Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Page 11, Image 11

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St. Louil .Defeti. Brooklyn Wail
Boston Loies to the Chicago
, .V. CnMeti.
ST. LOUL3, June 15. Py defeating
nrooklyn. 4 to t. today, the Boston team
bavins; lost to CMr-aeo, th Bt. lul Ns-
llonal took third plat In the le;u
standlnr. Brooklyn scored two-run tn
tli second Inning oh two slnale and a.
doubt. Th locale, however, went ah
In th fifth Inning by. timely hltttar ant
by taklnx dvnt of Brooklyn' error.
After th second Innlitc Bailee allowed but
two hit., floor: ' ' '
BROOKLYN. . '. PT. IfClrt .
ABunie - AB. HO. A B.
ivM.ra. e,. 4 1 II lBnrtrr. ... I J 1 I
.. t V tpwnw, n-. o - -
1 9W 1 r. 3I.. 1 v a l v
twiNra, f.
a srwiian. rf
Mwnk ef.
nwihart. lh. 4
it Mil
I.WhMl, It 4 1
MWartr. . I I
Ximrman, rf I 1
Oolt. tt ,.. 1 ' I
HuiimI ... t 1
Appletoo. a 0
1 1 I
t ht.h, i I J
1 BtMl, lb... 4 J J
18nrtac. ... I I I
I OSallM.
Total. ..
a iir ""
10 0 9 0 0 0
J l a
i ....! IMU I
Batted for Dell In eighth
nrnnklvn . . . . .0
Hi. Iviula...... 0 0 0 1
Tvo-btm hits; O Mara, slcoartv.
Three-base hit: Humnwl. Stolen base:
Butler, . Earnod run: Brooklyn. L.
Ba on balls: Off Dell. S; off Appteton,
1. Hit: Off Dell, I In seven lnntnt off
-Appleton, a In on Inning- Struck out: By
fjell, 8; by Salle.., . Passed belli Mo
Oarty. Umptrsii Orth and Byron.
. - Oeba Blank iMtoi, .
mflOAGO, June 18. Ojlcago shut out
Roaton. to 0. today. The local bunohed
their hlta In tn encoiid and sixth ' In
nings and scored their run then. Vaughn
pitched well In the plnche and kept the
visitors' hit well squared. Smith made
four hit out of four time at bat. kaght
'Bostonten were aent to th club house
for baiting Umpire Qulgley. They were:
Strand. Mitchell. Rudolph, JsmM, Ever.
-Whaling,. Connolly and Atoran. Score:
: . . soeroN. , cuicaoo.
'thr. If... 1 . H..., 4 i I
lliuuk. th 4 1 0 1 1 Klahar. as.. 4 I 1
n, r.... 4 t KTilMlr. If.. I I
Urolih. b...4 4 t I Zimriua. lb 4 1 I I 1
k.kuK lk. a u a . K..r. ih... 4 1 4
Ma. Of,.. 1 I AWIIIian. C4 t 4 I
kluuill, as 4 I I . drMna&aa, s 4 1 I 1
rm-tu e. 4 1 Irlwlaa. is. f 1 f
Mushw, 4 OVaagba. a.. I I 1 I
oUls ."... "ill I Totals.....! I
Chicago - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
' Two-base hlta Mmmarman, Fltspat
'Hvk, ' Bresn&han. 'Threa-baa hit: Good.
' Stolen banes: Good, Fhelan. -. Enrned
runs:- C'hloaro: 4. Double Play: - fisher
to "Zimmerman to Saier. First base on
errors: . Chloaro. 1; Boston. 8. Base
on bnlls: Off Vaughn, 2; off Hughes, h
Hit by pitched bell: By Vaughn, Schmidt.
Htrucic out: By tiugne. 4; oy vaugnn.
lTm4res: Qulgley ud fcason.
Glsnti Trtsa Reds.
'CINCINNATI. tTune 15 After not fll-
lom'lna a man to reach first base tn aix
Innings. Dale weakened tn the seventh.
Maw Vnrft sconnir six: runs off aix nits.
en error and a base on blls before ho
'wii replaced by Toiwy, who allowed an
- other iun t this Inning. New York won
easily, g to 0, as Tesraau pitched elegant
. ball; allowing only lour Mis. Boo re;
AB.UO.A.K. ; . AB.U.O.A.K
' loader's, of. 4 4 IIVeOibVA It I 14 4 1
Lotwrt. tb... lilt Hrc. ts.. 41114
Doric. Ib... It4 OKHMter. et. I 1 I I
Bumv It... 4 4 0 Oroh, H....l 111
, Ktvtaber. ,ss lit Wwtnr, b. I 0111
. tnsa. rt 4 S I I Ortftit. rf. 4 I I
' Morkla. lb,, 4 111 SCIarks. I 1
Tr. t 4 I VonKlas. Ik I 1111
Umllh. .,. 10t OOina. 1
'Itinw, 4 1 I 41.'). ...., I 1 4 4
i . v Tnwr. ....1-0 I
... Totals. ... IT M ,
. - - - Touts ,.,. 4 XT I 1
' vView. York,,.,; -.u.O 0.0 0 H 7 ,1 ,0-0 I
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-baa hit: ' Lobert, Rabertson,
. Merkle, . Btolen baae: Robertson. Kamod
runs: New York, 7. Double play: Fletcher
to Doyle. Deft on bases: New York, 4:
Cincinnati, a. First base on errora: New
Tork, 1. Bases on balls: Off Tesreau, S;
off Dale, L I HlU: Off Dale, In alx In
4 In three Inning. Kit by pitched ball:
nlngs (none out in, seventh); off Toney,
By Toney, Bnodgrmss. Struck out: By
Tesreau, S; by Dele. I; by Toney, li Time:
1:18. Umpire: Klera and Kmslie.
Davenport Man Wins
First Skat Prize
Burlington Finds
Badwater Does Not
BeliD Reputation
THERMOPOUlS. tvo June 1. (Bp
clsj.) Th BurUngon will b unable to
cperat through train over It Wyoming;
line connecting the Olorado Conthern
with th Northern Taclflo before July 1,
according to the latest estimates of engi
neer who r superintending th work
of repairing the dam&g don by flood
la th jBadwater and other stream ten
day eg-o,' Twenty-three bridge and cul
vert on th Badwater alone must b re
placed, and temporary atrunture cannot
b put In place InsM of the nexti fort
night. A large freight looatnotlv which
went Into th Badwater when a brldg
collapsed, ha disappeared with th ex
ception of th tip of th raoVeataPk, snd
It la probable that no attempt to salvage
It will be mad. ' .
The experience of th Burtlngton with
th Badwater juatlfle th advice given
by old-timers when th road wa ballt
two year ago, that It be carried up th
bench parallel to th stream Instead Of
up th valley.. Tn old-timer Informed
the construction engineer that th Bad
water derived It nam from th fact
tfcat It often rose with such rapidity and
to uoh a height that many Indian had
lost thV H res in th stream.
Th enari Dears Insisted that It vu called
Badwater beoause Its water carried so
mooh alkali. Mark left by ' the recent
flood how that at many - place the
stream rose four feet higher than th
bridge on which th railroad crossed It.
Sixteen Middies
. Now Defendants in
the Exam Scandal
Maiiel'i Hird Hitting- Enable i Hew
York to Swamp Browni in
Final Game.
HBW YORK. Jon 11 MiOsel's bard
hitting enabled 4h'New Tor American
to make It a clean aweep over 8t. Dnuta,
th Yankee taking the fourth gam of
the eerie. Mo t In the third inning
Mattel cleaned the base with a double.
He cam up again with the. full in
th seventh and drove n two more run
with a single, scoring himself on High'
single, v In th eighth he drove Peckln
paugh In with hi fourth hit. A great
one-hand' catch by Ftpj rt Laran fea
tured. Bcore: ..).,
tCT. NBW THIt. '
AB.H.O.A.l. A , H.O A S.
Wwltoi If. . I srVnk. rf 4 I I I 0
Howard. ID. 1 I trHnth. Mills
PniL lb.... Ill IMlnl. n.,1 I I I
O ff.'k.r, rf 4 1 I I ll loo. IV..... 4 I 11 1
W w.immv rf 4 111 tHtK cf. ... I I I 4
Uot. lb... 4 1 I 1 IHutMlt U. I I 1 I
1t.b. . .. 4 14 1 IIoom, lb... 4 114
Svm-ctd. ,4111 rirwneT, .111
iamm. .... I 1 I I Wrfc, ., 4 1 I
rUto ...ja'liill rrtale II r II I
ft. Douls.... 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1-4
New York 0 0!000ll-0
Two-bsf hit i Msleel, Deary, Pecklrr
peugh. Three-baa hits: K. Walker, O.
Walker, ftolen bases: Shotton H), Mnl
el. Earned runs: New York, ; Ht
Ixxilt, 4. First base en errors: New
4: o(i Jamea, 4. Hit bv rltched bell: By
ny war nop,
ANXAPOI43. Md., June IS. The court
of inqutry Investigating Irregularftts n
Karntnation at th naval academy an
nounced today that In view of testi
mony, particularly that by Opremander
Traut, head - cf th . modern language
department. Midship G. D, Prio. of
wt Virginia and R. J. Walker
Pennaylvanla, member of th' former
eoond cites, had been mad .defendant.
It wa apparent; from their examination
paper. Commander Treat had testified.
that they had had unfair help In the
form of advance Information.
These two addition mm
br of defendant to sixteen. -
Evidence was offered today that the
wa k tendency to show material dlffr
enc in th value of Information given
to midshipmen in das room Ty instruc
tor in venous section ptrrfulng th
am our of atudle In th modern
language department
Admiral Fullam In a letter to th court
today aacured that body that he would
respect It suggestion regarding advic
to prospective witness from among th
midshipmen. He ald Uiat in new of the
Insinuation mad by counsel and Infer
ence which might b drawn from new
paper asoount he stood ready to appear
ueior th court to mak an exiaaatlon.
PEORIA. Hi., Jun 14.-B. F. Oatamann,
Davenport. la,, wa declared winner of
th first pris at the eighteenth annual
:ongreBj of th North Amerloan Skat
league, which closed here today. He re-
ueivad a prix of 11.000 In cash. Oetamann
won twenty five games, losing one, for a
new score of twenty-four games won and
coring , J7 total pcnU, J. H. Eden.
Clinton. 1, won 'eco. rrrlxe. The 1916
( convention was awsrdeu wt. Paul.
y 1 aa A a. s a aaa a bi iw
, IATIIiU lli UtRUUt
rAIRBURT, Neb., Jim 14. Special
TTetegrasu.) Th fat 'oft the Falrbury
State leagu baa bail team will h de-
mm M ' .1 .0 -1 1 . A 1 W .
uaea m a nreecina o& 11 Vi wmt'ii
m th Commercial olubi-oom. President
Crawford arrived bom today from Hast
iing, where he held a conference with
v Preddent Miles in regard to rearranging
th supplementary schedule.
At A meeting of th directors last week
11 wae unanimously decided not to abide
" by th new. supplementary schedule,
owing., to Falrbury being discriminated
agalnet in favor of other team, the
Fourth of Ju4y gam being taken to Nor
folk after extensive arrangement had
already been mad for the gam hsre,
nd twelve game grouped here, com-
menclng June 81.
Schedule-Maker Richard Orotte of
Omaha agreed to let Falrbury have'.
ftunda'y game here with Beatrice on June
JO, but It Is understood the director will
aK lor.otner concession or asa ior ine
return of thir forfeit money and with
draw from the circuit.
. i !
roast Leagar.
. At Salt Lake City: R H E.
Venice 4 .
Halt Dak City I 14 i
Hutterles: Che'he. Piercey and Mitxe; C.
Williams and Hannah.
At I .oa Anneies: : K.H.E.
Kan f'ram tbco 6 0
Um Ang-.;e JS 8
liatteiies: Tauma and Block:' Dove and
Mo .
At Pah Fraru?isco: R.H.K
Poitlajid 1 0
Oakland JU 0
Hatterlna: Covuleskie and Fisher; Boyle
and fcllloit.
State Sunday School,
Convention Brines
Crowd to Broken Bow
. BROKEN BOW, Neb., 'June 15. Spe
cial Telegram.) Th forty-elgtith annual
convention of th Nebraska ettat Sunday
acnooi association convened her tht
morning for three days' session.
in. nrt days registration show
nearly a thousand delegate fn attend
The state chool parade took place at
: o'clock with about 1,000 people In line,
tne paraa being composed of floats.
children afoot and mounted on Shetrand
ponies, delegates from over the state and
A fin program wa given at the after
noon session and th big lent wa filled
to its capacity.
Among the prominent Sunday school
workors already here are John D. Alex
ander of Chicago, superintendent of th
International - Secondary division; Dean
C. B. Aehcraft of th United Brethren
college at Tork; President J. 8. Dirk of
Crete and eUorge Q. Wallace of Omaha,
chairman of th executive committee.
Falls City booster came on a special
train. . '
Tuesday night pageant I 'a spectac
ular missionary pageant, "Two Thousand
Mile for a Book." given by the Winne
bago Indian, assisted by local talent.
Th boy scouts are of great assistance
In acting as guides. ' " . ,
Large Crowd Sees
Trotters and Pacers
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. June 1&.
((Special , Telegram.)-rTh first day of
th three daya' lac meet being held at
th driving park In this city as at
tended by a large crod today. Th'l be
ing Nebraska City day, all of tho tore
were closed. It 1 estimated th attend-
auoe was ,G0O. . . -
win nunarea ana: twenty horses are
her from all over th country, and th
track 1 fast.- Summaries:
Pacing, 1:17 ClaaaP.ilsllo Patenter of
Rio Lake, Wis., flrrt; Allitor of
Thomas, Okl., second. Time, 1: !'., 3:li;.
and :W4.
Trotting, I Class Aubrey O. of
Trenton. Mo., first; Christy CWnie of
Wyoming, III., second. Time, 8:254, 1:1.
Paclny. 4 II Claae-AxcybetU of Road-
nouse, in., first; lial i. of I'homaa, O.,
and Trlxl Be of Wichita. Kan., syut
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
DINCOLN. June 15. (Speclal.)-Dieuten-.
ant Governor Pearson passed through the
city today on hi way hom from attend
ing tb national meeting of lieutenant
governor held last week at Chattanooga,
Tenn. ' '
Only about a dosen were present and
a commute of five, of which Mr. Pear
son was chosen chairman and O'Hara of
nilnoU. Arnold of Ohio, England ef
West Virginia and Hill of Tennessee are
the other members, was appoiuted to ar
range a meeting again next year.
BeanlBMtea Wlsi frm Jbsi Deere.
BENNINGTON, Neb., June l. (Spe
cial) Bcrmlnirton defestd John Iere
plow con-'imuy, I to 1. The pitching of
Wesley Baker, who utruoji out fifteen
nir.n and ailowod tao lit la featured. Red
Peterson alsu pitched good bail. Score:
Bennington .0 1000000 11 4 1
John Uwt .1 0000000 0-111
lttsrtre: Bnnlugton, Wesley Baker
and Peterson; Juhn Iw re, Red Petersca
and HonKy.
RJ n Kuita (issue.
PHU .ADfc I.I'HIA, June 15. Ths Detroit-!
I i. lliihiB Amricitn )ejfi gain4
ii cel. xi ml ' end of the fust half
of the third Inning tooay hi-o a Ibundir.
lor in broke our tns bail !K. 1 lie
rr at H at tlina 4 1 to 0 In lavor of
i'ti'.ludciphla.. Scure:
The adcertlaed store 1 always lu the
spot -light and It offering must stand
U test. And, uexally, they do.
Struck out:
a, Umpires:
van and
Rrmklar mm Pkrsaaey Bard.
DINCOLN, Jun 15. 8Dclal.)-The
State Pharmacy board met this morning
and appointed Senator' Will Brookley ef
Edgar a a member of th State Board
of Pharmacy ecretarie to fill th place
of President Earl Harper, whose time
will soon expire. The appointment I for
f!v years, ; :
Negro Taken from
Sheriff by Mob
D1TT1.E IUXK, Ark, Jun U. Roy
Hsley, th aegr who on Saturday ahot
and hilled Roy Lester, a well known
young planter of Lafsyett oounty, was
taken by a mob from fcherVPf Boyett of
llempelead county today and hanged In
th woods between Hope and Louisville.
Th mob nearly X strong, overtook th
sheriff while he was fat his automobile
driving) toward DltUe Rock to place th
negro in th penitentiary for ami keep
ing. Haley wa delivered to Sheriff Boyett
by Sheriff Jackson ef Ifrette eounty,
who captured him yesterday. After being
Chated twenVy mile by severs I automo
bile filled with rltlsen. Jackson eluded
hi pursuer 'and arrived at Hope. The
mob learned that th negro wa in Jail
there and, eoeral rtxire oar wer com
mondeered In th rush to th Hemp
stead county at.
Sheriff Boyett started In hi own car
NEBRASKA CITT. Neb.. Jun lS.-(jPp-clai
Telegram.) Jt Carpenter of
Omaha, who I to glT biplane flight
for three day at th rao, was married
to Miss Tesst Johnson ef Way land. Mo.,
today, at ending In hi machine, ready to
mak th flight, by Rev. Mr. Zimmerman,
a Lutheran minister. Officer Of the
facing association presented ih ' newly
weds a nice purs. Mr. Carpenter and
his bride wUl make daily flights at th
driving park during th next two day
Of th races.
rsrsiff Heiaar llsnaelf.
WOtTC FADDP, B. D..' Jun . Speclal
Telegram.) Tired et life, Ole R Jordan,
aged M. a farmer living near Northfleid,
committed suicide today by hanging him
self. He had been an Inmate of the state
hospital for the Insane at Yankton.
, . ' ,
Be Want Ad Produce Reaults. .
John L. Billard is
Given Immunity
NEW, TORK. Juno lS.-Th federal dis
trict court today rrantcd Immunity to
John L, Millard, former director of the
New Tork. New Haven A Hartf ml rail
road company, who wa Indicted with
twenty other director, past and present,
for alleged criminal violation of h anti
trust law.
Mr. Blllsrd claimed Immunity on th
ground tht lie had testified befor th1
InteTstM .commerce commission and th
federal grand Jury which In 1K11 Indicted'
Charles 8. Mwllen. then president of th
New Haven road; President .Chamber-'
lain of th Grand Trunk Retired com
pany, and Chairman Pmltherl on rherces
of conspiracy.
Th court denied the government's mo
tion .that, a. Judgment of conviction b
entered, Malnst FXIwnrd t).K RoDtUns, a
director and former counsel of the' New
Havert rosd." because' of the ovrrrullng
of Mr. Dobbins', plea In bar 'to the In
dictment; Thft, It aesumed'; would
result In'Mr. JRobhln entering, a pica to
th Indictment -and' standing trlali
Taft Speaks at
Wellesley College
WEDLEflLNY, Mass.. June !&. Former
Prealdent Taft came her today to de
liver the principal address at th Welles
ley college commencement. Th class of
ISO young women, six of whom received
th de re of. Master of Arts,' was th
largest to be graduated from IVellealey,
NORTHAMPTON. .Ala., Jun 15.
Seven young women received the degree
of Master of Arts and that of Bach
elor of Arts at the Smith college com
mencement today.
So easy is the
fjr ,, tL
does all the hard part
; of your work;
Everything washihg,
scrubbing, clqaningi ' And
quickly, too. ! It works, best
in copl or Iqkewarm: water
Never, hot.
Psl Ce, Phllsdetphla.
. Ilal Dfee Daanaire,
SUPERIOR, Neb., Jun la.-l.-'pcoUl
Telegram.) A heavy hailstorm between
her and Guide Rock did much damage,
almost totally destroying: th wheat crop
ef several farmer. , ,
Drrs Win at Oeperlor.
SUPERIOR, Neb., June 16. Special
Telegram.) Tli dry force won in their
remonstrance hearing befor Judge Hurd
In district court last night.' Judge Hurd
held that th dry ordinance pasHcd by
the people April T, 114, wai in fore and
that th ordinance peeeed by th council
March 0, this year, was void on aocouut
of being paed before a year's time had
elapsed. This make a victory for tiie
dry forces lu every caa they hav hat
at court sine th saloon fight ha
been oa
t "" " "' ' " I ,. i I MUl. I.. """ ' 1., Ill H I.I II I HI I.
. I 111 " " 11 " m ' 1 ' '" I ii in i i I I
r '-1 '
r. zn i s . : . x4j3
toBt ' VVsM s ' ' ' ' ' w ssaeaw J
HIS is how the Gray & Davis
System will look r snugly housed
beside your Ford motor.
.' ' With it you will control your driving entirely
. from the seat 7 just like' ah owner of the highest.
: priced car.;! ' .
. ' , . A touch to a pedal will spin your motor unfail--:
ingly. A turn of, a switch will control all lights.
In tallangwith, owners of, leading cars in every
: . price class you will , find that they, too, in large
numbers can. say "Yes, Tve got Gray & Davis
. equipment, and for all 'round simplicity, and sturdy
service I don't believe it has an equal."
Twentieth and Harney Sit.,
Face Summer In "Fine
Fettle" With B.V.D.
ummer without 1 B. V. D. is
almost as unthinkable. : as
trees without leaves. B.V;D,
has taken the "temper" out of
temperature and the "suffer-
out of suffering.
One gulf of B.V.D. on jrwir bacjcli wortk two
in your mind. , Don't b "go"1!! to"- G gt til
Firmly insist upon leeinn th B. VJD. Red Woven ,
Label, and firmly refuse to take any Athletic Under
wear without k. Then you 11 get properly
cut, correctly made, iong-iervice underwear.
0 mtry B.F.D. VnJtrarmtnt it wt
.V. 0, er4 OfMr
I KIM Saaa I rW. U. A. ,
4-47 -mu) li.
S4ssr4ks ImH.
1 t r '
imi 1 it 1-
Pf$TPH'MilTP',ft. t
sssssv nm,"9 ' VW a-vVrsV
V. D. Com C Yf4t
Wilm rtd Kne I sniff
(1 Mm4 iV.lHk CTW fWi M .
'. -1 .
Tht 13. V. D. Company $ "New YorL
,1 1 ,
mfm Si aV t A 4W Jm .
Call and ee this eystem In -actual f 1
demonstration. '
yatem as aupplied includea motor ,
generator, ,6-volt battery, enameled ateH
battery box, atartirg and lighting switch- "
ca, regulator-cutout, all necessary wiring,
chaina and prodeta.
O '
YOUR first chew , of
"PIPER" lays the
foundation for lasting
content, and the more you
chew "PIPER" the more
solidly you build for a life
time of tobacco satisfaction.
,To know the real joy
that lurks in tobacco " 5
nVfiAce Anf rif rhAuHnrv fir
A tVMIlVwv v w m w B.f t
If. T
Csswuij TPtc CtipgunTr
Added to the good
taste of the ripe, rich
leaf of "PIPER" is
the zest of its de
licious "Champagne '
Flavor." There you hve
a double Satisfaction
in vour chew. '
jo mmir.
w.'.v?-; :
I 7 .
SeU sy alaalars every
skm Us t ejut 10
eats .aaltarr, fell.
f wrapsd. pcM.rve
tks "tlflM- lUver.
1 1 -!--..
SeaA 10c b4
your tobacco
dealer name,
and w'll tend a tall-lM 10c
. Cutolt'PU'K"andahand
. eoma leather poui ti I ki-ii,
'aoywber In U. a.
Th tobac-d, pcuch and
.m&lLiQg will erst ns 20c,
Whicb w will rladivcpcad
became a trial will
mak you a steady user cf
1 MevYerfc
Let TThe Bee et you a ood job.
"Situations Wanted" ads arc free