Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 4, Image 4

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After the Fun- ( Mondaj AffaJri of
Importance to the Order Are
- -Taken Up. -
r , ,
After the Jollity and oratory of
tho openlag day the basinets '
sions of the Travelers Protective as
sociation national convention opened
Tuedar morning' la. the American
theater and went along with tradi
tional "neatneM and dispatch."
The president's, naetaaca and r
portff of Jarlong .nation at officers
formed the order of bnsinesg. re
lieved bt iich ( pleasant . events as
presentation of two big spears to the
sergeants-at-araia. Stanley Brown of
Omaha and- R: Leutbecber of
Maryland.' . ',
These were sent rer from the rovel
court of efcmeoa hy tre Imperial order
of that monarch himself It appear, so
stata the courier, that the king. after
witnessing the manly erg robuet manner
in which thee .traveling men nit all the
tortures which . were prepared for them
In the, Pen M6nUy" night, decHtd that
where a crew, ef brava spirit euch as
they gather together le "one hutUlIng the
eargeanta-at-nrtne attouid he armed with
eonvthlrg more than soft 'words Bo the
royal-smith wae erdered, to' prepare the
spears. And woe to the hapless Tee Pea
Ay who doesn't keep' la order ' ' J
' War a Nei-atrel Breaker. I
President theet-eeke. lul tlie annuel
address, showing that the ailver Jubilee
jear of the aMftxietion oe been a record
breaking ene and expressing gratification
that this great year ta been pawed
t;nder his administration." . ' i
burins' thl yesr the memberehlp passed
the fin.oos mark for the first time. It IS
now Mil, a net ssln during tbe year of
tu? ftka naarra fiin't haa Increased
from flSl.CS to 15S.iM, which resldsnt
SeboenecSer deelered i be ' an wonder,
fu! achievement" Claims paid amounted
to r.a.271 The toet of doing business was
only V.i&i per capita, the loweet It has
ever been. Applications received at the
national office were s.lflg. of which g,75
were accepted, tu In.reoee f 1.0S5 over
last jeer, tMnteer. new posts were or
aanised durtng the year. Total assets
ere I.:, an Increase of WO.fln.
The champion application writers of the
association were named by the president
aa follows: J. R. Bass. Tenneeeee. the big
man with the mu h-edeertlerd SB; Albert
rlhrllch, eOorgla, 3SS; William H. Mara
Maryland. 1M; jr. B. gcott. Loirtinane, m.
and K, C. Iltrdng. AlUaace. Nab., W.
Oeorge YV. Long of Omaha, mighty
voiced, waa appointed reading olerk for
the convention.
, The report of Beeretary-Treeeurer T. t.
Lot an was read, followed by reading of
the reports of the chairman ef tbe sis
railroad committees, cohering the entire
Hecommemlatlons ef President Brhoen-
e.'ker to Inoreaae the amount apportioned
to the national office out of each yearly
assersinent from the present figure of tt
to IS W or P wss received. The Increme
nt er.tnmoblle basard was named as the
tenson fur t'il Increase.
, Like Xebraaka, llatel Laves.
Max Itanner, chairman of the national
committee on hotels, declared the Ne-
breaks, hote' law to be a model for other
elates to , copy. H. D. McFadden of
owalia, former hotel commissioner, Is
I he author of thla law.
Two loving cups were
awarded to the prise winning delegstlons
In Monday's perade. To the Missouri
men went the cup for-being the beat aa-i
peering disation, and to Pennsylvania,
the hig boya with the baaoo band, waa
awarded the prise for being the most
unique. Presentation waa made by Rev.
A. A. ' Brooks, national chaplain, and
urawful responses were made by repre
sentatives of the winners.
i right Slaaed.
GutiUtinent wes roused when anaounce
ineni u mado of the Wg annual event,
the badger fight. Two ferecloua badgers
have benn received from Texas and will
be pittd It; combat with a man-eat! no
bulldog from Indiana. 'WbereT Ah, that's
a secret , Police, you know. Plain
t:tottea guys. shoe squad. Can't
he tlpid off. Hut those who should
know uo know ahere It wtll be. Wed
oday night e the tline.' Thoueanda, ao
tl ey say, have been bet on the outcome.
1ut you can't find a man who will admit
that be haa bet a dollar. Hist, hist, 'tis
a myatery.
Maryland Watah Pea.
Another pleasant feature of the dey
was the preeentation of a handsome
watch fob hy the MaryWnd delegation to
the ptentdftnt of their division, Alfred JB.
Sharp of Baltimore. Presentation waa
made by National President Hchoenecker.
Victoriously spread clear across the
siege wes a banner marked with tots
Ve Welcome You to Lafayette,
Indiana. ll.
Post. K. Indians Dlv.
Tl .e Indiana men seera to consider the
ouretlon of the nest convention settled.
Uuwever, the Kentucky delegation doesn't
admit It and there is a well developed
huom for Louisville.
Ti Walk-Ovr boot shop of this city
lecetwd a wire Monday from Kan Fran
cisco to the effect that Walk-Over shoea
1'ad beu awarded the first prise at the
Panama exposition. Bhoe manufacturers
from all over the wintry have display
at tiio fur and Meavre. Slaughter and
T'HUnr-M u. proprittore of the let el Walk
Over sliO are delighted to know that the
hies tney sell have iwea Judged the
ttivst In the lend.
Ttc city council received from thirty- l
wo ritlaena a protect against ao alleged
dilapidated buUdlng at tiM South Thirty
tourth street, owned by Martin Laagdoa.
It is charged that this old structure la a
lendesvoes of undesirable people. Tbe
city building department wtll reixlani tl
tbe building.
kweaiMasa Caaaafeartelw Vadlc,
Chelwet ss tlrrae sVeaMdy.
"I never hesitate to recommend Cham
berlain's Colic, Cholera snd Diarrhoea
Remedy." writes hoi WUItanne, Bterohaat.
jee. Teun. "I Ball more of It than Of
any preparation of like character.
1 hve teaed U rnyaeif and fouad It gave
ine n 'jt rWlef then tithing else I have
e er trtxi lor It.e saiee purpuae." Obtaig
f r; here Advertisement.
Traveling Men Capture Town and
Arc Having the Time of Their Lives
A oitet looking youth ' wearing the Texan, wss. In fact, formerly ar Otryiha
T. P. A. badge of Maryland excitedly boy.' "I fet right at home here," he said,
snapped his small kodak at the cowboys "snd I am having the time of my life,
who were shooting up the town" In It seems mighty good to get beck here.'
front of the Pontewelle - Monday- for '
the benefit or the moving picture men.
One of the cowboys executed a Tank
movement ard approached the youth
from the tear, dlerharged hie .46 within
six Inches', of the yoiing man's pedal
xtremlttea Just as he was about to ana
an sxtltina- en. ahowttta- twn cowbovs
In a pistol battle with a "bad man," The
yeath pro ha My broke the world's record
for the hnpromptu high jump and, (Imp.
ped bis camera on the asphalt. He was
"game," tnuugh, and laughed at bis
discomfiture. He will have some pictures
to show and aome stories to tell the
foHta when he gets back to peaceful
Maryland, his Maryland.
Bert Hoe! of Omaha Is laying off a
week to do Justice tbe T. P. A. convene
Unit; for be has worked like a walrus for
months on loceJ arrangements.
. Oeorge Begerow ef Omaha, one of the
tltkmal dlrsetora, was In charge of the
tig parade. He was tbe handsome man
In the carriage with the national presi
dent' There were other bsndsom'e men
In the same carriage, too, but.'' anyway,
that ' is the ' wsy Begerow Is described.
He Is . the man who Is. responsible for
getting the highbrows Into the parade,
sueh'as the governor and staff, the city
off totals and the governors of Ak-8arBen.
Otto Wohiford, president of Post A ef
On aha. haa taken a week off to see that
everyone has a good time. Wohlfr.rd Is
another beaver that worked unfalteringly
tot months on local arrangements 'and
Oubllclty to see that this convention
should be all thst It Is now proving It
self. , ..
Waiter O. White of Fremont, president
of the Nebraska, division. Is wearing the
smile that grew " there when Nebraska
first landed this big convention. '
Nebraska bad 0 traveling men in Una
st the parade. That Is no mean delega
tion. The cowboy delegation from South
Omaha was an auxiliary merely and. not
a part of the delegation. No, these cow
boys are not traveling men; they travel
from the gate to. the chutes in the
stock ysrds., Then, too. Doc ' Prye, the
king cowboy, travels around- the tables
in hla Mg dining room at the Exchange
building In Hotith Omaha. Honestly, bis
gun wss not loaded at all. .
United States Henator Kheppard of
Texas waa one of the marchers In the
T. P. A. pared yesterday. He is here
making his report as national banker of
the Woodmen of the World.
While the Virginia delegation ef travel
ing men at the T. P. A. convention ad
mits that Omaha Is one of the greatest
meat packing centers m the world, this
delegation Is very proud of the famous
Smithfleld ham, carved from the hind-,
quarters of the rasorback hogs of the.
southern mountains. They admit that
Nebraska raises sleek, wall bred hogs
and that the hams from these are deli
cious, yet they declare that their own
raaorbatks produce a ham In the Smith-
field bam that has a peculiar delectable
flavor of its own. For this reason they
brought a itjueter of these hgma with
them te Omaha and expect ' to give
Omahana a taste of them before they
go back. In the parade they oarrled saw
dust dummy bams In Imitation of the
long, slender ham of the rasorback
Oeorge W. Rogers, president of the Vir
ginia division of the T. P. A.. Is uroud
of his delegation In paim beach suits.
blue ties and white hats, but he is no
leas proud of the famous rasorback bams.
R. A. Broyles of Oeorgla is not only a
T. P. A., but Is chairman of the south
western diet riot of the Paaeenger asso
ciation. He Is a member of the State
Railway commission of his state also. As
a publlo speaker he Is a rapid fire talker
and a great lover of the poet Burns. He
proved It at tbe Den show Monday night.
Billy Hudson's oil was the subject of a
bogus telegram sent him by tin can wire
less at the Den. His brand of oil was
recommended but whether refnrenre was
had te the kind be sells or the bind with
which he salves his customer!, no men
tion was made.
C. A. .Worley, although ho came here
wljh the Texas delegation and is a real
Jardine Appoints
Six New Inspectors
J. 3. Conlon, one of the unsuoceaeful
candidatea at the olty primary election
on April g. and ' W. ft. Sheldon, former
city counollman, have 'jeen appointed by
Commissioner Jardine ae Inapectors of
public Improvements at lit per dey. The
council confirmed the appointments.
Other Inspectors appointed nd con
fltmed for similar positions and Pay are:
N. W. Mixer, Louis Rubtn, M. II. Bliss
sad C. J. Karbach.
On aooount or the rapid Inomasa In
westbound sseenger business, the Mil
waukee has euv.t It uecessary to put
on a new and additional train out ' of
Chicago. The additional service will start
June M, the first train leaving ChlcaaTo
at .H In the evening and reaching Omaha
at 10:10 the next morning. It a III be
known of No. 17.
Here the Milwaukee's new train will
remain twenty minutes, leaving over the
Vnlon Pacific for the west at 10:X It will
carry through standard and tourist
sleeper and chair car equipment, reaching
an Francisco at I 60 p. in., the second
day out from Omaha. Eaetbound, the
train will carry the siut.e rises Af equip,
ment aa westbound and will leave Omaha
at l it tn the morning, reaching Chicago
at I o'clock la the afternoon.
Train No. 11, oa the M.lwauki. will
carry through sleeping car equipment
from Chicago to Denver, this equipment
hertofore having been dropped off at
Cnder the new arrangement, the Mil
waukee will have the earns representation
on the Vnlon Paelfto trains, both to and
freca the eoeat. as that sivaa the Nerthl
western, with the exoevtioo of oa the
Overland 'end the Lee Aagweaa Limited.
which Is offset by the Pecans limited,
whlah la aa sxclusiv through trala by
way of the Milwaukee and the lnlea
Pacific v
wiht Cah Relieved.
It. iieU'e Plaa-Tar-Uoney asea your
cough, soothes the lungs end Invttaa
sbp. Only All druggists Adver.
tteement V
H. A. Btrrirt, secretary of the division
from the "Hhow Me'rtete, Is stopping at
the Rome, where he Intends to frame up
a big entertainment for his delegation
ome time durtng the week,
Vn ''sle pt Lynchburg, Va, is said to
business fry means of Ms name. How
could anyone deny a aaie to Mr, Hale?
Oeorge Rogers of Richmond, Va.', is the
rrlnt Julep artist of .the T. P. A. With
true' southern hospitality he will stand
up In his room until 4 o'clock In the
morning If his guests stay that long,
mixing Juleps for the bovs. "Don't you
ever get tired?" wss axked of him long
after the mldnlght'hour had struck. "No,
suh; It's a plessuab suh." he replied.
Rogers brought his own mint with Mm
with which to mix Juleps. 't . wanted
to be sure of good stuff," le bald. "I
d1 n't want anybody to ellp over 'Ne
braska alfalfa on me."
Besides bringing mint for their mint
Julnpo the Virginia delegation brought a
rasorbaok ham apices,: Just as though
thar didn't know, that ham and eggs grow
wild In Nebraska, f - - ' .'
Blily" Hudson took V sneak 'just' before
beerasoalled to speak at Ak-Bar.Ben den.
When his heme was . called' loud and
long, he did not appear. No, Nebr&skans,
do not think that means that he. cannot
make a speech, for the T. P. ,A.'s awear
ha la the best public speaker In the whole
regiment. . ,
Talk about meeting old friends. "Mrs.
A. H Chambers cf Norfolk and Mrs. R.
fV'McFaddon of ' Omaha met at the re
ception and entertainment at 'the Fop
tenrMle' Monday 'evening.. Nothing atrange
in thai, but these 'ladles discovered that
as' little' girls they 15 ad coasted oil home
made sleds down the same hill at Mor
rill, Kan. DM that make them friends
for the evening? ,Wel .rather.' j
The combey that shot up things with
blank, cartridges, got Into several fights,.
waa Jugged and blew the town on a cash
bond, web not a T. P. A.
'Own Paul" of New Jersey Js notice
ably .not present this '.'year, y ; Everyone
ml usee "Oom Paul," who haa for years
carved hla whiskers to the exact likeness
of the once-;famou -president - of the
South -African Republic
Mrs. B. t Garland of Waco, Tex., won
the first prise In the card party at
which the local ladies entertained the
visiting ladlee . at the Fontenelle hotel
Monday evening. There were 191 present.
The prise was a handsome cut glass
elcotrlo lamp.
The 'T. P. A. Special" la a special
train which will leave Omaha at mid
night Friday carrying those of the dele
gates who are going through to the Pa
cific coast. It will have specially hand
some appointments for the convenience
and comfort of the travelers.
The souvenirs which the Travelers'
Protective association delegates are re
ceiving are proving most popular. The
pasteboard "valises" Which esch man
carried In the parade arw but tbe con
tainers of these souvenirs, and every
souvenir Is a product mads In Omaha.
Every one Is useful as well as orna
mental, and they range all the way from
a pair of aox to a package of macaroni.
from soap to candy. By special arrange
ment with the poetofftoe, a postal clerk
is stationed at headquarters to give the
parcel poet rata on the valise full of
Omaha goods to any part of the country
and most of the 'souvenirs will be dis
patched home by mall.
n n if j
V "' ! Y& j M Jfc '
B enjamin Franldin Either of American Diplomacy '
MXIUCA hai rvtvrr proJucoJ rsKtr etatesman && FrarJJin.'iio v rewed by the peopU xxvJ onV t3Xishington. He va
ft aiwof bothtDedaAteoacflr
M bili Trat gnsai lrd Clitfiam rxrxvjncaj Vu rcc in rof to tSs Anglojjcon pcpla,but to human nature. In tvery
of ' & capitd d Europ rkhU AlQ0fn ejesrand h it wasfio bducrxi. France toknd uj ahjps,men and morwy during th? dirk
gat davj of Y IVvolutLori. Upon hij death Cocgrca otdored a jeneral mourrun? of a month. In Fnnoe it wu decreed that til members
of national ajjenUy ahouU uar mouminj for ihrea days. So long as Vnericanj treasure rhs IVpublic and Iraonal Liberty u the
noUeat of til human tiemngi, iSe fursjrflhriUuiCeiWvwpe
of 4wisbUfTaTyraturerHt hiaddeKodcf tGadt rIk)rjo.vful his vraoe,tuj rvciig bearing and winning personality mads him a
conspicuous Egurt in any ajsemUss cf rat men He wu a rnoderatt user all Iiis lifetime of Old Madeira and barley-rnalt brevs. Iris
afs tQ say that Kt toasosd dst New republic aith gvsrytat man of Europe tffcj Artfctticg, ItouUui considered hUvrjtk in building the Const,.
u(ionrJsesasTvio(torx rJieConsdcuuonctheUruSuAiu
UuTKhsd their g-grak. irotltijdri.T-day,oerever Aniericans go for heald, busing fAeajure, their famed brand BUDNVEISEH
is mere la popularity, do to its tjualiry; puiit; mildness and exquisite flavcc,has ddUy groan In public favor until 7500 people art constant
ly ssryd 10 Wp pace wiih the evw-tncreastn? demajai. Vwlven in Sc Louis vuit the tom of DUDWEISLIL
s i " - !
T." P.4 A. Delegates.
: at Big Reunion of ;
aVirgmia Family
,' One of the pleasant" features In con
nection with the traveling men's 'con
vention occurred Monday night, when
at the Paxton hotel ' was held a reunion
of the dencendenta of the Jackson' Buck
nor family, twenty-five men and women
being present. It concluded with a ban-
Quet, after which remtnlscencea concern
ing the 'family were recited.
, Jackson Cuckner was of Virginia stock,
and came to Nebraska seventeen years
ago,' locating In Lincoln and living there
until ' hla death In 1901. He waa the
father of eleven children, all of whom
lived to be married, raising families.
At the reunion last night there were
relatives ' from Indiana, Iowa and Ne
braska, those present Including children
and grandchildren. 'Among the number
were two. sons One of the, nephews
present wss J. D. Counts, president of
the Indiana State Traveling Men's as
sociation. At a reunion of the Buckner family
held fourteen yeara ago there were pres
ent slxty-flvc relatives.
Julia Expected to
Heave Into Port
, This Afternoon
"Ship ahoy! The Julia, towing Its barge
loaded with a cargo of some ten tons, is
expected to heave Into Omaha waters
Wednesday afternoon some time, if It
rams not a torpedo, or crosses not the
path of a submarine within the , next
twentyovir hours., '
It put td ''Sea' from the port of Ne
braska City early this morning, and Is
even now kicking the waters of the
Missouri gulfward In Its efforts to ride
the wave Into Omaha by Wednesday.
It will be received in Omaha by a band
and a big delegation of Commercial club
men, as well as a delegation of business
men from Decatur, which city It Is to
touoh regularly In the future In Its plying
up and doom the river. ' '
Bee Want Ads Produce Results.
Anheuser-Busch Co. of
Distributors, Omaha. Nebr.
Families Supplied by G, H hUnsan, Dealer fhone
' ri rn ;rr7r'?c
T. C. Munger, j'idgc, and ft C. Hoyt,
clerk, are back from North Platte, where
they went to hold a soeelon of federal
court. The court waa In session one day
end two equity cases were tried. Paid
Mr. llortt
"I never saw aa much water as there'a
Thoy Decay Your Tooth. Causo Pyorrhea,
(I-.rjrj's Disoaso) and Undermlno
Your Health. '
Thar. Is Only Cm Tooth Criam That Will Liavt Your T.tth and
Mouth AbsotuUly and Antlupllcally CUan. Thai Is . .
Bcnotol Tooth Cream
' The trouble with all the ' tooth
creama and powder, ae Well as the
mouth was Ilea, that have ever been of
fered you before la that they are al
most worthless In removing the oaaae
of decay, pyorrhea and other gum trou
bles. This haa not been entirely the fault
of the manufacturer because there was
no germicide known to nclence that wee
strong enough to do any good and that
could at the same time ba used without
harmful effeots.
For example, you surely couldn't use
carbollo acid. Iodine or corrosive subli
mate In a tooth cream (In any appreci
able strength) no matter how good these
poisona might be for other uses. And
when you depend upon peroxide, or anv
of the other widely advertised "anti
septics," you were simply deceiving
yourself If you expected any germicidal
But now comes BENETOL
the most effective and powerful h arm
lets antiseptic and germicide up to Its
usable strength, known In the world.
Benetol makes possible a tooth cream
that will actually accomplish the ol can
ing of the teeth, gums end mouth, so
thoroughly that tartar cannot form on
the teeth, decay will stop, dlseaee germs
cannot survive to cauae gum troubles,
and your mouth Is so antlseDtlcally
clean that dangers from contagion and
colds are materially laneened, and your
breath la sweet sxd pure.
Benetol la the one great Oovemment
teatedt moat effective qulck-heajlng.
modern, non-potaonoua antiseptic and
germicide that oan be uaed without fear
of harmful results, either externally or
All this talk about "acid mouth" and
various other clever catch phraaes, used
by so many advertleere, are of no real
Importance aa compared with the germ-
Mstera as St. Lorn s
Invued k inspect OUT
cowers 14 ecrea
Dougks 250s
la up the Platte river valley at. this ttme.
The river la out of Its banks and all the
smaller streams are bank full. The
ground all through the wee tern part of
the state Is soaked and with the ex
ception of corn, prospects for bumper
crops were never as good as at thla time.
Corn Is late, but with warm weather,
farmers, toll mo that It will make a full
Bee Warn Ada Produce Result
Icldal and antiseptic propertlea of Ben
etol Tooth Craaui. .
And with all its other ' advantages
Benetol Tooth ' Cream la the moet de
lightful and refreshing dentlfrloe you
ever tried. There le an entire absence of
grit or other erodlnv matarlal tn Rmi.
tol Tooth Cream, and no Injury to the ;
wiwuoi vo.ii jtmuii irvm iim use. ivi xne
composition produces a wonderful pol
ishing result on the teeth. The package
la large therefore economical.
Go to your druggist today and get a
25 cent tube of thie cream, and ask Itlm
about Benetol products. Or if you pre-
rer to try berore you buy, rill out the
coupon or send ua a postal for a trial I
combination package of Benetol prep
arations. This trial package Is not to
be had from druggists, so you :BiiiM
write to ua direct if you wish one.
Benetol preparations are sold, recom
mended and guaranteed In Omaha by
Rhrtrten JL Uirlnnnll rime O.n lSth
and Dodwe: Owl Drug Co., llth and
H'arney; Harvard Pharmacy, ' Mtn ana
Farnam; Loyal Pharmacy, 207-S North
16th St, and other leading drugrlata
Made only by the Benetol Co 144
Benetol BMg, Mlnneapolla. Minn.
Free Trial Coupon
'The Benetol Co.,
144 Benetol Bldg., Mlnneapolla, Minn.
Pleaee aend me without cost or
obligation, your combination trial
package of Benetol preparation., .
Name . . .
Addreas ,
Town ...
1eeeeseatee sS
. .a
st eases s4e
State.. ..v sr'e a
" " . ..-V x
J . d1 hr
Tou Can Wear a llesutlful Oenulne
Diamond or Make a Handsoms Wed.
ding or Graduation, Preseet by Stra
ply Opening a Charge "Account With
SS IHutoad Rlns
' '14. anHd aolS. I.f'i
"P.fHloe S50
! SKI.,
g5 a Month
: tilii..
1IU La Talllare,
line toll d gold. n
alaa eori earner,
rear araSaal tine
4taiaenl; complete
with u-ta. C515 '
ham, m..: 9 19 .
SLeo aKConth
Ne thla moael K
den W'Btchea, suara
1 i- Hound Belcber
Teeter Kins, extra
fcearjr 14k er.llfl sold,
eeren fine datmon'la
.et la elatlaum. lootn
Use a single S15
learnt atone. . w
gl a Week ,
In. Walthant or Hamp-
titeed 3S rears, frotn $10
ep. Tarma as le
II a moota. ,4 '
H" Sttwjtri Tint: JO
Cfn Dsiir Tn r.
' OaU or trrlU for
Doaaias 1444 aad as
cetaleg Ne. SM.
tU ealL
lr E I w credit jEwaERs
A Family Resort
Feature ef C-ar '
Ik that aapaef la
and pleaee the Wg
md old.
Band eeacarts rarlee
, dar for eecry one.
The Seat lake la the
country for bathing and
boating. Abundaooe ef
game flahj.
Clear Lake la easllv
reached from your
towa. Moderate prteas
prevail both as re-
Jardia hotel aooommo
attoaa eettagee for
rent and all living sup
pllea raneee, bewllng. ten
nla and all forma of
harm leas smusamenta
for the roung.
Oolf links available
Cerro OerSo Country
Leara mere af this
resort. Write secretary
or Conmeretal club
tor haadeorae tllue
trated beokJet ef Clear
Lake. ,
The "Saratoga '
fthe Wf
Trfal Quart
and Leather
Covered Flask
V f
Finest Whiskey!
I Lowest PrlcA L
' WlmMtthvlttM yoa try Fell -8tr WbMieT at
oud biuy. Me iochWea sra trmTrimt bZl
t'b yooreraer for tvM QuarUl of
rcis ei-btar Whiskey
miPf4 tttwt aVl towii whoUmm pru:
.asMta, Ag aa .a
QTfi. Full
QTS. Full
i Sitt tm
nal Ouart. r.ura u.ionot
5 In. . 1 1 . ZJi. r"u as enael 4
-r -nvm mmm or eoJ
mar the butx -.n. i
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4 MsW Wgga, f.m.
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