Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1915, Image 1

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    Omaha-Daily Bee
Direct from thm Tlatt 1 Arena.
The Dee's
Real Wtvr Photos
tltut of Thorn All.
VOL. XL1V-NO. 311.
Om Train ana at
tel Stew gtaada. I
Convention Sends Telegram Approv-
is; Policy of Feace in Response
- to Communication Expressing
President's Good
Results of Efficient Organization of
Ossoglation Throughout Coun
" try is Related.
A telegram was sent by. the con
vention of the. Travelers' Protective
association yesterday afternoon in
response to the telegram of good
wishes ' received from President
Woodrpw Wilson. E. R. Holland of
Texas, chairman of the committee
appointed for the purpose, reported
the following, which was sent: "We
unanimously appreciate your ex
pression of good wishes and express
the confidence of this convention
representing .52.000 men in your
policy of peace and Increased busi
ness." "Better late than never." the Mis
sissippi 'delegation arrived and re
ported to the convention, yesterday
afternoon. -The
aolendid and thorough organisation
vnf the association all over the country
icir securing publicity through the news
papers of the country wa revealed In
the report of C. A. Nelson of Chicago,
chairman of the national prees commu
te. Under him are seventeen chairmen
of state press committee and! In other
places the work is pushed by active mem
bp ri who get much publicity for the as
sociation In their various localities.
Through a Dress clinging bureau the na
tional committee chairman gets all the
articles printed which, his report stated,
amount to about SoO a month, and aver
n 42.000 lines a month of publicity of
the association in the newspapers of the
country. This la an increase of SO per
cent ovar the publicity secured In the
newspapers during the year preceding.
Bass of Tennessee was given a big boost
In the report as a publicity-getter. 'Bass
bills the town, works It and rides out
with the gate receipts," said the report.
Oeora-la Chaplain Talk.
During a lull in the routine business of
the convention Albert Ehrllch of the
Georgia delegation askod the privilege of
the floor, ft Rev.. Dr.. 8. R. Belk, chap
ialn 6 fthe Georgia division and an active
annrtldata for the position of national
eTu3fl"Tb privilege was granted,
and for half an hour Dr. Belk held tb
breathless attention of the -convention
. with his oratory and humor." Dr." Bel' Is
tiridlnsr elder of the MethoMtet church,
and a church and platform orator of j
wide fame.
The visiting women were 'entertained in
the afternoon at the Omaha ' Fteld club.
Dozens of automobiles carried thetn from
the Fontenelle headquarters, giving them
a ride about the city befor arriving at
the scene of the afternoon festivities.
An informal reception nd dance at the
Fontenell hotel last evening was on of
the delightful occasions of the conven
tion. Blgr Prosnm Today.
A. big program of business and, enter
tainment Is mapped out for today. The
morning business session will adjourn .in
time to permit of an Inspection of the
Oten Biscuit company" plant . at 13:80
o'clock. The Inspection will be followed
by a ooropuimnwrr iuih-iwwm
sates and women.
At : P- tbers wdl be a reception
for visiting women at the Carter Lak
crub.sMuio and aquatic sports, with a
high olvlnsT contest, will pa among the.
f feature.
k A roptloo to the Visiting member
Is, and women will be iveo- by the Com
mercial dub In the evening at tha Com
mercial club room. .
Ilala ae of Trade Grew.
WASHINTTONr'Juha 16. A foreign
trade balanoe In . favor . of . the United
(States -Of SHM.20? Is shown by a report
issued today by tha Department t Com-,
mere for tb week ended June 13. Im
port wre ssf,zi.6i -and -exports ,
The Weather.
forecast of "the Wenther for Omaha.
Council Bluffs and Vicinity- air ana
Teal erat area at
Oauu Yesterday
... 67
6 a. m
a. m
7 a. m
8 a. m
a. rn..'.
W a. m
11 a. m . ........
1? m
J p. m....
? p. in
. 1 p. m...
4 p. m
i p. m
p. m
. 7 p m. t..t,
5 p. m
... (4
... t
... 2
... M
... 9
... 7S
... 75
... 77
... 7S
... SO
... M
... K)
... 7S
Comparative Loral Record.
191S. 1S14. ISIS. 1912.
Hishest yesterday 1-J -4 ( 73
lxwest yesterday b 6l M M
Mean temperature 70 7U 72
freciftlaUon T .00 .04 .00
Temiieiature and precipitation, depar
tures from the normal:
Normal temperature 7
deficiency tor the day t
Total defk'l-noy since XlunJi 1.. b4
Normal pret tpitsliun .14 Inclt
Iwdrienoy lor the dy 1 inch
Total rainfall since March 1...S.71 In. hs
Iieilcleacy time March. 1 1.72 tikches
tiM for cor. period, lfi4... ...1.42 duties
Kaceas for cor. period. 1313 1.11 Inches
Beoorta from Station at T 1". St.
Etatiun nj glat Tsmp. High- Rain
of Weather. 7 P. in. ent. fall.
Cheyenne, cloudy
Iavenpcrt. cluar
Ixinvrr. i War
Mohies, cloudy
IodK t "It y. tlear
North Finite, cloudy... .
On.jtl.fc. run
Repld City, cloudy,
Mierklan. rain
t-lnux t ity, rkln.
NeltBtlne. rain
70 .0
K4 .00
T8 .00
II .14
si T
U .K
7 M
sJ T
.. 74
.. M
,. T
.. ;
.. 7i
.. ?
.. 4
.. St
.. .1
T Indicates Irara of
L, A. WkXaiL Lot al forecaster.
archery squad, with their implements. They shoot a bomb
which explodes upon impact. . v
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Commoner's Discussion of the War
and Its Lessons Will Be Issued
in Installments.
. . WASHINGTON, June 16. Former
Secretary Bryan did not ' issue ' his
promised, statement today on the
causeless war and its lessons,' but an
n'oun'ced that he was preparing It In
three parts. ". '. . .
"Tomorrow." said Mr. Bryan, An a for
mal, announcement. "I shall submit the
first part, dealing with tha war as it Is
and the Iniury it does to neutral nations;
the next day I shall consider tho origin
of the war and the influences which.
caused It; the third and conpludlna; seo
tlon lll treat of the means which may
be employed for restoring permanent
peace. A the article will be rurnisned
to all American newspapers without par
tiality or discrimination, it will-not b
my fault If any paper fall to lay It
before their reader."
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan will go to Miami,
Fla.. witbln a few da vs.; .'. '
Wilson Will Mot Talk of Bryan.
President 'Wilson' was asked by th
Washington correspondents today Just
what tha changes were to which former
Secretary Bryan referred as having been
made In the recent American note to
Germany after hi resignation as secre
tary of state had been tendered and ac
cepted. Mr. Wilson felt it was best' for
h!n -not to discuss" the resignation or
other Questions connected with It. ,
In a statement Mr. Bryan had said that
while the -not was- changed, 'the altera
tion wa not of sufficient Importance to
Justify him in asking permission to with
draw hro-resignation. ;
New Cement Trust
Has Capital Stocjc
of Twenty Millions
x .
CITICAaO, June 1?. Details of a 130.000,-
000 merger of cement menufscturtng con
cerns, which EMward M. II agar hss been
quietly organising for the ' Inst four
month, .vera .announced today. Mr
Hagar retired from the presidency of the
Universal Portland Cement company,
controlled by the - United State - Ptccl
corporation, In order to effect the merger.
The company -will be known a the
Hagar .Portland Cement company. Mr,
Hagar will be president and the stock all
will be common, The new company will.
li Is said, operate a chain of plants ex-ter-dlng
from the Atlantic seaboard to the
Rocky mountains.
Villa's Forces .
Retake Saltillo
EAOLK PASS. Tex., June lS.-Raoul
Madero, commanding th Villa forces, re
captured Saltillo Sunday, the Carranaa
forces evacuating the city without fight
ing, according to Villa authorities at
Pledras Negras, opposite here. In making
thi announcement today th Villa offi
cial added that Villa force Monday were
fighting near Monterey and that they
hourly expected to bear of Monterey being
wrested from 6aranxa again.
Trawler is Sunk
Without Warning
LONPd 1, June U.-TIi British trawler
Argyll naa torpedoed and sunk today by
a German submarine. Of the ore w of
eleven only four were saved. These were
landed at Harnich on the east coast
The Argyll ass. sent to th bottom with
out warning and went down in lean than
two minute
Eohlsaat Instruct! Receiver of Ele
rated Road to Resume Service
This Morning:.
-I" . .!
111'H.ETINf. " ,
CHICAGO, June 15.--Judi;e Kohl
saat inthe United' States district
coui, ioaay. oroerea me . receivers
for the Chicago V Oak Park elevated
road .to. resume .service .tomorrow
mornlnK and to employ' strikebreak
ers and report , any , lntereference
with operations to the court.
Acid Bomb Thrown at Train,
CHICAGO, June U.-r-An acldo bomb
wa thrown thi afternoon from a build
ing at Well and West Klnsle streets. It
smashed a window of a northbound ele
vated train, but did' hot other' damage.
The president of the two traction com
panies, after their conference, rejected
the offer of mediation made by the State
Board of Arbitration on the grounds
that several "fair" offer for this method
of settlement have been- refused by the
anions. Including a previous one by the
board Itself. The unions apparently were
paying no attention to the offer.
Anotner train was the trubject of an
"air- raid" when a man standing on tha
roof of a building near Eighteenth street
hurled a brick: Into a j car containing
twenty pasaengtr. The missile hit a
platform railing and bounded -through
the window of the door." , Nona wa In
jured. II trad In Palladelpbla.
PHILADELPHIA. June Ifi.-Motormen
and conductor took, the place of those
on istrlke in-Chtoago' are being recruited
In this city. Up until ' noon mora
than 300 had been engaged, according to
the agent in charge ,of the recrufllng.
It la said similar recruiting is going on
In New York, Washington and Balti
more. " ,
Call for One Thousand.
NEW TURK, June 15.-Advnrttaemnt
in today's newspapers call for 1,000 ex-
(Continued on Fsge Two, Column One.)
Alleged Zinc Ore.
; Trust Attacked by
V 'Missouri Off icial
torney General Barker today filed an
Information .In the. state supreme -court
against twenty-eight companies alleged
to be interested in the purchase of sine
ore on the Missouri district, stating be
had res sons for believing they were In
an unlawful combination . to control
The attorney general asked the' court
to appoiut a. commissioner for the pur
pose of taking testimony with the ulti
mate view of filing proceedings against
any one or all the companies th testi
mony may show guilty of the practice
' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. June 15. The Dorsey Tele
phone company will be allowed by the
Mtat Railway commission to give a IS
per cent discount, on payment of tele
phone service If paid within a stated
Th railroads will be allowed to charge
$!.W per car forsin gl dok car and U
for doable deck car for a disinfectant
fee in case where th ear have to be
cleaned out and disinfected before being
used for shipment of goods or stock.
The Mllburn Telephone company at
Merna in Custer county my Increase its
rate from SI to II SO with a discount of
35 cent per month.
Asquith Announces that for Next
Three Months Cost of Struggle
to Be Heavier Than
4 ' "
Premier Sayi Policy ' Continuing
Fight. Till Victory Comet
LONDON. June 15. The House of
Commons this afternoon voted an
other credit of 2 SO, 000, 000, mak
ing:, wlih previous sums, a total of
82. 000, 000 already allowed for
war purposes.
Premier Asquith Informed the
members of the House of Commons
today that the expenditures in the
next three months would be not less
than 115,000.000 daily.
Obligations Increase.
In introducing the measisre. Premier
Asquith remarked that from April 1 U
June It, th expenditure hsd been at
the rale of aM.(W.09i dslly. He estimated
that the total daily xpendtture during
the currency of the new credit would fc
not leas tha A3.0oa.000. for th reason
that a fVe war extended It area. Oreat
Britain' financial obligation to the al
lien would Increase.
In a general survey of the sltustlon
th premier referred to th reconstruc
tion of the government. He declared h
would not have been Justified in taking
the course he did In this regard under
the pressure of outside influence, or be
cause, of temporary embarraasmtnt. The
task was a unwelcome a could fall to
the lot of any man. , ' ' '
Coalition Vnplensnnt Word.
After paying a tribute to. his late col
leagues. Mr. Asquith claimed IkiUT for
himself and W ynew colleagues th
staunch est adhrenseof their respective
political perts'tHe admitted the word
coalition ,he.d noC a pleasant . flavor In
the vocabulary of Brlsh politic. Up to
tholat'"morlint tif fiad not been with
ofirdoud as .to h'owlbest re pond to the
rail o( publlo. duty.y .
i 'The situation waa4-, 'without parallel m
oUr history,"' thepremler said. "Th d-
Msnd which it would make upon th -
tlilce and foresight of th rovemmant
s!jnl th confidence felt by ' th on in
the other, could not b measured by any
pronedent. - But our national pal Icy re
mains unchanged to pursue thi frar at
any cost to a- victorious issue." '
Mr. Asquith said he had decided slowly
and reluctantly, hut In tha end without
doubt or hesitation that what was neces
sary wa such-a broadening of tha basis
of government as' would remove even th
semblance of a otto-lded or party char
acter. ' . " v
The Day's War Netea
ITALIA INVASION ef tke Treatlao,
wbtoh. heretofore has aet with llt-
, tie opposition, ,1a bow ehaUvagred
Vy th Aastrlaaa. A fore ef
25,000 Aastrtaas reft Traat raster,
day ssS I aditanelaar agalast th
Italian the Hlva-Bove ret
ds y rated aaothrr credit af
$1,350,000,000, ataklac a total of
S4, 310, 000,000 already allowed for
war pai-poses,
LOSS OF MRN la th BHtlsh aavy
ap to May St wore given af fl
clally la London today mm 18,54T(
"' of whom 8,345 wrr killed.
patches have stated th Italians
who crossed th lower Isoaso were
, pasblag forward ' toward Trieste.
' klrtlar th head of tho Golf of
Trieste, aa official aaaonaooaseat
' from Ron today c've mo ladlea
tloa of farther advaaeo la this
direction. Th Italiaa war offlo
charges Aastrla with tho eaeoar
aaeateat of brlaaadag la tho ter
ritory oeeapled by Italy,
EXTENT or NEW Aastro-Oermaa
victory la Oallela 1 la doabt.
' Althoagh Berlin aad Vleaaa, aa
sert th whol Rasslaa llao a-rar a
forty. three-mile front north aad
east of Pracmyl was broken down.
It I said officially at Petrovrad
that th Rasslaa reeaatarod on
Saaday almost all tha advaaoed
trenches north of Prseasysl lost on
atarday. Farther aonfh, la th
rrloa of tbo Wlssala river, sao
ceasc for tho tea tea le force ars
victory over tko Rasslaa la tha
l Traaa-Caaeasas. Th Tarka, it 1
aid, oceaaled Rasslaa aosttloa la
tk direction ef Oltl, near tho Ra.
Ian kqrter,
REPORTS THAT th British battl.
a aaraatoataon had
by a (itrsus iikuri
t tb
Dardanolle wrr denied officially
today la Loadoa.
The "stop off cdmpaifn
originated and inaugurated
by The Dee is going' good.
The Manufacturers' asso
ciation has taken it up. The
Commercial club has taken
it up. The traveling men
have taken it up. We in
vite the other Omaha news
papers to join with The
Dee and share the credit for
its success.
aav, kit ivs- I
Berlin Papers Say American Port
Officials Made False Statements
BEBU.V (via London). Jane
IS. The I
Vtrwaerts republished the article of
Kugene Zimmerman, general director of
the Lokal er, in favor of efforts
toward- 'oS a American anderstand-
whloh wa canndt rei'onv
vtlljr enough, eipntaeea earn
i .rtd elesrly what has tongAtln on
.0. Hps of thousands of reasoning Qer-
1 Th Vosslsrh Zeltung
follow on th arrest in Cincinnati of
Helns Hardenberg, said to be a member
cf the German aviation corps. In connec
tion with the investigation Into th Lu-
sltania disaster by tha federal grand Jury
In New York: V
"It Is decidedly a remarkable msnner
of conducting an Investigation that per
sons who make statements varying from
those of American port officials should
be Intimidated by arrest on suspicion of
The Tares Zeltung. speaking et th
am esse, remarks:
Italian Invasion of Trent is Chal
lenged by Force of Twenty-Five
Thousand Men.
INNSBRUCK. Austria. June 15
(Via Bnchs and Geneva, Switzerland,
and Paris) -t- Twenty-five thousand
Auslro-IIungarian troops left Trent
yesterday and are now advancing
s gal net the Italians on the Rtva-Rov-ereto
In the vicinity of Gors and Qra
dlsca heavy fighting occurred re-,
cently. The Austrian casualties are
reported to have amounted to 1,500,
while the number of Italian killed or
wounded totalled nearly as many.
-A new ammunition depot at Tolmlno
has bean destroyed by the Italian.
The. Avstro-llungarian troop are em
ploying Aynamlt In the Alpine pasta,
blowing up rocks and. loosening
avalanche on th advancing Beroag
llerl. Th height dominating: Caporetto,
on the laonso front, have been occupied
bj. the Invading Italians.
Oommission Firms
Suffer Damages of -;
. ,,$15,d00iy Flames
Approxlmatrly- IIB.000 dsmas was
caused to half a dosen commission firm
occupying th building at th southeast
corner of Eleventh and Howard early last
evening, whoa fir of undetermined caus
brok out In th middle of the building.
Whon th fir department arrived, tb
board wall dividing Ui various firms in
the building bad bean burned out. It 1
thought that th bias started In the
basement of th "tavls Bro. company
and worked its way through th building
on both side. This, however, is unveri
fied. Th heaviest losses were sustained by
th A. J. Anderson company, the B.
Blotcky company; H. Caruso and Young
at Burke, Th building 1 a two-story
structure and th top floor wa filled
with empty fruit crates, etc., by th vari
ous firms. Whan thi stuff was reached
It burned rapidly. , Th lower floor wa
piled high with vegetables and garden
Th building wa originally a ' four-
story building, but four successive fires
ln-th last decade reduced Its slse by
half. Most of th oooupant of th build
ing ar fully protected by Insurance.
666thols and Edison
Are Given Degrees
ty Princeton Uni
TOINCirrO!". N. J., June U. General
Oeorge W. Qoethals, Thomas A. Edison
and Myron T. Hsrriok, former, ambas
sador to France, were among th dis
tinguished men on whom honorary degrees
wer. conferred at the lCSthj commence
ment ' Princeton university today.
Diploma wr presented to 177 member
of the senior class, on of tha largest ever
graduated from Princeton. On hundred
and eleven were created bachelor of art,
Ut bachelor of latter, SI bachelors of
scieno and tS oivtl engineers.
Th degree of doctor of laws wa con
ferred on General Qoethals, Mr. Harrlck
and Theodore N. Vail, president of th
American Telephone and Telegraph com
pany. Mr, Edison received the degree of
doctor of claneo. Th degree of doctor of
muslo was conferred on Frank Knelsel,
leader of the Knelsel quartet
Cabinet Meeting -Lasts
Forty Minutes
WASHINGTOV. Jun li.-Presidsnt
Wilson and hi cabinet held today th
shortest meeting In months, the meeting
lasUnT 'only forty minute. Usually
cabinet sesalon last two hour. Only
routine business was discussed and th
European situation touched on , only
lightly, members said.. Secretary Hous
ton told tho cabinet reports showed crops
to be In an unusuallly good condition
throughout Ut country.
Britons Deny Loss
of Big Battleship
LONDON. Jun li. -Official denicl waa
mad today of th report circulated in
th United State that th British battle
ship Agamomnon had been sunk In tk
Dardanelles ty a German submarine. It
wa further announced that no other unit,
not alrealy of'i.'tally reported, lid been
lost at Ui Dardanelloa
"And what of port officials who gav
fle testimony?"
Th Tagllch Rundeschau refer to the
arrest of Oustav Btahl in the same rase,
and declared th Hardenberg Incident-1
"One I Justified in asking If there Is a
system In It," this paper remark,
"whether It a plan to shut the mouth
of. or render suspicious In advenes those
witnesses mho testify to anything against
Fngtand (and, against America, which
permitted tho, armed Lusltanla to leave
"In any event thi Interception of wit
nesses demands our full attention."
The K reuse Keltung publishes In th
position accorded to th leading article
a communication defending the sinking
ef th Lusltanla and submarine wsrfare
generally. It says no International taw
in existence prohibit th course pur
sued, and tnslt th Luattanta wa armed.
"Thi may be considered as proved,"
th article continue, "and it Is not even
rartlally refuted by any general reference
to the American official Inveatlgatlan."
Berlin Official Report Announces
Several Suooesses Against the
RERLltf (Via London), June 15.
Official announcement w mad
at thearniy headquarters today that
the Austro-Oerman forcs operating
in Gallcla had captured the town of
At army headquarter today th follow.
Ing announcement wa madet
"Western theater of war: The French
yesterday suffered a fresh defeat. In
spite of th heavy losses they sustained
on June 11, they continued with greet
stubbornness the attempt to break
through th line between Llevln and
Arras. Th French' stuck, which was
tarried out with large forces In close for
mation, broke down everywhere with th
heaviest losses under tha fir of our
Flahtlng rontlaae.
"Northwest . of Moulln-Sous-Toutvent,
w have not fit succeeded In regaining
portion of the trenches lost by us on th
Sth . Instant. In Champagne, north of
perthe . and Lea MesnO, fighting con
tinues, ' but th enemy I unable to gain
the advantage.
"Yesterday th open town ef Karlsrnhs,
which 1 far from the theater ef opera
tic ns and not Ut any way fortified, wag
ftttaoked with bomb dripped by hostll
airman. ; So far a to known, soma eleven
dltlsen were killed and stk injured. M li
lts ry- damage could not have been
On aircraft of th enemy wa brought
down by on of our military airmen and
th occupants were killed Another enemy
aircraft ' wa obliged to ' land near
. "Eastern theater: East of Bhavll Ger
man troops stormed the village of
Dankske and took ltd) prisoners.
The positions recently won south
east and east of th ' Marlampol
Kovno road were repeatedly attacked
yesterday by a strong force of tha enemy
which had not success. Our troops ad
vanced on the Lipowo-Kalwarya front,
pressed back the Russian line and cap
tured th Russian advanced trenches.
On the river Arty out attacking troop
tormod and took tha village of Oed
norocsec, southeast of Choraetten and
CSerwonagora and the bridge there, as
well as the bridges, east of this place,
Has Attack rati.
"Th booty taken at tlds plao amounts
to SSC Russian prisoner. Attack by tha
enemy against 4i point at Which we
broke through north of Boh mow failed.
"Boutheaatern theater: Th enemy who
wa defeated on June 13 and 14 by th
army of General Von Mackenser has
been unahl to regain a footing In th
position prepared by him. To the north
east of Jaworow th enemy wa driven
bark from th position at which he had
topped, th booty Increasing. .
"Th Russian force south of tha
Prremyal-Lrmberg railway have been
forced to retreat. Th troop of General
Von ler Marwlts yesterday took Mo
clsk. The right wing of th army of
General Von lnslngen stormed th
heights east of ZekeL Our cavalry
reached the district south of Mary
ampol." .
Miss MoAdoo Back
from War Hospital
NEW YORK. Jun IS. Mia Nona Mo
Adoo, daughter of -William G. McAdoo,
ecretarr of the treasury, retund today
on th ateamar Rochambeau to New
Tork from France, where she ha bn
nursing wounded soldiers for tb last
four months.
Mis MoAdoo waa met by her father,
upon whose request she returned to
America. This request waa prompted,
sh said, by her father's belief that sh
would b unable to stand th strain of
a . long period of nursing. Mia MoAdoo
denied reports thst sh had dncM4 tn
gtv up nursing because she had bean I
ordered to scrub floor and do other
menial work at th hospital.
."That la falsa and absurd," sb said.
"Tb nurses ar kept busy nursing and
there Is psent of help to do th other
work. Thar seamed to be plenty of
nurse and plenty of medical supplies
and quipront."
Norwegian Ship
Sunk by Torpedo
LONDON. Jun . (s.iS p. m.) Ad
vtoea received from Stornowey, Scotland,
relate that tb Norwagian steamer IHi
rangar, formally th Norsragian teamer.
Ceylon, ha been torpeahied and sunk by
a submarine off th Hebrides Island.
Tti crew of twenty-one snivad today at
Stomoway. Thw Duranger was 2xy feet
lung, of IW tone gross and built in ISsS.
War Party Headed by Former Pre
mier Venizeloi Has Two-Thirds
Majority in the New
Official Report, However, is Silent
About Section Where Germans
Have Retaken Trenches.
LONDON, Junsi 15. It Is apparent
that th former premier of Oreece,
M. Vrnlzlo, and his followers have
won an overwhelming victory In the
Grecian general elections. Tho latest
news claims a majority of two-thlrdi
for the war party in Pnrllanient. The
British prens Is of the opinion that
this means a deliberate choice on the
part of the Grecian people to cast
their lot with tha allies -Oreat
Britain, France, Italy and Russia.
lie ports from Paris make inou'.ton cf
alight progress all along tha Una, but
nothing is said of tha situation north of
Arraa, whs re th German nav ralllel
and recaptured some of their lost
German official report represent recent
fighting on th River Ban In Gallula
having resulted In a great victory for
General von Mackensen, who ba effect
ively countered th Russian blow at
Zurawna, on th D Mister river.
Italian heavy artillery ha begun the
bombardment of MaJ Dorset to, on of the
pivots of th Austrian defense between
th Carnto Alp and th upper Isonso
river. Travis, an Important railroad Jimc
Uon twelve miles further east, also 1
Tho Inquiry Into the los of th Cunard
tin steamer Lusltanla. was opaned tot
London thi morning.
Itnltaa Official Repert.
ROME. Jun 14 (Via Pari. Juno W).
The following statement regarding th
progress of military operation wa Issued
tonight at th headquarter of th Italian
general staff:
opment along th Tyrol-Trentlno fron
tier. Th nmy 1 peralstenly attacked .
Monte'plano at night after an all day
bombardment from Fort Plata and
Wlese, but wa repulsed each time.
"Our artillery caused th explosion of
ammunition depots toward Cort la Ut
Cortevol Valley and seriously damangsd
th enemy's work at Cossasel. '
"Our bombardment of Malborgetto in
Carnia resulted In an explosion In 'th
lower part of th fortress.
"Further report of tb night attaok of
Italian Alpinist In th dlffloult region of
th Alp of Vbll give details of con
siderable booty being taken there, beside
a number of prisoner who were 'error
lied by th Impetus of our troops.
1 "Our batterlo dispersed a camp of th
enemy in th region of Mont Nero.
"All prisoners taken near Plava (In th
Isonso region) agree that the losses up
to this time have been serious. - Most of
th prisoner belonged to regiments here
tofore operating against the Serbians.
"Th Austrian tried yesterday to set
tha forest of Monfaloon afire, bu. our
troop drove them back and sxtingi lhd
tha flames." ,
French Official Report.
PARIS, jun IB. Th French war offlc
thi afternoon gav out a statement on
tho progras of hostilities which reads:
. "There is nothing of Importance to add
to the announcement given out last night.
"An attack by th enemy against th
tranche occupied by u Jun S at
Quennvir wa rs pulsed.
"A long rang pie of German artillery
threw two projectile Into Complegn.
No on was hurt aad no damage dona."
Bank Cashier is
Locked in Vault
ST. LOUIS, Mo.. Jun 15. Two men
locked tha cashier of th Graver bank
of BL Louts' county, outside th city
limit of St. Louis, in tha vsult today
and rolbed the Institution of 95.0U0. Tha
robbers then put the telephone servic of
th bank out of commission and escaped.
Don't cry, llttls girl, don't cry;
I'm sorry that you lost your pur
No us crying, no use sighing,
It might hav been very much wore.
I know what wa both can do.
W can get a llttl ad
And I'll bat a million sou
'Twill com marching homo to yu
Never knew th "Lost and rotund"
to fall.
If you ever lose a prised poxxes
slnn. adverlUe ths loss. Telrtniun
"Tyler 1000."
Tl-'T IT IN T11K uilAHA wrie