Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 8, Image 8

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Tuesday, June 15, 1915.
A WELL known clergyman of the state, a on Urn resident of
Omaha, while visiting in New York. City last week bad the novel
experience of being taken for the far-famed athlete, Jim Coffey,
and, at be says, banking In the sunshine of bla fame.
The clergyman entered New Tork Juat at the moment when thli cele
brated individual had added new glories to bit career. At the Data hotel
the clergyman was greeted, gated upon, made the idol of bell boya and
waiters, to the exclusion of all other guesti.
The physique and genial personality of the two are moat marked and
very similar, and the clergyman laughingly claims that he haa never re
ceived more veneration or atttention in tbe years of bis clerical life than
at the riaza two weeks ago.
Dance for Kin Higby.
'omplhnentary to Mlaa Helen Iitb',
mho Is the house attest of Mr. and Mre.
A. V. Klntlrr. Mr.-and Mrs. D. C. Brad
ford gave a lanrinu party last evenlne
at their home. Tlie ball room waa
beautifully decorated ' with Killarney
Torn, pa I ma tuid ferne. In the dining
room quantities of pink. snap dra;ons
were used. The guests Included.'
Msssrs. and MJsm '
Kdwln T. flwohe,
nk Kennedy,
Itrlen Hisby.
Clare Helen
Mfnle Jvia.
Mm-e Woodard
Krank Haskell,
fiuy Furay.
A. V. Klnsler.
KllsaKrth Davis.
Heslrlca Coart.
KtiSnla Whit more.
Mrs. fca tYaUfue.
Vaasrs .
Uwnm Krlnkri,
Tmn KiiisIt,
Jr. LeRoy Ommmer,' Charlie Allison.
Robert Burns,
At Happy Hollow.
A speclel musli pporam will Se tan
thla evening at the p!ld-wek ulnner
dance at Happy Hollow club. Miaa llaael
Pllver. aoprena. and. Mr. Kdwhi Clark s.
cellolat, eooompanled by Mra., Walter 811
vsr. planlat, will aire Uie prorem.
Mr. and Mra. Harry. Iwria will en
tertain In honor of th1r nleflo, Mlse
(Mabel Webeter.- of "ChJcajre. Pink and
white peflsUca wtll 3?orat their table
and covere will ba placed for Mr. end
Mrs. K. D. .Armatro. Mr. ami Mra.
Lawrie and MSse M.ahe.1 WebeUr.
With Mr and Mra. J. -VY. ParUh will
ba: 1
Messrs. and Ms id "-
W 1 t:oad. Clifford Badler,
J H ' Conrad, J. T. Prentiss,
Mr. end Mra. I. W. I'erter will enter
tain. .
Messrs and Weedames
W. A. Fraser. J. E. riUserald,
John T. Tates.
r ens tor htiard.
Mr. and Mra. William B. WhHehorn
will entertain:
Messrs and Meadames
H. J. Berlins. William R. Burns.
John P. Klria. - B. W II son.
M K Msawall. A. TA esterfleld,
William B. Whltahorn.
Kev. and Mra. J. Frank Tuiig.
l'r. and Mra. J. 8. Llolitenwallner.
Othera entertaining will ha: Mr. and Mra.
Kdwerd Doyle, who will have eevaa
Hicate; Mr. and Mra A. W. Fi-tenl, four;
Mr. Georce A. Amoa. four; B. a. Roo
.m, five; Nelaon C. rram-e. eeven: W. B.
Hrhaffer. eiht; William H. Rhodee. el;
M. U Randall, feur; K. C. llatiry. elflit;
C. Fancoaal, two; Oeorge A, Roberta,
tlve. and Lee Hamlin, ,.
Mr. and Mra. Charles R. atwaiman's
guests will Include. Mlseaa Uombaoh of
Council Bluffa and May Rouae; Trof. J.
v. O'BrWn and Mr. Rollln Phermen.
Visitors at the real estate convention. entertained today at luncheon at
tie Happy .Hollow. Covers were placed
for J00.
Mr. and Mra. M. C. Cameron will en
tertain at dinner Friday evenina. Mra.
Cl.iMles Hardin will rive a luncheon at
tl.e chb Friday. Thuraday at the Ladles'
lay luncheon, amonc those entertaining
111 t.a: Mesdamea C J. Lyon, i'rank U
Weaver. C. C. Trimble and M. C. I'aters.
The wedding of Mia Emma Remer,
daughter of Mr. and Mra. F. R. Hamar.
and Mr. Norman Cahow, aoa of Mr. and
Mra. B. W. Cahow, waa calsbratad last
evening at o'clock at the home (f tb
brldea parenta. The Rev. Mr. Cobbey
of the First. Christian church performed
the ceremony In the presence of iha Im
mediate relatlvea. '
The bride wore a gown of ivory crape
e chln made round length with very
full skirt and pleated bodie. Her tulle
veil waa caught with a eprsy of llllea
of the valley and aha carrlod a shower
bouquet of bride roses and llllea ef the
valley. Her only ornament waa a dla
mond and pearl lavallere, th gift of the
gioom. v ' , '
There were no attendants.
A wedding dinner for the g'iesta fol
lowed the ceremony. '
The house wss beautifully decorated
wiih pink and while. Pink and white
awet peas and larfe bunches of the
aeen peonies war used thieuehoJt the
The young couple left last evening for
Wnver and Colorado Springs. The hrtde'e
aoawsy gown waa of cream silk I utile.
Wnh tlits waa worn a alilta bat.
Mr. and Mrs. Cahow will be at home
after August In Omaha.
At Seymour Lake Club.
Mr. and Mra. II. O. Wlndbelnt are eu
lertatnli.c at dinner tills evening When
tl ry will have for their guests:
lMri. and 5ledmrs
H A. W-xxtof ('. II. T. Rlepvn,
Ifi,vettr. In ; John tuhei.,
K All r -if J. U. Mevera,
"oum U Hlnffs, J H. Msrtln. li Ku hi, C I. Vollnier.
It. sill Mi. H. . Wshl,
l'r. i'l Mi,. U'. K. ri"ie.
Mi, ;!- ct IWria. Ill ;
Mr. Wdrrn Andrews.
II r. . V. Christie entertained at din
ner )tes entiig. Ilia gueota wue: Miss
iiae .Melllk, Mjiw Dollle Fitsgerald
and Mr. H. II. Milter.
A ilm.ier party thla evu.lni will be
i i,iii(ji. d of Mr. end Mrs. J. J. Ilim hey.
l'r. sua Mis. 1'S'il jucknless. Miss Maty
1 slUihsn. Mim CMga Kltiwr, Misa Ruth
Hnn and Mls flare Hoffman.
Mr. r. n 'r haid will have four gueita
tins e eoli..' - .
Viiiticg Kurse Picnic.
The lii( i ir Is of tl.e Visiting Nurse
asKorUtton gsva a pitnio this afternoon
st Klmwood park. Those present were
day evenlug, June 17, and July I the
Dramatic club, tinder the direction of
Miss Msry Irene Wallace, will give their
play, "The Merry Wives of Windsor,"
at Hanacom perk.
Wedding Announcements.
Miss Margaret K. Oapp. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. '. Clapp of Keystone
Park, and Mr. Foster Bulllvan were
quietly marrta4 on Friday afternoon at
the home of the bride's parents. There
were no attendants and the Rev. Mr.
lis well performed the ceremony.
Mlsa Madge Mulumby of Fremont and
Philip If. Oarnett of Omaha were mar
ried at the home of the bride's mother,
Mrs. Margaret Molumby, Saturday even
ing et Fremont. The Rev. W, H. Buea
officiated. The young couple have taken
a wedding trip to Denver and on their
return will make their home In Dundee.
Mr. Uarnett la caahler of the Ford Auto
company and his bride for five yeare haa
been employed as a stenographer In the
shoe department of Hayden Brothers'
store. A party of their friends from
Omaua attended the wedding.
Summer Plan. ,
Mlae Eleanor Rentt, accompanied by
Mlaa Gertrude Weeth and the Miaea Myr
tle aad Edna Cole, will leave the first
part of July for Mr. Harry O'NeiHa
ranch in the western part of the state,
where they will be Mr. O'Nelll a guests
for two weeks.
Mr. and Mra.. Ixuls Nasli and family
went to their summer home, Xashwood,
At th Field ClubT"
Mrs. E. P. Boyer entertained In honor
of Mrs. Preston Davidson, who leavea In
a few daya to make her home In Chicago.
The other guesta were Mra. William R.
Wood and Mra. Ronald Peterson..
Mrs. Charles F. Crowley will entertain
sixteen guesta at luncheon Thuraday;
Mra. K. B. Carrigan, ten, and Mrs. R. D.
Pollard, eight.
Afternoon Tea.
Mra. Thomaa Brown entertained at tea,
yesterday afternoon at her home. In
honor of her daughter, Mlaa Dorothy,
who returned In March from London,
England, where aha attended school.
The drawing room, where the hostess re
ceived her guesta. was decorated with
Dorothy Perklna' roses and the dining
room waa abloom with crimson ramblers.
Assisting Mra. Brown were, Mesdamea
Lena Ellsworth Dale. Martin, Buab;
Misses Gladys Chamtwra and Myrtle
brown. About seventy guests tallsd dur
ing the hours of t and 1
With the Visitor.
Mr. Frank U Haycock of Callaway,
Nab., arrived at the first of the week to
meet his mother, Mrs. Kile R. Haycock,
of Calais, Me., and brother, Mr. Allan
R. Haycock, of New Tork City, who will
aocompnny linn to "Callaway tor the
summer. The party remained In Omaha
over Sunday.
Mrs. Julius Furth of Chicago la the
guest of her brother, Mr. Julius Drelfue,
and Mra. Drolfua. '
Mr. and Mrs: Fred Ochsendeln of Bt
Loigs have arrived to be the guests of
Mra. Ochsendi iu's mother, Mra. Weavers.
At the Country Club.
Reservations for dinner at the regular
dinner dance for Wednesday evening
have been made by Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Judson and Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Beaton. . .
At the Field Club"
The Mlases Olga and Louise 8tois en
tertained Informally at luncheon today
at the Field club. A large basket of
daisies decorated the table and fifteen
guests were entertained.
Debutante Bridge Club.
The Debutante Bridge dub postponed
Its regular meeting for today. The mem
bers will be entertained, Tuesday of
next week, at the home ef Miss Marlon
Kuhn. -
Pergonal Mention.
Mlaa listen Croner will leave thla even
tug for Kanaaa'Clty to visit her aunt be
fore the latter leaves for en extended
trip to the coast. Mlaa Cronsr will not
be able to take her part in the "ArtleCs
Dream," to be given st the Boyd theater
Krlda.r evening.
Mr. and Mra. II. !. Pthonlau have re
turned from ten daya spent at Qulnoy,
III., their old home.
Mrs. Cornelius Riley end children will
spend the summer In Seattle, the guesta
of Mrs. Riley's parents.
With the Wayfarers.
Mr. William 1 Holxman, accompanied
by Mrs. Holsinan and eon. Max, left Sat
urday night for a three weeks' trip to
tho California exposition.
In and Out of the Bee Hire.
Mrs. Edward A. Teaau Is spending the
dsy with friends In Fremont.
Jack Baldwin left last evening for the
Pacific roast, where he plane to spend
the summer.
The wedding of Miss Jessie Maud
Plerson, daughter of. Mr. and Mm. A. J.
risrson. ami Mr. Arthur R. Mitchell waa
celebrated last evening at 30 o'clock at
the Calvary Baptist church. In the pres
ence of a large number of friends.
The Rev. Mr. J. A. Maxwell, pastor of
Calvary Baptist church, performed the
Mr. I-enipman blsyed the Ioliengren
wedding march for the entrance of the
bride and groom and the Mendeleaohn
for the re-esslonal.
During the ceremony Mrs. Robert Toe
men ssng Cadman'a "At Dawning." and
Miss Clare Riefken "Changeless."
The church wee 'beautifully decorated
with palma, ferna and Klllarney roses.
The bride waa attractive In a gown of
white crepe meteor, elaborately trimmed
with chantllly lace and seed pearls. The
court tfsin wsa caught at the shoulders
with peer I butterfltna. Her tulle veil waa
held in place with orange bloesome and
she carried a shower bouquet of brides
rosea and ' llllea of the valley.
Mra. R. ft. Heyden waa the matron of
honor and waa gowned In pink Georgette
crepe, made round lengtn end trimmed
with pearl pjissetnenter.e. She carried an
arm bouquet of Klllarney roses.
The ushers were Mr. Robert Yoeman
and eight of the brlde'a friends.
The glrla were dressed alike in arm pie
gowna of white orandy, made very short,
and were the Misses Jewel Alexander,
Flower Alexander, Edna Williams, Marie
Williams, Esther Rawacn. Emily Van
Kursn, Clare Van Kuran and Genevieve
Van Kurah.
Mra Pleraon, the bride's mother, wore
a gown of pink crepe meteor, wtth white
hat. ? he wore a coraage or pink sweet
There waa no reception, and the young
couple left after the ceremony for the
west. They will be at home after July
15, In Omaha.
II. Vine damagea for alleged alienation of
her atfectione.
The defense maintained that the cloth
ing was not suitable to Mra. McNeill s
station In life and that I', waa evidence
that Mr. McNeill failed to support his
wife properly.
Attorney W. R. Patrick for the defense
gave evidence of a formerly unrevealed
trait of baehfulneas when he exhibited
the varloua garments to the Jury.
At first It waa easy.
"This is the dress which Mrs. McNeill
wore when she returned to her parents'
home," he announced, holding ' up the
He continued, as he stsrted to pick up
another garment:
"Thle-er er a I say- I mean
garment waa worn by Mra. McNeill
the same time t mean when ahs went to
her parents' home."
His embarrassment, however, was al
leviated by the fact tht Judge Troup
and the Jurors were also apparently suf
fering from a degree ef nervousness.
A drees alleced to have been given to
Mrs. McNeill by Mayor Thomas Hoctor
of South Omaha figured In the testimony.
Mre. Jewell, her step-mother, testified
that it waa given to the young woman In
return for rfflce work done by her dur
ing Mr. Hector's campaign for the
meyor'a office.
The coolest hotel in New York. Overlooking Central
Tark. Within easy distance of all theatres and shops.
Your address known the world over while you stop
at The Plaza.
Special Dancing Features
Single Rooms with Bath, $3.50 np Doable Rooms with Bath, $5.00
Ts reserve morns er te sser fsrtker isfnstloa
ddrni FRKL) SrEBHT. Mi'fit Un
Lawyer Hesitates
In Description of
Woman's Garment
Dresses and lingerie formerly worn by
Mrs. Lila McNeill, pretty yeong wife,
were exhibited to a Jury in District Judge
Troup's court In order thet twelve men
might form an opinion whether George H.
McNeill properly supported his wife while
she waa living with him.
The artlelea of clothing were plaoed In
evidence by attorneys for Mr. and Mra.
Arthur C. ' Jewell, parents of ' Mre, Mc
Neill, whom Mr. McNeill Is suing for
When at
Din e at "
Under soma wtajtaoement as
7 l.cmjtft I wobe.
HTlM-rC Ioff,a.
I.. Hi lir.
x i..r V i,!l.
i iit r Jordcu.
.V. r. ....kelt.
J. J W il un, a,
.1 T I iiu.
IKlH M'lili!eU.
-V i v'lsra Ttiomil.
Krsuk Wallers,
"Un I. Wrtisel.
I sliner Flndley.
Innr Williams, .
VS . K. Ailsnis.
W; J. H ...
P. '. Monanr,
William Kiing.
l or tLe Future-
. dointiui- fsrtv wtll he given WeJnes
.ty, J i 3. st the r(t;-inenl Kuuw
tha br,flt of ttir aomn.rr camp Ml,s
l.ur'ii nf the luvenile court will sddrcs
u. tei t tin-iul Woitmn dob ua Thurs-
A Message to Thin,
Weak, Scrawny Folks
An Eaj Waj to Caia 10 to 39 lbs. of
Solid, Healthy, Permanent Fleto
Thin, nervous, undeveloped men aad I
woman eveivwnere wie hewrd to ssyrX
can't understand why I do nut set fat
i i"nii; ui s'. nourishing food."
Tlie reason Is Just this: You cannot ger
fat. no nistter how much you eat, unless
your illganilve oigsns ssslinilata the fat
making element of your food IntiMd 4,f
lalng ihaiu out through the bouy as
Wlist Is needed la a means of gently
urging the assimilative functions of tl,
eioiuach ana iniasilnea to abeorb tl,
pus and faa and band tliem ovsr to I lie
blood, wnare they may rsarli the atai ved,
sliruitksn, run-down tissues and build
tliem un. The thin ptiun i body a liks
a lt y wpoiia esasr and hungiy for tho
fatty mat. Male of which It Is being ds.
Iiilvsd by tlia failui of tli allnientarv
canal to taka thetu from Iha fond. Tint
et way to overcoms this sinful t,
of rieali bullillna eleineuta and to toi
tlie Uakaas of fala Is to uss rarol. ti.
recently dlsi-ovvied reaeiiwratlva ftrc
that la rei-oiniiiended so hlahlv by nhv
aliiana here and abroad. Take a little
f-arjol tst'let with every meal ant notice
how quickly your cheeks rill out and
rolle of firm, healthy natt are rtioitel
over your bd, coveting e. n bonv
ansle and pr'l ting point, fetnarmaii
Mii'onneil I'rua Ptoie. Unuiha. and oilier
Oruaalata I'ave Hanoi, or can et It
rom their wtioleealar, and wilt retunl
onr monev if you ai not saiiafirrt
with the gain in weisl't it prortu, a
slated on ilia auarantee in escli ua'k
ssa. It la In xnciiaiva. easv to lata an.l
his'ilv efiiei' I
Cauttoai WliMe Sai aol haa rrodui-ed !
reiuaiUeble teaults lu overcionli.a narv-
ous iierpaia suit general stomach
tiouhlee. it aiiould 1101 be taken unlea
v mi ai e willing to sain leu r""i"l "'
tnoe, for It la a wonlciful flean-buildr.
AJ vai Uasuisnt.
saUSIsg ha
ir mil
ImS st taahalaal
saewUeaa aa tba
sart M taa
Ur. li'a Seilar la
MU aaakat W
imS Uakalcal aasartle.
1 auck aa I aai akl IS
I ail psaae ar wnM.
atabn Aaurleaa laatitsia
ul S.CttlMi ltlHW
laoa w. O. Bldg.
gboa pongLaa toil.
A Dollar Bottla cf
Lee's Liquid Shampoo
contains a full quart;
just eight times as
much as In the 25-cent
bottles and, therefore,
just one-half the cost
Cleans quick dries
quick leave no soap la
the hair, which foes right back Into
Its old training-.
At druggists or delivered prepaid,
4 os. 25 ct; 1 os. 50 cts. j 32 ou f 1.00.
GEO. IL LEE CO., Laboratories
Oaweaa. K abe.
T. Pe A.'3
Tou are cordially Invited to call
and Inspect our Immense and com
plete stock of summer merchandise.
We Close at 5 P.M.
Daily, Saturday
9 o'clock.
evenings at
A recent purchase of 200 dozen house dresses and porch dresses, bought of a Philadelphia manufacturer at
An Etiraordieagy Sale of
Mousse &n& PoircHi Dresses
a big price concession, makes possible these unusually low prices
Materials are good Chambrays, Ginghams, Percales, Lawns and Crepe W
The models are in the low neck collarless; the large flat collars, three-quarter and half sleeves, empire
effects, be,lted front and belted back, loose straight lines and form fitted effects. Sizes 34 to 46.
Choice house dresses,
worth to $1.50. All
materials, all colors,
all sizes
A Special Oppor
tunity, a Special
Price and Specially
Desirable Dresses,
IltJis 'III is.L If 'at vt I l I E ill 1 WJi. 8
Choice Porch and House Dresses, worth to $5. So.
model, color and material. All sizes.
Every good
There is a Splendid
Assortment of
These Neat Wash
able Garments.
Choice porch and
house dresses, worth
to $2. Many new
lawns and chambrays.
All sizes. tiiaWslamav
Immense Sale of SKIRTS
A purchase of a New Tork skirt man
ufacturer's entire surplus and sample
line of wash fabiio skirts enables us to
present 'the biggest bargain In skirts we
have had the opportunity of offering.
On Sal Wtdneaday
1,ZUU Safl
Skirts Made of Ratine.Gabar-
dine, Linen, Pique, Bed
t fords, Repps, Etc.
The pleated, flared, ruffled, gored and
flounced models. There are skirts in
lot worth up to 3.00 each Many are
odd earn pi a, others are all sires. Every
one a wonderful bargain.
The New"Cover-Al." Dressette
It's here at last. The dress that women
have always longed for. The .connecting
link between the bungalow apron and the
house dress.
A faultless model of simplicity that can
be worn as a cover-all or a complete dress,
that positively prevents exposure of un
dergarments. Come In and have same demonstrated
to you. Specially priced at 49c.
Special Bungalow Apron
35c, 3 for $1.00
For an apron worth 60c each. A limited number
of this special will be offered at this sale at the
above special price. A splendid quality of percale,
mode low neck and short sleeves, large pocket
trimmed with rick rack braid, belted back. ATI
colors light and dark. All slues.
hs&- i t
Serviceable Footwear For Men, Women and Children
On Sale Beginning Thurs. at Half Price
Late Headwear
Ostrich Pompons
Branched to the bunch with long
feelers. Most wonderful value of
the season. Just the thing for trim
ming the new sailors. They come
In white, white and black, pink,
army blue, Kelly green, black.
29c Bunch
Nam Black Silk Velvet Tama In four good styles. Some
ribbed uith soutache braid, some have long tassels.
pipings of white kidskin, narrow ribbons, etc 11.69
White, Green and Rose Colored Corduroy Tarns Wide
ribbed 59c and up
Ice Cream Day
BasBSBSssssssBaB. jiggijlj?!''!!! ,mmmmmmm
Every Wednesday
iuart Bricks, each
Pint Bricks, each
Our usual high-grade ice cream, for sale at PompeiarT
Room, Brandeis Stores, Soda Department.
Remember the Day Every Wednesday.
Visit the Green Room Cafe
Home Cooking Our Specialty. Refined Cabaret.
Specials For Wednesday
Rug Department
Binall aimlneter Rugs Oood line
of panama.
Bite S6r71 Inches.
worth $44)9 ....
Slie 7t(4 tncbaa.
worth $2 69 ....
Fringed Sample Rvgs 1V yards
long. Worth 2.. Spe
cial Wednesday
Linoleum Special feet wide..
I Oood patterns and qaal- ar
' tties. 8pciaJ. a. yard., I C
Four Special Items in the
Drapery Department
t-fot Bamboo Porch Shades
All ready to hang. ef
8peclaJ. each p l.UU
10-lnch Imported Cretonne Couch
Covers Jiret the thing for the
porch or summer cot
tags. Keen
Scrim Curtains Trimmed wtth
inch lace, 2, yards long.
Special for Wednee- a a A
dsy. pair $1.00
Cedar Chests Just a entail lot
IS Inches Ions:. Reanlar 170
values. Wednesday,
K 4444b4444'4'4M4'