Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 14, Image 14

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Commencement Exercises of the
High and Commerce Schools to
Be Held Thii Week.
Officers of Eagles in Convention at S, 0.
On Friday morning 20,000 public
school children will figuratively or
literally kiss their teachers goodby
for the summer; book will bp placed
away, blackboard cleared off and
the school buildings locked. The
boy will go fihln' and ewiiiiniln'
and the girls will May home with
their mother and help can the fruit
and learn how to wash dishes.
Tlieee are busy days st school head
quarters and at the schools. The Central
High graduating: exercise will be held
Thursday evening at the Prandel lre
atcr. Pr. A. Hoss Hill, p-esid.-nt of the
l'ni erity of Missouri, will deliver the
addieM to the class. The grsduati will
b sented on the main floor of the the
ater. In rtirtom heretofore havlnrt been
to arrange the clans on the stage. Mr. !.
E. Jenkins will present the cadet rcr-
llfVatei and President Krnnt of the Hoard
of Education will present the diploma
Members of the araduntin
hold an Informs! reception on
Immediately arter the close of the pro- i
' ( Ammerre K.xerclees Krtd. I
The thtrd annual pmgrsm of the Utah j
IhiSM . Mm nil !
'if. .j' .
KuM-eoJ ;t . -7 t' iMi,:f
Reported for Assessment a Valua
tion Half Million in Excess of
Last Year.
Aged and Infirm
to Be Treated to
Auto Ride Tuesday
All of the gnd and Infirm of Omaha
arc to lie Heated to their annual auto-j
niol lie nde and pi nlc on- June 22. an-
linuri'-e Mrs. O. W. Alqtiist. who has
charge of l ie prncrnm. The old people!
will he t'fthe park In automobiles i
and then returned to thel home by the'
siine method. Mrs. Alqnlt has not
enough automobile yet and askn any
O.iiahan who mould contr.kufc the nrr
of . iil machine for an hour' to call her
at V. eUti r T". All of the seed who lice
at the M.-iif-c of Hope and at tne county
hospital will bi treated to the oullna.
Nebraska City. Mate President.
t'hadron. State Wicretary.
School of Commerce will lie held si the , y- . x-n..
Hrandfl on Friday evening;. The diplomas Are EnrOUte 10 National
Convention to Be Held at
ny evenliur. Trip nipiomns j
will be presented by President Krnst of
the s hool board. Freds Hirlstensen. Wll
llanf Boukal, Isabel Rndman, Asnes Ptor
eneen, Alva IJord, Marie Williams nd
Albert Ramacclottl of the giadtiatlng
class will present a literary and musl. sl
Many of th eighth It classes of the
elenvntery schools are enjoying outing
In th parka this meek The class of
FarWm school Is at Slmwood park to
day. On Wednesday evening the Central
Fflgh senior ban'iuet will be held at
Happy Hollow, and on the seme evening
the High School of Commerce banquet will
he given at Carter 1-ak.
No sessions will be held at the schools
,n Thursday, thla being necessary to give
the teacher a chance to make their re
ports for the school year.
Superintendent Clratf will present th
lhth grad dlplomta at Vinton school
("Wednesday morning. Bancroft echooU
will have a class day program Wednes
day evening.
Turkey at War Will
Not Affect Crop of
Turkish Cigarettes
You narette smokfr mho really can't
stand snvthlna but gctiooinn Turkish or.
'perhaps, K(typtlori cigarettes, give nn ear
: to this Had revelntion which tlire pros
perous-looking delegate from Virginia
OF THE CITY jto the T. P. A. convi-ntii it, unhhi.-uiliiKly
told ye scribe. Tlio three are It. ri. Cmjk
As early aa 6 : 30 In the morning the ! of Manviie, v., a buyr for the im-
The Douglas County Hoard of
equalization, at It first session of
1915, at lU.e court house, was con
fronted by a situation never before
known In the history of public utlli
tiea taxation in Omaha, when the
electric fight company reported for ARRESTED FOR TRYING TO
aaseFsment a valuation oi 3,x l,J.-o
on personal property, an Increase of
$589,531 over Its return of la3t year Frank Duffeck, Third street and pop.
and of $89,530 over the 1914 valua-,' pleton avenue. whoe fnmllv I ill with
tlon 88 fixed by the board. starlet fever, insisted so e; emrnM. upon
.,. . , entering his residence that he evenlusllv
The report, if accepted by the RrrtP(1 hy offl, Pr lnd nr.
board, will result In an increase of ' rained In police cour't for breaking
moro than $1,400 annual taxes paldiantlne. Duffrch wn's fined U'i and cests,
Lot Angeles
Pennsylvania Club
Will Welcome the
Old Liberty Bell
A. W. Jeffeiia, president of the Penn
ylvanla club of Omaha, has named the
oflfcer and executive committee of the
club aa a reception committee for th
Liberty He.ll when tt arrive In Omaha
pext month. There ar l.iW native Penn
sylvanlan In Dougla county Following
tre the member of th committee!
A. W. Jefferla.
I . i. Barr,
fl. D. Mccutrhen.
M. J. revy,
3 A. lsliell.
W, O. Hhrlver.
11 H. Unldrlge.
Oorfe ... Irey.
Rev. O. H. Schleh,
W. R. thaugDey,
John H. Maui
Mvl H. Hoerner.
John A. Wakefield,
J. C. Patteron,
lw W. itaber.
Ir. J. H. Vance.
Hslleck F. Rose.
Charles R. tebhlns,
P. 'W. Hlerkower,
lrvln W. Medlsr,
Jacob If. (lahle.
In-, rt, K. Spalding.
Thumas F, Uodfrcy, Hugh A. Myers,
nv. I.. Oroh,
lanlel Shull,
J M. Cotinsman,
I. W. Hetsal, .
fl. !. Oordon,
William McComba,
H. K. Uurket,
J. H ituth,
A. W. Jefferla,
M. J. Otevy.
. W. (1. Shrlver,
1 A I Iresher,
lr. Uriffith.
W. H. Murrsy,
M. J. 1-es. tjy.
II. V.. Akin,
J. H. Reynolds.
O. E. rlsverstlck,
t.eorge Mill.
Sylvester Rush,
.1. H. Kvan.
W. P. Hrford,
?t. O. Maul.
C. H. T. lUenen, .
John W.,
J. lxiren Webstar.
es Want Grand
Lodge to ut Down
Convention Cost
first delegation of real enlate men
on their way to the I,ks Angeloa con
vention arrived In Omaha. The local
committee which wai to have met
them at the train had Information
that they were coming around 9
o'clock. Thus they did not make
connections with them at the sta
tion, but when the visitors from
Minneapolis began to appear at the
hotels and begnn to make early
morning calls at some of the real es
tate offices In the city the committee
awoke to the fact that a mistake In
schedule had been made somewhere.
Hy shortly after 9: the Indianapolis
delegation and the Chicago rVlcgatlon had
arrived. This swelled the number of vis
itor to soma 20 men and women. The
local committee under command of E. 11.
Benson, marshalled the automobiles to
the Fontenell hotel and In the latter part
of the forenoon the crowds took a spin
around Omaha.
Uellrves la Omaha.
N. P. Vpham of Dulnth was among the
delegations. He la president of the Inter
national Realty Associates, the organisa
tion which recently bought a huge traot
of ground at Ilrevoort Place In Omaha
for an Investment. Mr. Vpham believe
In Omaha thoroughly and still insist that
Omaha I one of the two or three bright
spot on the map of America at this mo
ment. President Taylor of th Chicago Real
Estatw Roard, Is another who was with
the delegation. Former President Thoro
of the National association was with the
Minneapolis delegation.
The automobile tour wound up at Happy
Hollow club, whor a luncheon wa served
by courtesy of the Omaha Itcal Eitate
exchange. A number of short speeches
were given with H. A. Benson aa toast
master. Oolf was Indulged by those who
could not atand the Idlo life of the In
doors during the afternoon, but the party
lounged about the cool and comfortable
club rooms and club grounda until train
time and left for the coast at 4 30.
Byron Hasting. C. T. Harrison, W. T.
Graham and several others from Omaha
left with the delegations to attend the
convention of the National Association of
Tteal Estate Exchanges In I.os Angeles.
perls I Tobacco company, J. I.. Proctor
of Newport News and C. I,. liavenport
f I'anvillc.
"Iianvllle Is the largent market In the
world for 'bright leaf tobacco. ' Bvery
cigarette on the market, contains some
of this tobacco, whether It Is the 'ten
for a nickel' kind or the gold-mono-gramed
private brand made for the ex
clusive consumption of Snooks McSnook.
It Is shipped In enor-nous quantities to
Germany and England for the manufact
ure of Turkish and Kgyptlon cigarettes,
many of which are Imported to this'
country." t
Ain't it the limit, feller T
One of Mr. Cook' former associate
haa a "Joti" buying tohneco for a big
corporation nt an annus! ktlpend of 60,000
buck. Mo-hum!
Mr. Davenport hove the tobacco crop
this year will be good. He has reason
to hope, for he has the present moment
1,000,000 count 'em little tobacco plants
growing on his t,000-cre tobacco planta
tion. Let Turkey and Kgypt writhe in
war. It will never Interfere with the
production of Turkish and Kgyptlan
cigarette while Virginia I at peace.
J J iun luoipau.'. .
The electric light company pleaded in
federnl court in the suit In which it la
resisting rate reductions ordered by the
city council thsl Its resl and personal
property combined waa worth r.500.000.'
Now County Assessor Harry O. Couns
man Is wondering how the big electric
light company valuation should affect
assessments of other Omaha public serv-
i Ice corporations.
"The board considers the valuation
turned In by the electric light company
as an Important eld In determining the
VAlunllnn of other corporations," said Mr.
Couneman. "Burely thtr electric light
company should not be taxed on a valua
tion far higher In proportion than valua
tion of other public utilities."
The board during Its sessions will cite
the other colorations before It to show
cause why the valuation should not be
Increased over the schedules returned by
them, according to Mr. Counsman.y
The telephone company haa returned a
valuation of J2.170.S41. Iwvot year It ad
mitted personal property worth $2,012,719
and wa Increased by the board to 12,215,
OCiO. Th gns company this year turned In
a schedule of H.&a.lfiS. I .est year It re
turned a valuation of r..3.lfi0 and wa
raised to 13,uOO,riO. which has been the
amount on which It ha been paying
taxes for ten years.
The street railway company for 1P1S
report It valuation at $7,250,000, which
la the aame return a made last year.
In 1014 the board raised Ita valuation half
a million dollars.
. with suspended sentence.
Hair Tinting
Made Easy
Commissioners to
Take Up Problems
of Greater Omaha
The city commissioner will meet
Thursday morning at 10 o'clock to begin
serious consideration of the problem
which ar anticipated In connection with
the. administration of Greater Omaha.
Commissioner Butler of the department
of account and finance will recommend
that money might be borrowed at a per
rent, Instead of Issuing warrants at V per
rent, to provide for the Bouth Omaha ex
pense for the last five month of th
The commissioner expect to take for
mal possession of the offices and records
of South Omaha and Dundee next Mon
day morning.
A determined effort will b mad at th
'Ttatfls tat convention now In session at
fouth Omaha to have th Grand aerie r-
due Ma expense and expend the funda
of th national association In the de
velopment of the lodge throughout th
country. Nebraska will ask for a stat
home for sick members. It I ssld that
the grand arele spends i!,ouO In It an'
rual convention. An atteint will b
-rrsds to 'make the convention o( the
yrand aerie a biennial affair.
R. K. I.andl atat secretary, 111 be a
.t&ndldate for state president to succeed
V V, Moran, present state president. V.
Avery of Norfolk will atand for the stale
secretaryship. Henry Rothola of Kouth (
Omaha Is a candidate for deputy grand
president to succeed P. J. Barrett of
. Kuth Omaha, picsont Incumbent.
Hats of the Women
Must Be Protectedj
and round the mulberry bush,
In the morning" old school
o early
Antrmeha woman, wearing a new hat
last Bunds y morning, did not go around
a mulberry bush at Twenty-fourth and
Dewey avenue, as advtaed In the old
song of" her girlhood days. She walked
under the spreading branches and be
came perturbed because her new hat was
Y.M. C.A.Park to Be
Opened on Saturday
The Young Men' Chfsttan association
outdoor park at Carter lake will be offi
cially opened .Saturday with a long pro
gram of events and atunta scheduled by
AV. A. Kearna, phyalcal director at the
association. Base ball, volley al), ten
nis, canoeing, boating and other sports
are Included on Mr. Kearna' program. All
member of the association are Invited
to attend, bring their friends and take
In th doing. Free boat ride and canoe
ride will be furnished everybody and
Reams haa already bought the entire
stock of lemona from a large commission
house to provide copious quantities of
the soft but refreshing liquid to all who
attend. The doings will start promptly
Holds Its Reunion
The class of 10 of th Omaha High
school held a reunion Monday evening st
the Field club In fevnor of th twenty-fifth
anniversary of their graduation. ThH
lars ha held reunion at Interval of
flv year. It hapiened. aa a coincidence,
that twenty-five of th member were
'present out of th original Caw of
sixty-els who graduated twenty-tlv year
ao- Ono member of tin rlasa, Mr.
Hoaard Abel, nee Lota Morrell. came
all the way from Brooklyn. N. Y.. and
Mrs. Jeaee French, nee Lillian Pruner,
from St. Louts. Greetings were received
- from Prof, and Mrs. Homer P. Lewis,
Mrs. Lewis having been Mis 'Joodson,
a ho . waa formerly a Uacher at th
Omaha High school, and Oom Mr. W.
. Keyaer of Kt. li;is, th claa
r teacher. Th feature of the dinner were
' .uii Informal.
badlv damasiMl.
WhererorcTT. M. Carll.l of W10 Cs4-ju,:' and continue aU afternoon.
Ifomla l reel wrote a letter to the city 1 . ..
council complaining that the branchca of OHIO GOVERNOR TO PASS
tills offending tree hang over the side
walk In such
manner that the ' safe
passage of feminine hat I endangered.
City Commissioner Drexel of the street
department wa directed to trim the tree
to a height that all! clear any hat.
Sacred Heart Juniors
to Receive Diplomas
' Th Junior school of ftacred Heart will
hold Us commencement axarcurea this
tenia at the acbool, Twenty-aec-ou4
ens Wirt streets, when the following
irosram will be carried out:
A Tribute te Our Blesaed Mother....
Class of ItnS.
1ci!l fcixth Grade Girl
Fsne-A Grsln ef twit of the li of
Seventh Grd'.
Chorus tMstri Grade Hoya
Conferring of Honors snd Adilrean. . . .
Th Kv. p. J. Judge, b. C. U
Tries to Fumigate
Third Ward; Pinched
8. A. Kimball, giving his address as the
Overland hotel. Invested In a bottle of
malodorous liquid known by the genteel
handle of "Kasence of Stink."
Mr. Kimball, bubbling over In a sense
of playfulness, meandered down the
highways of that terrible locality, "Th
Third Ward.'1 and proceeded to taat
copious quantities of the fuld on each
passing Ethiopian, la due time he waa
drawn into the yawning maw of the law
and was handed a package of fcS and
costs when brought belore the police
Collector Taylor of the Omaha port Is
patiently sitting on th lid, togged out
In the cap and Jacket of a brevet com
mander, waiting for word from the Julia,
the boat that I due to arrrve at th
Omaha dock at any momentl
When a boat reaches port, according to
nautical law. It la the-proper thing for
the captain to -call at the port offlo
and present hi papers.' la the caa of
the Julia Collector Tajlor U going to
waive a rule that I as old aa the law
of the (eaa. '
Id his flag boat, when th Julia Is
sighted, Collector Taylor will proceed
Knroue to the Paclflo coaat exposition.
Sherman A. Cunoe. an editor from tfpper
Sandusky, O., passed through Omaha.
While at the I'nlon station he asserted
that late this month Governor Willis of
Ohio will go to th Pacific roast, and that
he expects to atop over for a day, at
least. In Omaha.
On Ills trip to the coast, Govarnor Willis
will be accompanied by hi wife and pay
th expense, of th tourney out of his
own pocket, having refused to charge
anything against the stste, although he
Is a member of the OJiIj exposition com
mission. '
' It Will Helleva Backache.
Apply Sloan Liniment to your back,
pain gone almost Instantly. Don't rub,
tt penetrate. TS'c. At druggist. Ad
vertisement. ,
I ,.i
C. 0. L0BECK OR $2,000
Gunner A. Unduuost has wrought suit
In district court against Congressman
Charles O. Lobeck'on a not for ttOSl.O,
wated May 14. W10. Mr. Lobeck paid l
on this not A u rust 1913, allege Mr.
l.lnduulst, but ha failed to make any
further payment. Ha asks Judgment for
th amount, leea 110. with Interest.
Two Clerk GsaraauW It.
"A customer oant Into my store th
other day fcnd said to on of my clerks,
Have, you anything that wlU car diar
rhoea T and my clerk weal and got Mm
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and aald to htm,
'If this does not cure you, I will not
rhar .11 m. Mnt for It SU It Ink i
alonaside of the'fiow oterdue steamer, i home snd cam back in a day or two and
examine th ship mantreat and alee the aald b was cured." wrltea J. H. Berrr at
taptaln petmlaslon to clear for th nentjro.. t-alt Creek V. Obtatnib' ery-P011-
where. Advertisement
Family Returns to
Find Home Burned
During Its Absence
John Fleischer, and tamlly returned
Monday nlht to their home at 1627 North
Forty-fourth avenue and discovered that
during their absence a fire of unknown
origin destroyed! the building, which alao
served as a grocery store at the front.
Th loaa la estimated at $2,000 partially
covered by Insurance.
The Flelachera went forXa vlalt to Bouth
Omaha, returning about 11:30. Me.
Fleischer I at a loaa to account for the
fire. Thero was practically no salvare
of the atore or living room.
To Regain a Healthy,
Girlish Complexion
If you would have a clear, fresh, glrl-
complexion, one ounc of ordinary
ei''"d wf "d you In thla df
rectlon more than shelves full of coa
metlca. It nriw hi... u i i . .
procurable at any drugstore,
completely absorb a bad complexion.
th 'walthy young akin under-
"i- oi m aone ao rra'uaJly, day
by day, that no inconvenience Is caused.
The wax la applied at night, like cold
cream, and removed In the mornlna- with
soap and water.
Another valuable rejuvenating treat
ment thla for wrinkles la to bath"
your face In a aolutton of powdered
saxoUte, 1 os., dissolved In H-pt. witch
liasel. This haa a remarkable action In
nioothlnsr out ths lines and "firming
up' th loose tissue. Advertisement.
Look Young by Darkening Gray Hair
wita v " ao Dye
Many thousands of women have put up
w ith streaked and gray hair because they
knew of no absolutely safe way to over
come this robber of youth and attrac
tiveness. After all, one of the chief pleasures In
life Is that of appearing in as attrac
tive a manner a possible.
"Brownatone" Hair rUaln will help you
In Just this emergency. With it you can
touch up the gray spots Instantly or
you can In a few moments' time glv.-!
to your hair that rich, soft brown, so
much to be admired. Or, you can mak
It a glossy black if you prefer. All this
without the possibility of detection, fail
ure or harm- to either hair or acalp.
No t previous experience whatever Is
necessary when you use "Brownatone."
Just brush or comb It into the hair.
A sample ami a booklet will be aent
you upon receipt of 10 centa.
All of the leading drug; stores sell
"Brownatone." Two else. Joe and 11.00.
Two ahades one for golden or medium
brown, and the other for dark brown or
black, v
Insist on "Brownatone" at your hair
dresser's. Prepared by the Kenton Pharmacal Co.,
629 K. Pike Bt., Covington, Ky.
Sold and guaranteed In Omaha by
Sherman McConnell Drug Store and
other leading dealer a.
free TO
A Vew Home Our Tnat Anyone Caa XT
Without Slsoomfort or Ios of Tim.
' We have a New Method that curea Asth
ma, and we want you to try It at our
expense. No matter whether your case
Is of long-standing or reoent development,
whether It Is prosent aa occasional or
chronic Asthma, you should sond for a
free trial of our method. No matter In
what climate you live, no matter what
your age or occupation, If you are trou
bled with asthma, our method should re
lieve you promptly.
We especially want to send It to those
apparently hopeless cases, srhere all
forma of inhalers, douches, opium prep
arations, fume, "patent smokes," etc..
hsve felled. We want to show everyone
at our own expense, that this new method
Is designed to end all difficult breathing,
all wheeling, and all those terrible par
oxysms at once and for all time.
This free offer la too Important to ne- I
fleet a single dsy. Write now and then
ealn the method at once. Send no
money, simply mall coupon below. Do
It Todav.
lX'M. Niagara and Hudson St., Buf
falo, N. Y.
Send free trial of your method to.
If your hair la gray, faded, wispy
thin, prematurely gray, or streaked
with gray, you will look twelve or
fifteen years younger If you darken youri
gray hair by shampooing your hair and '
scalp a few times with Q-Ban Hair I
Color Restorer. It 1 not a dye, but act ;
on th root, make array hair healthy, j
turnlng your gray hair to a beautiful, j
luatrou. soft, natural dark shade, j
darkening your gray hair and entlr I
bead of hair so evenly that no on need
auapect you ua Q-Ban. Beside,
W-Ban stops dandruff, itching acalp
and falling hair, promotes Its growth,
make hair and aoalp clean and feel
fine and always darken fray hair. Try
It at our risk. Only Hoc for a btg ;
7-os. bottle at fciherman A McConnell j
Drug Co., Owl Drug Co., Harvard and.;
I.o 1 Pharmacy, Omaha, Neb. Out-of- 1
town folks supplied by mall. Call or!
write asking for Q-Ban Hair Color Rs-'
When Will Your
Income Stop?
A wise man doesn't live as
though hi Income couldn't stop.
He make provision for sick
ness, lack of work, accident and
old see by having a. HAVINGS
ACCOUNT here where every dol
lar h deposit draws Interest
at 4.
W are protected by th De
positor' Guarantee Fund.
24th and M Streets
H. O. BOSTWICK, President
R. GETTY, Oaahler.
storer. Advertisement.
'a a 1
. Moat aoaipa arwl prepared shampoo
contain too much alkali, which la
very Injurious, aa It dries the acalp
and maksa th hair biittla
Th beat thing to uae la Juat plain
tnulatfled cocoanut oil. for thl I
pur and entirely grease leas. It'
very cheap, and beat soaps or any
thing eta all to piece. You can
thla at any drug store, and a few
ounce will laat th whoi family for
Simply molatan th hair writs
wwter and rub It In. about a ta
spoonful Is all that la required. It
make an abundance of rich, creamy
lather, cleanse thoroughly, and
rinse out easily. Th hair dries
quickly and evenly, and la aeft.
freak looking, blight, fluffy, wavy
a rwl away to hajtdla. Healdea. It
loosen a and takes out every varttcle
of dual, dirt an 4 dandruff. Advertisement.
Special Economies in June Sales
Iki Your liny
ins; Karly.
W flow at
ft I'. M.
Store Clones at
5 P. M. Kvery
Day Kcr-it
P. l.
Domestic Room Biggest Yard Goods Sale
Thousands of Yards of Vafi Fabrics at Fraction of Their Ral Ylue.
JC and 4 0-inch Voiles, Crepes, etc., printed In fancy figures, plain and
novelty stripes, etc., here at, ynrd 7 'it. 9'xC and 12lt?
2 7-lnth Crepe. In neat printed figures, should be 10c, here at, yd. 5
30-lnch Windsor Plisse Crepe, plain and printed effects, in mill
lengths, the lc grade, at, yard D?
Fast Color Apron Ginghams. Indigo and White Checks, yard ....4
Rest quality 12'4e Percale, light or dark, cut from the piece, yd. 7?
Muslin and Cambric, full pieces, standard 9c grade, cut from the bolt,
yard ..' :6H
$5.00 Trimmed Hats
On Sale All Day $100
Wednesday at.
;5(M of tlicm to select from. Hats
inatlo of Milan Hemps, Panamas,
Lngliorns, Toeals, etc Every one
of them is cleverly trimmed in Os
trich, novelty feathers, wings, rib
bons, flowers, etc. Von should not
miss this exceptionally great bar
gain opportunity.
Ladies9 Underwear
Women's Aprons, values 10
$1.0.), nil styles and sizes, on
sale "Wednesday . . t . . .49
Women's Night Gowns, to
$1.50 values, in Nainsook
and f ambries 69c
All well made, prettily trimmed
and generously proportioned.
Women's Lisle Union Suits, to 75c
values, in ajl most desirable
tyi 35
Children's Muslin Pants, well
made, all sizes, at ....... . 10
Several other specials of great
economical interest.
k'WL .-..I. at, ' thl W. til I If r ' 'A ' IM
BV . : 1 V,'
day in
Women's Petticoats
Broken Hues of $1.00, $1.25 and
$1.50 values, in Silk Crepes and
Sateens, black and col
ors, plain and fancies.
White Wah )ress Skirts Large
sixes SO to 36, uands, linens, piques,
sateens, etc.. last season's stock that
sold at 15.00 to 7.50, your choice in Wednesday's sale,
Women's and Misses' Presses
That sold to $7.50. serges and
silk poplins, In dark and me
dium colors, all
sizes, at
Children's Wash Presses, 50c
and 69c Values, ginghams, per
cales, galateas, etc., good range
of colors, sizes 6 to 14 nr
years asdC
- Large
, piques,
sck that
i Dresses
serges and
k and me-
Men's Dress Shirts
To $3.00 values, in-Pongees,
Satinettos, Penaigs, silk
finished and mercerized fab
rics, all colors and styles,
at ........... 08-and 69
Men's Guaranteed Hose, all
colors, G pairs . . . 69
Guaranteed to wear ' 6 months,
linen heels and toes. .
Children's Wash Hats
Regular 50c values, in Do
mestic Room 25
Men's Union Suits, to $1.00
values, Mesh, Nainsook and
fibbed, Domestic E'm 49
Men's Knit Underwear, 60c quali
ty, shirts or drawers, In all sizes.
In Domestic Room 25J
Here's Some Interesting Grocery Prices
for Wednesday's Sale
Quality Oooda aad a SaTlnr of as
1 lb, beet pur cane granulated
augar 91.00
48-lb. aack beat high grade' dia
mond H flour, nothing finer for
bread, pie 'or cake: make vour
own bread, it pay; per Back tl.60
10 bar beat tin Mi. Diamond C
or Laundry Quean Whit Laundry
oap B3o
4 larg can Elkhorn or Mansfiehi
milk ..S8
a small ran condemned milk . . SSa
8 ran oil or mustard sardine So
t lb, best white or yellow corn
meal ."v- 17
4 lb, fancy Japan rice. 10c quality,
at 86o
4 lba. beat hand picked navy bean
for gfto
The beat domestic macaroni, ver
micelli or snanhettl. ik 7 "-to
Tall can Alaska salmon lOo
Advo Jell, fey dessert. It's quultty
goods, the Jell that whip, pka. 7Ve
l2-oi. jar pure fruit preserves 95
Fancy Queen olives, quart ,
lame boxes parlor nialche . .guo
1! boxes safety matches 4o
1-lh. pkg. cornstarch 4a
1 lbs. .bent bulk iaundrtarch 86o
4 cans fancy sweet turrar corn,
,wax, string, grten or lima beana
for 85c
to BO Oa th Coat of IdTlnr.
w. o. c. or Krumbles. pkjr o
MacLaren's peanut butter, lb. 18.o
Hershey's breakfast cocoa, 10. 8 Bo
Onlrlen Santos coffee, lb 8So
There la nothing finer or cheaper
to put up than Pineapples.
Thla car ia practically all SO six.
Wed., 20 als, each lOol dozen tX.10
Wed., 18 ia, each 81o; dozen 95o
Wed. 24 alxe. each 18He; dot $1.43
The beat creamery butter, carton.
The heat
1' aiicy No.
ter. lb. .,
IKancy No.
The best No. 1
dozen ........
creamery butter, bulk,
1 country creamery but-
1 dairy table butter, r.
strictly freah eKRs.
15 lbs. best old potatoes SOo
16 lbs. fancy No. 1 new potatoes.
at 3ao
8 bunches fresh radishes, onions
or lettuce So
109 efficiency tha
uikat you want whey yoa
plat an order for engraved
plaits. K1? put snap in
our work, we have work
men thai we can rtly upon.
VTI r satlsfled with Bothlns; leti than the
WMplft approTal f mtu who want the
best U footwear. Oar styWg Meet their tlemaad
for dlsaacOrs appear, qnality lotores the
serrloe thej expect, and ear price please those
who tody eeoaomy.
Jfew styles la Oxtordi are ihowa la aa excep.
ttonally attraotjTe T&rlety ef models that me a will
like. Wo have aimed to meet the reqalremeaU of
erery taste la plala mooVls or cloth top effects.
From $3.50 to $5.00
1& S fC rwaaownsa