Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 21, 1915, Image 1

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The Omaha Daily Bee
vol. xlv NO. 2.
JUNE 21, 191 J TEN PAdES. of r,.. ..d .
- - - - mvifi awvwsjj iBBaa. mm
Chieftain May Be Eliminated from
Mexican Politic! Unlets He
Yields to Obregon and
Other Officers.
Constitutionalist Leaders Take
Refuge in San Juan de Uloa
in Harbor.
WASHINGTON, June 20. General
Venustiano Carranaa, original leader
of . the Mexican constitutionalist
movement, la face to face with a sit
uation that may eliminate him as a
factor In Mexican politics, unless he
yields to the dictation of his com
manding general, Alvaro Obregon,
and other high officers In his army.
Official advices today revealed
that four of Carrania's cabinet min
isters had resigned and that General
Obregon was insisting on their rer
tentton a well as" the dismissal of the
members to whom they were op-
Mrl' Objects.
Word also came to the American gov-
v ernment that General Jose Maytorena,
the Villa commander In Sonora, objected
vigorously to tha possible landing of
American marine to rescue Americana
in the Yaqul valley, Indicating- that he
would regard such action as a hostile
Invasion. Inasmuch as Maytorena prom
ised to send troops to the region to pro
tect foreigners, the American ' govern
ment, which had decided to land marines
oirry if absolutely necessary. It is under-
4vtnod, will consider the Incident closed
with the arrival of the Maytorena troops.
The situation in the Yaqul valley was
overshadowed, however, by the cabinet
at Vera Cms. where a new angle to the
entire Mexican problem was created
over night. The dissension in the Car
ransa "cabinet, according to official re
ports, results from an attack by one of
the cabinet members on some of his
colleagues, bat lit many quarters here it
was believed tha trouble is of long stand- '
Ing and Is tha culmination of differences
between Carransa and Obregon, which
began when tha latter occupied Mexico
City several weeks ago.
Ohreajon's Manifesto.
Tha fact that Obregon had telegraphed
Carranaa Imuatihar on tha retention of
four cabinet members Luis Cabrera,
Rafael Zubaran, Escudero Verdugo and
Jesua Uerta tha first two of whom
were in Washington for a long time as
representatives of Carranaa, was generally
viewed as an Indication of Obregon'a
ascendency- to a position of . political
prestige in the constitutional movement.
News coming through official channels
that Carransa had removed his head
quarters to the old. Isolated fortress. Ban
Juan de Uloa, in the harbor of Vera
Crus, spread the Impression that he feared
an uprising against him in Vera Crux.
American warships lying In the harbor
would give him ssylum should he desire
to escape, it was stated.
The cabinet crisis In Vera Crus has
halted the movement of Genera; Pablo
Gonzales on Mexico City. It is not
known what his sympathies are, but he
has always been personally friendly to
Carransa and It Is believed here he has
halted his troops to await developments
at Vera Crux.
General Candldo Agullar and several
other prominent Carranza chieftains In
the state of Vera Crus are sympathetic
with Obregon and, while there Is little
definite information available, the im
pression In official quarters tonight was
that Obregon might succeed Carranza as
first chief of the constitutionalist move
ment. Where He Lost Arm.
Obregon recently lost his left arm In a
battle near Leon against the forces of
Generals Villa and Angeles.
Just what relation the cabinet dissen
sion at Vera Crus may have on the possi
bility of a coalition of the Mexican fac
tions to restore peace Is not apparent
as yet to officials here. Carranza has
returned a polite "no" to all overtures
thus far made to him. and the prevailing
opinion here has been that lu this action
he was supported by his cabinet and Gen
eral Obregon.
President Wilson Is patiently waiting
for the situation in Mexico to develop
Itself more clearly before announcing his
next move. Ills statement. Issued less
than a month ago, warning all factions
that they, must unit or some other
means would be found to set up an or
derly government In Mexico was trie last
pronouncement of policy.
The president expects to wait a few
(Continued on Page Two. Column Two.)
The Weather.
Tor Nebraska and Iowa Showers
Tamperatare at Oaaaha. Yeeteraar.
a m...
7 a. m...
... M
.... 63
I a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m ...,
1 p. m ,
? P- m,
t p. m
4 p. in
5 p. in
p. m
7 p. n
(-'asparattT Laeavi Uard.
llt. 1514. 19U. Wl.
Highest yesterday. ......
74 6
fi& j;
jim yeaieruar
Mean temperature 64 ; 7ft n
Precipitation T .00 .OS T
Temperature and precipitation depar
tures from the normal r
(Normal temperature 73
Deficiency for the day., a
Total def l Wni y since March 1 "lis
Normal preclphii,.i, -.11 Inch
deficiency fr the ,l;v 1 inch
rota! rwlnfall since Mnrch I. ..10. si Indies
tendency since JllarcU 1 1 47 ln lies
Kxcess f r cor. period. 1914 (to In. h
Ers for cor. period. 1812 i inch
T Udlcateji trace of predpltation.
L. A. WELSH. Local Foretastes.
LUU11UU UDllijUttLl
Sir John French Visits 'Division on
Centennial Anniversary of
(By Frederick Palmer, Correspondent of
The Associated Press.) i
jiine is (Via Indon, Juae U-On the
centennial anniversary of the Battle of !
" aterloo. Field Marshal Sir John French,
the British commander, visited a cavalry
division not long out of the trenches.
By brigades those who had survived
the shells and asphyxiating gas of ths
second battle of Vpres were awaiting in a
field near their quarters, his coming, their
khaki melting into the green of the grass
where they lny resting and bathing
themselves In the genial sun of a mild
June day. w
Scene Is Aftertlna.
When an automobile appeared with the
little British flag which only the commander-in-chief's
car flies, they formed
a hollow square. The absolute simplicity
of this meeting of leader and men and
the thought of all they went through,
made the acene a most affecting one, the
sturdy white haired soldier carrying the
customary walking stick, which every
British officer affect with a little blase
of colors of his many campaigns on his
breast. -
The general stood In the center of the
square Derore tne renin Hussars, once
his own regiment, and before the famous
First Life Guards, whose sentries. In
shiny cuirasses and plumed helmets at
White hall attract tourists, now tanned.
trench-hardened warriors on foot, with
no brass except the regimental insignia
on their shouldera With them were other
regiments who had won glory at Water
loo. "peaks as soldier.
Sir John did not make a speech, but
spoke as soldier to soldier, hesitating for
words at times In his emotion. The men
were actually seeing their commander-in-chief,
who In the complicated Im
mensity of sTpodern war Is only a name
to them. '
While Wellington personally encouraged
his soldiers in his) battle a century ago,
which occupied hardly the front of a
brigade In the present trenches, this was
the only way a, modern commander could
make his men feel that he was a human
leader snd not a machine. As a cavalry
man he said: ,
"I knew what you were capable of and
you have shown that you are equal to
any work required of a soldier. It re
quires more dogged tenacity, more cour
age, to stand for many days In the
trenches than to make one brave charge.
"Against that dastardly attack at Yprea
with a weapon against all usages, when
tha aloud of gas rolled over your tranches,
I gasping, blindedand la , darkness . you
stood your ground with a determination
which prevented any disastsr."
England Makes First
Payment for Cotton
mj.-Mjurw, june .w. The British gov
ernment today made the first payment
of 166.000 (J825.000) on the cotton cargo
of the Danish steamer Kina, which sailed
from Savannah, Ga., on April IS for Rot
terdam. The payment was made to A.
G. Hayes, representing the American
owners of the cargo.
The British government also made par
tial payment for the cottpa cargoes r.f the
Danish steamer Livonia, the Swedish
steamer Dtcldo and the American
steamer Navajo.
The American steamers Portland, from
Ban Francisco for Stockholm, and tha
Scaoonnett. from New York for Gothen
burg, have been taken Into Kirkwall. The
cargo of the latter vessel Is being ex
amined, but no action has yet been taken
In the case of the former.
The customs authorities have- ordered
that 4,60 tons of mixed grain, consigned
from an American firm to Norwegian
ports on the Norwegian ship Nordkyn,
be discharged for prise court proceed
(Correspondence of the Associated Press.)
PKTROGRAD. May 26.-The new Rus
sian laws, directed against "enemy Cor
porations'1 operating In Russia, are thus
officially summarized:
"The measures authorise the council
of ministers to close stock companies
operating under statutes sanctioned
within the empire, with the appointment
of a special board for the liquidation of
the bulsenss In those cases where the I
actual management is In the hands of
,.,..., . ....,.,.,.,. oi
counmn wnicn are ai war wun Kussla
and whose operations appear to be harm-
ful or dangerous to the state. It is
vlded, however, that the rights of credl
tors sre not to be Infringed, and that the
Interests of atnrlfhnlHra m r. irt Km ..k
served as far as possible I lns l'ken to Prtvent ' losses ss oc
"As an alternative, the council may ap-!curre1 ,ev'n ear ago when the Kansas
point a special board of management for ! rh"r ,wpt arro" th lowl,u1,1 d ran
the business of such alien companies010 flr,t tlooT ot mnjr Dulllln-
without closing them or taking them over.
"The same regulations are to be applied
also to partnerships tf any of tha full
partners are subjects of enemy countries.
If it Is found that the work of thes
partnerships Is harmful or duiiKerouj to
the Interests of the state."
Tha codifying of these special measures
against "enemy" companies and partner-
chips is presumably done In an effort ti;current iu the I itl.y of the Cbuniber of
restrict Illicit trade with Germany and deputies, was In reality duo to 'a doKitur
Austria, wnicn nas neen going on to a
ceftasn extent through Scaadlnavia since
tha beginning of tha war.
WASHINGTON, Juns : 10 -Declaring
that while he had always abhorred war.
but believed there were thlnrs even mors
sbhorrsnt, Samuel Gompers, president of
the American Federation of Labor, in
a letter msde public here toalght sets out
his post 1 Ion as to International peace. The
letter was address to Ernest Bonn, secre
ts ry of the Centrsl Federated union of
New York, and expressed Mr. Compere
rerret at bis Inability to speak at a peace
meeting to which be had been lnWed.
T ' 1 1 1 1 ' ' - I I
years old, ordered to the Dardanelles by the British
: 1 .'j
.-J t
, ' i
-; . t v
MnnMMWM , '
Teachers' List to
Be "Announced By
Board Tonight
The teachers' committee of .the Board
ot FMu. ul'.Cn expects to be ready to re
in- at :i;! regular meeting this evening
the lial cf teachers for the next school
) ear, beginning September 6. It is not
probable that the new principal of the
High School of Commerce will be an
nounced at this time, as Superintendent
Graff Is considering several of a lot of
applicants.. .
Defendant "Middy"
- Is Placed on Grill
ANNAPOLIS. Md., June 20,-The first
appearance on the stand of a defendant
midshipman marked Saturday's session of
the. court of Inquiry, which is investigat
ing the "cribbing" scandal at Joe naval
academy. Midshipman A. C. Rogers was
the witness, the regular routine having
been broken to allow Rogers counsel to
be away the earlier part of next week.
Rogers was subjected to a searching
cross-examination. It developed that
Rogers, who was a member of the third
class, had translated for upper clasamen
copies of advance Information on the
Spanish examination. He was unable,
however, to explain satisfactorily to the
court how It was that two men in the
two classes ahead of him, who had been at
the academy three and four years, respec
tively, needed his assistance In passing
their final examination.
Kansas City Warned
Of Coming Floods
KANSAS CITT. Mo., June 20. Resi
dents of the lower sections of Kansas
city tonight w7re preparing to meet flood
conditions, which, according to the gov-
ernment rather bureau
may prevail
within forty-eight hours.
1 - LI. ... U ,.1 I. J ... ,
pro-I..,", Z u
men were at work carrying goods to sec
ond floors snd every precaution was be-
(CorreHpondence of the Assnciuted Press.)
LONDON, June R A private dispatch
from Pa-is stales th:tt htu lllr.eas of King
CbrlHtian of Greece, accrdl'ig to rumors
The British Press bureau, oil bulr.g
asked to pass this dliath fur pub.
llcatton. slated: "We see no sufficient
reason to stop publlrstion of tliis matter,
but the responsibility for the accuracy
must rest with the publisher."
LONDON. June 20 -David A. Thomss.
the Welsh coal magnate, the Exchange
Ttlegraph company rays, has accepted
I he appointment from David Lloyd
Osorce, minister of munitions to fo to
the United Rtates and Panada to super
vise ths making of munitions contracta
Chief Dunn, , Under V
'"Surgeon's Knife, Is
Now Doing Nicely
Chief, of Pollua Henry Dunn was oper
sled upon Sunday morning at the Lord
Llstei hospital by Drs. Dunn nd Henry.
An abscess on the wall of the. abdomen
near the appendix was found. It waa
thought at first that lie waa suffering
from an attack of appendicitis. His con
dition Is reported favorable.
N.B.1 Falconer .Dies'"
. At Central City
Nathaniel B.- Falconer, 'for many years
one of the. leading merchants of Omaha..
but' retired .from business 'fifteen, years
ago and . had since lived on farms near
DeSoo and Central City, died yesterday
after .ap Illness of several weeks, aged
about SS years.- His death occurred at
one of the. hotels In Central City, where
he went after his Illness. The funeral
will be held Tuesday or Wednesday, at
Central City, with burial In the cemetery
there. He Is survived by, one son,
Bertrandi who lives some place in Iowa.
Mr. Falconer, was born In, Scotland,
where he received his education. Ha en
tered a dry goods store In Glasgow soon
after finishing school and remained there
until about 1H60, .when he came, to tha
Vnlted States, locating In New York City,
where he engaged In the wholesale dry
goods business. In 1ST1 he cams .to
Omaha and bought an Interest In the re
tall dry goods store of Ross A Crulck
shank, located in a .one-story building at
Fourteenth and Farnam streets. Later
he bought out his partners and moved
his stuck Into a building at Fiftenth and
Douglas streets, where the Browning,
King company building now'atands. Ha
remained there several years and then
built the three-story building Just to the
west, now. occupied by the Thomas KU
patrick Dry Goods company, occupying
tnis until he retired. ' .
During his long residence here Mr. Fal
coner was one of the leading merchants,
not. only of Omaha, but of the central
west. . Ifls store was headquarters for
buyers of, fine linens. He was one of tho
best Judges of linen goods In the country,
importing all of his lines.
I'pon his retirement, Mr. Falconer
moved to his farm at DeSoto, where he
remained some yesrs. . Selling It, he went
to Central City, where he owned prop
erty Just outride the town. . During his
residence In Omaha, ha lived at Nine
teenth and Douglas streets, where the
Haunders-Kennedy building a now . lo
cated. His wife was Miss Nellie Leach,
who was a clerk in his store before their
NORTH t'LATTE, Neb., June Ml (Spe
cial.) Chancellor Avery. Dean Burnett
and the Board of Regenta of the state
university were guests . of the North
Matte chamber of commerce at a lunch
eon Saturday. Senator W. V. Iloagland
acted aa toastmaster. Each member of
the board aa well as Mayor E. H. Bvans
snd Beoretary C. F. Temple of the cham
ber of commerce responded to tossts.
The university men are here to make
their annual Inspection of the state ex
perimental substation near this city.
They left Isst night for Kimball snd
B.otfs Muff, Neb. They will return to
North Piette Monday and on Tuesdsy
they will be guests of the local cnember
of commerceen aa automobile trip to
Curtis, where they will Inspect the agri
cultural school. 1
Kaiser Himself in Command of Rash
of Aastro-Oennan Armies to
Secure Last Buss Strong
hold in Oalicia.
Doubt Expressed Whether Grand
Duke Nicholas Has Ammuni
tion Enough.
LONDON. June 20. Aftr svr,n
wcoka' lutUerlng across Oalicia, dur
ing which the Kusslans. have boon
thrown back more than 150 mile,
the Auatro-Germanft ' are today aa
close to Leinbcrs; aa were the Oer
maa to Parla after their flrat daah
acrcaa France last fall.
Never, perhaps, since bwfore the battle
of the Marne. have the Teutonic allies
appeared so confident of success. Having
failed in their original plan of crushing
France, and then turning tr Russia, they
have reversed the order of their strategy
and now. Judging by the expenditure of
life and ammunition In Oalicia,' they have
pinned their whole faith In so paralysing
the nusstajv army as to penult of tha
throwing of a tremendous weight ot men
and metal Into the western Ihester,
there either to break through the Franeo-
Britlah line or force an Intermldable
period of sanguinary warfare.
Kaiser In Commend.
A dispatch, from Coponhsgen tonight
saya that the German emperor himself
has taken supreme command of the Ga
llclan campaign, establishing his head
quarters In Blllcln, as near to the front
as practicable.
Meanwhilo the German official com-
munloutinn records the further progress
of the Austro-German forces toward
Lemberg, both to the north and south of
the city.
It claims that the Russians have been
cleared from parts of the Dnelster to the
The great questhm F.ngland and Its sl-
Ues are asking Is whether Grand Duke
Nicholas. commanding tha Russian
forces, can successfully enulate Joffra'a
tactics of last fall and cl.cck the Autao
Germana at tha gates of Lemberg.
' What Optimists Think.
Optimists point out that the grand
duka checked them almost at the gates
ot Warsaw, just as Geppyal JoJfr
stopped ' the Germane before Parla and
Field Marshal Sir John French stopped
them before Tpres, Durkirk and Calais.
It Is argued further that even should
Lemberg fall, tha' Russians can drop
back to equally formidable positions,
utilising tha rivers and swamps and other
advantages of tha terrain, and it is the
British contention that, they could thus
hold out for months, England and France
in the meantime sending to their aid
men and muntlons tf necessary.
Ctaestlon of Powder.
Whether Russia has sufficient ammuni
tion to meet the present strain Is a ques
tion which cannot bo antwred In Eng-
lang, although the London papers say
frankly that the shortage Is acute.
One of tha ftunday papers characterizes
tha situation In Oalicia aa "Russia's su
preme emergency," and public Interest
Is centered in that theater, notwithstand
ing tha hard fight in progress along the
western front. The sound of guns Is
audible at Lemberg and possibly this
week will see the culmination of cna of
tha most Interesting phases of the great
Gas Cylinder Part of
The Spoils of British
LONDON, June SO. An official state
ment Issued by tha British war office to
day saya:
"On Friday, north of Hooge, wa occu
pied Oerman trenches on a front of 2M
yards, which the enemy had been foroed
to abandon owing to our local successes
'As a result of the fighting in this
neighborhood during the week, wo cap
tured 213 prisoners. Including two officars,
and took three machine guns and a full
gas cylinder. ,-
"Northeast of Armentlere we explocfSrl
several mines last night, and destroyed
a portion of the enemy s trenches. Our
artillery and rifle fire inflicted heavy
casualties on the enemy while trying to
escape after tha explosion.
"The electrlo powder station at La
Bassee was successfully bombarded yes
terday by our airmen."
CAMBRIDGE, Masa, June SO. In a
statement tonight Edmund T. Dana, an
assistant professor at the University ot
Minnesota, described the suicide of his
young wife by drowning at Nantucket
Thursday as a "tremendously tragic, but
beautiful end."
Mrs. Dans." her husband said, "had
always held the stoical Idea that it Is
more dignified to die of one's own will,
than to . leave the hour, and manner to
circumstances. Personally I am glad it
waa an act of my wife's own choosing
and not a horrible accident, though It
was a pathetic mistake that made her
feel the world would be better without
Continuing, Mr. Dana explained thst his
wife's health becsme run down after the
birth of har child.
She believed she never would be able
to take rare of the baby rroperly." lie I
ssld. "and would handicap
her husband
in his life's work,
msde her feel that
Her artistic si-life
a thing should he
perfect or rot at all."
Mrs. Dana was the daughter of Henry
Holllday, a wealthy steel manufacturer
of Wales. Her husband la a grandson
of Longfellow, the poet.
The Day '9 War New
Aaalro-Germans are within sevea
leea miles of l.etntverc, capital of
tiallela. Ther hare rsptsred Kit
marao, twenty sallea aoalhweat of
l.embersT, also, and have crosses'
the Taaew river.
THIi MOVEMENT to the eastward
from rrsemyal has keta a rapid
for largo armies, aaa, althoaah
the Raaalana have bets srlvea
credit for oppoalaa- tho advaaoe
with strong; rear Boards, tho groat
masses of their forooo hare with
drawn, wtlhoat ranch flablna,
hark to what la prohablr consid
ered (heir strongest defensive
lines, a short aUstnnoo oast ot
Orodek, where they- hold strongly
fortified positions on tho helahts
east of tho chain of lakes ana
along tho mnrshea partly onolr.
rllng that territory.
IN FRANCIS tho allied foroos report
gains at rarlons points. Tho
French hare at last oomplotoly
anrronnded and) oarrteA by wan alt
tho Knnd do Fin vol, a narrow ra
vine oast of tho Lorotto hlllo. This
position has tees eradd with
desperation by tho Gormana alnoo
Mar when It waa finally taken
by tho French. Only a few at tho
defender remained.
TIIH M T.K OF THF.NCHr.S known aa
tho "labyrinth" haa nlao hooa tho I
scene of henry fighting, far nroat
of tho poasagoo havo hoon taken
nnd retaken several times. Tho
French hove onptnroa several ad
ditional German tronohoo at-annal
ouches and la Alsace havo made
n considerable advance, oooaprlng
among other placoa tho town of
Metseral, which tho Oct mans not
on fire before their evacuation.
comes tho Information of late date
that tho llrltlah and French allies
are In poeseeeloa of only a hoot toa
ennnrc mllea of tho aonthern end
of tho penlnaaln. Tho Tnrks are
wrl fortified and aro not only
offering a atnhborn resistance to
nnr further advance, bait aro car
rying ont determined nlgkt ' at
tacks with tho bayonet.
Nebraskan Attack Taft and T. E.
as Leading Sponiori of Organiza
tion Inimical to Peace.
Jennings Bryan, addressing a labor
peace meeting at Carnegie hall ft ere
last nfrht attacked fnrmar PrnaMants
"v' " uu " "P- Weber Pasha; rhaaennan general, cen
sors of oreanizatlons which stood! th. .,. .
for the use of force In International
affairs and which the former secre -
Ury of state declared were Inimical
. .. . .. . ....
to the true interests ot this coMntry
and to the cause of International
Mr. Bryan began hla address by de-
daring that ho could find no more fa-
vorable auspices than those of tonight
for beginning the work which he felt it
his duty to perform aiding 'In tha Oerman military mission, which under
crystallising of tho sentiment In favor ot took the Improvement of tha Ottoman
pnsce In support of the president In his army, Is fully confident that the Turks
efforts to reach an amicable settlement will be able to meet Hie Oalllpoli aitua
of all differences that may, during ths tton and that the allies will never ad
war, arise between thla country and vance against tho Dardanelles forts,
belligerent powers." it haa been ascertained that only a
The "La nor r'.rment.' few Oerman offloera are active In the
He alluded to the "labor element" as south group. German privates are era
"an honorable apellatlon" and declared nloyed In special lines.
that no 'advocate of peace could have a Kritliiu, once a thriving villa of about
deeper Interest In its preservation than 4,000 inhabitants. Is probably the most
thi laboring man, who, without any pe- ruined city in all Kurope. The allies left
cuntary interest In war, recognised that not u house standing during their bom
It was hurtful to htm as bringing about bard men t.
enforced Idleness, Increasing taxes and Insists oa Change.
in calling upon him probably araong the wltmwnTnv t... w
ef7.Uathof :p Woo urr S'xz??
natural that a peaoa movement should ........
begin with th, laboring man and that SrT". .i? f ' r""
organised labor, because of It. readily ,ln thl cBtct'" unofficial re-
operatlv, machinery. shouM ta Z tJ "Unc,nf
lead in such a movement Mr. Bryan "l"6 f tl" cwnP1" Con
continued- stantlnopls waa one of the requirements
'Those 'who work in the cause of '"teT " '"fiT '
pear, will find It necessary to combat WM,. wWelr m''
the force, of militarism, s7w.ll U to do f,Tph1G,'k 1 " 'd'
educational work in behalf of the prln BtaTwIh ,B. "l ' "' th,t th "p-
clple. upon which th. hope of permanent f1il0n.,T G, " '"''..
peace rests, and deem this an oppor- T"'' ?nd that V" yt "c,t
tun. time and place to InMt. you ton- thrUh ,fc7hn t'rrtt!7 W" the,0n,y
ter a protc.t against two organisations m""" V" Gr"e A?1
which are already asking the .upport Tf ' " , ?" ' 1"
the public. Both of these org.matuon. V"' ln T n V" ' W"
are officered and manned by men or ,a'd, h ,Prbly 7 My" p"-
great rrrpectabllity nnU,,(, un,PM ilu aranteed suf-
The Task Proposed feclent territorial cession from Roumanla,
"One of these, orgsnlxatlone has for Its "n,d 6!,rtl"
object a Urge Increase In the army and f1,er "POrtWl ,n ,hB
navy. H has set for Itself tho task of !! ," m"' Wer a,clrl to D"
providing for the nation 1 slcuri" and 'T "Jt BU,Wl"
It 1. busily engaged In mlnlmlxlng ".l'"'" Any vtoltlon "
force and effectiveness -of our armv and
navy In order to furnish argumets in fa
vor ,of the enlargement of both. Ex
Prosfdent Roosevelt is the most poten
tial factor in this group and it la quit
nstural that ori account of hie proml
nenc, hi. great ability and his extreme
(Continued on Page Two, Column One.J
Deapondftnt because he was out of
work and funds, E. B. Saunler, aged 0
years, ended his life Sunday morning by
drinking carbollo acid. M. J. Anderson.
3003 North Twenty-fourth street, at whose
home Haunter roomed, found the man in
a dying condition. He had been em
ployed as a traveling salesman, and I
without relatives, hla wife having died
about a year ago. Dr. Marv Stronr an.)
Dr. Charles Zlmmerer were summoned,
Ht their efforts were of no avail.
Hai;nler had formerly lived at Wichita
and. St. Joseph and was a member of the
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
snd Loyal Order of Moose, A card found
in Ills clothing asked that th. latter
lodge at tt. Joseph ns notified. Coroner
Crosby wirsd them.
Associated Preii Correspondent
Spendi Dajrt in Turkish Trenches
and Find Defenses Very
Their Oocnpancy of Small Part of
Peninsula Coupled yith Great
est Difficulties. .
KRITHIA, Dardanelles, . June 17.
(Via London. June 20.) The al
lied troops, who landed at Seddut
Tlahr, on the Galllpoll peninsula,
hold about teat square mllea of the
extreme southern part of the penin
sula. The ocriupancjr is coupled with
the greatest difficulties:.
The ground held by the allies con-
alata principally ot a small plateau
to the north of SedduV-Bahr and two
adjoining ridges to the northwest,
between which the Turks; are push
ing advance trenches.
Tha Associated Proas correspondent,'
who spent two days in tho trenches
found tha Turkish troops In excellent
condition and spirit despite the fact thst
tha allies are using all means "to carry
on the operations Including bombs thrown
from catapults and from aeroplanes.
Shells Reach Mark.
From tho Turkish station of artillery
ftra control, tha effect of tha Turkish
fire .upon the allied trenches could ho
observed tndar and the shells were reach
ing the mark. The sanitary and supply
services of. the Tnrks aro being carried
on efftcianUr. The a umber of wounded
at the hospital bases at the front wag
small, althouah the fighting during the
nlaht had bean fairly savers
lurlng ths day timej both sides are
usually inactive, tha Turks preferring
night bayonet attacks. Many Turkish
batteries are in position, but tba near
ness of tha opposing makea their
work difficult and for the most part
they are dlreotingt heir attention to tha re
serves of the allies and to changing shifts
ahlch are exposed at certain points. The
Turks In this have tha support of their
heavy batteries on the Asiatlo side, which
sinoe the retirement of tha allied fleet,
work without fear of being molested,
bombaralnf chiefly the allied right wing.
composed of yrsaeh home and colonial
Has Rtgkt-of-War
j in c 1 1 p) ewaa,ss Be I U SJSsVvnj a I ins
1 respondent every opportunity to visit the
! rieddul Bahr district, placing no restric
ilanB UP" correspondent s
movements. The result waa a thorough
lniipectlon of th. Wrt)er Pha
I made no comment on the situation him
self, beyond saying that "tha failure ot
th alltea to consummate their plan of
forcing tha Dardanelles Is too obvious for
I Weber Pasha, who Is a member of the
on Page Two Coliqnn Six.)
Austria Appreciates
Help of Americans-
WASHINGTON. June ). Appreciation
for rifts from Americans and other
foreigners for distribution among th.
famllte. of killed and wounded soldiers
wss expressed in a statement Issued today
by the Auirtro-Hungarian embassy, quot
ing an official communication from
Vienna. '
"A dispatch from the foreign office in
Vienna today states that aa official com
munication mentions Uie extraordinary
gifts sent from foreign countries, espe
cially from the United States to Aostrta
Hungary, consisting of both moooy and
material, the ateteraont says, "These
gifts have slready been distributed and
the whole of the dual monarchy la over
Joyed with thla exhibition of sympathy.
"Ths gifts from both the Oerman
colonies abroad and the hlsrh minded
Americana have formed a support of our
miastona missions, however, are
still ln need of help tor the work among
the families of the dead and wounded
soldlsre "