Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Page 7, Image 7

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    TllK NKE: OMAHA, HtFDAV, JUNK k l!il..
Blsetrls fin, tT.SO. Burteaa-QranAtn.
sea Bees Mit I Nov Rmm fiess
Wedtf lUfi at Elholm, Jeweler.
asJstea imlr The lie pUU
"Inner serred at BcalltB hotel.
Kovm afcasyeasa br machinist en
t remises, chart 'to. Doug. 2195.
Cm Mae hu On June 2 the
Hty eeunctl will epn a seoond eel of
bids for an electric cage for kUltaf dof
at the city pound.
Ter Oesaplese SCrU fnpil1
elaaalfled e action today, ana appear la
The Km KXCLUBIYELT. Flad out what
las Ttrwui nwTiDf pioiur inwu m1"-,
Dr. W. F. wastry announces the se
ranee of his assoclsttoa with Dr. P. S.
Owen and the establishment of hl ten
porary offices at rulte 90, Brandela thea
ter building.
nee for Twenty -Oae Book In fed
eral court the Omaha road haa brought
suit against Moore darner of Blair for
$21.56, charge alleged to be due on a
freight shipment.
Keep Disorderly House Margarita
Matthews, 11X1 Douglas street, s,rrexted
for keeping a disorderly bouse, was fined
V6 and cents In police court Three tn
msjes were also taken from the place.
Antos Are sWelssv Fred Mathleson,
3111 Farnam street, reports that a Ford
tar belonging to him was stolen from In
front f M15 Farnam street. William
Turner, UK Mason street also lost a car
which he had parked In front of the
Brandela theater building.
Fay for Damages The clty council
approved an appropriation for the pay
ment of the following extra damages In
curred by reason of grading Cottage
Oiove avenue: Lee SUtt. H15.E0; A. J.
Beckett, $43.76: Laura Maxfleld, tol.lR;
Nets Jensen, 938.42; J. C. Jensen, 7.(9.
. Tails front Oar Ross Manchester,
switchman, fell from a brakebeam while
switching a string of care near Eleventh
and Dodge streets and sustained severe
bruises and a sprained wrist He was at
tended by Dr. Charles Shook and went
to his home at 814 North Nineteenth
Awarded Oola aiedal MJlton Rogers
Sons company haa lust received a
telegram advising that the A. B. New
idea gar range, for which it Is sales
ssent, has been awarded the gold medal
at the Panama exposition. This Is the
highest award offered on gas ranges at
the exposition.
Impress Prises Awarded. The auto
mobile which was given by the EJiniress
theater was awarded to Pearl Greenberg
for selling the most tickets, She lives at
'.'710 Burt street. Second prise, a diamond
rlrg. Vent to Louts Wolk; third, a dia
mond, ring went to Helen O'Brien, and
.fourth, a gold watch, went to Jennie
Man Who Said it Wai to Be "Dry''
. Did Not Beckon with Old
Jup PlttT.
Who sa(d the grocers' and butch
ers' picnic was to be dry?
That Is the person the promoters
of this big annual affair are now
looking for.
The grocers and butchers have
once more come Into their own. For
years they held the undisputed title
of being the best little rainmakers In
these parts. Then the honor was
taken away from them.
They lost their prestige and for sev
eral years It did not rain on their festal
day. But things have changed, and Just
as the crowds were starting for Krtig
park the rain god shook a fw o; Ms
best little clouds and rain began to fall.
But that did not stop the picnic.
Ths undaunted grocers and bd'ehers
are going right ahead with the aifatr.
rain or shine. The promoters said that
there was plenty of covering at Krug
park to accommodate all and that the
vrrltd program would be carried out.
- . .
I -Y
r' Jr.i
Store Hours 8:30 to 5 P. M. Saturdays 9 P. ML ?
urgess-Nash Company.
"everybody's store'
tXAay. Jane II. lOlfi.
I'hone P. 1ST.
Friday, A Day of Unusual Economy in
Five Cities Fight
for Next Meeting
of the Travelers
The tight for the next meeting of the
Tf P. A. Is a five eoronered one so far,
iwlth possibility of dark horsea still to
be entered. lafayette, Ind., la by far the
most openly active in the contest.
Lafayette's banners were far-flung in
the parade. Lafayette's banner Is spread
across the stage of the convention hall.
Lafayette's .buttons .are worn on the
lapels of many memfeer.
But Lafayetta will never land the con
vention say those who think they know
I he inevitable.
The reason Why Lafayette cannot get
it. say they, is that Lafayette isn't large
enough. Its population Is but 20,0(0.
Louisville. Kir.; Birmingham, Ala. At
lantic City, N. J., and Savannah, Oa.,
. are the other contestants.
All of them have advantages. Atlantic
City la particularly an ideal and attrac
tive place for a convention In ttvs sum
mer The treat resort by tha ocean is a
gay and festive place and the tempting
beach and the salt air lure humanity
from the whole country. But Atlantic
City is too far from the greater part of
this country to be a good v convention
nlty. That i the point urged aganst it.
This Is the fault of the Atlantic ocean.
bo doubt, but it is a fact none the leaa
What strength the other three cities
will develop remains to be seen. "It pays
to advertise" "and little Lafayeta's big
campaign of publicity may overcome the
deficiency ia its population.
Dr. Hill Favors the
Medical Inspection
of Public Schools
Dr. Albert Boss Hill, president of the
University of Missouri, Is outspoken in
favor of medical inspection in pubtto
schools. He maintains that thero are
physical deterrents which impede . the
progress of children Who could be started
in the right direction by occasional ex-
.untnatlon. He aays many oases of fall
tires in school night be traoed to obscure
jhyslcal causes.
The doctor came bare to deliver aa ad
dress last evening to the graduating
las of Central High school at Brattdela
From 1897 to 1903 ha was identified with
the University of Nebraska as professor
of philosophy and director of tha
peycUo logical laboratories.
The Missouri educator declined to ex
press himself on International affairs or
the recent action of w. J. Bryan.
"Gold Dust Twins"
Sell Bees to the
Brother Delegates
Those "Gold rxiet twins" from Indiana,
whose nsmes In private life are Just
W. Bhlndler and K. P. Head, got right
busy on the lob Wednesday afternoon
and became newsboys.
They sold The Bee, on the front page
of which was a picture of their Ml
pounds combined weight of Joviality,
geniality and Jollity.
Their "stand" was In and about the
Fontenelle hotel.
"Here y'are! . Textra' Textra! Great
est paper in the world. Full account of
the famous, celebrated Gold Dust twins,
the handsome twins. Here y'are!"
The proverbial "hot cakes" nevr sold
half as fast as the twins' papers. Tha
twin who weighs 280 had sold sixty-nine
within five mlnutea The twin who weighs
2S1 was a close second, with sixty-three.
He Increased his efforts to overtake his
double. '
'Buy of the handsome twin! Here I
am! The Bee! The Bee: wuy it now!
Souvenir picture of him and Tne, the
Gold Dlst twins, goes with esch and
overy copy. Only one cent."
The customers clamored around the big
newsboys and salee rapidly climbed till
both had passed the hundred maik. And
they only stopped when their voices had
become so hoarse they oould scarcely
speak above a whisper. Then they dis
tributed their profits among a bunch of
real newsboys, who gave them three
cheers and a tlgor with a will.
Burgess Entertains
"Burnasco" Buyers
at Dinner at Home
Ward M. Burgees, president of the
Burgess-Nash company entertained the
buyers for the house at his home, 123
North Twenty-second street, last even
Louis Nssh, general manager of the
tore, also announces that In spite of the
fact that the firm has Inaugurated early
closing fifteen days earlier than usual, he
haa decided to give each employe who
haa been with the ,company for a year
or more a week's vacation with full pay.
Dr. Bell's Pt aewToF-Hosvey.
Get a 3eo bottle today- Keep t for your
cough or cold. Good for children, adult
and aged. All druggista Advertisement
8. Howell, rnlted States district at
torner. motored In from North Platte
Wednesday, where he went to attend
called term of federal court In his ma
chine he made HI miles in fourteen hours'
running time and could have made the
cutanea in an hour less had the roads
been good. Nearly the entire distance i
Mr. Howell found muddy and rough
reads at times and over long stretches
being forced to Slow aown 10 ten nuics
per hour.
Northwestern Adds
New Chicago Train
To meet the demand of inoreased
travel to the west the Northwestern
will put on a new Chicago-Omaha train,
that west of here will run over the Union
Paoiflo to San Francisco. It will carry
through equipment, taking on sleepers
here from St. Paul and Minneapolis.
The train will be known as No. 17, ar
riving from the east at 11 : o'clock at
night. The new aervloo will be effective
Commencing Sunday morning at 18:46
o'clock the linion Pacific will Install an
other Pacific coast train. There will be
one sleeper for the exclusive accommoda
tion of Omaha people. It will be open
at 9:30 oiclock in tho evening for all who
desire bertha in It.
Here the Union Pacific's new train will
take off standard and tourist sleepers
from tha Northwestern. th Great West
ern and Illinois Central- At Cheyenne
It will pick up a sleeper off the Rock
On the same date Union Pacific No. IT
will at Omaha take over standard ajid
tourist sleepers from the Milwaukee and
carry them through to San Francisco.
Right young women received diplomas,
honors, and medals at the commencement
exercises at St. Berchman's academy at
S o'clock yesterday afternoon. Biahop
Scannell made an addres to the young
women and distributed the diplomas. The
following are the graduates.
Catherine Selzley, Merle Ohfthot,
Margaret Morrison, Irene O'Reilly.
Deborah MoLod, i:sthonno i-.ngusn,
Agnes Collins, Pauline Ryan.
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Shook left
Omaha Jast evening for a two weeks' fish
ing trip at tneir summer Home at lumDer,
lana LaKe, W isconsin.
George F. wooley, jr., son or ueorge
F. Wooley. 902i South Thirty-first rtreet.
la spending his furlough from the United
States Military academy with his pnrenta
Young wooley has Deen at west Point
two years. He is a graduate of Omaha
High school.
Extra Pair Trousers
Keeping Our CUTTERS
and TAILORS Busy
There's no dull season
with Nicoll. We keep
our cutters cutting: and
our tailors sewing by
An Extra Pair of Trousers
to your suit order for
the price of the suit
Our entire stock, included.
Nicoll's Guaranteed Non-fading
with Extra Trousers of
same or other material P"iJ
NICOLL Thelkilor
Jcrrems Sons .
200-211 So. 15th St.
Best Thlag fs sUUoas Attack.
"On account of my confinement In the
printing office I have for years been a
chronla sufferer from Indigestion and
liver trouble. A few weeks ago I had an
attack that was so severe that I was not
able to ge to the case for two days.
Failing to gat any relief from any other
treatment, I took three of Chamberlain's
Tabluts and the next day I felt like a
new man.", writes H. C. Bailey, Fdltor
Carolina Neas. Chaptn. 8. C. Obtainable
t'ery where. Advertisement
flew Location !
Twe Doors Bast of the Calumet Beetaaraat.
Friday Mark-Down Sale in the Basement
Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists
TWa bijrgost suit vnluos offVre'd this season will be found in
our liUKt'iiifnt Bert ion Friday.
ftvry wit in stork, without reserve, will be included in
this mark down sale.
n ax i
A sjieeial lot of over one hundred
8uit that were foruieily priced
to $25.00? ehoiee, at
Dark and light sbadra of percalo, In
all slzos up to 40, very spe- ACg
cut. Friday, at HaC
Lingerie Waists, 15c.
Waists thnt were to $1.60, that have
become soiled and mussed, to 1 P
clcarswsy at once, choice J C
A Remarkable Coat Glearaway, Including Garments that
Were to 57.50, for 51.C0.
For h quirk disposal of fifty coats in mixtures, we offer
the lot, were to $.50, for
Summer Dresses, $2.95.
n white and colors, many trimmed
with lace and ribbons. Q QC
were to $12.50, for.
$3.05 Silk Petticoats, $1.95.
Messallne silk petticoats, with new
, circular flounces, $3.95
values, Friday, for.
Bargees-Wash Co Basement.
Fancy trim
ming buttons,
all colors, per
doien Ac
Ladles' hslr
bsrrettes, each
for ftfl
100-ysrd ma
chine spool
silk, all colors,
and black, per
spool c
200-yard ma
chine cotton
spool, each . ,3c
BOO-yard bast
inn thread, per
spool 3c
Common pins,
per paper. . . Is
Needles $5
needles to a
package, at..le
Steel thimbles
each le
Safety pins, 3
rsrds for. . . Se
Wire balr prtns.
package . . . . lc.
Wooden coat
bangers, 3 (or
only Be
Hair nets with
elastic, all the
shades, 5 for
only lOc
Co. B esetneB.
Jnp rose soap,
rake . 10
Kels Naptha
soap, 10 cakea
for 80c
Household am
monia, lqt 18o
Sanl flush, 2 5c
else, can . . 17c
Large cake.
Kirk's honey, or
elder flower
soap, cake . . Tc
llaskln's cocoa
nut oil soap. 7
cakes 25c
Ilorax chips,
large Pkge. 19c
Peroxide, largo
bottle 1T
Hospital cotton.
1-pound .
Rubber gloves.
75o kind . .8c
Large house
hold sponges,
75c kind... 80o
Seldlltt pow
ders, 26c pack-
age lOc
Wfttcb. Basel, 1
quart 20c
Co Basement.
I2V3C White Percales at 7V2c.
36-lncb, white percales, the regular 13ViO grade, from the bolt, at,
7 Hi c yard. (Percale Section.)
20c Unbleached Sheetings at 19c. .
9-4 unbleached Arcadia sheeting, standard weight, 26c value,
from the bolt, at 19o yard. (Muslin Section.)
8V2C Tennis Flannels at 5c.
Striped and checked tennis flannel, mill lengths, of the 8 Vc grade;
on sale at 6c yard. (Flannel flection.)
Madras Shirtings, Friday, at 18c.
32-inch, fine quality madras shirting and waistlng, also suitable for
dresses, etc., woven stripes and checks, at 18c yard. (Olnghara Sec'n)
$5.00 Wool Blankets at $2.98.
Sise 6282, extra heavy wool blankets for sleeping porches, camp
ing, etc.. a regular standard $.r.0O blanket, on sale at $2.98 each,
(blanket Section.)
15c to 25c Wash Goods at
Accumulations of fine wash goods from the week's selling, In
cluding voiles, crepes, poplins, tissues, etc., 15c to 35c values, 3 to 10
yard lengths, at 7 He yard. (Bargain Square.)
I2V2C Zephyr Ginghama- at 5c.
Bargains In ginghams have been offered from time to time, but
seldom, If ever before, have the famous Red Seal Zephyrs been sold
by any store at such a low price. 12' 4c Zephyrs and other desirable
ginghams at 5c yard. (Bargain Bquare.)
Percale Suitings and Flar.ons, 12Uc
different sise black and white striped Agstha percale
printed flaxon, so much In demand, from the bolt, at
(Bargain Square.)
Fancy Printed Curtain Scrim at 2c.
Fancy printed. 36-lncb curtain scrim, as long as 5,000 yards will
last, they will be sold at 2c yard. (Bargain Square.)
All the
suitings and
12 Ho yard.
That Were $3.50 to $5, at 95c
INCLUDING women's pumps, oxfords and boots,
In white nubuck, white canvas, tan Russia calf,
gunmetal and kldskln. They are mostly
taken from our regular lines
on the Second Floor, that
sell at $5.50, $4.00 and
$5.00; Friday, at
$100 to $5.00 for $1.55
Transferred from the Second Floor Section, Including high shoes
in dull calf, black' satin, tan and gray suede; also pumps and oxfords.
si 3 uiucii;
Bargees-Bash Co.-
Imported dnnerware Friday at
About One-Half of the Import Cost
TMNK white glased body with decoration of delft blue band, hair Una
Two groups
ii r Bread and batter
At OC plates, pie plates,
double egg cups, sauce dishes,
two slsed platters, after dinner
coffee cups and saucers. Indi
vidual sauce boats, creamers etc.
At "I (f T' breakfast and
ib 1UC dinner plates, soup
At lc
plates, tea cups and saucers, cof
fee cups and saucers, bouillon
cups and saucers, oatmeal dishes,
tea and . coffee pots, vegetable
dishes, several sited platters.
An accumulation of cracked and chipped articles, such aa
jardinieres, vases, glasses, cups, plates and fancy articles.
Burgess-Baaa Co. Basement.
I'ntrlninied sliax, regularly 0.0,
Flowers or ostrleli, fancy, refttilarly 00
lilnlng, usual price , .. .15
Total $1.53 J
The shapes are the Reason's
good models, in large and med
ium sailors, black, white and n
few colors.
Tho flowers are assorted col
ored dniscK, roses and liuds in
wreulhs, or bunehVs.
Thu ostrich fancies are in
largw variety, from small pom
pen to full wreaths with high
The total value is $1.53, Fri
day, for $1.00.
Burgesg-Nash Trimming Service Free.
Bnrgess-Vash Co. Basameat.
Several Hundred Yards of RATINE
The Usual 75c to 85c Kind at 15c
THE outcome of a biff special "pickup" involving a hund
red or more full pieces. Beautiful mixtures and r
pretty striped effects. Shades of gray, blue, (an, I f
pink, lavender, and black and white AKF
Very desirable for wash skirts, suits and coats, 38 Inches wide,
Friday, yard, at 15.
Bnrgess-Vash Co. B asemeat.
These are WORTH WHILE, Too
Turkish Wash Cloths at lc.
Big lot of Turkish wash cloths, plain white, hemmed, ready -for use.
12V2c Turkish Towels, Friday, at 10c.
Snow white Turkish towels, hemmed ends, usually 1 2 V r ; Fri
day at 10c each.
12Vc Huok Towels, Friday, at 10c.
Size 19x3 8, full bleached, hemmed ends, fancy white or red
Men's Underwear at 19c.
Balbriggan. 2-plece, shirts or drawers, ecru color, well made, all
sizes, run of the mill, usually 4 be.
Men's "Sport" Shirts, Friday, at 59c
Made of good quality solsette In tan and white colors, all sizes,
very special.
Men's Striped Satine Shirts at 48c.
Light color, French cuffs, good patterns, 'cut full snd long, the
kind usually marked 11. 00.
Men's Union Suits at 50c.
Extra fine gauxe, short sleeves, 3-4 Inseam, white and ecru,
closed crotch, first quality.
Men's 25c Half Hose at12c.
Bilk fibre garter tops, with extra quality lisle foot, regular 2Bo
quality, pair.
Children's Muslin Drawers at 10c.
Children's muslin drawers of good quality, finished with elubter
tucks, ages 2 to 12 years.
Children's Coats to $2.98, for $1.00.
Fine serges, pongee and Unenette, were 12.98, very special, Fri
day, at ft.00.
Women's Nainsook Gowns at 50c.
Fine quality embroidery yoke, and sleeve, lace snd embroidery
Insertions and edges.
French or German Val Laces at 2 Vic
Also linen, torchon, cotton cluny, etc.; edges and Insertions to
match, rare values.
Sample Pieces of Laces, 10c and 19c.
Short lengths, samples of laces, chiffons, nets and embroideries,
from 1 to Hi yards long. .
Sample lot of Neckwear at 5c.
Including roll and flat collars, jabots, fancy bows and ties, tome
slightly mussed.
Odd Pieces Laces and Embroideries, lc a Yard.
Including val, insertions, embroidery insertions and headings,
wide selection.
Women's or Children's 25c Hose at 15c.
Odd lots of women's and children's hose, broken sizes aud dis
continued lines, in cotton or llsle
Odd Lots Child's 25c to 35c Union Suits at 19c.
White cotton, high neck, short sleeves, knee length, low neck, and
sleeveless, first quality.
Women's 10c Summer Vests at 5c,
Low neck and sleeveless, swlss ribbed, also women's plain black
and colored cotton hose.
10c White Writing Paper at 5c.
White linen finished writing psper, big value at 10c, Friday, spe
cial, at 5c.
Shelf Paper, 2 Folds for flc.
SheM paper, lace edge, In pink, green or white, special. Friday,
2 folds for 5c.
LENGTHS suitable for waists and children', dresses. An sccumula
tion of (he season's selling at about the regular price.
IX)T I Including . I)T 2 Including . LOT 8
white goods
erly to 16c,
white goods
erly to 2 He.
Burgess-Bash Co.-
white goods form
erly to 4 9c,
HOME NEEDS Very Specially Priced
rvNE LOT of gray euameled ware, Including 2-
quart coffee pots, 6 and 8-quart
Berlin kettles, 2 and 8-quart sauce
pans, wash basins, oblong baking
pans and pudding pans; choice.
A few 4 and 6-quart Peerless Ice cream frees
ers. slightly damaged, to close out, were $2.35
and $2.50; choice $1.25
Mop stick and mop. 40c value r
tollman's galvanized tub vacuum washing ms
chln $10.00
Clothes hampers, $3.60 value.
at 82.50
4-tie good quality brooms. 1U
Uotdcn Hod Washing powder, 4-
liound package 15
Brooklyn egg and cream wlui.
regularly 20c, for 15c
Potato rlcer
regularly 25c,
and fruit
Aluminum baking dish, ' whlio
enamel Inset, usual $1 value 40.
Any 4 0- wash board Ufl
2 vi -quart Sloan water coolm,
$l.:.o value I5f
Co. Basameat.