Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 5, Image 5

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Tl IK r.KK: OMAHA. W KDXKSD V, .UWK It., 191
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Kir L A Vife - if Vf -sSS5 i D v J
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'The Road Cruiser" v
Ready the 1916 Hudson
Yacht-Line Body-Ever-Lustre Finish $200 Less
This new-type Hudson has won a remarkable following.
It has brought to all men new iceas of a class car, changing
the entire vogue. It has trebled our output, forced immense
factory additions, compelled 31 makers to follow our foot
steps. Within 20 months, this lightweight Hudson has
been adopted by 15,000 motorists.
Now comes another $200 reduction. Now comes the
Yacht-Line Body, with new grace, new luxury, new roomi
ness and comfort. Now comes the fulfillment of your
dreams a finish of lasting lustre. Today this favorite class
car starts a brilliant new career.
Now Comes the Ever-Lustre Finish
And now comes for the first time what you have
dreamed of a lustrous finish which stays new. It
Is the greatest Innovation of the year.
In our new factory addition we have built mam
moth ovens, with rapacity for hundreds of bodies.
Now our body finish Ls baked on in many separate
coats. Each coat of finish is now applied under
pressure which fixes it as never before. After each
coat the body goes to an oven where It is baked
for hours, then rubbed. This is done with every coat
an exclusive Hudson process.
The result Is a body that stays new. The finish
Is smooth and brilliant. It reslHts sun and rain,
washing, rubbing, mini. Experienced motorists
who have afon bodies grow old a.nd dull will con
sider this Ever-Lustre finish tha most welcome ini-
provement In years.
We combine it with enamaled leather upholstery
better than has ever appeared In a car at this
price. And with deep, hair-filled cushions, which
means enduring luxury as well. This year's new
body features mean much added cost. But It means
a revolution
In finish, in comfort and ap-
Now Comes the $1350 Price
Remember Its History
Two seasons ago this new-type Hudson came out
at 11,730. Us announcement startled Motordoui.
Its price was pronouueed impossible In a high-grade
Six. Its lightness under 3,000 pounds was scoffed
at as incompatible with strength.
But the car was a Hudson, and Hudson stand
ards are high. Howard 10. Coffin was its designer,
and lie stands foremost in his field. He and bis
whole corps had spen two years in testing and per
fecting it. And men were waiting for a class car
which would cut down operative cost.
So our first month's output was sold before any
one saw the car. When the car appeared men flocked
by thousands to It. And for one whole year there
after Hudson buyis waited weeks for cars.
Then a $200 Reduction
The next season the price which seemed bo im
possible was reduced to $1,500, because of multi
plied output. ThJrty-one improvements were made In
the enr, including still lighter weight. Another year's
work by our engineering corps showed In its refine
ment. This model was soon 4,000 cars oversold. We
shipped 1.000 cars by express. It became at once the
liirgeFt-selllng car In the world with a price
above $ l,20.
That changed the whole trend In motor car de
signing. It became evident to all that the day at over
tax was ended. Men would not stand for excess In
weight, price, size or operative cost. All cars were
built lighter, most prices were reduced. And In 31
factories this new-type HudBon became the pat
tern car.
Now Come Graceful Yacht Lines
Now our designers have spent another ynar on
this car. There was no way to improve the chassis.
Fifteen thousand cars, covering millions of miles,
had falUd to develop one fault. Every part and
detail had been refined to the limit.
So in this third model they gave their time to
the body. They worked out this stately body, with
its graceful, sweeping yacht lines.
Every broken line is eliminated. The top-line
of the body and the doors Is leather bound.
And they created tbls luxurious tonneau. The
sides are higher than before, the rear sest is much
wider, so it doesn't crowd three adults. The car
seats seven, with all the room that anybody wants.
And the extra tonneau seats disappear when not
wanted, doubling the tonneau room.
You have never seen a body. so impressive and
graceful as this Tacht-Une Hudson body.
And now comes another big reduction. We Have
built additions which will double our capacity.
We have worked out countless new Ideas in efficiency.
We are building here now, under Ideal condi
tions, more high-grade cars than were ever built In
one shop. As a result, we are giving you now the
greatest value ever known In a class car.
Last year we reduced this car $200. This year
we reduce it $200 more. We are selling this model
2S below its startling Initial price $400 below It.
Yet a hundred makers, when they saw the car, pro
nounced our first price impossible.
Why This New-Day Type
This Hudson whs the pioneer of an entirely new
type of car. The type was conceived four years
ago by Howsrd E. .Coffin, our famous chief de
signer. It took him two yesrs, aided by our whole
force, to work out his conception.
The Idea was refinement the elimination of
crudity to result in a light, staunch car. The
first Htep was a new-type motor, small bore, high
speed. By reducing piston shocks that made it
possible to lighten a hundred engine parts.
The next step was aluminum in place of cast
Iron. The next was special steals. In the next,
a thousand parts were re-designed to combine
lightness with strength.
The final result was a "-passenger Six weighing
under 3,000 pounds. Old-time Hlxes averaged
4.500 pounds. That difference the weight of 11
adults cut tire and fuel cost in two.
The Vogue of Simplicity
Howard K. Coffin saw years ago that the trend
was toward simplicity. Now everybody knows It.
Excess and waste are unpopular. Good taste now
calls for satisfaction without show.
Thus Hudson has become the class car. Its
owners, In large part, are men who have pair two
and three times Its price. Hudson typifies the ideals
of the times. This fact Is conspicuous, wherever you
look about.
All questions regarding this new-type car have
been answered on the rosd. There are 16,000 Hud
sons of this type In use. In two years men have
driven them many million miles. And every owner
vouches that the car ls staunch, enduring, faultless,
as well as economical.
Hudson now embodies all that any man can want.
It Is the fine car of the modern type. Only those
men who still take pride In some form of excess will
find any car more appealing.
Like No Other Car
Bear in mind that Hudson Is like no other car.
There are many models of this type, but there are
scores of ways Important ways in which Hudson
is unlike them. Let us point them out. This Is a
Howard E. Coffin creation, a finished product, unique
and unapproached.
7-raw'nKrr Tluvrton or fHaenger Roadster, I3.V
t. o. b. Detroit. Also a nw Cabriolet,
9IAAO, f. o. h. Ie4rolr.
HUDSON N0T0R CAR CO., Detroit, Mich.
This 1916 model, with this new-style body, is on show here now. Be
among the first to see the new lines and new comfort.
GUY L. SMITH, 2563-65-67 Earnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
Mi Srea.
rtlnc-to rrd BchtSsmy.
AtlduoB John V.Uou.
B)ttl. Crk D. X.. (Ht,
SmMo-T, D. Aadr.wa An to Co.
llwooa r.t.r Vew.ra, rowtti
B.rlla D. BL SciialL
lair O. A. mathmann.
BruningwSUk. TJ.dtn.
Central City P. T. Ball.
Cr.lrtaton P. C. Ban1o.
falls City K.ntop Bros.
O.noa C. !. Harris fc Boa.
O-rand laland K. A. Brandos.
IJneoln Lord An to Co.
Madlaon P. P. Bchmltt
M.wman Qrova M.wioan Orovs
Anto Co
Osallala Jay Holl. iwortu.
Pawn City Wh.rry Bros.
Piatt Cat.r Piatt. Cantor Anto Co.
Plattamonth P. T. Bock.v.
Soott.blult A. T. Crawford.
cbnb.rt Migfiom fc Edwards.
paldlnr P. J. O'Bara.
It. Paul T. B. Bly.
wanton W. B. Jjant.nsohlafor.
Taoojna.h Plltcfaor Auto Co.
Vardoa W. T. Taaea.
Walton Al.i P. Praacka.
Clarlnda 1,1 .1 a Ulg. Co.
Couaotl Bluffs William Bop.r.
Bualav W. A. Chaanoar.
Bar lan Boots Impl.m.ot Co.
Maa-noUa CbarUa P. Pntaaaa.
atalrarn Balyora a) Kaytua.
Bad Oak Patty Autotnobtl Co.
Shanandoah J. BV. BUokiaf.
Bldaay Cnarlas afonsoa.