Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1915, Image 1
he Omaha Daily Advertising is the pendu lum that beeps buying and setting in motion. THE WEATHER. Fair VOL. XUV NO. 313. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOHN1XG, JUNK 18, 191o-TYELVE PAJJKS. On Trains and at otel Rswe Steals. So, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. 3 r Bee THREE AMERICAN CRUISERS ARE OFF AGAINST YAOOIS r Colorado, Chattanooga and Raleigh Ordered to West Coast of Mexico to Protect Americans. ' ALL DESTINED FOR TOBARI BAY Indians Have Declared They Will Expel Settlers from Territory Given Them. WITHDRAW TO THE MOUNTAINS SAN DIEGO, Cal.. June 17. Peril, of American settlers in the Yaqul valley of Sonora state brought orders today for the dispatch of three cruis ers for the west coast of Mexico and authorization or Admiral Thomas B. Howard to land an expeditionary force if he thinks best. The flag ship Colorado sailed first, under or ders from Washington, carrying three companies of the Fourth regi ment, United States marine corps, under Major W. N. 'McKelvy. Rasrlah fiete l"p tenm. Somewhere ofr the coast of Lower Cali fornia the radio began snapping ba:k orders from- the admiral which started the protected cruiser Chattanooga after the Colorado. The protected cruleer TUlelgh, also ordered to aa.ll. began get ting up steam and wn expected to get away In the night. ''"AH three were destined for Tobarl bay, near Glaymaa, railroad terminus and sea port in Sonora. Ninety miles toutheaat of , Guaymaa ie Esperanza. where an American colony, which haa successfully resisted attacks of Yaqul Indians, la re ported to be again in danger. Withdraw to Hills. The Indians have declared their Inten tion to expel settlers from land which Is .said to have been taken from the Taquls under the a d ministration of President Dial. They are reported today to have withdrawn to the mountains. The three cruisers have available for landing purposes 1,100 officers and men besides the marines. Hail and Heavy Rain Does Damage in West CAMBRIDGE. Neb., June 17. (Special Telegram.) A destructive hall storm visited tills section this afternoon cover- Ing a territory from eight to ten miles wlds and extending- to west ef McCook. Three Inohes of -rain. Jell. ' Many fields j of grain ar a total loss. The Republican river U out of Its banks and bo trains .are running.' BEATRICE, Neb.. June 17.-Speelal j Telegram.) A terrlfio rain, wind and electrical storm visited this section this afternoon. The rainfall amaunted to about four Inches In some localities. Wheat was blown down and considerably damaged. All trains are behind time on i account of the storm and the Union Pa cific was unable to get Its passenger north through here tonight because the tracks are under water at Clebourne, Kan. Wymore. Barneston and Odell and other towns In this section report heavy rains. ORLEANS, Neb., June 17. (Special Tel egram.) A rainstorm of forty minutes' duration, during which time nearly four inches of water fell, struck Orleans and (vicinity at o'clock this morning. Train service In either direction out of Orleans is Impaired on account of washouts and oft track. Between here and Alma a -washout twelve feet deep and over sixty fuet long was made by the heavy rain, 'the water taking a war the rails and ties. Austrian Submarine Sinks an Italian-One LONDON, June 17. It Is officially an nounced that the Italian submarine Medusa has been torpedoed and sunk by !on Austrian submarine, says a dispatch from Rome to the Htefanl agency. The Mrdura was a vessel of 241 tons and was built In Ifll. It had a speed of thirteen knots above water and eight knots submerged. Its ordinary comple ment was fourteen men. The Weather. For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity -Showers, warmer. Temperatures at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. 50 61 62 oi W 67 67 M t 62 67 R8 67 6 6 mm li Comparative Local Record. 1915. D14. 111S. 1912. Highest yesterday 68 77 95 M Jett yesterday 60 hi "o o2 JImd temperature 60 68 R2 58 JTeclpltatlon 42 .00 .00 .00 Temperature and precipitation depar- iruui me normal; JNormai temperature 60 Deficiency for the day 12 oiai deficiency since March 1 S7 -vonnai precipitation 17 inch Kxresa for the dav s Total rainfall since March 1. .10.17 inches J)fl len y since March 1 1.60 Inrhea Bxcess for cor, period. 1UV.. 1.K1 inches iur wr. penuu, jvxs.... .Jv men Reports frost Stations at T P. M Station and State of Weather Temp. High- Hain. 7 P in. est fall Cheyenne, partly cloudy Jlfevenport, cloudy Jtnver clear Ik's Moines, rain North 1'latta. clear. ... Omalia. rain...'. l:apld City, ilear Mom t'lty, clomlv 7 7? 70 "1 74 K' .14 74 6A laieniinr, clear U A. WELSH, iakT Forecaster VJJj M m 77&rF&' U m... '& JP-m MV ' 2 p m TT -v I p m S323C I p-,n .. 1 p. m CROWN PRINCE OF SERVIA JttKiuutt oi unusn. navy, against Austrians. GOOD SHIP JULIA COMESJNTO PORT Captain Stevens Pleased with His Trip and Sayi Will Have Larger Boat Next Year. WILL MAXE NEEDED REPAIRS "Land, Ho! On the sta'board bow," sans; out Mate Hannoca iron me lookout on the upper deck oi . the Julia as she swung in under tii Union Pacific bridge on Its way up the river from Glasgow, Mo., to De catur, Neb. At 10 o'clock aa the Julia tied up to the bank near the Douglas street bridge, a band on shore played, "All Hall the Chief," and the crowd clambered on deck to congratulate Captain Stevens upon his safe arrival In port. Crowds Gathered at Dark. Regardless of the steady downpour or rain fully 200 people- gathered at the docks and all Joined in a loud cheer as the Julia tied up at the dock. Then everybody was Invited on board and a thorough Inspection of the boat and its consort, the barge Ann, was mado. Into port the Julia brought some 21,000 pounds of freight, rnost of it for tie H. J. Hughes Grocery company and th-i Sun derland prothers. It was a mixed cargo of heavy groceries and building material. To Moke ttepalra Here. The Julia will ramaln here a week or so in order that repairs may be made and the' craft again rendered seaworthy. This having been done, the boat will take on. a cargo of freight and proceed up-river to Decatur. Twenty-eight days ago the Julia and its barge - Ann left Glasgow, 600 miles below Omaha by, river. Sine then the boat and barge have been tied up seven teen days on account of bad weather, breakages and for repairs Captain Stevens asserts that with a low stags' of water and when the channel has become fixed he can made thirty five to. fifty milea a day up stream and considerably more going down. The barge Ann has a carrying capacity of fifty tons. It la sixteen feet wide and sixty-three long, decked over wltli . can vas, and is set square against the bow of the Julia and fastened to it with chains. Ittra Wherl Type. The Julia, the boat that furnishes the power to push the barge, is twelve by etxty feet over all .twenty-four horse power, of the stern wheel type and uses gasoline for motive power. It draws two feet of water, while the barge needs four feet to move In the clear, that Is, If loaded to capacity. Captain Stevens U pleased with the succeas of the - trip from Glasgow to Omaha, and upon landing said: 'This trip has demonstrated conclu sively that the navigation of the MitLourl river up aa far as Omaha U practical fend profitable. I shall continue making regular trips during the balance of the season, and next spring I will have a larger boat in the trade. During the whi ter I will construct a larger barge and a larger boat I shall build the new barge to draw not tn exceed thirty Indus when loaded, and the new power boat will be ot IjO horse power, the engines .to be crude oil burners, a fuel that is much less expensive than gasoline and gives Letter results." Sioux City Has Coldest June 17 Since 1889 PIOl'X CITV. Ia., June ;7.-The tem perature dropped to 42 degrees here to day, the coldest on June IT sine IMS. Furnace fires were stsrted in many houses and feteain plants started In busi ness houses. 1 , ?J . .'I ' iJjiJ If; ' urt' . TROW- .i5f Ltirvian camrjaicn aia ? CATFISH BAKE AT HANAWAFOR T.P.A. Visitors Enjoy Unrivaled Taste of Fish Cooked on Fire in the Oven. ,v VARIED ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN Bun and rain yesterday alternated In llftlngxihe hopes of the Travelers' Protective association, entertainment 'committee and dashing them to the ground. The South Omaha feattrt tles were carried through with great eclat'. The thing that held In the balance of doubt was the catfish bake at the Council Bluffs Rowing asso ciation grounds Lake Manawa. Thrice did tho entertainment committee otclare it "off" while Hie rain poured, tnd thrice did they declare It "on again." Finally, about 3 o'clock, they got mad t the vaccllating weather and said, "Goi ting but it!" they'd have It if It rained Pitchforks. And the guests were soon itreaming Manawa-ward. . The ralu fell. But about the tlmo the first cars reached the scene of the bake the rain stopped. "Fortune befriends the l.iavo," and ao it did In this case, for the rain stopped just about long enough for the fish bake and then started in rcaln. What la a catfish bake? It's a fair question. Bo listen closely. The guests yesterday found a Ions firs built. It waa about 100 feet long. And on each aide 'of thla fire 'all atony Its length were the fish on sticks stuck la the ground, grilling away merrily. ' How to Bake a Catflak. ; There's a right way to put catfsh on the sticks, as was apparent from watch ing the men who were still doing It. Toil tuke a stick about three feet long and stick it through Br'er Catfish from stem to stem. Then you take a small nail and hammer it through hts head Into the stick, using a beer bottle for a hammer. Then you take a couple of hitches round hts tall with a piece of string, tlclng It tc the stick. Then you stick the st'ek in the ground by the fire. Don't- forget, also,, to douse the fish with salt A valiant brasa band stood In the wet yesterday and played lustily; and at times merry gentlemen actually tangoed In the oozy turf. . The tables were hree In number and were the longest tables you ever saw. They looked about a block long each, made of pine boards laid on stakes driven into the ground and with heavy planks for aeats. Pago Morrison, secrtary of the Iowa division and past . grand master catflah baker, presided along the line of hun dreds' of baking fish with about ten as sistants. I Then came the word that the fishes (Continued on Page Two, Column Four.) Two Hundred Killed by Bombs in the Air Raid on Karlsruhe IjONDOK. June 17. A Rotterdam dis patch to the Exchange Telegram com pany repoits that the damage done at Karlsruhe by the air raid of the French s-iuailron of aeroplanes was much greater than the papers iere allowed to state. "Two hundred person"! were killed." taya tre correspondent. 'Fifty bombs were dropped, one of ' them almost destroying one of the ducal palaces used as headquartera by the Karlsruhe com mandant. Others destroyed a number of factories engaged In manufacturing shells. A great panic waa cauaed and the victims will be buried secretly at nlht. "The people are Ignorant of the utter failure of tne antt-alrrraft measure and thi-y con-plain that no signals of the ai prouching of the French aviators were given. i I FLIER WHO WRECKED ZEPPELIN KILLED IN AIR WITH AMERICAN Lieutenant Warneford, Canadian Aviator Destroying- Dirigible, and Henry Beach eedham, Tassenger, Lose Lives. PLANE CRASHES AFTER BLAST Explosion Causes Machine to Fall, Killing Heroic Birdman and Magazine Writer. JUST GIVEN LEGION OF HONOR PARIS. June 17. Lieutenant ! Rc-elnald A. J. Warneford, Canada, who gained fame recently by blowing to pieces a Zeppelin over Belgium, was killed today by the fall of an aeroplane at Buc. France. Lieutenant Warneford was pilot-, ing the machine, which had as a passenger Henry Beech Needham, the American writer, who also was killed. Lieutenant Warneford and Needham fell from a height of 500 feet. The lieutenant had been spending a few days in Paris, where ho came after his Zep pelin exploit to receive hta decoration of tho tuition ot Honor. lannril by Km plosion. According to a report received in Tarls, the accident resulted from an explosion in midair which caused Lieutenant Warneford to loas control, the machine crashing to earth. Nedham's body waa taken to tho Eng lish hospital In Trianon Palace, Ver salllea He had been In Kurope about four months acting as correspondent of magaxlnea and a New York newspaper. Ho had received permission from the military authorities to make a flight In order to get material for a story. Ills nlfe, who also 1 a writer, accompanied him during the early part of his trip abroad. Mrs. Needham sailed for Amer ica six weeks sgo. Snddenly Becomes Famous. Reginald A. J. Warneford, a young Canadian sublieutenant In the Royal navy, suddenly acquired world-wide re nown by destroying a Zeppelin over Bel glum on June 7. this being the first time on record that a Zeppelin had been wrecked by an aviator In an aeroplane. By a brilliant flight. Lieutenant Warne ford obtained a position above the Zep pelin and dropped bombs en it. The dlrtglble craahed to the ground and burned up. The twenty-eight men In the crew were killed. For this feat. Lieutenant Warneford was decorated with the Victoria cross and the c.ros. pt Uit . Leglor . of l onor O001lptod oy on, of th. MUmH brigade.. Lieutenant mads his first few m w K--""!. but a majority of them tell be months sgo, and had- been with the flyltur j squadron only a few weeks. NEW ZEPPELIN MADE EVERY TWENTY DAYS OF.NI5VA, June 17. (Via Tarls.) News dispatches . reaching Oenova from Fried rtchshaf en set forth that double shifts are now working In the Zeppelin airship factories, which are turning out a completed Zeppelin airship every twenty daya. One of the two Zeppelins destined for operations against Italy was sent away from Friedrlchahafen yesterday to re place the dirigible destroyed over Bel glum reoently by the Canadian aviator, Warneford. It la reported in Geneva that the Ger man authorities ar preparing for an Important combined raid of Zeppelins and aeroplanes on Paris and London In re taliation for the recent attack on Gor man towns by aviators of the allies. The Day9 War News BERLIN REPORT BAYS Aastrlan Germaa tnrm en a 683-mlle front In Poland, Dalle la aid Bskswlsa had bearsm a a-en era I attack la a battle espeeted to be decisive. GERMAN ADMIRALTY aajaoaaeed be loss of the submarine t -14, whose craw waa captared by the British. CAMPAIGN AGAINST the Rnsalans, oa whlrh the Germans are bow reaeeatratlagr their offensive ef forts, la developing- another phase la a violent attack la Russian Po land. At the nam time the Gr mans are pashlna; back the Itns alaas In the Baltle provinces, and, with the help of the Anatrlans, In Uallrla. PETROGRAD OFFICIAL coaamaaL eatlon contains tho admission that tho Germans hava oevapled addi tional TUlaa-ee near Shavll, la tho Baltlo region, bat states that the Rnsalans roa-nlnod loot around . near Prsemyal. GALICIA CHAMPAIGN haa reached a rrltlcai staae. In view of tho eontlnnod successes of tho Aus trians and Germane. OFFICIAL ADVICES from tho Italian army headquarters, repre sent tho Ital'ana aa g-alaiag ad vantages all along tho front, par- ' tlrularly la tho Adlge valley, whlrh leads to Treat. Free Coupon For the Best Movies 11 apodal arrangement rWth eight of the leading moving picture theaters THE DEE Is enabled to give Its readers a combination coupon good for a free admission to any one of tbern on days specified. In Sunday's Dee Italians Advance from South and East and Occupy Town of Mori VERONA. June 17.-(Vla Chlasso and raris. Newa received here from the front Is that the Italians have virtually occupied the town of Mori, advancing from both tlx, south and east. Mori Is about twenty milea fronv here and about five miles from Itovereto. The wsy ibe tween Mori anil Roerto Is, however, most difficult. Fortifications have been I erected on virtually every commanding position in lne,fliatrici. and to move ror ward out of .Mori will necessitate the dis mantling of many Irenrhee. UDINFX June i:.-(Via Chlaaso and Paris.) Th artllltry dKl between Aus trlana and Italians In the Carnlc Alps Is continuing, day ami night. When darkness falls, searchlights and rockets are brought Into play to make fighting possible. Th Austrian have been suc cessful In blinding powerful artillery against the p wit Ions in these mountains held br Italians. I'p to the present the Italians would appear to have been able to maintain their superiority. Italian troops, cus toms guard and the Alpine men hae made many successful surprise attacks upon the Austrian, compelling them lit several cases to surrender without fight ing. It is their custom to advance upon TURKISH ATTACK ON TRENCHES. FAIL Attempt to Retake Positions Cap tured by British Troops on Jane Twelve is Repulsed. GERMAN COMMANDER IS KILLED Bl I.LETIN. lOXDON. June 17. The 3tar re ceived today a telegram from Athens saying newa bad been received there from Mudros that a British subma rine torpedoed and sank three Turk ish transports loaded with troops In the. Dardanelles above Nagara, The great part of the troops and crews is said to have been drowned. LONDON. June 17. Turkish troops in the Dardanelles have been repulsed In their attempt to recapture the trenches lost by them to the Brit ish and French on June 12, according to an official statement on the situa tion In the Dardanelles made public here today. The text of the announcement follows: "On the night of. June IS a party of the enemy, led by a German officer, fore reaching our trenches. Fifty .dead were counted, Including the German leader and his Turkish subordinate. "Thesa trenches were captured by us on the night of June 11. After a strong; attack the Turkish positions were en filaded by our machine gna from right to left. The Dublin Fusilllers attacked with their bayonets. When the trenches wer occupied they were found to con tain M0 dead Turks. Twelve prisoners also were taken. Our casualties were very slight1 British nattteahip Aarronnd. AMSTERDAM. June 17. (Via London.) A dispatch has been received here from Constantinople saying that according to official announcement a Turkish aviator reports having observed a British war ship of the Agamemnon type aground In Kefala bay. Island of Inibros. The deck of the vessels is almost complete sub merged. The Island of Imhroa is off the entrance to the Dardanelles straits. A story pub lished recently that the battleship Agamemnon had been sunk by the Turks was categorically denied by the British government Suffragists Say Statesmen Forgot to Lift Their Hats BAN FRANCISCO. June 17. A deputa tion of twenty-five suffragists, who called, they aatd, upon Invitation of Rep resentative Frank Mondell of Wyoming to ask a three-minute hearing from nine members of the congressional appropria tions committee, were refused audience In a hotel here today by Representative J. J. FlUgerald of New York. , Six of the nine consreasmen, a state ment issued by the women said, "rushed by them without even lifting their hats." In the party were Mrs. Jesse D. Hamp ton and Mla Doris fttevens of New York. "Wo are hero for a purpose," Mr. Flts gerald aaid later. "If we allow our selves to be Interrupted to listen to other causes we will get nowhere." The women. It waa learned, appeared at the opening for a hearing on re clamation and were excluded.. They waited for the congressmen outside the doors, and renewed their pleas to those who would listen. Accused Middies Gain Big Point ANNAPOLIS. Md., June 17.-The court of inquiry which ia investigating Irregu lartes In examinations at the Naval academy has no Intention of considering as evidence In the present proceedings the testimony given by midshipmen be fore the former board of investigation named by Superintendent Fullam. This announcement was made In the court today and was regarded aa a de- i ilded point for the defendants. All were ' recommended for dismissal, largely upon : their own testimony before the former board, and 'to throw that record out leaves the court with no direct e 'Mcnce that any midshipmen at the academy had ny advance copy of tho actual examina tion papera , No one so far examined In proodlnga here has seen or ad mitted seeing an actual examination paper. the trenches, ahlr.h are considered Im pregnable, over little known smuggler' trails, and win their fight by the sud denness of their appearance. In this manner the mountains to the west ami south of Malborgeth have been occupied, as have a1o certain helghta dominating the plateau of Gall. riRESi-IA. Italv. June 17. (Via Chateau and Parlsi Information has been brought ! here of alleged Austrian ways of pro cedure in the Codlno district. In this locality the Austrians decided they would make no resistance. .Con sequently they compelled all the people who were favorable to Italy to leave, leaving behind only those who aided with Austria. They were Instructed to art as spies and t- organise brigandage on the rear, in order to deceive the Invaders they were to pretend to be en thusiastic supporter fit Italy. The Italian authorities discovered thla alleged plot. In some rases they even caught and convicted offenders who had been found in posseaslon of underground tclcphonre and other means of algnallng. But as the Italians found It Impossible, to wath r.ll the people In thla district, the complete evacuation of the villages waa ordered. WAR IS RESULT OF FALSE PHILOSOPHY Mr. Bryan Diicntiei Preparedness in Second Paper on Causes of the European Conflict. U. S. SETS A GOOD EXAMPLE WASHINGTON, June 17. Assert ing that preparedness provokes rather than prevents war, and that the upheaval In Kurope was the re sult of the false philosophy that "might makes right," former Secre tary Bryan today In the second of bis series of three statements on "The Causeless War" submits an argument against military preparation by the United States and praises tbe course of President Wilson in the Interna tional emergency. "If any nation Is without excuse for entering into a mad rivalry with the belligerent nations in preparation for ar it Is the United States," said Mr. Bryan. "We are protected on either aids by thousands of miles of ocean, and this protection is worth more to us than any number ot bat tleships. . "We have an additional protection I" the fact known to every, ono that we have the men 'with whom to1 'form an army of defense If wo ar over attacked, and It Is known also thst we would have the money, too (pore money than we would have had If all the surplus) earn ings of the people had been Invested In armament. Preparation Loads to War. "We not only do not need additional preparation, but we are fortunate In not having It, since It seems impossible for a nation to have what la called prepared ness, without having along with It a dis position to use Its preparedness on the slightest provocation. 'The leading participants fn the pres ent war are the nations that were best (Continued on Page Two, Column Two.) Bernstorffon Way to Washington To See Lansing WASHINGTON. June 17. Late today Secretary Lansing received a telegram from Count von Bernstorff announcing be would bo here for a personal conference tomorrow. In regard to the statement already re ceived from the charge d'affaires, the following announcement was mads by. the State department: The Department of State has received a telegram from the German counaelor dated 'June 16, calling attention to artl cles appearing in yesterday's papers In regard to an alleged breach of confidence on the part of the ambassador In send ing a secret German government agent to Berlin In place of Ir. Gerhard, the Ucd Cross delegate. In reference to these articles, th counselor states as follows: 'It is unnerfssary for me to assure you that the a lory circulated by these ar ticles Is untrue from beginning to end. It contains a personal attack upon tho embassador and his delegate. Dr. Meyer It. Gerhard, am? Is likely at the same time to nullify tne sincere and earnest efforts of the ambassador to bring about an understanding between the United States and Germany on the Lusttania question.' " CHESAPEAKE & OHIO PASSES DIVIDEND NKW YORhT, June 17. Directors of the Chesspeake Ohio Railroad company voted today to pass the dividend. The stock has recently been on a 4 per cent bssis. "While ths earnings are the largest In tlm road's history." reads a statement Is sued by the directors, "there has been a chanare In the character and direction of the traffic carried, entailing a large de crease from hire of equipment and larger payments to other lines." GERMANS ANNOUNCE LOSS OF SUBMARINE BERLIN, June 17. (By Wireless to Say vllle, N. T.) The Overseas News Agency today gave out the following: "The admiralty publicly announced ths loss of the submarine IT-lt Its crew was raptured by the British." In the House of Commons last week A. J. Balfour, first lord of the admiralty, ncunced that a German submarine had bn sunk, snd that six of lis offlorrs and twenty-one member of Its crew had been captured. RUSS ABANDON POSITIONS ON THE SAN RIVER Teutonio Allies Force Slavs to Flee Defenses in Oalioia and Cross Into Poland Proper. DECISIVE BATTLE IN PROGRESS Berlin Report Says Line of Contact in Poland and Galicia is 682 Miles Long1. RUSSIANS ADMIT REVERSES nERLIK. June 17. (Via Lon don.) The Russians have aban doned Ihelr positions to the north of Slenlawa, on the San river, In Gali cia, and have retreated toward Tar nogrod, In Russian Poland, accord ing to the official statment given out today by the German army head quarters staff. Eastern theater ot war: "Several Russian attacks were re pulsed. Otherwise nothing of spe cial importance occurred." Fleo Positions. Southeastern theater of war: "North of Sienawa attacks by the Teutonic allies forced the Russians to abandon their positions and re treat towards Tarnogrod. Tho army under General von Mackenzen. followed In not pursuit. Dachnow and Lubacsow were take a by storm.- "The southern bank of the Wyscnia was cleared of all enemies. At Nlemerow the resistance ot the Russians quickly broke down and the Nlemerow and Jaworow rivers were crossed. Further south the Russians are retreating towards Wercsiuca. "The situation southeast of the Dnelster swamps is unchanged." Halt Way to Lemberg. LONDON. June 17. The latest news from the eastern front does not Indicate that anything haa occurred thus far to upset the plans of Gen eral Von Mackensen, who baa fixed, July 1 for the arrival of an Austro- German army In Lemberg. the Gall clan capital. General Vod Macken sen 'a army, driving due eastward across the Ssn to the north ot Prze luysl, la already bait way from the river to Lemberg. On the Dniester the Teutonio forces have suffered several severe repulses, but their check thus far has not been of sufficient moment to offset Rus sian losses. - In the west the allies have resumed tbe offensive north of Arras. Tbe French claim progress there as well as south and southwest of Boucher, east of Lorette and In "the Laby rinth." Russia as Admit Reverse. PBTROGRAD (via London). June in occupation by the Germans of additional villagea In the Shavll district and farther south In the region east of Harlampolls admitted by the Russians In a statement Issued last night at the War office- The statement follows: "Gorman stacks for the lost three days around the village of Lltxjeff near the Wlndau river have been unsuccessful and the fighting Tuesday ended In our favor. In the region ef Popeliary our troops crossed the Vents, In pursuing the en emy our cavalry sabersd - hundreds of Germans and made some dosens of pris oners. "The fighting near Shavll continues with various fortunes. Some villagea fell Irto the enemy's hands. There have been artillery duels en the Dubysa. "On the western front beyond the Mid Nleman the enemy haa suatalned heavy loases In the last two days In fruitless offensive attempts. "In counter attacks In the region east of Uariampol some villages were occu pied by the enemy, and Tuesday night the enemy began bombardment of Osao wets, but at I o'clock In the morning the fortress got the upper hand. "On the Narew Omulew valley frontier (Continued on Page Two, Column, Two. THE WANT AD WAY There was aa eld woman who lived ta a shoo, he had lots of children, tie s-'dt They all got Jobs by tho Want A4 Way, ad sow, kind air, Instead Of a shoo for a home, they all have a house That Is furnished esooodJagly srraad. Rsrs oadeth the tale, bat the moral Is a reader la Want Ad Lead. Younsaters starting out to work can find opportunities by readtug the Help Vantef columns of The H-s. Kama way with grown-ups. When you want work, or a ohuici to better your present position, r-- the Helo Wanted Ada. When you want to flad reliable help, tele- phon ryier joiio. TMsote Mrs trtwj 03 TUT IT IN THIS OMAHA UES.