Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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    THK HKl. OMAHA, FKTDAV, JUNK 18, 1915.
On Face and Shoulders. Scratched
and Made Worse. Great Disfig
urement. Used Cuticura Soap
and Ointment. Spots All Gone.
R. r. D. . Box 0. Jopiln. Mo." Mr
trouble began first m little- red spots ap
pearing on my kin. They efforted my fere
and shoulders. They Itched
and burned terribly. Then
I would 100110)) them and tt
1 would make tnem worse. My
whole farti and shoulders
would he tor. Tbe eruption
would burn and itch espe
cially when I would let In the
iuii anu a- i n J iui amtl
.vf i. t MIA wnw fn
break out wnrse. It wm a great diafl turn
Bent who It lasted. Some nights It kept
m awake, I could hardly bear any cloth
ing on my (boulder at all. -
"I tried MTaral dlffnrrat remedies all la
rein. , I almost gave; up trying when a
friend advised torn to dm Ourlcura Soap and
Ointment.. ' In a week ray face began to
get better and la another two weeks tha
spots war all m." (Signed) Mlas Alt
icon, iw a, lou.
Sample Each Free by Mall
Wtth gj-p. ft kin Rook on mnumt. Ad
dress post-card "Cuticura, Dept. T, Boa
tarn." - Sold throughout the world.
Tou Can Wear a Beautiful Genuine
Diamond or Make a Hatdaoma Wad
din or Oraduatlon ,lreaent by film
ply Opening a Charge Account Wtth
. IMamond Itlnr.
Mk. nll4 aata, T.nfTI
rrf-tloti" S50
aa outing W
9 a Month
11.11 1 valuers.
f ma anil iota, ess
Mine on) a esmar.
Pa r pendant fine
Stamond: romp!
vita u-ia. ftlR
rhiln. at... 10
1.80 a Month
W1 lioiiml
Ooatar Ring
tiasrr 14k Milld mill.
ssvsn fin nalnlomla
Use a Blnaia gdR
SI a , Weak
Nw thla modal Elgin.
Watthani or Haain-
eaa W'atrhsa. guars ot4
from lit
us. Tsroa aa low a a II
I Cftt Daily Till I T. R. Sat at lap Till 10
! " Tall ar write tor Catalog Na. Ml. Phaaa
I Dauflae IM4 aad saleatnao will nail.
m. lata
oap ahmild ba uaad very aparlncly,
If at all. If rou wrant io kwn your
hair look Inn Ita beat. Moat aoape and
prepared ahampooa contain too much
alkali. Thla drtee the acalp, tnakra
the hair brittle and rulna It.
The boat thine for ateady uae la
Juat ordinary mulalflad coooannt oil
(which la pure and (reaaeleae), Is
cheaper and bntter than aoap or any
thing )" ou can uae. f
One or tao teaapoonfula will claanae
tha hair and acalp thoroughly, .sim
ply molaten tha hair with water and
rub It In. It makra an abundance of
rlrh. creamy lather, which tinaaa out
aalty, rermrvlna; every particle of diiat.
dirt, dandruff and eaoeaidva oil. The
hair drtea qukkly and evenly, and It
leavea the acalp aoft. and tha hair fine
and allky, bright, luatroua, fluffy and
eay to manage. v
Ton can et mulalfied cocoanut oil
at any pharniacy. and a few ounrei
will eupply every member . of tbe
family for montha. Advertiaement
Hotel Lenox
LLktfTf It
One block from Copley Sq. and
Public Library. , Convenient to
Shopping and Theatre District
All Outside Rooma. Excellent
Single Rooms wtth Bat h J.SO and up
Double " JJ0, " " t J.50 " 'l
(Good Oarages 2 minute' walk)
L C. PRIOR. Habeas
. Two minutes from Back Bay StatloO
Tea minutes trom North fatititi
Good Spirit
'5 3 3
can only be enjoyed ty those whose
digestive organs work naturally and
regularly. . The best corrective and
preventive yet discovered for irregu
lar or faulty action of stomach, liveror
bowfcli, is known the world over to be
SeU everywkare. la beaea, 10( 2 Sc.
CONSIDfeltADLE pecnlation ii rife Juat now aa to the re-aeon why a
certain very ajood looking Omaha matron if aojourntng to long In
outhern California, montly Lou Angeles.
Riitnor has It that very shortly she will aecure her divorce
and is whlllng away the waiting hours'among the roees and the sunshine.
A truly temperamental way of doing thing, n' est ce pas?
Her husband is In Omaha successfully occupied In business and Mr.
Man No. 2 in the case Is also a well known Omahan and lives In an apart
ment In one of the older apartment houses of the Hanscom park district.
The lady Is fair, with unusually beautiful blond tresses, large, blue
From all indications an announcement may be expected very soon.
eyes and brilliant coloring.
At the Country Club.
Oij of the moat attractively appolnlAl
dinners last evnliia at the Country club
wm alven by Mr. J. A. ti-era, compli
mentary to Mien Mary Hall of Chicago,
who la the houae, jrueat of Mr. and Mrs.
C. t. Bttirtevant. A brilliant mound of
red decorated the table and Mr.
Oavere' guttata Ini lnded:
Moear. and Meadaroea
W. A. Fraaer. C I. Hun ter ant
.Viae Marv H
I f n 11.
Wra. Clarlea Marnl).
- Mat FtorVtnn llelh.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wheeler enter
tained at dinner laat evening. t Tholr
gueata were:
Meaara. and Meadamea
Harry Tukey, Arthur f.'ooley.
Medamea Maadninea
Eva Wallace. Allan Koblnson .
Mr. I'Jmer 'oie.
lr. LeKoy Crummer.
Mr. and Mra. John Redl k eniertalned:
Meaara. and Meadamea
Paul GaUigher, cnifwypprt
barton Millard.-- rmfwyppp
Mr. and Mr. FKahk ' JUdaoK had one
of the laracr dinner parties. Thalr gueata
occupied the green room and Included:
Meaara. and Medarne .
Howard lialorlilge, V. Tt. Mck'een.
Henry tVynian, leorge hellr,
Wilson liOe. ('. '. fnorge.
A. V. Klnaler, .V. T. 'ae.
Meaarai Meaara).
Han-v McCormlrk, A.'B. Warren,
ltaiidall Brown.
Mra Arthur Remlnglon.
' Mli Alloc Jaqulth will entertain a party
of sixteen at dinner Paturday evening at
the Country club In honor of her gueet,
Mlaa l.uclle Oreen of . Indianapolis. Mr.
and Mra. C. B. Keller wilt have twenty
eight gueata,
A smaller party ii composed of:
Vttaaea Mleeee
Ilelrnililghy Helen t:iarke.
of 'Chicago. '
Meenrs. ' Moaara
Hen Gallagher, Ouy Kuray. N
At Happy Hollow. 1
Mrs. C. la. Weaver entertained at lunoh
eon for thlrtv-four gueata. The table waa
decorated with pink and white carna
tions. Mrs. K. C. rttera and Mrs.-J. O. Trim
ball had twelve, gueata.. .'
'With Mra. -CV 8. Btahblns were Mrs.
George Btebblna and . Mrs.' Knight.
Mrs. James Prummond entertained for
Mrs. D. K.' rAmlth of Muleshoe, Te., and
Mlaaea Helen Prummond and Anna Mll
roy. Mr. and Mra. Ward M. Burgeaa enter
tained Informally at dinner laat evening.
Covera were placed for eleven.
Mr. and Mra. J. P. Foater will give a
dinner thla evening at the Country club.
A large baaket of Iris, dalalea and wild
roees will be used aa the table center
piece, and covera will be placed for fifteen
The Mimes Louise and Olga Stors gave
a luncheon of fifteen .covera today. A
large baaket of daisies decorated the
Mrs. O. Jon entertained at luncheon
today In honor of Ml Nell l.yon and
Mlaa CleinenU Bmlth. Her gueata were:
A. I. Ctoyd.
C: J- lvon.
Tteulah Frarler.
!Cinin Fullawav,
Kllwood Pratt,
Nell l.yon.
Klkiua. W. V.;
Helon Buck,
Clements Smith.
F.itlth Nome.
l)ir.thv lyle.
Clarkaourg. Mo.
Wedding AnnonnoementR.
Announoemeant has Just b-n made, of
tha marriage of Mlaa Roae C. Johnaon.
da'ighter of Mrs. J. P. Johnaon. to Albert
lredelund. The marriage took place at
the home of the brlda'a mother, Fifty
third atreet and Military avenue, Thurs
day evening, June 10. Pr. Baltsty. pastor
of JCounU Memorial Uutheran- ohureh,
officiating. Mr. and Mra. Hedelund will
make their home for the present wrrhJA
Mra Hedelund's mother. Mr. lledclund
la coraneoted with the t'nited Grain com
pany, coming to Omaha from Blair ' a
number of years ago.
L M. E. Club Party.
Mrs. C. t. Classen entertained tha
membere of the La.- M. H. Kensington
club Wedneaday at the Brandela Blue
room, la honor of Mra. Klaasen, the
president, who leavea aoon for Salt take
City. The-club preeented the prealdeut
wtth a stiver Jelly knife. Mra. W. J.
Frown will entertain the club In two
weka at tier home. Those present were:
Meadamea Meedamee
F. K Smyths
W. J. hrown.
'. M. elaaeaii.
C. J. Paloer.
V. B. Kuaaam,
W. J. Traver.
A. W. Pallaa,
J. K. Butler,
M. Huberts,
Kllru KLaseen,
K. 8. Beckwith,
J. F. Pugan,
Fred Weingand.
M argaret Plereol of
Carroll, la.
At the Field Club. .
Membere of the Commercial club played
golf and tennis thla afternoon at the
Field club. Tbe game will be followed by
a bet-fatrak dinner and covera will be
prac, for V gueata.
Mra. J. It. Conrad entertained at
luncheon today. Her table waa decorated
with KUIarney roaea and rose place
cards warkt'd the names of the guests,
who were. ,
W. F. Wiley, ;
Paullne Barr
vt lxa Angeles,
J. W. partial!.
MlSaek' '
V. ergs ret Painter
of Cody, V o.
The wedding of Mlsa Kmma Back,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Bark,
and Mr. Alfred P. Peterson took place
Wedneaday etenlng. June l)th, at t
o cluck, at the home of the bride s par
ents. The Bev. O. P. Ealtstoy performed
the ceremony, which waa follow d by a
reception at tha Benson sudltorium.
. Mrs. William N..n and Mr. Carl
ChrlateBaan, viollnlat. played the Lohen.
grrn wedding march.
The bride wore a gown of white satin,
trimmed, avlth real lace and peer la The
aklrt was short and tha bodice, waa mad
all!) a sarin Jacket tiimmed with lace
aud pearla. Her veil wac caught with
aeeet peaa and she carried a t bower
toi,uet of wktte roaea and Itm peas.
The groom'a altr. Miaa Olga IVterann,
waa the brtecemaid. fhe or pink
i rpe-dc-iitiic. ' trlmnie l with real lace.
Mi iar-ied u bouquet cf KUIarney rosea
I.UlIf' II vlaa. a couain of
Thursday, June 17, 1915.
the bride, was gowned in white and car
ried the ring In a calls Illy.
Mr.. Ralph 5oticte was best man.
The marriage linea were maul under
an arch made of ivy vines and pink
roes. A white lell hung from the cen
ter of the arch. Pink and white waa car
ried out In decorations st the home and
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Peterson will
be at home after July 1, at W North
Thirty-third street.
At the Field Club. -
Mrs. Charles F. Crowley gave a lunch
eon of fifteen covers.
The regular children's dsy program at
Lhe Field club wlU not be held tomorrow,
as first announced. These programa will
begin Friday afternoon of neat week.
A Dutch treat lunch was composed df:
Meedamee Meadamea
KvorMt HucklnehamFmnk Kwlng,
i. W. Tngweraon, I. A. Welah.
Pcrlbnar, V. McCoy.
tMward fmlth; K. V. Pollard.
The weddln of Miss Irene Burnoll and
Mr. Chaunoey Johnson was celebrated
at rJt- Ambrose Episcopal church on
Wedneadsy. June 18. Rev. Iioyd Holsap
ple performed the ceremony. The church
waa decorated with palms and KUIarney
rosea Mr. Joenes played the wedding
march and Mra. Adams sang ' Btlll aa the
The bride wore a gown of white crepe
meteor, made empire. She crfrrled a
shower bouquet of bride's roses and lilies
of the valley.
Mlas Beas McCHll wag the maid of
honor. She was gowned In yellow crepe
de chine end oarrlod 'Mrs. Ward rosea.
The brldnamalds were the Mlaaea Mabel
Nelson and Alice Bumell.
Mr. Clarence Johnson, brother, of the
groom, wss beat man, and the uahers
ware Messrs. Ben Graves and William
About 100 gueata were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson will be st home
after July 1 at 3U8 Hprague atreet
Entertaini Card Club.
Mrs. Trustier entertained the Kidualve
Card club at the Hotel Millard Wednes
day. High five waa the game played.
High acoroa were made by Mrs. Lang
and Mra. Bastian. Tiio gurets of honor
were Mrs. 1.. Thurtnger andv Miss H.
'Fries. Those present wore:
Meadamea- Meadamea
Htuth. Truatlor,
Hniith, ' 'liaaUan,
Lock nor, Huniiclier,
Ijinge, Friok.
The next nweting will be at the home
cf Mrs. M. P. Griffin.
Mra G. SlnAneK gave an Informal
luncheon at br. home Tuesday. The
gueata were:
Meertninrs Meadamea
A. Horky, .!. c. Kunol,
J. Jellnck, u. Blnanck.
C. Vlacfc.
Luncheon Postponed.
Mra. C. B. Csrrlgan has postponed her
luuoheon planned for today until Tues
day of next week, when she will enter
tain at the Field club In honor of her
gueata. Mlas Mary Hood and Mrs. 8. V.
Kensington Club Entertained
Mrs. C. J. Vlack entertained tbe Ken
sington club Ihuraday afternoon at her
home. The members present were:
Meadaines Mesdamea
A. Horky, J. Kllllan,
A. tuxi. F. tiworak,
P Kumel, J. 8har.aia,
A. Puaa. F. Fix a.
V. Kroupa, J. Kroupa.
J. Jelinek.
A. Kucera,
J. Kllllan,
J. O. KuncL
C. J. 1ack.
Informal Luncheon.
Mrs J. Jelinek entertained at luncheon
Tueaday.. Covers were paid for:
Meadamea Meadamea
O. K. Hirdlng. v Charles Vlak,
J. Aninlia, J. O. luncl,
F. Rlpa, Joaeph Jelinek.
With the ViiitoriT"
Mlaa Mary Hood of Knowlesvllla. N. T.r
and Mra K. V. Moffitt are the gueata of
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carrlgan.
Mlas Mary Hall o( Chicago, who has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sturtevant,
expects to leave for her home the laat
wi mia weeK,
Original Cooking Club.
Mr Joseph Barker was hostess today
at tha regular meeting of the Original
Cooking cl cvarB were planed for:
Herbert Wheeler,
William Scare
George Prtns,
W ard Burgeaa,
Moshler Colpt-taer,
Samuel Burns, r. ;
Luther Koun'.sa,
Charlea Kountae,
Pleasure! Patt.
Mlas Viola Mtildoon entertained eight
gueets, members of the senior claas of
the Omaha High school, at her home
Monday afternoon.
Newt of the Wayfarers.
. Registering at the HoteJ MoAlpin from
Omaha during tha last week have been:
Meaara Meaara,
HermanRelnhold, F. J. Jumper.
H. K. tJhaler,
Personal Mention.
Mr. and Mra. Orla 8. Goodrich left this
morning la their car fur a two weeks'
trip, which will fee spent at Excelsior
Springs, Mo.
Pr. and Mra. J. 1C. Muldoon and Pr.
and Mrs. W. L. Bucha motored from
Haattn-ae Neb., to attend the commence
ment of the Omaha Hlgsi school. They
will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Muldoon while In the city.
Mr. F. H. Garvin left leet week for the
east to attend tha graduation .of hts
daughter.; Helen, from Bradford academy
at Bradford. Maaa. Mr. Garrta and his
daughter will apend a couple of weeks
traveling In the east before returning
home. " '
The aee at ftheeanatlsaa.
Use Mloan'e Liniment and you won't
t-ate nimt causes tt- The first applica
IHD I elpa. Uuod for actaliea. neuialgla.
t-tr. All d'ugtiikis. Adtertiserueul.
r 1
Pregldent of the Vniverslty of Missouri.
Married T. P. A. Says
Omaha Girls Rank
High for Beauty
One of the Vlrjlnls delegation wss ex
patiating eloquently on the therms of
the Omaha sirla to a group of agreeable
gentlemen who engaged him In conversa
tion. "Good stuff," sh Id ,ne of the gentle
men aa he drew out his paper Vnd pencil.
"Eh, you-all ain't newspaper men."
cried tho elrxiut nt one with alarm.
Being Informed that the . gentlemen
were of thut envied profession, the Vir
ginian devoted his eloquence to an ap
peal not to have his name mentioned.
"Te gods,' boys, I'm a married man,"
he aaid. 'Pon-t publish mv- neTIT?-
Hb fears were get at rent. Behold, hla
name Is Anonymoiui
Whooprnar Couch.
"When iny daughter had whooping
cough she coughed so hard at one time
that ahe had hemorrhago of the lungs.
i wwa lernpiy alarmed about her condi
tion. Seeing ChamberlnJn'g Cough Rem
edy so highly recommended, I got her a
bottle and It relieved the cough at once.
aerore alia had finished two bottles of
this remedy ahe waa entirely well "
writes Mra. 8. F. Urlmea, Crooksville
Ohio. Obtainable everywhere. Advertiae.
Sounds of "There's n Little nark'of
Love Still Burning." "I'd Love to Live
In Lovcland, "Tlpperary," 'T-hluatown"
and whan You're a Long, Long Way
from Home." reverberated through the
city hall. The scene of the music waa on
the fifth floor of the municipal building. '
superintendent Graff of the nubllo
school was not slnsirur becaua a-hi
will beNut Friday. These sounds were
not of teachers who were jubilant be
cause they will get their salaries In a
rew days. Neither was It President
Brnst of the Board of Kducation.
The harmony emanated from a groun
of the teachers' tfsining clsssl around
What Thin Folks Should
Do To Gain Weight
Ffcysiolaa'a Advloe Tat Thla. Vnde.
veioped Men and Women.
Thouaanda of people aufter mmi exces
sive thlnueas. weak nerves and feeble
stomacha who. having tried advertiaed
fleah-makera, food-fads, physical culture
stunts and rira-on creams, resign them-,
selves to lifelong aKInnlneaa and thlnJc
nothing will make them fat. Yet their
caae 1" not honelesa. A recently discov
ered regenerative toice makea fat grow
after years of thinness, and la also un
equalled for repairing the waste of sick
nesa or faulty digestion and for strength
ening the nervea. Thla remarkable dis
covery la called Sargol. Six atrength
glvlng, fat-producing elements of ac
knowledged merit have been combined' In
this peerless preparation, which la en
dorsed by eminent phyahiana and uaed
by prominent people everywhere, it Is
absolutely harmleaa, Inexpensive and ef
ficient. A month's svatematlc uae of Rararnl
J should produce fleah and atrength by cor
recting rauiia oi aigeauon and by sup
Plying highly concentrated fnta to the
blood. Increaaed v nourishment la ob
tained from the food eaten, and tha t.
dltlonal fats that thin people need are
provided. Sherman A McConnell drug
i tores and other leading druggtats sup
ply Sargol and .say there Is a large de
mand for It
While this new preparation haa given
splendid results aa a nerve-tonic, and vl
tallser. It should not be used by nervous
people nnless they wish to gain st lesst
ten pounds of fleah. Advertisement.
415-417 South
Old Ivory Finished. Imported Reed
Summer Furnishings
Upholstered In Summer Cretonnes or T pea tries specially
designed for YOUR personal comfort during tbe warm summer
months. Come in and see the
tte Pi ftrf nlara II i1 1 UkV 1 111
. j a ...,...,.
aLajCi'ai laS
Alleges Husband v
Tore Up Wedding
Dress in a Rage
Alleging that her husband In a fit of
rage tore up her wedding dreaa and on
two occasions pointed a revolver at her.
Mrs. Mollie K. Ablon has brought suit
for divorce from Oeorpe Ablon, a real es
tate dealer, tn chaigcs of non-support
snd cruelty
The couple eloped on March , Ifos, ob
tained a license In Iowa, and were mar
ried on the Douglas atreet bridge by the
Rev. C. W. Savldpe. Rev. Mr. Ravldge
performed the ceremony on the Iowa side
of the bridge. Mr. Ablon was 30 years old
at the time and Mrs. Ablon It yesrs old.
Mrs. Ablon slleges that two years after
the marriage her husband tore up her
wedding drees when In a rage and that
In 1811 he pointed a revolver at her. ?he
also alleges that he pointed a revolver
at her In 19. She filed the suit through
Attorney John W. Cooper.
Mrs. Ablon's maiden name was Miss
llollle Mnckay. Khe Is now living st
Pecatur street
Beatrice Man is
Named President
of State Eagles
A. P. White of Bestrlce was ited
state president of the f.sgles In conven
tion at South Omaha. t tlve election of
officers yesterday. White succeeds W.
F. Moran of Nebraska City. The other
following ot fleers were elected:
J. P. Jandro of Benson, vice president.
C. W Hedglin of Hartlngton. chaplin.
M. V. Avery of Norfolk, secretary.
J. H. Lohmann of Heatings, treasurer.
E. P. Sweenev of Oninha, conductor.
Conrad Kchmldt o Lincoln. lnst3e guard.
Henry Behrman ot For.tenelle, ..utaldo
A. P. Moran of Nebra.ka City, C. H.
Chrteteneen of Fremont and G. R.
Gamble of Fontenolle, atote trust" s. '
H. Bothhols of South Omaha will prob
ably be recommended for deputy state
frand worthy president,' and Lincoln, it
la expected, will be chosen aa tfe next
meeting place.
The convention adjourned yesterday aft
ernoon and laat evening an exemplifica
tion -A the ritual wa given at Ragles'
hsil. , ' ' '
Omaha Man Named
On Censorship Board
Thomas F. Sturgess, editor of the
Twentieth Century Farmer, has been
appointed to a membership of tbe na
tional advisory committee of the Na
tional loard of Censorship of Motion
The board Is extending Its work
throughout the west and the selection of
this Omaha man was made on account
of his experience In these matters while
serving as chairman of the Social Ser
vice board of this city. (
Crowds of Art Lovers Visit
Hospe's Remodelling '
Lew Prices en Fine Pictures,
Pianos. Art Goods, etc..
Bring the Shoppers
The Hospe Remodeling Sale haa
started with a ruah, according to Mr.
Hospe, who Is more than pleased, with
the response he haa received from his
announcement that ha would close out
everything In his stock to make way for
the decorators who will take charge of
th store July 10th.
The big store was ' crowded all day
Wednesday and a good crowd of shop-perr-
was In evidence this morning,
despite the unfavorable weather condi
tions. Tha sale embraces a wide rang of
articles, and tha shoppers paid particular
attention to the art goods and brass and
bronse novelties. On thoae counters
some exceptional bargains are being of
fered at half price, and no reduction
being less than a - fourth off. In thla
section Is a big assortment of handsome
picture frames, framed , pictures, desk
ornaments, writing materials, and all pic
ture frames are Included la the sweeping
reduction tn irlcee.
The announcement of the big cut In
piano and piano player prices brought
that department much attention. .
"The aale la a big success In every
way." said Mr. Hospe, "and we expect
to be well cleaned up before the oarpen-f
ters and decorators come to make ua
our new store.!'
16th Street
beautiful display on our main
V nDtCVll
.a. a a i.iv a. ... a- j
. v
Dark Horse Enters
Field for Position of
T. P.A. Chaplain
Whil It Is not seemly that clergymen
should fight st the same time and
nevertheless there is a goodly fight being
waged for the coveted post of rstlonal
chaplain of the T. P. A.
Up to Tusday afternoon the Rev. A. A.
Brooks of Hastings, acting chaplain.
aa supposed to hsve a clear field. Mr.
Brooks baa been on the platform all the
time, has opened all sessions with prayer
How Heat Affects
the Vital Organs
Hot Weather Conduces to
Chronic Constipation
and Diarrhea.
A disposition to confine one's diet to
cold food and to indulge freely In iced
drinks, ' Is one reason why constipation
and diarrhea is so prevalent In summer,
and there Is no season when bowel dis
turbances should be more carefuly avoid
ed, as much serious disease Is directly
traceable to these conditional
To regulate the bowels snd quickly re
lieve even an aggravated case of consti
pation, the combination of simple lexa
tlve herba with pepatn, sold In drug stores
under the name of Pr. Caldwell's Syrup
Pepsin, is highly recommended by many
physicians and all those who have used
it. Unlike cathartics and violent purga
tives, Pr. Caldwell's Syrup acts gently
on stomach, liver and bowels, without
griping or other discomfort, and brings
relief In an esay natural manner.
Mild, pleasant to the taste, snd Inexpen
sive, It Is the Ideal family laxative. By
cleansing the bowel tract and ellminat-
Formerly 1900 Washer Co.
308 South 18th St. Opposite Court House Lawn
t0 A A 111 pnt the FrDl Premier Electric Vacuum
V I II I Cleaner in your home for one week. This
rf,vv machine Is Bold with an absolute guarantee
equal to any $50 electric cleaner on the market. To
prove our statement we will place this Frani Premier In
your home for a week's rental at $3.00. The $3.00 may
be applied on first payment;, balance $1.25 per week If
desired. Phone for demonstration today.
Electric Washing Machines
make "wash day" a "play day." We carry
(12) twelve makes of the better grades of
washing and wringing machines. An electric
washer will save time, money and , clothes;
can be bought on easy terms. .
If you are In need of other household labor
saving appliances Phone Tyler 1011.
Retwlar aaeaie petraaf
Pretty Mlaa
Little eUldres
Sdeatiftc Ladles
Jest .etas folk
Eea tbe askeaus
We're All Regular
of the moat allurlai and fadaattnf mo via delight I .
, Written by Arthar B. fUeve and oaui taring around
Crelf Kettn'ady and Blaine, those great players
Pearl Whit ead bar associate are eur eensttal
delight sad entertaiatmsnt la
We jo roguiarly to our theatre te see tbe Pttke
Ploturas ant) read rhe story In
The Omaha Sunday Bee
Busy Bee Boys
Here is your chance to
get a fine Coaster FREE.
We Wm Give Five
to the five boys bringing us the most pic
tures of the coaster before 4 P. M., Sat
urday, June II.
Tbla picture of the coaster will be la
Tbe Bee every day this week.
Cut them all 'out and ask your
'friends to save the pictures la
their paper for you too. See bow
many pictures you can get and
bring them to Tbe Bee Of
fice Saturday. June 19.
The coasters will be given
Free to the boys or girls
that send us tbe most pic
tures before 4 P. M.. Satur
day, June It.
snd has delivered severs! eloquent eras
Tuesday afternoon the Rev. T. 8. B
Belk. chaplain of the Georgia division
was given the privilege of the floor, and
In half an hour of oratory and humer
v.Mi.rMt" the convention. He Bad
the members cheering so that the roof
seemed to tremble and laughing tilt
they were red faced. He took the con
vention by storm as truly as W. J.
Bryan took the 42r",la''nt,J convention
at Chicago lifl with his "Cross of
Gold" speech.
The Rev. Pr Belk Is decidedly In tha
running for the office It pays
salary. i
Ing the foreign matter and poisons that
Irritate and inflame. It will quickly check
an attack of. diarrhea and restore nor
mal conditions. '
Pr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin has been
the standard remedy-In countless home"
for more thsn thirty years, and Is sold
in drug stores everywhere for fifty cent
a bottle. A free trial can be obtained b'
writing Pr. W. B. Caldwell. 4J Washing
ton St., Montlcello, III.
All rUriaaalHlaa
Do You Like to Coast?