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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 16, 1915)
THK HEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. .JUNK M. 11H5. LUSITAHIA DID HOT CARRY GUNS i mm, , Testimony Showi Steamship Was Ifot Armed tnd Was Never Fitted Out m Transport. ADMIRALTY BEGIIfS INQUIRY LONDON. June IB. "The L'uM ttnli vai not armed and It never was fitted out at a transport," ti one of the remarks made by Sir Edward Carson, attorney general In the new rablnet, in addressing the court this morning at the opening of the Hoard of Trad Inquiry Into the loaa of the (Cnnard liner. Baron Merer, president of the court of inquiry. assisted by Ad miral 8ir Frederick Englefleld and Lieutenant Command- Mearn as naval aasessora and Captain Davies and Captain Speeding of the Mercan tile Marine. Attorney General Car bon and Frederick F. Smith rep resented the Board of Trade, while the Canard company and tho paeaen gers of the Lusttsnia, Including the late Alfred O. Vanderbllt. all were represented by counsel. Itnr Ceaeral'e Stateeeeel. Kir Ef.warrt Carson, who opened for the Board Trede, said he courted the fullest inquiry- He was able to give com plete denial to . the contention of the Ooriitn tovtmmtnt lhat the Lueitanla wm an armed vessel carrying Sns and serving as an a'lslllary to the naval forces of Jrat Britln. "Id ote to nierrnanr," the speaker eald.-"the United htatee already has efflglally denred Uila. and the e-ldence I propose to call will eonftrrn and fully prove the remarks of the Americeh vernrnent thBt ,h Lualtanla waa not armed and that it iwver bad 'been fitted out aa a transport. -Without, warning a German submarine fired two torpedo at' the I.uettanle and it is believed that a third projectile alao waa fired.. Buch an act was not only trary to, International law. but It Is contrary to the dictates of civtllsatlon and humanity. To sink passengers In thle manner waa a deliberate attempt at murder." 'The real questions ariulng." the at torney general ald. "are only two: Plret, aa . to the navigation of the ship having regard to the Instructions and Information conveyed by the admiralty; and second, aa to whether everything waa done that could ie done after the ship was torpedoed." raptala Taraer Teellflee, Captain' Turner, of the. LusllaaJu, ex amined, by the attoraex general, ed lUs hp was not armed, either for offense or defense, and carried no masked guns, ' (The : captain, estimated that, ten sec onds after the Lusltanla wee struck it was tnipoeeibla to, stand q deck. Ue aid the three difficulties in rescuing passenger were the llt of. life, ship, u headway, whlnh carried It two or three miles after being struck, and the short ness of tune. . . Tbe captain testified ha had given or ders to look out for submarine and to vrooeed at full speed if any were sighted. He sold the boats had been swung out the morning of tlx, day preceding the lernedolng. .Two lookouts were placed la the eroWe neat, two, at the bows. and two officers on tbe bridge. 'Speaking of modern steamship lionds, tbe captain said they were not ae ef ficient aa ths old-fashioned sallormen, Vho would have been more effective in the work of rescue, He aald be did not see Mr. Vanderbllt.. At this Juncture the nubllo hearing was suspended while the court took evidence lp camera regarding the Instructions of the admiralty. 0. S. JUDGE ORDERS ; BREAKERS ON CARS (Continued from Page One.) pvrtanced motormen for elevated and sur face earn, presumably aa strike breaker for the street car strike in Chicago, Up to an early hour thle afternoon MO strike breaker hag left this city for Chicago. Their transportation, ., it was aid. waa paid by the Chicago traction Intareetsi nuHT rom train Vlachi MlsUtsre mieta at Isssrkas Sta. tloae svag Areas JIU.M. CHICAOO, June la A buret of real June sunshine Cheered tbe army of Chl t.axoans, wha because ot the street rail way strike went to their occupations to day in automobiles, vans, delivery wagons and on foot. The suburban eervioe ef the ateam rail reada, upon which unprecedented burden waa thrust by the strike yeaterday, pro vided more aecommodatlena today, but all trains were jammed with paaerugers. At the Orosse Park station of the (Til ,in A Northwestern a. larae crowd which bad been unable te oblate a foot-1 hold aa earlier tra I am, or even to buy tickets, broke throurh a barbed wire fenoe onto the train. Thirty men found ate on the coal tender and ten more in the engine cab, the runnlna boards and the cowcatcher. It waa aU done good naturedbr. Klevated trains at the northern ami southern termlnaJa atarted out at I clock with detectives, but with few paseenaera aboard. It waa atated that an attempt to maintain a flfte-enlnute schedule would be made until niahtfall. No disorder attended the starUnc ot the first trains. No attempts to run surface oara were trade eariy, nor rre any protntaM. atrtkers eonarecated tn an ordaily man ner at tha barns and terminals. in Milwaukee avenue, which runs through a oongeaud district, there were - reverel flhts auions man crewdlhg to Mt into the "Jitneye" or other vehicles, hut none was aerlona. Xa Deflalte CreaUae ( Paaee. No definite promise ot peace was In iht The antl-ktrtke bieakei ordinance passed by tbe Uy coun'-li last nltcht waa placed la the hands of Mayor Thompson. H baa a week lu which te veto it, or tw make it a law by his strna- ture. It provide that a certaia period ef training ruu.l be givea uu, tonnen aud eaductors and that , thrlr Inetructurs ..'all be trt ml.o lave had trtttai jrars' "iMrlcnce. oonths ef which has hn in 1.1. sto. Hig sifns. aJkielug of the destination . lid rhii: for ride, posted lod.y ii rnc.tor lucs, he wasons, motor tinven ',m aagunr, furutlure trucks end ii,'JwnJe i "Jiiiwys." ablih . ijoutmutri a tw '-i't huriiKaa. Th etsndard prli Wears Only Hero Medal Ever Given by National Order of the T. P. A. Charlee T Neff, rost J. Indiana' -li-rfalon, Trs velars' Protective aseoc-isiloti, ha the distinction of wearing tho only rreflal awanJtxJ by the association to any of Its 6I.O"0 members for heroism. It was presented to hi in st the niitiorial convention in Buffalo In about two weeka afu-r the ovenl In which he won It. This was a fire hl. h broke oiit on an escurhlon tmat In which the tm-mbera' wives ami famine of Post O were iroln down the Wabash. The flames burst out of the engine room. Neff. who. by the way, was and Is secretary and trfssurer of the volun teer fire department, was standing at tho front ef the boat He made a dive for the fire, which was running swiftly to ward a tank filled with gasoline. The captain's wife handed Mm a fire ex tinguisher, which he played on the Tame et. rtak of hU Ills. While he wsa thus occupied an ex ploelon took place, which hurled htm int,i a skiff tied by tbe side of the boat. Following this, the other excursionists formed a bucket brlaade and f int. Il ex ceeded In putting out the flame a. Ills hand and head were badly burned. Mr.. Neff cornea from the recently wicked city of Torre Haute. But It longer wicked. He Is, himself, a member of the mayor's adviaory board, which Is . made up of nine prominent business men. "Mayor James H. Ooseon. who was comptroller under Robert, is enforcing the laws strictly." Ssid Mr. Neff. "The ' saloons observe the Ism-. The gamblers are completely out nf business." ' Mr. Jikff has twe boyhood friends In omaha. They ere f-'am Orenleaf and "Dad" Weaver. v "Hum and I worked together In ihe hub factory 4n Terre- Haute when we were small boys." seld Mr. Neff. "It wss an awful plane for ruat, At the end of the week the dost would be from three to five Jrx-ties deep on the floor. And we Inhaled thnt dust for the rrint-ely sum of rt a meek. My other friend, now II v Ing In Onuxlia. was 'Bust' Weaver, whom I find here reehrielened 'Dad' and secre tary of your Ak-aar-Bx-n. In many s parade I marched behind him aa he beat the drum. ' He was a drummer boy there in war time " Mr. Neff hue a number of other dis tinctions. He holds the record in Terre Haute for eonducting a , business eon timiouelyin one place. His Jewelry store has been in the ssme location for forty three years. for being carried two miles or more was 10 cents, if one stood. Where improvised seats were furnished 18 and 24 centa was charged. Rasarsss TraJae Crawled. Railroads . which operate suburban service were unable to handle the crush of passengers, although many trains were added. It waa estimated that more than SOOOSO persona were carried on steam roads yesterday, more than to per cent Increase ever tlielr normal bu.u Contrary ' to expectations, downtown theaters did a roanlng business last Right,, but the amusement parks in' the outlying dlstrlcte lost - heavily. The largest of tbe amusement parks, It was announced, will remain closed until the etrike ia settled. Others also are ex pected te close. ' Managers erf big department stores aald the volume of business was not much be low normal, as thousands bad shopped by telephone The telephone company had fa Increase of 6e per, cent in its num.. rer.of calls, being received yes terday. Weaa Lserts Train. A Woman who did not know there waa s strike was the first to enter the second train leaving the Wilson avenue terminal of the Northwestern elevated. Reporters naked bar name and destination. ' "My goodness)! What's' the matter T Everybody looks at one so. Ia every body erasyT" aha replied. The situation was .explained and aha left the ear and ' found a aeat in a furniture van.' Two I other women also boarded the train, but ' left It when informed that the etrike was I rot bver." The Telephone cable of (he Metropoli tan elevated was cut last night at Marsh feld avenue, It waa tha first damage to rroperty since the atrlke began. I rsje Mea to Stay taker. President Qunlaa of the surface men, end Prealdent Bruce ef the Union of Ele vated Employes are making numerous apeerhea to tbe man. arglng them to re main sober. "Don't let whisky defeat thla etrike. That's tha keynote at my speeches," said Quintan today. , W. D. Mahon. head of tha national or ganisation of street car men. changed bla mind at the laat moment about going to Detroit and will remain hero for the rresent. He expected to attend a con ference of the employes with the alder manic committee today. Tornado Clouds Sweep Over Adams County I llAoTJNue, Neb.. June U. Two (lis ,lnc tornado clouds swept aver a part or Ads ma county last evening. Tbe wind, so far as learned, did no great flatnaga, but ' the hailstorm which fol lowed aevaatated a sectioa ef fermlng country nrteen muea iona and five or six tnllee wide. Tbe force of the ball stenea, which ware very large, was ter rific North and west window were broken, treea were stripped or foilaae. fruit treea - bared and gardens ruined, the wheat crop is g complete Ions. On the north elde of buildings hall was piled up a foot deep. STOCKMEN AND SHERIFFS MEETING AT ALLIANCE ' ALLIAKCK. Keb.. June U. (Special Telearam.) Cattlemen from all parta of Nebraska, Wyomlnf and South Dakota ere In attendance at the annual conven tion of the Weetarn Ta'.breaka Stock Orowera association, which opened here today fer a three days session, (itate sheriffs are also holding- a convention. After a short business eeeloa today the delegatee were entertained at the fair grouada by tbe usual frontier gamea, rid tn and bronche buatlna. The C A. Wort ham Carnival compaay ooeupiea the streets in the buslnees sec tion for the entertainment ef the dole at and visitors. , . Auto polo player arrived. from Chicago this afternoaa and will be a feature; -, Oons-reaaman M. P. Kinkaid la here in atundaaae at tbe stockman's and sheriffs' convention. Besldae the stock growers. Atllaace is entartalnlng the state sheriffs' conven tion todar- and . Wedaeeday, On account t trw gsuuie of anaw of U.a.delcaiUea.te rab here the executive eesalon ass V'aa-a) I v - - ' f.'-J e . w- V" f -A ; f"; Ai CilARLKF T. .NEFF. Ho Is organiser and president of tiix Half Century Kesldcnt club, requirements fer membership In which are fifty years of residence In Terre Haute. He Is or ganiser and president of tho Old snJ New Newsboys' association, a club that is unique At a recent reunion of this organisation tnrre were in linn, lioys and girls, nun nnd women, ranging In ago from 2 U M years. Mr. Neff Is also vice president of tho Retail Merchant' association and of th-i Commercial club. On of his particular friends In Terre Hsute Is Uuorge W. Ureenleaf, a brolht-r of Fam GMfOnleaf. of Omnria. The Terre Haute Oreenleaf is a member of tho school board. In short. Mr. Neff Is about the liveliest "live wire" in or about the once wicked city on the Wabash. postponed until tomorrow, the delegates present being shown about the city by the Alliance Commercial club. About fifty sheriff are expected here tomorrow. DEATH RECORD Mrs. V. V, Pe lemon. MKHSAV. Neb., June 15.-( Special.) Mrs. P. V. Peterson of Burlington, Colo., waa burled at the West Pan Lutheran cemetery yesterday. 8he was about IS year old and leaves a husband. and five children. St. Jose pa) riab oa Toar, FAIRBURT, Neb..' June 15. (Special Telegram.) The Commerce club of Bt. Joseph, conveying eighty-two tourists and band, reaohed Valrbury late this aft ernoon and spent fort.-minutes in the city before 'leaving for Sjclaori.' " The Cemmeree-vlub -wilt make ' tour of Nebraska, going as far west as Or leans and then north.' to Roldnege and backed Hastings' and Crete. ' ' i Loan ntr School selections LOUP CITY, Neb., June 15.-(8peclal.)-C O. Taylor, president of the Board of Kducatlon, and J. B. O'Brien, who has occupied the same position, were elected directors of the (School board at the an nual school meeting held here Monday. The district debt waa ordered paid. Apartments, flats, houses and cottagoa can be rented quickly and cheauiy by a Bee "For Kent" - Now For Sonny's Bath . The youngster can hardly wait when the tub water is sure to be hot and pleasing to splash. , .iljA LVvr- -f 7 Sunday's Secretary ' Leaves the Service of the Evangelist"I.I HIA, June li. SpeMal Telegram.) Bentley Ackley, who became ldely known as Billy Sunday's right hsnd msn. secretary and nlanlxt In the recent revival here, has realijned from the BELLK KOt'TUJiE, X. 1).. June 15. fundey forces, beeauee, he says, other peclal.)-7At the Fi.ut;. pHkota State niembere of the organisation I em deserv- Flremrn's association 1'ierre wss awarded Ing than he received vast profits. In one ' the silver loving cup, niven to thi team case sggergating; ro.OOO, from the writing . winning the moat points. The comblnetlon and publication of hymns, the sale of hook and ladder race win won by lead hymn booka and the disposition of other and? Hot Pprtngs, " And the two teams privileges connected with the reivals. unanimously voted tnat the flirt purse, Walter Frnley, third vice president of which thla event carried, be ;tven to the . New Jersey Uquor Dealers' assocl- i Hhorer end lhli, the two members of atton, hss been a close friend of the the Pierre team who ere hurt In the former Sunday aide for a long time, nnd i -Wednesday ' races. The association he not only was a visitor at the Sunday I a.iopti d a new constitution nnd elected party's residence during the campaign , th. flowing officers: President. C. B. here, but also wae once the personal l guest of Mr. Ackley In Peterson. N. J. Immediately following the announce ment of Ackley'e resignation, it was learned that tbe Rev. R. H. Emett, Sun day's confidential advance agent,, had also severed his connection with the evangelist's entourage. The advance man. It la aald, was summarily fired by Bun day's son, George, at tbe close of the Peterson campatsn, the grounds given then being that "he m-as too Independ ent." From certain other noiirnea. It mas gleaned- that Messrs. Ackley and linen SUMMER chaps of discernment wear clothes fashioned here by skillful tailors who know how. A silk suit made for you costs $30 here. Mohair suits made for you at $25. Open weave kool worsted that lift you out of the Palm Beach crowd at $25. Drop in and see the sample coats before you order yours made. MacCaxthy-Wilson Tailor ing Company, .115 South 15th St. Positive Experts on All . Self -Starters. Strahlc 6 Anderson Red 4473. 2059 x arnam. AMCICMtSlTl.' 10 & I AUPIT6RIURT Kffl; m Chicago Sunday Evening Club Choir - One hundnrd splendid voices, under personal direction of O. GORDON ERICKSOH PRICES: General Admission. 25c; Reserved Seats. 50c , Boneflt of Letter Carriers' Convention. II . liW;il..l.M IIJI!.l.i.)ll.illJllj...ill!lll,J.,JIl,lll ll IIHIIl yillllJISlSISBBIIllSISIllllll.lllllll.llWJlJLU.IU iin.i. G as HeatecfWater That la a great thing for the child's health. A Gas Circulating Water ITeater to, heat the water quickly when his bathing time arrives. It will help YOU because it is sure, quick, convenient and economical. - 1 . ... Our Representative will call at your home and explain in detail this MODERN METHOD of heating water. Omaha Gas Company 1609 Howard Street Douglas 605. msy not be the only Billy Funday pull' sation. And It almost Is a certainty that tlie departure of those two men, who were highly important cogs In the evangelistic machine will mean the eventual disruption of the entire party. FIREMEN WILL GO TO YANKTON NEXT YEAR ..,. r vnUtnn: vice rvresident. F. J. Hooper of Rapid City; secretary, A. O. (tiding of Redfleld; treasurer, W. 8. O'Brien of Pierre; lilrectors. I'. H. Coqulllette of Miller, three years: John Mueller of Hot Springs, two years. Matt Behren sof rarkston, one year. Yankton was selected for the 1 tournament AMIKRMRIITf. The Empress Auto Contest Will Close at 2:00 P. M., June 16th. All Votes Must Be Cast Before That Time. Dollar coupons will be honor at the Ticket Office until the clo of the contest. ' The PHIZES will b aw 'ded during the T:80 performance. RRAliCEIS TODAY; TKXATXX I .ST 4 1 Tha rhoto. drama eeaaatto S KM), S:30. 30 T. JC TDCXB aeaaatloa. THE HOUSE OF BOXDA&E adapted from Keglnald W. Xauffmaa's Start Hag Book. Thla Afternoon, lOo Tonight, loo, BOo. 100 KXX.BS AJf WOVM SIX MOTORCYCLE RACES AT STADT K iniDWiT VAST O-UU Wednesday I . Saturday jlTMTW I Ml Sunday 3 9M. 1 LAKE MAHAWA DANCING 'BATHING BOATING MiiT Other Attractions. Tree Moving Floturee Bvery iTsnlng BASE BALL Omaha vs. Lincoln ROUIIKE PARK . JUNE 15, 16, 17. lamra Called at 3 P. L , ". begins to fill for the ti 1 ejUt p . 'J. Thompson:Belden ?Co. 7, ',7 1 '" " - - , ., i s i The Vogue of the Separate Skirt Separate skirts are most popular. In wash styles $3.50 to $9.50. A special value being white golfine skirts, $6.75 The June Clearway of Suits Any spring suit in our showing $11.75, $14.75, $21.75 This is the greatest, op- nnrtunitv nf thf Rpnsnn I J " - K'Vl.UUll to purchase your suit for travel or exposi- x: a i uuii wuar at a low price. esreaiariii'ia(ss Special Vacation Victrola Offer This genuine Victrola of your own choice six double 10'inch records, de li veredto your city or summer home, for only Have one at the Vacation Camp. A fine idea for j M the porch or lawn party thi eammer. Be sure to visit our oerore you purcnate. We have the largest Victor vtctrolae and Columbia Urafenola in the citv. ! 4 ALL STYLES, ALL PRICES, $15.00 to S300.00 "Ifnotconnitnt to e-alf, pAene Domglma 1623 mnJ see will in4 aX! eomput m omttu t m yomr seme. ' SOLD ON SMALL MO SCIir.70LLEQ& MUELLER PIANO CO. S"I Victrola end Orafonola Haadquartars. Store closee at S rx m. dalir. espeot 8a.turdn.v. whan rlmin. 411 k. usual hour of p. m. WESTERN ROUND TRIP FARES Via Rock Island Lines Vrom Omaba effective June 1st) San Francisco, Loa Angelea aiyl Ein Diego and return $60.00 ' San Francisco and return ona way via Loa Angeles; other war via Portland $77.50 Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return ....--....$60.00 Portland, Tacoma and Seattle' and return one way . via California $77.50 Denver, Colorado Spring! and Pueblo and return. .. .$17.50 Estes Park, Colo., and return j $24.50 Boise, Idaho, and return '. j. $54.50 Salt Lake City and Ogden and return .......... ...$32.50 Pbeonlx. Aril., and return $55.00 Yellowstone National Park, aide trip from Salt Lake or Ogden, according to tour and accommoii lions in Park $12.25 to $53.50 Panama-Pacific Expositions' Fares (On Sale Daily) San Francisco, Los Angelas and San Dlago and return $50.00 ' San Francisco and return one way via Loa Angelea and San Diego; other way via Portland. .$07.50 Portland, Tacoma and Seattle and return. .. .$50.00 Portland, Tacoma and SeatUe and return one way via California $07.50 Pan-Paciflo Expositions' fares carry final return limit of ninety days from data of sale; other Pacific Coast fares carry final return limit to December 31st, 115. Through dally standard and tourist sleeping car. service to California points via acenla Colorado. Let The Bee get you a job. "Situations Wanted" ads are free. nam nas VIII, with 12 selections VICTROLA VIIT Talking Machine Department fci and most complete stock of f NTHL Y PA YMENTS. 1311-13 Fsrnam St m For further particulars, inquire of J.S. M'NALLY, D. P. iL, 14th and rarnam, W. 0. W. Bldg.