Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 3, Image 3

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    THK HEK: OMAHA. WF.1NF.SIAY. .IT NT, 16, 1015.
! Nebraska
Government Eu Odd Way to Re
arrange Plant of Poitoffice
Building at Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 15. Spclal. Lincoln
peonle are mad. The new IJSO.O0O addition
to the poatofflce bulldlnf Is the bone of
contention and the eauee of all the woe.
The plana call for cloning- up tte preeent
front entrance and making the main en
trance at the back door.
The Commercial club. Poetmaater Brown
and others have remonstrated with the
construction department of the govern
ment end tried to show them that the
rlace for the main entrance Is on the
front side of the building facing the busi
ness section of the city, but the latest
Intelligences Indicate that It will be the.
bark street entrance or no entrance at all.
No suftsrestlons from the Lincoln Com
mercial club seem to have any effect and
the Ltneoln postofflce will have Us front
entrance on the P street side. while the
spacious present front with three doors
will be closed up and one door only will
be used. The south door, which was so
handy for the public will also be closed,
l.avlnf the people of the city to travel
around to the baok side of the building
la set In.
Milwaukee Valae Raised.""
The State Board of Assessment held a
hort aesslon this morning and raised the
assessment of the Chicago. Milwaukee &
St. Paul railway on its sleeUu cars from
t'je.OOO to $30,517. The raise was satisfying
to the road officials.
Acre Meets Board.
A. E. Agee, appointed to take charge
of the affairs of the National Fidelity
and Casualty Insurance company met
with the insurance board todaV and re
poraed that as far as he could he was
reinsuring the business .f the company.
Colonel Preaaon Speaks.
Colonel J. H. Presson of Om.ilia, a
member of Governor Morehead'a official
family, delivered an address before the
Sons of Veterans .f Amp of this city thle
evening. A large number of the mem
bers of the Grand Army of the Republic
were present. Colonel Treason bears the
distinction of being the oldest son of a
veteran and also a veteran Connected
l.v. th. nrmnlullnil In the United
"Jul " - -
Htate. being "6 years of age.
' Ken Company licensed.
A license has been granted to the Na
tional Security Fire Insurance company
of Omaha to do business in Nebraska.
According to ita report to the board,
$108,891 of the capital has been paid in.
It has a aurplua of $T.000. Former State
Treasurer Walter A. George la ptealdent
of the company.
Convict Makes Eacape.
' Edward Stcfftnan, a trusty a ttna state J
penitentiary, sent up from Douglas
county in 1918, and assigned to some
work about a mile from the prison, has
Escaped. - ThU la tfc first break since
Svardeu Fentoa baa had oharg ot in
' Arisen.
Young Priests Will
Read First Mass
l,INT-AY, Neb.. Juna 16.-(SpeciaU-Rer.
William J. Borer and Rev. Edward
J Smith will celebrate their first holy
maaa at the HoTy Family church next
Wednesday. The two young priest wera
born here and were ordained priests by
Right Rev. Archblahop Ireland In St.
Taul last week. The parish and town have
declared a holiday on that day and Witt
observe the day accordingly, winding up
in.Jlhe evening by a reception by the BL
Leo Pramatloilub.
Heavy Damage by
Hail in Buffalo
and Hall Counties
GRAND ISLAND, Neh.. June 15
(Special Telegram.) Several large aec
tlons of Hall county were last evening
Malted by a terrific hall storm. In the
extreme western part of the county a
strip seven mllea wide was severely
pelted, wheat fields being reported a
7S to 100 per cent loss. Between St.
Michael, In Buffalo county, snd Abbott,
Hall county, there was also a long atrip
In whloh the loaa la heavy. This. In ad
dition to confirmed reports of Hesnlen
fly damage to wheat and the rotting of
com on account of too much cold and
wet weather and the lose of the flrat
crop of alfalfa, la regarded aa a handicap
which may be overcome In part, but will
require favorable weather conditions.
boane College Holds
Year-End Programs
CRETE, Neb., June 15. (Rpertal.) The
commencement season at Doane college
opened with the baccalaureate eervicee
Sunday morning In the Congregational
church. President Allen delivered the ad
dress. Sunday evening Rev. Fted J. Clark of
Hastings presched the annual sermon
before the Christian associations at the
Congregational church.
The class day exercises were held In
the chapel and on the campus Monday
morning, the program being divided Into
four parts. The first part took the form
of the class chapel, when Mildred Mc
Neill, Homer C. Goodrich and Betilam M.
Wledman gave orations along religious
lines. This was followed by the plant
ing of the Ivy by the class president. 1
R. Benson, and orations by Gladys Coch
rane anl R. S. Hudson. The crowd moved
to the front of Merrill hall, where Elsie
Craig, Emily Wolph and L. R. Benson
gave orations under the general topic of
'The Class and the College." The pro
gram was completed by three orations
given by Elisabeth Rough, R. C. Mukres
and Marion Tucker under the heading,
"In Lighter Mood."
The commencement exercises of the
academy took place In the chapel. Monday
evening. Diplomas were presented to
Charles N. Taylor snd Clyde M. Krebs
by Prof. J. B. Brown.
CKTom I irtsoxu
collaborators who own and operate pump
Irrigation plants. They keep a record of
fuel consumption, lubricating oils used,
coats of repairs and effect on tbe land
of water from pumpa.
'BEATRICE. Neb., June 15. Spec!ai.)
The Dempster Mill Manufacturing com
pany of thia city Monday received a tele
gram from a representative of the allfed
fwces in Europe, who Is stationed at
Sew York, asking the company to bid
on shsr-jnel and Mauser rifles, the con
tract if closed, to run from one to one
and a half years. The price quoted for
rifles is $24 each, and the contract calls
' for 600,000 to 1.000.000.
The company decided to turn the offer
down for the reason that It would Inter
fere with the regular business of the
plant and necessitate the installation of
i,ew machinery.
Notes from Colambns.
COLUMBVS, Neb., June IS. (Special)
Columbus" new base bal: team, "Boett-
chers Colts," blanked the Humphrey
team here Sunday with a score of 7 to 0.
Mrs. Anna McCormick Is much alarmed
over the disappearance of her husband.
fearing that ho may have met foul play.
She says that her husband left home
last Thursday. The McCormtcks were
married only six weeks ago. His wife
says that they lived happily together
and there Is no resson for his sudden
County Judge Ratterman collected
(Kills inheritance tax from Fred II.
Mueller, who inherited from the estate of
Gottlieb Pttckel !40 acrea Platte county
land valued at $90,000. Mr. Mueljer being
a trepbew ot the deceased la allowed only
$2,00v -exemptoine from the high rate of
tax, ,
I '
Craltf Kleele School Board.'
CRAIG, Neb., June 13. Special ) J. 8.
Ratchelder, A. F. Struthern and Dr.
Harvey were elected members of the
school board at the annual achool meet
ing last night. A ticket composed of
Mrs. H. Cooper, Mrs. W. D. Smith and
I. F. Garner was defeated .by a few
vol.' The new school building, which
will cost $25,000, is nearly completed.
Will Test Fimp Irrigation.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb., June 18. (Spe
cial.) Pump irrigation In western Ne
braska la to be investigated thia aummer
by Irrigation Engineer Dleaem In charge
of the government work hete, assisted by
LeRoy Rhodes of the University of Ne
braska. Mr. Rhodea arrived here Monday.
The government Is thia year appointing
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, June 16. (fpeclal.)-aun-ders
county sent In a check to'Wate Au
ditor Smith for $4,500 this morning, being
a partial payment on the $W.Ktt.40 due the
stste on the. old accounts for caring for
Insane. Very few eounttes ara holding
out and the auditor expeota to get them
all In In time. Saundera county was the
largest debtor of the countlea liable for
the fees.
Syracuse Scbools Prosperous.
SYR AO'S K, Neb., June 16. (Special)
The annual school meeting was held at
the arhtot house last night. The annual
report of, the secretary showed that
forty-eight nonresident pupils attended
the high school and seven attended the
grades and that the school received
$1,125 from this source. Six thousand
five hundred dollars was voted for school
purposes the . coming yesr. Messrs.
George L. Seymour and D. P. West were
elected members of the board and H.
Larson re-electnd member of the flnar
committee. The teachers elected for
the coming school year are A. C. Beale.
superintendent; E. K. Frye, principal;
Miss Underwood, science; Miss Schults,
grammar; Mies West, intermediate; Miss
Pasco, primary; Miss Bchlmpf, kinder
garten, and Miss Smith, music super'
Priest Sara Flrat Maaa.
WEST POINT. Neb.. June 15. (Special)
Rev. Ferdinand Mock, a newly ordained
priest, celel rated hie first maaa at St.
Mary'a church of the Assumption at
West Point on Sunday morning. Father
Mock Is the oldest son of the late Henry
Mock and waa born ' and received Ms
early education at West Point.. Ills
studies for the priesthood hare been pur
sued at the ' Pontifical College Joseph
Inum at Columbus, O., and have oooupled
a period of twelve years. Father Moan la
the flrat native born priest from.the cit,y
of West Point.
Osceola Pastor Cornea to Omaha.
OSCEOLA, Neb., June 16. (Special )
Rev. R. W. Taylor, pastor of tha Pres
byterian church of this city, prsaohedi
hla farewell sermon on Sunday evening
and will leave for his new charge h
Omaha on Thursday next, having
cepted a call from the Parkvale Preaby
t erian church of that city. Rev. Mr,
Taylor has been located In Oeceola
tittle over a year, during which time he
has made many friends among tha rest
dents of this rlty.
Former Secretary Say. More Men
and an Experienced Reserve
Are Necessary.
NEW YORK, June lR. George
von I. Meyer, who was secretary of
the navy in President Taft's cabinet,
addressing the Peace and Prepara
tion conference of the National Se
curity league at luncheon today, as
serted that the American navy is de
teriorating, outlined the respects in
which he believed such to be the case
and urged that investigation of the
national defense and a comprehen
sive plan for the future should be
made obligatory upon the next con
Lack of battleship-cruisers, air
ships, armed aeroplanes and men:
lack of naval reserve of eiperlenced
men, lack of a comprehensive policy
of national defense, lack of general
public knowledge of the navy'g con
dition, reduction ot complements of
some ships to man other and newer
ships and general unpreparedness on
the part of many battleships and
other fighting units, were enumer
ated as Instances of naval Inferiority.
Mr. Meyer said, In part:
Mare Men Are Needed.
For lack of men, shtpa are laid up
at navy yarls. where tney raumiy oe.
teriorate, like a vacant house. All small
shlpa and all cruisers now laid up for
ack of men are needed In Mexico and
elsewhere, and should be ready Tor an
emergency call to prevent, the employ
ment of battleships at gunboat duty. The
complement of enlisted men st shore
stations and training stations has been
cut down, with a decided loss or er.
firlency; and greatly to the discontent
and discomfort of the men.
To enumerate the ahlpa in the navy
and make a list, of new ahipa authorised
tree no Idea whatever of the true condi
tion of the navy aa to Its readiness for
war. Ships without men are of little
use, and a navy without a policy, and
with no well considered organisation at
the Navy department, will only Invite a
condition of rliaos In event of war.
'The statement ot Assistant Secretary
Roosevelt that we need W.O0O men la un
doubtedly true. The navy la deteriorat
ing for lack of men. The target prac
tice thia last year la no better than It was
ten year ago.
"Congreas Is negligent In not having
established n national council ef de
fense, a general staff, and an organised
naval reserve of 60,nK experienced men.
Broad Plan Neoeasary.
The investigation f our national de
fense and a oomprehenalve plsn tor the
future should be an ibligatory matter
In our next oongresa, for the nevy belongs
to the people of. the country, and they
have a right to know Its condition and
how It la being managod. The mere ap
propriation of vastly Increased sums
would not be Instrumental ia bringing
about tha neoeasarr rsf.nma or military
efficiency of the organisation, that can
only be accomplished by an Investigation
of actual conditions, and. a demand for
needed change In the way of military
reforms, which would be freed upoi,
eongreaaj by an enlightened public senti
'This Investigation and knowledge has
been dented to the people by the leadera
of the party la wer. It la deplorable
that there should be an Influence to de
ceive the people In a matter ot auch vital
Importance. We have reached a period
In the world's history when it must bs
recognised that If we are to maintain
peace and safeguard the Interests of our
people, we must be preps red to defend
ourselves. Let us not forget as tlie'na
tion Is, so also are Its government, Ita
public, I army and Its navy."
Young Student in
Jail for Taking Car
Standing on Street
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN. June 16.-8eoiil Telegram )
I .eon William, IP-year-old' graduate
of I-im-oln High school of the class of
lRir. Is In the rounty Jail today charged
with the larceny of, an automobile belong
ing to A. It. Tslbot, head consul of the
Moilcrn Woodmen. It' Is charged that
Williams took the automobile from In
front of the Flrwt Congregations) chuivh
last Sunday morning snd took his ctrl
riding, leaving the machine In a shed at
Ms home. He told the owner of the abed.
i so It is alleged, that he wanted to 'rat
' 1 , .11. k. I a . . . . . -. . .
i' mi cnuiu iae n n umana, nere
Ms family waa preparing to move thia
He admitted taking the car and that he
had done so three other times. He -v
other bovs take cars In the same way
and said he thought he waa doing nothing
very wrong. It Is ssld that Talbot has
rerused to prosecute, but the authorities
are still holding the boy.
Priced Very
Moderately at
The Central's enlarreil porch snd lawn furniture department presents sn
attractive ali.mln of beautiful anrt tlroughly stihutantlnl reed and fiVr
rocker, chairs, settees, swings, etc., and at a saving to you of from
to 60r on every purchase.
LINCOLN. June 1H.-(Speclal.)-nepre-aentattve
Farriott of Nemaha county was
a caller at the stste house today. Mr.
Farrlott is suspected of being a candi
date for uprem court commissioner.
Why Do You Hesitate?
It yoti have a emsJI cavity In
year tooth, has It filled at one
you will v th cost of a
crown, alao foul breath and se
vere pain. With a few good
teeth, aa a baa to work on, w
can make you a set of beautiful,
Batlefylng teeth for reaaonaala
Taft's Dental Rooms
lBlT POITGIjAB street.
A splendid fniir-psasenaer lawn a win?
finished In green alth natural wood seats
thoroughly well polte'l
tnitether. our
lirm T- v u r-n 1
Blizzard Rofrigorator
n.i.. . aatlH ami special construction or ine uuxnarn.
the amount of Ice consumed Is much lei than la used In any other refrig
erator. F.vei v Itltssard Hefrlgerntor we ahso
lulelv guarantee to he odorless slid to be
exceptionally dry snd cold. Priced from...
: ,f if P
a uael in any other rerrlg-
S7.50to $32.56
Wo lire the exclnsive agents
in Omaha and vicinity for
Blizzard lfc'friperators and
Utility (Jas-llanges.
An excellent high grade refrigera
tor, the Hltaaard, the rase of
which la made of hand wood and In
terlined with mineral wool, the san
itary wire shelves, drain pipe, etc.,
are quickly removed, which makes
every corner easy of
access hen cleaning.
Our price
An economical Qaa Range, the
Utility, with four one-piece hand
drilled bairnere, heavy cast iron
top and base and a large oven
which we absolutely guarantee to
bake; our
You Make Your Own Torms at tho Central
Whisky Grips Soul,
Heart and Brain
The Chicago American, under the above
headline, editnrialltv aaya: "Whiskey ruts
out the a 111, forgets family, kills ambi
tion." Mr. High Class Man, don't take
any more chances on "awear-offs" or
going through the ordeal of nature try.
ing to "throw off the poison in your
system. The Neal Three-Day Treatment,
taken at home, lintel or cluh or
Neal Institute. No. HOI So. '10th Ht.. iBSfe
"", nmn., win cieanse your system
of the poison snd restore normal condl- '
VsT for fuirlnform.tionphono Iou"la" Apartments, flats, houses and cottngi?- can be rented quick-
Neal Institutes in 60 Principal Cities ly and cheaply by Beo "For Kent" want ad.
' TILDEN. Neb., June 18. (Special.) Lee
Venn, the 18-year-old son of Ed Mann, a
prominent farmer living five mile south
east of here, died yesterday morning
from taking strychnine by mistake for
headache powders. The young man had
been visiting some friends and when he
ramt bome in the evening had a head
ache, and took, as he supposed, some
hesdache medicine end went to bed. Hla
mother attempted to call him in the
morning and found him unconscious.
Doctor were called, and under their
work he rallied enough to tell what ha
had done.
west I'oiat srnooi lommencemem.
WEST POINT,- Neb.. June 18 (Special)
The graduating exercises of the Guard
ian Angel's school at West Point tqok
place at the Auditorium, Friday evening,
where the following graduates received
drplomas: Dorothy Batenhorst, Rudolph
Cejda. Emll Ccjda. Bernard Weaterman.
Joseph St sip ind Julian Hynker. Among
the atriking featurea were "The Living
Flag," In which sixty pupils, clad In
red, whit and blue,, respectively, formed
the groundwork of th flag. A historical
drama, "A Little .Daughter of the Revo
lution" waa given by a caef of twelve
character. Th diploma were pre
sented by Rev. Ferdinand Pelt.
Italian Leave North Platte.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. June 16. Bpe
clal Being called home to fight, twenty
Italians left thia city today for their
mother country. Thca men have been In
the employ of the Union Paolflo and
many of them have fatntllea her.
The Beat Meglrln far f'nnaha.
The firat do of Dr. King New Dis
covery helps your cough, soothes throat;
get a buttle today, joc. All druggists
Do yotui
it as ?
It'g caffeine a poisonous and
powerful nerve irritant about J', 4
grains to the enp of coffee.
Listen to what physicians say:
"Coffee and tea are poisonous drugs. The caf
feine they contain Is of ttie same nature aa uric
acid. They Impair digewtion and produce various
disorders of the nerve."
Moo iBwm
of rroe A
of headache,
leeaness and
to coffee."
nervousness, sleep
indlguetion ran be traced
If you haven't suspected coffee as the cause of headaches, biliousne&c. hesrt-flutter or sleepless
ness, suppose you test the matter by a change to the pure food drink, INSTANT lO.STVM.
There'a no caffeine nor any harmful substance In this delicious beverage Just the nourishing
elements of wheat, roasted with a bit of wholesome molasses with a snappy flavor similar to that
of mild, high-grade Java.
The sure, easy way out of coffee troubles
is Upshift to
Instant Postum
"There's a Reason"
Why Tolcphono Rato
Must Bo Higher i
in Largor Towns
(One of a Seriea of Talks on Telephone Topics)
x It cost more per-telephone to operate an exchange in a large town
than in a small town, and consequently tbe rates are higher. ,
In a small town the telephone switchboard is of simple construc
tion, the majority of subscribers live close to the central office, and
' the number of calls per telephone are less than in a larger town.
The telephone switchboard alone in an exchange of 9,000 lines
costs nearly ten times as much per line as a switchboard equipped for
only 300 lines.
In an exchange of 9,000 lines the town subscribers live, on an aver
age, about one and one-half miles from the central office, and those in
an exchange of 300 lines average only about one-fourth of a mile away.
Tnus three times the amount of wire is required per line in the larger
Because there are many.more people for each subscriber to talk to
in larger places, more calls are handled over each telephone, increasing
the operating expense. For example, one operator can easily take
charge of all the local calls in an exchange of 300 subscribers, while in
an exchange of 9,003 subscribers an operator will be required for about
every 120 subscribers. v
In a town like this where thero are several central offices, the
cost of operating each telephone climbs still higher, as here we have
several switchboards located in various parts of town and there is an
enormous expense in installing and operating "trunk" lines to handle
the calls between the central offices. There is nono of this expense in a
smaller town having only one switchboard.
Also higher wages and shorter hours natnrally follow in larger
All these expenses necessitate charging higher rates in large towns
than in small towns, and increasing the rates as an exchange grows.
' We Advertise So That the People May Know