hi iuwh m ii ii ii m iim i nr ' in r i n i n m i mi am inwn mn r ft irisr TTin-gi n r ..esasa ',..-. 10 THE BHB; OMAIIA, ',,, , JUNE 1915. . l . ------ - , - - - - - - -mr- - - - :- - - ------------ As a Classified Advertiser in XSie Omaha Oaily Bee You Are in tne Company ofi a Great Many Money IVEakers A WANT ADS V ant ads received at any lime, but ta Insure proper classification muit ba pre sented before It o'clock noon for evening edition and 7 p. m. for morning enl Ctiridnjr editions Want ads received after uch hour will be under the beadlitg, "low Lata to Classify." CABHRATSS. . mn eoneeoutive time, 1 ant a, wot a ch Iniertlon. Three time wfthln on week, Itt a word eech inaertlon. Una time, I oant a word. CHARGE RATES. Bevtri eoneecutive times, cent ft lln ach Inaertlon. Thre time within om week. It cent ft Una each Insertion. Ona time. IS cent ft Una. Count at avrag word to ft llnft. Minimum chart , 8 cent. An advertisement Inserted t $ rjn orrtll discontinued must ba stopped by writ tan order. . All claim for error rnut hft roada within fifteen day after the lt Inaer tlon at tba ftdvrtlinent. Tea ma place your want ad ta Tbft Bee by telephone s TEUCPHONB TYLER 100ft. DEATH AND rVHRRAb HOTICES SHAFFER Cyril A.. June 16. at his brother a home. 2ISI North fiftieth Street. Funeral from Taggarfa rhapal ntl: Friday morniiur to St. John'a church at a. m. Interment at Holr Bepulcher ' cemetery. WFIRSTER Mary C- Juna 1. 1915, aged Funeraf aervlcea will ba held from "Brllev pnrrnnp' chapel. Nineteenth and Cumins Bti-ecta. to Church of (iood I Shepherd. Twenvtcth and Ohio fleets. FrkW. June 18. at t " p. .n. Innnent at Prospect Hill cemetery. Friend Invited. MIRTHS AND DEATHS. Blrtha-r-lmer and Katla Baler. l!l Pouth Twenty-Third, irlrl; John A. and I Kathleen A. KavanauKh. WOl Cumin,, 'rtrl Jacob and Anna Oater, 1M Boutil Deatha-P-a M. Patmnre, . hoapMal; T W. Meredith. 7D, hoerltal; Anton .Formanck, to. ICS South KlRhtecnth: Mri. -emufl Fielder. S5. -V.J houth Twcnty-flrat- TODAY'S OOSin.KTB MOVIE PROGRAMS Exclualvely In Th LANTERN alldaa for morlea. Sand rou copy to ua. Wa can reproduce photo ar will prepare your copy. W will color a directed. Ba Photo DepU 101 Baa Bid. Dawatewa. FLITE NO, J. 1311 FAR NAM. In the Wolfa Pen. Lubln. According to Their Ughta, -r. Edlaon. Th Uberty farty, jvaiein. ."UlfrP TUBATBIU "TW AND UAKNSX lion of Paramount Ptetura. PRINCESS. " 1317-1 DOUOLAH, The Know Qlrl, ft beautiful -reel apeclal feature Marring Brinjiey tihaw. A I uke for a Par. Joker comedy. nana. 'ALHAMBRA. 1814 NORTH MTH ST. The Hpell of tha Poppy. 2-reel Majeauo. Tha Face Moat Fair, Beauty dram. Poynone Serenade, comedy. plAMONI; WW UKffl A Daughter of the Nile, l-reel Victor. Rldille of tha Silk Ptocklnga. Imp comedy. FRANKLIN. MTH AND FRANKJULN. bcotty Weed Alibi, -rel Kalem. A Fiend at tha Throttle, Kftlem. The Biiey Bellboy. Iubin. FROLIC, 14TH AND BPRAQU10. Animated Weakly, Current Kventa. Her Friend the Milkman. Neator comedy. The Pmugnler" 1. 8-reel Blaon. (Jiend, Tiiealtr Beautiful," 1( & Blnney. 6o Ioaf. Florence Ia.Sadla, S-r; Prama. 'llff Girl,--reeL Prama. . Brave and Bnld. Komla HI l'FODROMEI 5TH AND CUMINO. Tricked, 2-reel Domino drama, t he Biatn of Plahonor. 1-r, Hellanoe drft. Flooy and Ael, l-reel Komlo comedy. 1VT. lf II AND BURDETTa l.ove Apparent. liuntle of a fiklrt, Victor comedy. The Old Doctor, -recl Big U. ,1OYAL. CALDWELL. Iavo and Sour Vote, K-Ko comedy. The Golden Wedding, Laemmla drama. The Broken Toy, t-reel Imp. JiOTHROP. 24TJJ AND LOTHROP. Ruth Roland and Henry King in "Houae or uirk. ' in a reel. Aleoa grod comedy. keath. APOLLO. SS4 LKAVTOTWORTH. Mr. Jarr Vlalta HI Home Town, Vita, The Blurk Ring, S-reH Kalem. AIRlNrMK FAVOR1TK. 17IS VINTON Purl In tha Park, l-reel. Than. Prieiftience Wlna. Beautv drama. Fatty' Faithful Fldo. Keyatene comely. ARBOR. . 82D AND ARBOR. Four reel of good picture. fOLlMBlA. 1710 SOUTH 10TH. Into the Night. Lubln. Rivala. t-reel Kaieyi. btnry of a Glove, V itacraph. 4'iiMKOHT. tiTII AM' VINTON Her Alibi, t-reel Domino. . The Peadlv Focua. Rel. The Ptav at iloniea. 1-ieautv. 1'AVORITK AlRIOMB. 171 VINTON ' Mmnt of Kai-rlf ice. t-reel MaJ. Mutual Weeklv. Prottplnittnna' DlvlPa peed. CF.M, li B. 1JTH. Little Mr. Fixer. Laemmla drama. Black Hoi No. 14. I-M aetial. Their Friend, the Burglar. Neator com. IAR1C. 1617 VINTON ST. Bla. k Be No. . -ree Herlal. In Hi Mlnd'a te. Big I'. When Ianoiance la Bln. Joker com. J AHT1MK. ffiD AND LEAVENWORTH. Black Hux No. 12. g-reel apeclal. Judgment of Men. Victor. Jjidy BafHea Powera comedy. V&NKZXA, UU M. UTU MX Tout reel of Mutual ptoturaa Wast. PRANKETS ATRPOMU nh A Farnam. Vensanca. t-reel Faaanay drama. Bonny Jim at Mardl Ura. Vltagrapu conieay. HuNKOE. W FAKNAM f-urh Thing ReaMy Happen, t-r. Lubln The Fable of "The Two Senaallonal r allure. Fee. The Pherlffa titorv. Bio BENSON THKATER. US MAIN1 ST. King Baggot in "At the Banquet Table, Z-r. Romance of Hawaii. Victor drama. tiow Hilly Uot Hl Italae, Joker comedy. twaaell Olert FLITE No. 1 ttb BROADWAY. Tha Enae-fiurMr. 1-e. K tm w Itriiiia! bw-Bu The Coivoraion of Hmlllng Tom. t-il j 'rama: Mooiiy-a iiet.y, v Itagraph Com MCHOLAa, a4T BROAPWAT, Tha Teetrorer. ft-reel VUm hmiu Hi Vanlehlng Vault. Vltagraph t'-omedy JPR. M BHuAUWAV. t.nm Meaaengar, t-r. Big XI. Arun aiut the Vengeful Oaa, Victor. 1 wo Hearta and a nlp. Neetor Comedy, tat Uasafta. ; EfiFK. 14TTJ AND N Mia. Jarr" a Auction Bridge, Vltagrapli. l"'J! ' Bllly'a Word' of Hor. nr. Eeaa nay, IAJiC 24TH ANUU ns.ic not ivo is, ireel atrial t lr- u Hrl' Rf.mnn- e. 2-ret-l llienn Loe. r'itYworka and I lie Junior, Juk. com. today's complete ' MOVIE riUMiUAMS Exclusively In The Itoe vwwaeylile. ORPHEl'M. 24TTI AND M. Pad Buck of Bant Inei. Heart of the Prlnresn. U'a an 111 Wind, comedy. ANNOUNCEMENTS Cool Offices For HOT DAYS Bo Comfortable Yourself ami Furnish Comfort For Your Customers and Patrons by locating in 'The Bee Building Puperintendenf Offlca Koom 101. SCHOOL BONDS FOR HA LB The School Iltrlct of Schuyler, Neb., haa ready for registration 146,00 In bnflda, bearing Intereat at B per cent per annum, payable semi-annually, dated July 1, 1916, with option of paying on any Intereat payment date. None will be redeemed within five yeara. Healed blda for the purchase of these bonila will ba received by the Hecretery of tha Hchool Board at Bchuyler until noon, June (0, 19IS. All blda mil lit be accompanied by certified oheck payable to School Dittrlrt for 1 per cant of amount of bid. Hoard le aervea rlxht to reject any and all blda. Bonda are ready for reglntratlon, and their hletory haa been examined and ap proved by the Mute Auditor a office. Kull information mev be obtained from tha underalcned. OTTO Zl'KIJSV. secretary. Jnvaatlgata I.M C.A. out ( para, aummar. AUTOMOBILES 1912 Cadillac Newlr tiainted and In A Vn 1 ahena. Car In fine cotidllion. Five new tlroa. (J ood etiKlne, electric atarter and llxht. Thla can can be bought at a barvain. May omul dor Kord In part trade. Call Red 19! for furthor Information. Whenever you are conaldcrina aelllnit or buying a uacd car and you want full value for your money or you want people who are willing to pay for what they are getting you will have no regret If you buy or Ddvcrtlae throuah the used rir column of The Bee. Flume Tyler llOi). 100 REWARD for any men net o we can't repair, lone repq. tiayadorrer. 110 N.lKo FOR HAI.K Late model car, 4-cylindor, even-ieBrnger. Ill mte HutlK Blclg. IX)R SALE 1913 Pullman touring car in flna condi tion, pawly painted; fit Caah will take it UflKD CAR DliPARTMBNT, JOR4 Farnam Kt Phona Douglaa 422.V KKW irt,rd auto deliver bo J lea of all atylea, open ttr closed, alwaya on band. Our prloea will aava you taonev. 8a Johnaon-Panfurth Co., jfci-l -a No. 16th. C. ESABHliit, expert radlatur and lamp rmymiru. i j. iw, mui Jea venwortli. AUTO Clearing iiouae, itA Farnam, buy ua aeiia uvea cara. faona uougiat Ovarton " for leaky radiator. MM, dealer. Want an auto. C J. Canan."McCague bldg. lnduetrlal Oarage Co., Ihnh Harney HU, NEBRASKA Buick Bervloa Htatlon. hlii vvnim m. rnont uougiaa 721 ASIUSUMEXTS WANTED Flying machine, men y-go-round, outdoor moving picture . ahow and all kind of attraction and ahowa. Thla will ba the flrtt time the county aeat of Fremont county nna celebrated in several year, and a win have a big celebration. Addreaa James Lladen Sid ney, jowa. WANTKi J' Elilt Y-tjO-ROUN D AND OTHER (Y)NCKSKIONM FOR um rt.TVUlUTlAKi amt.,A- I.. i.. Pleroa, Neb. Flrt big celebration In I yean. Aaareaa Adoipn Mtalallr, chair man eonceaalon committee. tH)XC:HWi to let for the celebra tion at Florence. Write or rail K" v Kutcher, chairman of i oonoeaaiona. BUSINESS CnANCES If your uaiiiesa (.'hence will it.nH rigid Investigation and Is just what It is advertised, or If you are looking to atart in uuaineea lor yourseK you will be per fectly aatltfled If you im th "Business Chance column of The Bee. When buy ing or eVIIing a bualneaa Phone T ler li). HKATliHr Buy, leaaa or sell your- the aUr. machine and auDiilina ikM.i.k Theater Exchange Co Hut Farnam Sl leualaa jilUNS. ahow cards. Clark A Son. D. W., HEAL aatala Uualnesa ulai-aa sunoirLl or nana tea; an aiaiea. r. v. ivnieat, Omaha. FOR HALE Pental office and complete equipment; electrio aervlce. In 'fork dis trict: atrlctly first clasa opporiunlty and Invoice U.OUO takea It. Golna t. farm. For runner information write y bin. Hee. FOR HALE Hardware stock, building and fixtures; location aood live town In eastern Idaho; one of the beat grain and atock rrowlng aentlona In the est; ieai year, si.wv. jiaaraas I bit, i'e. WHY RENT? Ask about tha Uwlw dlatrh r. Aitkin count v Mlnnaul. Land of Oportunlty; tinlmproved, 41 to -. i ruini. jo id iu nr aora; ev raj mem pian. v. li. Templeton, 03 TO ulCT In or out of bualneaa call oa (IANQESTAD. 404 Bee Blda. Doug. S477. SALOON -AND R1STAI1UAMT-U HALK New York City, at main en trance i-enn. station and subway station; long Iraee; cheap rent; receipts M dallyi caah required, 10,oCirt. Inquire J. F.. fit w. in, in mi.. .New York lltv. Hteeka aadHowda. TO MINTVrs ivvrBTiim I Will aoelld thm 1m la nf T HHft left Goldfteld. Nev. While thore I w!l gather ...n iuw.l mmuie iniormauon. 1 will In spect the Important mine and will have the advice of a mining engineer whose name IS wen Known in ine m nine wnr A and whose opinion carries weight. I have wi iRinintioni. notning to acil you. 1 am an Independent broker acting for tho best Interests of my clients - If you want the latest Gold field or Tonopah Infor- HO.IIUI1, euuieea a. j. aioore, UulUiieid Nev. .'CATIOXAL Boyles College Day School, Night School, complete Bualneaa course, complete short tiand or lenotype course, complete telegraphy course, civil aervlce branches and Eng- imn. eiuqenia annulled at any tune. v nis, piiona or can for 114 catalogue. BOTI.FS CO LI EG K, H ,H. BOYLE -4. Prealdsnt. Tel. P. Uiit. Boyles Bldg.. Omaha. Nab. FOR aaia the following acholarshlpa la a nrat class omans Business Colleae One unlimited oombtoatloft buames and ahorthand course. . One unlimited etenorraDhto eoune. One three month' bualuaa or atsao graphto course. Will be aoid at dUcount at tha of floe r The imiiin He EXPK.RJtV-'CJ KB teacher will tutor la r high elioel subleots: It ehool aubjeols; inske-u work a specialty; rates reasonable. 11 A, lilt Davenport. FOR B ALS ror hale heie la a rlaaelflcatlon tha Is of tbs utuwrt linportsncs to every reaoer, ss iei column vfleia sonis excep tixliel OI'Dortunltlra ever lv an.l bikaII int ad will eel) your article at It uii tame, rnone jyier w. FOR HALK Farnlinre, MweehoM l.nsdi, Kte. Fl RNITl'RE BARGAINB SO bed at II each; tahlea, kitchen and china cabinet. M Ke lo,., xi gna novoi, Zj dreaaera I? N". 4th P. Webiter IW DMSfvS bought and iK.ld. J. C. Reed, Harae and Vehicles. SOU). FARM wagona, IW. fctroud. Jfith & Amea GOOD driving horae and bucay. Dr. RoaewaOT. aiO Bee Bldg. Pneltry, Raa SappUea. 6TEREOTTPT3 matrix make the beat and cheapest lining for poultry houaea They are 17x21 Inohea, stronger and mora durable than tarred felt and practically fireproof. 75c a hundred at Tha bee office. Small wheat. 100 lb. 12 Jo. Wagner. Ml N. 14. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS eold, rented. repalrJ. Central Typewriter Etc. loj Famam. Moaieal Inetra meats. SPECIAL SALIS Of coin operated Instruments, electric and spring motor. )4S0 Reglna ISO Hexaphona $.V Begin Subllma .... tK Pianola trsa lietrina Subllma Y standard Junior ... tM Malcrtlo Kloctrlc .. K00 Electric Banjo .4 75 .. 118 - 200 .. VA .. 850 .. S2S SO 75 The Inatniments have been uael, but are guaranteed to be la perfcot condition. Sold on easy term. 6CIIMOLLER A MUELLER PIANO CO, 1311-18 Farnam St 1 laeellaaeaaa. FOR SALE Ntw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tablea and bowling alley and accessories; bar fixture of all kinds; easy payments. Tha Brunawlck BnlkvCollendcr Co.. 40T-4( 8. 10th St. New IM-hnnd motora, magneto, etc., rt ynamoa, hanloal Klectrlo reuaira. La Bron Works, Slg-20 s. 131 h Bt. BABY Web. chit la k at market, prlio. 4. 40th and Fowler Ave. Call TOOI.8. ahovela, picks, lackacrewa, win dow glaaa, 2 carpenter benches; $1 each; 10 match machine, buc each, 1 hot water boiler complete, 410; combination electrio futures Zoo each; Iron beds complete, 42; good horae, 4.'; harneas, $10; good ax press wagon, 7S. J. C. ISH. Tel. Harney 243. 70S ft slat Ay. (Ur Cf Golden West Whlakey, 4 full JK." I quarts bottled In bond, pre TW,4JW paid. Cackley Bro., Omaha. IX, H SALIC Three good fodder and en silage cutters, equipped to cut ooara and line; in good order,' complete, with feeding table. Price, 1100 each. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerteal auaft Ufflo. OFFICE clerk,- must also ' be a typist' good position, easy houis; salary $26. Apply 1319-W Woodmen of World. ' t HuLlOlToR. salary and commission. Watts Raf. Co., 8.-i0-43 Brandela The. A aeata and Baleavroaaaau . 118 00 WEEK, expenaea advanced. Women to travel and appoint agenia ror con centrated food flavors in tubea. Reliable Mfg. Co., 71 Como Bldpr., Chicago. llonaekeepera aad Domeattes. WANTED Woman cook. Detention Hoa- Pltal. Telephone Health Office or Do. Connell. WANTED Girl for general' housework. two in ramiiy. can uougiaa -. WANTED A girl for general housework. Mrs. a. i . nanuneit, im bo. tn St., Council Bluffs. WANTED A good girl . for general housework, small family, small house. no cooking. 1704 Ike St. Web. 21. WANTED Good girl for light house work. Good home to ltcht girl.. Best of treatment. Call Harney 21:68. CAPABLE white girl for general house work, three grown person In family; references required. Mt 8. Sflth Bt. H. MA. G1RI, for Heneial houeework. Wal. t7. WANTED An experienced general girl. neierencea reqiurea. n. wn. WANT WD A white glii for general housework, family of three. Mrs. John Nai h, S. iJ.' St. WANT EI- A poaiticn aa housekeeper In city or outskirts. Phone H. 1M6. WANTED- -On. girl for general hotise- work. call or phone lau S. 36th Bt. Marney HC8. WANTkJD A girl for general house work, small family, permanent poeition. Harney 2.H-4, EXPHlUENCrD white cook, three In family; reference required. 02 B, 2&th St. Harney 4mtt. MAID for general houwework. Wal. . Mlacellaaiewaa. YOUNO women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th St., where they will be directed to suitable boaxd lug place or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' guide at Union station. rVANTED Experienced chorua giria for permanent atock. Lyric. Call theater. Fremont, Neb. BABY cerriasa at market price. Call em ana rowier Ave HELP WANTED MALE Clerical as4 Office. FOR good position In all line cf com mercial procedure, apply Midwest Bond Ing Co.. 31 Bee Bldg. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OP. BEK, CO. 1118 CITY-NATIONAL BANK. TOrNO man for position as bookkeeper ana ihi; Bienaja crrice to work In; lary $. per mo, Apply 1S1-J0 Wood. sa men of Wprld. BALESMAN. city, A-l proposition. Haleaman, olty M Office Oerk $40. Office boy fcfc Watts Ref. Co.. -4fMl Brandela Thea. ON K 1H.VZE.N men wanted at once ti" qualify for trafflo poalttons; experience not essential. Apply Room 640, Bee Bldg. Ask for Mr. Grant BFST COMMkatCLLL POSITIONr). Po gere Refers nee Co.. k- State Bank. If IGH-QRADB eommeroial poaltlona. WEST. RRFE REIN CIS BOND ASSN. 742 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Boya. WANTEDA delivery boy. 1724 N. 13d St. Friday. Apply at Aaewla, Itltixwa am Hollers. S TO lie PROFIT darty aelllng our new household article; tile premium with each f 1.943 sals mske quick profits. Mum ford A Larson. o Walker Bank Bldg.. Salt Lak, City. Utah. EXrEM.KNT proposition fo two ow4 men la Nebraska. Call or write. Mulue. Brwfit Health and A eel lent Associativa rt A city K.f w,nk Blda. sice Want AOs Produce KiiautU. HELP WANTED FEMALE A seat, aaleaoaea and Bollcltora. Very Desirable Space for Printing Office Light, water and janitor service free. Cheap power Inquire The Bee Building Co. Superintendent' Office, Room 101. Factory anal Tradee. Drug store anape; Jobs. Knelst. Be Bldg. Tri-City Barber College. Tuition lib, on account of big trade. Wages for t and 10 cent work. Electrio massage taught. liydrauila chairs. Catalog free. 1U4 Douglas St., Omaha. WANTED Two first-class, experienced shop men. St. Joseph Structural tHeel Co., Bt. Joseph, Mo. Poeltlona Now Open. AMERICAN AUTO f'SS Farnsm St., Free Catalogue. COLLEGE. OMAHA, NEB. WE need men; had to turn down two jobs per week lately. Get in. Learn by our method. Get one of thene Jobs. Catalogue D. B. free. Nebraska Auto mobile School. 1417 Dodge 8t WANTED Man cook for cafe. Address Hnj 21 Walthlll. Neb. MOLHJt BARBER COLLEGE Special auinmer rates. Catalogue mailed free, IH So. 14th St., Omaha. Mlaeellaweuaa. WANTED l.OiiO men to eat ham ana egg, JSc. Coffee John, 14th and Capitol. WANTED Ball way mall clerk7$76 a month; Omaha examinations coming; sample questions free. Write Immediately. Franklin Institute, Dept. 2ZL E. Roches ter, N. T. WANTED Experienced soda fountain man Sundays and holidays. Apply Henacom Park Pavilion. WANTED Namea of young men wtnir Ing to he Railway Mail Clerks. 176 month. Answer Immediately. Y. SrbA, Bee. WANTFJ 6o0 men to wear tailor-made suits. H off.. Friedman, 1211 Douglaa. TIELP WANTED H4I.B AND FEMALE. SAL&fiMEN or saleswomen, invcHUKUle our proposition, Introducing our 'Wally expense record;" good eaJary easily earned. Write The Russell Co., Tebbetts, Mo. a SmTATlONs WANTED CHAUFFEUR and wife wants position; five years experience. Thoroughly a bid to keep car In first-class ahape. WUd cook or laundress. F. Elmore, Black 35W. M2 6th Ave., Council Bluffs, Iowa. GROCERY clerk. References furnished. Married. Northeastern. Kansas or south ern Nebraska preferred. Address Y-577. Bee. AMBITIOUS young man want to go to work; a good education; good at fig ures, alao good penman; experienced in keneral office work. Telephone Doug. 4461. Addreaa. L. 532. Bee. YOUNG man desirous of employment; has had experience In towel supply and in ahlpplng dept. of wholesale drug com pany; haa attended business school last winter. Good references. Address J 78, Bee. EXPERIENCED young msn wants steady work In private family; house cleaning or gardening; porter, Janitor; honest, (fober and willing to work. Ad dreaa A 4H7. Bee. COLORED girl to assint with general house work. Phone H. B319. YOUNG man of 20, experienced in clerical work. S yeara postal service and a little knowledge of typewriting; desires posi tion. Quick and accurate In flgurea. txiS B. 24th St. Douglas 71 W. YOUNG man, 18, m-aduate of achool. energetlo and of rood oharaoter. desires position offering a conscientious young man a future.- N, E. MoClenahan. 4013 Blnney. Walnut 481. POSITION wanted by trustworthy and energetlo young man. Heat references furnlvhed and not afraid to work. Phone' Douglas $461. DAY work wanted, cleaning and dusting. nsrney ion. YOUNG man would like job delivering witn motorcycle or uxira machine or go a helper on truck. Know everything about Ford. Addrea F 676, Bee. THE Servant Girl Problem Solved. The Bee will run a Servant Girl Wanted Ad FREE until you get the desired results. Thia applies to resident of Omaha, South Omaha and Council Bluffa. Bring ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 100. COLORED man and wife want steady position aa janitor In apartment house; can furnish references. W. Wallace. 1X13 eouth 17th St. COLLEGE; girl who likes children wants position as nurse maid. H. 41U4. LOST AND FOUND OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. v Persons having lust some article would da 'well to call up the office of tha Omaha V Council Bluffa Street Railway rompany to aacertaln whether thav left It In the street car. Many articles each day are turned In and the company ta anxious to reatore tnem to the rightful owner. Call Poug 4:c LOST White, long-haired dog, medium else, bushy face, short nose; notify T. J. Buckley, 1 lot el Neville, aad receive re ward. LOST Bull terrier, near lianaooin park; finder retnm to I. c. Gallup, and re celve reward. Phone Harney 41:2. Lost or Found ad in Omaha's Iet and Found medium meana the Immediate re turn of that article if advertised In Tha Bee, the It and Found paper. PERSONAL YOUNG women coming to Omaha as stranger are invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Et. and Bt, Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to aultable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our traveler' aid at the Union station. THE Salvation Army inuuatrlal horns so licit your old clothing, furniture, i.iagk llnea We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglaa 413 and our wagon will ea'l. fall and Inspect our new home, lUO-Uli-1114 Dodge Bt. GOHPON, tti Pouglaa 7141. Magasine Man. Phna SWAPPERS' 4TOLOIN AUTO TRUCK, in flrst-cla.a condition, for sale or trade- 8. O. liii. Bee. AUTO A flrat claa four-iiasaenaer tour ing, four-cylinder Overland auto, fully equipped and la flrat cUi condition, for couuact or repair work on houe. I re quire the repairs on my house and will sacrifice true value. None but responsi ble person considered. 8 C. 110K, Bee. AUTOilOLILfc-.S For other automobile bargain see the "Automobile' classifi cation. Da months or sge. Will trade for chlckena or good gnndatone. Address 8. C. li9. Bee. BKDS, ETC. Will trade for chicken. two white Iron bet's, one full sice, one tbre-quartor, one cheap wicker baby biggy, one baby Jumper, one pretty ansuia kitten. These gooda ar all In nice, clean condition. Addreaa 3. O. lftq. bee, CEMENT Want to swap for Bonis 2t ' cement blocks or a cement machine, or cement work 8. C llofi, Hee. CAMERA xj caineia, fiist clam. condi tion, uat-d short time. What have youT Address S. C. 1124. Bee. SWAPPERS' tVtfMN DENTAL work to e Imnce for paint ing a 7-room cottage. Address S. C. 10j, Bee. Wl.N'TAI. work to exchange for a karat or karat 4 diamond. Address S. C. 10. !e. FF.EP GRIN PER One feed grinder; cost X; i lots burrs, one for cracking corn, one for corn meal, one for (fraham flour; only one set been used; will trade for a small gasoline engine, gun or watch. Ad drcm H. C. 11 lo. Bee. GENUINE Shetland pony, rubber tired buRisy and harneas, new. Trade. Ad- dreas (. C. 1150, Bee. HAVE most beautiful While steamer car In flrat-clas shape except one broken coil; cost to i pi. ice coll 414. What am I offered the way car stands? . Address fi. C. m. Bee. HAVE a guitar, also American type writer, also drop bead sewing machine In good condition. What have youT At-' dress S C 1119 Bee. ' I HAVE a &-paacriger fore door Stude bsker auto In good condition that I will trade for late Ford and pay cash dif ference. Addrcm P. O. 1112. Bee. "INDIAN" motorcycle and new aide-car; late 1914 model, twin cylinder, two spocd, complete electric equipment. ISIS Improved kick starter; new tlrea; all per fect condition. Cost 4.T70. Want Ford or lih-ht roadster; no other propoaltlon con (ldcred. Addreaa 8. C. 1072. Bee. KODAK Cost $32, Eastman lens, fine condition, 4x6, for cssiiiks and Inner tubes, 84x4, or other personal property takea It. At a snap. B. C. 1W, Bee. K'DAK "Anaco" folding pocket, slxe $Ux4a; double lens, automatic shutter; rising, lowering and laterally shifting front; like new; together ovtth complete Outfit, Including new $i developing tank, printing frame, tray, carrying case, etc. Want visible typewriter in good condi tion. Artdreis B. C. Kt.. Bee. MANDOLIN Will trade Washhurn man dolin for guitar or some other musical Instrument. What have you to otter? Adrirewa. S. C. 1U7, Pee. MOTORCYCLE 131S model 12 H. P. twin cylinder motorcycle In A No. 1 condi tion, and has been run leaa than &u0 mile. Will trflde for Ford or light car. A d dress , C. V3, Bee. MOTORCYCLE, Indian, twin, two-apeed, haa electrio atarter, speedometer, also 1!)15 kick starter, electrio horn and lamps; tlrea In very good shape; cost 1338. Will sell reaaonably or trade for vacant city lot; other traders do not answer. Address. S. C. 1120, Bee. NO. E LARGE Presto tank for Tireless cooker, or what have you. Addreaa S. C. 1100. Bee. PHONOGRAPH To trade, a 2 mln. Edi son Phonograph with 36 records;, for tools, or what have you? Address S. C. 1125. Bee. RACE typo Mitchell, first cliusa condition, classy looker, can send photo. Want to trade fpr Ford. P. O. Box 75. Platts mouth. Neb. PAINT 62-gallon barrel outside house paint, best quality. Will exchange for (Mamond, horse, cow or chickens. Ad- c.ress B. C. 1111. Bee rAlNTING First clsss painter will do in side or outside painting. Will take In exchange tailor made clothe, groceries, diamond, horso, buggy, cow or submit what you have to exchange. Will give satisfactory reference. Address 8. C. 1121, Omaha Bee. I'l ANO High-grade piano. Will ex change for lot Anr diamond, or auto. Make offer. Addrsa S. C. 1109, Bee POPCORN A new, never used, artistlo self-vending sanitary popcorn machine; the latest out; a money maker; inexpen sive to operate. Cost at factory S.ii0. Bought for tha Csl. exposition, fell down on. concession. Requires no attention. Will swap for anything owner can use. 8. C. 1107. Bee. PRINTING PRESS Columbia - printing press, chose 6x9; will trade for a gun or watch. Address tf. C. 1114, Boe. ROOMING houae, 2222 Farnam St., to trade for an automobile. Drive up with your car and make a quick deal. RUG What have you to trade for a -8x12 rug and a buffet? Would like a phonograph. Address B. C. 1123. Bee. SHEARS Thirty-inch tlnner'a squaring shears; .almost new. Will trade for mall gasoline engine or for anything I can use. Address S. C, 1113. Bee. TO CONTRACTORS Waat to swap a flrst-claas. fully equlppea car. in per fect condition, for alteration and repair on building. Not aa ice waeon ft car.' 6. C. Ilti6, Bee. TOOL ' GRINDER Heavy, auk aUntlal grinder, hand power, for benoh work; never used;, has ball and socket joint, permitting wheel being adjuated to any poaition. Will swap for anything ol value. Address 8. C. 1086, Bee. Wanted to Swan. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any use for and get something you really need? It costs you nothing to Join the Swappers' Club, and you will find It lota of fun swapping things. Write Room 104, Bee Bid g., or phone Tyler 1000. WATCH Will exchange Swiss watch l.dy' slxe; price. .'i0. What have you? Address 8. C. 1110, Be. WTIAT have you to wap for an artistic parlor or mantel clock in personal Propertv7 8. C. 1101. Bee. SOME fine oda water glasa-holdera and I doxen spooiib. also Ice cream aooorx Have quit drug business. S. C. 1102, Bee. PAINTING Want to swap for painting and papering. Addreaa 8, C. 1104, Bee, STRUCTURAL STEEL, ETC.-Wlll trade Structural steel, ornamental Iron, staU work and fire escapes for light car or roadster. Ford preferred. Address S. C. 112. Bee. SEWING MACH1NES-I have some brand new. hUrh grade machines. 6 and "-drawer, beautiful drop head casea Make me an offer for one of them. Ad dreaa S C 1118 Bee. WILL trade all or half intereat in we.l (atablislied real estate businee' in Omaha for real estate or automobile. Ad drers P. (j mi. Bee. WILL trade itilt edged stock In reliable looal company, composed of responsible business men, for used light car; or will trodo part stock and give difference In monev. Suit youraelf. Would also take lot or western land, but must be worth the money. Habitual trader keep off. Address 3. C. 1U99. Bee. FOR RENT Apartiurwta and Plata. 4 ROOMS, new Flo-I.es, 20th ami Capi tol Ave. Ltxht and coal. $36. PETERS TRU!T CO. P. 898. O The For Kent advertlaetnenta appearing In the For Rent columu of The Hee dally ran not be beat for variety that will please and fill the net-da of any one de siring to rent. Phone Tyler 10. THE NATHAN apartments, Sherman Ave. and Spruce St. Elegaut three and four-room apartments, nearly new build ing; large rooma, oak finish, artistically decoiatcd. Fine acreened porch. All con veniences. Splendid aurroundings. very reasonable rent, onlv -i few mlnutca" rlda downtown; nlso heautnul live-room apart ment lu Harlan Apts., one-half block south; oak finish, fireplace, aVreened perch, very reasonable. See janitor. Apt. No. 1, Nathan, or call ofllce. SCOTT at HILL CO.. 30T McCague Hldg. muglsa 10 9. ONE room modern aiiartment. off of Far nam. In ttie "Pk" blsb class. fireproof building. Harney :-&. $1 Q and up. Modern 4- r. apartmenta near postofflce. G P. Slebblns. TWO FIVE-ROOM FLATS, FACING BEMIS PARK. CALL WALNUT 2nM. tT. GKORGE 6-rooiu aparuueut, redeco rated throughout. Ul N. list Ave., ae lect Weat Farnam district. Pnone WeD ter 1474. 10 8. 27TH. 4-r modern, flat. $. 2317 Dewey Ave.. 6-r., modern flat. $30. C. G. CART. BERG. Ill Brandela Theater. Bevatrft as4 ttmaa. Furnished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In privets families . r boarding houae a of the high est clax will beat be found la the Fur nlhed Rooms column of The Bee. Phone Tyler itt LARGE front room, with board. Weat Farnam a strict, phone Harney 6u6e, Ready Reference Directory The following firms offer quality and expert service that will pleate the -most critical: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Kerr Title flnarr.tA t4 Atiateeefr Co., a modern abstract office. So. 17th St Phone D. 64S7. REED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Nenranka. ?t BriJideie Thea. At COL .M AftTS. E. A. PWORAK. C. P. A... Addreaa 43S Rame Bldg. Phone Douglas 7406. ADD1.NO MACHINES. Adder Mch. Co. (Walea). W. O. W. D. $331 AMATEIH KI.MSHIVU. FILMS developed free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop, 416 Bee Bldg Pept. P. AI'PHE.M 11 H OIRI.. Oppenhelm hair dressing. City Nrt. ARCIM I EC I S. Everett S. Dodds. fill Paxton Blk. D. 251. ATTtHtVEVS. C. T. Dlktnron. Ell Paxton Blk. iA. AlC'l'IOEk.H. Dowd Auction Co , 1115-16 W. O. W. R. J2SS. NatT Pale & Auction Co., 1327 W. O. W. ALTO I.VMHtMK, 40 saved on your automobile Inaurance by patronising a home Co. Doug M9. AUTO HAUIATUH REPAIRS. Omaha Radiator Rep. Co.. 2026 Far. D 2001. BAKERIES. Z. H. REEDF.R, 1506 N. 18th- Web. S297, BEUUlNoI " 0HA PTLLOW CO.. 1907 Cumins Douglaa 2467. Renovate feathSt. f... nttreses of all kinds, make feather mattresses and down covers. BLLE PH1MT1MU. HORNBY BLUE PRINT CO.. 301 Omaha National Bank Bldg. umana BRASS ANO 1ROM FOUNDRIES. Paxton-Mltchell Co., 27th and Martha Sta ;Ktb. Fdry. A Mfg. Co., 1126 N. 22. Web. 7300 BU1LD13U WRECKERS. LUMBER and brick building wrecked anywhere. Bovee-Kelley Co. Web 4803. CARPET HV(i CLEAMERS. Omaha Carpet Renovating Co. Doug. 1(171. CAKPE.TER AAD CONTRACTORS. STEVENSON,' $23 8. 22d. Douglaa 6620. Lesard A Son. 1906 Cap. Ave. T. 1632. CHIROPRACTIC SPINAL, ADJU'M'TS Dr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Balrd Bldg. D. 84fil. CIVIL KNUlAEEUa. M. J. LACY. 618 BEE BLDG . DOUG. 471S. - CLEANEttS AN 11 UlbHS. Howard Fantalorluni. 320-2 8. 16th. D. 6407 ROYAL Dry Cleanera 2231 Leavenworth. D. 1811. CONCRETE CONSTM.UCT40N CO.'S Wetern representative of VELVETILE COMPOSITION flooring. INVEST! GATE 611-121 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1672. COSTUMES AND LOUUhl StPPLlE. MFG. of lodge regalia and costumes. Theo, Lleben A Son, 1514 Howard. D. 4116. DANCING ACADEMIES. CHAMBERS' Academy, classic. D. 1871. Summer rates now at Mackle's; private lessons dally. 1X16 Harney. Doug. 6444. DUEBBMAKiNG. Terry Press ruak'g college, 20tn St Farnam, S.UITS, gown. In home. Wal. 2267. MISS STURDY. 2416 CAS8. RED 7320. DYERS AND CLEANERS. STATE Dry Clng, Co., 120 N. 12th. D. 6072. 1IKWM V ES, JAMES ALLAN, 212 Neville Block. Eirl denco secured in all cases. Tyier UjS. DENTISTS. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. 921 W. O. W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Dr. Flckes, 724 City Nat. Bank. Taf Cental Rooms, 1517 Douglas. D. 2188. DRUGS. DRUGS at cut prices; frelpht paid on $10 orders; catalogues free. Sherman & Mo Connell Drug Co.. Omaha. Neb. ELECTRIC PIANOS. Continental Nov. Co.. 119 N. 16th. Term. ELECTROLYSIS. Uloa Allender, Bee B1dg. Red SOW. EVER Y THIN a FOR W OMEN. ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, box pleating:, covered buttons, ail slxe and styles; hemstitching, plcot edging. Ideal Pleating Co., 2oP Duuglus Block. D. I'JJi. NEW YORK sample store. Must vacate, building coming down; cloaks, suits and dresses sacrificed.' 206 N. 16th Bt. EVERYTHING FOR MEN. IT'S getting warm now. Special summer rates. $j.t). Y. M. C. A. FIHNACES AND TIN WORK. HABERSTROH. 402 Hamilton. Wal. 29" 1. FLORIST. BATH'S, florists. 14 Farnam St. D. 2000. L HENDERSON, 1619 FarnanL D. 1254. Membet Florist Talegraph PeL Asa n. HESS SWOBODA. 1416 Farnam St. A. DONAGHUE. 1622 Harney. Doug. 1001. SWAN SON. the florist. Web. 4S29. So. 701. HAT ILEAalNU. Panama cleaned. D. Elsele. 113 City Nat 4.LL kind hat cleaned. 1.M0 Harney 6t AMKPICAN Hat Cleaners. 1516 Harney. UOLU AND kTt.EH PLATING. WE replete everything of metal. Omi.ha Plating Co.. 1220 Harpey St. Est. I It B. Lakeside Ice Co. FOR ICE 'VIIOVB WEBSTER 691a General Office. Mb and Mnderon Sia. JtlKKLkHI, LUCKY wedding ring at Rrodegaard. JC STICKS or THE PEACE. H. H. CLAIBORNE, (II Paxton Blk. R, , 7411. Notary pub., depoaitlon slonu. C. W. BRITT. 101 Baker block. LIVE STUCK COMMISSION. MARTIN CRQg fO.. Exchange Bldg. LIGHTING IUHUa, WIRING. DURKIN Thomaa Dougla, 2ti 1 241 Cuming Su. MINING ENGINEERS. WILL pay te consult W. H. Godfrey ea mining bualneaa. 2u7 SUt Bk. H. 4341. M AMI F.SE. T.ATirSn' "" .alcohol rub. 1-fturft it llPHilon. 1902 Farnnm, room 2. Dougla 8751. Open evening and Bunday. Mis Staple. Ev. open 9; Sun. 10-1 D.713. Mass. 8aunder-Kennedy Bldg. T. 713. MAP AG E 620 Bee Bldg. Dougla 6271 Clara Lee. bath and massage. Dougla I75U BATHS, 214 Balrd Bldg.. lTth and Doug. MASSAGE Call D. 8227 for appointment. MASSAGE, 1721 Podge. Mis Steele. Miss Walton, Mas. R. 224, Neville Blk. M. HALLORAN. bath, R. 223 Neville blk. MISS GILBERT, massage. 109 S. 17th St. MISS JACOBS, Mas., R 224, Neville Blk. I i M. rnUGSTAN, mass., 203 Karbach Blk., R. 2727. MOTORCYCLES. HARLEY-DA VIDFON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In, used machines. Victor Rooa, The Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leavsnworffl. MOVING PlCTtKld MACHINES. OMAilA Film Fx., 14th nd Doug. Motion lunul a macnin ana ium oargaina U'E rent moving picture machine. Btar Thentr1"al Exchange, Mfl Paxton block. MOWERS SHARPENED. CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED; work guaranteed; saw filing. Doug. 74a. MUSICAL INSTRUCTION. RATES. Harp A Piano, 806 Lyric. D. $704. BOURICTTJS MUSIC STUDIO. DOUO- LA8 2471. NURSERY SEEDS AND PLANTS. FOR PALE Extra fine cane eed at $1 per bu., sacks P0c each. Write for samples. J. J. Funk, Fremont, Neb. OCULISTS. ,- Eyes examined, glasses fitted. py a you can. Prs. McCarty. 1111 W. O. W. Bldg. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. Dr. Peterson, COS Brandela Bldg. D. 2114 JOSUPHINB ARMSTRONG. 615 Bee Bid PAINTING AND PAPERING. HUGH MTMANUS. 417 N. 40lh. H, 672S. N. Eng. Wallpaper and Paint Co. Red 7620." PATENT DEVELOPMENT. AMERICAN Machine Co., HQ 3. 11th St PATENTS. D. O. Barnell. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red 7117, H. A. Pturges. 636 Bmndet Theater Bldg. PIANO JREKINISHING. GENERAL overhauling. 20 year, ezn. .- .in, 4V6 inn, xveq ixvw, jonn oaer. rLATING. P. 6277. Aeme Plating Co., 1U S. 16th Pt e PRINTING. WATERS-BAPJCHART Ptg. Co.. ouallty kiiuuub. xei. XJOUg. aw. 024 B. 18th 8L CENTRAL PRINTING OG. DOUG. 2754. 1 DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tei. Dougla 64t! Ralph Printing Co., 220 6. 19th. Doug. 2161 SAFE AAD TIMtS LOCK EXPERTS. SAFES S-Sa- "Fg-jsnt Port. 1404 Dodge. D. 18JL SCALE REPAIRING. Om. Standard Scale Co., Cll a 12th. D.2911. SCREEN DOORS. Omaha Window Screen Co.. Doug. 46P2. SHOE REPAIRING. FRIEDMAN PROS., shoe repair, m B. 14. Harley Shoe Rep'r Co.. 2004 Farn'm. R.I44 SEWING MACHINES. . w rent, repair, sell needle and part e -4 MICKEL'S." v ,! BcitiitK maonine. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 16th and Harney. Doug. 1661, STEEL CElLlNt,. CARTER Sheet Metal Company, Hp g, is. STORE AND OfMtH yiXTLBEiT" TOW EC SUPPLIES. " OMAHA Towel Pupply, 207 8. Uth. D. 62J. TAILORS. CHA8. C. LANDKRYQU. 108 N. 16th St. Palm Beach sulta to order. 181B Farnam. TRUNKS AND SUITCASES. FRE1.IXQ A PTEINLE. 1806 Farnam St TYPKWU4TERS FOR KENT. ' RENT an Oliver Typewriter I mo. for 14. Oliver Typewriter Agency, isui Fainani Butts Typewriter Exchange. 314 a Uth St. All make tor aal or I'enL RENT a "Remington," not lust ft type- wr tar In- . . . . v 1 3 VWm ., .. " icin. v an Lkiiir i WATCH SPECIALISTS. Chrlstlanaen. 2d fl. Paxton Bk.. rr. ertv WEDDING STATIONERY Wedding aincuncenients. Doug. Ptg. Co, WINES AND LltiUORS. ' ALEX JETEf 201-1 8. ISth St. 'Wine, liquor, cigar Plate dinner, 11 to J, Wo. HENRY POLI.OCK LIQTIOR HOUSaN 16th and Capitol Ave. Ten-cent lunoh. VOK RENT Board aad Room. NICELY furnished room, suitable for young man, with board. PouKla 7312, l'.I.MWOOIJ PARK suburban home. Car 1 blk. Cool rooma. good board ; lawn' home privileges very reaa. Wal. 1774. BEAUTIFUL room, with two exception ally large cloeet. In a Weat Farnam home; large porch and yard; good board: young men prefurred. Harney 4981 Famished A Bwrtaaeata. PPLE.vniD NEW FURNISHED APARTMENT for rent In the New Traverton FIREPROOF. 24TH AND LaNDON COURT Catering to people of refined taatea Apartment completely equipped for p ,nr: "l1-'0-- and comfort- cu .v TRAVER BROS., rjionelouglas 1 Ia3. 70ft Omaha Nat. Bank. r i'hmmiku apt., mod : piano . felA a - r I - ft. If y rou do nr.t see anything' that milt you in juu in v giv rt r m i r-n i k .m n can can .t FUvom P4. b m? ZTi for the Flee Fsml.heH f and wn wlli H.dlv r. "uf.l .v. r in r wroianea J and wo wlli gladlv refer y class rooming or Voerdlng Part of I he city. f w a oign iuum in any PARLOR rooms. PlRliiD r.,.,. i ,J I, y y -aij ixug, XA.