Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Page 6, Image 6

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The Bee TuMlpMny Company, Proprietor.
Fntw at Omth portofflce aa ecend-cteas matter.
P r carrier Ry mail
pec month, ftryw.
iiefly end Sunder..,.. s it m
Sully without funds?. eSe 4.SS
F"vntn and Sunder (no
Fveamg without Sunday ..lro 4 08
Sunday Bee only s toe i. 00
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rne Bee
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Council bluffs H North Mala street.
Lincoln Lttrte ntilldfrra;.
Chicago am Ilrantt Building
New Tork Room UM. Fifth avenue.
ft Ixnjls MS New Rank of Commerce.
Washington 7 Fourteenth St.. N. W.
Address communications retetlrr to newa and edi
torial matter to Omaha, Bee, Kditorjsi , Department.
Ftate of Xehraes-a. County of Touglaa, an:
Dwlpbt Wllliama, circulation manager of The Bee
Publishing company, being duly sworn, aaya that the
average circulation for the month of May, 116, Waa
nwtnilT WILLIAMS. Circulation Manager.
Subscribed in my preanae and aworn to before
me, this 3d (Iny of June, lHiA.
.ROBERT HUNTER. Notary Public.
Subscriber leaving the rltjr temporarily
abonld have The IJe mailed to them. Ad
dress will be changed aa often a requested.
June It
Thought for the Day
5eecfrf by J alia 7nor Portir
Xoliit it to ttrong and but it yearn
for tht mile of a friend. Wjallact liruct.
You're all right. Mr. T. P. A. Stop off In
Omaha again, and often.
,The name "Julia" evidently is too clasnlc to
enlist a helping swell from the Big. Muddy.
Greater Omaha day will in time become a
fixture on our municipal calendar. Mark it
Viewed through the periscope of -a famous
annual picnic, precedent Is mightier than
prophecy. ,
List to the joyous music of Honeysbuck. The
houn' dawg's honest bark bay deep-mouthed
welcome to nil Mlssourlans.
Looks also as if some kind of a get-together
meeting were needed on, th population to the
be claimed (or Greater Omaha.
. It would not be a bad idea to make the rule
to -"exclusively devote my time" to the Job apply
to all our high-priced public officials. '
No riot, serious accident or scandal this year
at the cadet camp. Congratulations! Some
lessons have to be learned only once.
It is barely possible the country could get
along comfortably for a few weeks without any
more "statements" from statesmen.
Whkh reminds us, What baa become of the
''onberratlon-of-naturai-resources mo v e m a n t
and Its many publicity-seeking spokesmen?
Should those Mexican Yaqulg insist, doubt
Ub they will be shown that making "good
Indians" is net a lost art. UncLSam alma to
jjlease. t , f
Greece by popular vote, expresses a prefer
ence for' war. This Is one of the rare times In
.which the world is eager to accommodate the
oters. '
Note that Milwaukee bakers have reduced
the price of bread to correspond with the drop
In flour without waiting sixty days for the flour
to "'ripen."
1 The unexpected sometimes happens. One
alienation damage suit failed to reach the cash
box. The verdict mars the glowing prospect of
a fine line of legal business.
Colonel House rivals John Und as a' shining
exam pie "of alienee. Both dealt with State de
partment affairs, but their discreet example
failed to impress the higher-ups.
It was certainly tough on Brother Howell to
hate to go out of the Insurance business to take
cn his $8,000 Job, and U Is tougher etlll to have
"to exclusively devote my time to the Omaha
eter plant" when tempted by the side profit
from selling to some other town the time al
ready paid for by our taxpayers.
A new EnUu-onal ti H K k. i
.as been formed, with the following werdene an
veatrymen: V. U Thoinaa. U B. Chandler. John I
Redlck. w. W. Wllltame. J. R. Rlnrwalt. a c Lt
cfe John Hayward. George C. Hammond, Harry
Manvllle. '
A pleaaant liwne weddln, t the rweldence of Mr
aud ilr. ara. I South Twenty-flrat atreet. united
in mari1ae Uoula J. Nedd and Mlaa Mabel N Klna
the rroom well knom. as a elerk la the Holmao
ilothlna atore and the brtde a favorite la Omaha
eociety. .
Mr. and Mrs. Joha U Wcbater enUrtalned alout
thirty tuests Jn honor at Mrs. Wllllaxiu. who la their
vleltor from New Tork. v
At a tneeUna- of iroperty owners tuUre.u.4 la the
araxllaf of Marney atreet from Sixteenth to Twentr
alath a committee wai appointed to urge the council
to proceed with the work. The committee eonaUMed
if C. B. Rustln. J. J. Brown, p. b. Her. Edward
Koaewater. J. n. Jleodiicks and t). Kennlaton.
vSenetaJ and Mra. Henry A. Morrow atopped cver
.o Omaha aa the ueta of (ienerwl and Mrs. Dandy
1S Park avenue. .
J. B. KeretiBon. one of the aalcamea in Proline
dry sooda atore, la rejolclnf over the advent of a
lrt baby at hlj boma.
i y jl
Ifebrtika "Weather for the World.
If the establishment ,of the main weather
bureau investigating station at Omaha is to
have the effect of giving the world a chare of
Omaha's salubrious climate It will confer a boon
on suffering humanity, compelled to exist in
less favored spots, such as Kansas City, where
the trade winds never strike; Sioux City, where
they veer to the east. In one torrldlty Is the
normal state of life, and in the other humidity.
Omaha' situation Is a happy medium between
the two, with the blessings of both and the. evil
of neither. Denver, frcm its mlle-hlgh alti
tude, pretendsto patronise Omaha, because of
Its lack of elevation, and Seattle, its feet bathed
In the dark waters of Puget sound, says we are
too high up to have the real thing In the way
of climate. Loh Angeles talks of Its sunshine,
and Minneapolis of its osone, and other cities
set forth claims to some especially desirable
quality of,cllmat1c condition, and rest happy In
enjoyment of a single advantage.
But Omaha, blensed beyond Its rivals, pos
ees a climate that Is a happy blending of all
the good qualities the others boast themselves
of, while its only drawback comes with the
thought that everybody doesn't live here to
enjoy It. We have the elevation that gives the
joy of being up, without danger of nervous pros
tration or heart failure; nowhere does the sun
fchlne flood a lovely landscape more lavishly
v Ith golden light; nowhere are bluer skies more
opulent In the lovely star-studded diadem of the
night; nowhere does oxone impart more Inspir
ing teal to blood rushing through lungs ex
panded by glorious draughts of dustless air, and
nowhere is life more of one unending song of
exuberant activity than in Omaha.
The weather bureau has chosen well Its spot
to observe what makes for perfect weather.
Understanding- Means Peace.
Anticipation of the reply from the imperial
German government to tle American rejoinder
will not now be attempted, because of the un
vi adorn of speculating on so grave a question.
However, the tone of expressions from influen
tial Germans Justifies the belief that an impor
tant section of the German people earnestly
eks to preserve friendly relations with the
United States. Agitators in both countries ate
busily fomenting occasion for bitterness, If not
for actual strife, but It Is quite likely the sober
good sense of the two great nations will prevail.
It is reasonable to think the kaiser will recog
nise the serious aapect of the situation, and that
his reply will be such as will clearly Indicate
the German purpose. As the issue is better
understood, and the real sentiment of the cltl
sens of both countries is more fully expressed,
the outlook for a peaceable adjustment of exist
ing differences becomes more favorable. '
A Triumph for Reason in Strike Settlement.
The. resort to arbitration in the Chicago
street railway strike, and the resumption of
service ' pending negotiations, is a belated
recognition of a principle that should have been
applied with the first move. Obduracy manifest
on both 'sides of the controversy brought mat
ters to a temporary interruption of service, and
consequent inconvenience to the public, the
great silent partner In all such enterprises. The
early restoration of conditions . to normal is
something to the credit of both employers and
men, for It shows that when reason gets a hear
ing, strife takes a back seat. The case on
either side would have been as strong if the
matters in dispute had been submitted to a
board of arbitrators at the beginning.
Resort to arbitration la always In order for
the adjustment of disputes, and especially' when
the public is so concerned, as In the instance of
street railway traffic. In connection with this
much of stress has been laid In urging compul
sory arbitration, a course that has been tried and
that baa not proved always satisfactory or serv
iceable. Settlement of labor disputes, whether
Involving wages or other factors of employment,
should bevby conciliation or by arbitration
mutually agreed upon. The side that "has
nothing to arbitrate" usually la wrong, and
rellee. nponv force to accomplish something that
will not stand the scrutiny of Justice.
Anyone Here Seen Kelleyf
Our amiable democratic contemporary puts
In k plea In, avoidance of the charge that Mr.
Pryan Is a spoilsman by citing his last official
act in protecting the appointment to a consular
position of a certain "Mr. Kelley of Lincoln,"
whom I the W.-H. denominates "a brand-blow-In-the-bottle
republican" who has kept demo
crats busy defending their party against Kel
ley's "adroit, clever and sinful attacks." Now
may possibly have met Mr. Kelley; but In all
cur familiarity with republican politics in
Nebraska for a quarter of a century we never
heard of him on the firing line for any repub
lican ticket. If be Is a republican we may be
sure, from the fact that he la picked for special
fa voi by Mr. Bryan (If that be a fact), he must
be the kind that has more coming to him from
the democrat: than from his own party. - Rest
assured that no atand-up-and-be-counted repub
lican has had appointive recognition from any
part of the democratic administration that could
be given to a democrat or assistant democrat.
The California kll land decision Is said to be
worth 115,000,000 to the government. Presi
dent Kruttschnitt of the Southern Pacific as
serts that oil has not been discovered on the
Hnd In question and that the company offered
to deed It back to the government at 15 cents
an aero provided the Department of Justice
.withdrew charges of fraudulent entry. Be
tween the claims of victor and vanquished lies
much material for Ananias club sifting.
The contest for penmanship honors in the
Omaha schools draws attention to the fact that
the typewriter has a long way to go to baalah a
fine art. It canaot be dented, however, that
the mechanical writer renders good penmanship
an Individual accomplishment far more thaa a
necessity, ,
The marked uplift la the passenger business
for the present silences demands for Increased
rates. Postponement affords time for formu
lating rates on the baais of fwelght carried. On
that basis only will equity be done.
The thrifty housewife who looks ahead is up
t uer elbows "preserving."
Centennial of Waterloo
KB hundred years ao, Jnne IS, WIS, waa fought
J the battl of Waterloo, a few miles to the rear
of the northweatern battle front of llt. The
allies at Waterloo are enemies today. France under
Napoleon fought the Brttlah, Prueelan and Dutch
armle. Today Germany alone ton tea U for aupremary
agalnat the allied French, Brltlah and Belgian armies
In the weal. The alignment hae changed, but the hub
of the atruggle la much the same aa When the run t
forever on Napoleon s power and prestige.
Waterloo haa become the world synonym for defeat
and Oleaster. The battle which Immortalized the
name would today be regarded as lnalgnlflrnt from
the viewpoint of numbere. Where millions now give
battle, then the total barely reached 100.000. Napoleon
brought to Waterloo approximately 74.000 men. The
Anglo-allied army under Wellington numbered 100.'e
and the Pruaslan army under Blucher U7.00S. The
odde In numbers were largely balanced by the prepon
derance of French artillery Hi guns to tha alllea
. A vital element In Napoleon's plan wes aecreoy.
The alllea, loosely acattered In a country only half In
sympathy with their rauae. were not to know of hta
approach In time to concentrate. And they did not
Not until June IS did the critical nature of their op
ponent'e operations sawn on them. Then, thanks to
the fine delaying fight which Zleten's corps made,
Blucher by nightfall of that day had occupied tha
ground nereeeary for his concentration, Fduber's
headquarters were cloaeat to tha front, and he firat
perceived the gravity of the moment Beeldea be bad
had experience with Napoleon'a vigorous atrategy,
Wellington In Brueaele waa more unprepared.
There waa a aound of revelry by night.
And Belgium's capital had gathered then
i Her beauty and her chivalry,
when the Iron Duke waa appriaed of Napoleon's ap
proach. Only the boldneea of his aubordtnatea, among
them Prince Bernard, aaved Quatre Bras to the alllea.
Napoleon's letter to Marshal Ney, written at
C'harlerol at I o'clock on the morning; of the lth, set
forth his strategy. "I have adopted." he wrote, "aa
the general principle for this campaign to divide my
army Into two wlnra and a reserve. . . . The Guard
will form tha reserve, and I shall bring It Into action
on either wing Just aa circumstances dictate. . .
According to drcumatances. I shall weaken one wing
to strengthen my feserve." By this he diacloaed hie
Intention of aiming at a decisive result only on that
wing upon which be engaged hta reeerve.
But Ney'e failure to carry out hie instructions on
the HHh furnished good reason for Napoleon's bitter
complaint that Ney bad ruined France. He bad been
ordered to seise Quatre Bras and then turn to crush
Blucher caught at Ugny. Ney delayed and Welling
ton with reinforcements waa able to check him.
Blucher on the other flank at Ugly had been beaten
by tha emperor, but not destroyed, as was so neces
sary to Napoleon's success.
Napoleon had planned to begin the attack early on
the morning of the lth, but fata waa asainat him hi a
heavy downpour of rain. The horaea floundered In
the mud and It was Impoaelble to get the artillery in
place. Wiortly after 8 o'clock the rain ceased and be
fore noon the battle had begun. But Blucher was
already well under way from Wavre, and Orauchy
did not even know where be waa.
. Back and forth surged the battle until near night
fall.'. Twenty thousand French Infantry charged to
the very top of Mont 8t Jean, Wellington's center,
but the brave Plcton hurled his brigade against them.
losing hla life In the act. and the Brltlah cavalry drove
them back down tha hill Three tlmea the charge was
renewed with the same result, Ney having four horses
killed under him.
The afternoon was half gone. Looking; toward
Wavre, Napoleon saw Blucher approaching. Welling
ton must be disposed of before he arrived. Ney was
ordered to carry La Hare Bainte at any coat, and
Mllhaud's culraaalera were to carry tha summit of
Mont St. Jean. Under this fearful charge the Engltau
drew back, and Napoleon, thinking that they were In
retreat, sent a messenger off to Paris to announce the
"Boys, oan retreat be thought of?" cried Welling,
ton. "Think of old England."
The French Were pressing on paat the guns. Kempt
on the left called for re-enforcements. v
"There are none," replied Wellington. 'He must
let himself be killed.' The French halted. "Will tha
English never ahow their backs?", exclaimed Napoleon.
'I fear not till they are cut to pieces," replied Boult
In three hours had" occurred those memorable
charges that have become world-famous. Thirteen
tlmea the French cavalry had been sent plunging up
through the gap between Hougomont and Lav Haye
Falnte. Thirteen tlmea those gallant riders charged the
stubborn red squares, and each time the English with
stood attack-
Most military students divide the. battle of Water
loo Into five phases. In only one of them, the fourth.
did Napoleon gain any decided advantage. That
was when Ney. under ordwra to carry Lev Haye- at
any coat, succeeded, and this advance was followed
by the brilliant bayonet charge of two battalions
of the Old Guard, which drove the Prussians out of
Plancenolt But Zleten'a reinforcements for Welling'
ton saved him at the critical moment and the danger
waa passed. Tha final fierce French attack all along
Wellington's front Into which the Guards were sent
in three echelons wss beaten back by the Indomitable
British and Dutch alllea. Then when tha French
line recoiled, Zleten with his Prussians pierced It
and all the Allied troops poured after the routed
French army, now little better than rabble. In all the
wreck, three battalions of the First Grenadiers of the
Guard made a glorious stand, defying all effort te
break tbem.
Fortunately for the Emperor, the French troops
holding Plascenolt Wept open the Charlerol road for his
retreat Grouchy In tha meantime had been fight
ing a dlatinct and separate action at Wave, where,
onoo entangled, contrary to all good Judgment, he was
unable to go to his chiefs aid. His victory In forc
ing a paaaage over the Pyle waa therefore barren.
He finally brought his command through to Paris,
but the speed of tba Pmaetaa pursuit of Napoleon
and tba movement of the Allies on Paris gave
Napoleon no time to reorganise his mea, snd on July
fH he abdicated and surrendered to the Brltlah. Tba
price paid for this final overthrow of Napoleon waa
very great, although oampered with the slaughter of
recent months, even -theoe figures lose some of their
Impieaalveneaa. The French lost 40.S00 men on June
II. the Prussians 7,000 and Wellington over 15.400, go
concentrated was the fighting and so determined that
4S.0t men killed and wounded are said to have been
stretched out over an area three miles square.
.A few weeks later the greatest soldier of the
modern world waa borne over the seas on a British
frigate of war to the Island of Ht Helena, to spend
the last few years of hla Ufa In bitter contrast to aU
that makes ,hla name one of the moat marvelous la
the woriuTa tlatory. He died In aalle,- at 6t. Helena,
May . 1S31. '
People and Events
Mayor Mitchel s hunt for bear in' the weat was a
failure, but he had a "bully time." He la back is
New Tork, where the tiger sbideth.
Fifty yeara ago the only persona oo the payroll of
the New York fire department were the bell ringers
who called the volunteers to duty. Same here.
Billy Sunday says If he had a few millions he
would build and endow a home for broken-dowa
preachers. Meanwhile a contribution to that object
will help Mint.
The Dreamland property .on the ocean front at
Coney Island has been appraised at UHi.TOi. The
property to to be a part of Oreeter New YorVs ocean
boulevard system.
A cordon of officers surround a New Jersey
swamp labs whloh three highwaymen escaped. The
officers are ealmly waiting for mosquitoes to chase
oat tha robbera. It la a clm h.
The Garibaldis are keeping up the fightuig record
of the family. One ef the two with the French colors
waa killed, the other wounded. Sis have enl sted U
the Italian Alpine brigade as privates.
Kansas Holineea college, located at Hutchinson,
serves notke on 177 students that Pea Cnpid capers
will not be tolerated la the Institution. Any pair
showing symptoms of heart palpitation will be
tu ended aa sinners and chased out Into a sinful world.
Hoepllallty ef Mslrers.
OMAHA, June 1 To the Editor of
The Bee: Tha kindness shown by the
people of Malvern upon the occasion of
Visitors' day" Thurt'ley. when ' very
large delegation o( Omaha people visited
the oemp of tlw Omaha High school'
cadets In their city, la certainly worthy
of apecial notice. Aa one of a large num
ber, I desire to express my appreciation
of the courtesy and kindness shown to
onr party, and I know from the numer
ous expressions heard on all aides upon
that occasion, that all who were there
share this sentiment
To those wno were not there, will state
that practically every auto In Malvern
waa placed the service of the Omaha
people upon their arrival, to convey them
to and from the camp, and this In addi
tion to many courtesies shown the cadets
during the entire week. For this service
no one would accept any pay whatever.
Omaha should not forget Malvern.
' The Oasaba Pnbllc Mfcrary.
OMAHA, June 17.-To the Editor of Tha
Bee: "May blessings rest upon the head
of Cadmus, the Phoenicians, or whoever
It waa that Invented books." This trib
ute, which comes from the Niagara Falls
of literature, Thomas Carlyle, came to
the writer's mind as he looked upon the
Omaha Public library. The outaide of
the building la adorned with the names
of men of letters who make up the Val
halla of printed thoughts. In front, and
high up near the roof, are busts of pe
mosthenee, Aristotle, Bocrates, Sopho
cles, Homer, fctcero, Caeaar and Virgil.
The wlndowa are named In honor of
men whoae works have enlightened the
mind: Schiller, Goethe, Dante, Chaucer,
Shakespeare. Milton, Tarao, Racine and
Cornell le. On the side of this temple
of Mlnorva are busts of Hoi ace, Plato,
fleneca. Herodotus and Plutarch.: while
the windows recall America's contribu
tion to literature: Longfellow, Haw
thorne, Emerson and Irving.
As a young man. tfpon beholding a
maiden, InaUntly concludes that what
ever Is delicate Is delicious, so the
writer, after viewing tha Omaha Library
building, decided to go Inside and taate
whatever mental ware It might offer.
And, as a result, he found a new friend.
8o you, Socrates, put en your shoes and
stockings; you, Dante, leave Beatrice and
the profundities and stand at atttentlon:
you. Dr. Samuel Johnson, stop brow
beating your comrades: you, Alexander
Pope, leave off your fastidious, perfumed
coupleta; you, Thomas Carlyle. ovit you?
ceiesuai knocking'! and your rcking tha
earth with your epiked Ideas, rugged and
grand: you, Longfellow, leave Evangollne
to her aad. soul-melting fats; you, Plato,
leave off tranalatlng for us mortals the
sympathy of the spheres; you, Sweden
borg, ceaae telling of the sublimities of
the Christian heaven; all of you stand at
attention while Emerson extends the
right hand of feUcwshlp to Pascal . .'
Mediocrity would have us believe that
lnaptratlon la merely a sublimated im
pulse. But instead of this "damning
,with faint praise," as our friend Shakes
peare would call It, we prefer to believe
L., '.ntt mlnU hv hoeded the
Blb,ica command: "Tarry ye here till
ye be indeed with power from on high."
While at the Omaha public library I
waa also Introduced to Rev. L. J
Vaughan. In reading him we get ac
quainted with a rare soul. Tnen-et tha
end of the sermen or easay he brings In.
HOUiVh POrU1" of PO". a mutual
friend-Tennyson or Browning, or Lowell
or Holme.. Which In turn brings to mind
those tnree saints who have been so
beautifully described as "The Clover
leaf of Cappadoola." Hunt Basil the
great was one of this triumvirate of holt-
otter two" 'Or0tt'n th' n"m" of th
.( " h?Tr. "ibllmtty .d the
,7hu. m, ' " "" on the Omaha
Fatl ee vrrr.Wl.U C'0M UoUn' "cm
Mom", v. BhB addreM '"The Ideal
Home. It refers to the Son of God the
man .nh?lChrUt,an!tr: "
man In history was the poorest.' " These
are Emerson's words.
14 Douglas Ptreet.
CowTleed by a
?R WVP. N.Vju'nVn.o the
Ldltor of The Bee: Like all people who
have r.d the acrlpturee, the subject of
Immortality. and. Hf. 4nd oefctn Uyon(,
the tomb, were uppermost la my mind.
I sm not a spiritualist, but have care
fully read many authorities on the sub
ject of psychology, among them the
works of Thomas J. Hudson; some of
sweoenborre and many of lesser im
portance. I waa tnlnir i n .v..
to the subject I have been befori many. jor. no outer purpose than
to learn the nature of the art. I have
found that, like other thin. mo. t.
"ho style themsekes mediuma h.
claim to. spiritual nower. th.,. h-i
few only who are grafters. t
Any person who haa .t.. .
demonstrations should uever ho fooled
by the fake, because the difference Is
tha difference between dav n4 -ik
One evening five or six people, includ
ing myseir. nappened to tha heme of a
medium who waa train in r... e
Student. He asked If we wanted
see a demonstration that was the peal
thing. Of course we did. fcerauu -u
the dead really get up and walk was
a new one 'on me. We were Invited Into
a small room, and we wanted in
sure that no fake waa to be worked.
mere was nothing In the room except
a small table and a canvaa raw. ,hiw
waa made so that it would cover three
people alttlng Jn a row. w!th holea so that
we could have our hands and k...
to the light Two of us sat on either side
or the medium snd grssped his hands
firmly, knowing that ha COUld Wot tnAV
Greatly to my surprise we had no mors
toan grasped the hands of the medium
until the form of mr sister's han.i .m
before me and Immediately tha hands
were tugging ,,t my hair.
I was a child when she waa llvin ..a
had forgotten the style of tbe sleeves
they wore In the "70a. But on aeelng the
hands I clearly remembered it Fhe
seemed aa anxloua te meet me as any
person could be. At the same time I gave
my place to another so that I might
have a better chance to see. Over- the
heads of the three persons, ail of us saw
many, many hands, and the whiaper of
many voices. I discovered one peculiar
thing. I eould pot my band out and a
hand would reach oat and grasp ana by
the ftngera, which all ef ua could plainly
see and I could feel.' But even thoiurh, It
seemed that I could grasp tbe hand, oa
tryln It I found that such was Impos
sible, after many attempt, They seemed
as quick as lightning. At no time were
we In darkneas and we wm rrrt.A
every chance to investigate. I both heard
and saw what e mortal could have done.
A couple of people were desperately lat
fear, but as for myself the demonstra
tion was pleasant.-The appearance of the
hand was ss white ss snow. How to ex
plain away trie matter aa a piece of trick
ery Is beyond my conception.
iier.on. "I'd nevei1 think ef srjrh trifling:
If I want to plav a trick In thst line.
I take an oar and stave a hole in th
bottom." Washington Ptar.
lawyer So yen went ovt snd waited
fnr some time on the pavement. Now,
"Have vou noticed the clock?" he asked
at the hour of midnight.
"V-s. I have." eie replied, with aysvn.
"It hasn't been going for three hours."
"Neither have you." Tonkers States
man. "I have ut heen reading the Consti
tution of the I'nlted Rates."
"And I -m surprised to find out how
many rlvht a fellow really has." Pitta
burrh I'cpt.
i did you strike the witness In the n-
lire?endant No. T rlW't I pasted him
Ir. the law. Baltimore Amerlcen.
"Everyone In our family Is some kind
of an animal." said Jlnimle to the emased
pteh'-her. ... ...
"Why, you ahouldn't sav that, the
good man exclaimed.
"Well," sold Jimmy, "mother's a dear,
the baby is mother's Httle lamb, I'm
a kid and dad a the goat." Ladles' Home
How we love to turn th pt-es
Of life's record o'er snd oir,
In fond memory re-llin
All the days that are no more.
Those old dava teld sun and shadows.
Joyous laughter, mournful tears.
Gladness, too, and eome deep eorrowe.
Pome bright hopes, perhapa soma (ears
But the shadows now have faded.
And th tsars have long slnoa dried!
Fears and sorrow a are forgotten,'
And the Joys are magnified. '
8" we sigh In looking backward.
And repeat In hacknoyed phrase:
"Those were good eld daya, :ny com
mdes !
Ah, but those were gcod old days!
"Those old days were glrid and sunny.
Would that they could con again:
Thev were rood old days, my ccraradet,
But we did not know it then."
Omaha. DAVID.
ion ntr,rym csu&Kpmm
Mrs. Craw ford I suppoa- thev won
dered hnw we could afford an auto.
Mrs. Crabuhaw Not exactly. They
asked If I knevf how much you owed
on It J ml lie.
"T hope," said the earnest citlaen.
"that you will be careful not to rock
the host."
"Rock the boat!" echoed the reckless
rMir? Ann nwn
I'OdoywsemRTOWAXStoo? 1
. Je4 IsnUhspJemfid?' IfeVi
I J ETerywne's talking about it v ' S
H. J, Hughes Co., Irtc, Wholesale' Distributors.
.-jMvjxf fell
This is the power of good.
Crlfsria, visiting a crowded factory, vhert ill
kempt, ill-paid girls work their life away, is startled
by the cry of "Fire' and finds herself in the
midst of a shriveling frightened herd ofy suffoca
ting maniacs.
The lights go out and amid the smoke and flames,
and the clangor and clamor, CeJcstia, calms the girls
and saves their lives.
And then in response to their thankful offers to .
help her, Celestia tells them to spread her gospel
Beautiful, inspiring scene ! Minuter, priest and rabbi,
you will agree that here is a sermon despite all its
thrills, loveliness and exquisite art,
"Join the army," follow Celesria,see Anita Stewart
in the Viragraph pictures of "The Goddess."
tht Vdagraph Pictures at
your fayonte Theatre. Read the
Story f Couvemeur Morris in
The Daily Bee
J, -a, i,