Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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Charlie and George
Drawri for The Bee by T. E. Powers
" rcAMT-cBT a I ni i . Jisiq.ji nn rn towsi Aaw ms
qoT ARAMO IDEA j OiARUE?J ' CHARLIE J . ' roWARD DaM,HOW f X ' ; 15 W T (
PA1MIS5 rJ "n3 V S EXPENSE-, ' ' r, L"t s3
..- . i ' (
Peffer Loiei Mound Battle After
i (kiajf All the Way, While Oppo-
nent Hearly m Loaf.
; out Mayer weakened slightly toaard the
, end of lo game. Score:
BunrMirt SB. I 1,1 llnrll. ef....4 0 I 0 0
B.rna. tb... 4 I I I VOrlffllh. rf . I t ,1 0.
rkr. If... 4 I '. aa.'..4 I t. 1
iVarath. rf . 4 I 1 lKllllier If.. 4 t
Whltta4. el. l i t iQrah, 9b-H. I 1 I I t
Nallmff. lb. I I t Ciaraa, ... t 4
Ixulania. lb, I ti 1. tOlam lb.-..t til 1
Beeton-Americans Celebrate-Bunker
STinrr. 4 i ,i .. I i i American! AeieDraie aui
. -3 ttw. Hill Day by Taking Game
Tatals M 154 II I 1 1
Standing of Teams
CHtCAOO. Jun 17.-Bttllni nc'.i nfl
ck In a (riat xhlbltton of pll -hlng.
ybl of Chloo nd Pfeffn of Brooklyn
lo!ay foutht a. nlnten-lnnln aWif to ft
f!nth, Whtch wu hortbrkItnm tha
landpolnt of W vtalllpi: pitcher, fo? the
:oha von. to 1 dVplte hie brlS'lant
vera. " ' '
The ' game aet a eaaon'a ret-orrt 4 for
number of Inning, but U waa playea
rapidtjr. Pfeffer worked all throua;n the
onteat and Zabel, avoeedlnc Huanphrlea
when th letter's hand was split by
Wheat's bit In th, nrst Innlnf, pitched
ncsrir as lona.
' Emll lapporl Ulrea.
."ttratlo support was alven both slab
r.en. Every Brooklyn run was directly
Griped tn by an error and two of ChW
taro'a ware doe to misplays. Fisher
eountlnc the -ainnlnt score when Cut
sbaw threw wild on Williams' hard
iroudr In the nineteenth. Past field-,
Inr eared scorea for both sides, too. In-
fielders and outfielders vtelnf In dpsper
at efforts to prevent ryii. ,
Twice the score waa tied when th name1
warned over. With twe out In tha cihth
and Chicago leading, t to 1, Fisher fum
bled O' Mare's grounder and Myers scored
Mm with a double.' '.
tn tha fifteenth Cutshaw alnglad. took
third because nobody covered second
When Phelan threw there on Wheat's
hit and scored on Miller's drive. Then
Iraler tied the count again by slaiumlng
to tha sooraboard for a home run. ' .
j graree Error. .'
" rishera single In tha nineteenth" and
tk-h nits' e long fly placed the form en
smnd, whence he scored on Cut-thaw's
Kach. pitcher fanned 1 and, Zabel
passed only one batter. ' Prtfer walked
elrht, but three of, his passes a de-sl-ned
to avoid danger from a heavy hit
ter and his Judgment was proved right In
ee-ch Instance. Brora:
TUlt S ST II 1
Tn nut when winning run scored.
BattAd for Wagner in eighth. -Philadelphia
0 0 e 0 0 1 0 0-1
ClnUnnatl 0 0 0 0 t 1-1
Two-bee, hit: Kllllfer (Wade). Thre
base hits: Kllllfer (William, Heraolt.
Stolen heeee: Cravath, Whlttd. Uoiihle
playa: Bancroft to l.uderim (2): Hanrmft
to Hyrno to Bancroft. Baeea on balls:
Off Mayer. 1; off Toney, t. Struck out:
By .Mayer. 4: by Hone)', i. I m pi roe:
Orth snd Byron.
Cutler Can't See
.-How. Steelier Will
Put Him to the Mat
CHICAGO. ia, June 17,-(flpelal)
When Charley Cutler. American cham
pion wrestler, who Is training hard for
his match July I with Joe Rtecher out
In 'Nebraska got a elant at the Omaha
papera tha other svsnlng he nearly col
lapsed. '
He read several statements therein to
the affect that tha Bttcher people were
betting that Cutler would not be able to
U'k thirty minutes on the mat with
the monderfui young fellow who hopes
to have the- American title safely tucked
away under his belt on the night of the
day we celebrate.
Thirty nilnntes, eh" Cutler., mused
when he had dtgeeted the story and had
caught hla breath. w-Thls fallow 'sure
must be one of the wonder f tha world
or else h has got hla followers strung
or kidded Into thinking ha Is tha great
et man of hla time.
"When I read a statement like that .1
feet Ilka the country yokel did tha first
time ha saw tha giraffe In tha circus.
'It's a He," the yokel remarked, there
ain't no site animal.' And T dont be
lieve there la any man in the world
eapajjla of doing that to me."
from Browni.
orr sya e in one ana
Hit by .pitched hall:,, B;
(Warner). Struck out: By
bv Ruth, II. Umpires: O'l
AS. M O. A
O'Mare. I. 1 .T t SOoxl. rf f 111
Jim. at... Sit INw. t 4 I 1
Wvtwrt, lb. I tit I If. I I t t t
rufe. Jtkt I tM IM.Um, Ml e t t
WWt. If..-. I lit tP.I-r lk....t I I
uuL K.t 14 1 JV. Ilium, eft 4 1 t
yw.rr. ... 14 1 llkwkw, l 1 I 4 I
it Vim. f a SPhclM. ft l I I I 1
0-. lb..... t ill 4H.pbr. l I f I j
rieftor. ... t t 1 4 lUtol, S ...1 I 1
I 111
tt HIT M
Two -out when winning run scored. -
TTookln . ... l' ) 010 i Ort .
C bios go JOO 000 Wv WO 0'1 0"0 1-4
Two-baM hits: Phelan. Bresnahan.
Sfhulte ' Mevera. O'Mara. Home run
aior. Stolen bases: Williams, Oeta.
Iuble play: Qtt to Cutahaw to Iau
fcort. Bmm on baUs: Cff abel, 1. off
pfeffM-, - Kite: Off Humphries,, t In
two-thlrda Inning: off 7-abel, t In elsh
m and on'a-thlrd Innlnsa Struck out:
y Zabel. 4: by Pfffer. . lUee on
rore: Brooklyn, ti Chicago, t Dmptaes:
Bigler and Hart
GUiti Defeat Plratea.
' nTTSBTTBOH. June 11. New York de
feated PutaDurKO lo the first gaiue of
ti aeiiea todv, I lo L The locale were
tinaMe to bunch their hlta of f' Marauard.
J iv tha eevanta. with ma 4m seennA and
anird. Marquard alngled and scored the
runners. Hcore:
, mkw remx PfTTgarrKiH. '
Dt l. at I t I t trare. If ... 4 1 I t t
imri. t... I e t t tCtalllu. rt... 4 till
J t.K th.... I eft 4tr4. ..,. 4 t I t C
Crwi rt...4 tit tHi.ohm.. if I t 1 t
ViMr, as. 4 1 4 t Ihw. Ik.. 4 I I I I
'.na, llllt tViu. lb I I I I I
ork. Ik.. 4 I T I IUCrtk?. set 14 11
Vn I 4 I toitwun. ... I lilt
kwwi s 4 I t t tMwrkr. ... I t I t 4
, , Mtiiiu, ti i e e t
ti.s...a tun turiMr .... I t s I
i ' x , CMMiaa. silt t 1
Tolahj 15lil
Batted for MoQutUaa tn eighth.
New Tork.u..:... ! 4-
Plttaburgh t 0 0 t 0 0 t 01
Twe-beaa hit: Wagner. Stolen base
Robertson, Merkle, Meyers. Pouble
piaya: balrd to loa, Wagner to MrCar
tby te Wagnrr. Earned runs: New York
: Ptttaburgh. 1. Haves on ball; Vtt
MTOlird. 1: off MrUulllan. I. Hlta-. Citi
i)cJ"iiin. T la elsht liuilnga: off C'on-
acuuaa. I la orte Innings, ntrurk -outr Hy
jaarouaM t; oy anyuiiian, L niplres
Wulsiey and Raaon.
T. lM'IS. June IT. fit. Loula defeated
Bnaion. 1 to 0, here today, though Ku
dci. allowed but one hit until the sov-
iito Inning. In that tnnlna. however. St
luula made tare rune on two singles, a
oa belie and a aacrlflca hit. coupled
wnn pmim a wua mrow peat flrai. Kvore
ib. if... 4 I t t tSilr aa...l t I 4 t
kb. t i. tk4 t I I If.. I t t t
iw. IT....I lie miliar. Sa... I 114 tb....l 111 lUn, ft.... I 1 1 t t
rcatl. Ik. I til t tll.i. rf.... 1 a I a
Mm. t... I ItS 4HH. k... I llttS
x..-.iivu. e I e t t iuimi. tk. .. i tele
'.o-tf- e...i I a-S t ttnraar. ':... I e t I t
s-.i 1 1 1 tHaklaasa. at t S t S
?ala...4S 44 U- I To(Ik...:M -4-It It
raeton o 4 I a o 4
tt. luia 44044IS.
l wo-mt r neaviiar. Iknrbie piayg:
irtoMoaou to Millar to Hytu Kobtneun
lo Itjiler tu Hyatt. Hast on balls: Off
ni!ion.n, : art bxtHnaun. n. HiriK k out
;1iv) lurbinaon, 4. Uoij'irea: hJeai snd
Three Trotters Tie
For First Money in
Raoe at Dizzy Clip
MA HON CITT. la.. June 17.-(8pecuU
TelegranvV-Chlllyi weathsr and a strong
wind alone . prevented reoord . breaking
time In tha three rating sventa staged
for today: Tha Jefferson meeting- wlU
begin nert Tuesday and Newton will
close the circuit July i, and T. Results:
Partna- ' I 11 alaaa: nuraa, laM-
uypay wargrava
v Paaie
Mlaa Bell Patchen..
uyapy Burns
1ms. I.UV. 3:llVa. I:12U. -
Four others 4lso started
Trottlna-. 2:14 rlaaa: mine lilaV
Bllly Moad Ill
Jim O'Shea til
Italian Aubrey 1 1 i
Craah riUla. '
nsciJfUAH June 1T.-A three-baa.
mi ww ntriuf ana a wngie by Klllifrr.
aiier iwe mm were trul In the ntoth.
1 1
4 a t
The H Dart an Ouean.
Time. i:i4, 1:13. 1:1k.
Three horses tied for first money.
rirt mner aiao siarxeo.
Trottlna. 1:24 rlaaa mii-aai itm-
Major Direct
tJmjtsnant Aubrey
pi'tie ,
Time. l:Ui. !;.
. 1
Bellevue's Foot Ball
Sohedule Under Way
Captain Webb of next y'ear'a foot ball
taam at Bellerua college and Raymond
Ollmore. manager of athletics, have al
meat completed the foot ball schedule for
nest year. Tha datea made art as fol
October 1-otner at Bethany.
November s Wayne at Omaha.
November II Trinity at fltoux City.
November 1 Ioene at Rellevue.
November 36 tThankaglvIng day) Tar-
aio ii larxio.
The datea October I, 11 and O have
been purposely left open. To fill them ne
gotiations are under way for gamea with
Midland at Atchison. Dea Molnea college
at Dee Molnea and Tabor at Bellerua.
CXiech Benjamin looked aver tha allua
ttoc immediately upon his arrival last
Wednesday and proposes to renovate th
old athletic field and put It In shape for
the gamea of tba coming- season. .t
Los Angeles Wins
Tom Morris Trophy
CHICAOO. June n. laU twtiirna front
chubs eompwttec U tha Tom Morris avwnt
yesterday bxJIrwta that tha Utm Angekaa
vauntry clnai won pernauaant iniiai
of the trophy. Its ancrw of down being
neurr . Urn any as fax ranatwad. Aq
rc- sa cawupmrrer Qai- srsaiai of the
Plata City Beast rttot freaSuad thai tnara
wlLS U duam kvat nUbc, but tba real
aontw was ML Nona of tha taaar twp
aT tha Law Ajrlra) paajrrjw.
WaaU rwaalBK Teawth.
A certain member of the Otanla im.
diets that Weeds!) will be the regular
r ti hor whan Msywre la through. M-
uraw tnlnas t lot ef tha former Morris
man for dncmnaUl from PiuiadlphU to- Huch acheU foot bail player and txauA
-' m ww m wtm viu-ua-rw wormaa a AU, I i nine.
HOPTO.N, June IT.-The Red So moved
Inte a tlo for second plate In the Amer
ican league race hr winning from St
Louis today. .U to 10. To games were
scheduled for the Bunker Hill day pro
gram, but the morning conteat was post
poned because of rain.
St. Louis drove Ruth from the box In
the eighth, when they scored seven runs.
ST. lit-m nofiTON
Hhnttoa. If.. I t I t IHanrtkin rf 4 MM
Ail.tln. lb... t lit IWaanar. th.l t 1 t
Pratt b.... 114 CKo1ara. Sb. I t 1 4
r Walker, rf 4 I t aeaer. t-f.. I 1 1 0 I
BWalkar. ill I I 1 Mwla. If....t 1 e
Walah. rf... 4 lit tllohllUal. lb 4 1 I I 1
larr. lb.... I lit UanTrtn. a... I I I I
laTan. aa.... till tnardMr. lb. I 4 t It
SrTaralit. .. 4 0 I 0 tThomaa. e. . . I 111 a
Parmrnn. a I t S 1 SRulli. p 4 I 1 J
Mixitt ... 1 e e a emara. a
orli. a i 1 t 1 t
williama .. 1 lilt Tata la It linn 1
Toun ... 44 13W 4 4
Hohlltsell out, lilt by batted ball.
Hatted for Perryman In seventh.
Batted tor Hoch In ninth.
fit. Louis 0 0 0 0 0 10 7 a-io
Boaton 1 t x o x
Two-base hit: Lwls, Three-bsse hits:
Gardner. Lvan Stolen bases: Bpeaker
i), . Liewlir. Bases on aii: urt ferry
man. 1: orr rioen. x: on num. a. on
Mavs. L HIU: Off Pejryman, In alx
Innings: off Hoxh. t In two Inklngs: off
Kutn. s in seven ann one-tnirn miunaa,
off Maya In one auid twovtrnms inninxa.
rrrrj man.
rarrvman. i.
Ixughlln and
Indiana l.oae la Vnki.
vs-tv fnnK Juna 17. The New York
Americans made it six etralaht by easily
taking the first game of their Cleveland
series. 1 tul Caldwell held Cleveland to
two hits until the ninth, wnen a mis
judged fly by High paved -the' way for
three Cleva'and rune. Pcora:
.ciivxLJtrp-..v . aaw tuiu.
All H O A AB M.O.A.E.
AViath'tb. rl4 I I t 9Cw. rf 4 I 1
Tnmar. h.l 1 I I 0T'a-klnpa. m I 4 1 I
kaaman, aa 4 1 I t osiaiaai. ae... a i
vt ih... 4 t It S epiav. lb 1 f la B
Oraiwr If... I I I Hlak. ct....4 I 1
lKfM4. rf . I I 1 I OHarttau. if.. T
BKrbara. Kb 1 I I I tnoona. lb... I t I I I
n-Nalll. a... I t 1 t tHauman. 3fa. I B I a e
Jnnaa. s 1 S t 4 SHwanar. e.. a i a i
Smltll 1 4 4 t tOaJdwall. . I I bib
Harata4. p..tttl
Jaakam ... 1 1 t t t Totaia ii wi a a
Talkie 11 I 14 14 1
Batted for Jones in ninth.
Batted for Hartaed In sixth.
Cleveland .1.0 0 0 0 0 0 " ft -I
New York o oittxoso i
Two-base hits: Chapman. Cook, Hart-
Bell. Three-baee nit: boutnwortn. oioien
kaMr Imuiw. Bases on belle: Off
Caldwell. I; off Jonea. 4: off Hartaed. 1.
Hlta: trr jonea. e in titw mnmir, on
Hartaad. 4 tn three Innings. Struck out:
By Caldwell, I; by Hareted. 1. Umptrea:
Chill and FJvana
Maeka l.eae to Pal Baa.
PHIIA DELPHI A, June XT. Cddla Col
lins' batting, fielding and base running
were features of the same today, la
which Chicago defeateoYPhlladelphla, I to
4.- Eddie made two doubleo and a single
and drew a paas In four trips to tne
plat, stole two pases an arova in one
run and scored another aaalnst hla for
mer team mates. In addition ha accepted
ten chancea Pcott piffled aucn apienaia
ball that the horn team could not get a
runnar neat first baae. Score: ,
An HO. A B AB.H.O.A.C.
rNlarb. rf... 4 t t t 4Wkb. rf...l I I t
aa 4 1 I 4 tnurr aa....4 lata
C CVilllna. Jkl I I T siaae a a e a I a
V.unlar. Ik. 4 14 t (IM Aa.1T. r... t I t I
JCalllM. rf. 4 11 t toidrlna. If... 4 I I
Roth. U ..i 1 I t IMIaala Ik. 4 I I
aVkalk. C...I til trltraak. rf ... 4 I t 1 t
BifatM aa a e a l BHaioaa. hi. .a a i a a
tocil. e 4 tit tKopf. Ik. .. 4 1 I
riraaaiar, a a a
Totals It I IT 14 tltbaarbar. a., t t I t
V iiwih I . t
Murphr ... 1
i Total a tt 4 IT II i
Baitted for Brassier In seventh.
Hatted for Lapp In eighth.
Two-baae hlta: K Collins (. Falach.
Tlina-kua hit: Roth. Stolen beaee
ix. v ar. rv.iiin it 3 rviiiina. rw.tif.ia
plays: Lapp to Malone; Kopf to Maiona
to MoTnnee: Ea (oIIIb to weaver to
Ptumler. Baae on ttalla: Off Scott. Ii
off Breaaler. . Hlta- Off Breaaler. tn
aet en Innlng-e; off Shawkey. I tn three
Inulnga. Huuck out: By Scott. I: by
Breseler, I; bv Shawkey. X. Cmplrea
Connolly and Wallace.
Tltrere TaWa Opeaee.
WABHINtJTON. June IT. Detroit al
tered Its lineup todity to obtain hatting
etrength and the Viera won the ftrat
same of t ie ajnnre w ttn vt aanlnrton
to f. After holdlna the locals to two hits
In the eight Innlncs Dubuo weskened in
the ninth ana the locale acorea two runs.
Stern retired the atde. Score:
prrnoiT warhinoton.
Baah. aa. . . I I I iMaallar. rf., 4 t t e t
Hataaa'. Ik. I I I 1 Poatar. lb... I t I I t
Cvtok. af 4 14 4 IH.U1, If... 4 It
Crawfar. rf 4 I 4 tMilaa. at ... 4 t t I
Vaaak. tt I lit tOauAU. Ik... 4 1 M 1 t
Barma lb... 4 111 tMarwaa. kk. I t t I t
Mortartr. a i a inmrf, a a t t I
artaaaam. a... I It tMoBrtaVa. aa. 4 4
Dvfcoa. a. ... I 11 tArarn a.... I 11
Slaaa, ....'. tlteaaolly .. I t t t
Hoaar. ... 1
Tat ale si mil a mu I
n.ilia. a.... t t I
Willlaaas ..I
thhh a'lau a
natter for A i aa in siath.
Batted for Hovper In eighth.
Hatted for OaUia la ninth.
Detroit 1 -4
Washington l-4
Twu-baae hits: Burao, Shaaha, Kit.
anaab. UaodU. JliU: Off Ayrea. I la
ma inamava: en tiouuar. 1 la twe lanlnaa
off UaUlia. bom la one UutUtar, aff liubuo.
1 In eight aad eoav-t-hird iauilnga. Htoien
baeea: Cobb, burns. Ioubte piar : Mo-
Hrvde to Oandii. Baeea oat bails: Off
Dubuo, : off Ayree. I: struck out:. My
lttitxau, I; by ttaaa, I: by Ay res, 1 rn-
fnrwa: iaiiia aaa uuiai la.
W.LPct.i W.LPct.
Dea Moines.21 IK .WW Chicago 3 il .1571
Topcka 37 ,6M f'hll .'i r n .m
Denver 24 II .171'St. Ixjuis.....a it: .K7
Omaha 24 li .ta, Boaton 14 ZS .4S
Lincoln 72 il .MJ PltUburgh . '-f .47
St. joeeph..l 26 .4.ll!Brooklyn ...24Z7.471
Ploux City. .17 M .2T7I New York... 21 14 .t7
Wichita ...1 28 IM) ClnclnnaU ..30 J .436
W.L.Prt. W.LPct
Chicago n 20 .023 InrHanaplls 24 19 .V
Detroit 23 S3 Kan. City . .29 23 .o&
Boston 27 14 .fJ0 Ixuisvllle ... 2i .547
New York. .M !t .m Milwaukee .2(1 t7 .41
Washlngt'n 21 23 .60il St. Paul 2f 17 .481
Cleteland ..10 2 .4"H Cleveland ...22 27 .449
Phlla 19 t2 .371 Mlnneapolla 20 SO .400
St. IoulS....19 S3 .365 Columbus ..21 21 .404
...17 9 .6S4
....15 10 ,f0
....15 11 .677
...12 16 .4.3
...13 It .5u0
Former Mackian '&iven a Furiom
Drubbing arid Driven Out of
Game in Fourth.
York ...
Qd. Island.. 14 11 .449
St. IotilS...2S 20 .542
Pittsburgh 27 23 JM .b
Chicago Ml
Kan. City.. 33 21 .5H
Newark ....26 M .WM
Baltlmora .19 12 .4f2
Buffalo 19 17
Yeaterday'a Reaalta.
Topeka. 2; Wichita. 4.
New York. 3; Pittaburgh. 1. '
Philadelphia. 1; tUnclnnatl. 2
Brooklyn, 2; Chlcag-o, 4. .Nineteen in
Boaton, 0; ft. Louis, 2.
ChU-sgn. 2; Philadelphia, 0.
Cleveland. I; New York, 7.
St. Iouls, 10; Boston, U.
Detroit, i: Washington. I.
Chicago. 5-5; Buffalo, 2-7.
Kanaaa City 9: Baltimore, I.
Pittsburgh, i; Brooklyn. 3.
Mt. lunula, l, iNswara. x.
Cleveland. I; Columbua, 4.
All games postponed, rain.
i Games Today.
Western League Denver at Omaha,
Lincoln at Sioux City. Topeka at Wichita.
Mt Ji-iaPnh mt Dea Molnea.- . -
National League New York at Pitta
burgh. Philadelphia at Cincinnati. BrooK
Ivn at Chlcatfo. Boston at St. Louis.
American League Chicago at Philadel
phia, Cleveland at New York, St. Loula
at Boaton .(two games), Detroit at Waeh
inston. Kederai Leagna-Chicaajn at Buffalo,
Kanaaa City at JlsUUmore. Pittaburgh at
Brooklyn, St. Loula at Newark.
Nebraaka State League York at Grand
Island. Hastings at Norfolk, Falrhury. at
Bo,r. Loomis. Charleston and Denbo.
Elwood Is ready to meet any of tha
.otJ ld-be champa In tha stats that aa a
reputation, on satisfactory terms.
America Aaeoctatioa.
At Columbus Score: . R.H.E.
Cleveland 11 1
Columbus 4 I
Batteries: Cleveland. Brenton and De
vest; Columbus. Davis and Coleman.
Th ball game to have been played be
tween Lincoln and Omaha was called off
yesterday on account of wet 'weather.
Denver will open a rour-gam series here
BALTIMORE. June 17. Kansas City
gave Chief Bender a severe drubbing to
day, forcing hla retirement In" the fourth
Inning and winning, 9 to 5. Score:
Kaniaaa City . 0 3 1 6 0 0 0 0 0-9 Id 3
Baltimore ... .0 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 6 10 3
Batteries: Cullon and Easterly; Bender,
Conloy, Vereker. Douglas and Owens.
Bines Check Whales. '
BUFFALO. N. Y.. June 17. Buffalo put
a irtop to Chicago's winning streak by
capturing the second game of today's
double-header. 7 to 5. the visitors having
won the first game, 5 to 2. In the second
game Pitcher Hendrlx. as a pinch hitter,
made a home run with one man on base.
Score, first game: R.H.E.
Chicago 0 0000050 0-5 10 i
Buffalo 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0-3 S 3
Batteries: McConnell and Fischer;
Bedlent, Marahall and Blair.
Snore, second game: R.H.11
Chicago 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 24 4
Buffalo 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3 -7 I 1
Batteries: Johnson. Brennan and Wil
son; fcMnulx and Allen. -
Rebels Trim Tig. Tops. '
BROOKLYN, Juna 17. Ed Konetohy
pounded out an easy victory for Frank
Allen today, Pittsburgh winning from
Brooklyn, I to 8. Kontohy got two
doubles and two singles out of four twnes
at bat, accounting for four runs. Score:
Plttsbtmfh ..yillUHMUl
(Brooklyn ... 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 11 10 X
. Batteries: Allen and O'Connorai Marlon
and Land. -81.
I.oala Trine Newark.
NEWARK. N. J ,June 17.-A double
play In the ninth, with the hastis filled,
prevented Newark from winning today In
the third-game, of the series with St.
Loula. St. Louis won. 3 to 2. Score:
St. Louis 0 a 0 0 0 2 1 0 0-3 9 2
Newark 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0-2 9 0
Batteries: Groom. Plank and Hartley;
Moran, Katserllng and Rarlden.
Daihner Blows Up in the Opening-
Frame and . Wichita Garnera
- Enough Bunt to Win.
WICHITA. Kan., Jun 17.-Wichita de
feated Topeka In a hot combat here to
day, 4 to 2. Paahner blew up In the open
ing round and tha Wolves hammered
home three runs, enough to win. Ban
ders pitched nice ball during the re
mainder of the battle, but Cochran never I
let the lead slip away from him. Score:
R-H E.
Topeka 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 1-1 9 1
Wichita 8 0 0 0 0 0.1 0. 4 5 1
Batterlea: Daahner, Sanders and Mon
roe; Cochran and rOifflth.
Michigan Uni Bars
Base Ball Players
for Professionalism
ANN ARUOJ. Mich., June 17. -Tha
board In control of athietcg at, tha Uni
versity of Michigan laat night barred
Sheehy aad Maltby, manrbera of th
Wolverine hava hall team, from further
participation In athletics at th univer
sity, took from them th Insignia thsy
already have won and recommended that
they be further disciplined by tha faculty
Of the engineering department In which
they are students. Th tw? mm were
found guilty, after a rarerrd Investiga
tion of having played base bail for money
and under ajasumed names with Indepen
dent teams.
It was established MciNamara, an
other member ot the varsity baae ball
squad, had played outside bail under an
aaaumcd name, but had not received
money for his services. He was barrad
from participation In university tporta
for one yeaur and hla Insignia forfeited.
Charges of professionalism against
othsr university athletes was not sub
stantiated. -
Elmwond Defeats Loorala. .
RLWOOD, Neb., June 17. (Ppeclai.)
Elwood climbed Into first plac by de
feating IXKimla. the) league leaders, by
the ecore of 1 to 0. Score: F IT.E.
Klwood 01100000 41 17 8
Loomla 00000000 0-4) I
Batteries: Elwood, Todenholf and De-
Honest Values in Men's Suits
You are reading these days adp offering men's
clothing at almost gift prices, as if good clothes could :
be sold that way. Every thinking man knows it is im
possible to give something for nothing, and that it is
not what is paid, but what is gotten for the money, that's
the test of a bargain. v
A OOIY are 8U0Win t-hi8 week new suits
J-X p.U one-fourth silk lined, in checks and over
plaids that will impress you with their real worth. All
are good fabrics, in the very latest fashions $20
A m, djOC For this price we offer out high-grade
pw&j Kensington units. Hand tailored every
one.. They fit, wear and hold their shape to suit the
most exacting customer. You pay a trifle more for them;
but you get vastly more for what you pay. . .$25
a D IL C L ' Th non-ahrlnkabie kind. Blue
1 CLIHT DCtiCll O UltS nd bUck wUh air-line "tripe.
handsome gray and light -pst-i
$6.50, $7.50 d $10
terns. They all wash like a
linen handkerchief
t'aavst Resells.
At Salt Lak City, first game: RH E.
Venice 15 11 S
Salt Lake City ' T 14 I
Batteries: Hltt and M1U; Laroy. Greg
ory, Morgan aad Hannah.
Saore, second game: RH B.
Venloe I 11 1
Salt Lake City T 11 4
Batterlea: ttih aad Speavoar; HalL C
Williams and Rohrer.
At Oakland, ftrat game: R.H.U.
Portland 4 1
Oakland - 1 14 I
Batteries: Covileekla Keeaw and Teav
rlauh. Abaas and K una.
Snsre, enrtd game: RH E.
Portiand , Ill
Oaklatvd :. 88
beutarlea: Kahlar and ITlshar; KiawlU
tee- and kuhn.
At Ixa Anrels tVors: R H K.
San FYani-taoo...... Ill
Los Aaselea 8 14
(B'ak, Loa Angaaaax livvaVaw udiVilea,
ApcU6, 1840: A company of Santa F tnden with 0 Mil if '''SSfti . ' ..
waeons and a quantity o( gold and silver, anivel lately at , Yft1 f s I'fl'Wf ' Ja
Independence, Miuouri. on a return lnlp.: -. ' .-' ' JU I M 1
v & 71 1. 1 -
. fr.w?i&m
ijj ,mt. az r LM M H -aa. If II;
I " tz fi x I fl D IHP
A V-l 1
Seventy five years ago
when caravans of traders were a com
mon sight, the foundation of the Lemp
business was laid the oldest brewery
in America with a national patranage.
It is logical that seventy five years effort
wholly devoted to the making of fine
beers should result in superfine
or f aX aat aBrw -
a beer distinguished from all others by it1
M.a.L. j : a - ,, .ia-.: i
lusiatucuiiui uaui,uiiuuiuujr nnuiiiiiiicu
Beer is a lead. Saead bear are asde .1 Ibe
same aiatetiaaa: caraaJa yeas arl waaar. Bread
Is aolio ;baar la liquid Ootn are bifbii aoaitahlog.
a near w arooore enartr.
gtaaa aervas -eaod beer Is
Parslciaaa praawrtka beer
BU1M aasaoe an S
las siUIr ot ins.
5 .
Henry Rohlff Company. DUtributor, 2567-69 laemrenworth St., Omaha, Neb.
TelepKimti: Doag.&7&