THK BKE: 0MA11A, WEDM-iSUAV, JL'iNI-i JC, l!H5. SWAri'KHH lOLVMN PH KAluC-Thlrty-lnch timer's . inarm heiir; nw. Villi tia-b for anaU gssoliie engine or for anything 1 n ue Adtre S. f! . 1113. p, e t'lMIC fine ixkIh water glass-holders mid Have putt Jri business. S, C. 1102. Ka. (IKW1NO MACHINK4 I have wmt brand new, hleh grade machine, i nd 7-drawer, beautiful drop head cases. Make itm en offer for one of them. A J 0as g o lit. Re. TO CONTRACTOR Want to swap a first-class, fully equipped car. In per fect rondrtltss, for alterations and repairs on building. Not an lc wagon a car. t. C. 11', Pee. T OL OKNL)KR Heavy. substantial sxtndar, hand power, for bench work; never uaied haa hall and socket Joint, permitting wheel being adjusted to any position. Will swap for anything of value. Aridreas 8. C. He. Wanted tc Swap. Why not advertise something that you no longer have any "se for and act something you really ncadT It cr.ete you nothing to .loin tha Swappers' Clu. and vou will find It lots of fun swspplng thlnfr. Writ Room 104, Bee Kldg.. or phona Tyler low, WATCH -Will exchenge Swiss watch Isdy'a stse; price, W. What have you? Adrtreaa 8. C. 1110, Haa. WHAT have you to awap for an artlatlo parlor or mantel clock In peraonal property? S. O. lim. Hee. W ILL, trad all or half Interest In we.l rstsbllshed real estate v business In Omaha for real estate or automobile. Adr drera S. C. 1H. Bee. WILL do painting and paperhanglng in exchange for plumbing or auto to be 'iaod for truck or hauling. Address, 8. C. ?S, care He. WILL trade gilt edged stock -In reliable local oomrany. conipoaed of responsible buslnsss men, for uaed light car; or will trade part stock and give difference In money, i-uli yourself. Would also take lot or western land, but muat be worth tha money, Habitual trader keep off. Addreea 3. C. 10t. Bee. FOR KENT Apartments ad Flats. The For Rent advertisements appearing In the For Rent column of Tha Bee dally ran noi oe otv lur - wmr and fill the needs of any one de siring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. t ROOMS, new Flo-Lee. 30th and Cav-I- tol Ave. Light and ooaL 11. ' PETERS TRUHT CO, I, m. o Vt ftn. 15th Ave. Elegant l-roora brick. 15 vent eonvenlence. Loug, 6S87. ONE! S-ro'om modern apartment, off of Faroaan. la the "Page" high ulaas. fireproof building. 'Harney uvu. Vk.RY choice or 6-room a team heated aperunnt on West i'arnam St. JOHN W. HOBBINS. 1 FARNAM VT. d lQ and up. Modern 4-r. apartmenta. pi" near poatofflce U. y. rtteDoina. F1VB1-KOOM apartment. The Maaon. 31st and Ma eon. Conrad Young, 22 Bran dela Theater. Douglus 1671. TWO F1VE-ROOA1 FLATS, FACINO BEMI8 PARK. CALL WALNUT WB. Is 10 V F.N KOOU f Int. atrlUy modern. MS Caas. Walnut 2062. T. OKOKOB 4-room apartment, redeco rated throughout lit N. Slat Ave., sa lest Weat Faraam dUUlcU Psona Web star ltT. 10 8. 7TH, 6-r., mod., good location, 30. '. O. CARLBERQ, air Kiandele Th. Bldg. 6-ROOM apartment, th Chula Vista. Suth and Poppleton. Conrad Young, 823 Bran dfla Theater. XJougla 1R71. Famished Apartments. FTJRNIRHKD apt., moil.; p;ano. H. fftift. FOR RENT 6-room modern apartment, furnished, una 30 to Bopt. 1. Tel. Doug. TW7 or call Helen Apartment Office. Board ss Buoai. 1 Famished Room that offer every mod ern convenience and comfort In prlvat families r boarding houses of the high est class wll beat b found In the Fur nished Rooms column of fn Bee. Phone Tyler 10d0. KLH WOOD PARK suburban hoin. Car 1 blk. Cool rooms, good board; lawn; home , privileges, very reaa. Wal. ITii. A LAROlt) southsast room, suitable for two; tabt unexcelled; beautiful lawn. 1M So. Uth Bt - - WEil'STtR, Juia-Walklng dUUnoe; Vi week; fiOIXlK, fOOWXabl boarders. Uaruey .,- CM ... BEAUTIFUL room, with two eioepUoa ally large closets. In a Wast Farnatn horn; larg porch and yard; good board; youiuy men preferred. Harney 4W1.. . Famished H oases. FOR RENT-Nlcely furnished house, for summer months, larg porch and lawn. ' Address L U) Bee. H-ROOM, modern, good neuthborhood, nice shade, rent reasonable. Phone Webster - F araisbe Hsesu. If you do not see anythlna that suits you In th way of Furnished Rooms you can call at Room 104. Bo Bldg., and ssk for th Fie Furnfshod Room bureau and w will gladly refer you to a high class rooming or boarding house In any pert of the city. St'lf Lfc-AVKN W OiTH, double room, hkkI em, 12.50; stnrle housekeeping room, i6. XKL, modern, newly furnished rooms, Walking distance, lm 8. totli. 3607 FARNAM Large, nicely fumiiihed front room with east exposure, liodorn conveniences. For gentlemen. 250J ST. MART'S AVE., strictly modern; pleasant room; rrlvate family. Red 277. FURNISHED rooms with bath, closet. heat, light and water. Furnished kitchen, Farnam Blvd. Harney law, FITRNI9HED parlor for gentlemen .suit able for two. With or without board. So N. ilstBt. Douglas 6707. fool rooms, mod., reas. &M0 Cass. H. 2575. DAVENPORT, 4713, front room, private family. ' fTPFTT.y' unlahAd fnoHni-n nnm In tt-i ' vat family. Call Harney 74. l.'ASd. 1710 Mod., elec. 1L; close in; 2 up. 701 aeTH fcT. Nloe, cool, modern, fur nished roorna; reasonable. Tyler 1M. M HO. mil 6T. Also housekeeping roxung. IbH Leavenwortlu VIoaern. Car line. - Karwlaaed lusirkrlig Raossa. 89 8. SUTH 8T. Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms; very reasonable. L. 7 KM. 423 DODQiO-Modera Ught bousekeeptng; reasonable. CASt, tsU 1'hraay beautifully furnished vjuiM, . (ivuuv iiuui, am, a- anu runge. BI'UT, iJ 2 IlKht housekettping rooms, all modern; rent very reasonable. Maaeefcseef aa Itooius. DAVKNPORT 251(V1. suit of rooms; laundry privileges; large lawn. Bo. front. CABd, thre-room suit, nlclyfuru' Ished end dacorsteii, rent reasonable. St'ITB housekeeiilng room, bath room noor; nest location: wslklng distance Reasonable to r It ill parties. Si) N. Z30. 1 ro tXli RK.NT eautiful fumUbed room, suitable for ne or two young men; pri vate bath and every modern conve ileuce. Apply between f and 7 p. in. Apt. 14,' Traverton Avis-, iiiix Et and Landon Court. ( Mgkt HesMkwslsg kou. -'4 BO aiTU UX. LLjbt housekeeping. D. oils. lafmmUhe ilasekeelagr Rooms. t t'Ab.S, Kli I unfiH-nlshed rooms on bath ' room floor; reasonable. I.Huglaa 7iJ0. . IsS)ee ss4 Ctttas;. Biortku FIVE rooms, modem, adults, 1S; good location. Webster XK4. 7-ROOM house. Vtrt N. lsth. Web, lilfs. ALL modern 4-room bouse, on car UiieT In Florenc. large yard. Floreuo kia, 200 Main St. . Seata. For Rent South half of double brick bouse T rooms, 4 bedrooms, s i modern, at Ull bouih sUi bt.. ntiar Park scnool. one block eut of Hsnsuom pars. 11- Harney 1XH KENT lloaaea otteae. oath. r TAnrtf' T. 7-room. modem. tS: walking dlntania and close t'i Park car: will put In ftrt-rl condition. A HM3THO.W1-WALSH CO., Tyler Utete tlank- It'df. wm FKHSAM. T-R-. 11 X. Wth Rt., near lidge; very choV-e. handsome flnt.i.e,! brick; alerplnf poroh and nn rM"i. AK MTKOXa-WALffll COMPANY, Tyler ZMiV. Stale Hank Pldr. -RiKl.M hmim, 1K; good xtiade, lama acreened por h modern. Will pay to Investigate. 4;U Pavenport Pt. l leeellaaeee. v FOR RENT We have a complete Hat of all hnie, apartmenta and flata that ara for rent Thle Hat cn be eeen free of chaixe at Omaha Van Storage Co.. V 8 lh Ht BEF: the Central furniture Btorea. FHEK PF.NTAL LIHT. . FIDELITY rUt NT A l. YTRKE Phone Douglas Xi for complete Hit of vacant boueea and apartmenta; alo for atorage. moving, llth and Jackeoa ta. Al,L aleea, tS per month up. 607 Peton. Gordon Van Co. Moving, Pacalng, Ktoiage. n N. Uth L Tel. P. J4 or Web. J( J Kip. Co.. novng, I . KPPfl rkmg A atoraae Maggard's S a mo.-ag ua for ea- for mov lng. packing, chipping. 1711 Webator fit. Pouglaa GlobeVan &Storage Storea. movea 'packs, shlpa: t-hor van and 1 men, II a per hr.; storage ti per mo. Satiefa-tlon guar. D. 3d 4 Tji HnilCV Crt,lfh Bona Co., Bea Uldg. nouses In , p(irU of the rl(y tterri IIta. A nice office ta a good location. make your businegfl plaua gucceostuL . TIIE BEE BUILDING ' ' "TlIEl EUILDINO THAT IS ALWAYS furnish! luat such eomhlnatloaa Office Room 103. NSW fireproof building, suitable for gar ttw lannrit-v Via k ,rv tr 1 IA I r, HI m 1 r cation. Conrad Young.' S22 Wandels The ater Hid. Imie IS71. STOREROOM, new and modern, ateam heated. 26?? Ijeavenworth. Conrad Young, 3S3 Brandels Theater. Pong. 1671. Nice Cool Office With Vault Near the Elevator and Stairs . Electric Light Free The Bee Building Co. Baperlntendent'a Office. Room 103. FOR R ENT Jars ge, elec lights, water. paved street, easy entranoa. u. gou. WANTED TO BUT Yale buys everything id hand. Tyler 1411. OFFFICB furnltur bought and sold. J. C. Reed. 1207 Fernam. Doug. 4B Slightly used high a red piano. D. SUt. HEAT, KSTAT2 FARM A RANCH LAN Dg FOR tALfi). California. Live Oak Colonies, non batter, w. T. Pmtth Co., 1-14 t itF Ntt. ws. i. en Iowa. ITAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a aood desorlotlon of your land and send It to .the Sioux City, la.. Journal. "Iowa Most Powerful want Ad Me dium." Twenty-frv words vrjr Friday evening. Saturday morning and .very Saturday evening and Bunday morning for on month, giving sixteen ais oa twelve different days for Hi or W words. $4; or 75 words, W. Largest circulation or any iowa news paper. IM.Ooa readers daily la four great sis tea FOR short time only, S good farms, within M miles of Omaha, in Iowa, $126 per acre; good terms. McCoy (kCTDoherty 711 CUta Bank Bldg. Doug. 1DU Mlnweaota. 40, 80 OR WO ACREB, jioodi heavy eoll. In well-settled part of Todd county, uion. f ood roads, schools and churches; prtoa, 15 to t-'O per acre; terms, H per acr rash.' balance ii per aore a ysar unui land is paid for; I psr cent Interest. , fllJnWAD BROS., 102 Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. Mtssoarf. SMALL MISSOURI FARM. ' t3 cash and ta monthly, no Interest or taxes; highly productive land, close to three big markets; write for photographs end full Information. Munger. R. 171. N. Y. Life Bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. Aibraika, IMPROVED CLAY CqUNTY FARM 160 acres. 6 miles from Kditsr, level to gently rolling. All under cultivation but M acres, (-room, m-storv house, good barn, all weir painted. A cholc farm. Price $100 per acre. Good terms. FAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY, War Block, Omaha. COUNTRY HOMK NfciAR OMAHA. $ll,0u0 buys a highly Improved farm, consisting of about siia acre located on on of our boulevards out from tbs city. only a 40-mlnuus' rid. Qood water sys tem, small amount of fruit, some aualia. tarn hay; nice, large, beautiful sliad trees and ail kinds of shrubbery and about 10 acres of natural timber, making a beautiful park. This la an Ideal propo sition for handling thoroughbred stock ef any a ma. uvini spring in pasture. C. R. C011E3, ins Brandeis Theater Bldg., Omaha. D 4si. A GOOD BUY lbt acres, only 15 miles west of Omaha and 2 milttg from Millard. Uently rolling, about half 'In corn, balance upland hay. Qood Douglas county land Is a good buy at price quoted, !J per acre. PAYNE INVESTMENT' COMPANY, Wsr Block, Omaha. LAND AT AUCTION OUR' SPECIALTY. NEBRASKA REALTY AUCTION CO.. CENTRAL CITY. NSIBRAWlCA BIO PROFITS IN FKEDBR3 If you hsve a good eastern Nsoraska or Iowa farm, not a brush pasturs, but a. real farm, we can help . you xcharur it for tha beat 4.SJO-acre eattle ranca In Nebraska. It s a hsrd-land, short-grass, wheat-grass hay ranch that will rais feeders that will top tha market. Im provements good. Water and timber ahelivr. Is convenient to good giaed town. PAYNE INVESTMENT COM PANT, Wsr Block, Omsha. Wrsmikg. WYOMING homssteads; limited area of exoeiirnt land; open to sa-acr filings. Unsurpasseu for grsin, oorn, potatoes, vegeta'jlas, alfalfa; good water; free coal. Him Kiiiuii s paradise: game plentiful; s-c-ond excursion .lure 24. bee trie at Paxloo hotel June only. C. I. Dumbollon. REAL ESTATB LOANS FARM IOAN3. G PUR CLNT TOLA N U & TRUMBULL. 44S be Bldg. fitt) TO flo.OuO made promptly, f. U. Wad. V ead BlUg . Hth and Farnam Bta CITY and farm loans, t, &. 4 per cant J. rt. uumuni m K.O., mim eiaie WANT h.I -Good farm and city loan at PKTtCKS TRTJBT CO.. H22 Farnaia. WANTED City loans and warrant W. Farnam ginlih tk Co.. IM Farnam Bt. CITY property. Large loans a specialty" W. 11 Thomi,;H btsts Bsnk Bldg Ki.M-.i oa nana ror city ana rsu H. W. Binder, Clt y National b farm loans. nk l,llg. OMAHA homta. Last Nebraska fanus. OKKKKt PEAL KMTATli CO.. llf Omaha Naiiunsl. Phoua lougis r;U. IKK us flist for f wiiii loans la eastern Neb. L'nitcd btatas Trust Co , Omaha. KIL KSTATK LOANS 0rA CITY 1AANS. C. a. Ce-iberg, Jli-U prajDdeia Theater Hidg. ftSAh ESTATE Ft)n EXCHANQR For Sale or Exchange from trei car and In a quiet neighbor hood. Full foot lot witb burn and Plenty of shade and shrubbery. The house lias hall, parlor, library wtlh fireplace nd bookcases built In, dining room, kitchen siut pantries on the flret floor; 4 bedrooms and bath upstairs; vegetable cellar, fumaoa room, etc. In the baee- rrent; cistern, nty water, gma snd sewer, "treet Is paved and all paving raid. Prlca IB.WW; mortgage, gt fc at per cent. Owner win ewchanre equity for OMAHA VACANT IDT OR Wmi'RN NB- FRAKKA LAND With good hard soil. J. H. Dumont 8c Co. l-l Ptate Bank Bldg. Tel. Douglas S0. REAL E8TATB NORTH RED I! My Fine Home For Sale Am leaving city tot California and offer for sale my 7-room louse; modern In every respevt. House on ground Is Jss0 reet, with large front and beak poroh. all screened ; also storm sash for porvk and hoiiee. Veetlbuie with closet and mirror door. Living room across the front of house, UsJO feet, with firepleoe te celling. Beam ceilings in living room and dining room. Built-in bookcases and buffet. L'lutng room haa) paneled wain scoting of qusrUr-sawew oak and ta llil reet. Bunrooin la Uxlt feet and la la ouarteraawed white oak, mat haa two French doors of lievel plsta glass lead ing Into living room. Kitchen Ta of large sis, wlta all up-to-date convenvtenoea: pantry and rear entry. A modern bath on first and second floors. Three lk rue bed rooms, with closets on second floor, finished In oak, with mahogany and white enamel finish. Large etc re room. Full cemented basemen t with heavy brick foundation. Lot la 44snl feet, being larger manrour orainary city iota. A. R. Thatcher 67 Florence Boulevard. Phone W. 41TI. . $100 Cash Then Rent we have four sis-room pottages on Miami 8t.. just west of 18th r!t, that in) renting for Sis per month. We will sell you on of these for a cssn payment of IUX) and th balance pay' able 116 per month. Each house ha a large living room. dining room with bay window on th est, larg kitchen and three bedrooms. Ksoh lot has W feet frnntaga and. Utm yards ere fenced. PRICE. tl.BW RACK. We ask you why yon continue to pay rent whsn you csn buy a home for such a pric and on the terms. A. P. Tukey & Son Tel, Douglas 601 1M7-I W. O. W. Bldg. Nifty Bungalow 13argain Vestibule, living room, dining mom and sun room, finished in oak: bedroom and kitchen finished in yellow pine, with birch floors: bath room is whit enamel: osk floors throughout; two front rooms hav beamed ceilings; dining room has plate rati, panel walls, window swat and bookcases: sunrnom hss window, with a 8. B, exposure ' bouse is llT stories, but id floor isn't finished; could finish I rooms; hlgn-grsde fixtures, rtiaranteed furnace, rioor drain; lot pavea street; location and nelghliorhnod Is fine; near 10th end Laird His.: about tM oash and rest monthly, or lot as first Payment. Rasp Bros. 10S McCggu Bldg. Douglas lffia. HOUSE and lot, 112 North th Avenue, 11.000: fcM cash, balance monthly pay ments. Good neighborhood. On blook from car. Frank Crawford, Tel. Doug' laa 124. BARGAIN BY OWNER A beautiful l-reom. strictly modem home, in splendid condition: aood loe tlon; elegantly finished Inside; as good as new; larg lot; cistern, trio c,Too. Call 251'J Wirt. Phone Wsb. tm after a. n. REAL, ESTATW WE8T 8IDIS Attractive Buncra- low on Corner Lot in Bemis Pcirk rooms. ' t rooms on first floor, wttn. bath; 4 rooms on second floor; best of f nlsh and construction: house Is nrao. ticaily nsw, all modem and Improvements cost owner es.aiu. riperia.1 reasons for making this big reduction in price. Now ottered at v&j. lerms can b arraaged. Glover & ; Spain Doug, ang. !- City National Banfc Cathedral District If you are looking for a new l-roo in completely modern house be sure to the on at 4-X Wakeley Ave. (between Davenport ana tnicago). rule nous has lust been eorn oleted. Is on a larae south front lot VfTilM. bus I rooms, Isrga living room, oining room ana sucnen on nrsi floor. Three bedrooms and bath aeoona floor; basement cemented. You will hsve to see - this nous to appreciate it, fun rash and the balancs Ilk rent. - Creighy .Sons & Co, Douglas mo. lo Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE flOTJTII SIDH SEVEN ROOMS IN FIELD CLUB DISTRICT Btrlctly all modern, south front lot, rood loaitlcn, close to school. Frio only C O. CARLBERQ, III Brandeis Theater Bldg. FOft &AI.K or rent T and i-roorn bouse; sasv term - 1U a T. Walnut rrtt. REAL ESTATE BrTBTTtBAH Dudee. Dundee Home Bungalow style, 7 extra Urge living rooms, and bath, living roota croaeea whole house; dining room and large sun room finished in oak: larg kltohen. bartdr peatry and lo boa room, with oak floors. Handsome open stair to seo ond floor, wkiwU is finished la bard pin, with oak floor. Very beet of plumbing and guaranteed furnace; combination lighting fixture, ehades end ooinplet set of screens, uutskl is very artistic, having stucco dormer and plenty of hrscket. rine H-to lot. nicely sodded Located right la tha heart of Liuiuie snd is a big bargain at 16.000. But quick turns and small oroftts la our motto; tlutrefur 14 4M will buy Ibts lovely home. Terms can be arranged. Call na and 1st us show you this house. It will pleas you Rasp Bros. lot, McCagu Bldg. Douglas ItEg, REAL ESTATB TTAJITED LIST real sstai aud reatai with tKJ.S- MEBfCAL PILES. FIbTULA CLT.r'D. Dr. K. K. Tsrry cures piles, fistula aad other rectal i)seasea vlthout surgical operstion Cure guaranteed aud lie moiny paid until cured. Writ fnv tnok oi. rcctai d i - with testimonials, Liti. K. It. TAUf.V. - Bee iiidg. RAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Deipite Actire Demand Wheat Suf fers Another Lou of One to Three and a Half Cents. EECEIPTS GOOD IN ALL GRAINS OMAHA. June U lili. The receipts today were fair and ther was a good demand for even tlilna on th list. Wheat suffered another loss of liiU(v although there was a nxi'tlve demand and a pretty good amount of sales reported. v lilte corn sold at a premium over tne yellow, while th yellow core was slightlv a advan of th mixed. Corn dropped from lo to Use. Oats followed in sympathy with corn and wheal and declined 1c. The receipts ef this cereal were light snd the demand only fair, there' being onlv a few cars of this cereal sold. Crop reports received from the railroads ssy that small gains are doing nicely, but the corn crop Is a little bsrkward In moat of the corn growing statee. There was a loss or ro.OOO acres ef wheat and eorn reported In eastern Kansas and western Missouri, but this report Is thought to be exeg gerated. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to SIS.'W) bvshele; corn, n0n bush els; eat 7,000 bushel. l.lrerpool close: Hpot whest. MfKd lower: eorn nnchanred to Id lower. Primary wheat receipts were aM.nntl bushels end shipments MO.OdO bnshels. scnlnst receipts or mcuu ousnsia ami shipments of r,000 bushels Isst ear. Prlmsry corn receipts were VS.iViO bushels and shtpmentr) 571,(VX buehcla, sgwinst receipts of i.'.00 hnshsls and shipments of taa.000 bushels last year. Frhnarv est receipts wer oi.w bushels and shipments 4W.00n bushels, ssslnst recelnts nf SMVAOO bi'shel end shlptneats of 7P4,nno busliels lest year. JAftwl nr.i I'.irio. wr,nt.'tnm Un China gt 1 l Mtnneapolla ..... Dtiltith. Omaha .......... Kansa City .... Winnipeg ....... ... ...17 ... at ... e ... -,i ...W These sales wer reported today: Wheel. No. I hard winter, 1 car 1 oar fTlOik 1 car IL101. 4 cars 11.10: No. t hard winter. cars 11.10, J .csrs 1 0V; No. 4 bard winter, i car i iw; no. spring, 1 car 1104; sample durum, 4-A-car il.08. Rye: No. a, 1 oars 1.M. Barlsyi Feed, l-&-car Um Corn: No. i white, I oars 7o. No. I white. 1 car V; No. I a4o: mlie.l, 1 car must) esc; ssmpls, 11 cars WVio, U cars (hot) c. oats: wo. wnits. u oar 44Vo, i cars c; no. e whit. oars 4IHc: No. ) mixed. 1 car 434o; sample, 1 csr 43tc 1 car 42c. Omaha Cash Prices W heat : No. 3 tur key, ll.llVtisl.U: No. I turkey, n.1V4f 1.11; No. I hard, 1 H01 H: No. I hard. fl.CcU4sl.10: No. 4 hard. 11.0411.0: No. I spring, tl.OW 0: No. I durum, H.dQ'ffl.lA; Corn: No. t Whit. smtOOc; No. S white. VV'SIsSHr. No. 4 white. s4jrv: No. t white, esewve; mo. wnite, eetiwi"; No. I yellow. gHfiiHe: No. 3 yellow, uirff 9'.r: No. 4 yellow. ttfflfc: No. I yellow, witlAKSr; No. yellow, ellVi4c; No. i mixed, RHtec: No. mixed. tillV.trtWHto ; No. 4 mixed, (.HtWio: no. s mixea, mv ITfiHUc: No. mixed, g7H& oats: ivo, 1 whit. 44;f4c; standard, 44l44Vc; No. I white, 44fi44Vio; No 4 whit. 4S'i0', Pariev: MslUng. WHc: No. 1 feed. M4r fcc. Rye: No. I, i.oet.06H; No. , ll.f 51.04. ' CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVIIOX Fawtare ( tka Tradlas Closing Prices Board of Trade. CHICAGO, June 16. Flattening out of the export trad had such a bearish ef htot Miv that wheat fell as low as 11.00 a bushel, September delivery. The mar ket developed Dut lime power w reaoi. mA m uliAiiih .tnede at the finish, was IVfiZHo to ICao undsr last night. Corn Closed Vttrio nown, oais ranging- mini 14TlSso deollne to 4c advanoe and pre vLjiona at a rls of lva to ta.. It seemed plain even before the start thnt Europeans had taken an attitude of Indifference toward wheat supplies at present front th United Btates. Liver- fieol quotations were sharply lower, and t, was said that resale wsr being made In Oreat Britain on a basis of 9n for the Chicago September option, with no allowance regarding tha position of ex change. Th result was that when the market bars opened It was difficult to say whether the longs or th shorts were th most vigorous In pressing th selling side. Btop loss orders proved numerous, and no adequate support was encoun tered until th setback reached the dollar mark. Improved weather for the harvest in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri eeomed to be looked upon aa more thaa an off set to any damage Inflicted, by frost In th spring wheat states. Bulla were further discouraged by tnoreaaed ootmtry offerings of nsw wheat to arrive. Corn reflected th weaJknesa of wheat. Th clearing weather was also a bearish influence. In th cats crowd an active seaboard demand upheld the July option. Other deliveries gave way with wheat and com, Selling of pro-vision wee overdone. A. break resulted from lower prices for bogs, but whsn shorts attempted to take profits th market became bar of offers and there was a quick upturn In values. Closing pnoea on options Artlolsl Open. I High Low. Close. Yes y Wheatl July. opt. Own. July. Sept. Oats. July. Sept. Pork. 1041 04H iH 10vI 1011 1 uz 1 w 1 n 74 ' s 4014 1( 70 17 It i T44 7m TV4J 4SHI 40 July. VI 10 M I2U If 7M It 7iVfc Bept. Lard. n cow 177 11 w 11 J July. Aeot. tt?SJ ta in '.il T, 27 tUyii It Hi be. July. 10 10 10 4B w ao 10 10 TTHI 10 mi 10 50 I 10 47 Hept. ia 4ai Chlosa-o Cash Prices WhsaC No. 1 red ll.li1.13H; No. I bard. Il.lfcrjl.ll. Corn, No. I yellow, im&ioc; No. 4 yellow. 74c. jai. no, s wnite, ivtW-uio; standard. 4W.a4Sc. Ry. No. g. nominal: No 1 1.18. Barley, W4o. Timothy. M.Ooin. Clovr. xs.6o-ufis.6o. Port. U.L UM tw pti. suMiie.t3. BUTTIER Hteady; creamery, 29 17a. BUOaW-lllgher: receipts. 201I eases: at mark, cases Ineluded. WaTn: ordlnarv firsts, liKrto; firsts, 17:4017wC u li K r Alive, stesay; fowls, UHrc. POTATO ICW Ixiwer: old. receipts. M REA L ESATE INVESTMENTS $90,000 I have first-class city Income property, paying II per sert. This I A-l location and on ef the beat bulMluMs In th city. Kill tak good farm or ranch clear up te (0 par cent. Will carry balance mort gage on property. ctv price and legal description In first letlir, otherwise will receive no ttmslder etbm. Address M. Hi, oars be. REAL ESTATE MISCELLANEOUS 6-ROOM BUNUALOW , FOR ONLY 12.660.00 tt CASH. ItAIANCB 126 PKK MONTH. Nloe location, on paved street, con venient to. car una. W. II. GATES, D. 154. 447 Omaha National Bank Pldg. CHAaV. K. WlLLLUdaON (XX, PaxUia Bik. Doug turf. Money to Loan Hav beautiful building lot which I will fuinleh the money and buibl a mode r a house to suit. Bninll first payment; bal ance eu easy mouOiiy terms. B. P. WJtlUUT, Telephones lglaa 'fitai. walnut Cd. How's This One? Nifty modern oottag having aloe re eepttva hall, good-alsed living room aad u ..... pvvua, ,1, V . WW J WH kiU'hen; with pio pantry and entry; two gooo-sised bedrooms and aatbroom up stairs. taady basetneet, with first-olass furnace. South front lot. ea paved street, paving paid. Not far out from buaineaa section. In a nslgliborbood of iKlo i c.r.X-o14 Tvellow 1 ?ar Jvc! NUTf4-Cvco.nuts. M 0 -T bag. No. t l L IS' i I i 1 clnnw California wginuts. Hie per lb. Brsxils. while? .'l carW; NO. I mT.d?5 JW T lb. Filberts, Ifc pe, - lb Int, ..- au7v- b. fM ill,.. Ki-x jr or lb. Almond. 20u pr lb. Bucitr tai va-rmvi a u w gi vj. h e w- t v- good homes. Right pries and eaay terms, Scott and Hill Co., 7 McCsxu Bids Dourlaa vy 'srs; Mlrhifsrt and Wisconsin reds. MI v, white. aV; new. receipts. Is rsrs: Texss Trmmplis. lltWiO: North Csro llna Cobblers, barrels, nMtllt flRMHlt MtKKIT. RX7TTF.R No. I. 1-le cartongt Us; Me, t tuba e. CHK!-"e-lmi.r1ed iwlss, t?c; A Wer. In ewies. c. b.ovk fwts. r; twin. li.ifC daisies, lTVfcc; triplet. 17Hc; Young America. !; blue 'abel bru-k, livy; ll'-baigi-r. 2 1b. inc. New York while. Mo; anported F.-ench Konefort, eV. FISH-Trout. lc; lares crsrples. He: kallbut. channel catfish. lc; herring, lc; e-Hlfl-h, 14,-; mackerel, lie: sslmoa lc PWI I.T FOTATOK Kansss. 13 74 bhl.. Wholesale prices of beet cuts effective April H are as follows: BKF.F Cl'TS-Ktbs: Nil. 1, lc; No IS'r; No. .1. IS'i'", liins: No. L c; No. a. 9'c No. S, lo. Chucks: No. 1, llVtc; No. J, llNc; No. t. lie. Rounds: No. 1. 1': No. 2, lfU No. ,:, 11c. pistes: No 1. Sc: No. f. I4c No. K Vc. POULTRY Bn-bera !IV; spring Thick ens. lo, hens. 14c; co-k, 'tt roosters. Hc: stags, Hi; ducks, hcl gees, loe; tuikeya liIVc; I Igecoe. per doa. (Uc: ducks, full featheied. 10c; fsese. full featbered. t; squabs. No. 1. li.W; No. t. Fruit and vefetaN rflcet fMrnlshed by fnill nnniMkVI Kl rr-Oiags: California Valef. lss. ion. :'4a, " W per bog; California Valsnrlas, llWa W Inclusive, t'.i ner tox. Lemone Extra fsnoy Ool dt Bowl. e pen box: fancy ilver Coi"J. ms, 3is. H W per , lox; fsncv J'istrlte. .Wog. Ml" 1r box. Urapefruit: Celebrated Chass hrand, Us, 1400 per tox; celebrated Chase brand. 4s, UM nee hov Pinssprles: Bxlra fancy tiban. t4e, s ii.iO r' box; extra fancy FloH.lss. , Si. sta. M7s per bo Bsnsnas: Medium Use. 3flrt to per bunch: Jumbo frvlt. CliaaunaU and Pott Llmon, 4c per lb. : rawbefrt'S : Kxtra fa'icr Missouri quarts M. per cass. Decldtiou fmlte: Peaclie, plums and apricots. ".. per bo; cherries, Cali fornia. n VT box:: cberrle riome- f rown. 1136 r-er oase. Cantaloupes: Pony, 4 to crat. $.0 per rrste; W to crate, r0 per crate. Logan berries: California. I3.EO per crate. Red raspberries: Cali fornia, I4.W per crate. VKUF.TABl.F-CHlllfornla new csh ltaga, M to 100-lb. cratee. ae per lb; south ern esbbaae, lM-lb. gross crste, I1; per lb. Head lettuce, $1.00 per dog j leaf let tuoe. 40c per do, peppers, Wc per basket. Tomatoe, U K per crate. Onions: Cry stal wax. California. l.r per crate: yel low Tekaa, 1. per erste. Rhnhsrb, HI 4c per lb. Oelerv tl.1l Per doe. Wa snd sreen beans. 11.00 per basket. Potatoes! Minnesota white, Tuc per bu.; new, Texas walnut dates, I.N per box. Peanuts; No. 1. raw, n per lh. ; No. J. roastvd, lc per lb.; Jumbo, raw, ee ps lb. ; Jumbo, roasted, 10c per lb. MlHCKLIaANF.OCB Nhellsd pepoom. 48 per lb. Craokerjack. $3.80 pr case, IT ler H case. Limes. ii.7 per basket. Checkers, II.M per case. . New York 0ara Ifarket. NKIW YORK. June 15.-auOARRsw, sleedy; centrifugal,; molasses, 4.Uo. Refined, steady; . cut loaf, 7c: orushed. g.HOc: mould A. gbfic: cubes. i.Soc: pow. deid. XXIX. llMti; powdered, ijoc; fine granulated. I.IOo: diamond A, I.HV; confectioners' A. 6o; No. 1, s.ttfic. Futures wsr steady early today, and at noon prices were about unchanged from yester dtri closing BUTTKR-tfteady; receipt. ,ll tube; craamsry. ex It as. (SO score). 3sff?K'aa: creamery, (hlglMtr scoring), Sbao; firsts, rzc'yic; seoontis. t4a;etc. KOOa Btesdy; reoelpts. Il.asl oases fresh gathered, extras, r-g.Jk:; extra firms, .VtjJlo; firsts, IPtlJocj seconds, 17WiHHc; nearby hennery, whltea fine to fancy, setjUOL nsamr hennery, browns, 2jy:lfC7J"W,. CHEESE UnsetUsd: . recelpta 14.BM boxes; ststs, whole milk, fresh, twins and riats, specials, 14H914H; gam, avsrag fanci-. l.t4fl4o: POULT UV Live, iinsettlsd; no quota tions. A'reesnq, quiet: western rrosen rosntlng chickens, Wy!2n: fresh fowls. lHJ'iio; iresn turkeys, icea, itX(Ti'. i i , 1 t Kansas City drala aad Previsions. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June II. WHEAT -No. I hard, tl.l44j1.llH: No. I red, ll.lfl l i ; July, mhc; be pie m tier. 4c; uecem ber. f7Vo. (JOKK-Ne; I mlasd. Tl4c; No. I while Tin; No. I yellow. 74: No. I. 7Mf7sW; July, 70o; September, ioi . December, OAT No. I a-fclte, 4Mr464c; No. mixed, 41j4Jc. BUTTER Creamery, Vc. firsts. Bo; seconds, no; parsing, iifo. Kooa-Flrsts. 17c ; seconds, lA4e. POULTRY -Hens, lie; roosters, . so broilers, WjI0c. Wsather la the VwwAm Belt. The weather eoDtlaaee wnseaunably coot throughout tha onrn end wheat belt, and freealna temueraturea war reuorded In North bskota' this morning. Mains eo- currea in ail dtsi riots end were, heavy In th eastern portion. Falls of oa Inch or more occurred as Tollowa. In Ohio, Canton, 1.10; Clrclevlll and Oranvltla. 1 W; Columbus and Homerset. 1.10, In nr.. vr . .. T, i. , aa , . , v ni iiinviiuuig, A.w, An in" otana. I'amcrtciga t ity, l.tu. in Kentucky, faaucan, i.w; nneiDyvnie, 1 L. A. WLLBH. Local Forecaster. I , MtaBapll 4rala Market. 14 INNEAPOLIW, If nn.. June 1. WHEAT July. I1.14SI Bept SB, ber, H.0lSt9; .'NO. l n era, no. i northern, 1Ultlfl.l2Ti; No. I northern. LllWiJl.. yiAJUrv uncnangeo. 11ARLKY ftSliesc, KYaV-el.mi.l2, BRAN-fil.60. CORN No. I yellow, eugee. OAT9-NO. I whit, eltJHoVc j FLAJO-eXr?a'1.7t. . Leal Orata Market. BT.-LOUI". Mo., June 18.-WKAT-Ne. I red, xt.iflt.i; wo. x hero, iLUtraJH aui. u... V Kjrt. CORN No. 1. 74o; No. I white, 7lo July. 73'AwTlo: Reptembar. TlVfco. OATB-Ne. I. 44Ho: No, I white, Ut I,f verpool Orw.1 Mwktt, LIVERPOOL. June 14 WHKAT Fpot No. 1 Manitoba, llsld; No. t. lis il; No. s, iisia; no. i gtonnarn muuin, usee No. t hard winter, lis id. COKN-ewi AmencaM mixed, nw, fg, ) Caffe Market. NEW YORK", Jtme lfl OOFFRK-Th iHiket for coffee future was very ouie today with pne rullrw sllehtlr klsber on a little buying which sppeared to b promised by the advance of W in the rat of Rio exhange on London aiui th continued teadlnesM of ths orlmarv msrket. The ouenlna was unchanged tn points nigner ana tne market close. at a net advance of 1 to & iKinta. Hmlmm l.trt bags; June, July, t vie; August e ec; eepiemoer, e iwo; icunr. s.ftftc rovember. Sane; December, Imc; Jan uary, l.soe; Feiiruary. i.t0ui March, I.Wc Anril. 7.01c: May. 7.06c. Boot, steady; Rio No. 7, 7v Ran to No. 4, 4, Into. Cost and freight offera were somewhat Ii regular, but generally stead arui in ooinparaiiveiy man volume. Mllrels prices In brasll were unubangei I St. Leal Lie Stack Market BT. LOUIS. Mo.. June 16. CATTLEV- Rocelpta. I.OuO head; market higher: na. Uv beef steeis, 17 UyhH.ib; yearling steers and heifers n.wt : cows, ss oufTT eoj siuckers and feedeis, K Outie.- southern steers, gu&.6; cows snd heifers, 14.01 u w. nativs calve. a'OArloui. HOQ lleel,ts, .) head; market lower; pits and lights, H.u7.; mlxe and butchers, f7.ti.i; good heavy, I7.A0 BUEBTP AND LAM BB-ReceltHs, 3.TO hea4; msrket tower: clipped native mm toue, te AWie.fiO; clipped lambe, H.ftfi.D0 spring ismBs, 7.ZMrie.. Kaaaaa lUr Lire llssk Marks., KAN0A8 CTTY, Mo., Jurvs 1I.-CATTIJ5 Ksneliits, t.ttnt h"l; market steady prim fed steers, le.utfHlfel; dressed beef steer. f7 tps;0 : western etrers. 7 "J ev: stociters ana ret-aers, stl.(x-rtl.BJ; bulls, HOti.1 lOtcelpts, 14. lted; market lower; bulk of sale. 7 li.j7 40; hvy 17. 267. at: packer and but. -hers, 7.1fr0 1.40; llfrht. 7iy7.46; pigs, M.lf.S, HHUI' ANU LA MIkJ Rooeli'ts 14 0(4 yearling. 17 BfKoO; ' wethers, 0jti.'S ewes. HUtt . f ' - llsit Cttr Live ttaak Mark. 81 OCX CITY, la,. Jua la. CATTHfl RshHas, l.evit heed; market loo lower; narlv steers, l.tttu 00- butchers, T 7r,; '" an4 heifer. 14 oannev. K 00 : ralvee,; bulla, atas, tio., to 'A. HuOii Receipt. head: market to lower; heavy, f7.Ke7.; toned. 7iKil7 10; light. M3; bulk of ssles, 17 .Un) MO. tHl!,lP ANU LAMU-.Not quoted. M.... I bWt IV. A&AkM ,1. . II. OMAHA L1YEJT0CK MARKET Cattle EcipU Lro Off and the Price Goi Vp Tenrlinp Brim Nine Dolalrt. SHEEP LOWER THAN MONDAY "OCTH QMAHA. Juns IS. 1ft S. Receipts were: Cattle, l'ogx. Sheep'. Offl-lal Mender 4 H 1.114 Vi1 Kstlmate Tuee.1sy .... , . 1T Two davs this week, f.fl 14 414 Psme tiers last week. I SM 17, M7 f.r'l Hume davs I wks. sea. fxvl Psme ilevs 1 wks. sge W HT 1 4 . J Ssnie dsys 4 wks. ago.ll.ts .4 7.T: 8ame day laat year. .8C. lf.Ifl . Th following tW shows the receipts of est tie. hogs snd sheep St the Pouth Omaha llv etork market fo- the year to date, a compared ' h lest year: li I. ldi Inc. Dec. cstn eh.7w r.t.'U fA.wi Hogs 1.3.ti1 2iari Sheep fM.(4 l.tril.TM Th fniiwih ht ahnws the aversgs price for hogs at th oth Omaha llv oca market for the Inst lew aaye, wn ompsiisnns: ' Dst. tii. iii 4 . ftii . i ij'i a . : i 1 1 I wi-1 1"-. Vs IV 31.1 7 C.v I 6f I 7 ri k 7U Ml J M 5 aissi8.:Jiiti i I June un un 4 sura I 04 I tl 5 M I W ' .1 un I 1 un is, ei. una V TSfllTH ' 7 ill. III'. 2 7 i::lH T Oi I en1 ,i 1 40 "Iff, un June I un 1" un 111 i Q t M; i J7 1 1 kh J un Ul 7 r7l I Oti Ml t lii ?i, T.w un 11, e I ft aflj I tv f ll I 7 g , ,, un 14 7 H'k I Wl 7 V I 7J! !7 J M .ins lI 7 nV I 08 I 7 tv. I W. M T! llundav. CATTT.Wrtecelnls drnnrved off efcarply his nioinlna, th supply being only a lit is over half as large ss on Mnndsy. Kut ham w mill. little imnr ivnnl in the g-nersl . character of the receipts Ther was also som Improxement In the market, at least as far as tne gooo i rliol.u, rlt of all aelshts were con cerned. Local tMckers all seemed to hav fair orders to fill and tne-e w. ..,liln i-omnetitnn. SO that With fewer cattle to pick from the movement via decidedly more active tnan on y enlar. Cholo yearlings sold up around liui anrf nrlir.e h..v tvatll brought ftei, the hulk cf the fair to good beeves s-IUng around ll.afa SO, end the common to fsir h"lf fgt snd grssty kinds any where from T.Bi HV Th latter as tiai ware vr uneven nnd vncertala sellerU snd this condition will likely con tinue for sent tin;. Quotations on cattle: flood to cnoic yearlings. SKM t0; good to cholc corn fed beeves, lUts, fsir to good corn fed befves, S.t 40: common to fair eorn fa.1 beeves, f.e.l; good te choice heif ers,; good to rholce 00 wg, eti.SO 7 M; fair to good eows, 6.ftctr4i.Ki; eom- mr.n to. rsir eows, s w. goom 10 cl-oice storkere snd feeders. l7.a;7e.W; fair to good Blockers and feedera, ir.t 7.W); common to lair stociters sna ineaers, 00r7.(rt; stock bslfere, l.S7.00; to-k cows, sr.7M).TIi: stook raive, veal calves, II.OO41 lit. 60: fat bulls, stsgg, etc. 'I.07.; stock bulls, t6,4J7.. , RepreuenUttvs sales: BKT.r 8TKKRS. Ke. A. Pi- Na A. Ft. 14 , 711' 1 Tt I4....M......11M t ft It ri is 14.,.. sin 1 g II. 14.... ...lloO I 00 ,.,.1011 ... IOT1 III ,...lml I w 11 1KSS i m )"H st il ... 14.... 44 .If I 7 IT.... lsi4 I 71 1"4 I St '"BT:r,ns anp Hriir'fciia. I. ....... 141 7 TI II I'M I 44 I wT 1 tie I ia 1 11 14 tH4 I 14 II I ee 41 ... M M ... Ill l"l ... 414 I 44 ...11K4 T ... II 4 M ...lent I M ...I'M IS ...111 T 44 ...t-e t is 14 I ..,.1104 I IS f ....... COW. .... 171 4 II I t .....fno 4 44 I ....... T 1111 I 74 4 ..., M I Tl 14 , aei 11 , iwr 4 it 1........ , HI 1 4 1M 4FI HBlFEnK, 717 I II I HI IN , 1....... ....... 114 I H 1 BULLS )4 I II 1 ...... .use 1 71 " !:..... ..."....Mil I 14 , CALVRI. 411 I IS 1 T. II.. I.. t., .124 Ik .1fe ,W IN .tire let' .11 I TI . 4.. II.. I., I.. I Ill I 7 1st ll at I..... ....... 14 IS 1. I 1!0 t 44 STOCK EKM AND FBIDBRB. I 41 4 ta If 444 I W , HS 1 IS HoaaRei'elrts aei nioderat for a Tuesday, about lJ0 cars, or ,i0 head, being reported 1n. - Total for th two day is is.411 heau, ever l.uuo smaller man Isst week and ,frU0 short ot Isst year. Shippers took another big whack at prloea this morning, demanding and In most case getting a concession uiai amounted lo about 10c. Tfcey purtrhased th bulk of their hogs at M0f7.l0, with a few ss htrMas 17. E.. the day's top, and a idlma undsr yesterdays nest rruis. A n okel suree oovsred th bulk or today's packer drove, most r lee being mads at I7.0MJ"T.10. "f oours ther was a fair showing at even monsy with a sortnkllna under tne hllL ana a aune a few shipper moved around 17.1(1, th wide bulk wss Quoted at, -with th top at IT A. Tne tenaj-al trails was Isrgely IjSflOo lower. Shipper - sales showed a full dims deollae, but killers, with a tew exceptions, wer not over a nickel lower. There Is still a very un friendly feeling towsrds ih havy kinds. even of good quality, ana wnu in weightier butchers er moving a littles mors freely, heavies are still a dr: on ths trad. Horn of today's shipping orders oalled for butcher weight kinds, and th competition that they furnished srvad to ilvsn up the trade la that auar- ter a littla Represents tlv sales: Ka Av. na, rr .... irt I Tl ... tao W 4 44 4 I 41 ...a m 1 h ,.4U ... 14 ....HI IIS 1 44 ....Itl 4 1 4 ...II ... 1(4 40..., M la t m ... I ... t Ik H II ....a 11 ten te... rsnfciiut" it was long altar mlciday whsa ta bulk ef tha uunb sold yaeisr day, but pocjiars refused to buoa aa Inch, and when sellers finally casnea in li wsa at prion tnat wer ai wwi lower a bota spibigats and oilppera Th Caiiliuia awla lambs moved at II, with fed shora ato-a seiitiur at is.. W hll stii'Piis wsr not so lsrg today, packers lasts led ea knottier decline and, a Uiey were all bidding In about tne earn ooteuss, S-Uis luul lltll t-pstio i do anytlilng but ant loos at buyers' figures, whloli Wer around Sbo lower tiiaa yesterday, bulk of th spring movsd txxlsy at f'-IM, which means thnt tney are liU-s-l 40 under last week's cioee. Ther wer Bo clippers of cons- uueno uetw today. Thar, wer two more load of the Idaho yearling hare today, and whll the taps of th two buuen went to a killer at 17. uu. th big and sold to a teedsr bu)r at Is. 30, or lust o under yester1sy s figure. Buppnies of swe wer limltod to a few odd bunch, and ss most ef them earn in wliu Iambi titer were selling at prices that are hula different . from last week' close, best kinds still bringing KC. RaoeliHa wer estimated at sevsu ears. r I.10 bead, srvl th two days' sopply totals IJV head. This la 1.4UU laager thsn last week snd nearly twh' ss Urge as two weeks ago. but Is about short of last year. Quotatkous on ahsep and lambs : I aim be, good to choice, 14 "frvii1, lambs, felr to Ad,'; lamb, spriug. Ivtrtry I uo: ewes, good te bob e, V, Mfl.00; we, fsir to good. 44.frt to. Reprwssntativ seiee; A''. . 10 . ) . II . Ilk Pr. 10 00 uo 1 to I 76 lt aativ sprlner lambs. t native spring lambs. i eull Is nibs ., II cull ease Chicago lira stock marksst CalUe eteadi Hagj Weak skeeg . Weak. nilOAOO. Jun Ik O A.TTL& R-ot-tpLs, bead: market steady; nauv beef steers. d.eWs ; weal.i n iiaari, a.siils.l0: rows aad halfers, fi aau-all; eaJve. 17 tb('19 tf. : UvaJd Kax-elpts, 11,000 bead; xoitrbet veeak to kiu lower; bulk of sale, f! J 7.46; light, r.a.4: mixed, 7 K(1.i; heavy, 4.kt&1, rough, 4C.ewje.tgS:. pigs, X avt-r v ailKr.r AND LAMH8 Rslpts. I.M heed: markar weak: aheen. U 7;-1 'o; -lambs, flvr' spring lambs, ,.Jti wa. ar. aa. rr, Tl Ml f STUj r. r iwi 1 1 4T h us i la 44 1 ... J 11 J 14 4 i 14 ii i ... t n NEW YORK STOOK MARKET Further Depreciation In Foreign Ex change Feature of Set- . ion. NEW LOW RECORDS ARE SET , ( . XKW YORK. June IV In II broader and more substantial sspects todsy, fur ther depredation In foreign exchenge with nea- low records between this en ter snd Ixinrlon and Paris o'ltwelglied all other financial developmcnte, leniS4id sterling declined 4.7SS. egajnst tits pre. vlous low record of 7714; and French checka on demand bills on Peris sold al R.WSi. a break nf IS front th prwvmti record. other continental exchange, wit the sole exi'eHlon of Amsterdam, wss weak, but did not duplies!, recent reeord quv tatlons. although remltfnnces on Roms fell to within the smallest fraction of thslr minimum. KVtshllnhment of thee records Is the more enomalmis fir.m the fact thst snother consignment ef I2.fvi, 0o gold was received from Canada, snd n sddttlonal iM.i4 of the metal was soeulred at Tnkto for immediate ship ment te this country. BtiM'Us moveil confratlly throughntit the session, wsr shares making! further gelns. whll representative Issue, pr tlmilsrly the rsllwsr division, were Ir regular when not hoax y. WesMnghouse K.lectrlo wss the leader from start to finish, transactions In thst stock fur out stripping any ether lesie with a maximum gain of four points, inhere In the same class ros one to three points, but. lost ground In the tster dealings. ' Reading's hesviness. together with other snsres In the international grotrp. was associated with the sbmr ia a cbsnge, which was reported to ha-e rsused a recurrence of foreign selling of tbeee Issues. Coppers wra eaempt. from the pressure Which becsme more general st th close. Total sales amounted to . 4K7,Oin shares. Resumption of dividend by the Orartby llinlng company oftered a further evi dence of betterment In th copper In dustry, lsrg sales of the refined metal being again reported at !t'1 cents. Lead held atesdy at lis asw ht-h price ef I cents, end advances frnsn leading steel centers quotsd manufacturers of wlree and bsrs ss refusing enter ror immedi ate Unlivery- except at en eavano over current prloea. The bond mrRt wa lrrecuiar. wna weakness In som of the ooavertlble cup per Issues Total sales, par value, aggre gated H.Oll.CKW. inited eitatee Don as were uaegsagaei on call. Ntnnler of ssjes and leading auotauoRg on slocks wer ee follows: . gstee. Hte. bew Alaaks C1I4 .. - . "' jr Aml(SRMt4 Ctorvee .... 14 Tl TV AiMrt,e (MM vugtr.,.. s. m ee mHnia Cu U. 4f " Amtriias g. a R.. ...... "i ' n Am.rlraB g. a, .... 6 J! Jrr'n 1J AsieHrea gssar lUnslsg J. no's '"" 1 mrir T T Te i? l?t'e in ImriMil Tntieene ...... 1e toy, AweonAa MlBlsg V. 'H "V aicmwi i.v im tt i'- RllMM Al Oht ...... l.M 14 14w V llrnolilfs Rir Tnul.,... ....... ..... Hi California Pstmlsum 11 CassStan Parina ... 0airal lelbat .... flimptaka A Ohio.. CtllraeM. (It. Waat... fhtrato, a t m. r Chiraao X. W Cblna Oefiper riln4e rval In foloTSdo a aouUiera . i.v-e Htae I'1 ik , I M l mt . t.aed 44 Stt t.v) 1 n'i ltt Ve 41 41 411 e is m imv' ,. la tu, s . 1.4S0 14 at 4 . ...... ,, IS Tianrer m R O ...,. llanrtr A ft. O. tfi 11 Di.tlllara- aacerlttes .... ire so JC fine I"S r a4 lH Gtel gtatrte lee 11 iv r, Uraat Nortbara yet, it 1114 1111, tlraal Northars rm atni ( tee lit k St Ullrlanatm gtiplerattea. Isa SH4 a'4 Ulln.rta (atm ,. ; lntarborougtt-Mat M.... IN 74H T T liavlrattan oear , I t 4a is i Intarnstlnnal HrraatT., ..... k. O. Houlhars Laliish Vall.y IPS lati lM, 111m Ulavllle a Naahtllle.. ii U" II" 1T Hnkia Paeam ..... '!. T-4 Tla 7S Miami Ifeeaer aim 7 1 . rn a 7 U 11 11'. I.4S4 11 M lit. y.o.. Kan. Tea..,. Mlaanurl raniftr .... Nations! Dimit .... Nallonal la4 ...... Navaaa topaar New York t'eotrtl... N. T , N. H II.. Narfnik Wanera.. Mantiara Pselfie ... Parlfia Mall Paririn Tel A Tl... Pannaylvsnts rullaas Palsae Car. iut 1 5l ' M l.oei i 14H ik too. n l;w . t:4 m 4'it ' M NO ll 147 ir ..... fl 1 lios tat ieat im .... ! IN 1S4 11 ..... (MVS ' tSH IS Har a. tfcoyar, HaaStng ai.e J K. Irva A Htasl ., 4ta lH Ituak lalao tV ,., Rank ImiM Co. ftA .. . u a a. F. M ill ," ...... ,... ..... (.wi 'irn 'rrii 11 ae w ia i'-i (.est ut n iw ..... 1! , aaie v iru J';. K.lfl A'U S Vxitbara rn'tfla . ... aomhera Railway .... Taaaaaaae aeaer .... T'aaa Onaipaar t nln Paoifld ........ t'nlos r&riita sea..,. t I1ir4 glatae AtMl. 1 lilted kuias Mtaet gtd. J"-4 t I'lah Ooeaar 4 S, 'S K Wahaak t1 ........... H" n WMra Unian . 4 sail 4- r. Waiashoaae Slaatri.... I.4WS ti 114 i1. Moouuis Pwr ., , ,,. Sli Tuial sales lor tss oar. trr.aos Itiw Terk Masusa Maskct. w.n Tnnir t,.n. is pwiur xi irw- CAXTLM PAKR S'f,u!t per eent. bTEHLIiNd KXC11ANUF, Pix.ty-aay bill. I4 74-. rt tan and. 4.ii rab, Ik.'it. R LLV Kii iar, icj . Mauan uuilaus. HONr-iMvfiiiusirt, steady: rariroad. Irresula. 1 TIMK loans Kaar: sixty-fler etus. mtjiVi per cent; ninety daya HVswU Per cent! six month, stS3tt per et. CALL MONEY btsady; hlrbeert. per osnt; lowest. 11a per oent; ruiin rat, 14.' per rant; last loan, s per emi; ateo&sg bid, 1 pse nt; affsrad at pep Leiadea glawlt Marbel, ' laONDON. June IS. -Amnrti-ia .-iifreeia opened a shads under prt'f. P-iiTr.J-ts was extra mely llgiit throuarbsuj; th see. glon and the olosina- was dull. rilLVlTt Pr. "4 per traiwt, MONRY IJ-IH per "- 1)1HXUNT RATt-.ri exhort bill. V,-e4 cent; thre monUia, 1 par oent. ' Cattaa Stark. NBTY TO a, June 1. m"ON e( , quiet: middling uplacds, I tna; ri ai-a. Futures spoiled steady; July, l.r-Or;; Ov tober, lo IX'-envber, V.iun; Jansery, lO.iao; March, M.47o. Th cettoa market closed steady at a bet advance of I to 11 points. Futures closed steady; Ju'y, t Oc tober. 1.15c; iernber. "- firarr. 10rc; March. lO.Jlo. LI VKH1-X L, June IA, (X-rTTON-eeij steady; good midiUlug. IsVl; iw-: , 117(1: low middling, asvo. Uu i,.. balsa. I ' ' Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jun U.-M IT 1 1--1 1. 17 0 btd. Copper, quiet; lertroirtio, -lit A) . Tin Bt..d-; I and -t.m 4 ?r, bid. Iron aulet and uiicbnJ. At l- -d'jii: Spot copper, mjj; futures, 11 be . eleotroiytlo, m-n. 8;h. tLo, rt Zt i tu roe. AlHe 10m. AntlnKiny, eiivXA. taad, AiT 17s 4J. bpelter, U'X I. Jeaagh Llv aiawk Market. BT. JOi?MFH, Us., Jun 15.-CATTUI-Re-vtpts, l.xot nsad; inaraet lower, f7().u: cows ai.-d bailer. li,4.a, H-3.Ml hCKiJ 1 pts, l.lie bad; lower, packers doing iwthln; fer. ,.; BliBfc.P AND LAM 1h 4tneoia I . hesd. market lower; lamba, etv.iO.OI. . Dwr Caaaa MsvrkaX.. NBW YORK. June. II, DRY Oron.W Ther wss more scilvlty m m-n a am toduy. Cotton gooiis qtilet. luk wa firm end weak goods and white g-x-e wer in steady rUeat for pr mot. Bi, ( knent. Yarns ware qulot. biia wfe jllHBI. VOU llHUVia MM... " 1 tiotn m Hon i t'aH Rlag roitj, Splint, Curb, am,. t trouble aiiQ pet Iumss) gmii-.g guuej. Doe) not tuatsjg 04 .'-.we t:a ttaur and bora caa k vnniii. 1 17 in pamphlet with tu b ' tv. tirmm. gl.lMl a lotlil 4l..,.i,.i. U) Ilorae Book K. t a - aJ3SOIiriNE. JiL. anuev-j?tic S tar gaaaiiu,L Jtnluc lar. f-l 1 Urfcd Oisad, Goitre, Wt-, J -.s,' 1 coae Ve'na,Vricoities,ic'.aO.J i A .'-r Faia. V. Ul tell foil not ii ywi sn . a. j ' ft i 2 a bottl st doalrrs cr 4c .. L i 'KviiIct;, fce. Hti',,..i.rtl tr 1 ' if B,VvBs.r,-4.Jnwitit...-, .v. -.-4.