Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Image 3

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Some State Officers, Themielvea,
Countenance Its Use, While
Others So Not
fFrom a Stuff Correspondent.)
MNCOU. June 17. (Speelal.)-lt ap-
rrs to b prrttr hard work for the
State Board of ITrsJth to enforce Its '
recent order abolishing1 the common
drinking cup In all ptibllo places. I
The board conalata of Governor More- I
head. Attorney Oeneral Reed, democrats, J
and Ft ate Superintendent Thomas, re- (
publican. j
The public cup may etfll be found In, I
many public placea in tilnooln, the state
bouse and court house In particular still
virtnir the old cup. Curloir enonjh two
members of the toard, both democrats,
have neglected to do wiy with the cup,
while the republican member hus dnn
so and has Installed a brand new foun
ts In In his office with a bubbler" that
works over time.
Hmsllpoi at Weeplnsx Water.
Pr. Wilson, secretary of the State
jtoard of Health, returned thla afternoon
from a trip to Weeping Water, where he
Investigated the smallpox epidemic. He
discovered several casea of the disease,
some of which had been pronounced
chicken pox.
FUh in IJikea Are Dead.
Secretary Shcehan ot the State Board
cf CharKlci and Corrections, who gen-
erally spends his vacation" at the lake
in Brown comity, has received & letter
from R. L. Snyder, who keeps the hotel
ot Endrus lake, statlna that the fish
bave all been kilted In the lake of Brown
county and most of those In Cherry
county. He sent postcard pictures show
ling th flah -which had been killed,
some of them being; bass weighing six to
seven pounds.
He says It will be six years before
fishing will again bo good In those lakes.
Not only do the dead fish lie all about
the shores of the lakes, but frogs and
turtles also have died.
Normal Kxamtners Meet.
The Board of Examiners of State Nor
mal Schools la holding a session in the
office of the state superintendent today.
The board consists of Superintendents R,
M. Campbell of Columbus, C M. Walton
or Wahoo and H. M. Eaton of Emerson.
They are preparing a system of issuing
certificates so that normal school grad
uates and others will know lust what Is
needed to secure state certificates.
Commencement Week
at Doane College
CRTCTE, Neb., June 17. (Special.)-As
one of the features of the Doane college
commencement the annual Dawes ora
torical contest was held Tuesday after
noon, June IS. Seven contestants en
tered. The first place was taken by O. A.
Koester of Battle Creek. Thla is the
third prize won by Mr. Koester in the
Dawes, winning second in his freshman
year and dropping to "third last -year.
Ralph B. Noyce, of Crete won tha second
prize. . .
The commencement concert Tuesday
evening, given by the conservatory stu
dents, was attended by a large and ap
preciative audience. The program was
composed cf piano, violin, clarinet and
vocal solos and ensemble numbers by the
men's glfre club and quartet, the string
lilo and the orchestra. This was the
orchestra's last appearance under the
direction of Prof. Dick, who is leaving
the conservatory after a service of
more than ten years. The orchestra also
played a program of ten numbers in the
A large audience of alumni, former
students and townspeople witnesed the
final program of the commencement
week Wednesday morning. After a pro
gram of orations and tnusla by the
class the degreos and diplomas were pre
sented by President Allen. Miss Ethel
Rough cf Nehawka received first honors
in scholarship and R. B. Noyce of Crete
second honors. The Guy Wilder Green
athletic, prize was awarded to It. E. Reed.
Music teachers' certificates were) granted
to Muses Mamie Lenhart and Buda Orth,
an expression certificate to Miss Eliza
beth Rough, religious education certifi
cates tr MMses Elisabeth Rough and
fcmlly Wolph, music diploma to Miss
liattlo Thompson, and the degree of
bachelor of arts to:
Tonerd R. Benson, . Ray C. Mtmkres,
Otto E. Brandt, Ralph B. Noyce,
Oladys F. Cochrane, Ida J. Padovr,
Klsie Craig. Arthur H. Piatt,
James SI. Eman, Hesse P"tter,
Homer C Goodrich, Ethel E. Rough,
Annadora Grcpory, Fllzabeth F. Rough.
Halph S. Hudxon. Marlon N. Tucker.
Mildred K. McNeill. Hellish M. Wledman,
J.011 V. Mclteynolds. Emily G. Wolph.
William P. Medlar,
The commencement exercises were fol
lowed immediately by the alumni lunch
eon and reunion at the Congregational
church at which a large number were
present. Prof. John Bauer; '04, of New
York was toastmaster and toasts were
given by Prof. John N. Bennett, "BO; Miss
Ruth llan'ord. 10, and R. R. Hastings.
'Id. Miss Ida 1'odour. '15, spoke in
of the entering class. Miiss Luclle Reed,
formerly teacher of voice In the con
servatory, sang. Mrs. J. W. Bennett,
'91. in behalf of the Faculty Woman's
club, prcseuted $100 to the college in
debtedness fund, this being the first pay
ment upon their pledge of SalO.
Falls City Alan Ptomoted.
FALLS CITT, Neb.. June 17.-(Speclal.)
C. R. McDonald, chief clerk .'n the office
'of Superintendent J. F. Russ of the Mis
souri Pacific, has resigned his position
to accept a more lucrative one in the of
fice of the president of the system at St.
Louis. Mr. McDonald has been In the
office of Superintendent Russ since the
establishment of the division point In this
city. He will go to hls-fiew position next
Will Bride w thaanrl.
M COOK, Neb.. June 17. (Special.) At
the meeting of the oBard of County Com
missioners of Red Willow county today,
It was determined to build a new piling
plank bridge over v the new channel rre-.
ated by the flood in the Republican river
south of this city last week. No effort
will be made at this time to divert the
river back Into the old channel, which
would be an expensive procedure.
Hall la Rr4 Wlllew Coeaty.
KCOOK. Neb.. June IT. (SpeXaL
Ash creek nelghborhod southeast of Mo
Cook, covering one of the finest agri
cultural parts of the country, was ! adly
damaged by hall last evening, rau ung a
less of many thousands of dollars to
U thrifty farmers of that section.
First Freight
Treasurer's Suit
Against Ure Hqard
In Supreme Court
(From a Staff Correspondent )
LINCOLN. June 17.-(Ppeclal.)-Th. su
preme court has taken under advlM-ment
the application of Ptate Treasurer Hall
for ft writ of mandamus to compel County
iTeasurer Ure of Douglas county tu turn
oer to the state moneys in his penses
tton which the state treasurer alleges are
tue the state and to compel him to make
ticnthly remittances of state money
The( hearing was had before the court
this morning. Attorneys W. C. Ranwey
and I. C. Holland appearing for Mr. T"re
end Assistant Attorney General Ayres for
the state treasurer.
Attorneys for the county treasurer con
tended that the auditor and not the etate
tieaaurer is the party who can bring
action of the kind, as it is only upon a
showing by that officer after an exrmln
ation has been made by him as a'ldltor
of the affairs of a county treasurer that
J.he amount of money due the state can
be determined and that the county treas
urer cannot remit until he does knew.
Assistant Attorney General Ayrei said
the contention of the Ure attorneys was
wrong, as the state auditor would be un
able to examine all the county treasurers
every month to determine how much they
were owing the state and therefore It was
up to the treasurers themselves to know
what the amount was.
The parties were advised to submit
citations and briefs In the case.
' Cupid Busy at Falls City.
FALLS C1TT, Neb., June 17. (Special.)
Miss Helen Heineman of this city and
Robert Johnson of Shenandoah, la., were
married Wednesday morning by Rev. Mr.
Stuckman, pastor of the Brethren church,
and left Immediately following the service
for their Iowa home. Mrs.. Johnson was
formerly employed in the composing room
of the Daily Journal office.
Clarence Walbrldge, son of E. C. Wal
bridge. roadmaster of the Burlington, was
married at the home of his parents in
thla city to Miss Lena May Shubcrt of
Dunbar, Neb., Tuesday evening by Rev.
F. B. Williams, pastor of the Baptist
church. Mr. and Mrs. Walbrldge will
make their home tn Omaha, where the
groom is engaged In business.
,The announcement of the approaching
marriage of Miss Sara Hutchlns of this
city and Isaac Lyon of the Empire Bridge
company, Omaha, was given out at a
party given In her honor at the home of
Mrs. i Bert Baker Wednesday. They will
be married this month and make their
home In Omaha. Her sister, Mrs. John
Roberts, has arrived from Washington,
D. C. to be present for the several show
ers which are to be given during the
next week.
Farmers' Cnlon Bays Easiness.
TABLE ROCK. Neb., June 17. (Special.)
The Farmers' union closed a deal last
evening by which the entire elevator
and implement business of Batterfield b
Co. passes Into their hands. This gives
a 20,(i00-buBhel elevator and ample sheds
for machinery. One hundred and twenty
five farmers are Interested in the project.
Possession will be given July 1.
v it ijJh rriN v.
-y-;-w If V 't
yp""-- ' " 'Mj1MtMga "t'ii. i ' mi. I ill, i. . u
Boat in Thirty Years
-- :
' kVa
(From a Staff Correspondents
LINCOLN, June 17 .i Special.! Adju
tant General Hall has been instructed
that the War department has assigned
the following Instructors for duty fur the
officers' school of the National Guard,
to bo held at the state fair grounds Juno
: to 3S:
Ma.lor l.aroy S. 1'pton. Tenth Infantry.
Captain I'cgram Whiiworth, Tenth in
fantrv Cnntaln Walter T. Rntos. Infantry,
Captain Robert J., Maxey, Kislitccnth
Captain Benjamin Benjamin R. Wade,
Fifth Infnntry.
First Lieutenant. William C. Stoll. In
fantry. Commissioned officers of the NebrapUn
National Guard who have passed the re
quired physical and mental examinations
for the current year will report for duty
at the camp of Instruction during ' the
forenoon of Juno 20; officers who have
not passed these examinations are rc
questedN to. report to the adjutant gen
eral's department on the morning of June
111 in order to take the required examina
tions. There will be no pay allowed for
the services of officers on June 19, but
officers wlio fail to pass this examina
tion will not be permitted to attend the
camp of instruction. Officers falling to
pass the ' examinations will be returned
to their home stations at the expense of
the state.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June 17. (Special.) A hear
ing will be had before Governor Morihrad
on a requisition for the return to South
Dr.kota of Roy Iovell, charged with ob
taining money under false pretenses.
The application states that Lovcll some
time ago went to Belle Fourche and pre
sented a check to a bank there foi de
posit. A message to a bank in Grand
Island, where he alleged he had a de
posit, showed that his representations
vcre correct and he was allowed to de
posit and draw on the deposit for the
purpose of paying for horses which he
was buying for the Grand Island imrket.
Later he appeared again and presented
a check for $6,460. This time the caller
of the bank asked him if he was rated
with Bradstrect's and he said he was.
The check was cashed, but later the bank
discovered that Lovell was only rated for
J.1,100 and a warrant for Lovell'a arrest
was sworn out for obtaining under false
pretenses the - balance of the amount,
1.800. Lovell alleges that It is all a mis
take and asked for the hearing.
Man Killed by I.lahtolaa.
SCOTT'S BLUFF, Neb., -June 17.-(Spe-c'al.)
Lightning struck and Instantly
killed Jacob Stonebrcaker this afternoon.
He was tending beets on the farm of
William Schroeder, about throe miles
northwest of this city.
LONDON. June 1". The British
steamer Trafford of 234 gross tons and
owned In Llverpool.fcas been torpedoed
and sunk by a German submarine. Tho
crew was saved.
Reaches Omaha
A ... :
V i
VSVj; a. 4 J if i 1
Rifle Found Hidden
in Layton's Barn
SOHTT S BU Fl. Neb.. June 17.-(Spe-ilal.)
After three days' search the
,'nc Ijiyton farm a rlflo was found con
cealed under the hay In the uppci part
of the barn.. This was the missing
gun, and it contained a dlschnrecd i-hell.
the bullet from which is believed to have
bccrTllic missile that sent l.ayton to his
death. Mrs. Jordan, supposed wlf- ami
accomplice of the accused man, threw
the box of unused cartridges Inio the
vj.ult of tne outhouso, ' and this led to
the conviction that there was a rifle
somewhere about, although the nearby
neighbors had never seen It used In
the excitement incident to the finding of
the gun a few were for immediately go
ing to the Jail and lynching Jordan. An
extra guard has been placed about the
! Jail, but it is believed that thcro will be
no violence. A fourth arrest has been; the hired girl is thought to know
something about the conspiracy.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 17. (Special.) The
State Hallway commission 1'as turned
down the application of patrons of the
Wynot branch of the Chicago, St. Paul,
Minneapolis A- Omaha railroad for an In
crease In passenger service on that road
from Wvnot to Sioux Citi".
The application called for two passen
ger trains each wnv in addition to the
present service, which Is given by only
such as Comes from a passenger coach
and half coach attached to freight and
stock trains.
The commission in refusing the re
quest suggested that a discontinuance of
one of tho freight trains and the putting
on of a passenger train In its place
might relieve the situation.
Mx Wrddlns; In Itratrlce.
BRATRICMC. Neb., June 1. (Special.)
Six June weddings were solemnised in
Beatrice yesterday, the controclng par-
wys mi iiiiieja I j
Oil your Bur"" jj k
with 3-in-One. I Npvq O
Kecpshammer.trigeer.V ; VLMJ LrvJ I
break joint,magazin. everyv 1
part in Al order. PreventgV
leading and pitting. Banlshes i -
' rust and tarnish. Polishes stock j
and fore-end. - 1 ' '
A Dictionary of a hundred other -- '
jf " "" . - uses with every bot 1 i
rrll tie. 10c, 25c, 30c all I I: i
lJ9.l,l0Ifc III' :
$ "5 l; 1 1 Three-in-One f i j
' i rA ou Co ' S
I IB ; t 42 N. Broadway j
Eternal vigilance is the price
of satisfying you with a cup of
Old Golden
The. utmost care is needed in the
selection of the beans, in the aging,
roasting, blending, packing, in every
stage of getting tne coffee from the
plantation to your table, improved at
every step. It's hjyd work to pro
duce zine coffee flavor, but thousands
of satisfied coffee drinkers prove that
we're succeeding.
You can find Old Golden at all good
grocers', in air-tight and moisture
proof pound packages either steel
cut, with the chaff removed, or in
the bean for those who prefer to
grind it at home.
TONE BROS., Des Moines
Established 1873
Milltr of th Famout Ton Brot. Spico
Ilea bring I.elov lion of yinore and
Xlis Mlnert Tcild of Beatrice; Daniel
Sihults of Newton. Kan., and Mis Jns
llna Wli he of Beatrice, Wlltlnm T. Ha'
hud and Miss Mary Lust, both of Hea
trl e; lluith KaM and .Miss Olive Headley,
both of lleatrlie: James T. White and
Imufred Roil, both of Fllley; Joseph
Fisher of Crab orchard and Miss Clara
Bell of Fllley. The brides are sisters.
lire! Crop Immnril hy Slorm.
Si'OTTS BH FF. Neb.. June 17 -iSpe-lal.)-Tlie
high wind of Saturday com
p'elcly destroyed about 400 acres of beets
out of the 31.0X1 In the valley, and .VK
more will be replanted. Probably I.
arres more were dnmaaed to some extent.
Don't Bide Thsm With Telll Kemove
Th.m With The Othlns Frtsorlptioa.
This preparation for the removal of
freckles was written by a prominent phy
sician and la usually so successful In re
moving freckles and giving a clear, beau
tiful that It Is sold by Sher
man & McConnell drug stores or any
druggist under a guarantee to refund the
money If It fslls.
Do not hide your freckles under a
get an ounce of othlne and remove them,
liven the first few applications should
show a wonderful Improvement, some of
the lighter freckles vanishing entirely.
Be sure to ask the druKgist for the
double strength othlne; It Is this that Is
bold on the money-back guarantee.
Honesty built oar basinets
to one of the largest practices In
Nebraska We tell you on first
consultation Just what you need
and exactly what cost of same
will be.
PAnrxasa htuotiow
Taft's Dental Rooms
iw ' " ""'L '- !
i-iM,iMfTiiMni uu i ifUKfrtrt-iw -- " '
Eullake Yow Hesemattoom s
; i My-
Will attend this classic race. They are coming; from a radius of 150 miles around. It will
be the largest crowd ever assembled in an Omaha enclosure. We are prepared to. take
care of thi.3 crowd and give them the greatest racing exhibition ever witnessed, but
Reservation Now fYleans a First Class Scat
Delay May iY3ean Disappointment
Below Is Plan of tho Grand Stand and Box Seats Only One Admission as Stated Nt Extras
There are 2o hoses' in AllBoxSeais
-jicli st'ction of Hit
insr f seats: ach, mak
ing a total of 1,200 box
scats. Prices $7 per teat.
Tn.-ilo the lrnek there is
pnikiiur spat'e for 5,0D0
nutos. lWk half of tl'
traek eliara;es are $1 for eadi
nuto and $1 for oaeh person
Front half of tlie track no
Hiai-?e for autos. $2 for eaeli
person therein. A few choice
parking spaces an? reserved
at $." antl il(J for the nuto
plus sfj fir each person
How to Send Remittance.
Prociirc T. 0. or Kx press
Money (Jnler, Mank Draft or
('ertifiod Chek and tickets
will Ito ient immediately,
Omaha Auto Speedway Co.,
1811 Farnam Street,
Omaha, Neb.
Which would
yourself, or
Jkf soap sA
work for you, in cool or
lukewarm water.
Saves your time, your
strength, your money.
Fall k Co.,
After the game drink
a beer of quality with a neck-label coupon
Phone Douglas 1889LUXUS Mercantile Com
pany, Distributor and have a case sent home.
For the reat
1 - . c TRACK
$429 42 5? SS9 5i $40 322
Sedj Seats Setis Seafs Sc-ais Sais Jew Seals
F E. D C ti
Io It Now Cut Out This Coupon
Omahav Auto Speedway Co., ..1915
1811 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Enclosed find remittance for Dollars. Pleaso
send me at once, by mail, to address below:
Tickets for Box Seats, Section
Tickets for Grand Stand Scats, Section
Street Address
State -.
N. B. Write your nam and address plainly. State firtt, sec
ond and third choice of yprtions in which you wish seats. All reser
vations will be made in the order received. Moil order filled Im
mediately. B
you rather?
Kadi section of the
grandstand has 1,500
seats at prices indi
cated on the. plan.
Every seat a choice
one. '
and Send for Heat
-Do It Now