Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1915, NEWS SECTION, Page 4-A, Image 4

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Drtsher Brothers, Cleaners,
Erect Rug Plant Before
Even Neighbors Re
aliie It
Another Mark of Western Am
bition. Quite Surpasses
Any Other Similar Insti
tution in the West.
'Aha! Prpabers rt trnlMliiK something
sgnln." That what most people said
to thmelT when thfjr nv a btilMtnH
rn up In th rm of Druhr Kroe.' b'.Ono
olffiniriic and iyrtng establishment at
,2.11-2?13 Fsrnura rtrort. Ijut the ordinary
observer stopped rlrht there and dtdrft
,l"-(iUate to Inquire what the new but Id In f
: might be
Hut It's no crrt, and th new atrtic-
I nri 1 well nigh complete. The new
; building In put up entirely of concrete!
I (' three stories high, almost seventy
f"'t. and Includes the tallest flows In
1 Omaha. The tall floors are neoeesery
en that full atxed mm may be hung
: Mthont folding or creasln-. And. mlrld
j oii, the entire bulMIng If to be devoted
; to only the cleaning of rucs, curtains,
' portieres, eto.
Think of that! A special building for
i leaning ruga; " Most cleaners. If they
. rlran rugi at ail, are quit lontant to
clean them any old way, without any
; special department, minus any ' special
I preparation or equipment. It la certain
f that the onllnary cleanera would not go
, to the time, trouble and expense of erect-
Ing a building for rug rteanlrur, but that
la why they remain "ordinary cleaners."
I th-eahers are today the only cleaners
In the entire west who have gone out
i and gotten buslneaa enough to warrant
j them In erecting a rug building. Jealous
' competition might say tt la a caae of
, ' lucj,.- uut it's no such thing. Dresh-
er dean rugs In a truly marvelous man
j ner. It make no difference whether H
is a $10,000 oriental rug or a modest floor
o voting, costing only tlO, tho sparkling
t result la Just tho same. Dresner bring
; out the original colors In all early
J glory; grease, dirt, oil and stains are rn-
moved as oompletoly as though the rug
J were never trod upon. And what l
equally Important, Dresners reels rugs
; Just as the rust mills slse a rue; when
j they make It then and (hen only will
: tho rug lay flat upon your floors.
; Every bit of equipment used In the
: Drcsher Rug buljillng la "home Invented"
and "specially, built.'". Numerous .othef
American cleaners have sought to pur-
chaao similar equipment Of Dresner
t Brothers, but Dresners ere cleaners and
not equipment builders, so the orders
Mil t be tume4.-own. - Who knows,
however, but that Ilresher Bros, might
one. day make up rug eieanlng plants and
. ax-1 1 them throughout America,
To make a long story , short, Dresners
I do the best rug cleaning; In the land and
j will soon have a special building In
j which to do if. f
Fhtorte Tyler ItS an.a will posted ,rug
: mau will oome to your door. If you live
; out of town, send In your rugs
prtna, and presitera ,wilt par the carry
' ing charges one way.
Have Yda Cool Teeth?
Without good teeth It la Im
possible to mesticate your food
properly therefore your dlsestlon
causes polHoned blood poisoned
blood cause pimples,, heailac.hes.
drowslnesa. rheumatism, kidney
trouble and general tearing down
of your system.
TaiYs Dental Rooms
1817 DOUGLA street. '
Fe!dmanfs Misfit Parlor
201 North Seventeenth Street,
' . Corner Capitol Avenue
49 ladles' Buita, worth from 114 00
to 111.00 each will be a mm
will be -sold for... WtiUU
00 Ladjea Coat, priced from llOuo
to .118.0 each .
now... ,
Big lot of Ralnooeta, best
rtMJieS" et . r-.-vvv rr rv , . , -
One RMndred. Children' and Misses'
Dresses, best, null fabric at,, eavb
These I Heaaes are guaranteed , ' to
wanh. Don't fall to visit our store
VVarit A4s
I'r -,- - y
Carranta Has Difference with Obre-g-on
and Four Members of Ha
, Cabinet Hare Resigned.
WASHINGTON, Jnne 19. Differ
ences between General Cirrama and
General fbregon, his principal com
mander; dissensions In the Carranxa
cabinet and Carranza's emoval of
his headquarters to the isolated
safety of the fortress of San 'Juan
be Ullpa, In the harbor of Vera Crui,
all reported to Washington today,
brought the Mexican situation Into
a new focus.
Official dispatches , to th State
department say . these development
threaten this soildltary of ,4he Car
ransa movement.
Occupation of Msxleo City by 0nerel
Pablo Oonsales'and Carransa troops haa
been 'postponed pending the cabinet re
organisation. (Officials here have no complete .Indi
cation of the meaning of the cabinet
crisis, but it la Bald It may have an
Important effect on the Mealcan problem
aa a whole.
Fctar 4 ableet Members Resign.
' latest adices were that four of the
cabinet of eight had resigned and that
Obregon had Insisted In a telegram to
i'arrania that they be retained-and that
a fifth member, ' the. minister ,of , publio
lnatrucllon.'be dismissed.' A newspaper
srtlele by the latter, attacking niost ot
nla colleagues fn" the 'cabinet, led to the
break. Raphael Zuburan, minister of In
terior! Eecudero Verdugo, mlnUter of
Justice; Luis Cabrera, minister of finance,
and Jesus I'erta, minister of foreign af
fairs! decided to stand together and sub
mitted their resfgnatlons.
It Is now reported that In the reor
ganisation Carransa planned to retain
Cabrera. If be dismisses 'the-other thrso.
it la said ha faces a possible break, with
Obregon and other commanders who are
sympathetic with them.
Officials here are concerned to know
whether questions of policy are Involved,
but all- information so far Indicate per
sonal differences.
WitMtn 4VI1 Walt.
President Wilson Intends to wait sev
eral weeks for the situation to shape It
self more clearly before any definite
steps are taken In the new policy an
nounced In his recent statement to the
factions. He wants to see a coalition of
the various branches of the original con
stitutionalist movement and no recogni
tion will be accorded until a government
la set up which gives promise of stability.
Bllseo Arredondo, Carranxa'a represen
tative here, and Charles'' A. Douglas,
legal advlner, go next week to Vera
Crus to lay before Carransa their In-'
tentions of the future development of
President Wilson's policy. 1 1
Dope Sent to Middy '
by Mail Like Copy of
Official Questions
ANNA POLIS, Md., rune 1.-The first
direct evidence offered to the court of
Inquiry Investigating the "gouging" scan
dal at the naval academy, tending to
show the' actual existence of the much
talked of advance copy of questions for
the Spanish examination, was given to
day. Mldshlpmaa Ddward . Jones, when
shown a copy of fhe examination papers
similar t those allefed to hurt been
rnoelved by Midshipman James F. Moss,
and about which the whole scandal first
revolved, said It probably was Identical
with the copy he had seen the night be
fore .the examination In Spanish In the
room Jointly occupied by himself and T.
W. Unison. Harrison and .Moaa are ot
the prlglnal- seven midshipmen recom
mended for dismissal by Superintendent
Fullern asxa result of the Investigation
by an academy board.
Jones believed that, Harrlwn had re
oelvtd the tfaper from Moss, as Moss, he
said, had been gettlnc things through the
mail right along. . Continuing hie testi
mony, Jones said he had seen envelopes
received by Moss with "dope" In them.
Ha had no Idea who eould have sent the
papers to Mosa and that Mosa did not
seem to knowathelr source himself.
Jones did not thtnk thst either of the
defendants mentioned had the slightest
Idea the papers were really advance
copies of the examination. -
U-29 Rammed by
British Ship that .
Flew Swedish Flag
BERLIN, June l.-(By Wireless to
Payvlllr ) Included in the news items
given out today by the Oversea New
agency 1 th following:
."The German admiralty has published
a confirmation of th long standing
rumor that the submarine was de
stroyed by a British tank steamer which,
flying the Rwedlsh (lag- at the time, ram
med the submarine after It had been f
ueraa 10 slop. - j
iunmivnung on mis. uvrman newspjp
per say It Is proof of the British abuse
J leutral T.V7T. d that th illegal
oourse followed by ship of commerca
compel th commanders of German stro
ma rinse to consider their own safety
first and sink such ship without warn
ing." LONDON, June l.-Offlclal denial waa
made here today of the Berlin statement
that th German submarine V-'J waa
destroyed by a British tank steamer fly
ing th Swedish flag. A statement given
out here today says: "In reference t th
notice Issued (by the British admiralty)
on March tS. as to the supposed sinking
of the German submarine U-29, the sec
retary of the admiralty makes the fol
lowing announcement:
"Th German submarine 17-2 was sunk
by on of his majesty's ships yesterday."
Governor Studying
Record in Frank
Case Carefully
ATLANTA. Q Juns . Oovernor
Blaton, at his country home, continuing
hi exhaustiv study of tb case of Io
M. Frank, under sentence to be hanged
next Tuesday for the murder of Mary
Phagan. said today he probably would
iot be prepared to announce hi docisloa
on Frank' application for commutation
of hi aenteaoe to life imprisonment until
Monday afternoon or Tuesday morning.
N this country we do not make
any particular ceremony of
the strawberry season. It Is
et becsuae our strawberries
sre Inferior In quality either,
but possibly because we are
a busy ami very practical nation, and
the small festivities cotne with difficulty.
In London during the strawberry sea
son, which coincides with the social one,
all the fashionable world repair to
Carlton Terrace botween t and 4 o'clock
In the afternoon. The strawberries are
served on a small bit or the lne Just
w they grew. You pick them off with
you own fingers, and dip the tips In
powdered H'ignr. No real strawberry
lover a Mown hie berries to be washed, or
eats thm with cream. The waahlng de
stroy the dolli ate perfume end mats
down the little enveloping fuxi. All fine
berries are grown on straw, and when
picked show no sign whatever of dust or
contact with the earth.
The Vine served In a silver pot with
twelve berries and what cream you like,
as it Is managed at Carlton Terrace,
comes to H.S0; a trifle high. rSit one gets i
a goo,j deal besides the berries.' The
tables are set on a magnificent markee
e ore red glns enclosed terrace, overlook
ing the Thames, with It busy tugs and
barge, and It' worth something to gaxe
upon beauty and fashion at Its height.
There Is a cheeper way of eating
strawberries In England, and to my mind
more delightful. As one drives through
the country district lit the season, the
children come running out with great,
luKcloua berries; each enticing pile in a
big green cabbage leaf. It seem to be
quite the tiling to stop and buy them and
cat them as one drive along. Certainly
a pretty experience. The pennies given
to the children somehow leavo a mora
pleasing memory than the half sovereign
left at rh Terrace ' -
In Berlin there Is a certain restaurant
on a famous street, where they serve
nothing but fruit during the months when
it is In season. L. and I haopened UDon
strawberry time. On a long counter at
the aide of the room were great trays of
berries, some large, some small; you
chose the ones you w.inted and later they
wer brought to you at a small table. It
was odd to look about and see everybody
eating strawberries ,Jn some guise or
other and not another tiling in the whole
place. About ten days Inter the crowd
waa all devouring cherries.
Do you know what a mat-bowk? Is? I
never met one till I went to Germany.
Off all delectable drinks It I the most
Oovernor Blaton said positively there
would be no respite, but that by Tuesday
he will deolde either to commute the sen
tence or to dqcllne to Interfere.
' "Th Judgment of the court." said the
governor, "should cause the prlsonor to
prepare for death. In the event my de
cision should be adverse, he has had
ample time to make preparation."
Thaw Sanity Trial v
Will Be Prolonged
.' NEW YORK, June. tt.-Ooun "or
Harry K. Thaw and for the state were
agreed today that there should be ao at
tempt to delay or adjourn the hearing
on the : question of Ms sanity, which
comes irp before Justlo Hsndrlok and a
Jury next Tuesday. This agreement fol
lowed a decision by the court of appeal
yesterday sustaining Thaw's appeal for
a trial by Jury. AH his previous hear
ing on writs of bareas corpus to obtain
freedom from . the Matteawtn asylum
have been before Justice alone. This
time Justice Hendrlck decided to call a
Jury to "act In an advisory cspselty."
Deputy Attorney General Frank Cook,
who with Deputy Alfred I Becker, will
conduct th state's case. Intimated that
they would Inquire into Thaw' history
at great length and that alienist would
ba called as witnesses. He said be .was
not sure whether Evelyn Thew would
Morgan J. O'Brien of Thaw' counsel
satd Thaw was anxious to go on th
I. 4 r
ne for Breakfast-
and One for Work" Lofe'
Nuts, and relishes his meals.
r u
"There's a
ambrosial. Imagine a foundation of
champagne and some variety of irparklln?
water with a faint touch of lemon, and
Into this is dropped fresh strawberries
and a little pineapple and the whole
Karved in a tall-stemmed glass. At the
same time that the mal-bowle flourishes
the famoua "spargel" lsjn eeason; add
to this a smell Juicy steak and a bit of
salad and the kaiser' himself could kslc
nothing further, j ; 1
', ' -On
the hotel veranda ht 'Iahndock, a
picturesque village 1a-"Xuetrla, we saw
many people eating hue strawberries at
dinner. We said we would like sorne for
our dessert. Bhortly. the head waiter ap
peared with what seemed to u to be a
small ' bureau drawer full of wonderful
berries. -He was an Imposing creature as
all "obere" are apt to be. For. the min
ute we felt rather consplnuou. It roused
our sense of fun to have a six-footer In
full ober's evening d res bring a drawer
full of strawberries Info a crowded din
ing room for our Inspection. We felt
better when we saw others going through
the Same ceremony. The foreigner are
very proud of their frill. It commands
mucn fspeet. They grow It lovingly and
pick' It carefully and eat It prayerfully
And don't, you remember the "petites
fralses" the tiny honey-sweet wild straw
berries of Franoe; whole heap of them
for sale In the markets and offered en
every hand. They are about as largo as
the tip of one's smallest finger, each with
It little green cap and stem.
No where did I eat sweeter or better
berries than are grown In the fields about
Omaha, but we Americans do not deem
to have the gift for stage setting.
It would not be well to forget our
American etrswberry short cske, for
perfectly mede it Is a dream of delight.
Reposing- upon the plattor with Its
powdered sugar reronal gleaming white
above th richness and the- redness. It 1
enough to make th mouth 'of any loyal,
cltlsen water. With thla delectable In
vention must be served "clotted cream"
and plenty of It If there is a chance one
furtively change ones fork for a spoon!
Khort cake Is both poetic and filling, and
the satisfaction derived Is two-fold. .
Anyone with a garden plot may have a
few strawberry plants. They are very
easily grown. If cultivated, fertilized In
the fail, and the runners kept relentlessly
cut off they will do welL Tho bed should
be remade every third year a the berries
become small and the bed gives out. You
can have a lot of pleasure In return for
a very small amount of trouble. M. I
witness stand and demonstrate that he
la now sane and that his counsel had
score of witnesses. Including; alienists.
Ohio Farmer Kills
Daughter, Wounds
Wife and Kills Self
-. (
HarVey-O. Dyslnger, a wealthy Hardin
county farmer, today shot and probably
fnalty Injured hi wife, killed hi duugh
trr Esther, IS years eld -wounded his son
Herbert, 18, and committed suicide it his
home near Forest Dyslnger was 40 year's
old. No reason for ills action Is known
, Th .only, member of the family to es
cape unscathed was tha youngest child,
Kenneth, aged U, who was rescued by
Herbert. The latter Is not seriously hurt
Mrs. Dyslnger will die.
j , . - ......
Elaenhart-Solonsea. .
M'OOOK, Neb., June 1. 8pectsl.)
Married, st the residence of the bride's
parents. S04 East First street, Wednes
day evening, A. C. Klsenhart of Culbert
son. Neb., to Miss Feme Solomon. Dr.
EX K. Bailey Of Oxford. Neb., officiated.
The groom la the cashier of the Culbert
aon bank and the. bride haa been a prom
inent teacher In the Poutlj Omaha schools
for. a number of years.
a Healthy Appetite
Reason" for
(Continued front rage One
Hon, The "T. 1'. A. Magazine," ciicu
latlng to nearly M.OOO person, will carry
a printed account of the round of enter
tainment here, the marvels of the court
of King Ak-Sar-Ben and the wonder
of that manarrrt's !rn; the gTeateet of
the .South Omaha etocir yards and the
wonderful luncheon served the visitor
there. . wlilch they declared waa not a
luncheon, but a banquet; the pretty trip
to Ieke Manawa snd the novelty of the
catfish bake under the supervision ot
Page Morrison, Iowa state secretary; tha
luncheon at the Itcn Blecuit company's
plant; the receptions, luncheons and din
ners at the various hotels and the fine
theater party prepared by the entertain
ment committee on a few hours' notice
In an emergency.
Flad Jhe West Civilised. '
Some of the delegate from Pennsyl
vania, Virginia, Georgia and other far
off places of the peaceful east and south,
thought to find a stockade around the
city a protection against the , Indian
The wild west dramas; staged by the
moving picture people In Xe? Jersey,. had
given the .impression that civilisation out
here was somewhat In that state. .
Instead, they found a olty quite as up-to-date
as Philadelphia. . Richmond or
Pavannah. and with no other Indians
than those which Invite to cigar stores.
snd with only such cowboys aa were
1 rl.. . ... .. .
7" TT "r vna lanK cartridges
They found a state of weather that
couldn't be found fault with. They got
a glimpse of hundreds of miles of corn
and wheat flee. dotted with the big
bams and comfortable farm house of
the population. They learned that , the
farm crops of thla part of the country
must be talked about In "billions," and
they found the street streaming with
Will Tell of Qwlrcra.
These are wide-awake business men,
mark you, who "speak right out in meet
ing" when they know a good thing. They
won't ge about hiding Omaha's light
under a bushel. The folks at home and
th customers out "on the road" will
hear about Omaha and the Omaha con
vention. The local men In the association who
did most for th success of the affair
are the member of the local executive
committee, made up of the chairmen of
the various committees, and the Omaha
post aecretary. They arc a followi
Herbert O. Hoel, chairman; John W.
Oarable, chairman way and means;
Oeorge W. Long, chairman entertain
ment; N. Stanley Brown, chairman re
ception and hotel; O, U Wohlford, chair
man publicity; Oearge E. Begerow, chair
man program; Frank B. Holbrook, chair
man transportation; Luclen U Carr, sec
retary. v
Begerow National Director.
Omaha and Nebraska were honored
with one officer each. George E Bege
row ot Omaha was re-elected national
director, and Rev. A. A. Brooks of Hast
ing wa elected national chaplain.' .
. Another big factor In th success of the
convention and the .satisfaction of. the
visitors and their ladle waa th local
ladies' reception committee.. Members ot
the fair sex graced nearly every occa
sion, Including the business sessions of
the convention. Members of . this com
mittee were in ioiiowmg:
Charles Allan '
Oeorge K. Begerow
A. O. Barker
N.. Stanlev Urown
A. G. Hover
Charlea liett
J. H. Cutoff
H. Chtrness
K. A. Countryman
Oeorge C. Crump
L.. U Carr
William M. Devltt
wnliam D. Eck
Fred U Empkle
George C. Empey
J. B. Griffin
W. H. Griffiths
John W. Gamble
R. R. Gllmore
John P.. Golden '
Charles Ij. Hopper
H. G. Hoel
Frank J. Huaes
Walter J. Hushes
James T. Hogan
A. P Hoag
W.'T. Lawrence
C. O. Ioeck
George W. Long
R. D. McFaddan
Hugo Malchlor '
J. F. Mevera
J'age Morrison
H. B. Noves
N. O'Brien -C.
J. Ochiltree
H. B. Patrick
J. I. Porcuplle
Allan D. fcpelr
W. A. Stone
W. F. Btrohbebn
Thomas F. Swift
J. H. Stlne .
R. F. Seitx
W. II. Sichelberg
R. B. Trimble
Paul Themonson
A. A. Townsend
M. N. Woodward
O. Is. Wohlford
C. E. Huahns
W. W. Watt.
Miss Turtle Hoag,
Mla E. S. May.
and is keen and fit for a
hard day's work.
is made from whole wheat
and malted barley; with all
the essential mineral phos
phates retained.
A 1 0 days' trial of Grape
Nuts may show- how to' .
make yourself fit to do things
that bring money and fame.
Grape - Nuts
Midsummer Frocks
that will enchant every
woman who loves the smart
out-of-the-ordinary creation.
Fancy Organdies,
Striped Trueville Linens,
Plain Linens Smartly Trimmed,
Polka Dot, Striped and
Flowered French Voiles,
Palm Beach Cloth
$yS0 $g50 $975 $12 $15
A convincing assortment of Fine WHITE
Nets, Organdies, Voiles mnd Crepe de Chines,
Those White Coats
Qral lagt eek caused such a sensation that
V-n Oaie pleased customers told their friends
ml they told their friends we hustled up and secured
another assortment from the
Same Maker's Overstock
A Cj.-,1 tnev include the latest belt
S lOl OtyieS, and flare effects, tailored
iu serviceable Waffle Cloths and Corduroys, with black
velvet to enrich the collars, cuffs and belt.
Coats that you'll recognize
as $15.00 values Monday ,
Mail orders carefully taken care of as long as the.,
coats last.
Novelty Coats for
Street or Auto Wear
Full, loose tyles with a flare, designed
for women who understand
$10 $14!i2 $172
Heretofore from $15 to $29.50
Summer Sport Hats
The Summer Uat must be chosen for
comfort -as well aa for beauty. Many
women prefer it to be moderately priced.
Silk Slouch .' 50
White Duck, with green facings 75
Corduroy Tam-o-Shantas, white and colored. . . . .S1.50
Tailored Silk Faille, all colors $2.25
1516-18-20 FARNAM STREET.
The Dentist Who
Knows How
BB. eiLflEffi
the Painless
Mrs. Hoffman of 1808 Maple
St.. Omaha, had 10 taeth extracted
t7 th nsa of vapor mist. Writ
her and hear vhat aha 111 aa
about our painless method.
Hara your teeth examined and
fixed np now. See na tomorow.
Mrs. Cook ot 20 J 3 N St.. South
Omaha, had nlae teeth extracted
by the use of irepor mist.- Write
or phone her and hear what she
will say about extracting teeth
without pain.
Bargains in practically
new articles in "For
Sale" column: read it
We lay special em
phasis on those at
Because for beauty
and good valxie
they far surpass
anything else of
their kind in the
Set of Teeth 5.00
Best Set on Rubber. . . . . .910.00
On Aluminum $12.50
Gold Crowns Sa.fio I p
Bridge Teeth, per tooth. $4X)0 l'p
Porcelain Crowns, like your
own teeth $3.50 Up
Dffics, 204 Paxton Block
(Second Floor.)
16th and Parnam
Open Bunders, 10 to 12;
Kvonlngs Until 7.
Ltwly Attendant. Itionr Red 1201.
Send for Our Booklet TrUin
All About Oare of Teeth. Oau
and Get a Bamplo Bottle of Our
Pyorrhea Cure.