin coln could see it from hie poet at the monument en the t house laws. How ever, it ia understood that the wheels a the liberty bell ear will not run on street railway rails and so tb bell will be permitted to stay ea th raSread. Omaha Ceei.l Wed. License to wed., with 1 oermrny by County Judge H laser was th resnlt of a ' visit to the court house here yesterday by Alonao ftallsbtiry of Omaha, aged 33. and Anna M. Young- of th sain city, aged II i ' ' Petrograd Says Battle for Lcmberg Is Bringing the Campaign to Crisis PCTitOUUAD, June JO ( Via London.) The arrival of the aaeembled Auatro Ucrmnn armie liefore tile nrodrk poal lions, west t Lemberg and along the Tanew river, which runs easterly acroea the eoutherw pert ef the pretrinns - of Lublin, has brought the Caliclan cam- palgn to definite crisis. The Kuasbui ability to reUIn lembers and eastern OsII' Ih depends. It la verier ally agreed In Potrograd, upon thla last atrung line of defense, which mw alone pn;te"t T'niletK from the onwaid runh of the (iernianlu aririlea. The ftuama.i forcce ate strongly forti fied on the li'ig!it eart of the Orodek Inkes, and the AtiMro-'lerman assault in there noxftlona will present greater difficult i than were encountered In breaking down the Ituaelan defennea on the runajec and Han rivers, whlcli yielded to the number and conrpactnesa of the new Uermaa toimation that harked a way through OallcJo. The (lerman forces further north, which croiaed the nunalan border, ar mestiag with strong rerstaoc on th part of Ruselan troops from the province of Lublin. Thug far th (iermana appear to bv teen hrld at the Tanew river. The Kuaelan lino In the Orndek region, eight sen mlje In length, ta of auch great strength by reason of the (harnnter of tb country that It I believed her a suc cessful frontal attack would be Impossi ble. Bouth of tlii region, between Ko marno and the Dnlenter m&rsbes, tits eeiintry allowa an easier apprescb, hut this pnssag ia considered too narrow io be practicable. A conflict therefore is exported In the north, wher the Ger mane ar advancing straight from the San towards Hadjia. thirty-five mllca northwest of Lcmpcrf. BRYAN CRITICISES TWO EX-PRESIDENTS Oti.) . CContinued frem Paga ()', l.- ehutild direct Lbe aeuerai pol try i,f the wnr.lU(n. II discredit not ' only the liallisnre, but oven th motlv ef thue wbotmh contemptu uuniyi deaorlhea' aa paui(lt nd advo cates' of 'peae at any rto ' II nvore than Intimates that (hay ar phyalcul cowrl n4 that their aVtUude on In- of rt In a Vh trnUbl wtition l U to lsr Uidlly Injury, "It to not naasr to gniwar Ur. Roosevelt upon the low plana upon which ti pitch th controversy. . It, la entirely possible to credit Mm. with the purcit notlve and the alncereat patriotimm and l rauttly oppea th method which i would tmploy for the atttogueHIng uf .ba country. ' ' WeaU PraveW "Har. . "Mr. Roosevelt might be etolvuW front live list uf ihenatlen'b adviser on al mattere relating to peace or war, on th (round th.it he U ao anxious to git tntu Miy eontiwt thgt involvsa- blood-letting that be caiuwl be truittg ta deal with any i! ae f th aubjeiit. . The pi-apareU-r tioea which be advialea will provok v, r Inatead of preventing it, and tits hutreda which it would arouae would do troy ouc nation moral influuiwe.'' . Mr. brvttn dei'Uied that Mr. Rooae vclt'a plow ( nutKing thla nation "a rival if tii power ol the old world lit military ud nuvol piii-rollii" would Involve In- ilfli)ll Uicreftue In expenditure for alilj.a and men, ."'to be continued ao long as other Kvkttun loiitlaua to Iticreaae." lie s?hd If It coulj ba poaatble that Colonel I'.uo-evelt was anibitlutis to be known to l Utory a having lauiiched thousand lilpa" s Helen of Troy In th pot' iuery Insi'lred by the far-famed beauty: i thla Hi fC Hat launched a thou. nd aUtpi" Tk tiel'a flaa.' " Mr. Roosevelt piaii. Mr. Oryan aald, wouM make th Unltd Mate "a vast armory, with akull and rroaahonee above Hi doer. nd the dc aiming arcblteut of the system will go tit and out in uni form with th proud rons lousneaa that ur nation n longer t nntalna mollycod iia or ikllnga." Mr. Bryan declared, however, that there s no danger of Mr. Ituevit a organ. . nation securing a numerous following, "when It real purpva become kmiwn." ant) b urged the laboring men of th country to see that i purpose was dearly understood and give to ty prl- ,mt aaauramea tf auptt, ta Vronnter act any Influence that the Jlngota may aeak to gert." Of the oyier orgsniaatlon, with former freaident Taft "Ite moat conapivuoti kponsor." lr. Bryaa daciared that al though Mr. Taft himself had beea proml nanily identified with th cans of peace, and men auocleted with btm In tb or aanlitton arr "at least not antagonlatle te peace." the idea that many peraoiui may have bad regarding "Mr. Tail's or kb nidation as, the let weapon with which U f'.glit th Vtooaevelt urganlt tla" mistaken on. Dleeae Taft UrgawUla. "Whest the plan of tb Taft rganiaa tioa la understood," twatiued Mr. Vryaa. 'H will b a that Its effect ia to aid rwther t.iaa obatruot Ui BWosevelt proi ganda. If the anitiue of Mr. Kooeevelt'a organisatlos) Is te make preparation for vr piraaaat. Mr. Taft organisation may b rarded a furnlalung a plauat 10s pretext for th protection wMch Mr. i'.ooaeveit adviara" Mr. Iirian callad atler.Uun te th word ' i rliTid' In the title of the "Lg te U. -n'ui-' 2'a a td t the declaration in a !--. u by president IaiwU of iiar- tril -iei:ty at the recent Milladai i .x iT.tiUti ti.at it waa aJuicd o dis courage war ly "the threat to uae forco." "Tbalr lln," continued Mr. Iiiyau, "ia ta orjrnle an International police force wtlcb .will ('(tinpel pegc and corniel it by tlie use of fore. That jneana that we ahall mak ouraelvea partners wlllt other nation a Jn the waging of war, Unfor we can promise te enter Into partnership with . otbr nation n future war w must repudla th dvio of Washing ton, who warned ua against 'entangling alliances.' The American people will be very slow to eater Into any arrange men t which will involve ua In th a u acre la of JCuropa. What Flew laeelve. "Tb plan would ala involve a aur render of th Monroe doctrine. W can tudly enter Into a settlement of Eu ropean) dispute and at th earn time refuse to allow European nation to take part in th aattlement of dispute in the western hemisphere. The American peo ple wvili not look with favor upon so rev. oJutlonary a change In our national pol icy." The speaker declared that the plan pro posed by the league would vest the power to declare war In a group of na tions In which th United Htatea natu rally would not overdue a controlling In fluence and he felt, assured, he aald. that It would b impossible to secure a two thyrd majority in congress for a, reaolu tiqn proposing Uiq surrender of It right to declare war. or thai thrpo-four'hg of the state woi44 gpprov uch constitu tional amendment It th reaolutlpn passed congreaa. Stilt wjiother objection waa urged by ilr. Bryan atralnat tb league' pla tjat it wouhl Im a dlrtur from American position as "th friend of all naikuia and th oounaollor of many." Thl. declared Mr. Bryan, ''would im pair our Influence ' and Jeopardize our moral pneatlge. Listen net to those who mcasur 'world power' In unit at fore. W have born, a world power for more than a eentury svnd w cannot afford to exchange th raargl Influenza Which we now have for the military glory of all tba jmt4ras tuat have rUon, and, fallen sine' time began, I appeal to yeu, there fore, to remain tru to th Ideal of the fatbara. It remains for th rontmon peo pl of today to mak known to th prtst dont their firm adherence to U prlqcl. plea whc,h hav tn4 us tb foremoet nation in th, advocacy of peace." Greeted with Cheer. Mr. Bryan, who arrived at Cgrnegl hall aburtly, aftr the' jneallng had alerted, waa greets with, prolonged thoerlng by th org crowd that filled the' hall. , After ' reading his prepared apeeeh th former aecrUry ef atate oon tinued for aom minuU tmporan oualys "Jn g paper thla mornlnc th. losaea for th flrgt alt month of the war wer given a ', a,ltf.0yO , killed and l.KU.OQO wounded." ,! id. "No nun. jn Kurop today , know from th Up of th r"lr what thy are fighting about. Tan month hav pMd and w find Increa. Uig aufforing. Increasing deatruotlon and im rcaalng , devastation. Thy have not only killed tliemeelve, but they hav dls luibcd nil the neutral countries In tb world. They hav kept ua busy spending niency to kerp ou of war.' - , I'rere fterinsl Plate. "If wi does nothing else, it wilt teavh tl at peac la tii normal aUt and whan U la over w will hav some law thai will protect neutral nation. The time will come, and It la 4 far eff, whn an offer of mediation will be .In order. Thla is the natural nation t offer media tion. Kyery on of thee nation fighting hav descendant in thla country and our sympathy la with ally F)very aoldltr boy that dies over there makes ua aad. "Isn't It bad enough to hav hatred preached ovr there without having It preached hereT Th American peopl fliould stand to man agaipai war and for peace." CAERANZAATHIS MINIONS' MERCY, . HIDES INDUNGEON (Contlnuod from Page One.) ASSERTS EPILEPSY IS NOT BRAIN DISEASE; CURABLE BAN VRANflSCO,. Jun Sl-Th go. cepted theory of th medical profession that pllepay is a brglo dlaaas aad (n curabl. waa upaet at th Pn-Amrioaj) Meiica congreaa convention today by th announcement of Vr. Ctiarle A. I Reed uf Cincinnati, president of th Con greaa. that he had rtleoovered a aurgical cure. Dr. lted declared h had cured ltlpy by an operation en th lute tint "Th ucceas of tM rw dlaoovery." he aaid. "rrvelutioniie the accented theory that II tliaeaa haa It aeat in th brain and that It la incurable. EpiUpay la primarily not a dlaeasa of the brain, but la caused by poiaone absorbed Into the ayatsm from displaced or dieordered In taatlnea. Ta operatlin whlclt I hav auiveaafully Uaed ronv'H th condition of th atoms h and litieatinea aftrr which lb epllepay gradually Oteappaar. sapruteanewie at Kenaril, ST. KUWARD. Neb , June tbpeclal ) t. tdward has on of the prtHtleat little parks In the aula, and through th tfforta of th Commercial club a line of cement walks, with a flower garden and drinking touutatn la the cenUr, haa Juat been completed, ard an Iron flag put acventy feet hlh hag been erected. Th baJI park aUav.nt, thereto ba been Im proved by ceting the dtajuond wlUi 1-4 load if dirt. Th city will begin at ouu laying a line of oetnent curb through tb busineaa portion, priar.tory to tl grading and oiling of th lre-u. rt. i:drd' cliautauqua beg Ina August It, piepsrationa for which are well und-r way, and it prtMiiUea to b better thun ever. Ti Curomeruldl club t ,ta (net 11114 Uat jvenlsg xuted m this da' carnival and bargaJn day to b held tpUmbr I and I, and made arrat-Vnieola to uieul the Ouialia x.il road t-oontere, who will be tnrough here, Friday, Jin Jj. weeka inure for the faction to try to get together, but In tii event ef failure the open activ auppurt of th United fctatea will be given to an entirely now st of Mexicans a ooJItlon, It I ex pectsd, of th VillavZpata faction, which hs demonstrated its wllllna-neaa to make peace and other elements tndenUflad with the other faction or parties. allla-Zarata. ateaaat. Th agency of th VUlaZapata, govern ment here gave out tb following state ment tonight: "In view of insinuation front aouros unfriendly I th convention rgua that the deelr of th convention lender to negotiate (oward a peacaabl solution of th probuma of Mexloo iiaa been In llrcd by weakneas, Oeneral Villa haa authorized Enrique C. Llorente, confU dentlal agent of the honventlon govern ment, to Issue this formal declaration: " 'Not nly la th convention govern ment willing to enter at this tint Into 'negotiation for th restoration of peac In Mexico, tut It wtshea to place itself on reoord promising that when Obre gon ia finally crushed, a th convention government firmly believe h will be, th offer to meet th unfriendly element upon a common ground will be immedi ately renewed aa evidence of the sincere intention of the convention leader. "Governor Maytorena, In answer to a telegram from General Villa directing him to send troops to rentore order and protect foreign Uvea and Interests In th Yaqul valley, state that tin has scot TOO trpop for tl ordered purpose. They wer expected to arrive at th scene of th disturbance yesterday. The messag conveying tll information to th confi dential agency came from DIa Lom bards, secretary of state at Chlhunhun, last night and by instruction from him th news hag been communicated to tb Slat department of the United Blaise. Thla prompt action by General Villa un doubtedly will furnish an effective rem edy to th difficulty. ' ; Condition Qalet. ON BOARD V. B B. COLORADO, Off Coaet of Mexico (Via gan plego, Cat.), Jun . Conditions are quiet In th Taqul valley and no further molestation of American there by Indiana ha ben re ported, according to radlugram received today by Admiral Howard. Oomtni'nlra. tlon between Uuaymae and th vajley ha been r-eatabllahed. Two Americana, according to Admiral Howard's advices, were robbed In a raid by bandit north of Guaymaa recently, but neither waa Injured. Railroad communication between Ne gate and Ouayma I still Interrupted. . An organisation of neutral residents la Lower California la assuming a domi nating position. It waa reported, and haa addreaaed communication to both Viita and C'trrenea, urging peac. To Uppoae l.andlag. 'NOOALKS, Ponora, Mexico, June 80 Qoverner Jgs Mgytorena authorised th atatement today that th entire forces under hi command would bo .used if necessary to reaiat the landing of Ameri can marine on the west coast to protect foreign settler of th T4Ul valley from Indiaps pow t war. A detachment of pearly 1,00 troops ent to th Yaqul valley yesterday, he aald, waa dispatched primarily to protect set tlers and their crops from the Indiana, but they had order to resist any landing of American pililtary force. According to advirea Maytorena haa received, th American warahlp under! th command of Admiral Howard ar xpected to arrlv at Tobrt bay lat to day, Tb Vllln troop dispatched by th governor will encounter burned ralroad bridge and ether obstgclen north of Ousyntas. WMl Warship Arrives. SAN L ItlOO, Cel., June X-Th cruiser Colorado, flagship of the Tgclflo fleet, which sailed from her Thursday, should arrlv at Uugymgn. honor. ometlm to night, according ta last advke. Admiral Thorn U. Howard to aboard, nlth thr conipanlca of rnarinea, four rapld-flr field gun and two automatic, and a ship complement of tw ffiur and 11, of whom 5rt ar avallabl for hor dutj. The protected cruiser Chatta nooga, wtilcli followed th Colorado, should arrlv at. O nay ma tomorrow morning. Uh 4SQ officer and men, of whom ar available for shore duty. Vllta Favor ll.tlr City. r.u PA Ml. Tr., June . General Pranclstg YHI favor Mexico City a lh plac for holding a peac conference, according to a ttment Usued at Ague t'alleute. Vtlla take the poaltlon that Mexico troublo ar national; that to ii.wiv. nr mni.irai', uuiaiu III cguniry would lessen th dignity of th nation; iui 11 piae no uuterenc wnat troop may oocupy Mexico City, th people of Mexieo should settle ibstr own affair within their own country. The rcpuit from Vt'aahlngtoQ of a apllt in th Carrana cabUct waa in aub Jsv't uf spirited comment in Mexican cir cle here, but pending further ilevclop nienla, nun would ventur a prediction a to its effect on Mcxlcau affair. TWO MORE GREAT PILOTnO COME Hogbie Hnjhes and Charley Keene Signed Up to Race ia Omaha' First Annual Race. DRIVE , PORTER-KNIGHT CARS Huchle tluchffi and Charley Keen r the Inteat of the world's Brent drivers to sign up to pilot their racing craft around tho new Omaha apeedwav t the first annual race n July 5. !. J. MrBhnne. director of rente! n. signed theae two daring driver In fhlcatto Saturday. Hughtg and Keene will drive two ef the Portrr-Knlicht cars, which were de signed and built by Flnley H. I'orter at the ttearns factory In Cloveland last winter. They have not a a yet competed In a race, but will bo christened at th Chicago race, providing that la run off Saturday as scheduled. Omaha will be the second track where they will race. Both' IttiRhea arid Kcene qualified t Chicago at a rat of over nlnety-flv mile an hour. Keen pushed his mount around at ninety-seven mllea an hour. Of Bovine Dlepoeltlnn. Hugh and Keene ar tw of th moat distinctly drivers tn th world. Wer It not fur th fact that ha left Kngland a number of year ago to aeek hla for tune in the. land of th Stars and fitrlp?. Hughe would now be fighting th kaiser. He Is .u adventurer born and bred, a man who ha1 knocked about from on corner of th , glob to th other. HI presence on th Flnley R, Porter team. Incidentally. I quite nat ural, Inasmuch M ho and Kinlsy R. Por. tcr became famous together, on a driver and tb other as designer of th Mercer that won th Kavgnnah trophy contest la ml. Hughg has always been of flighty na ture. After driving at Savannah h was an outlaw driver for a while, Then he took up with th Maxwell team and copped th Tacoma Potlach cotitaet In 11. sJIwrtly afterward h quit th Max. wU, probably for no better reason than that h wanted a chatig of scenery. Last February at Han Francisco h drov an Ono to third plan In th a rand Prise. At Indlanapolla h wa relief drvr for Tom Orr f th Maiwell crew and h finished th rac for Orr, winning ninth money, Hugh I on of U- greatest driver In th gam and only ndg tn control hlm. self and stick te on thing long enough to cash In In splendid styla. Keesj aa Ivor. Keen la th man who ao astounded th racing world In UU by appearing -at In dlanapolla with a car of hla own build. w hich he called th Beaver Bullet. When Keen and hla novel craft appeared at Indlanapolla he was th subject for much good-natured crlUelam by the rallblrda. who could as - nothing good In ithcr Keen or hi car. Keen had a pet theory. It waa that th front wheel of a car should b bigger than tho rear because H was easier to push a large wheel ovsr an obstacle than a amall one. Bubqunt vnta, however, Justified Keene' confidence in himself, iot n outlasted thirty-six of the forty- four original candidate for honor and finished tn alghth plac. TW year, with a. car fit th lateat pat torn, Keen should vak a grnt nam for himself. Possessed of great mechanical Instinct, and Inventive talent of no mean ability, he 1 nchedled to outdistance many In th race for fame, who merely know how to handle a eteering wheel. Edward Miller, a prominent technical engineer of Kansas City, was In Omaha yesterday, and while here he took a peek at th new Omaha speedway. "Soma track," wa Miller' exclamation, when ha first cast his orba over the apeed- way. "It houd be th fastest traok In th woirll," declared MUIr. "it curves should stand any apeed. A driver can put hi foot W th pedal and leave it there. Horn records will surely be broken." That already 200 anced nthuiaat of Kansas City ar Manning to com to Omaha 1 th word of Mr. MIUer. 'Th number will probably god that flgur when th day of th raeca ome. but eva now that number' ar aur t come. Katewd Car Lla. Work on th grading of th extension of the street car line direct to the speed way will tart Monday, waa announced yesterday. Th car lin will turn at Fifth and Locust streets and Psvceed to within a few feet of the main entrance. A soon aa the grading la finished rail will be laid- It la believed that the work 3 n b finished tn a week or ten days, so that good car servlc can bo had to th track during the elimination trial and practice. Bom 1,300 feet of pur track, on which car will be placed to wait for the finish, of the race, will also l laid. HAPPY HOLLOW GOLF PLAY Sixty-Seven Golfer Take Part in Eighteen-Hole Handicap Match Against Colonel Bogey. SEVERAL ENTER CITY EVENT ."Ixty-aeven golfer took part In th elghteen-hole handicap game against bogey at the Harpy Hollow club Satur day afternoon. The eight lowest scorer qualified for th play for a prise pre sented by ft. K. Wllcog. The following score wer turned in: Handicap. Down. .1. W. rarlsh F. J. Norton W, B. Hhafer L. A. miih... JS. A. PeWau J. C. Kariler f, S. Fttsirerald... V. R. Gould Thomas J. Kelly. W. C, Kraser W. Q, Hhrlvr.... J. fi, Ooodrlch..., ta. w. AHhur J. B. Pulvt-r 1:2:::: i 12 4 VI lli 30 22 ' CI It 21 J at ALLIES HOLD BUT ; 10 SQUARE MILES OF GALLIPILI SOIL fContlnued from Page One.) FOUR CHAMPION PACERS WILL RUN IN ONE RACE bUTROlT. June jn.-VH,r wwrld's champWnt pacara rlrwt urn I. l:St; Frank ftoaaah. ir.. IWi: Willlum. Z.oii. end I Anna Hradford. 2:04-aie entered In the IC.000 froe-for-all. which 1j an add d fea ture of the hlu ribbon Orand Circuit meeting bet July J to lineal driving riub official claim llyt nev'ir Kfur haa a quartt of au. h Ixumua t a tis met in the same ia- Prof essional Men In Japan Become Drug on Market (Correaoondcnre of tfhe Aaaoclited Press.) TOKIO, June 21. Sanaa Twkata, the president of Vasexla university, founded by Count Okuma, the prime minister. ha been created a meruber of the House of Peer by Emperor Yoahlhlto. Thl honor la in recognition of hi distin guished aervlie to Japanese education. Hr. Takata became president of Vaseda In laOT and lnce th,t time th Institu tion ha grown n popularity unffl today It has about , students President niktcht Kamada of Keio university was appointed tn th House of Peer some time aga. These promotions ar Inter preted as Indicating the emperor' recog nition and appieclaUuu of th plac that duration oicupiwu In madern Japan. 80 great hav boen the strldea made In popularixing education, that Japan, like tno I nlted State, tg beginning to find difficulty In placing the graduates of its t'niveraltlea. Colleges, bcth gov. emmental and private, ar crowded with ktudents wlu ar unable t obtain the lucrative pilion they have dreamed of. Not enoutih Place exist in Japanese comnwrclal and professional life to meet tho demands of th ateadily lucreaslng number of graduates. This year" gradu ate of th law coll,g of lb Imperial university at Toklo number M and of thl number only 1W hav ttelr future positions auuured. StatlatU show that frotn in to 19M students wer able to find places In gov. ernmentat ervic or in business without difficulty. ei,,c !:. huwever, the stta ation lu entirely changed. Fifty per cent of tho gt.tdue.tea have had to Walt for on to thro year to find iupUy ment. 1 h large ittiaa are already ever alocVrj with lawyer, tome oVoctura of law aro even servtug g polkctueo and others are experlencirg great ,srdhlp 4a aorning a living. Owing to th fact that th sven play er tied for alghth place, th pairings) wer mad to Include fourteen Inatead of eight. The pairinga ar follow: J. W. Pariah, By E. A. I'egau iZj) against W. O. Sh river Of. J. J. Fitsgwrald (I) against K. W. Ar thur (H), W. R. Hhsfer ti) against Thomas J. Kelly i). L A. flmlth (U) against' W. C fraaer (34). C, C. Sadler (U) against J. X. Good, tlrh CH). v. k. dould aw against J. is. Pui ver Ol). P. J. Norton, By, Th firat round of th match play for the Howard Ooodrlch prise wag played Saturday. Th following ar th results: W. O. HhHver () beat T. 9- 0"Nei: (18), J."). Fltagerald beat W. O. Silver (17). I and 4. Fryo Crawford (Id) beat J. JB. Fulver Bulgarlia territory. It wa Insisted. Vould force tt to Join the Trutonla allies. I Deacrlbea Aaeaalt. t LON DOM, June V.-A special corre spondent at the raj-dnIes for JtauU'r' Telegram company. In a vtvld dispatch ftescTlWng the general assault on the Turkish lines on Jun 4. hr which the filled force scored gains heretofore re corded In cfflctal emmunletlons, de- Vote considerable spar to the anugnesa Of the Turkish position as Indicative of th tedious trench warfare yet to nu. "The situation her tend more and oi to resemble that with which w uve beom familiar In France." aaya be correspondent. "Y' hav an ertemy her lea fertile In resource than the (Jermans, lea well equipped, less vigor- fi ous in attack, but, on th other hand, be ha advantage which th Germans cannot claim. He has Ideal defensive positions. Th narrow peninsula wlt on flank, hts left, safe frem attack by s-a, nd both Incapable f being t'.med by land a they stretch down to th water's dg. gepsdy f Reserve. "Another advantage th Turks possess, or ought to possess, I a Urge lupply of reserves quickly available for th light ing tin. Though th Turk haa no rail way t feed th peninsula, he still haa a ahorter dtstanca to bring his relnforce rnnts, even If they march from Con stantinople, C an w with all th re source ef civilisation at our command." The correspondent add that prtaonera taken by the allje re HUrlad and Borry Jooklng, but say that their hard luck stories must b taken with a grain ef salt. "Many captives," ha eayt, "profes to he untrained, put In th rank to fill gaps statements st which the British officers smile." (24). J and . -. it. Uariey (I) beat P. M. Garrett (20). ana . Th following result war also made la the first round for th Jack Eeausn trophy: - W. 1. kilver (17) peat Pryo Crawford (111, t and 1, Thomas J, Kelly (22) beat B. W. Metl OH, I up. C. k fo,4 fti) pst o. t. Ollmor Of). t and 1. Among th Happy Hollow golfer Ured tn th city tournament, whbih will Start at th Field club today, ami Ifansld Johnaon, W, B. Sharer, T5lIne Touug. Johnni iteed, H. f. Uates. P, M. Oatrett, V. li. Uould, J. Scott, A. W. Nason and C. C. Hadler. W. M. WASHBURN WINNER OF METROPOLITAN SINGLES NEW TORK, Jun .-W, M, Wash burn woq th Metropolitan championship single yesterday, scoring hi second hold ing of th lltl by- defeating Roper Le roy, vt..-X T-5. Harold If. Hackett and W, U. Hall won th double championship, beating H. J. Hteinkapf and A. M. Lcvlbtrnd. W, -9, t-9. v . A Sinn of ; J i. a-j il:.ii"ii,t,,i:7,i aw illllP V C&r If I Newbrk'l Boston AtlanticCitij VIA. , J Pliiladelplna 1 : aijt tv uvtvrfrr.jtjr vf , AtlanlicCoast ' j: ; gVon9 . . Dlnsit jRouia tr Via ' IBiniAttJ rWw.4m,Ml aetata tlkamm Tuktt ueioMtviiitntftrtvk r sw-viaM i.iaa, ae saran W. H. HOWljiSD. 7Va.. Pmm. An. tti-tl Hank bull. 1a.. S'rt. P.,. In,'. tHt 'iawaa-w wiia in i.iimiju.i To th vacationist who tlm Is limited and who wiahes a eoniplete chanite of scene and aurrminUlnga, few tripe offer a great attia-ctlon as a cruise on the Qreat Lakes. Starting from t'hlcuRO thee cruise take two or three rluya to a week, traveling over a nuiiiLer of different ruutee and calling -at nearly all polnle of interest, including Mil waukee. Mackinac lalitnil, Ueorglan. Kay, rmluth, Fort William. Detroit, Cleveland and Buffalo. Combined with the excellent train' service to Chicago offered by the Oitcago. Mil waukee A Ht. Paul railway and th inoder,t rates named, then cruises afford a delightful and restful way of spending your vacation. 'or foldwa. rat, reaervatlnna, etn., rail on or adiirep W. K- Heck. Cltv Ps. senger Agent, C. M. t flt, P. Ky., 1J1J Farnam St., Omaha. Nb. Te th vacationist whose tlm 1 Ua. tted aad wbe wishes a ontplt liaag of oa aad aurronaaiJiga. few trips offer as great aruactto as a cruie oa th Oreat Jbake. BlartUur from Chi. eag th raises tak from tw o tkr day e a week. traveUaa ove a ameer of eurrereut route sad calling I at nearly all points f atret, laolndlng Mllwankee, MmUiw Island, OeorgUa' Bay, Suiuto. ron Wuiiaut, Savrit, i Clevelasd and Baffal. OumMaed with the eacelleat tralu erloe ta tktcajo offared by tbe Caicaso MUwaakee , fit. Paul Kaiiway and the moderate ratee aansed, tkase or wises afford a da lightfwl and reatf al way of a pending : your vacation, ror foldere. ratee, rea. ervations. etc, call oa or addreae W. B. ' stock, tl'" rssaangar Agent. G. Bf. St St. rani sly. IHJ raxnaain gt Omaka, stab. tEHIGirVALCEY AllTHRACITE THE COAL THAT SATISFIES Mor Heat V 1 Le Ali No Smoko Ask Your Dealer. Z,graAciw5iS is laid at the door of the light bottle brewer. He stands convicted by his own admission. He,no doubt,tries to make pure beer, and he could pro tect its purity, but he does not. He offers you the doubtful protec tion of a paper cover. The Light Bottle Is V: Insufficient he admits it, in fact, warns you against- the dam aging effects of light. If you would have pure beer, drink Schlitz in Brown Bottles. There is no purer beer brewed, and it costs no more than light bottle beer. See that crown is branded "Schlit: . 1 VI'. .-w- mm Fboo. Doug. 159? Schllt Bottled Ur Depot 723 S. 9th St, Omaha, Neb. Pton 4S4 Hy. Gerbrr 101 S. Main St.. Council Bluffs His Beer